Topic: What to do...?

Katt Batten

Date: 2010-11-30 19:16 EST
.: Nov 30 - Early Morning :.

Shoes pounded the ground as she ran down the street, forcing herself to go as fast as she could. A puddle was splashed into and water met her jeans leaving water and mud staining up the legs.

I do not believe you.

Her eyes clenched closed and she forced herself faster. He didn't believe her. Didn't want her to touch him.

She had hurt him.. By doubting. He still thought she had doubted him. Doubted that he loved her. In a way he was right. She had. Believed he had loved another when he had tried so very hard to show her..prove himself to her.

She hated herself. Hated that she allowed Zenny to sway her. Even if Zenny could see deep inside him and even though she really didn't want to believe the end she did. Enough that she wanted to give up herself...

The front door of the Zen flew open and she sped on in, tracking mud through the main hall and up the stairs. She slipped at some point and skidded down a few steps but a grip to the railing stopped her from spilling. Sniffing she pulled herself up and continued on.

She hadn't lied to him though. Even when Zenny had told her that..and made her think that. She hated herself. For not being enough. Enough to be what he wanted. Enough to tell her the things he was feeling...

He was hard to read and he knew it. He hid so much that he shouldn't have to when it came to her. He was suppose to trust her to be able to talk to her..Like she did with him.

Do you know how little faith I put into you saying that you trust *me* now?

She didn't know what to think or do. It just didn't seem like there was any way she could prove to him that she trusted him. All she knew was he was drawing farther and farther away and it scared her. A lot more than it had when Zenny had her thinking that he loved someone else.

The key was taken from her pocket even as she came thudding against the door. Leaning into it she just stared at it while fumbling to fit the key into the hole. The door finally opened and she tumbled inside. It was closed and locked. A line of possessions littered the ground as she walked from the little hall and into the main area, heading towards the blankets that made up a makeshift bed. The only thing kept on her was the coat which was hugged to her slender body.

Face first she landed, not caring she crushed her face and she just cried. What was she suppose to do? How was she suppose to prove to him? She had already gone so far as to show 'herself' to Patrick when he said..that she had picked a bad apple to hang her hopes on..Toby would just use her..

That wasn't going to happen. Toby loved her. They would get through this. They would! And she wouldn't doubt him again. Never again....

She just..had to prove that some how. She did not want this! She did not want him distancing himself. He was suppose to be there..with her...

Fingers curled against the sheets. Relaxing her hand swept up along the blankets, attempting for her head. Instead her fingers met something. Blinking she raised her wet and red face. It..was a familiar bag. No. This wasn't his..

Was this..?

The ache in her chest only thudded more greatly as she shifted onto her side to pull it closer. Her stomach tightened then relaxed as she tried not to cry out.

Before she could hug the bag to her she noticed..a note..

'This bag is yours, it took me a while to find it. The real gift is inside. I've had it for a very long time and I had been saving it for your birthday, but I figured what the hell. Right now is a lot better than later.'

She blinked at the note slowly. A lot better than later.. Was..he trying to make her feel better in some way? Tell her..

Pursing her lips she reached into the bag to pull out the large rolled up piece of heavy paper. Brows furrowed confusedly and she sat up more. "Mrmm..?" It was carefully unrolled and her hands quickly shook at the sight that was unfolded before her. Lips parted, nearly gawking at the beautiful painting of ...


The paint used for the hair, skin and clothing shimmered in the light. It was..breathtaking. And it floored her. He did this..for her. Been holding onto it for a while? How long..?

She found herself staring at the painting for a long while. Just..awe-struck. She wasn't sure if it was because of the painting itself or ..him. He did it for her. For her birthday no less.

Carefully the painting was set down on the blankets in front of her and she just sort of stared at it. Drawing her knees to her chest she tried to ease the pain she was feeling. It had only increased to the point it made her head throb.

"Oh..Toby.." Her eyes closed and she tightened her grip on her legs. Her arms were shaking. She was shaking. "I am stupid..And I am sorry.."

Her eyes opened to look sadly at the painting. "Wh-What am I suppose to do? I do not..want to lose him....anymore.." Her head dipped more until her cheek was on the bend of her knees.

She noticed a second note. More simple still had a impact.

'Now you don't have to look at the book anymore to see it.'

She just stared at the painting until she cried herself to sleep. Sitting up.

Katt Batten

Date: 2010-11-30 23:02 EST
.: Nov 30 - Evening :.

She woke with a start and every muscle in her body quivered in pain as she stretched out from the balled up position she had been asleep in. Head craned she looked down to the portrait still before her. It still had the deep aching pain in her chest and she moved a hand to press her palm against the center of her chest, fingers stretched to claim rest of the bare flesh. She pressed hard, fingers curling to dimple in the skin. Slowly her fingers relaxed and she slid her hand across her chest until she found and clenched onto her shoulder.

Still she was in awe by the depth he went to. And it only made her kick at herself more for what she had done.

She find a hanging or frame for it. It was far too ..important to just leave around. Even if she wanted to carry it with her..she didn't want to take the chance of losing it.

Crawling out of the blankets she shuddered. It was cold. She left the painting stretched out on the bed for safe keeping and she moved to collect her old bag. Her pants picked up from the floor she struggled them on, caked and dried mud and all. Moving back to the bed she collected the new bag and she stared at it. "Mrm..." Items were transferred from the old bag to the new. There was a moment take to marvel at the fact that it didn't get fat. It was so.....neat. No other way to explain it.

The only thing that hadn't been transferred was the black hoodie and after tossing the old bag someplace in a corner and setting the new down she worked her way out of the coat to slip on the hoodie on but the coat went right back on afterwards. The bag was lifted and she paused at a strange little noise at the balcony door. Blinking she raised a brow and turned her head to see ...

"Wha.." Turning she started towards the balcony door and pushed it open. On the other side was a small sized box stacked on a slightly bigger box and a folder of papers. Peering over the ledge she scooped up the boxes and papers before moving inside. Instead of sitting next to the painting she sat on the floor and began to open the smaller box.

Inside was what she had requested in order to finish the bracelet she had made for Toby. The box was a little big for it the tiny vial inside. The vial of green liquid was shaken a little then set aside, the note taken out to read. Instructions. Not hard ones either.

The second box she started to open but inside was a smaller box and a note. Reading that note made her brows rise up. Thumbs tapped the sides of the box and she smiled softly. So that plan had worked. She was a little surprised and a little sad at the same time.

Well..sad -er. Nothing she could do now though. Picking the box up she stuffed it into the bag. Again..amazed that it fit and didn't bulge out.

She had things to do so she was up to her feet and soon enough leaving the Zen. She wasn't quite sure if she was delighted or not at the fact it was snowing.

She wanted to make things right.

She wanted him to trust her again.

She wanted ...many things.

Katt Batten

Date: 2010-12-03 19:31 EST
.: Nov 2 - Early Morning :.

She hated you, Katt. And she has..for a very long time.

The tape. Toby. Words pounded through her with such ache she was amazed she could walk. Pain. Pain danced through every fiber of her being. There was absolutely nothing else. How could there be? Things got bad. Worse...And worse still..

I watched you both, I heard what you said to her, and I felt it. You did to her what I did to you when you told me you loved me. The difference is back then..I was trying to make a solid point. What the hell were *you* doing.

She..hadn't meant to. She hadn't meant to hurt Mayu like that. She should of handled things differently. She had been so confused. She wanted Mayu to be happy but in the end couldn't lie to herself nor to Mayu by being what Mayu really wanted. She..couldn't ...let her feelings for Toby go. Mayu knew this. Katt had told her. But she had also told Mayu was that she was important to just wasn't like how she felt for Toby.

Had Mayu been lying the entire time about caring? About her being a dear friend? The determination to be there at the start when they went to the church to deal with her scars? Not wanting her to be in the duels because she would get hurt. Heck didn't she start doing the spiritual stuff so she could be of help to her and Toby? The deep and kind words from her at the island for her and Toby. That care and the way she was at the church....Had it been really just to put up with her? Why..did she kill herself then?

There were so many questions and noone to give answers. Only speculations and a tape...

All this time she had just thought things had just been rocky between them. And now..

This is not even about me, or about what I feel about you right now. Do you want me to say yes..? To say something like..all of the people that are important to you hate you..? I have just revealed to you that someone you thought cared about this *entire* time hated you because of something that you did to her..and you're asking me if I feel the same way.. Like that is *all* that matters..

He was right. It wasn't about him. However him saying that didn't help in the least and the look he gave her. And he was all she had left. Even though he was angry with her.. He didn't hate her. He wouldn't of gone through all that trouble of the painting and..and..the bag..the globe. He said ..nothing he did would make him forget that he...

Her head jerked sharply and rocked back. Everything was so ..blurry..White. Where..was she? Outside..that much she was aware of but she didn't know where. She had been in everything that was in her head and, in general, she was lost. She felt it. Felt completely and utterly lost.

...And alone...

Rubbing her knuckles against her lips she quietly sobbed. The other hand reached out for the tree she nearly bowled into, palm scraped up by the rugged bark. Once her shoulder was against the tree her hand lowered into the pocket of the hoodie.

There were so many misunderstandings and she had hurt Mayu. Out of all the people she thought Toby would of known that she didn't, nor never wanted to, hurt Mayu. Hell, that was the reason she skewered herself on his dagger that day ...Or..why she couldn't pretend she wanted to be with Mayu the way she was with Toby.

Slowly she released a breath, the cold air burning her lungs. Her head dipped forward then back into the tree. Repeatedly. When the pain became white as the snow that surrounded her she dipped her head forward and stared at the ground with dulled eyes. What would come of giving Mayu the tape recorder? It wasn't that she was afraid that Mayu really did hate her. That Mayu never liked her and had just been putting up with her. Well..Okay. Yeah she was. But... despite that she still cared for Mayu ...

Raising a hand she started to chew on her nail nervously. Her eyes lowered to her hand as she sank down to sit in the snow, not caring her rear got wet. She wouldn't let herself freeze. That would make Mayu's sacrifice meaningless. But..she had no clue where to go.

Drawing her knees to her chest she huddled in her spot. She wanted to hope that Mayu didn't really hate her. She just..made Mayu mad sometimes. Mayu..didn't..hate her.. Her arms tightened. It didn't dispute the fact that she hurt Mayu.

The recorder could of just been something to vent on when Mayu was angry with her? But she also said some things that didn't make it sound like Mayu saw her as a friend. And she remembered the look Mayu held at the church. Her words.

But don't even think about not coming back for any reason... 'kay?

Rubbing her face she sniffed against her palm. "Mayu..."

Katt Batten

Date: 2010-12-04 01:08 EST
.: Nov 3 - Noon :.

She hadn't really moved from the spot despite the cold that clung to her skin. It ebbed into her clothes. Skin. Her very being. There was so much to take in and noone to really comfort her.

Did she deserve it? Yes. She made a mess out of things without meaning to. She didn't want to hurt Mayu but if she had gone through what what she had planned..It would of crushed Mayu to find out that Katt had just been...faking.. She had been honest. Maybe a bit too blunt? She just couldn't be what Mayu really wanted. Her heart was already claimed and Mayu had..known that. But as she tried to tell Mayu..She still cared very deeply for the girl. Like a sister. Family. Someone important. Toby was right. She should of told Mayu that before. She had just been too ..afraid.

The idea of family.. It still scared her. It was a powerful concept..

She had sucked at being a sister... Even though she tried hard to be a good one.

What the hell were *you* doing?

He was there. He knew. He had questioned her before about it and she explained everything. So why? He was the one person who was suppose to understand. And that day on the island..when Mayu told her those things. Why? Why didn't Toby speak up? He was the one who told her she should stay away for a bit and take time to think. Why would he not tell Mayu that? Mayu had been right too. Regardless of her time away she should of left notes.. And it wasn't like she was avoiding Mayu or didn't want to see her. That was so not true...

Some hours ago her numb fingers had taken out a sketchbook and she had written a few things down. There were some things she didn't understand. Some things...Mayu had said to them but...completely opposite to the recorder. Like her birthday. Mayu was the one who wanted the party when Katt offered to make a little cake. She had originally just planned a cute lil cake. Maybe a tiny present on the side. But Mayu seemed like she had really wanted one. So ..why? And wearing the yukata. Katt had brought it up only to see if Mayu liked the idea and Mayu had seemed so excited to wear it. So...why?

Had she really just been just tolerating them? Her..?

The pencil laid dormant between her fingers for a while and she stared at the sketchbook. She blinked, not even realizing she had drawn the tiny little sketch of Mayu ..with a duckie. It almost seemed to be dancing around the list of questions. She smiled sadly at it.

A sudden shudder shook her system and she pushed herself up to stand, finally. She had stayed..outside..all day..night..and morning. It was time to go back. Despite it all she still wanted to be there. She was almost pretty sure that her presence wasn't wanted but she still...wanted to be there.

It took her a few hours but she finally managed to find herself into the city. She grumbled at how long it took and how cold she felt. Her path was towards the normal. The fountain. She could wait. Hope to bump into one or both..

Her heart clenched, tightening the closer she moved towards the marketplace. Anxious? Afraid? She wasn't sure. It hurt though.

Reminded her to prepare herself.

Katt's an easy choice. She knows a lot about me.

Sinking down on the fountain she stared down at the bag as it was pulled across her lap, the sketchbook set on top. Her features softened into a sad expression. Between Mayu's words at the island of her and Toby being her cherished and important friends..remembering..seeing her laying down in the bed at the church, trying to wiggle her way under the blanket..

Suddenly her eyes went a bit wide.

"I ..will be okay on my own. But ..just promise me that if something does happen..and I don't come back. Promise will take care of Toby and yourself..okay?"

D-Don't... be negative. ...I m-might not u-understand w-what's going on right now... b-but, it's important that you always stay positive... even in the w-worst of times. Or e-else you're go-going to eat yourself up...

The kindness of Mayu's voice.. Rocking forward her head bowed down as she took in the memory that tugged and pulled at her heart.

She sighed, hands clasped so she could breath against her knuckles, trying to warm them and herself.

Katt Batten

Date: 2010-12-10 08:41 EST
.: Dec 10th - Early Morning :.

The cold air was getting colder. Her talk with Zenny left her on the edge of many questions and many feelings she didn't want. Or rather ones that she wished she could fix. Make better...

While walking through the frost she came across Porthos that had been dancing around a pole like a the wino that Katt was starting to think him as. Even still he was in fine spirits and even after his outburst about vampires and protecting her, the conversation with him hadn't..been that bad. Mostly about the tongue of other races. He spoke Latin and French..She didn't. She spoke eleven others, ten which he did not.

It was more for his entertainment that she spoke words, translating certain ones for him to try to pronounce and use at a later date.

She had noticed a shop opening and moved over to it, watching the man on the other end setting some wares. It gave her an idea. She ventured into the shop after listening to Porthos' words of vampires.

Creatures without a soul..

Even if she was only a part..a small part...It still hurt...

The shopkeeper was entirely unhappy to see someone entering so early and his voice boomed throughout the walls. It rattled her but she stood fast in order to make her purchase. She'd end up leaving, door slammed behind her, but purchase between those hands.

After parting ways with Porthos she started on her way towards the building that was growing familiar. How many times had she gone to it..and chickened out? She wouldn't this time..She..just couldn't. Moving to the door she tested it and found it locked.

Sighing she tilted her head and glanced up the building. Of course..she'd not be able to enter. Sighing her head tilted forward and thumped the door. She finally worked up the nerve to get close..

"Excuse me, Miss. You are in the way."

The voice made Katt nearly become one with the door. Stiffening she leaned into the door and quickly spun around to face the old woman was struggling with a number of bags. "O-Oh. Sorry!" She shuffled out the way and paused, an arm stretching out. " need some help?" It was asked after she watched the woman struggle around with the bags in order to get her keys.

"Oh no. Thank you dear but I've got it. Oh!"

A bag slipped but Katt dipped forward to capture it before it spilled. She held it and took another that was offered. Patiently she waited for the woman to open the door. Once she did she shuffled and glanced inside. While the other woman took the bags she swallowed softly. "E-Excuse me. May I ask a small favor?" The woman blinked at her and she smiled weakly.

"What is it dear?"

She paused. She didn't want to burden the woman any more. "Y-You see I have this ..I want to bring to a friend.."

"And you want me to let you in?"

"N-No. I was wondering if I could tell you where it is and you can leave it there for me?"

The old woman blinked and slowly nodded. "Alright. Since you were kind enough to help me. Let me go put these away and I will come back and collect what it is."

She nodded and held the door open for the woman so she could enter with less burden. Once she was safe the door was released and closed. While she waited she took out her sketchbook and quickly opened it to a clean page. Something was written down before the sketchbook and pencil were shoved back in her bag. A hairpin from her hair was pulled free, left bangs sliding along her cheeks. Using the hairpin she tucked the note to the scarf around her shoulders then removed the scarf. It was tied at the ends like a little bag and she stuffed the pouch into the cradle followed by a small container with two cinnamon rolls in it. She swallowed and stared at the makeshift pouch while she waited. She really didn't want to leave it in the care of a stranger but she could hope that it would make it there. Toby..probably wouldn't like that she snuck into the building anyways..

"'s chilly out here. You really shouldn't be standing all alone."

She blinked and looked up to see the old woman standing in the doorway again. "O-Oh..Yeah. Here.." She offered the makeshift pouch over. "He..doesn't really stay in any of the rooms but if you could hang it on the door to uhmm.." She paused and described which room door it was. "I am sure he will find it when he passes through."

The odd look the woman gave her made her smile sadly. She wasn't sure if Toby was actually paying for the room so ..she could just hope..And hope..and hope some more.

"You want me to just hang it on the door?" the old woman questioned to make sure she had it correct.

"That door. Yes. Please.."

"Alright dear. Now you get yourself out of this weather. You look sickly enough as it is. You should be in bed and tucked under some warm covers!" The door was closed and the woman went on her task. The scarf would be hanged on the doorknob with the pouch safely inside. A note hanging from the scarf itself.

Katt watched the door close and she tilted her head with a frown. Turning she began her way back to the Zen. Even if she really..didn't want to go back...

Katt Batten

Date: 2010-12-13 07:13 EST
.: Dec 12th - Early Morning :.

Things were growing lonelier as days passed and the feeling of his absence was heavy. She hadn't seen him in a while and if he was lingering in the shadows, checking on her like he said when he was in hiding..she didn't know.

She figured he wasn't.

His hands were full and he was doing his best to keep Mayu safe. She almost wanted to think he was doing double job..picking up her slack. Taking care for Mayu in her place, too. Since she couldn't be there to do it herself like she really wanted to. She did want to but ...

They were both safe and that was what was important.

The Dojo was empty and cold.. A heavy sense of nostalgia hanged in the air. Her first time stepping back in there had rattled her down to her knees with memories. Sent her wrecked with tears. Now..The feeling in her chest still remained. It hadn't gone away actually. It was there, constantly.

A fresh coat of paint had been applied to the first floor. At least to the main area. Windows open so she didn't suffocate herself in the fumes. It wasn't anything special. Simple white. The dirty yellow of the lights made it look off. A lot. She didn't quite care.

She had cleaned up. Trying to give herself something to do. Anything really. She had been helping at the church, accepting Marlena's offer to be paid for helping out. Maybe some part of her hoped to see Toby while she did. But she liked helping. And the kids seemed to really enjoy her being there for some strange reason.

A foot heavily met the surface of the raised wooden platform meant to be used like a fighting area. She could hear the wood whine under her movement as she practiced. Even though she really couldn't get into it she swung out the makeshift staff, aka a broomstick, forward. It hummed the air with each sharp motion she made.

She was pushing herself. She knew and didn't quite care. Maybe if she pushed herself enough she'd be able to to sleep. She didn't even remember when it was the last time she slept but judging from everyone she had been talking to lately..she was most definitely looking like she hadn't slept in a while.

But she wasn't sick. No cold. No fever. So that was good right? And she had been eating ...a little here and there... So she was taking care of herself or trying to at least. Just some things..couldn't be helped.

Another whine of wood was heard. Ignored. Strike and movement continued on. She had worked up a good sweat so far with the brisk striking motions and constant movement of her feet.

She said she would stay at the Zen and she had for the most part. The other part she stayed at the church. Always locking the door and never leaving things there.



The makeshift polearm went skidding across the platform when she fell through. Or rather one of her legs did. She toppled, body stuck in a position that was both uncomfortable and painful. The left leg that had fell through didn't even reach floor and the right was half force tucked under her. The only thing that stopped her from meet the platform face first was a hand and shoulder. Peering through the fan of lavander and chocolate she stared at the wood that her leg was snugly placed in. As if it had been built around her flesh.

Attempting to steady herself she waggled her left leg and flinched. Some of the wood was gouged into her thigh. It hurt like hell!

It wasn't a fun thing but she managed to pry herself out from the position. Drawing her leg from the tight hold of the wood wasn't all that enjoyable. The wood ate and tore at her jeans and flesh as her leg was pulled up. Nose wrinkled she flopped onto her rear once she was able and lowered her eyes to the mess of her left leg. It looked like something with one large tooth and a bunch of smaller ones attempted to eat off her leg. A large piece of wood was lodged in her inner thigh. That was where the pain originated from.

It still had nothing on the pain in her heart but still..

"Mrph..knew I should of tore these down.." She murmured to herself as she scooted to the end of the platform. Carefully she lowered herself to the ground which was two or three feet. She hadn't a chance in hell to touch ground when her leg fell through. Her legs were not that long!

Landing hurt and she swallowed down a cry. She didn't stop. Kept herself moving forward until she got to the door and her bag. She could ignore the trail of blood she was making. Snatching up her bag she paused and drew one of the dirty rags from the pile of cleaning supplies. She didn't want to yank the wood piece out yet so wrapped around it in attempt to staunch some of the bleeding. While trails of blood in the dojo were fine..she'd rather not have a tail all the way back to the church.

Once she was done she moved out and took the long walk to the church.

Katt Batten

Date: 2010-12-13 07:59 EST
Long and painful walk but she managed there in one piece and not leaving a trail of vital behind. The steps took the longest and quite frankly hurt the most. It felt like she was dragging herself by the time she captured one of the doors and pulled it open. Slipping inside she glanced around. Her eyes trailed up the large tree that took up the front.


It was a familiar voice. Slowly her eyes peeled from the lights and tree to find the face of Corey. He was lingering at the stairs and staring at her with those large steel blue eyes of his.

She stared back.

"Are you okay? Yo..oh wow no you aren't okay! I uh..I-" He stepped around the stair only to step back and scramble his way up the flight. "I'll go find Sister Isabella!"

Before she could even reply he was gone.

Her lips twitched a little and she pulled the door closed when she realized she had left it open. From there she started towards the stairs. They were almost as painful to climb as the ones outside just now she didn't have the morning air nipping at her.

The door to the room..his room..was fumbled with and drawn open. It was nudged close with her foot after she entered and only after pawing the light on she sluggishly she made her way towards the bed. She took to sitting with a heavy grunt.


The bag was set aside and the rag withdrawn so she could examine the piece of wood a bit better. It jagged out a good two or three inches from her leg and was thick. It caused her already milky pale skin to turn an ugly black and blue. Course that could hardly be seen with the blood.

A knock at the door had her eyes raised.

"Mrph..Who is it?"

"It's me, Katt. Corey said that you were hur-"

"I'm fine.." The statement caused the voice on the other end to go silent. Figuring Isabella had left she lowered her eyes back to the piece of bloody wood.

"You don't sound fine."

Sighing she waved a hand at the closed door. The woman wasn't going to leave her alone and she knew it. "Fine..come in.."

The door was opened half a second later and the scowling Isabella could be seen from the hall. She moved in quickly with a tray of items between her hands. Seemed she came prepared. "You don't look fine either. Have you been getting yourself into more trouble?"

"No..I had an accident and fell through a floor." Or something like that. It was easier than explaining what was going on and where she was at the time.

"Ahh. I see. Just one leg?"

"Yeah.. I took a wrong step and fell through. It took me a while to get out too."

"Bet it hurt."

She nodded and flinched when Isabella yanked out the piece of wood. She watched as a stream of blood followed.

"Oh dear!" Isabella exclaimed and grabbed a piece of cloth to shove against the gaping hole.

Katt grunted and clenched at the bed sheet to stop herself from shoving Isabella away. "O..Ow.."


The sheepish look she gave made Katt smile faintly, trying to reassure Isabella that it was okay. She wasn't sure if it was or wasn't but if Isabella could patch it up ...Toby would never have to see it..or know. He worried about her. She knew he did.

The thought made it easier to smile. If just a little.

"Sister Isabella I brought that dri-Ah!" Corey clipped the corner of the door.

And she thought she was clumsy!

She glanced over to Corey as he approached, carefully handling the glass of what she presumed was water.

"Oh good. Give it to Katt please?" Isabella was working away, dabbing warm water against the wounds like a patient mother.

Nodding Corey dutifully forked over the glass to Katt. She murmured a thanks and watched as he shot back. She wasn't sure what his problem was. Maybe one day she would ask..

"Corey? Be a dear and go fetch Katt some fresh clothes from the laundry."

"Huh? Okay. What kind?"

"Sweater..white..please?" Katt looked up to Corey while cradling the glass between her hands.

"And some pants. Any will do just make sure they are warm." Isabella added.

And off Corey went. He was watched until he disappeared out of view. "You..and Corey get along really well. you know each other?" She questioned as she took a drink. It was flavored. Peppermint?

"Corey? Oh I've known him since he was a babe. He was my best friend's little brother. When our village was destroyed while we were all away and-"

Isabella's story faded in her ears a little as she drank down the rest of the peppermint..water? She didn't know. Aside from a little flinch now and again..she felt rather..fuzzy. It was uncomfortable and she'd fidget, shifting in her place which caused the nun to scowl.

"Katt..sit still."

The world tilted and she went with it, back landing onto the bed hard enough that she squeaked out a breath and Isabella gasped in surprise. The glass that had been held fell from her loose grip, landing and rolling along the floor.

"Katt? Goodness!"

She felt the Sister attempt to make her comfortable on the bed. She couldn't assist even if she wanted to. Eyes closed she murmured something incoherently.

There was a hand that brushed at her hair, attempting to sooth her. It didn't. It didn't feel like when he did it. Her throat tightened even as tears began to work their way past her closed eyes and down the sides of her face into her hair.

"Oh dear.." She heard Isabella's soft words and something brushed her face. Something damp and soft.

It was the last thing she felt and heard.

Katt Batten

Date: 2010-12-13 08:48 EST
Corey returned to find Sister Isabella finishing up on Katt's thigh. She had stripped away Katt's old clothes and taken the time to really clean the leg that had been vital soaked. She was covered up when he arrived so all he really saw was her tugging down the blankets over Katt's feet.

"Is she..."

"Yes. It worked faster than expected." Isabella said with an even tone and turned her gaze over towards the young man. She gestured to the desk. "Put the clothes there."

He nodded and set the clothes down. On his way back to the door he picked up the glass. "Are you, uh... sure it was okay to do that?"

"Yes. She exhausted. A few hours worth of sleep will do her mind and body good." Isabella turned and gestured to him to step out. He slipped out and she shortly followed, door closed quietly behind them.

"D..Do you think she will be angry with us when she wakes up?" Corey glanced worriedly to the door. This got Isabella perking a brow at him.

"You are worried about that?"

"W..well I mean Patrick said she's a demon, right? What if she gets mad at tries to kill us!"

Isabella gawked at him. Stared and gawked. He shuffled under her heavy stare. "Corey!! How could you say that about her?" She watched as he shrank back from her and a hand rose to point his attention to the door.

"That girl? That girl right there? Would get mad at us for helping her? Listen to yourself!"

"B-But she's a monster!! Like the ones who killed our-" He watched as she suddenly turned from him sharply and stalked her way down the hall. Angry Sister Alert!

