Topic: Dreams of the Weaver


Date: 2007-07-17 14:32 EST
Gasping she jerked from her slumber, coughing as her eyes snapped about as the recollection of her present situation sank in. Surrounded by walls of stone..a cave. Her hand rose, fingers tenderly drawing across her brow to remove the cold sweat that had formed during the nightmare. more like a memory from ages long ago. Softly her head shook and she sighed, her eyes lowering to the form that slept on her lap. Poor Rook was exhausted and she didn't blame him. With his head resting on her lap she decided best not to move too much. He had been sleeping for a couple of days now..almost straight and yet she remained there to be his be there when he wakes. Truth be told though her stomach was about ready to grumble him clear off her lap!

She smiled as she listened to his shallow, rumbling breaths as he slept but eventually her eyes turned towards the mouth of the cave and the vision of the glen. Her mind drifted to her nightmare. That goop had been the reason her kin died..the reason she lived..she shuddered lightly and closed her eyes. She knew one of Rook's secrets..maybe it was time she shared one of hers with him. But..would be look at her different if he knew her hands were stained with blood?

Even if it wasn't her fault..?
It was your hands..

Even if she was forced..
It was your hands....

She heaved a breath, attempting to get more rest. She found comfort in Rook's presences, her fingertips stroking through his hair with a tender touch. It was thanks to him she was able to get over her fears..mostly..of dragons. And in so she had found friends in Icer and her kin. Well mostly Icer..she wasn't sure how the rest of Icer's family felt about her..

Easing her mind free of worries for now she settled back against the wall. With his comfort that eased her back into a dreamless slumber relaxing under the weight of his head.


Date: 2007-07-18 20:15 EST
It wasn't usually this bad. Usually there was little effect but there were differences now, differences he didn't want to admit. The slumber was not entirely natural although it appeared to be so. The fingers of sleep that kept him down could only do so for a predetermined length of time however. The spell designed to make him easy to find.

Except this time it wasn't.

He turned slowly, eyes finally opening. The first waking breath came shuddered as he shook off the final bits of sleep. He had to sit up slowly, the cave spun wildly. Closing his eyes only partially helped steady him during those first few moments.

Then he could open his eyes again; sight confirming what he already knew. she was there. Through it all, she'd been there. He would have to find a way to thank her. He wasn't sure how to do it, but he would have to figure out something. Maybe something that was smelly in a pretty way. She'd like that. Or a dress to replace the one she'd ripped.

Which gave him another thought to his own modesty. He would need his bag from the Inn. Getting it would be the trick. he rubbed his nose and then peered toward the mouth of the cave. How long at it been? A day .. two .. more? At least he didnt feel the need to stretch anymore. It wouldn't be long before it was back, though. Hopefully it would be easier next time.


Date: 2007-07-19 00:52 EST
It was sweet..sweet mercy that he woke when he did considering what night that would be for her. Feeling the sudden less of weight her eyes flutter open and a small sound like a whine sounded from her lips. She woke to feeling..nauseated and she knew very well what that meant. Chin lowering she took her time waking, just glad to see he was awake himself. She was starting to grow worried about the deep sleep. When she finally did look up she found herself blushing shade of red that would shame the red apple. His waist wrapped by shreds of cloth once his pants and several inches of the hem that was once the gown she worked so hard for. And yet she'd gladly give it up for him..

Her eyes eventually lowered and she fiddled with the end of her now short skirt. She didn't know what to say..or even where to start..'I was worried' wouldn't cut it. She kept to her silent, hoping he would take the hint and break it for her. Though in her silence her mind went to what she had seen days before and for a split moment, her heart sank. She adored this man..but..should she even try? With their racial differences was it even...possible? These thoughts kept her face well red. How could she be thinking of that?! It wasn't he liked her back. They where..friends. This was not the time of thinking about such things and silently she scolded herself.


