Topic: Endless White

Katt Batten

Date: 2009-12-17 22:05 EST
White. The world was coated in the white splendor as if it was returning to an innocent state. The wind was bitter cold and nipped at her milky flesh as she roamed aimlessly through the forest outside of the city limits. A distant sound of meowls were heard. Losa, the little white kitten that was tucked within her arms, was curled up and wanting to be released.

How much time had passed?

Did it matter?

Her mind was haunted by Mayu and Toby's words while the rest of her was numbed by the weather around her.

She knew Mayu would be upset that she left and could only hope that Mayu understood the rapidly rising pain of the situation. The discussion that she was holding with Toby was not one that was new. It was old and repeating. But like many times before he always listened to Mayu..

But that isn't why she fled. She would apologize to Mayu. Apologize for flee like the coward she was.

She was..afraid. She was afraid of what she would hear. That and she couldn't witness him leave again. Even if it was leisurely.

It was hard to be there for someone who didn't really want you to be there. It was hard to love someone that didn't want to be loved. It was ..hard. And it crushed her spirits like a grape under the massive weight of a house.

Had everything that had been happening been a lie? Was the warmth they shared ...nothing? The time? If it had not been for Mayu..where would she be now? Mayu had done so much..if it were not for her then Toby would of never...

She should of been watching where she was going. Something grabbed her foot from under the snow. The sudden grab surprised her and her body twisted sharply. A mistake. The root of the tree twisted her leg around as she fell and soon she found herself tossed to the ground. The world rolled or was it she that was doing the rolling. She hadn't realized she had traveled so far that she had nearly cleared into the mountain range and now she was back at the foot, covered in scrapes and snow. She was smart enough that during the roll to wrap her arms around the kitten in protective measure so when her body ceased the kitten was safe.

A lifeless stop was made of her body and her arms loosened. Losa meowled loudly and squirmed out, nuzzling her face for attention that would not come. Pupiless eyes stared at the kitten and only saw white.

She didn't try any more to move. She ached in more then just her body. She heard the distant whining of the kitten as it curled up near her face to offer it's fuzzy warmth.

Eyes closed..

The world dimmed..

And snow resume coating the earth with endless white.