"I'm disappointed in you, Corey." She stated some feet away. "Even if she is a demon that girl is hardly a monster."

He blinked and quickly took chase after her. "But uh..Patrick-"

"Patrick probably said something to deserve being attacked. He doesn't know how to keep his mouth shut when it matters."

Corey fidgeted as he walked behind her, following her to her quarters. The entire time he listened to her scowling.

Katt Batten

Date: 2010-12-14 09:37 EST
.: Dec 12th - Early Afternoon :.

"Nhhh..." Rolling over she felt her face smoosh into a pillow. Her leg sung out loud and clear that it didn't appreciate being moved. Pain crawled right up into her hip.

Slowly an eye worked open and she peered around the empty room. What had happened? A hand fumbled, flattening to the bed and with a shaken push she forced herself to sit up. Her body didn't want to. She knew this feeling. She should just crawl back into the covers and not even bother.

She should...

Legs shifted to the edge of the bed, sheets pooling at her waist caused realization of how naked she was. It didn't really matter. She was alone after all. Drawing the sheet aside she blinked to find most of her thigh had been bandaged up. A soaked line of crimson could be spied but the work was decent enough.

Isabella must of done it..

She pushed herself to stand and stumbled almost instantly. Okay so her body was really telling her to get some more rest. A few more feet worth of stumbling had her over at the table. There was some fresh clothes.

Corey's doing no doubt.

They were scooped up along with her bag and she made her way slowly into the bathroom. A bath was drawn and while she waited the sweater and pants were dropped. Her bag followed but only after she pulled out the familiar hooded sweater. It was set on top of the bag and away from the rest of the clothes. She didn't know was just how she did it.

The soak was long and she just stared at the wall while listening to the trickle drops that fell from the faucet. Each drop caused her lips to tick. Down..down..almost a frown but not quite so. She'd get out a hour or so later, dress, and leave the room.

Why did she pass out like that..? It was uncomfortable and almost seemed..forced? Like when she drank that potion that Sister Matilda gave her to put her asleep for the light work.

Making her way downstairs she noticed Corey sweeping up and she grunted quietly. Pausing next to a pew she watched as he suddenly tensed and slowly looked her way. Dumbfounded by his retreat she made no attempt to follow. Before she could even say a word he had already escaped into the side hall.

That..was weird.

Then again...rumors..

Sighing she turned and left the church. A limp to favor her left leg but nothing that really kept her any slower then the sluggish pace she had been keeping of late.

Katt Batten

Date: 2010-12-16 08:32 EST
.: Dec 14th - Early Afternoon :.

Her birthday sucked. From the moment she woke until the time she crawled into the blanket of the bed at the church.

His bed.

She had slipped into the church at some late hour. Things were quiet. Noone was around. Which was fine. It gave her time to look around but eventually she simply found herself at the door to his room. She had entered and slipped into the bed, covering herself up until the blanket barely swept over her shoulders. Curled against her chest were both of the bears. Even though she hadn't fallen asleep yet she still huddled them close and stared at the wall from over the very edge of the blanket.

She was tired. Really tired. The crying that came with shouting only dragged her down even more. She probably shouldn't of shouted at Correy like she had..

She had brought cake for Toby to give to Mayu and searched when he didn't show up.

Was he really avoiding her? He told her he always wanted to see her so that..that couldn't be it..

And...he didn't forget. He wouldn't. He couldn't. He never would!!

And...he wasn't...he couldn't be hurt..

So then ..what?

"Nhhh.." She didn't want to think about it anymore. It was a stupid!! She should of never gotten excited about it in the first place. Besides..he gave her her birthday present early. And it was a breathtaking, awe-inspiring gift. But still..

His absence was felt.

It made her worry about his and Mayu's well beings but seeing how she was given no entrance to the building she couldn't check up on either one of them. But they had to be okay. They were in a very safe building..

The bears were squished tighter and she closed her eyes. She tried to nestle her face between the bears. One of them, she wasn't sure which, held a bare sliver of his scent. It made her eyes water but she buried her face more to wrap herself in the fluffy warmth.

For the first time in a while she fell asleep on her own. Rather..she cried herself to sleep but she slept none the less. Slept away the rest of the day that ached far too greatly to of really been any good.

Katt Batten

Date: 2010-12-16 09:01 EST
.: Dec 15th - Late Morning :.

She woke sore and sluggish. If you could call it waking. After the initial hour she had spent most of her time tossing and turning. Sleep caught here and there only to be tugged awake by a dream or two..or several. She remembered waking up a few times with tears drenching her cheeks. Her throat didn't hurt so she didn't scream..? Maybe..

Sighing she crawled out of the bed, taking the time to tuck the sheets properly into place before she took leave of the room. Slow and steady she made her way down the hall, a limp in step keeping her from really rushing out of the church. Not like she was really in a hurry anyways.

"Have you gone to see Sera yet? Has she woken up yet?"

She blinked slowly at the voice that rose over the railing and she shuffled over to peer down into the area below. There were a couple of nuns down there. Talking about..Sera?

"Yes, and I don't know. Sister Matilda was there and wouldn't let anyone in the room."

"That's understandable.."

A frown tipped her lips. Something had happened? There was a gentle tug of an urge to go check on the small nun. After all..Sera was always taking care of her.

"It's a shame..a funeral this close to Christmas, Lord have mercy, this time should be about celebration and rejoicing!! Not the murdering of young people."

Her throat tightened. Someone..died?

"Has that bastard Toby been seen? Hiding with his tail between his legs? Patrick was right about him all along, and look where it got him."

Her face deadpanned at what she heard and she sneered down at the nuns below. She had the right mind to tell them off. Something...

"Zenny was the last one to have seen him."

"'I heard she consorts with demons all the time.. And we let that witch protect the church?"

"Sera hasn't been eating.. I hope she's alright.. I mean, I know she can't be alright, but it's not just her, her baby's in danger as well.."

Blink. Sera..was with child. Her lips pursed. Wow..Patrick and Sera were going to be parents..But who died? And...why was Sera bedridden?

"I know. But what else can we do? What can we say..?"

"We can pray for her!!"

"Don't sound so excited about it.."

She was so caught up in her own thoughts and listening that she didn't hear the two nuns approaching her. It was the clearing of a throat that caught her attention followed by the voice. "Take a wrong turn on your way back to Hell, did you?" The voice was ice cold and caused her head to snap around. A blink was made at the stare that the two nuns were giving her. Colder as the tone, if not colder.

"Uhh..?" She shuddered under the glares.

Before she could say any more the nun turned up her nose and walked off. The other, who Katt knew didn't talk, frowned at her and turned to follow after the first.

What..was going on?!

Turning she started down the stairs with a frown, pausing at the end when she heard a pair of kids.

"Aunty Sera's weal sick. And dey said somefin's wrong wiff Uncle Patwick too."

"'Everybody was yelling and screaming and everything!! Grown ups can do all the fun stuff.."

Something..happened with Sera and Patrick. Toby was involved? Or were they grasping at straws again like ... Shaking her head she turned and yelped out when a ruler brazed past her nose. "AH! What the hell!?"

"'The Lord's house isn't meant for the likes of you, she-demon! And if you see your murdering he-demon, pass along that message." Agatha's beady eyes were glaring at her.

All she got was a blink which quickly turned into narrowed greens. Before she could reply she found Agatha brandishing that ruler in her direction again.

"'I know that my status in this church has been in question of late, but make no mistake, protecting the Lord's house has been and will always be my first priority. You and that he-demon of yours have been like wolves in sheep's clothing, charming your way past these good people's defenses. We shall have no more that. Remove yourself from this holy place immediately."

Katt squished herself against the wall as the nun spoke, trying to avoid the ruler that was swiping the air. Suddenly she growled and found herself barking out without even realizing. "What the hell do you know you old biddy?! You don't know sh*t!! And you stop referring to him as that!" She felt the need to smack the nun. In the worse way possible.

Agatha's eyes rounded in surprise and quickly clenched tight at the ruler. A swing was made to either smack Katt one or just swipe the air really close. Either way Katt dodged out of the way. "How dare you speak to me in such a manner. After all that the both of you have put me and these good people through? Do you show no regard, no respect? Out!"

It didn't take much after that. The glares, whispers, and various other things she got from the nuns in the nave as she made for the door caused her heart to clench. She knew that look.

Disgusted. Hatred. They stared at her as if she were a monster...

Swallowing she opened the doors to slip out into the cold. Shaken hands placed the bears into her bag and the hairpin was drawn out. She wrote a quick message to Zenny to request a meeting. Zenny could just message her back when she was ready with time and place. Zenny..was the last one to see Toby. She would know more about the situation and why the church was in a craze.

Limping down the steps she decided to check outside the apartment for him. She could wait a little while. And she did. For hours she waited, hoping one or both would show up. When neither did? She started checking places she knew..places she hoped..

She was worried..

Katt Batten

Date: 2010-12-24 01:05 EST
.: Dec 23 - Early Morning :.

The unusual ache in her body was overthrown by a sting of bitter anger and thus allowed for a more brisk, powerful stride down the streets. An attempt to be rid of the useless energy that swelled in her system thanks to Correy.

Men are dogs, Katt. Really they are. Don't be so trusting.

Of course she trusted Toby. Even if he didn't believe it, or so he said, she did. Really she did. It was herself she didn't trust. She had allowed her fear to get in the way one too many times and it had hurt him. She hated it. And she wasn't going to allow it to happen again. No matter what anyone said nor no matter what people in her past had hammered into her head.

The longer he's away, the more likely he'll stay away.

Her teeth clenched and she hissed out in the cold morning air. If it hadn't of been the fact they were in the inn would she of attacked him? She had been mere seconds from slamming the kitchen door into his face that much was sure and she knew the only reason she didn't hit him was because of the incident with the church. A repeat of that wasn't needed.

Correy didn't know anything. He didn't know Toby. He didn't know her. He didn't know sh*t!! And Toby promised..Promised he'd never leave. And she knew him. She knew him better then anyone else. He wouldn't do that. He wouldn't do that to her. No matter how upset he was with her.

...He still loved her...

He was taking care of Mayu and keeping her safe. He was in mourning too.

Her heart sank and a measure of the anger faded. She wanted to be there for him. The memory of what Zenny said about him not saying anything left her picturing him sitting with a blank stare. Wordless. It made her frown and the anger broke away into heavy concern.

Sighing her hand rose up to rub her face. Hopefully the scarf helped. Hopefully he was trying to get a little sleep. And eat. He had to be...

Taking a corner she grunted when a pair of hands firmly grasped her shoulders, keeping her at bay. Lowering her hand she tilted her gaze up to the semi-familiar face.

"Whoa there. Hey! There is a face I've not seen in a while!" Several pats were made to her shoulders as the firm hands left her shoulders.

"Zenus ...." The name escaped her in a tone that barely rid high above a whisper. Raspy and drained.

A smile started to split the young man's smooth face. He seemed proud that she remembered his name. "Yeah. How's it going? You are looking...Sick. Are you feeling all right?"

She could feel his eyes giving her the once over even as she was looking over his shoulder to the figure tucked inside a dark cloak. From the spill of white from the hood she figured it to be Ion. The stoic expression the lips held only furthered it. "Just feeling a little under the weather.."

"You should take better care of yourself." He chimed far more cheerful.

She grunted quietly and took a few steps back, hands slipping down into the pockets of her coat. "I have been. There are just some things I can't help right now.."

Zenus frowned at her and tilted his head. "Really? Like..?"

She shook her head sharply and tilted her gaze to him. "Nothing I wish to talk about.." Steps where taken to walk around him but instead of letting her go on her way he turned and started to walk with her. Ion took her other side. She she was being escorted...

"Oh. I guess there are things that a monster shouldn't let the world know, right?"

His causal..made her stumble. Or was it her leg giving out for a brief moment. Stopping she turned her attention to him and glared. Her gaze could of sliced through diamonds. She watched as both his hands shot up in defense.

"Whoa! Hey! I am just repeating what I heard around the church!"

His defense made her grunt and she jerked her attention from him. Steps were resumed, a much quicker pace meant to place distance between herself and the twins. Space that didn't happen. Both followed hot on her heels.

"Come on! Don't be mad at me! It is just something I heard from the church. They are saying a lot o-"

"Shuddup, Zenus!!" She barked out as loud as her throat would allow. The two words scratched at her throat, causing them to rattle. He did as told as well as stopped in his tracks. She didn't care. Just kept on moving. "Not everything that is rumored around that place is true. Specially about Toby."

"There is that name again. That guy is the talk of the church!"

His voice was closing in. He was following again. She grunted quietly and raised a hand to rub at her eyebrows. Palm swept over to her left cheek and eventually down to the scar at her neck.


She grunted at the single word and shot a icy stare over her shoulder. "So?"

"Who is he? You obviously know him and your name comes up once in a while when his does."

"Toby is my best friend and boyfriend." She laid it out all nice and neat.

"Whoa! You got a ..Aw sorry Ion! She's taken!"

There had been no reaction from Ion. He was just walking along in that silent state of his. She had often found herself wondering if he was even alive he was so quiet..

"Yeah..I'm spoken for. And I always will be.."

"Soo...where is he? What does he look like?" An assortment of questions followed but she only really heard two.

"Umm..He's taller then me. Eyes like.." She flicked her fingers across the crystal around her neck before gathering and holding it up. "Shaded like this..and his hair is ginger-ish"

Zenus' eyes went huge. "Oh wow! I've seen him! He helped out rebuilding the orphanage. Haven't seen him in a while. He's sort of broody looking. Always wearing-" She watched as Zenus' lips took on a scowl. It left shortly after appearing.

"Yeah..that's him." Though she was pretty sure that he wasn't going to be helping out with the orphanage anytime soon. Mayu was more important. That and the people at the church..

She slowed in the yard of the dojo and turned to face them, stopping them from going any closer. Both looked over to the looming building then to her.

"So this is where you are staying now?" Zenus ventured and she simply shrugged to it.

"Sorta. I've been working on fixing it up a little so I stay on and off.." she replied a bit tiredly.

Zenus' head bobbed, his hair bouncing around his face. "And other times?" She found herself raising a brow to the question and he grinned at her. "You know! In case I need to find you and point a blaming finger for doing something!"

She knew he was joking but it made her frown all the same. "Not funny..."

He pouted and waved a hand out. "Fine don't tell me! Anyways we should go! We promised Sister Isabella that we were going to bring back some toys from the city for the kiddies."

"Oh. That's nice of you." She nodded to them off as they turned and started to walk back the way they had came.

"Yep!" He waved to her from over his shoulder. "Later! And Merry Christmas!"

She grunted loudly at the two words. Frowning she watched the two until the distance had eaten them up. Sighing to herself she turned and moved into the dojo. The walls weren't going to paint themselves.

Katt Batten

Date: 2010-12-25 04:23 EST
.: Dec 23rd - Late Evening :.

She didn't quite know why she was out and about. Being in the dojo left a heavy sensation on her chest that she couldn't even begin to shake. It was like someone or something had been sitting on her chest. Made it hard to breath or really even focus on anything particular.

She knew the reason...

The open air helped. Winter's crisp, cold air wasn't that bad and she was dressed in something that was meant to keep her warm. It felt weird to wear the knitted hat and gloves. The scarf was okay but she constantly found herself missing the overly large scarf.

The marketplace was lit up with Christmas cheer. Well what was meant to be Christmas cheer that is. Even the lights did very little to cheer her mood. There were people singing songs and laughter was everywhere. There was even a big statue or something of the sort that looked like the big man in the red suit. Santa. She still had very little clue who he was. The knowledge extended to a 'magical man' who gave good boys and girls gifts and the ...bad ..coal? There was lights galore and people were dressed in an assortment of colors. The bustle was more interesting that was for sure. People seemed almost in more of a rush.

None of the faces were the ones she was searching out.

She continued to walk the streets like normal, eventually coming to a house that music seemed to of sprouted from. The lights decorating the house seemed to dance with the music. Flickering on and off, shimmering their colors to the beat that was going. She found particular interest in the ones that looked like something was bouncing along the ground. It was..neat. Fascinating even.

She felt a tug on her sleeve and her eyes drifted down to the small child at her side. She recognized him. "Michael?" The young boy's name left her lips in an hushed whisper.

Before she could look up she saw the boy being torn away from her side. When her gaze did reach up she saw Corey staring at her. No. He wasn't staring. He was glaring. Approaching behind him was Isabella, carrying what looked to be the kitten she had left to Michael and Tabitha's care.

"Oh Katt. I've been looking for you." Isabella spoke up first though her tone, she found, was hardly warm. Nor were her normally gentle blue eyes.

The kitten was thrust in her direction and with confusion she reached out to take it. "Mrmm...?" Oh kitty happy insta-purr.

"We think it's a good idea you take him back. Some of the other people at the church are aware that it came from you and have been...very unkind to the poor creature."

The information caused her to frown almost instantly. "But it's just a kitten...." Said kitten was tucked into the coat, cradled happily in the pocket of the sweater. It's growing size was noted but it still fitted since the pocket was so long.

The sister nodded her head to show she understood even as she turned partly towards the group of kids. Among them was another pair of adults she had never seen before.

Both were obviously not human by the shape of their long ears that poked from their hair. One was a very cheerful young woman with raggedly cut short red hair and brilliant cobalt eyes. She was quite elegant dressed in a winter wear and a hairpin that Katt found to be rather interesting. The other, who was at least a foot taller than the woman, was a man who could of been older. With elven kin it was hard to tell age. His features were sharp and his lips seemed to have a permanent frown. The bushy white hair was a sharp contrast to the bronze flesh and hard steely gaze.

Her attention fell to Michael who had been ushered back to the group. Complaining the whole way. If it wasn't for Corey attempting to hold him back she had little doubt the boy would of been back at her side. It made her frown that she couldn't hear what Corey was saying but after the elven woman had taken Michael into arm he made his way back over to her and Isabella. Elven man in his wake.

She didn't like the way Corey was watching her. She knew that look. Like he was expecting her to attack or something horrible. Like she was... Frowning she looked to Isabella. "Who is saying bad things about the kitten?"

"We just think it's best if the kids had nothing to do with a monster like you." Corey quickly replied before Isabella had a chance to speak. Both women blinked at him but it didn't seem to stop him. "You and your monstrosity of a boyfriend.."

"Corey stop it." Isabella tried to cut him off.

"I will not! Stock and trade is deceiving their enemies. And they wormed their way into the church like the filth they are. Specially that Toby. You had heard Patrick. He just..used-"

"Shut up.." she snarled quietly as Corey rambled.

"-us! And look what he's done! He has caused havoc in the church! He has killed people related to the church! He kill Patrick! Probably to-"

"I said..shut up..." The words became louder then the quite tone she had been keeping of late. It registered more of a growl.

"- silence Patrick. Poor Sera...and her child.."

"Corey that is enough.." Isabella's tone was hushed. Katt wasn't sure if Isabella was agreeing with him or not. She wasn't making all that much of an attempt to shut him up!

"So where is he?" Corey's attention hadn't left her and he crudely ignored Isabella which to date Katt had never seen before. "He's not with you so..HA! Look at you! Haaa!" She blinked at Corey as he laughed. "He probably tossed you away once you were all used up too, huh? Surprised he didn't just kill you too! Guess Demons don't kill each other."

She had left her spot so swiftly that the sentence was barely finished. A fist went flying for Corey's face and she felt the cheekbone crunch under the force. Before he even went flying she quickly grabbed his collar with one hand while the other claimed the same cheek in another blow. She landed with him. On him. Both hands curled into his collar and she pinned him into the snow. Her lips twitched into a snarl. She didn't care if people talked about her like that. She was use to it. But talking about that. He didn't deserve it. "What the HELL do you know?!" She snarled down at him, canines showing past her lips that sent Corey into a wide-eyed panic. "Toby did NOT kill Patrick! Do you f*cking hear me?! You people don't know sh*t!"

She felt a pair of hands land on her shoulders and attempt to yank her off. Both knees tilted and her legs tightened at Corey's ribs. She sneered angrily at Corey and released his shirt in order to punch his face again. It was a lot less damaging then the first if only because at the same time she had been yanked off. That was fine. She still got the satisfaction of feeling the bone of his face smash more inward. He shrieked loudly which was silenced by her heel swinging out to his ribs. If she broke some she wasn't aware, swung around by the collar of the coat like she was a piece of meat.

"Enough out of you creature!" The elven man had a thick, booming voice and both her hands went up to clench his wrists. He had some sort of metal wrapping them that she couldn't see due to the sleeves of the coat but that didn't mean she didn't clench on hard. Hard enough to dent whatever metal to nip at the wrists. He shoved her away and she stumbled a few feet.

She nearly collapsed thanks to her thigh but managed, somehow, to keep her footing.

They stared at each other long and hard. She did notice that Isabella had ran over toward Corey to assist him. He was coughing up blood. She smelled it on the crisp winter air.

"Corey what's wrong with you, saying those things." She heard Isabella scowling Corey.

"She used us too! She h-h-hurt you too!" He whined in his own defense. "She's no better than those beasts that k-"

She heard children crying and it drowned out the rest of their conversation. It was what caused her eyes to tear from the elven man. All of the children were clinging to the elven woman. All save Michael. He was just staring at her with wide-eyed surprise.

The look made her turn away.

Clenching her eyes she started to walk away. The space between herself and the group couldn't of grown fast enough.

They were wrong. Stupid church. Stupid rumors. Stupid Corey for not keeping his mouth shut!!

Katt Batten

Date: 2010-12-25 06:40 EST
.: Dec 24th - Late Evening :.

The walk back the Zen had taken some time but she had everything she needed at least. While she couldn't quite give Mayu a Christmas present, both because of her memory but also because of ...well..Mayu didn't like her..., she still wanted to do something. She wanted to do something to show she did care. Mayu had always been an important influence in her life. Even if she didn't remember....

Several assortment of things had been gathered with the intentions on making a 'goodie basket'. It had taken a while to gather everything she wanted to and she kept arguing with herself about doing it. She still wasn't sure that doing it was a good idea but..she wanted to do something. She also had no clue how she was going to get it to her.

She had an idea for Toby's gift too but that itself was going to be an interesting feat.

Dipping her head she sighed out and hugged the bags she carried all the more closer. She hated the situation and that she could do nothing but sit on the sideline without knowing ..anything. Well she knew certain things and they only aided in making her feel that much more worthless.

Before she knew it she had made her way into the small loft and the bags were placed on the kitchen cabinet for her to work with later on. A track from the kitchen area to the makeshift bed was short and she glanced off to the side towards the hanging picture.

His nearly three week absence was eating at her far worse then when he had to 'disappear'. Mayu and Toby..were both in danger. She hadn't seen either in so long. She knew she wasn't suppose to fret but still.. Toby would of normally at least of left a note or..something. Anything to let her know he was okay. He had to know how worried she was. Specially after...

Her gaze tore away from the picture and she rose a hand to dab at the corner of her eyes. She wasn't going to cry no matter how much her body and heart ached. She had done enough of that. She just..needed to keep believing.

The knitted gloves were pulled from her hands and she flinched at the twinging pain in her right hand. It was a well worth pain and she never thought herself to punch someone of the church that hard. The gloves were tossed onto the bed and she kept on her way until she reached the small table near the balcony door. Scooping up one of the two snowglobes that adored it while the other hand slid the door open. Cold air started to seep into the room but was closed off after she had stepped out.

Against the wall she slowly started to sink down until her rear touched the cold floor of the balcony, legs curled to her chest with ankles crossed and tucked as close as they could be to her body. The snowglobe was held between her hands, the smooth glass surface traced with her thumbs. While it snowed inside the globe she was more watching the flowers and the real snow that ever so often fell upon the globe's crown.

Sighing she lowered her cheek to the curve of her elbow and just stared up to the skies above. The sky was nice. Snow fluttered gently, dusting things in a shimmering coat. It did very little to comfort her but it was still nice to watch.

She must of been there for some time and just zoned out because there was a lot more snow coating the space around her then she remembered. The sudden warm slide against her thigh and ankle had snapped her back to the world. It was okay that she zoned out though. She was dressed in both a sweater and the oversized coat. She wasn't really all that cold but the warmth that passed by was a startling difference. Tilting her gaze down she smiled a touch at the gray and white kitten that was nuzzling and passing by her ankle. Kitty McKitten was hungry for attention and the small creature's body radiated a warmth that could be felt through he jeans. And a loud demanding purr when it realized that it had been spotted.

Stretching out her legs she gave up her lap for the little creature to take and it wasted no time making itself all comfy. She watched as it circled and settled down into a fluffy little ball. The snowglobe was settled against her stomach and hugged close with one hand while the other moved to pet the small creature. It meowed, whiskers trembling. She wasn't sure if that was a sign of 'Stop touching me! Trying to sleep here!' or contentment for being petted. Either way her hand settled on the kitten's back and she looked back up to the sky.

As if held some great answer..

Katt Batten

Date: 2011-01-04 14:47 EST
.: Jan 3rd - Afternoon :.

There was a touch more color to her face but the blank expression she had been wearing most of the day hadn't faded. Physically she was no longer in pain. Her leg had healed up right nice and the -need- was sated for now. But there was still that deep emotional pain that left her dragging her feet. Not literal but in time it just may end up happening.

Quite frankly she didn't know what to make of things and that was what hurt the most. He seemed so distant. Miles away even though he was right before her. He didn't trust her. Kept saying 'I'll believe you' as if she had lied to him.

Maybe that was why this..him being so distant hurt so deeply.

No. It was because she hurt him.

Why...Why did she have to go and listen to Zenny? Why did she have to be so damn afraid of herself and the idea that someone could actually, honestly, love her?

She hated that she hurt him but she didn't want to lose him because of it. Not when she was finally able to completely believe...

Looking up at the Zen she sighed. She didn't even realize she had gotten there nor did she really want to be there. She wanted to be with him. Rubbing her face she entered and started her way to her room. Several tears had to be swiped away and lucky for her she didn't hit anything on the way.

He had lead her to believe it had been okay. That things would get better. They didn't. They got worse..And worse..and ...

Her mouth opened in a quiet sob as her hands combed through her hair and she had to stop herself from walking.

He didn't even leave her notes anymore. That ..sorta really hurt in itself. She had told him how important they were to her. And the fact he didn't....stay with her anymore...

She sniffed and continued walking. She knew the way and could walk with her eyes closed. In this case was probably a bad thing. When she got to the door she grunted when her feet met something solid that wasn't the door. Slowly her eyes opened and she glanced down to the box set out in front of her door. The wooden box caused a fear that sent her stomach up into her throat.

Last time she got a delivery...


The wooden box was stared at, limbs shaking which made it hard to dip down and collect the box.

There...was no way Tylor was back..right? Toby was okay..

"N...No.." She shook her head and clenching the box tight she quickly took off into a run. The stairs she had taken up were taken down much swifter. She broke from the Zen and into the streets without pausing to so much as dry her face.

She took to the city to find Toby.

This....That..wasn't going to happen again. This box..It wasn't..

No. She wasn't going to panic just yet.

Well...Panic more..

Katt Batten

Date: 2011-01-15 16:34 EST
.: Jan 15th - Afternoon :.


Pupiless greens blinked and turned up towards the sister who was looking at her with a gaze that was caught between bewildered and startled. "Mrmmm?" The questioning sound came soft and confused. Not just because of the look she was given but because of the fact..she had no clue when she had gotten to the church or even stopped before the nun.

"My goodness. Are you okay?"

Head tilting she peered to her surroundings before her eyes settled back on Isabella who was still looking at her in a state of confusion. "How..long have I been here?"

This raised confusion all the more and the nun shook her head. "A matter of minutes. At least inside the church. I do not know how long you were outside of it. Are you a-"

She raised a hand to stop the question from being asked again. She didn't want to answer it. She was so far from being okay that it wasn't funny. "Has Zenny returned yet?"