Date: 2007-07-19 06:24 EST
His voice came with a slight hoarseness. "Are you all right, Dream?" He dragged his fingers through his hair as he shifted, turning a little more to keep his modesty intact. His question held sincerity though even if he wasn't looking directly at her. "I'm sorry for .. for all this."

That sounded lame to his ears. Sorry. Did that really cover it all? He didn't think so but it was all he could say at the moment. Sorry. It had to have been a shock. It usually was.

"I need my bag." His shoulder drooped slightly. He wasn't relishing going to the inn wearing nothing but tatters. He had his money pouch though and a few coins. He chanced a glance at her, eyes searching what he could see of her face. Doing this kept his eyes higher than her bared legs. "Do you need anything?"


Date: 2007-07-19 08:08 EST
Her head jerked as if she had been caught doing something she wasn't suppose to. "I'm..well enough..." She wasn't sure how else to put it. She wasn't great. In fact her nerves where still shot. But she wasn't bad either..after all..he was alright. Did he even have a clue on how worried she was to see him in the condition he had been? Seeing him so ..weak. And see him like that and be unable to help. She felt useless to help him and it broke her heart.

She let his words sink in and after a few moments she shook her head, gaze looking out to the glen. Why was he telling her sorry now? It was like..he was leaving..and not coming back. Her lips pressed together and she stood, turning to regard him with a rather sincere look which melted away quickly. She found him..examining her face, more then likely trying to get a read on what she was feeling. She offered him a tender smile, one to let him was okay.. "I'll go get your bag for you. That way you can stretched out and .." She smiled teasingly to him, wiggling a finger playfully as if she where attempting to break the tension that was obviously there. "You would attract more attention then I am sure you want like that."

She started out the cave as if not taking a no for an answer. Besides..she knew what would be happening soon..she didn't want him to be there when it happened..."I'll bring back some drink and food too!" She called over her shoulder as she went.


Date: 2007-07-19 14:16 EST
Well enough. That didn't sound very positive. He kept watching her face and only at the attempted smile did he relax a little. "I'll go get your bag for you. That way you can stretched out and .." He ducked his head at her waggling fingers. Stretch. That word had whole new meaning for her now, didn't it? You would attract more attention then I am sure you want like that. I'll bring back some drink and food too!"

She had a point. The skirt of her dress was torn but not so that it would give too much notice to the average person in the inn. And she didn't seem to be giving him room to complain. He had to call after her before she got too far, "Here's my key!" He dug into his coin bag and withdrew the brass key for her. "You know the room number." He had taken her there so she could get cleaned up that day. Oh, yeah, that day. The one where he'd been .. under the weather.


Date: 2007-07-19 16:59 EST
She returned back to him to retrieve the key, her hand touching his tenderly as the key was taken. A meek smile given up to him. "I will be back slightly after dark. Wa..wait for me.." She was still worried he was going to ..leave. Quickly she turned on her heels, her hair billowing out from the sudden movement as she rushed off this time. Not walking but sprinting. Like she where in a rush..

Truth be told she was not comfortable with leaving him there..alone. So time was a issue. She wanted to return to his side as soon as she could. But not without what he needed first. As she ran she felt a sharp pain rush through her and she staggered in step, staggering to correct her footing. A arm draped over her torso, a thick swallow given before she continued on her way.


Date: 2007-07-19 18:04 EST
He watched her go, curious about her 'wait for me' comment. Where was he going to go? It never occurred to him to leave although he was a little concerned about things. He rubbed his nose and only stood up after a few minutes had passed. He stood and stretched but not the 'stretch' he'd referenced before. Hands up and fingers splayed out, he worked to shudder off the last remnants of the sleep that had kept him down.

When he was done, he moved to the mouth of the cave and peered out, careful to mostly keep himself hidden from view. He wasn't exactly clothed for company.


Date: 2007-07-19 22:07 EST
It did take her some time to get to the inn but she was quick to her task. She gave a brief nod to those she knew before scurrying up the steps like a mouse on a mission. The key used for the proper room, the door thrust open so her body could slip in. Door nudged closed she looked about in attempt to find the bag before a rush of a dizzy feeling befell her.

