Topic: Preparation

Katt Batten

Date: 2010-04-14 21:21 EST
.: April 14th - Great Hall :.

Watching Toby go off on his way after the night was difficult. More because there was three words that were just wanted to burst from her. It was painful even to hold them back. But she knew the time would come soon enough..

Lips twitched as she waited till he and Gizmo were out of sight before she put her plan into motion. Rushing down the market's main street she nearly toppled over the woman at the stall who had not only her bag from the night before but a box of supplies needed all prepared for her arrival. With the large box under arm she proceeded to the hall.

First things first. She made sure each and every window was closed so no one could peek inside. Grinning to herself she turned on her heels and glanced to the door. She was expecting and hoping Mayu would show. It was her job to do the decorations after all! But some part of her wondered if the more recent things hadn't left bigger things on her sister's mind.

A smile crossed her lips as she moved into the kitchen. Mayu's gentle hands and kind demeanor would no doubt make her a wonderful healer or priestess. Or Sister? Was Mayu going to join the church? There were many questions about her sister's choice that she was curious about. She just hoped that Mayu knew that she would support her and if she could help she would! She wanted to be there for her sister.

Her thoughts rolled around as she set things out along the counter of the hall's kitchen. Pulling a apron on her hands slowly smoothed the front down and her eyes lowered to watch the motion. So much had happened and the year hadn't even reached it's half-way mark. Turning her head she picked up what was needed.

The day was be filled with baking and cooking. Now normally she wouldn't make such a big..feast but it was a special occasion. Chicken noodle soup, her pasta special, bread, cookies, candies, and several sorts of pastries..

...and of course..cake.

Not just any cake either. This cake was several soft layers of chocolate and covered with white whip cream frosting. Decorating the edges was chocolate icing waves which were drizzled over with warmed chocolate. Crowning the center of the cake was a handful of strawberries that were dipped part way in chocolate. Sprinkled over the top was light sugar that shimmered over the frosting and strawberries.

A lot of time, effort and love went into it all and once she stood back to look over the work she felt her lips sag. She didn't know why. It was a sensation that remained for better of an hour while she continued on her task.

Everything, except the cake, was spread across a table that had been placed to the back of the hall and hidden away by the couch once it was at a new angle. Furniture was moved around just so the table of food and gifts were hidden away from any eyes that came wandering into the hall. To offset the scent, at least upon entering, a number of simple scented incenses were cast around. Out of sight but kept the hall smelling like someone had just mopped the place with a light version of pine-sol!

Once everything in place she stared at the table and moved the bowls of candy a bit so that they were easier to be accessed.

"I made way too much.." she sighed out in the realization. Overboard much? She felt her cheeks grow warm and her head shook. Taking a small bag with her to the kitchen the apron was removed and she pulled on a simple blue edged, white shirt over her current black one. Hair tossed then combed back she left the kitchen and hall, stepping outside with a rather blank look on her face. Hands clasped before her she watched the skies... and waited.