"Zenny? Not that I am aware of. I believe her assistants are taking care of her duties here." There was a pause in her words. "Katt you should go lay down. You do not look well."

"Where is Matilda?"

"Sister Matilda? I don't know. I can go look if you wish to speak with her."

"Yeah. I'll be in Toby's room while I wait." Words spoken as she dipped passed the nun and started towards the stairs. Maybe she could make it there without being spotted by anyone else. "And tell Sera I am here too." Sera might want to say Hi. She didn't know.

"Okay." Isabella watched Katt start way up the stairs and once the first break had been taken she turned and started on the task set for her.

Rubbing her face Katt sighed. She should of stayed at the inn. Stayed-

"What are you doing here?"

She nearly groaned at the familiar voice and peered around her fingers at Corey. "Listen. I am here to help someone important to me so just back the hell off.."

Corey scowled at her but shoved past her. His shoulder bumped her own purposely and she tilted from the impact. "Worthless piece of- You shouldn't even be allowed in the church. Why is it that the protective barrier on this place doesn't keep you out." He stopped at the base of the stairs. "I could care less about your reason. You don't belong here. Just get out and stay out." He started down the stairs, leaving her no less surprised then when she had seen him.

Her hand double timed against her face, rubbing till she saw stars behind her eyelids. Fumbling for the door it was nudged open and she slipped inside. Once the door was closed she made for the window and nudged it open. She half expected to see Sera out in the snow at Patrick's grave. The familiar scenery was stared at and a tickling sensation on her cheek made her raise a hand.

Tears? She rubbed at them until they smeared and dried. Turning from the window she slowly paced towards the bed.

Questions began to arise. How did she get there? When did she? Last thing she could remember was leaving the inn despite her want to stay there. She remembered wanting to go to the Zen and drop off the kitten. Maybe get a little sleep before resuming her attempt at finding Zenny or her assistant.

Blinking her hands lowered to the coat, patting around her stomach.

The kitten wasn't there.

Grunting she collapsed to the edge of the bed and lowered her face into her hands. A pause in the rubbing of her face when she felt an ache of pain. The curved mark on her brow was rubbed at. When did that happen? Maybe she had bumped into something at the Zen. Had she slept?

It really didn't matter anymore. She was at the church now and waiting. Hopefully Isabella would find Matilda soon and she could get some information out of the older woman.

Katt Batten

Date: 2011-01-16 00:53 EST
.: Jan 15th - Early Evening :.

A soft knock at the door snapped her out of her daze. Sleep..Whatever it was. Eyes groggily rolled open and her cheeks tilted into her palms in order to look at the door. How long had she been sitting there?

Flinching she sat up, a pain at the base of her spine letting her know she had been sitting slouched for far too long. Stretching out she stood just as the second knock came. It was followed by a soft voice.


She knew that kind, gentle voice. "It's okay to come in..." There was some period between saying that and when the door opened. She recognized the flaxen haired one and she managed a little smile for her. "Hello, Sera."

The smile was returned softly. The door was closed behind her. "Isab-bella said you were h-here."

She moved closer and gestured to the bed, offering it for Sera to sit. It was humbly declined with a shake of her head. Lowering her hand she nodded a bit. "Yeah I came to see if Zenny had showed up or if I could talk to Matilda."

"O-oh?" Sera blinked at her. "Do y-you need healing f-for.."

She felt Sera's eyes and peered at her confusedly. Why was Sera looking at her in concern. Raising a hand she rubbed her forehead. "Oh it's nothing. Just a lil scratch. No..I am really trying to find Zenny and..I haven't had any luck. I really need her help. I need.." She needed to know if Zenny could help Mayu. There had to be a way. There had to save her...

"I'm s-sorry, K-Katt. I h-haven't seen Zenny or Mat-tilda here. H-her, Zenny's, assistants h-haven't been around the ch-church in some time either."

Sera's news hanged heavy and her eyes lowered to the ground. "I know I don't have the right to ask but if you see one of them can you have them contact me or Toby? Toby is staying at the inn and you have the addresses where I will be. Please.." Her eyes rose up, their murky green holding a deep plead. "It is utmost importance..."

She watched Sera's golden curls bounce as she nodded. "Of c-course.." Sera's hands smoothed over the slight round of her belly. There in there...

"Thank you.." It faded from her lips and she sighed. What more could she do? Turning away she scratched her nails through her scalp, flinching when she felt several other scrapes in odd positioning along her head. It didn't matter. She wasn't that worried about it. She just wanted to know where Zenny was. Why did Zenny..Why did Matilda..Why did they have to be gone?!

"Katt?" She heard the concern in Sera's voice.

Turning she shook her head and smiled faintly. "Thank you, Sera. For your help. Oh!" She blinked and tilted faintly, opening the bag at her hip to dig around inside. Funny how her arms almost went to the elbow in that bag. It was pretty neat actually. Pulling out a few containers she offered them towards Sera. "These are for you."

Sera's small hands took the containers and she started to open them. There were a number of candies and pastries that made Sera squeal.

It made her smile a little at the sight. It was a ghost of a smile but a smile none the less. "I hope you like them.." Turning her head she looked at the door, hearing bustling on the other side of the door. "I should..probably go.."

"Oh!! H-have you e-eaten today? M-Marlena said there would be h-ham!!" Sera piped up.

She blinked and peered at her, slowly shaking her head. She hadn't. Not to her knowledge. Like before Sera somehow got her into getting some food from the kitchen. She spent a few hours in Sera's company while they ate. It was slightly amazing how much the small woman could eat. The conversation was light during the time but through it she couldn't help but feel upset that she once again had no luck with finding Zenny.

In parting she made a promise to bring more goodies. An excuse maybe to see the small nun again. Luckily the escape from the church was uneventful for both herself and Sera.

Rubbing her face she sighed into her palm, the cold afternoon air doing little for her. Shaking her head she started down the street with the idea of checking a few places.

Katt Batten

Date: 2011-01-16 22:40 EST
.: Jan 16th - Early Morning :.

She listened silently on the other side of the door until she could no longer hear Correy's footsteps. Everything hurt. Whatever was touched was like needles against her flesh. Painful and agonizing. The cup of cocoa that she had been carrying was released to the spot where she thought the kitchen counter was. She wasn't paying attention and it tipped off the end. When it landed it exploded into a murky mess. She didn't seem to notice and kept walking across the loft. different. And it has been for..probably a lot longer than I want to figure out. But that doesn't mean I don't still care about you, still- I don't want to hurt you with this, Katt. But if I leave it alone..

He didn't just hurt her. He tore the very life from her. That look he gave alone started it and his words...

She did find it a little surprising that the coldness that overtook her..didn't come with any blackouts.


She still needed to be there for him. She still needed to be there for Mayu. Even if Mayu hated her.....

Empty, lifeless gaze swept over the makeshift bed. She felt like she had lost..everything. Greens stopped on the kitten fast asleep. She apparently had brought it home. That was good. It brought her absolutely no comfort, however.

Without warning her body collapsed forward, landing on the blanket covered for hard enough that it stole her breath away. It didn't matter and she made no attempt to move her body. Her head tilted so her cheek was on the sheet and she looked over to the picture hanging on the wall. It lasted a whole two seconds before she rolled onto her side and balled up. Pillow brought to her face she screamed. Screamed out the pain and agony. The scream had nothing on the screams that Tylor pulled out of her. Had nothing on anything anyone had gotten from her.

She screamed until her lungs were empty and once she inhaled she repeated. And repeated. Until there was nothing left. Tears were soaked into the waiting pillow for hours on end until her body simply couldn't continue.

The pillow fell away from her face a little and she noticed that Kitty was sitting a few inches away, staring at her. Reaching out her hand settled against the kitten's head. And shoved the small fluffy thing away. Once the motion had been done her hand dropped against the blanket. The shove did nothing to detour the small creature and it scampered back into place if not closer.

She sighed at it and closed her eyes. Her head was pounding painfully. Made a thumping pain behind her eyelids.

It ached with the rest of her.

She...didn't know what to do. She didn't want this. She be with him. Wanted him to love her again.

Mayu had told her to be positive even during the worse time.. How..was she suppose to be positive? What? Maybe Toby would love her again? Would take her back? She didn't see that happening. As much as she wanted it....

Her body tensed and tightened and she curled up as hard as she could. As much as it much as it broke her..She needed to be there. She told him she would be there for him. And she wanted to.. Even if seeing him would hurt. Even if being near him would tear away at her...

Her head rocked back and her eyes closed. Many more tears spilled before her body finally gave into sleep.

Katt Batten

Date: 2011-01-17 03:14 EST
Platform of earth crumbling away, building walls in same form floated in the set of skies red like fresh fallen blood. Below twilight. An abyss of darkness with speckles of light that faded in and out of existence. The soft glow of moonlight caressed over a lone figure sitting on a gilded chair fitted with maroon cushioning.

A somber expression was set upon pale features. Pupiless greens lacked the life that they once made them shine. They stared forward into the nothingness that stretched on before her for eternity and beyond.

"Does it really ssssurprise you, child? That he sssso readily gave up on you when he knowssss? Do you really think he actually loved you?"

She didn't respond to the snake-like voice. It crept into her ear with no physical form behind it. It was dark and eerie. She had heard it before somewhere but her mind didn't want to try and figure where....

There was silence for a number of moments before a voice started to fill the air. A familiar voice..

'A monster such as you shall never know what it is to be truly loved. Neither by that of family or by a lover. You are nothing more then a tool to be used and discarded.'

Something brushed over her hair softly as if trying to sooth her. She felt the scrape of claws. Talons? She didn't look. The voices..they rang in her ears and caused her heart to twist painfully in her chest.

"You have nothing. No friendsss. No love. No hopesss.. What do you have to live for now?"


"You what? Mussst be there for people who don't even want you there? That girl. Mayu. What are you to her? Nothing. And the boy you love ssso dearly? Nothing. Thossse people that call you friend? They think you a kind girl. They do not know the sssoulesssss creature you are." The large hand left the crown of her head, sweeping forward over her shoulder. It was coated in glossy blue-tinted black scales.

"I..." Her head lowered and her hands rose up to hide her face. She sobbed quietly into her waiting palms.

"The two people that you cherisssh most. Who are important. They hate you."

"Stop it.." She sobbed softly, her shoulders shaking as a third word was strained out amongst the pain that swept through her.

"You sssspent all thisss time in an illusssion that the boy loved you."




"Faked... For how long? After you finally were able to get passst your doubtsss of yourssself? He didn't even want to think about how far he had been faking."

He hadn't wanted her to think he had been faking over what he felt. She knew that. He even..stated it ..sorta. And he couldn't fake something that was there. Or no longer there.. That was why..

She jerked slightly when the chair started to sink, a number of limbs stretching out from the twilight below began to clench her legs. Crawling up in their cold grasp. Clinging. Pulling her down.

"You were just a temporary tool to easse hisss pain. You no longer do sssoo and now are no longer ussseful to him. He isss through with you."

"Hhhhh...S...shut up....." She tried to pull away from the blackness that was crawling up her legs, pulling her into the pit of darkness. The figure behind her chair did nothing in attempt to help her.

"Not even a bessst friend. Maybe not even a friend judging by hisss actionsss and wordsss."

Her head rocked back as the hands clenched at her face, wrapping well past her shoulders. Like quicksand. She couldn't get away. It was just..consuming her.

"No.. No. I don't..I don't believe it. I won't." It was a lie. That wasn't Toby. He wouldn't of done that to her. He had loved her. She should of dealt with it alone..She hurt him..and she was paying the price.

The creature finally swooped forward to look at her. Her cheeks were cradled by the darkness, making it impossible for her to move away from the sight. It looked almost draconic in appearance. It's drawn back lips showed a number of sharpened teeth and canines that were..familiar. It hovered above her, laughing in a way that sent a shudder down her spine.

"You are nothing." It got closer to her. She felt no warmth from breath. She felt..cold..and it was growing dark as the pit finally consumed her completely. "And you are alone."


"Nnhhh.." She attempted to twisted weakly against the sheets of the makeshift bed. She couldn't move. Some force was keeping her from really doing so.

Hovering above the dark cloaked figure withdrew it's hand from her forehead, the crescent wound on her brow from before was renewed. Vital slowly creeping it's way in a path down between her eyes and along the side of her nose. From the sides of her face, sides of her neck, arms, and sides several slender appendages dislodged from her flesh, sliding back into place under the cloak. The cloaked figure turned sharply to look at it's companion sitting on the edge of the blankets.

The sleek canine like creature had sat, watching the dream manipulation in silence. Swirling marks of blue glistened against the obsidian that made up the creature's furry coat. The marks were matched by blue, glowing eyes. "Have you learned anything new?"

The figure, shrouded in the fine cloak of shadows gave a slow nod. "Aye. It seems things have transpired in our favor. She has no more will. No real drive."

"Is that so" The creature's head tilted to the paralyzed figure. "Then we shall return to the Master and give a full report. See what he wishes us to do."

"I suppose I should correct myself." The figure turned and stared across the room at the kitten who was hissing from it's hiding place. "She still holds a very strong attachment to the male and female. Harming them would probably not be advised."

"That shouldn't be too hard considering how things have turned out." An amused sound came from the creature as it drew up to it's paws and shook out. Tampered ears flicking as it too looked over to the hissing kitten. "It seems Rais has lost our little bet. He actually thought she had a chance."

"Hmm. She still may." The figure released, turning and joining at the side of the canine.

"Still? I think not. If he still cares it may very well be because he has known her for so long and they hold ties."

"Perhaps. But she still loves him. Still trusts him even if part of her feels betrayed. She still has hope that one day he will love her again and sees that she believes in him."

The creature snorted and shook itself out again. "I thought you said she has lost her drive?"

"It is something that is deeply seeded. He is her chosen one after all. If she lost hope -" The figure's words continued on even as the two of them were swallowed up by spheres of dark light. Not a trace was left of the two.

After half an hour or so the kitten finally inched from it's hiding place and made it's way towards Katt. She looked pale and there were a number of paper thin wounds, half an inch long, that marked in lines where the thin appendages had been. Her breathing was rasp, as if she were having trouble filling her lungs. The small kitten meowled at her, cold little nose poking at her cheek and eyelid as it sniffed along her face.

She didn't feel it.

Katt Batten

Date: 2011-01-20 22:22 EST
.: Jan 20th - Evening :.

A struggle but her eyes opened. Unknown to her she had slept days away. Rolling onto her side she tried to sit up. Her body struggled with the concept, shaking violently as she pushed her hand into the blankets. Shaken breath fell from her dried lips. A breath that didn't want to be released and burned.

Empty eyes rolled up to the door of the balcony. It was nighttime. She really hadn't slept that long and she felt like..she hadn't slept at all. Her attention was pulled away by soft meowings and she glanced towards the kitchen area were Kitty was attempting to scrounge up some food. She watched without really reacting. Common sense made her wonder why the kitten was searching for food when she had filled it's bowl only hours before her leave.

And then...

He must of scarfed it all down.

Like a rag doll she forced herself to stand, body swaying dangerously. A few steps had her on her way and her gaze dropped down to the kitten pawing away at a bag that had once been on the counter. A weak sigh left her and she took up the bag, tossing it in the trash. Excited sounds came when she took the bag of kitty food out of the cabinet and poured some into the little dish next to the water bowl. Squatting down she watched the kitten eat like it hadn't eaten in days, her arms tucked around her knees to hug them close to her chest and the bag of food between her ankles.

Kitty was purring happily.

She didn't share the happiness. She just watched with that empty stare until she couldn't no longer. Pushing up the bag of food was left on the counter, half closed, and she headed to the bathroom. Running the shower she started working off the clothes that seemed far dirtier then she remembered. Her gaze didn't turn up to the mirror, just stayed focused on the ground even as she passed the curtain and into the waiting water.

Her body tensed at the sensation the barely warm water gave her. Like needles instead of water and she inhaled sharply. She waited until the sensation became numb and her head rocked forward, wet hair spilling over her face. She remained in the water's path like that for some time before finally raising up a hand to rub her knuckles across her eyes. Cold metal and stone met her skin causing her to stop the motion. The silver and sapphire bracelet was stared at. Her face twisted suddenly and she collapsed onto her knees, hands meeting the tiles of the shower's bottom.

She remained there for the rest of the shower, eventually taking up to washing but it was slow and even mechanical in nature. Once the shower ended she stumbled out, wrapping herself in a towel and made her way into the bedroom area. She felt Kitty pounce her foot but he was nudged away, left to skidding across the floor. She didn't check to see if he was okay and the fact that soon enough he was pouncing the bed left her to believe he was just fine and looking for attention.

Dressing came simple and she stopped when she saw the thin wounds marking up her arm. When..did those happen? With a sigh they were hidden away under the sweater and just before she the coat was pulled on she stopped once again. And just stared.

She should..give it back...

Her nose wrinkled in attempt not to sniff as it was folded and hugged against her chest. He was staying at his old room so she could just bring it there and ...leave it for him. Or something...

Taking up her bag she sat down and placed the coat in her lap. A few things were taken out and she started on a task she to get done now before she lost the will to.

A few documents were taken out of the bag and folded carefully before shoved into an envelope followed by a key. Another envelope was stuffed with something else. Both were sealed and written on.

All that was left now was to deliver them. After nudging the kitten away again she slipped on her shoes and out of the loft.

First destination... The Church.

Katt Batten

Date: 2011-01-25 03:48 EST
.: Jan 23rd - Early Evening :.

Katt's pace from the teas was slow but true to where she said she would be going. The church. She didn't really want to be there but it would be better if she stayed and hoped to catch Zenny or Matilda instead of placing such a burden on Sera. Shouldering her way past one of the doors she glanced around before starting her way down the nearest hall. By now she knew the path to the cemetery. From the warmth of the inn to the chilling dead cold of the cemetery she would a go without a second thought.

"I'm telling ya, Sera, it's not like I don't fancy puttin' a twist in all these old bitties' knickers, but you're gonna freeze yourself to this chair one day."

"I'm fine," Sera's words were broken up by a sneeze and the sounds of very energetic and squeaky nose blowing. "Really, Helen, I'm fine. You don't have to s-sit out here with me."

"Sit out here? Hell, I just wanted to make sure you weren't gonna croak on my watch." The laughter and two female voices, while somewhat cheery, didn't bring life to the freezing cold graveyard. The standing figure passed the sitting one a large, shiny thermos.

A slow blink was made when Katt heard voices and dull greens searched out the cold area for the Helen she was thinking. Instead they found Sera and an unfamiliar face. From where she stood it sorta made her wonder if Sera had a sister. She hadn't..really came for company but that didn't seem to stop her feet from weaving their way towards the pair. She didn't realize this fact until she was close.

"Ya know he wouldn't want you sittin' out here until you caught your death."

"I know, Helen," Sera said exasperatedly, trying to open the thermos with giant knit mittens on her hands.

Helen laughed and reached to do it for her. 'Cute as ever, eh? I'm sorry I weren't here for the funeral."

"It's ok-kay." Sera slurped from the thermos. Finding that it was steaming hot chicken soup made her giggle.

"Kinda can't believe I won't see him dodgin' Agatha or hear him laughin' his ass off from 'cross the church. Or hear you two makin' it like rabbits when ya think no one's listenin'."

Sera screeched, shook off a mitten and pitched it at Helen, who smoothly dodged it. Her smile was rakish and a half smoked cigarette dangled from the right half of her mouth.

"Can't deny it no more, Preggers."

"Sh-sh-shut u-up!!"

Wow talk about not what Katt was expecting to hear. And like many things it might of made her laugh or of given some reaction past a little twitch of her lips. The mitten was watched after and she even turned to follow after it. Collecting the mitten she made a quiet little clearing of her throat to show she was present. Just in case something else might of came up that she probably shouldn't of heard. Did rabbits squeak?

Sera leaned to see where the noise came from, squeaked again, then hid herself in the bundle of jackets and scarves she had wrapped around her. Then pulled the hood up and over her head for good measure.

Helen, on the other hand, turned smoothly, again, one eyebrow raising. She tucked back her jaw length blond hair with one hand. "S'alright, darling, it's not one of us. You here to see someone specific?" she asked Katt, tilting her head.

Rising up Katt toyed with the mitten while looking to Helen. Silently she passed her empty greens onto..well where Sera had been. Now seemed to be a bundle of fabric. To silently offer an answer she raised her chin towards Sera before looking back to Helen. She didn't quite know the face but the face now had a name. It sort of worried her but ah well..

"Ah, to see Sera. And, uh.." she looked Katt up and down like she was sizing her up before a competition, then squinted grey blue eyes through the haze of smoke curling up from her cigarette. "Who are you exactly?"

She steeled herself for what she expected to follow the answer that she was about to give. "Katt.." The single word left her barely parted lips. She made no attempt to move closer. At least for now.

The bundle on the chair squeaked and started shaking its head..then giving up on trying to free itself, just waved in Katt's general direction.

Helen laughed heartily, plucking the cigarette from her lips with two fingers and exhaled a stream of smoke. "Well well, now, I get to finally see what all the fuss is about, then." Helen closed the distance for them, leaning down to peer at her face..repositioning herself to get some light from the moon overhead. "Ah, not too bad, not too bad. Bit of scarrin', but that don't detract nothing," straightening. "Though with a body and face like Toby's," she clicked her tongue. "He could've had his fair share of women. It's that dangerous exterior, puppy dog interior that kills all the time. So I'll leave you two to it, shall I?" Helen looked back at Sera, who blinked.

Katt blinked ever so slowly but stood completely still during the..examination. Maybe a bit too stiffly. Helen's words caused her eyes to drift to the side. Not bad..? Was...Helen talking about how she looked? The side cast eyes lowered at the mention of Toby's name. Without another word she slipped past Helen and made her way towards the grave Sera was sitting nearby. Lowering her chin she stood silently to give a moment of respect and at the same time give Sera time to talk to Helen if she still wanted to.

"Y-yes,'s okay."

Right, right. We all know her, part two of the dynamic church destryin' duo. Good on ya, darling." Helen winked at the two and stubbed her cigarette out on the heel of her boot. The filter was pocketed. She had yet to show respect to something today. "Take my advice, yeah? Get her inside soon, she's already got a bit of a cold." Helen flicked a wave to the pair and strode from the cemetery, snow crunching, then hard footsteps fading into the distance.

Sera peered up at Katt from her chair. "Wh-what are you doing here so l-late?"

Helen didn't....seem to hate Katt like the rest of the church. Well minus Sera and Zenny. Wait..did Zenny count? And Matilda..she had no clue. Her head tilted, watching Helen get swallowed by the church. Slowly her head turned to face the headstone again. " going staying for a bit. To wait out if they will let me.."

"Oh.." Sera nodded, then sneezed, and fought with all of her bundled clothing to take another drink of soup and blow her nose. "That is asking a lot from you, Katt. I still haven't seen e-either of them, but I s-saw that boy that f-follows Zenny around a few d-days ago. He didn't stay, but he didn't seem to b-be worried that something h-happened. Matilda hasn't been here, and I think H-Helen is supposed to be her replacement in the church. At least for wh-what she does for chores.." Sera coughed.

"It's not.." She turned and held out the mitten towards Sera. "Please...lets go inside. I..Have something I wish to you you. are coughing." Maybe if she did stay she would bump into the assistant fella. "He..len is charge?"

"Oh, I am doing a lo--..lo--..lo--.." she finally sneezed and kicked her feet. Her chair rocked back and forth. She took the mitten and used it to wipe her nose instead of the tissues that were being crushed by the thermos. "I am doing a lot of th-things. Going ins-side sounds l-lovely." She gathered her things and twisted the cap back onto the thermos before she pulled the free mitten on. "No, she's not. But Sister Matilda did lots of ch-chores around the ch-church as w-well as the outside duties. W-we all split everyth-thing up when she leaves, but this seems to be Agatha's newest form of punishment for h-her."

Sera was watched even if her head didn't raise from the slight dip it had taken. "I will see...if I can help..l..lessen the burden. in c..charge when Matilda...." Instead of finishing she moved to the side and reached out to steady the chair for when Sera rose. Her other hand offered out to hold anything if need be.

"Agatha usually takes o-over. It never has to go down the ladder further than th-that because she never leaves. Th-thank you." She took the offered hand, holding everything else to her belly beneath all the clothes. "You d-do n-not want to deal with Agatha. If you'd l-like to help here, M-Marlena is a g-good choice. She l-likes you if you cook, eat or both. And you do one of th-those."

Her face twitched and she did her best not to flinch her hand away when it was grasped. "N..No I don't..want to deal with ..Agatha." Coiling her muscles she steadied herself to support Sera best she could, waiting till she was situated before even daring to move. "Okay. I..c..can take care too.." They had been wanting to spruce up the cemetery, right? So why not..?

"I'm s-sure Nina and E-Erica will appreciate th-that. And H-Helen too, she h-helped all of us sometimes, b-but I think it was because she wanted to be around.." she sighed, shuffling along. "B-be around P-Patrick and T-Toby. If anyone gives you any p-problems, you can t-tell them that I said it was alright. That should h-help somewh-what."

"Don't...worry about anyone giving me a ..hard time. It doesn't..matter.." An even pace was kept along with Sera's shuffling. Stance remained stiff just in case Sera tripped. See. Katt remembered.

"Why would you s-say something like th-that, of course it matters." She leaned heavily into Katt, her meager weight not even close to enough to knock them both over. "Do not argue."

Why say something like the first then deny her to say anything? But she obliged. The sudden lean was foreign and yet she supported it easily enough without missing a step. Once they passed into the warmth of the church she dared to glance towards Sera. "Which..way is your"

"Th-this way." She pointed across the nave and looked up at her slightly taller guide. "Has something happened since the l-last time I saw you? You do not look or sound very we--..we--.." she sneezed and stomped her feet angrily. (s)"Well.."

Her throat twitched as she swallowed and started their path across the nave. She'd follow direction like Sera had done hired herself a personal bodyguard. "That..isn't why I am here..That.." Her expressionless mask broke long enough for her brows to twitch. She'd end up just shaking her head. "If..I was to..give you something..a accept?"

"Not until you t-tell me why you are in a stupor, oh!!" She kicked the corner she had just bumped into and pointed at the door that was blocking their way into the next hall. She didn't have any free hands.

Katt's chin rose up sharply and she glanced down to where Sera had bumped. She should of been paying attention better. Free hand swept out to the door and opened it so Sera could pass through first. " careful. With a cough like that you should be in bed resting."

"D-don't you start in on m-me too, I do not sit outside all day, and it's the season for these things. I was overdue for a cold anyway." Sera shook her hand free of Katt's and removed her mittens, stuffed them down in the huge coat. "I am getting enough rest and fluids and vitamin C," she said in a matter of fact tone, stopping at one of the several doors in the hall. It opened with a squeak, and she waved Katt to follow her. "Exc-cuse the mess." She set the thermos on the desk directly next to the door on her left.

Nearly every available space of the wall above it and the wardrobe on the western wall was covered in photographs. Old crinkled ones, newer ones. The focal points of most of them were a couple, one maroon haired and one blond. There were pictures of them as children, teenagers and young adults at various colorful locations. The bed across from the door was covered in several plush blankets and pillows, stationed under a window with its maroon curtains slightly parted. Sera kicked off her boots then peeled herself from three of her four layers and began to pick up the little puffy tissues that littered the floor like snow.

" am not. But..with a cough like that.." She followed inward and glanced around. Remaining by the door she closed it, mostly. Leaving a crack just in case Sera felt weird about being in a closed room with her. The photos, while noticed, were not looked upon for very long for obvious reasons. Eventually she'd move over and offer to take the tissues collected. "I could b far worse. I just said one thing.."

"I h-hope you w-won't be. I don't w-want to throw something at y-you or scream at you." She shook her head at Katt, then nodded at the waste basket near the desk that was half full with tissues already. "Wh-what was it that you were saying?"