Hand to her lips she staggered, the other hand reaching out for the nearest item to steady herself. Gripping the edge of the nightstand with vengeance to remain standing which would not last long. She was actually glad she had warned Rook she would be running a little late on her return. She felt this coming. She knew it was coming. Just not so soon..

Another rush, this time laced with a searing pain. Her eyes clenched closed and with a thud she fell forward to the floor, quickly doubling over into a ball. "Nughh.." Her feet pressed into the floor as she tried even harder to tighten the ball. Without warning the world grew black.

After a few hours she woke with a start, her fingers clenching the floor. She blinked slowly to see the claw-tipped hand and a small sigh was given. She was hoping that it wouldn't happen tonight but apparently..some things just couldn't wait. Now instead of the pale flesh was a coat of fine sable fur, peppered lightly with silverish-sable. Atop her head wolven ears and to top it off..a fluff of a tail to match. She grumbled out as she stood, stumbling in a moment of distortion. Her gaze drifted to the window and her ears shot forward in surprise. It was already night! She had passed out for that long?!

Quickly she changed into her normal clothing and wrapped herself up in her cloak. Darting she grabbed the required bag and out the room, making sure to lock it up of course. Down the stairs she weaved her way through the nightly crowd and to the kitchen. A few easy foods into a napkin and tossed into the bag, followed by a few bottles of water. As she exited she left enough gold on the counter to cover and out she went! It would take time but she soon was panting at the mouth of the cave.


Date: 2007-07-25 18:53 EST
He didn't know how much time passed between her leaving and when he heard her returning. He'd napped mostly. Although the unnatural sleep had held him down, he'd not really rested through it. Unrestrained slumber was a good thing. He shifted and, making sure his tatters were modestly in place, he moved to greet her.

"Dreamweaver? Are you .."

Then he paused.

"Um .. are you okay?"


Date: 2007-07-26 00:10 EST
She looked up to see him approach and at first she stepped back. She was actually..nervous. She gave a few nods under the hood as she offered the bag to him. If anything, the claw tipped hand would give note to exactly why she was hiding under the cloak.

"I am..alright. Sorry it took so long Rook." Her voice was a bit harsher then before, like a soft rumbling of a growl.


Date: 2007-07-26 08:01 EST
The things they'd talked about in the Glen came back to his active memory when he saw the evidence that she was not in the same form as when she'd left. "Dream." He took his bag and ducked his head a little to try to peer under her hood. "It's okay." His steps led him forward until he could reach out with a free hand to try to get a hold on the hood with the intention of pushing it back. He wanted to see her, to see for himself what she'd described to him.


Date: 2007-07-26 15:34 EST
Instinctively she drew back as he attempted to peek into the hood, the nervous sensation wielding up in her throat. She attempted to swallow but found it so hard. When he reached up to the hood she fell still, gaze sparkling in the shadows of the cloth. A small sound was given, like a whimper, as she allowed him to remove the hood.

Freed from the confides her wolven ears popped up then folded forward. In place of delicate flesh was silken fur, reflecting the shade of her hair in humanoid form. Her face similar to that of a wolf, sleek and gentle. Her eyes kept from looking at him, finding the ground so interesting at this point. She didn't know what to say to him. She couldn't find any words.


Date: 2007-07-26 18:39 EST

Since she was not looking at him, she would miss the look of concern that flickered across his face. Concern more for why she was gunshy and apparently looking to avoid contact.

"What's wrong?"

His tone carried the sound of concern, tones of worry mixed in there for good measure.

"I know you can talk. Talk to me?"


Date: 2007-07-26 19:06 EST
Her eyes turned up to him at the sound of his voice. The worry..Her eyes looked at his face, examining the expression. He wasn't..afraid? Or disgusted? Slowly she started to speak, fidgeting a bit with her cloak.

