Topic: Kaldi Gourmet Coffee Imports

Alain DeMuer

Date: 2008-04-19 16:15 EST
Kaldi Gourmet Coffee Imports opens for business quietly, with little announcement or flair.

It is a small shop at the edge of the RhyDin Marketplace, a narrow two-story white brick building with two stories and a large glass window on the first floor, showing burlap sacks of coffee lined up, open to allow the aromas to waft out through the front door which is left open in nicer weather. Over the window is a long rectangular sign, painted black with white lettering - Kaldi Gourmet Coffee Imports - and to the left and right side, the silhouettes of goats dancing on their hind legs.

The front room is crowded, a single counter with a register, a stool, and all the appliances for making a cup of coffee behind it, and much of the rest of the floorspace is occupied with coffee, each sack labeled in a different language with its own distinct scent, and posted on the counter on a long poster is the selection with prices.

Kaldi offers coffee from this world and others, cheap and exorbitant, focused most of all on variety. While one can go in for a cup of coffee, a latte, an espresso, or any of a number of other drinks, the shop's primary goal is to sell coffee in bulk.