Nodding she side stepped so that Sera could get to said wastebasket. Slowly but surely she started her way towards the table while her busy hands worked the bag open and she took out both the envelopes. The one scribed with Sera's name on the front was set on the desk. "I ..want to ..give this to you.."

She dumped all of the tissues into the trash, then brushed her hands off in her hair, trying to get it to lay at least out of her face. "What exactly is this? An envelope is too s-small to fit cookies." She took it up, weighing it in her hands before she started tearing it open.

"I want to I don't know if the gives you everything you want or n..need.." She shrugged meekly and moved, starting her way towards the curtains. Without touching them she attempted to peer past to see what kind of view that Sera had.

It wasn't much of one, mostly of a dark and wide street and a shop or two just barely peeking out of the shadows. Sera sputtered when she got the envelope open. "Wh--wh-wh-why are you d-doing this, K-Katt, d-don't you n-n-need this m-m-money, I c-can't t-take this.." She nudged the chair away from the desk so that she could fall into it.

"I just told you why." After a bit of staring out into the dark street she finally looked back over to Sera. " can. Please? D...don't..worry. I have a little more s..stashed for if I need..But I.." Her eyes lowered down to the floor. "I..w..wanted to do this.."

She frowned as she thumbed the bills. On the one hand, if she took it, she knew where it would all go. The church and the orphanage would most definitely get what it needed, and the rest would be split and sent to both her and Patrick's family..but she set the envelope down and turned to face Katt, her expression serious. "Most people don't give away this kind of money, even as a gift unless something were very s-seriously wrong. You h-hardly know me, Katt. If this is some s-sort of apology for something, I do n-not accept it. You're not planning on harming yourself, a-are you?"

Her eyes rose up to Sera and a brief glimpse of confusion settled on her face. It came..and went. "Apo..logy...? N..No.." She shook her head and her lips twitched faintly. "I just..You are really nice S..Sera..very k..kind to me. I wanted to do this." It probably would of ended up being a wedding gift if.. Her lips pursed at the thought and she shook her head. "I...wan..wanted to do this..f..for you..because I w..wanted to."

"You just d-don't give this much money to p-people who are simply nice and k-kind to you.." She sighed, turning back to the desk. Her hand pressed into the fat envelope. "I h-have lots of people here that t-take care of me, and I f-feel safe here.." Her other hand pressed into her belly and her mouse like features crinkled even more. "What is going on? S-something didn't happen to Toby, did it?"

Katt sighed and slowly closed her eyes. The second envelope was tapped against her palm. "T..that..has no..nothing to do with this.." Her eyes slowly opened to look at Sera. " aren't ju...just..simply kind and nice to me. Y..You..are s..someone I actually call friend. I don't..exactly trust many people.." She turned away in attempt to hide her frown. "He is..f..fine.."

"But that is wh-what I don't understand. You h-hardly know me, we've never spent time together except r-recently." She took the envelope into her hand and continued to weigh it. It could also mean an education for her child.. She sniffed and wiped at her eyes. "Y-you c-can't exp-pect me to make a de-decision like th-this, not n-now, n-not wh-while.. Do you t-truly not n-need any of th-this money..?"

Katt's eyes fluttered and fell closed. " don't want to kee..keep it fine. Y...ou don't need to make a decision right now either..I..I'm sorry..t..too..forward of me.." She frowned all the more but it melted away as her chin lowered to her collarbone.

"If you t-truly do not n-need it, and d-do not want it.." she sighed, drying her face with her hand. As she rose from her chair, she searched for more kleenex, her nose stuffier now than it had been when she'd gone outside. "I n-need to th-think about th-this. I c-could change a lot of th-things for very many people with th-this money." She blew her nose. "Was th-that all that you w-wanted to t-talk to me about..?"

"(vs) I give it to you.." She nodded faintly to the question. The envelope in hand was raised and wiggled a little. " going to help..with the or..phanage. To help" Her arm relaxed, lowering sharply as if the limb had lost sudden function.

"What is wrong with you?!" she suddenly shrieked. "You are acting like you're giving away your worldly possessions before you commit suicide!! If that's the case, you can keep your damn money!!"

She jumped and spun around so fast that she nearly tripped. The sudden outburst got one hell of a reaction and she took to shrinking back against the door. "!" There was a whimper that followed. "J..Just wa..want to help.." Her bottom lip was bitten on to stop it from trembling. The outburst..hurt..

"There is something wrong with you, I can f-feel it. Worse than it was back when you came to visit me last time." Her hand fisted around the kleenex, her gray green eyes blazing in a cherry red face. "If you just want to help, t-tell me the truth. Now."

Katt's fist met the door behind her, slamming hard but at the same time was quite meek in gesture. "T..Toby leaving me has nothing to do with this! I wanted to do this. E-even before. I just..h..hadn't been able to up the nerve." She started to sink down until her rear met the floor and her face was buried in her knees. "It has nothing to with this..I just..I just wanted to I....I..." She didn't want to tell Sera about what happened. She had enough on her plate.

"He l-left you..? Wh-why..?" She went forward, eyeing the lock on her door just in case someone tried to force their way in. She hadn't exactly screamed quietly, her throat was still burning from it. "I-I mean..wh-why now as opp-posed to before..? I don't understand..most people wouldn't p-part with this kind of money *ever*. Come, get off the floor." She laid one hand on each of Katt's shoulders. "I-if someone tries to come in, you're g-going to get h-hit."

She gurgled out a sound and instantly started to shrink away from Sera's touch. It could almost be considered cowering away the way she scooted along the wall in retreat. "H..he to-told me..s..something was d..different..a..and he..he.." She shook her head at the smaller female, scooting along the floor until she found a spot along the wall deemed safe enough. "H..he just .d...didn't..w..want to hurt me....H..He told me t..the other night w..when I i..introduced him as ..." She didn't finish it. Shaking her head she looked up to Sera. "Ho..Honestly..I..s..started s..saving wh..when I heard a..about and P..Patrick g..getting m..m..." She grunted and curled her legs back to her chest. It stopped her from fleeing. "(vsw) W..was su..suppose to a"

She didn't know what to say, and it showed. She stayed squatting in her position in front of the door, watching Katt tuck herself up in the corner. She didn't quite feel bad about screaming, as it had gotten the truth. Though she had the feeling that Patrick would have told her to keep it too, probably a lot meaner. "Alr-right then. We can t-talk about that l-later once you h-have calm--" The door burst open and smacked into the side of her head with a resounding thud. She tipped over instantly, her eyes closed.

"What the hell is goin' on in here? Katt, you better not be getting her ri--oh crap. Sera..? Sera..!" Helen knelt down beside the little fallen woman and brushed her hair from the rising lump on her head. She shot Katt a sharp look. "What the hell is she doing on the floor? I told you to take her inside, not drop her off at the bus station."

She squawked out at the sound and the envelope was dropped. Thrusting herself forward she crawled over towards Sera but stopped short. She was..being blamed for this? Of course she was. Why not.."Y..You are the one who barged in her T..The door hhh...hit her." Her eyes dropped to Sera worriedly.

"Jesus H. Christ, you're lucky it was me what caught you instead of anyone else." Helen looked Katt up and down again, then rolled her eyes, and scooped the smaller woman up into her arms. Obvious muscle showed in her bare arms and she counted herself lucky that she didn't lose the towel wrapped around her torso. "Sera doesn't scream without good reason and unless this place is haunted, I'm betting it's you. But I don't share her wall for nothin'. Move them covers will ya, darlin'?"

Was her...she was..the problem. Her throat twitched and she found it hard to swallow. That was all she was...a problem. Forcing herself to her feet even before Helen took up Sera. The request was quickly responded to. Moving to the bed she worked the covers, folding them to the foot of the bed. Any left over tissues were tossed quickly aside.

"Alrighty, we're just gonna set you down, like sooo, and get ya all comfyyy. And make sure that egg on your head's coveeered." Helen closed the curtains with a sharp pull, then waved for Katt to throw the covers over Sera. "She'll be fine, little bump on the head never hurt anyone. Even her, even while she's got an oven full of Patrick's bun. I saw her knock over a bloody stack of bibles earlier, even. I'll just thank my stars it wasn't her stomach what got smacked." She sighed, her hands on her hips. She assumed that all crisis was averted since there wasn't any blood. Blood equaled bad. "You wantin' to atone for that by staying with her, aren't you?" she asked in a way that didn't really leave room for argument. With a sweet smile and batting of eyelashes.

Long as it wasn't a concussion right? The blankets were drawn up over Sera, tucking her in very gently. A small nod rocked her head to show Helen she had heard and understood. If it hadn't of been for that..she probably would of left. Before anyone else showed up. When that thought came she tilted her gaze a bit towards the door.

"Very good. We'll count stupid off of the list of things you aren't. Least for now. I'll be back with an ice pack for her head and a new pitcher o' juice." Helen straightened her towels and huffed. "Possibly some food too because you look like you could use a sandwich or twenty, and I know Sera will want them." She pointed at Katt. "Don't go no place," then swept out of the room. She hadn't seemed all that concerned about walking around in towels either, and even started whistling on her way down the hall.

Boy weren't there a number of people that would correct Helen when it came to Katt being stupid. Her eyes rose faintly when pointed at and once Helen was gone she turned her attention to watch over Sera. "(vsw) S...sorry...S..Sera.." Her chin lowered until it met her collarbone. She'd just stand there, leaving the white fold of paper were it was. She wasn't going to leave until she was sure Sera was okay.

Hours Later....

After watching Helen come and go Katt had spent most of her day watching after Sera in worry. At least this way she could do something right. It was her fault Sera got hurt to begin with.

'You should stay with her to make up for what you've done'

The food that Helen had brought remained untouched but the icepack was set on Sera's head and checked on often. For the remainder of the time, however, she stayed against the wall. One leg tucked to her chest and the other tucked before her she watched over Sera like some silent sentry. Sleep was elusive which was just fine. She didn't want to sleep. Didn't want to dream. Didn't want to...remember...

She had to keep reminding herself that being there was a good thing. She could make sure Sera woke up. Could be there in case Zenny or Matilda showed up. Might be able to help Mayu. That was the main reason she was there.

The door creaked open once in a while but always closed without anyone entering. It was a going process throughout the day and she figured it was just someone checking on Sera. Seeing how she was behind the door and against the wall she wasn't spied by whoever was checking in on the smaller female. This was probably a good thing.

The hours were lost, uncounted for, before Sera's stirring caught her attention and she was quick to rise to her feet. She waited until Sera had sat up before addressing her. "Sera.."

She watched as Sera removed the icepack from her forehead with a look that boarded on annoyance. "K-Katt..? Wh-what are you doing here..? And why does my head hurt.."

A hand reached out to slow the smaller female before she tried to get out of bed. "The door hit your head. I..I'm s..sorry..."

Before she could continue the door swung open and in marched Helen. "Oh, you're awake." The old icepack was plucked off the ground while a fresh one was offered to Sera. While Sera's small hands took the icepack Helen turned attention on Katt. "And your still here. Good on ya, darling."

Katt's lips attempted to smile but nothing more then a twitch came out of it.

Helen attempted to look at the egg on Sera's forehead but kept getting batted away. She could hear Sera demand that she was fine. "Yeah, right, just let me ask the friend you've got growin' on your forhead for his opinion, shall I? Oh, and by the way. I'm being followed, so we should have company in three..two.."

Before Helen could finish the door opened just a sliver, much like how it had during the day. She heard voices on the other end before the door swung open and two other women came in. One ,who she recognized was Nina, was carrying a tray of food. She was followed by, almost instantly, by Erica who was babbling incoherently. Erica's tray of tea was set down quickly next to Sera's bed and she was instantly upon Sera in a fit of worry. Nina, on the other hand, stepped back while folding her hands.

"Sera are you okay?"

"Is the baby okay?"

"Would you like some tea?"

"Are you hungry?"

"Are you cold?"

"Oh Sera your head!"

All three women were going at it like hens and her lips parted to speak up in Sera's defense. Before she could the door slammed open and she leaped nearly two feet off the ground in surprise. Plastered to the wall she blinked over to the figure that had entered, ruler in hand and waving at the tree near Sera.

"What in the lord's name are you three doing?! Leave that poor child alone!"

Katt watched Agatha move towards Sera's bed. Nina had moved back even more and Agatha had to nearly peel Erica and Helen away. "Dear Lord! What happened to your head, Sera? Here lay down." Agatha's hand had moved to assist Sera down but her head shot around to send a glare to Helen. "What did you do now?! How could-"

"Whoa whoa whoa!! Weren't my fault that she was on the floor to begin with, just ask her." Helen scowled at being blamed and before she could point a finger out to Katt the ruler came swinging out.

"If your perpetually heathen ways don't worm their way in through normal means, you'll have to beat them into unsuspecting victims, won't you?"

"Sorry, *heathen ways*? Have ya ever tried any of my *heathen ways* for yourself? Probably got more bats in your belfry than--"

"How dare you use such foul language! I knew that time away from the this holy place could be nothing but detrimental--"

"S-Stop it! Stop it! STOP IT!!!" Sera's voice shrieked out and she threw her hands into the air. Blankets went spilling off the edge of the bed. "GET OUT! ALL OF YOU!"

"Sera. Calm down chi-" Agatha tried to ease Sera but her hands were slapped away.

"D-Don't touch me! Just get out!!!" Sera's squeaky voice rose higher as she tried to escape being touched. To lay back. To rest. To relax.

Katt watched with a frown as the four women began to crowd Sera again and her mouth opened. Again a little too late.

"I SAID GET OUT! DON'T TOUCH ME! JUST GET OUT!!!" Sera slapped them all away and when that didn't work Sera began to take handfuls of the food that had been set aside and flinging it at the four women. Agatha first. Helen next. Followed by Erica and eventually the ever quiet Nina. Each got food slung at them followed by dishes of various sizes. Nun attire was adored by shades of colors not meant to be there. Well those that wore the habit.

It was late but Katt would note that Helen wasn't wearing what the others were. How..strange. Right now though? The display was alarming. She had never seen Sera so angry and she found herself trying to become one with the wall. When Sera's eyes fell on her she felt a lump in her throat that nearly choked her. Sera's eyes were glowing gold. In fact Sera was enveloped in a warm, golden glow that was familiar by sight through the Light Workings she had seen with Matilda. The bump on her forehead seemed to be dwindling away to what Katt figured was Sera healing herself. She was not spared Sera's rage.

"Get out." Sera's voice was as low as a hiss but clear and strong, echoing like two beings were speaking instead of just one, and by this time Katt was far too quick to oblige.

Steps stumbled her out of the door and she scrambled into the nave. She bumped into someone and both hands rose up to shove them away. She saw it to be Isabella who was quickly rushing to see what all the screaming was about and Corey was close behind.

Isabella stumbled and fell over a pew, crying out a sound of surprise and pain as she crashed down.

"What the hell?!" Corey's voice echoed with Isabella's cry.

Stumbling back and to the side she murmured an apology to Isabella but kept on her way before she pushed out of the doors and into the cold air.

Corey reached out towards Isabella who corrected herself and was looking after Katt. Anger swept through Corey's face and he turned, shooting out the door after Katt. "Stop coming back here! All you are doing is causing problems you monster!!"

Katt's shoulders hunched as she quickly made her way down the steps and down the street.

Katt Batten

Date: 2011-01-25 05:24 EST
.: Jan 25th - Early Morning :.

Walking through the streets she found herself unable to decide what to do with herself. Mostly she wanted to return to the church. That was what she needed to do. Where she needed to be. Needed to be? Did she really? Need. Who needed her? Who wanted her? That was an easy answer. No one.

But she wanted to be there in case Zenny showed up. So she could be informed and maybe help Mayu. She wanted to do -something- to help Mayu.. Something to show she honestly cared...

She had told Mayu once how much she meant. How important she was. And she thought Mayu had expressed the same at the island. she wasn't so sure. Was Mayu just being nice? Just..tolerating her? Or had the talking on the tape just been because she was upset?

She would never know because Mayu would never know. And what was nagging was..was Mayu going to hate her..forever? If so did she have any right to care so much for the girl like she did?

Tears stung her eyes and a hand rose up to rub at them.

Do you want me to say yes..? To say something like..all of the people that are important to you hate you..?

Her hand swept across her cheeks and lips. Her face was wet and no matter what she did it didn't seem to get any better. That could be said...about everything couldn't it?

Sighing into her palm she glanced up and around. Where was she? Some street that had lead from the main market to..well where she was now. She heard rushing water so figured she was close to the river. A sniff and her hand went up against her brow and eventually her forehead, combing back her hair under the hood.

"Kattttttt! HEY KATTTT!!!"

There was a throaty groan at hearing the scream. She didn't want someone to call out to her because there was noone that really wanted to see her. Noone that really ..

And worse yet she knew that voice.

She continued to walk, hoping that the person the voice belonged to would go away.


Her hand slapped her forehead and she whipped around to face Corey. "What the f*ck do you want?!"

She watched as Corey skid to a halt before her, doubled forward in attempt to catch his breath. "F-Fine way to greet someone who is trying to find you! It's Toby! He's..He's.." Corey's face tilted up to her with a look she couldn't quite pin.

Fear began to rise and it showed in her expression far too quickly. "W-What about Toby?" The somber look that Corey gave her caused her to step forward, pressing herself closer to him. "What about Toby, Corey?!"

"He's in trouble and hurt bad. Come on we don't have a lot of time!" He pushed up and turned, staring to run down the street. She was hot on his heels without having to be told twice.

"What happened?!" She asked. Several times as they ran. So many things could of happened. The Claymore gone rogue..The Organization. Mayu. Oh god. Did he get caught when with Mayu?! Too many things..

He didn't indulge her with an answer and only slowed after five or ten minutes before pointed down a narrow alley. "Hurry! He's down there!"

She looked past him and into the alley. Her stomach turned and she struggled against the phobia. Toby..was hurt. He might not want her help but..but...she still wanted to be there for him. She still loved him!

She pushed past Corey and ran her way into the Alley. It instantly felt like the walls were closing in on her and she stumbled over something. She didn't stop to see what it was. "Toby? Toby?! Answer me!!"

"He isn't here." Corey's calm voice came from behind.

Turning around she barely was facing him when something made contact with her left temple. There was enough of force behind it to send her ears ringing. "Gak!!" Her head snapped to the side and soon she was on her knees when whatever it was that made contact with her face met her side. Arms wrapping her midsection she groaned in pain.

"W..What..the h..hell..Nh!" Her head snapped back when whatever metallic item was met under her chin, sending her head back. With a dazed gaze she looked up at Corey who was holding a sharp ended..pipe? Polearm..? She didn't know. It was fuzzy. All she knew was that the shiny pointy end..was positioned at her chest like it had a red bullseye painted there.

"Wh-Why couldn't you of just gone away?!"

She tasted blood. "C..Cor..rey..?" He attacked her. Why?

"I won't let you hurt Isabella anymore! Or anyone of the church! Th-They are all I have left!!!" There were tears in his eyes. Frustration? Anger?

She didn't know. Her lips parted. "C..Corey..I ...C..can't..le..let you k..kill me..." She reached up to bat away the pole that was posed to strike. It spooked him and he sent it crashing down.

Eyes clenched closed she choked out a cry of surprise when the tip skewered her hand and pinned it back against her chest. It didn't go as deep as she had expected it would of. Just enough to where the tip nipped at muscle. Opening an eye she realized that Corey was no longer right in front of her. In fact he was a few feet away, staggering and hunched over as if he had been hit.

"Scamper away. Scamper away you pathetic waste of space." The figure spoke as it approached Katt's side and her eyes tilted up to the cloaked figure. A gloved hand reached out to the pole's end and yanked the metal free of her flesh.

"Ah!!" She tilted a bit and reached to grab the pole from the person. "D-Don't hurt him." Blood coated hand made it way too hard to hold the pole correctly. Vital squished over the metal surface.

"Don't..hurt him?" A laugh came from the figure.

It was feminine that was all Katt could place. Seeing Corey cowering she took to swinging the pipe at the figure if only to get them to step back.

It was something to be regretted.

Before the pipe even made half way in it's course something struck it away. Several arm-like shadows stretched from the cloaked figure and shot her way. Pommeling every which way they could. It felt like twenty or more people were just throwing punches at her. Her face. Arms. Legs. Every place they could meet they did. And with force. Back to the alley wall she had no place to go and her hands rose to her face in attempt to protect it.

Thankfully it was a short lived volley but it was enough to leave her battered, bruised, and struggling for air.

It stopped suddenly. Why?


She heard Corey's cry and looked up to watch him flying back. Cluttering metal rang in her ears as something met the ground and Corey was heaving against the wall with her.

"I told you to scamper away, boy. Now I am just annoyed so ..Please...just die." The figure's hand rose up and a sphere of crackling energy.

It was sent at Corey with alarming speed and sliced through the air with a hiss. The speed he couldn't escape but just stare at in wide-eyed horror. His eyes closed and he braced for an impact that never came. He felt the heat and heard the crackle. The sickening sound of impact was there too but when he opened his eyes he found himself unharmed....

And Katt standing before him with arms outstretched out so that her palms were against the wall and space between their bodies. Energy licked around her and a strange sizzling sound was coming from the other side of her body.

"K..Katt?" Corey choked out in surprise.

She didn't answer. Her body jerked and collapsed to the ground. Katt curling up to her side as Corey just stood there in shock at the twitching figure at his feet. She felt the electricity at her heart, causing it to hurt more then it already was. Forcing it to still even as it strained to remain active against the surge.

The coat that she was wearing was knitting itself back into one piece but Corey could see that Katt's back was blackened with charred flesh. He couldn't assess it well but by the ongoing spasms she was doing it was really bad.

She had saved his life? It baffled him and his eyes turned up to the cloaked figure that was quickly approaching. Stumbling back he turned and scrambled out of the alley and leaving the fallen savior behind.

Katt Batten

Date: 2011-01-25 16:34 EST
The figure moved to Katt and nudged her over onto her back before stepping over her. Squatting down it almost seemed as if the figure was going to sit on Katt's stomach. Black cloak swept over Katt's legs like a blanket as the figure hovered there. Again the appendages stretched out, this time instead of like arms they were like thin belts. Readily latching onto Katt's flesh. Onto. Into. Piercing.

Katt's dull eyes shifted up to the figure, half dazed. She saw a hand reach out but in the closeness she saw within the shadows of the hood. Her eyes rounded in horror. "Wh-" Before the question could leave her lips she felt as if her head was being split in two. Her wide gaze rotated back into her skull and fell closed as the figure's finger pressed deep against her forehead. Cutting into already marred flesh. Entering flesh and what was worse, her mind.

The figure said something but she couldn't make it out. The world was black and the voice was barely a hum to her ears. She felt pain. It was everywhere and she couldn't fight it. She was trying but her body wouldn't move. It felt..cold. Heavy. Like weights were hugging her limbs down to the ground. She didn't want to be on her back. It hurt with the coat pressing into the back wound that ate up a majority of her back.

She couldn't..let this happen. She wasn't suppose to die. Even if things were different..he still cared. And she still loved him... And she had to be there for him...

An arm twitched under the influence of the strange, thin appendages. Where they entered her flesh was starting to grow a hint of purple as if some strange bruise was spreading from each entry point. Sickening green veins branching out. A poison of sorts was introduced into her system and was doing it's job well.

The hand at her forehead withdrew and the blood soaked finger that was raised to the figure's lips. Suckling the vital from it's finger the cloaked figure stood and effectively brought Katt with her. Katt, suspended by the appendages, looked more like a doll then a person. The figure turned and started to walk with Katt suspended before her and just as they exited the alley a loud thunderclap shattered the silent air.

"Release her!" A sword sliced into the appendages, cutting them away and sending Katt crashing to the ground where she spilled like the lifeless doll she was.

"How dare you!" The cloaked figure hissed and turned to face the elven man a few feet away. Moving forward the figure attempted to scoop Katt up but before she could a line of white darted across the ground before Katt's body and several blue-white flames shot up to ward the figure away.

Down the street the elven female's hand was working through the air. The air glowed as her finger lashed the air, leaving glowing blue-white lines in an intricate seal. Slightly behind her was Corey, hands on his knees as he tried to catch his breath.

"Worm! You brought reinforcements. That doesn't matter. You will all-"

The ground rattled as a pillar of light shot up around the figure and the figure hissed out, reeling back from the circle that had been formed at feet. Hood tossed back revealed lovely winter white hair that fanned in the air as the figure was whipped back. Correcting posture the figure's head leaned forward and a gloved hand swept up her face to toss back the white that had been freed, revealing a beautiful face. Soft, feminine. Apple green eyes that spanned wide and lacked any pupil. There was something sinister and cold in those eyes.

She laughed and it was colder then the winter air as she darted back and away from the elven's swinging blade. "Another time.." Several skips back had her melting into the shadows. "But do not think you've won. We've waited this long..We can wait a little longer."

"Get back here fiend!" The elven man chased to the alley's mouth.

"Ricter! Let her go." The elven woman called after him as she started towards the fallen Katt. He obliged the words of his counterpart and joined her and Corey at the unconscious figure. "She's heavily damaged. We need to get her someplace were I can look over her wounds better."

"Is it even safe to move her, Rufia?"

"And what would you have me do? Take care of her in the street?" She snapped at Ricter and his hand rose up in defense. A motion was made to Katt while she rose and she looked to Corey. "Return to the church. Tell Isabella that Katt is hurt and will be taken care of at our residance since it is closer. It is too soon to move her too far."

Corey nodded numbly as he watched Ricter collect Katt into his arms. There was a deep, raspy gasp that came from the unconscious figure and she shuddered violently. He couldn't even guess how much pain she was in.

"Corey!" Rufia's voice rose to catch his attention and his eyes, wide as saucers, turned to her. "You will return later on tonight and tell me what in Kai's hand is going on."

Corey's head lowered shamefully and he nodded.

"The demon will be safe with us."

Corey frowned. "H-Her Katt.."

Rufia and Ricter both blinked at him but nodded. As carefully as he could Ricter started to walk. They were only a few blocks away after all.

Rufia lagged behind to eye Corey who was still just standing there. He looked guilty. "You do not have a role played in this you?"

"Is she..going to die?" Corey asked without answering.

He didn't have to. His question aided in Rufia to find her own conclusion. "That is a possibility." Corey suddenly turned and rushed off to where Rufia figured was his way to the church. Shaking her head she turned and started after her husband.

Once they had reached the small cottage Rufia quickly set to work. Clean blankets were stretched out before the fireplace and Katt was lowered on them. "Quickly. I will need some water."

Ricter nodded his head and moved off to collect a large bowl and rags while Rufia started to peel off the coat that was sticking to Katt's back. Luckily it was enchanted and was neither dirty nor torn when tossed aside onto a chair. The same couldn't be said about Katt's broken body.

It matched her broken heart and soul.

Katt Batten

Date: 2011-01-27 17:12 EST
.: Jan 26th - Morning :.

Ricter watched his mate collapse into the plush chair. She looked positively exhausted. "How is she?" Was asked as he poured Rufia a glass of wine to help ease the transition of rest.

The question sent her lips into a frown and her head shaking. "I do not know my husband. It does not seem to be just her body but her spirit that is broken. My healing have not help but I've tended her wounds best that I can. There seems to be a problem, too."

Ricter's brow rose. "A problem?" He watched as his wife rose from her seat and moved towards Katt's form. Drawing back the blanket from an arm a finger gestured to one of the thin wounds on her arm. It was purple with green veins, making it look unnatural against the milk white flesh. "What is that?"

"Some type of poison I gather. But not one I am familiar nor can I take care of it." Rufia answered while drawing the cover back to Katt's bare shoulders. Once Katt was covered Rufia rose and turned to her husband. "I have isolated it to a degree but it's still spreading very slowly."

Ricter frowned at her. "When will we be able to move her?"