"I..didn't want you to see me like this, Rook. That's all."


Date: 2007-07-26 19:48 EST
She what? He was quiet while he thought about that for a minute. It sort of made sense but not really. What was wrong with it? She didn't look human but then, there were a lot of creatures in RhyDin that didn't look human. And those that did often weren't. So what was the real issue? His brow lifted as he smiled a little. "I don't understand. Why not?"


Date: 2007-07-27 00:25 EST
His question seemed to confuse her a bit, her ears twitching to show her confusion. Her head tilted and she looked away, scratching at her arm nervously.

"I don't..I look different. I many see me like this and despise me. I've lost friends..and those I care for when they first see me like this.." Her voice lowered. "And I really..don't want to lose you.."


Date: 2007-07-27 00:30 EST
His brows climbed high. "Lost friends?" That didn't seem right at all. "What friend should care about how a body looks? There are so many strange beings here that have multiple shapes, I don't think you stand out so much as you think you do." He smiled at her. "You know my secret, how could I turn away from you for this? Especially since you told me about it."

He dared to lift his hand with the intention of drifting his fingers under her chin and down her throat. "You're .. amazing like this."

His lips curled into another smile.


Date: 2007-07-27 02:32 EST
"People fear what they do not understand Rook." It was said like it was the simplest thing that explained it all. He was right though. She knew his secret..and he had known hers before she had actually shown him. But it was just words..

Her eyes rose to him quickly as his fingers trailed under her chin and down her throat, a strange sensation to feel someone touch her silken fur. Ears lose some of their perky stiffness they sag slightly at the sensation. She liked it. A lot in fact. She drew back and turned her head slightly. At that moment she was glad for the fur..hiding her blushing cheeks.

"T..Thank you Rook..I applicate your kindness.."


Date: 2007-07-27 07:27 EST
"You said that you would be like this for a week, right?" He had forgotten about his pack until his foot nudged it when he shifted. He knelt down and rummaged inside for a minute, looking for the pants he knew were there. "What will you do for that week?" He found what he was looking for and then glanced around sheepishly.

"Um .. just a minute."

He held them up to him as he moved to find a suitable place where he could change out of sight. There was a little nook in the back of the cave he could use. He called to her though while he was in the process of changing. "Are you hungry?"


Date: 2007-07-27 14:42 EST
She realized what he was sheepish about and her eyes rose up and she turned around to give him his privacy. Slowly her eyes lowered to watch the glen from her spot, ears slowly lowering at his question.

"What..I've always done. Either hide away or wear a cloak until it's passed.."

She never realized how hungry she was until he asked. "I -" Grroowwwlllll. Her stomach released a sound that told her 'don't you dare lie!'. She cleared her throat a bit and mumbled sheepishly. "I am a little hungry.."


Date: 2007-07-28 09:10 EST
"I don't understand why you hide, Dreamweaver. There are a lot of shape shifted in this land. I doubt anyone would object to you or find your form unsettling." He soon reappeared, new pants in place of the old. He was in the process of pulling on a shirt as he continued. "I'm hungry too. You said you were going to bring food. Did you have enough coins to cover the cost? I have more if you need them."

He didn't have a lot in the way of currency but he had some and that would do for now. "Come on, let eat."


Date: 2007-07-28 10:56 EST
Her head turned to him as she heard him approach, ears flickering as if in thought. "I..suppose. I am just afraid I suppose. I just don't want to lose anyone anymore..I've lost enough people. From fear or..death.."

Turning fully to him she shook her head and chuckled which came out like a soft rumble. "I had enough. The food is in your bag. I brought some water too. Don't worry about coinage..I barely use it anywho.." She fell silent. Just..watching him.


Date: 2007-07-28 15:31 EST
He settled down and starting going through the pack to find the food. "Do you want to surround yourself with people you can trust or do you want to have people around you that you are afraid of offending?" He shoved some food into his mouth and glanced up at her. "If they can't handle you for you, they don't deserve you." He gave a grin, cheeks stuff with his latest bite. "That's something my mom always said."


