Topic: The blade

CKalb DragonShadow

Date: 2007-07-28 12:42 EST
The sun's rays seemed exceptionally bright that day as the drow stood in the lush back yard. Wearing only a pair of loose fitting paints he stood with eyes closed seemingly waiting for something. He had only one other thing on him and that was the blue great sword he always wore. The blue blade was naked against the morning air as he held it straight in front of him arms extended. This simple exercise was something he did every day to keep his arm strength up. But this blade was not always there.

The sword was close to 5 feet long with a large leather wrapped hilt. The blade was made of a blue metal called Eog, with an alloy of a metal called Leen. Those two metals combined gave it its blue luster. Each side of the 4 inch wide blade held a different set of magical runes on it. The one sides Runes were white, and held enchantments that favored the good aligned soul. The opposite side had black Runes on it that favored the darker soul. The blade was made as a two handed weapon but with a twist. If CKalb wanted he could "split" the sword into to two equal parts. Both swords were of equal length long swords; one of light the other of darkness. This blade had been unique because it was the first time CKalb had made this blade for himself. As CKalb stood there his mind went back to the events around the creation of this blade.

Long time ago when he was known as CKalb DragonMaster, he wielded two arming blades. (Arming swords are commonly called long swords). One was named Ocura and was the bane of evil. The other one Aszure was a blade made from star metal that was exceptionally strong.

In a battle on a distant realm where a powerful force from the very bowls of hell itself was trying to exterminate all that was good. CKalb was honor bound to try and defend the light. With Knite at his side CK helped push the darkness back from the last bleak outpost of the Light. Then in one battle a powerful demon strode onto the battle field laying waste to everything thing in his path. Knite was the first two reach him but alas even the mighty ancient dragon could not prevail and lay mortally wounded upon the battle field. The darkelf defeated his foe he was on, and in raged by the thought of possibly loosing his brother, attacked this champion demon with all his might. But anger is fleeting and soon CK had found himself loosening. CKalb had been battling all day; the hours of battle were plainly visible on him. While retreating he devised a desperate plan.

He was a master of Runes and as the battle raged on between him and the demon he found the briefest of moments to draw a rune on Ocura. The Evils bane sword seemed to flair with new power. CKalb reached deep down and pulled up his last bit of reserve energy and pushed the demon back. Then just before his last bit of energy completely vanished he turned and ran towards Knite. The demon champion caught flat footed by the move charged. CK turned and in one smooth motion threw Ocura at the demon. The evil champion caught in a head long rush could not move completely out of the way but he did manage to twist himself enough so that the sword, although embedded in him was not going through anything vital. He stopped and looked at the drow with a sneer of contempt which turned into a look of puzzlement. For CKalb stood next to his bleeding brother with a smirk.

With a hand motion two prepared spells went off. The one on him and his brother to teleport them back to safety and the other on the enchanted blade that now stuck out of the Demon. The blades energy released and it detonated literally ripping the demons body and soul into shreds with good energy. There champion destroyed the forces of Evil retreated for the day. And without a blade CKalb and Knite rested. The evils bane sword now lost.