"Ricter..We can't." Rufia watched her husband's look of distaste in the matter.

"She can't stay here. It's too dangerous."


"Rufia please do not argue with me. That demon cannot stay within these walls. She should be thankful I've allowed her to be brought her thus far." The belt around his waist was released and slipped down until the sheathed sword clanked against the wall.

"Of all the...I don't want to hear such foolishness from you."

"It's dangerous for her to be here." He landed heavily into the chair at the table and slouched. His hard gaze swept down to the unconscious Katt. Her breathing were short, heavy bursts. As if she was attempting to fill her lungs but just couldn't past a small inhale. Her brow was coated with sweat. Ever so often the blankets would shake with shivers. "What can you tell me about the poison? I will ask the-"

"I don't know much aside from it hurting her." Rufia quickly offered and moved to the sink to wash some dishes. There wasn't much more she could do for Katt at the moment. They would watch over her and just hope she would wake so they could ask questions that would help aid their knowledge in the poison and maybe find a way to rid her of it.

"What is that strange mark on her forehead..?" Ricter finally asked, referring to the near crescent wound dead center of Katt's brow.

"Another wound, I suppose.." A bowl of water was taken up and a rag dipped into it. Rufia moved to kneel down next to Katt and carefully fold the rag over Katt's brow and eyes in attempt to cool her down from the sweats. "I don't wish to move her too much for now but eventually I would like to place a mattress under her or move her to the spare bedroom."

Ricter sighed, giving in to the demands. "Alright. On the condition you come with me and we get some rest.." He rose up and moved over to offer her a hand up. Her small hand slipped down into his and she was guided to her feet. He drew her close and ushered her to the stairs. The building was locked so things would be safe. For now they would turn in.

For now they played the waiting game...

Katt Batten

Date: 2011-01-27 17:59 EST
I hate feeling like this
I'm so tired of trying to fight this
I'm asleep and all I dream of
Is waking to you

Tell me that you will listen
Your touch is what I'm missing
And the more I hide I realize
I'm slowly losing you

I'll never wake up without an overdose of you

I don't wanna live, I don't wanna breathe
'Less I feel you next to me
You take the pain I feel
(Waking up to you never felt so real)

I don't wanna sleep, I don't wanna dream
'Cause my dreams don't comfort me
The way you make me feel
(Waking up to you never felt so real)

I hate living without you
Dead wrong to ever doubt you
But my demons lay in waiting
Tempting me away

Oh, how I adore you
Oh, how I thirst for you
Oh, how I need you

I'll never wake up without an overdose of you

I don't wanna live, I don't wanna breathe
'Less I feel you next to me
You take the pain I feel
(Waking up to you never felt so real)

I don't wanna sleep, I don't wanna dream
'Cause my dreams don't comfort me
The way you make me feel
(Waking up to you never felt so real)

Breathing life, waking up
My eyes open up

I'll never wake up without an overdose of you

I don't wanna live, I don't wanna breathe
'Less I feel you next to me
You take the pain I feel
(Waking up to you never felt so real)

I don't wanna sleep, I don't wanna dream
'Cause my dreams don't comfort me
The way you make me feel
(Waking up to you never felt so real)

Oh, how I adore you
(Waking up to you never felt so real)
Oh, how I thirst for you
(Waking up to you never felt so real)
Oh, how I adore you
The way you make me feel
(Waking up to you never felt so real)



It surrounded her. Held her in a cold cradle. There was nothing around her. Just...darkness. A blank stare was directed skyward. Or where she thought was the sky...Would of been the sky? Somewhere in the distance was a small pin of light. It flicked, disappearing for a long period before popping up suddenly. Like a star on the far horizon ready to collapse on itself.

"You are ssstill awake..?"

She didn't answer to the voice.

"Why do you cling to thisss exsssisstance? Thisss fassscade that you are, or ever could be, normal?"

Again no answer. It was just easier to stare into oblivion.

"You have no place in thisss world. Their world. They are better off without you. By now you sssshould of realized thisss."

She felt something slide under her body. Leathery fold that swept around her as if ready to consume her. It didn't. Instead it tilted her like it were a seat but at the same time presented her before the shadowy figure of what she would just call a 'Demon'. It filled her sight no matter how hard she tried to look away. Then came talon tipped fingers. They curled under her chin and tilted her head so that she had to look at that ugly mug.

"You are hoping. Hoping that the boy will want you back. That the girl will sssee how much you care. But he was so easssy to throw you away. After you told yourself over and over that he loved you. Would alwaysss love you. And the girl-"

Her hand shot up. She didn't want to hear him talk about Toby or Mayu. "Shut up. I'm tired of listening to you. I don't give a f*ck anymore."

"Isss that ssso?" The hand returned but this time clenched her cheek until talons bit against her cheeks. "Liar.."

"I am so sick of people calling me that!!!" She shrieked at the top of her lungs and the creature only laughed.

"It isss true."

"It is not!!" Her hands reached out to clench the thick wrist. "I don't care!! I still want to be there for them and that's all that matters. I told..Toby I would always protect him. I would always be there for him. And I am going to be!!! And Mayu is important to me. I want to protect her too!"

"Even if ssshe hatesss you? Can't ssstand the sssight of you? Doesssn't want anything to do with you." The creature's hand released her face and she rubbed at her cheeks. "Even if he betrayed you? Lied about alwaysss loving you? Lied about nothing he could do could make him forget that he loved you?"

"Yeah. Even though." She pushed away and floated in the air, her eyes thinning at the creature. "If they hate me..Fine. I can protect them from the shadows. I can disappear from their lives and still be there.."

"Disssappear from their livessss? Asss if you haven't been removed already?"

"And I am still here!" Her eyes shot away. "I'm not going to leave..."

"Really? Your chosen hasss denied you. Faked how he felt for you."

"He did not fake that he loved me!!!" Her legs kicked out in the air that she was hovered in.

"Are you ssso ssssure about that? You couldn't even tell when that girl was faking that ssshe cared. How do you know he didn't? He who you know ssso well."

"That's because I do know him! He wouldn't do that to me. He wouldn't hurt me!"

"He hasss hurt you. Over.. And over...and over...You are sssuch a glutton." The creature hissed out a creepy laugh.

"He didn't want to. And it always hurt him when he hurt me. He even told me so.."

"I sssee. Ssso at the inn. Do you think he was really hurting? He just sssat there unable to even talk to you. Just ...walked away."

Her eyes slowly lowered.

"Oh don't tell me you've forgotten. Here. Let me remind you.."

Katt Batten

Date: 2011-01-27 18:26 EST

The scene was the porch of the inn. She watched herself sit on the porch swing as toby settled on the railing, his lips thinned. His hands fidgeting.

"What you Fiora. When you told her who I was.." He frowned sadly, his eyes refusing to open. "Why did you say that.."

Her brows twitched faintly. "My..boyfriend? Because.." Her chin dipped faintly to the side and she peered at him. "Because that is what you are.." He didn't forget did he. He told matter what he wouldn't forget that he..loved her. Slowly her head drifted straight and she stared at him.

His forehead wrinkled to match the sad frown, his eyelashes parted. He slowly raised his head and locked his eyes on hers. Staring...

She hadn't liked that look then and she still didn't like that look now.

Her eyes flicked back and forth between his. She felt a cold sensation wash through her and clench her heart. That look..wasn't what she thought it meant. It ..couldn't.. "(vs) Wh..Why..are you asking me that..Toby..."

"Because.." He was fidgeting, pressing his knuckles up against his mouth. His eyes squeezed shut. They reopened. "I wanted to know..if that's what you really thought we were."

"Yes...Do you remember what I told you that day when I told you about what happened with Zenny? I told you because I wanted you to know I had no more doubts that you loved me. And I don't. And even then..It wasn't because of you. It was because of me. You know..." Her hand shoved up and through her hair, causing her to flinch when she felt the bumps under her hair. "(vs) You know what so many have told me. My doubt wasn't because of you..was because I was afraid. I haven't been afraid of that since that day I watched over you. Taking care of your wounds with Matilda.." Her hand found the side of her neck.

"Katt..Katt, stop." His hands unfolded, he held them out to try and stop her. He lowered his palms to his knees. (s)"Just..stop.."

Her lips sealed at the request and she watched him.

"Katt..Katt, stop." His hands unfolded, he held them out to try and stop her words from getting to him. The reminder of what happened with Zenny, because of her, helped in the strangest of ways. He lowered his palms to his knees. (s)"Just..stop.."

Her lips sealed at the request and she watched him. That dreaded feeling was growing worse.

(s)"I wish..really, I do..that you hadn't told me." He swept his hands over his face, focusing on his eyes before they lowered again. (s)"That you could have just..dealt with it alone. I've tried.. But, nothing..nothing has been the same since then.."

"You....are telling me..that you...d...don't..." Her chin dipped down, the words clenched between her teeth. "Toby....." She felt the words squeeze through her throat that was far too tight.

s)"I can't do this anymore. I've never thought that faking something like this was right. If I didn't still care about you as much as I do, saying this would be a *lot* easier.."

A look of betrayal shot clear across her face and her chin rose up so that she looked at him from over the bridge of her nose. "F..Faking..something like this...You.." Her head jerked away and she stared off at the street, trying to hide the look and the feeling it held. The swing was forced back from her body as she stood. Her limbs were shaking. Lifting her free hand she drew the back of her palm against her mouth.

She had felt ..sick. Very..very sick.

He jumped, swallowed, and pressed on. "Faking..that I thought the same way about us as you do, yes. Really, I haven't thought very much about it at all. Compared to everything else that's going on right now, how close we are, or what we called ourselves to each other didn't seem important." He tapped his thumbs together. "If you're thinking that I've been faking anything about how I feel, I swear to god, I'm going to break something."

She paced along the porch, hands rubbing at her face in attempt to stop the tears from flowing. She wanted to run. Run and never look back. She managed to stop herself on the opposite side of the porch. The bottle was dropped and her hands slipped up to rest on the railing to give herself support. "How you feel..."

His expression had tight and studious. " different. And it has been for..probably a lot longer than I want to figure out. But that doesn't mean I don't still care about you, still--" he sighed. (vs)"I don't want to hurt you with this, Katt. But if I leave it alone.." he trailed off.

"Yeah..still my friend.." Her gaze leveled on the horizon. "I understand.." She finally offered and although she did the words were very plain.

"Wh--uh.." he cleared his throat. (s)"Yeah.." He drew his lips into his mouth and bit down on them. He rubbed his mouth with his thumbs. (vs)"I'm sorry.. Leaving it alone, not saying anything..that would have been worse."

Her hands slid back and forth along the railing. Her hands suddenly stopped and drew from the railing to fall lifelessly to her sides. "Wh-uh?" She repeated his words or rather the sound she heard.

He shook his head slowly and slipped off of the porch railing, dusting off the seat of his jeans with one hand. (s)"I'm sorry.. I didn't want to do this.."

"Right.." Her chin dipped down. "(vs) I still love you..And I will still..always be here for you.." She pushed from her place and made her way towards the steps. Through the course her head remained turned from him.

"I know," he nodded, taking the direction opposite of hers. "Me too.." He let the door ease shut..


She watched as he entered the inn. Leaving her behind on the porch with nothing more to go on. He had felt..guilty. Guilty for breaking up with her? Guilty for hurting her? Guilty for ..faking? Her eyes lowered. The ache that seeing it returned fully, crippling her into tears that she didn't want to show.

That creepy laughter echoed in her ears, aiding in the feeling of defeat.

"He didn't try to comfort you. Just left you in the cold. Left you broken..."

"He thought I was leaving.."

"And didn't try to ssstop you. He wanted you to leave. Hasss wanted you to leave."


"He even said so himssself. Compared to everything else what you were to him was not important. And he didn't bother checking on you. You could of been dead and it wouldn't of mattered."

"It doesn't matter.. I don't care...." Her body curled up in the air, knees to her chest. "Go away..."

The hissing laughter faded as did the figure.

Katt Batten

Date: 2011-02-03 03:38 EST
.: Feb 2nd - Evening :.

The crowd in the little home had grown. From two to four to seven. The first to arrive, strangely enough, was the twins. Zenus seemed like he was going to burst at the seams. Ion was...well..Ion. There was no expression to be read or felt.

Rufia was a little surprised to see them but when Zenus explained that he had heard from someone at the church that Katt had been seriously wounded he wanted to make sure she was okay. At first Ricter wouldn't even let them in, forbidding anyone to enter other then his wife but after heavy persuasion the twins were allowed in. They sat in the room with her for several hours doing nothing more then watching her.

Later hours brought Corey, Isabella, and Michael. The little boy held an armful of flowers that he refused to let anyone take even when they arrived. He even placed them in a vase that Rufia had set on the nearby table for him.

Between Corey and Isabella there was a heavy silence. Corey said not a word and Isabella did most of the talking for the trio. Where she talked with Rufia and Ricter, Michael stood near the bed. Funny enough wedging himself between the bed and anyone else who dared approach. His tiny little hand patted at her open palm softly. He kept asking questions that noone wanted to answer and it seemed to frustrate the five year old.

As the hours dwindled Isabella stepped outside with Rufia to talk and Corey took Michael back to the church. It was growing late and there were things that still needed to be done. Michael cried and kicked, having to be picked up and carried out of the small home.

A few hours later the twins left and Rufia reentered the small home with Isabella close behind. The conversation between the two women had left them with expressions that Ricter couldn't remembering either ever wearing. His mate looked angry and Isabella looked frustrated to high heaven.

"My heart? What troubles you?"

"I will explain later, husband of mine." Rufia smiled dearly to her husband as she and Isabella moved to Katt and began to tend her wounds together. "Please bring us some warm water. We are going to redress her wounds."

The elven man nodded to his wife and went to do the task she set for him.

"She is healing just slower then I expected. Her back is the worse of the wounds. I have no ability of magical healing so I've been addressing her wounds with herbs and ointments." Rufia offered to Isabella as she peeled back the bandages.

Isabella gasped at the sight of Katt's back and a hand rose up to her mouth to hide the gawk. "Oh Lord have mercy on this poor child. Do you think...her spine is broken?"

"I cannot tell you the answer to that Isabella. I will not be able to until she wakes. I have been trying to figure out what sort of poison is infecting her but ..."

"...But?" Isabella reached out to the edge of the burnt flesh. What were the green veins branching out everywhere under Katt's flesh? The poison? If so it was everywhere.

"But I've never seen such a poison as this.." Rufia replied in defeat. "It is consuming her and I cannot even feel her spirit anymore. It's like she's.."

"She is not dead. She's breathing." Isabella seemed far too quickly to point this out.

"Correct. She is very much still alive but it is as if something is blocking her from the world. Maybe the poison has shut down her being. I do not know. She has not so much as blinked an eye open since we've brought her here."

"Induced sleep?"

Rufia raised her eyes. "I wish I had more answers to these questions. It does seem like there is some outside force keeping her under."

Isabella started to help Rufia gently clean the wounds. Many of the thin wounds were nearly healed away but the more serious ones were very nasty looking.

"I can only hope the child's dreams are peaceful and she isn't in too much pain." Isabella's words held a heavily sad tone.

"Have you told others of the church?" Once the bandages were in place Rufia and Isabella drew the blankets up to Katt's shoulders.

"Yes I have but I've not told Sera. She has enough stress and if I know her she'd try her hardest to be here. I am not sure how the strain would effect her but I am not willing to put her in that situation. It's best she doesn't know. For both her sake and the child." Isabella sat back and began roll up the old bloody bandages. "Rufia.. Go get some rest. I will look after her."

"I am fine, Isabella." The small elveness rose up and her mate came behind her. Large hands settled on her shoulders to steady her swaying form.

"You are not fine. You are exhausted." Ricter scooped her up before she could argue and moved to their room to tuck his wife into bed.

Isabella chuckled softly and started to clean up not only the floor near the bed Katt was asleep on but also the kitchen and anywhere else she could busy herself.

Katt Batten

Date: 2011-02-09 00:32 EST
.: Feb 6th - Evening :.

"We should start considering taking her to the church. It's been.." Ricter started up during dinnertime. Rufia's respond was a heavy sigh as she bit around a piece of beef. "Rufia she would be much safer there and.."

"And how do you know they would even allow it? You've seen the way they treat her."

Ricter couldn't argue with that one. He was partly the same as the people at the church. He wanted little to do with her and her kind. He agreed with Corey but didn't agree with Corey's attempt to remove her from the world. "It isn't their choice and she does have sanctum from Matilda and Zenny. Sera is there too." Rufia frowned down at her plate and Ricter found himself frowning soon after her. "She isn't safe here."

"What you mean to say is we are not safe with her here." Rufia snapped at her husband. Ricter was drawn back and stared at her. Both her slender hands slapped the table and she pushed to stand.

"No. I mean what I said. She isn't safe here. We cannot protect her if that person and creature return. It places us in danger just having her here. We do not have the wards the church does." Ricter frowned at his wife as she turned and started to walk her way to the room where Katt was being kept.

"And she would be so protected in the church? Who would take care of her? If Agatha had her way she'd probably throw Katt right out of the door before she even was settled into a bed." Rufia scowled at her husband as she slipped into the next room.

After scraping of the chair Ricter quickly followed. "It would be easier for those looking for her to find her as well."

"They could find her here. Isabella can give instructions on finding our home and we do not live far from the marketplace."

"Rufia! Why are you so determined to take care of her?!" Ricter's voice rose and his wife quickly turned to hush him.

"Why? Because she is someone who is in pain. Not just physically but mentally. Spiritually. And if she did have someone looking for her then why aren't they here?!" Rufia looked at her husband. He gave her a sad look and shook his head, unable to give an answer. "I try to sense her and I sense..nothing. And I am worried if we do move her that whatever piece of her is trying to find its way back won't be able to. She is in struggle."

Ricter watched his wife kneel down next to Katt and she checked Katt's hand. It still had a hole in it. "We should go to town soon and try to get her a healer. Someone to mend these wounds so that when she does wake she won't be in more pieces."


"Don't.." Rufia begged and combed Katt's hair back. She was so terribly pale. "If you want to bring her to the church then you make sure that she will be protected from the people of the church who would hurt her."

"Are you afraid Corey would try again?"

"No. Corey regrets what he did. He understands what he did was wrong. It isn't him I am worried of. If anything he would help keep watch over her." Rufia shook her head as she went through the task of checking Katt's wounds that was becoming like a daily routine.

"Then we should speak to him. He can stand watch over her and.."

"And place him in that position? I don't think it is wise. He is..shouldn't be.." Rufia sighed weakly. "I think he wouldn't be a wise choice."

Ricter sighed and started to assist her with her task. "Do you think she will wake?"

"The question really is..does she want to?"

Ricter stopped and looked at her a bit confusedly. "She doesn't want to?"

"That is a very good question and one I don't know the answer to. Like I told you, husband, I cannot reach her."

Katt Batten

Date: 2011-02-09 01:25 EST
.: Feb 7th - Morning :.

Ricter woke to finding his wife missing from the bed and the sheets were tossed aside in order to give him room to fling out of the bed. "Rufia?" He called out her name as he bowled through the house looking for her. Normally she was asleep when he woke.

Isabella and Rufia looked up from morning tea and Isabella's head turned sharply away at the nearly naked elven man. "O-Oh my."

Ricter barked out a laugh and with a red face he started his way back to the room. Rufia laughed at the flustered Isabella. "Quite a morning wake up call?"

Isabella laughed weakly and sipped her tea. They were joined some time later by the abashed Ricter who cleared his throat and apologized profusely.

"So what has you two ladies up so early?" Ricter ventured carefully as he took seat at the table.

"We are going to have Katt moved to the church either Thrusday or Friday." Isabella piped up and Ricter blinked. His heavy stare turned to his wife who was calmly sipping her tea. Isabella continued, "I asked Rufia as I feel it is important that Katt is somewhere safe. Everyone who is important to Katt knows that she is around the church often and..and..s-she was suppose to be staying at the church to help out so maybe.."

Ricter gave a few slow nods and stared at his wife. There had to be a reason she gave in so easily. "Alright. Should I bring her or are you going to have someone pick her up?"

"We will be bringing her in the early morning." Rufia finally spoke, her tone gentle soft and motherly.

"So someone has been searching for her. I was starting to wonder wh.."

"No. No one but myself. I am sure that once things catch Sera's ear that she too will be wanting to check on Katt. It will make it easier if Katt is in the church."

"Oh so you are thinking ahead. What about Katt's safety from the members of the church that don't agree with her being there?" Ricter's watched Isabella as her chin rose up defiantly.

"They will just have to deal. The church is suppose to be a place of safety for all. Katt is no danger to the church and they need to realize that."

Isabella stood and Rufia did as well. "We are going shopping, husband of mine. I shall return later." Rufia smiled to him and the two women stepped out, leaving the baffled man behind to take care of the unconscious Katt.

Katt Batten

Date: 2011-02-11 01:19 EST
.: Feb 10th - Morning :.

Rufia sighed as she worked by candlelight to check Katt's wounds while her husband was busy preparing some water. No matter how hard she tried there was nothing she could do to ease the horrible vision that was Katt's back. The razor fine wounds were nearly nonexistent and a number of the bruises had healed. That just left the worse of the wounds. The one on her forehead, back, hand, and chest. The worse of course being Katt's back and hand.

Ricter cleared his throat as he entered the room with the small tub of water and lowered it near the bed. Roaming eyes caused his frown. "She looks just as bad as when we found her."

Rufia laughed quietly and dipped her rag into the water. She started with Katt's face, softly brushing the rag against Katt's skin. "Thank you, husband." He slowly nodded at her and slipped out the room.

Katt's face, neck, and shoulders were washed with care and Rufia pinned Katt's hair up in a bun. The hair dye was fading with growth, showing white that was a few inches long. It was a reminder of just how long the wounded girl had been with them.

Dipping the rag again Rufia turned to Katt to find a snake like creature swimming the air above her. Large eyes observing Katt, assessing her. Rufia's first reaction was to shriek and she pushed away from the bed, nearly spilling over the tub of water. "EEE!!!!" Rufia squealed as crawled quickly across the room to grab her broom and started to swing it at the creature.

Shoten was trying to escape the flaying broom while getting close to the unconscious Katt. Bobbing, weaving, and all around trying to get out of the way of the crazy woman with broom.

"Oh no you don't!" Rufia cried out as the creature curled itself against Katt's shoulder and nuzzled her cheek in attempt to wake her. Rufia, of course, wasn't going to hit Katt but she tried to shoo the creature off of Katt regardless.

Shoten nudged and created small noises in attempt to rouse Katt and when she didn't the creature began to float around. It dipped and settled, curling around her arm. The attention almost seemed affectionate to Rufia and to her surprise the creature's nose settled against an item that appeared to be a hairpin....with a note attached.

That wasn't there before.

Reaching for it Rufia paused when the creature raised it's head to look up at her. It's large eyes continued to watch her as she unraveled the note to read: I have returned to the church. Please contact me as you are able. It was signed with some interesting letters. It was a letter from Zenny, the woman that Katt had been trying so hard to find. Rufia looked to the creature who seemed to be waiting and Rufia gave a nod. After Katt's wounds were dressed and the blanket pulled over her Rufia moved out of the room with Shoten resting on her shoulder.

"Rufi-WHA?!" Ricter scrambled to grab his sword when he saw the creature clinging to his wife.

"Calm yourself husband. It is a companion of Zenny....I think." The creature's head bobbed to acknowledge Rufia's assumption. That didn't seem to ease her husband's alarm. "We should prepare in taking Katt to the church now."

Ricter started to nod but a knock at the door drew attention from both elven. Ricter moved to answer the door in which Zenus and Ion were standing in wait.

Zenus smiled brightly. "Hello! Isabella sent us to help you with Katt. Is that okay?"

Ricter glanced over to Rufia who laughed merrily at Zenus' enthusiasm. "That is fine, Zenus. Please come in. You can help Ricter. I will go on ahead and make sure the church is prepared for Katt's arrival.

Shoten eyed the two boys as they slipped in, chirping as it curled more to Rufia as she drew on her shawl and slippers.

A short farewell between lovers and Rufia was on her way.

Katt Batten

Date: 2011-02-11 02:37 EST
The weather outside was frightfully cold and Rufia could only do so much to keep warm. Her pace was swift through the streets of the city and she blessed the air as she came upon the steps of the church. Fleeing up them and into the warmth of the church she felt only a moment of embrace from the wards placed to keep the church safe from all harm. It was nice and toasty inside. She could hear laughter of children not far off. Poor dears made to stay inside during the cold. Cooped up with the want to run in the outside.

Spring was to come...eventually. They would have their chance and warm sun.

Rufia watched the snake like creature uncurl itself and begin to swim in the air. It disappeared somewhere along the line of the second story railing. Only by chance, afterwards, that she saw Corey chasing after one of the children and Rufia followed. "Corey?" He shrieked at his name and fell face first to the floor. Rufia flinched and took a step back when the young man tore off the floor to face her. Cringing away like she was Agatha with a ruler. Both her hands rose, delicate hands gesturing for him to ease his fear and show she was not armed. "Calm...Calm Corey."

"R-Ruf-Rufia w-what are you doing here?" He was crawling inches away from her as he spoke.

He seemed like a frightened animal to her. Rufia smiled weakly, "I am here to see Isabella? Where is she?"

"O-Oh s-s-she's in her room!" He turned and started to lead the way. Rufia followed and she noticed he looked over his shoulder to her after every five steps or so. If she got any closer he quickly placed more distance between them.

"Corey is so.."

"We are here." He gestured to the door then knocked on the door. Rapid knuckle beats on the door before he retreated away.

The door opened to show a half-awake Isabella. Her eyes steeled on Corey and he lowered his eyes down to the ground. "Rufia?" Isabella looked to the elveness.

The elveness smiled softly. "Hello, Isabella. Forgive me for waking you. Katt will be brought soon so I thought we could prepare her room? And see if we can find Zenny."

Isabella raised a brow and gave a few nods. "I wasn't even aware Zenny was back or around. We can look after the room is ready. Is Ricter bringing her alone?"

Rufia blinked at Isabella. "No. Zenus and Ion arrived at your instruction."

Isabella blinked back and she glanced over to Corey. He was looking between the two of them confusedly. Isabella quickly looked back to Rufia. "Rufia I ...I didn't send Zenus and Ion.."

Rufia frowned quickly. Something didn't seem right. "Are you sure? Zenus said.."

Isabella shook her head. "I haven't seen those two since we were all gathered at the house to visit Katt."

Isabella was barely even finished by the time Rufia was moving down the hall. "Find Zenny and have her ready for when we arrive."

"Rufia wait! What is wrong?!" Isabella took chase and reached out for Rufia but the elveness shrugged Isabella's touch away.

"If you did not send them then who did? I am worried about my husband and Katt. Just do as I ask!" Rufia quickly rushed out of the church and for home.

Isabella turned quickly to Corey. "Corey. Help me find Zenny."

The two began their combing of the church for the elusive woman named Zenny.

Katt Batten

Date: 2011-02-11 03:14 EST
"So!" Zenus chimed cheerfully to Ricter. Zenus' cheerfulness always made Ricter raise a brow. It was like Zenus was on 24/7 sugar rush. "What can we help with?"

Ion was slowly making his way towards the room with Katt and nearly stepped into the room by the time Ricter had noticed. Clearing his throat the tall elven man looked to Zenus and nudged his head in Ion's direction. "Go ahead and wait in there with her. I need to get a few things ready in here so we can carry her."

"Okay!!" Zenus sprung after Ion and both lads entered the room. Zenus peered out the door and watched Ricter for a bit then turned to Ion. Smirking he watched Ion move over to Katt. "I don't think we will have this chance again if they move her to the church."