Date: 2007-07-28 23:25 EST
Sitting down she watches him. She laughs softly, watching him stuff his face. Her face softened at his words she gave a small nod. "I..guess you are right. Thank you Rook. Now stop talking with your mouth full, squirrel boy."

She gave a odd sort of grin as she called him that, her body shifting a bit so that she was sitting back on her ankles.


Date: 2007-07-29 16:17 EST
He just grinned at her name calling. Rook's stomach growled as he ate and only grew quiet when given enough to do. He stretched when he was done eating and stood. Hunger satisfied and clothes that weren't shredded on his body, he was ready to be seen in public.

Or at least, be seen in the glen to start with.


Date: 2007-07-29 17:14 EST
She would let him eat his fill, her mind was elsewhere. As she sat she watched him contently. As he stood so did she, not even touching the food. Even though she was hungry she could wait till later. She looked him over, head tilting to the side.



Date: 2007-07-29 18:06 EST
"Much, yes. Thank you." He found it curious that she didn't eat. He'd thought she was hungry just as he was. "You didn't eat, Dream. Why is that?" He'd moved to the mouth of the cave and this is where he stood, partially turned so he could view outside while still remaining hidden inside the mouth of the cave. "Do you want me to leave so you can eat?"


Date: 2007-07-30 05:27 EST
"No!" The word came out in a rush and she drew back quickly, apparently shocking herself from the outburst. Her head tilted and she looked off to the side. "Uh..I will eat later that's all. I wanted to make sure you had enough to fill your belly. After all I know how you eat.."

She gave a small chuckle as she looked over to him slowly. " wish to leave?"


Date: 2007-07-31 09:34 EST
His brows lifted at her reaction. "You don't need to wait until I'm done before you eat. That's just .. wrong." He shook his head and then glanced outward toward the lake in the glen.

"I'm not wanting to stay in this cave forever. So yes, I'm wanting to leave." He gave her a smile and indicated the cave entrance.


Date: 2007-07-31 13:53 EST
"It's not wrong. It's safe!" She chuckled at him playfully and curled her fingers into her palms. She watched him silently. That wasn't quite what she had meant. She knew they where going to leave the cave.

Her eyes lowered to the bag, withdrawing a few items. Afterwards she nudged the bag away from herself. "That's..not what I meant.." She ate quietly..timidly in fact, as if something where whirling in her mind while she ate.


Date: 2007-07-31 17:32 EST
"Oh funny!" He shook his head and chuckled at her words about being safe. Like he'd hurt her in order to eat. Right! He leaned against the wall at the mouth of the cave, looking out and down. He could hear her rummage through the bag and then nudge it away, a glance back at her confirmed that she was eating.

He watched her, considering what she'd said. He finally shook his head. "If you really think I'm like that, you should be the one leaving." His red brows arched for a moment and then he was again looking out of the cave in the direction of the lake.


Date: 2007-07-31 21:33 EST
"I ..guess I am just scared. I've..lost so much in my past. And I am still getting over a certain shock too." She finished up soon enough and stood, collecting his bag and sheepishly moving over. Once close enough she offered the bag to him.

"Plus you never stated you wanted to leave the cave..It just..scared me abit..that's all."


Date: 2007-08-04 10:44 EST
He took the bag as he studied her again. He didn't know too much about her but he did know that he enjoyed talking with her and that she was nice company. Other than Sjira and Icer (and Icer's brood) he didn't really know all that many people. It was outside his realm of understanding why Dream would think he wanted to leave.

Her comment about getting over a shock took some thinking too. "I'm sorry for that, Dream. I guess I do understand about secrets. I wasn't sure what you were going to do either." He sighed then shook his head. "We're friends, Dream. I take care of my friends."

Rook took her hand for a moment. "You don't have to be scared. You can't live in fear, Dream." He gave a reassuring smile. "Ok?"