Ion turned his eyes to Zenus and gave a slow nod. "Then it is time." A shake of Ion's head sent Ion's white hair tumbling forth and his features shifting sharply. Melting into a more feminine visage. The shifting melted down until the figure had taken form of a graceful woman with long, white hair and apple green eyes. Pupiless and full. She moved to the side of the bed and brushed back her cloak to draw out a single item. With one hand she reached out to toss Katt over onto her back. Without any care she pressed into the wound already on Katt's brow.


There was a weak pulse of pain and she stirred. Her eyes opened to an unfamiliar yet familiar place. Elven crafted walls, ivory with pale gold trimming. It was ...beautiful. Plush, blue carpet under foot felt warm and comfy. There were tapestries hanging here and there. One of the symbols was ..familiar too. It was...

"Kattttt~" A delicate voice echoed the hall.

Blinking she turned quickly towards the voice and was just in time to see a flutter of ocean hair as a figure swept around the corner at the far end. "Mrmm?" Slowly her feet began to work and she followed. Turning the corner placed her into a grand hall with twin stairs leading to a second story. High arched double doors to her left and opposite of the stairs. Straight ahead of her and across the span of space was another hall. She continued forward. Where was the person she was following?


Her heart seized in her chest at the voice and she turned quickly to the taller form. A number of steps was taken back and her eyes darted away. "T-Toby..?"

He didn't speak. Just stood there with a sad look on his face. He had just came out of nowhere.

"A-are...Are you my ..." Her brows knitted and she tried to look up. Why..Why couldn't she look at him. It had never hurt so horribly to look at him before. It had just hurt before. Now... "My...regret?"

When he didn't answer her eyes finally turned up to him. There was such sadness in those eyes of his. Sadness and yet cold at the same time. She hated seeing it. Hated seeing him so sad..So ..distant..

Would it be so bad if... "I..." she felt her voice catch in her throat and both hands rose to clasp against the center of her upper chest. Brows furrowed as she tried to collect herself long enough to give words.

"Don't.." His voice stopped her. "Don't do this.."

"...this.." The single word was severely strained.

"Don't stay here. You don't...You aren't suppose to leave. You aren't suppose to be hurt.."

"H-Hurt.." She spluttered weakly.


Tears stung at her eyes and she wiped frantically at her face. She didn't want to remember...

Didn't want to remember the deep, tearing feeling as if she had been betrayed.

Didn't want to remember that look on his face.

Didn't want to remember that the look was her fault.

Didn't want to remember that she hurt him because she was too weak..too afraid.

To remember....

She hurt Mayu too. She hadn't meant to but she still did. Enough that the girl hated her and didn't want anything to do with her. Enough to fake that she cared...despite how much Katt was cared for the girl.

She regretted hurting them both. Deep down to her very soul.

"...I didn't want to hurt you..." His voice was soft, drawing her from her thoughts. It was like it use to be when he spoke to her... "I still care.."

Her head shook sharply and her hands raised to her temples, fingers clawing into her scalp. "Stop it Toby. Just stop it." Her hands shoved from her hair, a few strains caught between her fingers. Looking up to him she couldn't see him past the tears. Her lips pursed then thinned out as she gave him a weak, helpless look. "I...It's not your fault. It's mine. I ..h..hurt you..I ...I did this to us. I just..I just wish you had told me sooner. I wish we could of worked through this. I wish..I wish...I didn't have to lose you because I was stupid..I finally...I finally believed.. Why.. WHY?! You said you understood if I didn't. You told me it was okay! You had done so much for much to mend me b..but now....It's just was a year ago.."

She laughed and sank down to her knees, hands covered her face. "I was so scared it would happen. I was so worried..I..guess you were right. When you fear something ..when you think about it so happens.. I was just afraid you were going to draw away from me again..w-without warning. Like you always do..B-but you know..You know why...You know everything and yet..and..yet.." Her shoulders shook as she sobbed. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry!!"


Her body suddenly tensed when she heard the hissing voice and her head shot up. Tear filled eyes saw the black blotch hovering around Toby. As she blinked the tears fell and what she saw sent her heart cold.

Toby's blank eyes staring at nothing particular, body hanging wrapped up by the large arms of the creature. Much like she had seen him hanging when Tylor had him.

"N..N..No. Let him go!!" She scrambled to her feet but something grabbed hold of her thighs to latch her to the ground. Looking down she saw the ribbon arms wrapped around her legs, pinning her. Eyes quickly shot up when she heard the figure move.

"You don't want to remember."

"N..NO! Toby! TOBY! Wake up!!! Fight back! DON'T GO!!!" Her hand reached out but the distance was too far. And growing even more as the creature started to sink back into the darkness of the hall. She fought the embrace of the dark limbs that struggled to keep her in place. Despite the pain that ate at her she struggled. "NO! YOU CAN'T TAKE HIM AWAY FROM ME!!!" He was all she had left! And she was already losing him much to her dislike..she didn't need more help with that!

Her eyes rounded wide and she recoiled back as if something had yanked on the end of her hair. Pain shot down through her body. White, hot, searing pain.


"NNNEEEEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" Katt's lips parted in a shriek that emptied her lungs violently.

The female laughed quietly and forced the item into place around Katt's eyes. It wrapped around her head like a blindfold and even covered over her ears. The crest on back flicked and Katt's body arched when it latched onto the back of her head. Body reaction had her body collapsing back down. Once Katt had dropped the figure stepped back and looked over to Zenus who had by now taken his true form. Canine watched the procedure in boredom and growled when the female nearly toppled over.

"What is going on i-" Ricter was jumped by the sleek beast and his arm grabbed hard enough to send him slinging a few feet away. The elven man staggered but quickly gained his footing and prepared his sword for protection if he was attacked again.

"Zenus. Wait." The female spoke. Her tone was weak and strained.


The female leaned forward and whispered into Katt's ear before she stepped away.

The wicked smile the woman wore sent a shiver up Ricter's spine. The two figures flickered, starting to fade out of view. "Where do you think you are going?! Get back here!" He ran to swing the massive sword at the female but before he could get there she was gone. So was the canine.

Ricter's eyes widened when Katt's body shifted and she sat up. "Katt. Thank heavens you are awake!" Sword held loose at his side he moved over to Katt. He staggered when she stood, naked before him save for some sort of blindfold over her eyes. It disappeared into her thick hair. Her movements were sluggish and he reached out to assist her. Just in time he drew back, her hand slashing the air. "Whoa!"

Her hand was coated in something dark. Dark and metallic. Fingertips curved into wicked claws and the metal crawled up her hand to her lower arm like it was alive.

"Katt what are you doing!?" Ricter drew his sword up to deflect the next couple of blows. She kept going at him with not one but both hands. One blow was shoved against and she staggered back. "Stop this! I don't want to fight you! AH!"

While he was busy talking she jumped forward and tore into his chest viciously.

Katt Batten

Date: 2011-02-11 03:59 EST
The front door swung open sharply as Rufia rushed in. Beside the warmth meeting her the heavy smell of blood rushed her senses. "Ricter? Husband?! Where are you?!"

"I'm in here." Ricter grunted and Rufia quickly rushed to the room where Katt had been held. Blood was splattered along the wall and pooled on the floor. There was her husband, sitting on the floor and patting his chest with a rag. "You are hurt?" And a few feet away Katt's body unnaturally littered the floor. "Katt? What is going on?"

"We are both fine. She was up for a short period of time but just passed back out. She has been unconscious for the last hour or so." His hand lowered when his wife's busy hands demanded to take over his attention to the wound on his chest. It could of been far worse, he knew. "Zenus and Ion.." He started and paused when Rufia looked up to him. "We need to get Katt to the church, Rufia. Ion is really that woman who attacked Katt and Correy."

Rufia's eyes went wide in surprise. "H-How?"

"I don't know but she is. And I *think* she had momentary control over Katt's body. Whatever she did to Katt made her weak enough that she didn't want to fight. And Katt's body is entirely too weak to fight me so .." He looked over to Katt's body.

"Then we need to get her to the church. She will be safe there." Rufia spoke quickly and whimpered when her husband shooed her from tending the claw marks across his chest.

"Yes we do. Get her ready and we will bring her now."


"Wife, we do not have time to argue about this. If they return..If they control her again and attack themselves I will *not* be able to protect us."

Rufia yelped and quickly nodded. She stood and moved to Katt. A thick blanket was carefully wrapped around the re-unconscious Katt. A second blanket was wrapped and she looked over to Ricter who had stepped out to wrap his chest and place on a new shirt. When he returned he moved over to them and scooped up Katt. "Are you okay enough to carry her?"

"I am. Come. The faster we bring her the safer she will be."

Quickly the two elven slipped into the afternoon air. Ricter did his best not to jolt Katt around too much as they rushed the streets of the city. He was having trouble breathing and by the time they did reach the church steps he was wheezing.

"Ricter?" Rufia whimpered softly.

"I'm fine my heart. In we go." He smiled to her and Rufia nodded to him. Quickly she moved ahead and opened the door for him so he could slip within. Since Rufia never went with Isabella to prepare a room Katt was brought to the room that the couple used when they stayed at the church.

Katt was set into the large bed and she was rolled carefully onto her side. Tucked in Rufia looked at Katt's expressionless face. Or lower face since her eyes were covered. Reaching out Rufia tried to remove the blindfold. The crest gleamed an angry red and Katt sobbed out.

"Rufia wait!" Ricter grabbed her wrist to stop her from pulling the blindfold. "It's enchanted or something. You are hurting her." He warned and Rufia quickly released. His hand slid down to take her own and both frowned at the twitching Katt.

Eventually she settled back into the still state she had been in for weeks.

"When Isabella and Zenny get here we will go search for a healer." Rufia's voice was distant with worry. "I am sorry husband. We should of left earlier, together.."

Ricter chuckled softly and hugged his wife to him. "Silence yourself my heart. We got her here safely enough."

"Right." Rufia silently sulked into her husband's arms, exhaustion and fretting did not go hand in hand.

Katt Batten

Date: 2011-02-12 19:18 EST
A few hours later....

Isabella frowned at Rufia who looked positively ready to fall asleep on her feet. But the small elven woman was so determined to finish her task that Isabella didn't have the heart to tell her to stop and rest.

"My lord above. She looks like she is.."

"Dying." Rufia finished Isabella's sentence when the woman seemed like she could not. Isabella was more going for 'dead'. The two women worked diligently to bind Katt's wounds and make her more comfortable now that she was in the church where she would remain until she woke. She could be looked after there in safety.

Katt's pale body was like a ragdoll when they moved her. Limbs held no life to them and flopped about when she was rolled onto her side. They had to take extra care that her head didn't do the same. She was already thin before but now was thinner still. It bothered Rufia deeply. No matter how much she tried to 'find' Katt she just couldn't. If it wasn't for the fact that the girl was breathing, deep and slow as it was, she would say that Katt had already passed on.

"What is this?" Isabella had reached for the blindfold and attempted to remove it. Before she could even get her fingers under the dark cloth Rufia reached out to stop her.

"Isabella stop!"

The nun blinked and quickly drew back her hands, looking startled.

"When we tried to remove it, it hurt Katt. It seems to be attached to her or something of the sort. Removing it might be dangerous for her." Rufia informed the nun who went from shock to concern in no time flat.

"How did it come to be on her person?"

Rufia explained everything while the two continued their task and finally, after Katt had been tucked back onto her stomach and under the covers, both woman stood and went over the information that Rufia had given.

"Those boys...they did this..?"

"They aren't boys. I am not sure they are even human. Whatever they are..Katt is their objective."

Isabella frowned. "What of Toby? I have not seen him in a while and he and Katt were pretty much inseparable. You do not think they..killed him do you? And that teal haired child that Katt is so protective of? I've not seen her since.." Isabella's frown grew deeper. Since she had slapped Katt for putting Mayu in danger. Of course Katt hadn't but Isabella didn't know that.

Rufia frowned also. "There are so many questions I do not know the answer to." Rufia looked to Isabella and smiled faintly. "We can only hope that they are in fine health." Drying her hands Rufia moved to put the bowl of water up and the extra bandages to the side. "Have you found Zenny?"

"Corey is seeking her out still. He will bring her when he has found her. Why don't you and Ricter go get some rest."

"No." Rufia spoke quickly. "I don't wish to leave this child alone."

Isabella chuckled and pulled a chair near the bed. "I will remain with her until Zenny gets here. But she is safe here, Rufia."

Rufia seemed reluctant but after a pull from her husband the small elven woman turned. "We will be in the kitchen if you need us."

Isabella nodded and looked over her shoulder when the door was closed. A small crack showed that it wasn't closed all the way. Looking back to Katt the dark haired nun frowned just a bit. Thinking back to long had the twins been staying at the church? Until the barrier was raised? Even a little after that. They were always around helping with things for the church and children. It did explain why the twins hadn't been staying in the church but still.

"Deception at it's finest..." Isabella sighed. Katt wasn't apart of it though. She wasn't apart of the danger. Otherwise..she'd not be able to enter the church? Or... Isabella didn't want to think bad about Katt anymore. The girl wasn't evil or bad just misunderstood... Really misunderstood.

Katt Batten

Date: 2011-02-13 06:42 EST
.: Feb 12th - Late Night :.

Zenny swept up the fanning staircase of the church, her canvas duster and skirts billowing in her wake. Her left hand was curled around a small bottle of sake that she rose to her mouth. An army of white spirit snakes followed her, their normally red eyes dim. They trilled and chirped quietly, swimming around her shoulders and head. As she opened one of the doors and stepped through the wards, one snake touched its nose to her cheek and burst into a powdery white dust. "You're certain, she is indeed here?" The spirit snakes that were left purred in unison. "Very well."

Anywhere and everywhere the lad was running through the church. Kitchen, cemetery, and so far a few of the upstairs rooms. He wasn't stupid enough to barge into the rooms. Currently Corey was running his way across the nave when the door opened. Yelping he skipped and bounced away from the figure that entered. Wide eyed surprise look was given to the snake like things more then Zenny. "Om-w-w-what is ...are those?!" His breaths were heaved showing that he had been running like a chicken with its head cut off.

Zenny blinked at Corey, momentarily not recognizing him, then she smiled. "They are Shoten." Another copy of the spirit snake touched her left cheek and exploded. Her eyes slid aside as she contemplated the information given..and waved her hand. "Collect yourself, you are indeed scaring the boy." The spirit snakes' eyes all closed, and they wriggled like they were laughing. One by one, they combined to form a larger version of all the copies, with ruby red eyes bright and shiny instead of unfocused. Shoten turned his nose toward the stairs and hummed.

More like completely freaking Corey out. He started to slide back a couple of steps while keeping both large eyes on the snake things forming into one. "U-Uh..O..Okay. Y-You are Zenny right?" His eyes snapped to the woman. She was equally as scary as the snakes. Or maybe it was just he thought she was pretty...scary.

"Yes." Shoten draped himself around her shoulders like a boa and as she stepped forward, the door closed behind her on its own. "I have indeed seen you around the church several times, always in the company of Isabella." Her eyes flicked up to the second level. "What is it that you need?"

Correy gulped and shuffled nervously. The witch of the church. He didn't dare take his eyes off of her while she looked to the second level. "S-Sister I-Isabella and Rufia told me to find you. Something to do ab-about..." He stalled and lowered his eyes. "They are upstairs in R-Rufia and Ricter's room. I think."

"Indeed," she said thoughtfully. After a single moment, she turned on her heel, curling a finger to beckon Corey to follow her. She didn't look to see if he would. "Tell me, aside from Shoten's presence, why are you nervous?" She started up the stairs.

"N-Nervous?" he squeaked and followed several steps behind. "S-Shoten." The mop of hair bounced around when Corey nodded. He blamed it all on the snake like creature.

She chuckled, deciding not to press. "Very well. He is indeed harmless. However now that you have revealed him to be the reason you are uneasy, he will tease you." Shoten turned his head to look at Corey over Zenny's shoulder and hissed in short bursts..little snickers.

And now there was more space between him and Zenny. Corey's big blue eyes stared at Shoten and it looked like he was about to shriek at any moment. "R-Right. Wait he can understand us?" Corey's left hand raised, pointing the direction of the room just in case Zenny didn't know.

"Of course he can," she said easily, almost surprised that that wasn't obvious. She followed Correy's lead, tipping the bottle of sake up against her mouth. "Indeed, he is not stupid."

"I didn't mean that!" Corey squeaked and looked at Shoten to prove that he didn't. Really he didn't! Good snake thing. Just stay there with Zenny. "K-Katt..S-She'"

"I am aware. It is why I have come." She finished the bottle of sake, her head tilting all the way back. Small beaded and bladed charms dangled from the pins stuck in the knot of black hair in the back of her head. "Indeed, one of Shoten's copies had only just located her prior to her transport. You were all wise to move her here."

"How...How much..d-do you know?" Now Corey was really fidgeting. He kept looking between Shoten and Zenny's head as they walked. How much did she know? How much did that thing know? Noone else but Isabella and the two elven people knew what he had done. Right? He gulped the lump in his throat.

She stopped in the hallway, slowly turning to face Corey. Shoten purred curiously and she scratched at his tail, muttering in a language that didn't sound anything close to english. He touched his nose to her cheek, uncoiled himself from her shoulders and swam up toward the domed ceiling of the church until he was gone. Her patient expression was a silent prompt for him to begin speaking.

Corey listened, having no clue what was being said. And Shoten leaving caused the boy to blink at Zenny. Had she gotten rid of it for him? No...that expression was something else. "Uh? W-Was that something I wasn't suppose to ask?" That look she gave him made him even more nervous.

"If you had wanted me to keep believing that you were not involved, then yes, it was indeed not something you should have asked." Zenny fitted the cork into the empty bottle of sake and stowed it into one of her pockets. She let that hang between them, then turned to eye each of the doors as she began to pass them. She stopped outside one, wrapping her knuckles on it.

"I was just wondering what you knew. I-I might be able to fill in some stuff." He shuffled after her but didn't add any more to that. He watched the door she knocked on open and Isabella peeked out.

"Yes? Oh by heavens above! Zenny. Where have you been?" Isabella stepped back to offer way into the room once the door was drawn fully open. Over Zenny's shoulder Isabella sent a stare that made Corey shrink back.

"I have indeed been tending to several events as of late." She stepped into the room and shrugged out of her coat revealing a collared, halter vest that left much of her back exposed. Thin white lines resembling scars, that upon further inspection turned out to be runes, were drawn across her shoulderblades and anywhere that her hair didn't cover. She looked back, a dark brow curving up at the expression Isabella was shooting the unseen Corey.

"Corey go fetch Zenny and I something to drink." The door was closed on Corey, Isabella not even giving him a chance to object. Reaching out the nun smiled to Zenny. "Here let me take that for you." She gestured to Katt who was on her stomach and cheek on pillow to face them. "Are you atleast doing well?"

She stayed silent on it, filing away questions to ask at a later date. She let Isabella take the coat, her hands falling to the katana and wakazashi at her hips. She removed them, but didn't offer them over. "Indeed, I am. You may skip the pleasantries, Isabella. I have the feeling that time is of the essence in this situation as well." She stopped beside the bed. "What has happened to her?"

"Of course," Isabella replied to the 'getting down to business' setting that Zenny went into. Folding the coat over her arm Isabella followed Zenny like a patient mother. "A few weeks back Katt was attacked in an alley. Whoever it was has done something to her that we are unable to figure." Zenny's coat was lowered to a chair and the nun reached out to push back the blanket. "She had a number of wounds, some of them have healed by now but.." Isabella pointed to where one of the thin wounds had been, rise of green that veined along Katt's flesh stretched out. "There seems to be some sort of poison in her system that Rufia has not seen before. We aren't sure if it is the reason for her unconcious state.." Isabella continued to explain things but skillfully left out Corey's part.

She sighed evenly and sat on the very edge of the bed, her weapons carefully set to the floor. Her left leg shifted enough to let the skirt slip completely open from hip to booted toe. She retrieved a small, white square from a compartment in her boot and swiftly wiped her hands down. The intense burning scent of alcohol hit the air. Her expression was tense as she absorbed the information, and took hold of Katt's arm and gently swept the cloth over a few trails of green. As confident as she was in her skills to erect barriers and keep them held, the knowledge that her work had not been in vain was always welcome. "Sister Matilda, I know, has indeed not returned to the church yet, and Sera has her plate overly full with the addition to her small family. I wonder if another light worker should not be sent for..the lack of them here at St. Agnes is beginning to get ridiculous." She pinched a hold of one of the bandages covering Katt's back and began to separate it from her flesh.

Isabella reached out to stop Zenny from removing the bandage but stopped herself. The ugly burnt flesh and marring wound wasn't hard to miss."It would prove to be a good idea. How is Sera fairing?" The nun moved to the other side of the bed and began to help Zenny when required. "But I am not sure that even they would be able to heal her wounds. Rufia has tried but some of them, like the one on her back, has proven to be very stubborn in healing even a little. The others are on her brow and hand."

Other than a slight tension in her brow, Zenny was completely void of reaction to the generous burns. "Perhaps this poison still in her system is keeping the healing properties from reaching her. Indeed, it would not be the first time I've witnessed something like that." Her eyes traveled up Katt's back to her head where she studied the aforementioned 'blindfold' and everything else that had appeared with it. She shook out her left hand sharply until gentle, but bright, neon blue flashes crackled across her hand. She extended it toward the blindfold. "For having a child as early as she has, and the added shock of her fiance's return from the dead," she answered belatedly, "Sera is indeed doing exceptionally well."

"It very well could be but we've no idea how to even rid it of her sy-Oh Zenny wait!" Isabella reached out with a hand that shook at the news. Zenny was blinked at a number of times. That news..would have to wait. "What are you doing?"

"I have not forgotten that when this item was touched it caused her great pain. I am attempting to ascertain just what we are dealing with -- be it a demonic artifact or a magical one, and just how much power it possesses." Blue flashes continued to sparkle over her hand. She didn't retract it, even when she saw Isabella's.

Isabella drew her hand back and bit on her lower lip. "Removing it seems to hurt her quite a lot. Enough to stir her. She has only woken once since she fell." Isabella watched with care but no longer stopped Zenny.

The blue flashes dancing around her hand flickered from blood red to white, her hand shook as she kept the connection. Suddenly, a sound echoed like the amplification of a thousand, simultaneous sighs. Her eyes closed, then squeezed shut and Zenny yanked her hand back with a long wince. Smoke rose from all of her fingertips.

Isabella blinked and took a step back, unsure what to make of what she saw..heard. "Are you okay, Zenny?" Smoking fingertips could not be a good sign. Quickly the nun moved to collect a bowl of water in case Zenny's hand was burning or something to that effect.

"Yes, I am fine." She blew on her hand, but her fingers continued to smoke. "From what I can gather..this item is indeed magical, and has been fashioned for a crude purpose. My assumption is that it is half this device, half the poison that keeps her in a comatose state. Removing it will not be wise until we can understand its properties fully. Most of its power, and it is immense, comes from here." She motioned toward the crest on the blindfold with a still smoking pinky. "The extraction of the poison takes precedence. As pale as she is, bleeding her does not seem wise."

Isabella offered the bowl to Zenny's hand, attempting to see if the woman would need bandaging. "Bleeding her? The poor child already looks as if she has been."

She let her hand rest in the water, and seemed to pay no mind to the hiss and steam rising from the rim of the bowl. She kept her eyes on Katt. "Indeed. That's a crude method, one that I'm sure would have worked wonders had it been attempted just after her infection. There may be a way to force the poison within her system out through one of the wounds that has yet to heal. Being the largest, her back seems to be the best spot to try such a thing."

Isabella's brows rose high at the steaming, bubbling water when Zenny's hand went into it. "I am not sure that the item's purpose is to keep her unconscious. It was only recently placed on her person. She had been unconscious long since.."

"Whoever this mysterious woman was," Zenny squinted slowly, forgetting to finish her thought for almost too long. "They indeed wanted complete control of her, and from your recount of the attack upon Ricter, it may very will be a remote for this being should anyone decide to try and force the device from her." She nodded slowly to Isabella's remark, shaking her hand free of water. "The poison was what began this, but I doubt that this device doesn't play a part. It is attached to her being and mind both."

Isabella looked at Katt but turned when she heard a knock at the door. "Come in." She sighed at Corey who silently came in and settled a tray of breads and meats on a nearby able. There was also a pitcher of ice tea and two glasses. Isabella paid him no mind but returned to her conversation with Zenny. "That is what I think. Would...Would that woman be able to control Katt from inside the church?"

She crossed her legs, paying no mind to the fact that one was still completely exposed. A black hose stocking with a lace border reached her upper thigh, sleek leather boot to just beneath her knee. She glanced over at the new entrant. "The protection on this church is now second to none, indeed not enough to render this device completely useless, but I believe that anything from this woman would not be permitted to cross the threshold. If she tries, and fails, she may begin seeking Katt out, and I believe that trying our best to cloak the girl's presence while she recovers is prudent."

Corey's head rammed back like he had walked into a wall and the lad coughed, looking away from the trio of women. He was spluttering something that Isabella couldn't quiet poke through.

"Good because from what Ricter said..if that woman does control Katt..She is like a ravaging animal. We cannot have that in the church. A majority of the presence here does not like her 'kind'." Isabella spoke quietly. Corey's head went down with that. "Is there anything we can do to cloak Katt any more? If she awakes we also need to keep her here. It is the safest place there is."

A strange prickling sensation traveled across her back. Her head turned and she looked at Corey instead of Isabella; an all knowing look, one that suggested she knew a lot more than was obvious. "Indeed. There are children here, as well as a newborn, the elderly, and many innocents that filter in and out through the doors on a daily basis." She rose to her feet and brushed herself off as her slow steps carried her toward the table where Isabella had placed her coat. She searched through its pockets until she found an ofuda card and a brush. Thumbing the end, she began to scribble on its surface. "Now that we know it is a magical artifact, we can assume that the being that uses it is also of the same affiliation. However, placing simple cloaking wards and perhaps one to guard against demonic entities wouldn't be a bad idea. As long as the device is not touched, I do not believe we are in any danger of her awakening and I am loath to restrain her any further." She waved the card through the air to dry the ink and presented the list to Corey. "If you would please, visit Marlena and Robyn to collect the herbs on this list. They are indeed clearly marked. Do not tell them who they are for."

"Sera isn't aware of Katt being here is she?" This coming because Isabella wasn't aware that Corey was just finding Zenny upon entering. Turning she looked at Katt and frowned. Restraining Katt seemed so..cruel. "We are going to try to extract the poison?" Isabella looked up to see Corey turn and inch towards Zenny without actually looking at her.

The list was grabbed for and several nods tossed his mop. 'Y-yes ma'am!' Corey mumbled and fumbled his way out of the door as quick as his bare feet allowed. Isabella scowled after him briefly and shook her head.

"No, she is not. Out of the times that I have spoken with her, I have told her that I have been searching for Katt and implored her to focus on resting herself and taken care of her child." She watched Corey's swift exit, her arms folding over her chest. "Once she is well enough, I do indeed plan on informing her. It was her desire to find out the truth about Katt that tipped the scales in favor of a premature delivery. Apparently, the last time they spoke, they had a minor altercation and she has been worried ever since. We will try this method of removal, yes." She tapped her toe in thought, then turned for the narrow door leading to the adjacent bathroom. "What methods has Rufia tried so far?"

Isabella's lips pursed. "What is this about her fiance? I wasn't aware that she was seeing anyone after ..." The frown became apparent shortly after. "A number of herbal and magical ways. I am not sure the details but from what she has said she's tried all she is aware of that could help. I do not think the method you are suggestion was attempted. Katt's wounds seem more then just physical and Rufia has been very weary of doing too much to stress her body."

She smiled at the first question as she slipped into the bathroom. A small stack of bath towels were collected, and she returned before she began to answer. She took them to the bowl of water. "I am aware of that. I was briefly informed of a situation that transpired with Toby. As for Sera's fiance, that is indeed something that I am sure you will discover for yourself in due time. Do you happen to have a crucifix on you, Isabella?" She assumed the nun did, and held out a hand for it in wait.

"With Toby?" Isabella's eyes went wide. "Oh dear! Is he alright?" Of course she did but she moved to the wall to remove the simple crucifix from it's mount. It was placed in Zenny's hand. The nun gave Zenny a questioned look....someone was being mysterious! "We were starting to wonder if he and that girl have gotten hurt as well. Heaven forbid.."

Corey came in a few minutes later with a basket in one hand and a sandwich in the other. He couldn't exactly leave the kitchen empty handed. Not with crazy 'must feed everyone' in there!

"This situation with my apprentice is dire indeed, and I have yet to be informed of anything concerning the two of them in recent events." She eyed the crucifix, then Isabella..and finally shrugged. A cross was a cross. She gently laid it down on the stack of towels and smiled at Corey's arrival, reaching to take the basket from him. Each herb within was sorted through, carefully shredded into pieces and left to submerge in the water. The scents of aloe, jasmine and peppermint began to permeate the air in a calm, soothing fragrance. Next, she took up the cross, her eyes closing in concentration. As she muttered a simple latin prayer, the area around her buzzed with channeled spiritual power, enough to make fine hairs stand on end. She set the cross into the bowl. "The event I'm speaking of may very well indeed be the cause of her emotional distress." She dunked one towel into the water until it was sufficiently damp and then spread it across Katt's wounded back.

It was larger then the one Isabella had on her person. She figured it would serve better then the small silver one around her neck. At the news Isabella frowned. It grew deeper when Corey released the basket to Zenny's care. He had moved away but lingered in case he was needed more. Isabella raised her eyes to watch Zenny, hands clasped before her in patient wait. "I will not pry on such an event as it is not my business but I shall keep them and their safety in my prayers."

"Indeed, that is much appreciated. For both their sakes, I am sure." She knelt by the bed and stretched out Katt's arm toward her, clapping her hands together and rubbing them until they crackled. "Isabella, if you would please man the towel and keep watch if it is becoming stained with the green color of the poison. And Corey," she said, a little more firmly, just in case he wanted to make another swift exit while her back was turned. "Stand to my left and do not take your eyes off of the green veins of poison beneath my hand. If you see it move anywhere at all, call it out. We are hoping that it will be drawn out through her wounds and up into the blessed towel." She positioned her left hand over Katt's arm, right over the towel..and waited for them to move. "This is only an experiment, so if it does not work, do not be discouraged. There are several more methods to choose from if that is indeed the case."

Katt Batten

Date: 2011-02-13 06:57 EST
Isabella moved at the request, taking hold towel and watching it. Corey stiffened and turned. "O-oh. Okay." He squeaked and moved to stand next to Zenny. He didn't seem very comfortable there but he was watching dutifully.

Isabella held her breath, quietly praying in hope that it would work.

The grotesque veins shifted of their own accord, as if something was alive under flesh. Under Zenny's touch the veins seemed to thicken and even move as if something alive was crawling under flesh..trying to get rid of the witch's bothersome touch. From that point, like a ripple, the veins rippled and tensed already fragile pale flesh.

"Is..that suppose to be happening?" Isabella asked in alarm.

"We may be dealing with a terrible poison here," Zenny mused. She was thankful she decided to try an area where the color was only thinly sewn through the flesh. She eased out a steadying breath, her eyelids drooping half over her eyes as she slipped into a controlled state of mind. Raw spiritual power was channeled, pulled thread thin and sent down into Katt's arm in a steady stream to try and dislodge the poison in the area her palm hovered over. Her other hand began to take on a gentle blue glow that beat like a heart, the beacon for the spiritual energies to travel toward once they pushed the poison along to and through the wound. At least she was hoping.

Whatever it was fought back as if it was indeed alive. Slowly but surely it was pushed through the guidance of Zenny but once it spout from the wound it came in the form of a thick green goop laced with plenty of blood. As if it was attempting to claw and stay within her veins and was being torn out.

Isabella gasped when the green liquid collected on the towel and ..moved. "Heaven have mercy!" Isabella almost dropped the towel when the green liquid moved in her direction. Corey's eyes tore up to Isabella, missing the patch of green that began to break past the skin where Zenny's hand was. Threatening to reach out and touch someone. Zenny.

The more she sent spiritual power through, the more she was convinced that it wasn't exactly a normal poison. This was alive, like roots, burrowing and seeking the deepest parts of Katt's. "Don't touch it. Leave the towel next to her skin. The idea is that it will indeed be trapped." Speaking broke her concentration down terribly. The thin threads of spiritual power calmly threading down into Katt's arm became a viciously compacted beam that met the rising spire of poison with great force. She tightened her mouth and posture, grasping to get a wrangle on the energy before it turned destructive.

Isabella released it as soon as Zenny had said it. "Watch your hand, Zenny. It is trying out for you too." Corey's eyes shot down to Isabella's warning and he pointed to the spot where the poison had broken free of flesh. In fact it was starting to peel past skin and leaving thin trails of vital as it struggled in attempt against the force and take hold of Zenny's hand.

Katt's entire body began to twitch and her lips parted with a quiet, inward gasp that demanded to fill her lungs with needed air.

She silently wondered, in a reserved corner of her mind, if this was not just a precurser to the device..what was needed as the foundation for it to grasp a hold of Katt's body and mind so tightly. It may be of a magical property, and that was probably the reason why the blessing wasn't working as smoothly as it should have. "Corey, take up the sword near your feet, the longest of the two weapons," she spoke tightly and quickly, shifting her hand little by little to try and keep it out of the poison's reach. Her fingers curled in a claw around the little root. "Unsheath it, slice this stem of poison free. If anything, we will indeed be able to test its raw form."

Corey blinked and quickly did as he was told. Soon as he touched it he felt a crawling wave of electricity. He tried to pay it no mind as the white blade was unsheathed. He prayed he wouldn't strike Zenny as he sliced out an attempt that showed that Corey was no swordsman in the making. He did manage to to hit the target and amount of poison that was torn into fell to the ground, sizzling from the contact with the blade. What had not been sliced away seemed to attempt in cowering back into the safety of warm flesh. Corey twitched with his hold on the weapon and struggled with not releasing it. ""

"You did just fine. Again," she ordered with the authority of a battle commander leading a charge. "Isabella, I indeed know I told you not to touch the towel, but take it and throw it over the poison upon the floor." The hand over Katt's back shot out over the spot on the ground that she indicated, fingers curled to cage the poison and keep it still.

Katt whined and shifted a bit, her hand twitching.

Isabella did as she was told and tossed the soaked towel onto the poison on the floor. There was a high pitched squeal like something alive was being tortured. Isabella gasped when a number of veins were viewed branching out and arching into Katt's spine from the wound, fighting and refusing to release hold.

Corey gulped, feeling the surge growing worse and his arms strained to hold the sword. He sliced again, poison carved away but close enough that he actually nicked Katt as well. The moment he saw the bloom of crimson he started to spout out strained apologies.

"It is indeed alive.." Zenny had give up all hope of pure concentration. A holy blessing didn't work, although she was aware she wasn't the most devout practitioner to perform one. "Enough. Sheath it, Corey, you will sustain injury if you use the weapon much longer." She hooked the towel with a couple of her fingers and dragged it over to the second bit of poison that had been sliced free. The towel in herh and crackled a vibrant white blue, trying to become the absolute magnet for the green goo. The hand over Katt's arm snapped closed, the beam of spiritual energy cut off, her palm yanked away from the reaching arms of the poison. Her brow was damp with sweat and she huffed a relieved breath. Dabbling close to the school of healing had always taken its toll.

It might not of been working fully but it was working. Whatever fell away and met the towel hissed and squirmed until falling still. Melting into the towel. It wasn't reaching for the crackling energy rather retreating. It was Zenny that it reached for and when he hand snapped away it stretched after her sharply but only so far.

Corey did as he was told, stumbling with sheathing the sword. There was a lot of cluttering but he eventually got it done. Dropping the sheathed weapon he fell to his rear, panting heavily.

Isabella looked to Corey then to Zenny. "Alive...?"

She sighed again, touching the back of her hand to her forehead. "Normally when removing a poison, it does not react on its own. Poison is, really, just a foreign, inanimate property that does not agree with the body it has found itself in. This is indeed a deliberate substance. I am unsure whether I want to even call it a poison rather than a parasite. Removing it while it is able to put up resistance will take too long and prove futile. I will need to make samples of this and let Masaru test it on his own. He is especially good with parasitic antigens, poisons and antidotes." She eyed the still towel. "I am also unsure whether what I have done has had any effect whatsoever," her brows drew together as she thought. "Or if it has just ceased its fight because it does not have the host to feed from.."

"Zenny?" Isabella chewed on her bottom lip. "If you are not too weak do you think we could try something? If you could..well I mean you were able to make it move. Maybe you could direct it to a single area and ..contain it? I do not know if you can do that but.." She pointed to Katt's back where it had gathered more since Zenny's start. "A lot has gathered here."

"Weak, no. More like," she pushed to her feet, using the nearby bed as a hold. "More like weary as a brain is after a very strenuous intellectual test." She offered a hand down to Corey to help him up, her eyes settling on Katt's back. And she smiled. " least something worked properly. I have another idea that is practically the same as yours, Isabella."

Corey took the offered hand and dragged himself to his feet. He quickly retreated his hand and looked to the bubbly substance on Katt's back.

"It is tiring." Isabella admitted gently. "But you have done more then Rufia has in this amount of time. And this.." She gestured to the water. "Seems to kill the..parasite. Or maybe it is being severed from it's host? I ..I cannot pretend to know. All I can say is whatever you did made it retreat."

"Indeed, I think it is both." She smiled to Corey as she went to prepare another towel with the blessed herb water and spread it out over Katt's back. Immediately afterward, she retrieved a small pile of ofuda cards from one of her coat pockets. "For whatever reason," she said, lifting a hand to her hair. She sliced the pad of her index finger on one of the bladed charms hanging from a hairpin and began scribbling runic symbols across the cards. "It did not wish to follow the direction of my spiritual energy, but seemed to seek me well as you for a moment. If we are able to produce the same effect of my presence for this parasite.." She squinted at the finished, bloody card and laid it against the very center of the blessed towel. "Then we may be able to draw it from Katt's body, making it believe that there is another, better host for it to feed from." She scribbled another card. "Which of course is not the case," she continued to explain as she wrote, infused, and laid the cards out. "Before it gets to these cards, it will be met with the towel soaked in blessed herb water. It should, hopefully, have some effect."

Katt did seem like a withering flower without water. A better host would probably be more of interest to the ..parasite. Isabella and Corey watched. For the moment nothing happened and suddenly the towel bubbled up, moving like a small creature was roaming around under the towel.

Katt's mouth gaped open and she released a sound like she was being strangled. Her hand twitched violently.

Green wrapped the blanket, swimming in the thread and when it felt the blessed water there was yet another squeal, parasite attempting to retreat.

"If we are able to draw it all to this singular location, removing it as a whole at a later date should be simpler. Especially if it is dead." Zenny neared the bed and touched the very corner of the towel briefly with her bleeding finger. A white blue spark shot down into it from her wrist. "An ideal method would be to inject Katt with a holy substance. Or," she chuckled quietly. "Get a holy being to administer treatment. (s)Indeed, that will probably not go over well."

The fresh blood seemed to get attention and the towel shifted in Zenny's direction. Veins of green retracted, first from Katt's face and upper chest. Stomach and arms like it was being pulled from her. Gathering under the towel with the coaxing of Zenny's

Her head tilted as she watched the obvious movement of the parasite. "Would one of you be so kind as to prepare another towel? Quickly."

Both Isabella and Corey did as she asked. In case more then one was needed. Corey was the first to hold his out and he nearly jumped when the towel was bounced up off of Katt's body, showing a large swell of green latching against her back. It had veins of it's own, blue and wiring throughout the green.

"Katt seems to be having trouble breathing." Isabella stated an obvious. In fact Katt was taking nothing more then sips of air and there was heavy sweat that was beading it's way down her cheeks.

"Indeed. If this parasite has been feeding on her blood, there is hardly enough left in her to feed oxygen to her body." Zenny frowned. "We must kill or contain it completely before a transfusion can be performed."

"T-transfusion?" Corey gulped.

Isabella waved for Corey to hush. "If we can bribe it out and away from any body it should die off like the pieces did, right? We can just keep taking towels and toss them aside away from us." That seemed to be working so far.

"That is a very good point." She kept her finger on the towel as her left foot stretched out, hooking the katana onto her toe. A swift upward kick had it flying into her outstretched hand, and she had it unsheathed in barely the blink of an eye. (s)"Naya." She spoke its name, and the white of the blade seemed to gleam brighter. Spiritual light stabbed at her eyes, but she swung the sharp end of the blade in a precise, sideways strike, meant to separate the large chunk of blue and green from Katt in a single blow. "Throw the towels aside!"

"Ahh!" Corey cried out at the stabbing light and turned his head.

Isabella, nearly doing the same, squinted and quickly yanked the corner of the towels to send them to the floor. They landed in a plop and a loud, unnatural shrill. The towels writhed as if they were alive and in great pain. It slowed and moments later eventually stilled into a melt of green liquidy gunky towel. Left on the back was much less before, spider legs turning from the wound and clenching outer flesh.

(s)"Sou na.." she muttered. "Hopefully one more should do this, indeed I underestimated our need for towels." She gripped the white hot blade until she felt her skin break, and held her bleeding hand out over the wound. Crimson drops fell one by one, baiting the rest to show itself.

Like a wounded beast attempting to find nourishment the parasite took the bait. Katt's body jerked as the parasite ripped upward and attempted to surround the source of vital that poured. Mother's milk to a hungry babe. With the tearing away Katt cried out weakly and collapsed back into the sheets.

Katt Batten

Date: 2011-02-13 07:04 EST
Zenny smiled at the rush, her hand closing into a fist that she jerked up and away, in hopes of prompting the creature to take to the air, where the deadly strike of a blade forged purely from spiritual essence and throbbing with power was waiting to skewer it straight through and take it far away from any living being.

And it did. Core and all. A fist sized clump was such a core and was the end of the spiral that ripped free to attempt and latch onto a new host.

Isabella gasped at the disturbing sight. "Please be careful Zenny!" Isabella bidded, worried that it might find Zenny as the things next victim.

"You will not find my body habitable by any standard!" She spun the Naya around in her hand and darted back, away from the bedside and the two onlookers. Her arm brought the sword point careening down, aiming to pin the core firmly to the floorboards a foot in front of her toes.

Gross squishy sound as the core met Zenny's sword and as it was pinned it squirmed. Blue 'blood' came from the core, pouring to the wood. There was hissing and shrilling as the thing struggled to clench around the blade. The energy soon ate it away until it was still upon the floor like a empty seed case.

Corey stared at Zenny and the thing that was effectively..dead. Isabella was in course of lifting Katt's arm and checking her vitals.

Zenny sighed, her head lowering. But she kept the sword in its place, letting Naya's blade do the work with ten times less effort. "She needs blood immediately to refresh her stores. Without this parasite living off of her, I indeed hope that the rest of the wounds will heal without too much issue."

"I..I wouldn't know how to do a transfer of that nature, Zenny." Isabella was honest and asking Corey if he had such experience was laughable. Katt was wheezing and it made Isabella worried. She looked clear of the parasite though so that was good news.

"Normally, it is done with a needle stuck in each being and a tube to transfer the blood, but I do not think we have that kind of time." Her hand slipped from Naya's hilt and she frowned as she thought. "The only other way that I can think of that is immediate is by mouth, however that only works with vampiric creatures. Bleeding directly into her, vein to vein may also work, but it takes precision that I am sure I do not possess at the moment. It is something that we must try. I know this church has the supplies for regular medicine." Zenny leaned down to pull a dainty throwing knife from the cuff of her left boot and, shaking her detached sleeve out of the way, sliced cleanly down the inside of her wrist. She tried to turn Katt over as gently as possible and smothered her mouth with the wound. "Matilda or Agatha's offices should have the supplies. If this does not work, we will need them."

"W-Wait." Corey called out suddenly and in a burst. "We-We can give her my blood. I-I.." He seemed to sulk when Zenny was already in charge of 'feeding' Katt.

Rolling Katt over Zenny would find Katt far lighter then she appeared. Too much would send her tossing. The flow of vital into Katt's mouth was received and filled her mouth. Seeping down her throat. Katt's features tightened at the warmth that filled her veins. It was warm..unfamiliar.

"Don't you worry, Corey, she will indeed need more than I will be able to supply her. This, again, is just a test." She kneaded the muscle of her arm, coaxing blood to flow faster. "If this does not work, and I do not know if it will be your responsibility. And even if it does, I indeed do not have an infinite supply."

Katt's body kicked into overdrive at the vital and her face twisted in agony. Muscles twitched, spasming, and jumping. Her body shifted like a sleeper 'falling' asleep.

Isabella blinked and reached out to Katt's arm to lift it. The place were Corey had nicked her was mending itself. "Interesting."

The binge of work without sleep or proper meditation, the constant use of powerful spiritual techniques, and now the loss of blood was draining her a lot more quickly than she would have liked. Reluctantly, she pulled away, blood still oozing freely down her wrist, the fingers of that hand limp. She gripped the wound tightly and sat back on her heels, steadying herself with a slow breath. Her eyes watched where Isabella was watching. "Interesting. It is indeed working?" her tone was complete disbelief.

Katt eased out a sound of a heavy breath when her mouth was freed from the press that Zenny had, what vital didn't make it between seeped from the corner of her lips.

Isabella looked over to Zenny with a rather wide eyed expression. "Yes. Yes it is! Look. Her wounds are healing!"

Corey moved to the side to witness too and he wondered to what extent that they would heal. His eyes turned down to the hand he skewered and he shuffled.

"Splendid," she chuckled, and weakly rose, her wounded arm held tightly to her stomach. She slipped the wakizashi back into its place on her right hip. The throwing knife was held out to Corey.

Corey looked at Zenny then the knife then back to Zenny. He gave her a confused look as he took it. When he realized why she was holding it out to him he gulped. Nervously he moved over and looked at the knife. Slicing way too deep into his wrist he flinched and quickly moved to follow Zenny's lead. "O-Ow."

Isabella moved from Katt to find the bandages and she motioned Zenny over. "Here let me."

She slowly followed Isabella, turning to look at Corey as he took her place. She held out her arm for the nun to tie it off. "These towels of poison and the parasite itself must be moved and this room purified. Until that happens, I indeed think she should be moved. Especially if her wounds are healing from blood transfers."

Isabella was gentle with the binding of Zenny's wound. Much like all her tending it was as if there was motherly love attached to the task. "Of course. I need to find if there are any rooms empty to accept her. You are meaning to keep her in the church still, are you not?"

Corey had flinched at the start but just stood there taking the empty of vital with a stare that made it seem like such a daunting task. Isabella frowned at the face he held as she tied off the knot to Zenny's bandages.

"Indeed. The removal of the parasite was only half the battle." She rubbed at her forearm, coaxing more feeling back into the limb. "Her strength recovery is critical, and during that time we might be able to deal with her.." she gestured to her own eyes. "Attachments." She turned and wrenched Naya out of the floor with a quick pull. The goopy core was scraped off of the blade and left to sink into the bowl of blessed herb water for safe keeping. She moved to collect the towels, stabbing them all with the point of the katana and leaving them in the bowl like they were pieces of meat.

"A-Ah!!" Corey suddenly screeched and yanked his arm back, staring down at Katt. Isabella had started to move to help Zenny collect the towels but stopped. "She bit me!" He explained and shook his bloody limb at Katt.

Course since there was no movement from Katt Isabella scoffed. "You are imagining things. Is that all you are going to give her?"

Corey shuffled and shoved his arm back into place stubbornly. He mumbled in defiance. She bit him! He knew she did!

She wiped both sides of Naya's blade off on the hem of the bed's blankets, sheathed her, and slipped her into place on her left hip. "There should indeed be empty rooms, this church is large. If these people keep treating her and other beings in the same manner, I will just have to acquire a Mark from the Congregation for her. I would have thought a lesson would be learned by now, but apparently not." She collected her coat and shoved her arms into it. Corey's cry that he'd been bitten didn't seem to faze her. Vampiric creatures had teeth, it was common knowledge. She moved to carefully take the bowl into her hands.

"People fear what they do not understand, Zenny. It is human nature." Isabella moved to Corey with bandages ready. "Come, Corey. Enough for now." He had began to pale but Isabella was pretty sure it was coming from the fact he was positively afraid he was being bitten into. When he drew back she bandaged him up like she had Zenny. "It might be wise either way as a precaution." Lowering her hands she turned to Zenny and sighed. "You should rest too. I will have her moved to a room and I will let know where. Would you like if I took care of the cleansing as well?"

"Indeed. Of all the people of this church, I am not one that needs that specific lecture." Her eyes rose to Isabella. "If you think yourself capable of the task, then by all means, do so. I am going to make sure that Masaru gets these," she lifted the bowl, turning on her heel for the door to the room. Resting sounded absolutely divine.

Corey's mouth gaped open to speak but clamped shut when

Isabella shifted a dark stare his way. "Thank you for your assistance, Zenny. Please rest well." Isabella moved to follow Zenny a bit to make sure she was okay enough to make it to her room.

Zenny opened the door and stepped over the threshold, casting a last look back at Corey near the bed. There were still questions in the back of her mind, but she would be fit to ask them later. She nodded quietly to Isabella and swept out onto the landing, steps leading her swiftly down the stairs, belying her unsteady, fatigued attitude just moments ago.

Isabella watched Zenny then turned to Correy. "You can't rest yet. We've still work to do!" Corey pouted but nodded. Isabella moved over to Katt and took up her hand to check her wounds.

Katt Batten

Date: 2011-02-13 07:11 EST
Corey collapsed onto the floor near the bed he laid Katt into. Three hours later and they finally had settled Katt into a bed. By now her back looked a quarter healed so they were able to lay her on her back. Still unconscious but at least seeming less in pain.

Isabella worked the blankets over Katt's shoulders. She looked a bit better. Still pale and thin but she didn't look like death was about to snatch her at any second. "Corey.." Isabella started and looked over to him. He dragged himself to his feet but didn't say anything. "Go get some rest."

"W-What..about you?" he asked weakly. He was exhausted but not willing to leave just yet.

"I still have to prepare the room for cleansing and make sure the right people to do are contacted."

Corey swallowed and looked to Katt. "What if she wakes up and leaves?"

"I doubt she would have the strength to do something so foolish. Besides she is safest here, I am sure she knows that." By the look on Corey's face she was pretty sure he didn't believe that. "I will come check on her after I am done."

Corey slowly nodded and stepped out of the room. Isabella watched after him and after making sure that Katt was settled she moved to do what she needed to do before she too could rest.

Katt Batten

Date: 2011-02-13 22:44 EST
.: Feb 13th - Early Evening :.

The day sped by and Isabella spent most of it sitting in the chair next to the bed that Katt was in. A few feet away there was a heated discussion between Ricter and Rufia going on that they were trying to keep hush hush about. Ricter sighed and stalked away from her suddenly and rubbed at his face harshly.

Rufia sided gently and started to approach the bed. "How is she doing?"

"She is still asleep but her wounds are healing quicker then expected." Isabella turned her head up from her sewing to look at Rufia. "What is wrong?"

"Oh.." Rufia looked after Ricter when she heard the door open and close. The absences of her husband caused the elveness to frown. "Do you remember what you told me about Zenny saying the church needed more Light workers?"

Isabella nodded and lowered her sewing. "Yes and I think it would be a good idea to have more healers."

"I told him I wish to start expanding my abilities as a healer."

Isabella's brows rose up at the news. She knew that Rufia was already a decent healer with herbs and slightly with magic. She wanted to grow better. "Why is he so upset about that?"

"Because he wants to return home." Rufia spoke with a soft tone and turned her eyes to Katt.

"Oh...Oh that is right. You were just going to stay here to help with the children until the orphanage was ready. But it isn't..So what would be wrong with learning while you are still here?"

"He is afraid I will become to attached and not wish to leave once the children are settled. I admit that I am settled here..." Rufia moved to Katt and out of curiosity began to unravel the bandages on Katt's hand. There was still a gaping hole but it looked a lot better then before. Rufia gasped when Katt's fingers twitched as if they were getting ready to clench her hand. It was odd to watch the inner workings of her hand...

"She has been moving quite a bit during the day. That is a good sign."

"Indeed! She hadn't moved any during her stay at my home." Rufia turned and smiled to Isabella. "What happened?"

"Zenny she..." Isabella started to explain what had happened and Rufia's eyes grew wide. "Oh. Oh my. That Zenny is quite amazing."

Isabella laughed quietly and nodded. "That she is. She is very amazing. I hope she has rested well."

"Do you think...Do you think she will wake.."

"I hope so..." Isabella sighed delicately and rose from her seat. "Would you like to take watch for a little while? I need to get something to eat and pass by Zenny to give her an update."

"Of course. Oh. I was told that the room was cleansed if you wish to check on that as well." Rufia took the seat that Isabella had been in.

Nodding her head Isabella turned and stepped out of her room to deal with a number of things that had to be seen to. Rufia watched the door ease closed and turned to look at Katt. Taking out a book she began to hum while settling into reading of the fine printed words.

Katt Batten

Date: 2011-02-21 06:24 EST
.: Feb 20th - Evening :.

"Nnnnnnnnhhhhh...." the strained sound echoed from a very dry and unused throat. A hand crawled across the blanket until her hand found her stomach. Creeping upward still until her fingertips found her face to rub. There was something blocking her eyes, keeping her lost in the darkness. Fingers curled to pull at the fabric and a pain rushed throughout her body. She choked out a sound of pain and when a hand grasped her wrist she quickly coiled back. She didn't actually feel the touch or warmth, she just felt the pressure.

"Stop, Katt." the female's soft voice implored.

Was she suppose to know that voice? There was a nagging idea that she should. She gurgled quietly as her hands were guided down to her lap. "Zzz....." There was soft patting to the top of her hands that she tried to retreat from.

"You can do that later. Right now you should be ta-Wait what are you doing?!"

Her hands moved to press into the bed and she forced herself to sit up. Her body screamed in pain but she shoved it to the side. "Zz..Z....Z," She went into a fit of coughs and swallowed thickly, "" Both hands covered over her mouth until she stopped coughing. She heard a gasp, male. There was a lot of stuttering and something bumping into something else.

"Corey! Be careful!"

"B-But sh-she!"

"Well turn away and stop gawking!"

"I-I-I wasn't g-g-ga-"

She grunted and forced herself to move more. Legs peeked out from the blankets only to be grabbed and shoved back under. Frowning she turned her head, chin directed to the person who was touching her.

"Katt! You need to take it slow!"

Fingers curled, clenching some of the blankets tightly. She didn't want to go. She needed to find Zenny. Needed to help... She pushed from the bed quickly and regretted it instantly. Her body felt so weak she crumpled and if it had not been for Isabella she would of been on the floor.

"Oh dear!"

Arms collected her and forced her back into the bed. Didn't make her lay down but did make her stay. Something was placed in her hands and after a bit of fumbling she realized it was a glass. Greedily her lips met the rim of the glass to guzzled down the water. Her body tensed and she began to cough at the water as if she was drowning. Isabella and Corey threw a fit and she ignored them both, drinking the water slower but with a need to ease the pain in her throat.

She wasn't suppose to be feeling like this. Brows furrowed when she tried to think of the last thing she could remember. The last thing she could remember was being in a alley thanks to Corey. He...attacked her. And then..that woman... Her head reeled back and her body collapsed into the bed. Her features twisted up, hands clenching over her blindfolded eyes. Quietly she sobbed.

"K-Katt?" Corey choked out and she clawed at his direction.