Date: 2007-08-16 16:30 EST
A small sigh was given and she gave a nod. She didn't want to argue with him. Specially over how she 'should feel'. She blinked as he took her hand, her eyes sheepishly raising to him. "I'll...try. But you must understand Rook. Some see us as the same as what people call werewolves. And they fear us. And they hunt to kill us. There are many reasons I 'fear' showing myself. They are not without just.."

Her fingers softly curled to his hand, careful not to scrape her nails to his flesh. "But you are right. We are friends and we..we will take care of each other."


Date: 2007-08-17 06:25 EST
His smile warmed. He wasn't sure what else to say. He wanted her to feel comfortable but if she wasn't comfortable, he didn't want to make it worse. "You don't have to come outside if you don't want to, Dream." His mind jumped around. He was sure she'd said something about how long she was going to be like this. He couldn't remember how long she'd said. "How long will this keep you like this?"


Date: 2007-08-18 23:51 EST
She shook her head. "It's alright. I'll be okay.." She hoped. She knew he was trying to coax her out of the shadows that was the cave but she just couldn't help but think of her past experiences. Her ears flicked forward at his word and she released a soft grumble of a giggle. "A weeks time about.."


Date: 2007-08-19 10:59 EST
"Do you want to stay here for that whole time?" He didn't want her unhappy. He didn't like to see his friends unhappy. "Would you like to go somewhere else?" He moved toward her and reached for her hand. "I won't let anyone hurt you, Dream. I take care of my friends."


Date: 2007-08-19 15:31 EST
She shook her head. She didn't want to stay there. But it would of been a wise choice. "It's okay Rook. We..can go into the glen or even the inn if you want.." Her eyes softened. He would..protect her..? "Thank you rook. I' alright. Don't go worrying yourself or placing yourself in harms way to protect me either..I'm not worth it." She chuckled and squeezed his hand softly. "So..where to?"


Date: 2007-08-19 18:51 EST
He flinched almost as if from physical pain, a frown creasing his forehead. "Don't say that about yourself." Not worth it? If friends weren't worth standing up for, then why have friends at all? It disturbed him that she would say such things about herself, diminishing her own self worth. "Everyone is worth something and friends are worth a lot more than nothing."


Date: 2007-08-27 01:13 EST
She was utterly confused. Why did he flinch? Why was he frowning? Her ears folded outward from each other, showing her confusion. She then flinched from his words and lowered her gaze shamefully.

"You are right..but the thing is..I don't want you to get hurt..or die..from trying to protect me." Her eyes lift to him and she shakes her head. "I couldn't stand it if you got hurt or killed because of me." It broke her heart just thinking about it! She shook her head quickly as if trying to dismiss some troublesome thought. She knew what he would say..he knew very well she would place herself in harms way for him..and yet didn't expect him to do the same? However, to her..he was more then a friend. He was a glimmer of hope. Her hearts easy, despite what he was. If anyone else had done as he had to her..she would of ran away. But he was different.


Date: 2007-08-31 08:47 EST
"I'm not going to get hurt. It'll be okay. I promise." He extended his hand to her and offered a smile. "Come on. Let's go to the lake."

He hoped he was right. It would never do to have her be attacked or made fun of because of who she was. That was just wrong. He would have to say something but he was hopeful that people here were a bit more tolerant of that sort of thing.

Although he wasn't as hopeful about his own situation; not after the talk he'd had with Icer.

But Dreamweaver was different. There were plenty of others that were similar of nature. Hopefully things would be okay.


Date: 2007-09-05 13:37 EST
Maybe she was being overly worried. But from past experiences she had been left with not only physical but mental scars. Her worry came from past experiences after all. But..he promised. He promised he wouldn't get hurt and truly that is what meant the most to her. Her hand rose, resting to his offered hand lightly as if being careful still not to 'claw' him.

A light nod was offered to his suggestion. "Alright."


Date: 2008-03-09 15:31 EST
(geh please delete this post)