"" She snarled out more broken words that didn't make any sense. He tried to kill her! What the hell was he doing there?! She felt Isabella's hands around her wrists. She wanted to fight back but her body wouldn't allow it. Her hands lowered to her sides she sighed helplessly. Corey wasn't a worry right now. She had more important things to do. "Zen...e."

Isabella glanced over her shoulder to Corey who was coward near the door. "Zenny? She is busy but I will let her know you are awake." Isabella tried to calm Katt more by patting her shoulder.

"Mrmm.." Talking hurt. Actually everything hurt. Rolling onto her side she turned her back to Isabella and Corey. She needed to talk with Zenny. Mayu still needed help...needed Zenny. Tears finally seemed to find their way past the blindfold.

The bed shifted as Isabella settled on it and reached over in attempt to sooth Katt. "Corey go downstairs and get Katt something to drink and eat."

She heard the door close without a word from Corey. She didn't care. Hoped he fell down the stairs on his way.


"Mrph.." she replied quietly to her name.

"Try and take it slow. You have been unconscious for almost a full month and yo-"

Her head turned sharply to Isabella's voice as if she could actually see the woman. Moving so fast made her head spin. "Wh....m..mon..?" Her hand pawed out at the air until she felt something under her fingertips and gripped. Isabella gasped at the sudden, sharp grasp. "Zzz..I..." She was cut off by a tender touch and she was forced to release once again.

"Katt. Whatever it is can wait until you are able to speak. Zenny is around and I am sure she will be ready to speak to you when you are able."

Her head shook weakly to Isabella. A whole month?! Helen had said the wedding was soon didn't she? What if...What if... She suddenly felt ill and curled up into a ball.

Isabella's lips thinned in worry. "Try and relax. Your body is still healing."

She didn't want to hear Isabella talk anymore. It was bad enough Isabella's voice was muddled but she just didn't want to hear it.

A whole month....

Katt Batten

Date: 2011-02-22 01:29 EST
.: Feb 21st - Afternoon :.

"How is she?" Corey asked lightly.

Isabella smile weakly an shook her head. " not know. Has Rufia returned yet?"

"R-Rufia? Not that I know of. I can go check."

"No, Corey. Not right now. It is okay lets just let her rest for a while longer." Isabella looked over to the door to the room that Katt was staying in.

Movement and functions were coming back slowly but her head felt so heavy. Unable to really see she relied on her hearing which also was hampered by the blindfold. What little walking she did it was around the room, placing the surroundings to her memory. Finding the window she clenched onto the sill. She could feel the cold from the window. It wasn't as cold outside as she remembered. Did that mean...spring was coming?

Hearing the door open her head tilted. There was more then one person that much she knew. "Mrmm..?"

"I..I uh..w-we brought you some c-clothes." Corey stuttered.

By the time he was done talking she had turned back to the window. By this point the sill was leaned into and it was the only thing keeping her on her feet.

" barely touched your food." Isabella touched the plate with a sandwich still on it. There seemed to be a single bite eaten off the edge. Atleast the milk was gone.

"H..hurts to.." she confused in a mumble. It hurt to speak still but her words were not cracking apart.

"How about some soup? Do you think that would be easier to eat?"

Nodding her head she turned to Isabella. She heard Corey squeak and him crash into something. Sighing she reached out a hand for whatever clothes was brought to her. It took them a bit to realize why she was stretching her hand out but eventually she felt something settle into her waiting palm. When Isabella tried to help she leaned away and pulled on the simple dress.

"How are you feeling?"

"Mrph.." she measured steps until her knees met the bed. Turning she sat own on the edge. "I'll live." She stressed the word just to make Corey squirm.

"Rufia will be coming soon. I think you should take it easy until you have had a couple of healing sessions with her."

She jumped a bit when she felt the bristles of a brush meet her hair. What was suppose to be calming only made her want to move away but she took it anyways. "Okay.."

"I think it will also be a good idea if you remain in the church for a while." Isabella continued.

Sure..why not? She was going to stay there to begin stuff..Not like... "Understood..." The single word came out as if Isabella had given a order.

Isabella blinked. That had been way too easy. Not only that by the lack of sheer..anything coming from Katt was a bit disarming.

"I-If you w-want to leave the church I will go with you." Corey spoke up and surprise both himself and Isabella.

She grunted at the offer and turned to face Corey. The smile she gave was weird. "Why? So you...can try to k...kill me again?"

"Katt!" Isabella blurted out.

She turned to Isabella and snorted. "What? He has tried once why wouldn't he t-"

"N-No! I won't..I..W-Won't do it again. I pr-promise." Corey shuffled and lowered his head. Called on his actions made him realie that she knew and remembered.

How couldn't she? Her body was still in pain from it..

"I think it would be wise if you just stayed here for now. It's safer here." Isabella tried to pull Katt's thoughts from going out.

Not that she was thinking about it. Zenny was right here in the church. Zenny was the reason she had been searching...

Zenny was the start to hopefully helping Mayu. Why her and..


She grunted quietly and rubbed her temple. "When is Rufia arr......arriving? A..And is s..Sera?"

"Sera? Oh she is busy with her family. Speaking of family...Katt may I ask you a question?"

"" she tilted her head curiously.

"Oh yes! Sera had her baby."

Her brows shot up at the news. Sera had down on her bottom lip she dipped her head. "I...Is she...okay?"

Isabella quickly nodded several times. "Both she and the child are well! And..."

Isabella's pause was given no note. "What is yo..your question?"

"My que- Oh! Who was that woman who attacked you?"

Katt's head rose up and she turned away from Isabella. She didn't want to answer the question. " be f...following me...around?"

Isabella and Corey looked at each other and Corey shrugged.

"If you want him to. He does want to -"

"I don't...want him...n..near me.." Her lips peeled a small hiss.

Corey began to fidget. "B-But K-"

Turning her head sharply she growled at Corey. " to kill me.. Wh..What did you think...I as want?"

Corey shuffled back and turned, quickly retreating out of the room. Isabella took chase after him leaving her alone. She was use to being alone. Curling up on the bed she rolled onto her side. She didn't have enough strength to really roam but she could at least roam a little around the church...

There was hope to bumping into Zenny...

Getting help for Mayu...

Katt Batten

Date: 2011-02-23 03:10 EST
.: Feb 22nd - Late Evening :.

"How is she doing? Rufia questioned both Corey and Isabella who were peeking in on Katt.

"She..really hasn't moved much from her bed. She spent most of her day sitting under that window." Corey was frowning when he looked to Rufia.

"The poor child...It looks as though she's looking off into loneliness." Rufia spot soft, looking past the two's shoulders to look at Katt.

"Loneliness.." Isabella questioned but Rufia didn't offer any sort of answer. Shaking her head Isabella pushed open the door to lead the other two in. "Good evening, Katt."

Her head tilted when she heard her name but she didn't turn to face them. She knew it was dark because she couldn't feel the sun anymore. It was the only way to tell time really. "Hello Isabella. Corey." She could tell there was multiple people..there was a lot more feet movement then one or two people..

"H-Hi Katt."

"Evening to you, Miss Katt."

That voice she wasn't familiar with. "You must be..Rufia?"

The elven woman smiled delicately. "That is correct, Miss Katt. How are you doing this evening? I am pleased to see you are awake."

"I am okay I guess. I.." She sighed and turned her head fully to the window. "I am having trouble remembering some things."

Rufia moved to the bed while Corey and Isabella remained to the side, waiting to see if Rufia would need any help. "I need to tend your wounds, if it pleases? And what sort of things are you having trouble remembering?"

She didn't move past a simple nod to let Rufia know it was okay to check her.

Rufia pulled Katt's hand up and began to unwind the bandages. "Your memories will return I am sure. You have been unconscious for nearly a month."

Her hand twitched and she almost pulled her hand away. "N-No. It's not right. I am not suppose to forget something important. Someone important.." She swallowed and looked back to the window.

"S-Someone?" Corey chimed the question they all wanted to know the answer to.

"I..I feel like..I It hurts to think about certain things. Like..T..Toby..and ...Mayu..." She frowned. She didn't like knowing she had forgotten something about Mayu. She couldn't remember what it was she was forgetting but she knew she was. And Toby... She couldn't remember much of anything about him.

Corey choked, loudly. "Y-You don't...remember T-Toby?!"

Her chin rose and directed attention to Corey's direction.

"B-But isn't h-he your b-b-"

"Corey." Isabella's voice was delicate and she placed a hand to his shoulder to silence him. She looked to Katt and Rufia.

"Your hand looks better." Rufia spoke up to interrupt, bandaging the hand back up and pulled Katt's dress up to her shoulders. "So does your shoulder. Your back.." Rufia frowned at Katt's back. It didn't look any better at all. "You are still recovering. So you should relax and.."

She shrugged until the dress fell back into place. "Toby gave me some out of a vial. He said it would help. Has it?"

"It looks like it might of a little."

"B-Blood really seemed to help."

She nearly groaned when she heard Corey announce that. Geez when did he find out? Did everyone know? What else wasn't she remembering?!

Rufia looked over to him and blinked. She looked to Katt and raised a brow. "You are of vampiric nature?"

She lowered her head at the question and sighed quietly. "Part of me is..Yes."

"I see. With that and my sessions it might help you recover all that much faster." Rufia patted katt's shoulder and rose to her feet. Looking to Isabella she smiled delicately. "You are still keeping her here, correct?"

Isabella quickly nodded. "For her safety if anything." Isabella calmly took Rufia to the side to talk out of hearing range. "Zenus and Ion are still out there. I think it would be terrible if they found her again."

"Especially in this state." Rufia nodded and looked to Katt who had looked back to the window silently. "Her loss of memory worries me. Do you think it is because of that thing around her face or is it permanent damage?"

"Truthfully..I think it is the thing around her head. If her head is hurting it could just be very well keeping her from remembering specific things."

"Why..? Why would they do that?

"I do not know, Rufia. I would like to politely ask you continue to keep an eye on her wounds and if Ricter wouldn't mind, walking with Katt if she ventures out."

Rufia nodded slowly. "Of course..."

"Get away Corey!" She suddenly blurted loudly.

Rufia and Isabella turned to Katt and Corey, Katt swatting him away for whatever reason it may be.

"B-But Katt y-you n-need.."

"I need food. Go cook me something." She grunted softly. It was still strained...just like the rest of her.

"I..I can'"

"Corey come on. Let her rest.." Isabella grabbed his arm and started to pull him. He stuttered something fierce on the way out.

Rufia chuckled and smiled to Katt even though she couldn't see. "Sleep well, Katt. I will see you tomorrow."

She nodded and listened for the door to close. Once it did she began to sink down into the bed, glad that her audience was gone. Quietly she sat there, half lounged and focused on the window. Waiting for sleep to take her.

Katt Batten

Date: 2011-02-27 03:45 EST
.: Feb 25th - Late Evening :.

"Rufia!" Isabella called across the snowy front of the church. The elveness was gliding her way up the many steps and stopped to the call.

Smiling warmly the elveness turned to wait for Isabella and Correy. Once they were close gracefully presented a bow to them. "Good evening to you Isabella, Corey. How are you both this splendid night?"

"Oh we are doing well." Isabella answered for the both of them. Correy swiftly nodded to show he agreed. "How are you and your husband?"

"We are doing very well. Ricter seems fueled lately with his training." Isabella raised a brow to Rufia. The elveness gave a musical laugh. "He does not take to being beaten very well."

"Wh-Who beat him?" Corey questioned, following behind the two women.

"Katt did.... When she was under the influence of Ion." Rufia admitted softly and after drawing open the doors she stepped to the side to usher Isabella and Corey inside first.


"How is Katt doing?" Isabella piped up while walking into the church.

"I...." Rufia walked after them and drew the doors closed. The taller woman didn't answer at first, just stared at the intricate work of the handles. "I am not sure.." She finally turned to Isabella and Corey to find both were staring at her. The unsure tone hanged on the woman's delicate face. "I don't know."

"What do you mean?"

Rufia had already begun her way towards the stairs when Isabella asked. "I remember when I first met Katt. She was a well of emotions and life. But now...." The elveness stopped after a few steps, Corey close on her heels. Isabella was a few feet behind, listening to the explanation. "....Before she woke I couldn't feel anything from her. I still can't. I feel a small sliver of pain, which I figure are from her wounds, but besides that..."

Corey seemed confused by this news and it grew more and more when they saw Katt walking down the hall with Michael hanging on her pinky finger.

"She is moving around and speaking better but.." Rufia watched the little boy run off ahead to Katt's room.

"But?" Isabella urged Rufia on. "I have seen Katt roaming around the church these past few days of her recovery."

Rufia stopped and turned to the two following her. "I do not know how to explain it. I've seen her smile and even laugh. They look real but they feel empty. If I had to say...I would say she was faking.."

Isabella's brow rose up and the nun smiled weakly. "Do you think your tiredness effects your empathy, Rufia? I, too, have seen Katt smile. I have also seen her fuss at Corey. I doubt that is faking."

Rufia's head shook, tossing the cropped hair against her cheeks. "No. I am telling you that isn't the real Katt...I don't know where she is but that.." The elveness pointed to Katt and Michael who entered Katt's room. "...That isn't her. Or a complete her."

Isabella frowned and watched Corey head off after Katt and Michael. "Mayhaps that thing isn't just hiding her memories but who she is, too?"

"But why...? Why do th..." Rufia blinked and tilted her head. "To control her." Rufia sputtered nervously. "Ricter said that Ion was controlling Katt. Maybe whatever they did was so that they could control her."

"If that is true then..Oh my I should probably let Zenny know. If that is true then we need to get that thing off of Katt and soon."

"I agree but there is something that bothers me..." Rufia moved to Katt's room with Isabella close behind. "If they have control over her why haven't they commanded her to leave yet? Why haven't they made her attack?"

"Maybe they can't. Maybe they are too far or the ward that Zenny has around the church disturbs whatever spell Ion has on Katt?" Speculations was all that Isabella could grasp at. "It does seem odd. It has been over a month now.."

Rufia sighed and stepped into Katt's room. Michael was laughing and Corey was chasing him around the room.

"Can't get mes! Can't get mes!" Michael chimed.

Katt laughed from her bed, hands clasped in her lap. She smiled politely and tilted her chin to the door. "Sister Isabella...Rufia. Please come in."

"Hello Katt." Rufia spoke softly and started to routine checkup. "Have you taken any blood since we had talked about it?"

"No.." she answered quick and to the point.

"Katt.." Rufia started but stopped and looked over her shoulder. Michael had stopped, clinging on Corey's hand. They were whispering back and forth. Isabella was preparing some fresh clothing for Katt at the table. "You need to take care of yourself." Rufia looked back to Katt and sighed.

"I'm fine.." she smiled politely again. "Thank you for your concern, Rufia. How are my wounds?"

"Your shoulder looks much better. It might take a little more time for your hand.." Rufia carefully rebound Katt's hand.

She chuckled lightly. "Well yeah it was skewered through. I am lucky I can still move it. How is my back?" When there was no answer her head craned one side. "Rufia?"

"Your back is still in the mend." Rufia offered kindly. "Is there anything I can do to make your stay here more comfortable?"

"Um....When can I uh..." She motioned to the blindfold. "Remove this?"

"When the time comes." Rufia patted Katt's hands and stood. A helpless look was given to Isabella.

"Rufia? Am I well enough to go out soon? I want to go my apartment. I have a cat that hasn't been fed in over a month..."

"Katt. I think it would in your best interest if you stay here.." Isabella quickly chimed in.

"But Corey can come and escort me so I don't bump into things.." she sighed. Feeling helpless didn't ever seem to go away.

"I am sorry, Katt. You need to stay here." Isabella's tone meant there was no room for argument.

She leaned to the window and sighed. "Fine.."

"Psst. Corey? Why are thems being means to Katt?"

"Shhhh! They aren't being mean they are just..."

There was mumbling she couldn't make out. Slipping out of her bed she started to measure out steps to the door.

"K-katt! W-where are you going?" Corey stuttered nervously.

She felt a hand and she was detoured back to the bed. The soft hand made her sigh. "I want to go walk a little." Isabella gently was tucking her in. By the time she was under the covers she found herself simply not wanting to fight it.

"You are still tired, Katt.." Rufia spoke over Isabella's shoulder. Isabella softly rolled Katt onto her side to get a better look at the crest. "Corey...Take Michael to bed. It is way past his bedtime."

"But I don't wannnnaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" Michael whined pitifully.

"Michael don't argue with me." Isabella scowled.

Michael screamed out a fit almost instantly. Big fat tears strolled down the small boy's face and he fought against Corey even after he was scooped up. His fit continued as Corey carried him out, muffled when the door closed.

The room was silent and she wondered if she was alone...until she heard Isabella sigh. "What is wrong?" She finally asked to break the heavy hanging silence.

Isabella was busy examining the crest when Katt asked and the nun shook her head. "Oh nothing dear! We are just looking you over to see if we can do more to help you on your road to recovery."

She didn't quite believe Isabella but that was fine. Yawning she curled up and tucked her pillow under her cheek. Sleep tugged at her, drawing her down until she slumped completely.

Isabella looked at Rufia. "How *are* her wounds?"

"Her back hasn't changed at all since the parasite has been removed. I don't know why."

The two women passed words between themselves for several hours, trying to weed out what to do..

...The crest needed to go!

Katt Batten

Date: 2011-02-28 03:57 EST
.: Feb 27th - Late Evening :.

The biting cold air whipped the blanket around her in it's feeble attempt to keep her protected from the elements. Elements that didn't particularly bother her at this point in time. She heard voices calling out her name and paid them no mind. Isabella and Corey roaming the church in search for her. Neither took it into mind to go into the cemetery because of the weather. It would just take looking out of a window to see the slender figure perched on the slab of wall that arched up from the ground.

"You know.."

Her head craned faintly to the voice. A few feet away Ricter was leaning into the wall, ankles crossed. His hooded cloak was like her blanket, keeping the elements away. It was a gesture to show that she was listening to the words he started. Probably to let her know he was there.

"There are better ways to take a shower or bath. I am sure the joint bathroom in our room would suffice." he continued calmly.

Her head leveled back forward, elbows resting against her knees. There was no reply given back for his efforts.

"Katt there are people looking for you." Ricter pushed off of the wall and started to approach her. When he reached out in attempt to touch her she dipped her shoulder down and after turning out a leg she brought her chin as if she was looking up to him. She reminded him of a frightening animal. "Are you okay?"

"I am fine." She slipped a few feet between them leaving his hand hanging.

"Come inside. Rufia has made some hot chocolate. Will warm you right up." He reached out again and she shrunk away from being touched. The elven man sighed and took a step back. "Please, Katt. They are worried."

"You don't need to pretend to worry."

Ricter was taken by surprise at the flat tone of her voice when she said it. Raising a brow at her he watched as she climbed off of the rubble. "What makes you think I am pretending?"

She didn't answer.

It was a sinking reminder...

The moment she felt a few droplets of icy rain she started to walk the way she had entered, counting the steps on her way. She heard crunching icy snow behind her as Ricter followed. He dashed ahead once she was close to the door and she heard the squeaky door being opened for her. The moment she stepped in she heard a gasp.

"Katt! There you are. My gracious you are soaked!" Isabella rushed over and took hold of Katt's unhurt hand. "For heaven sakes, Ricter! Why did you have her outside?"

Ricter cracked a grin that looked unnatural on his stony features. "She wanted to go outside! Was either that or we go for a walk in the marketplace and..."

"No. Shame on you for bringing her out in this weather!!" Isabella scolded him and drew Katt down the hall.

She heard Ricter chuckle and chat with Corey as Isabella pulled her down the hall. Why did he say that? Why did he lie. It wasn't like she was doing anything bad nor did she plan on staying out in it for ridiculously long hours and get herself sick. She just needed fresh air and for some reason the wall near where she was...held a memory she couldn't grasp. It was nagging...

Like a lot of things...

The blanket was pulled away and she shuddered but not from the lack of warmth. She didn't really feel it to begin with. By the time she came out of her zone she heard a Rufia and Isabella talking. Rufia's voice sounded far off. Isabella was helping her out of her clothes that she was moving, unknowingly, to assist with. A change of clothes and towel dried hair later she was once again being checked over.


"Geh!" She stumbled back when Michael tackled her. He giggled merrily even as she sat down, his small arms finding their way around her neck. "Hello, Michael."


"Michael! You should be sleeping!"


"It is okay. He can stay." she spoke up against Isabella.

"Nonsense! Michael get to bed this instant. You can visit Katt when you wake up."

She felt the boy release her and with sniffling he sulked off to bed. She still didn't quite understand why the boy was so tied up with her. Once Michael was gone she started for the door.

"Oh no you don't!" Rufia spoke out and laughed softly. "Where do you think you are going?"

"I'm hungry..." She replied over her shoulder. "You two should sleep."

"But.." Isabella started but she was waved off by Katt's hand which was the last thing out of the room. Isabella chuckled and looked over to Rufia. "I guess she can handle her way to the kitchen. Goodnight, Rufia."

Rufia smiled gently. "Good night Sister Isabella." The two seperated ways.

By the time that Rufia had found Ricter and was starting to leave they found Katt had already made her way to the hall leading to the kitchen. "Should...we leave her?"

Rufia looked up at her husband helplessly. The elveness turned to Katt and began to approach her. "Katt..?"

"Mrmm?" She turned her head, chin raised as if she was peering over to Rufia.

"Are you okay here alone?"


That word rattled painfully.

"Yep..I will just grab something out of the fridge. Worse thing that will happen is that I hit the table." She grinned and waved to Rufia and Ricter. "Sleep well you two."

Rufia and Ricter frowned after her but both left for the evening.

Leaning back against the wall she waited until she heard the doors close. Things were silent in the church. She waited longer before finally pushing from the wall and moving into the kitchen to find something to eat.

Katt Batten

Date: 2011-02-28 04:18 EST
.: Feb 28th - Early Morning :.

She had made her way to her room some time after eating and had fallen asleep. Waking up after a few hours she felt something next to her. An arm draped over her side made it hard to really roll over and at the same time felt vaguely...familiar. A little nudge had the small figure flop over in a mumbling fit.

It was... Michael?

Sighing she pushed up out of the bed, being careful not to disturb the sleeping child. After a bit of fumbling to find the slip on shoes she found her way out of the room and eventually down the stairs. She couldn't of been sleeping that long..the church was still really quiet.

The last of the stairs was taken and she felt torn between going into the kitchen or...

Turning she made her way to the doors and opened them enough to slip out. She felt something push against her. It was weird but ignored. The door pulled softly closed behind her she started down the steps. She grunted quietly at the slippery steps under her shoes. There was a lot of steps and it took a lot to make her way down them without falling.

Her mind kept reminding her that there was a fountain in front of the church. Broken but it was there. Hands went out after the last step and she ambled forward until she found the fountain's edge. Turning she sat, facing the church.

Hands settled in her lap she just sat there. This.. This was familiar. Sitting on a fountain...

It felt like...

...She was waiting...

Katt Batten

Date: 2011-02-28 05:57 EST

Her head tilted to the familiar voice. "Mrmm?" She questioned quietly.

"What are you doing in this late at night? Don't you know it just rained?"

The familiar voice was a little rumble. Different. But still...

"Yeah I guessed when I stepped in a really cold puddle. What are *you* doing out, Zenus?"

"Oh you know~ This and that! In fact me and Ion have been around here at the church wondering how you were doing!"

"Mrmmm? Really? I haven't heard about you or heard you around the church.."

"Yep! How are you doing, Katt? How is your back?"

She shrugged to Zenus' question. "It is okay I guess. How did you know about it?"

"Oh me and Ion went to visit you at Rufia's place. And we brought you flowers."

She heard clicking sounds against the ground. It sounded like an animal pacing. "You..brought me flowers?"

"Yep!" Zenus chimed cheerfully.

Way too cheerfully...

"You know..We have been waiting for you to come out of the church ever since they brought you."

"Mrmm..? Why?" Her guess was the people inside didn't like them either. They must of been different or something...who knows.

"Because..You see we cannot go into the church..."

Her chin rose to the announcement and she slowly stood. "Why not?"

"Because...they know what we are."

"Oh? So they pick on you too?"

"Oh no. No no! That's not the reason. They know what we are..and that we were the ones who...."

"Who..?" Her stomach twisted. What was..this feeling? She shifted and slowly took a step to the side. She heard a growl.

"..Subdued you of course." The unfamiliar female's voice sliced into the conversation. "The ones who cut down that whelp Corey and prepared you for your return home."

She swallowed and began to inch her way towards the steps.

"We have been watching you...for a long..long time. Waiting for the precise moment it would be easiest to collect you for the Master. You remember the Master, don't you Katt? He remembers you.." Katt's body tensed when she bumped into the source of the female's voice. A hand swept across her chin and tilted her head. "It is time to return.." The female's whispered.

"No." She snarled and slapped the woman's hand away. Missing and catching air she stumbled away. "I am not going anywhere!"

"You think? Why would you even want to stay in this hell hole? No one even cares about you. They are all faking. Just like that girl did. Your father wants you home."

Her head jerked sharply. Her...father?

That isn't you, Katt..

The voice in her head made it throb like mad and she snarled. "Yeah well.. I don't care. I am suppose to be here...I have people w-who care.." Not really.. She knew that. They didn't..

"I thought you blocked all those memories of the girl, too!"

"Like I had time to remove everything." The female hissed.

They were arguing. Turning she quickly scrambled up the stairs, slipping on the frozen steps on her way up but making progress. Hands grasped the handles after soundly thumping into the door. The handles giving her something to grasp on when she felt something wrap her waist and yank. "Ah!"

"Look what you did she almost got away." Zenus claimed.

The long spines wrapped around her waist yanked up and down, trying to shake her off of the door. "S-Stop it! Let me go! I'm n-GEK!" She choked when something wrapped around her neck, cutting off her hair. If it wasn't for everything already being dark..

She slumped into waiting arms after a few moments lacking the much needed air. Once she had fallen whatever it was eased up. Mistake. Both hands went up to grab the woman's head and she yanked her own head up to headbutt the woman. THWAP!

"AH! You little-!"

On her feet she scrambled away. "Nhhh!" A hand swept out behind her, littering the ground with tiny glowing spheres. They hummed and exploded in rapid session. Dust and snow kicked into the air aiding in her escape. Granted she couldn't see where she was going but she was going..that was all that mattered. She didn't get far. Without warning things blinding white in pain rushed through her head and stretched throughout her entire being. "NNNEEEEEAAHHH!!!" Soon after something pounding into her hard enough to send her to the ground. She landed face first with a loud grunt.

Something was...sitting on her. Growling in her ear. Teeth snapped. "You run again and I will bring you to the Master in pieces.."

She didn't remember Zenus being that small or being an animal for that matter. She tried to move but every time she even breathed another wave of pain took over her senses.

"Be quick. Someone might of heard her."

She forced herself to roll over sharply and threw a fist at Zenus. It landed and she channeled all she could into a single shadow dagger. There was a yelp and there was a satisfaction from the sound. Next thing she knew she felt a sharp kick to the temple and she dropped.

Katt Batten

Date: 2011-02-28 07:37 EST
"She is such a pa-"

"Shut up, Zenus. We need to get her to the waystone." The woman growled at her canine counterpart.

"Fine. Do y-What the hell?!"

It was growing louder. A sound like there was a livewire hissing in the air.

"Zenus! MOVE!"

It was too late. Katt rolled over, legs kicking at the canine like creature to the ground. Both hands went up and crashed down into the ribcage and the livewire sound exploded. Literally. Gray blood, fur, and innards flew into the air, splashing not only her but the mysterious woman in gore. The carcass of Zenus slumped between her knees. Snarling her head tilted in the direction of the woman.

The woman laughed and started towards her. Quickly she raised from the body and clenched at the air, forcing her body to endure the exhaustion of creating a shadow dagger.

"Oh do you plan on attempting to dispatch me as well? I think not, my little flower." The woman cooed softly.

The creation of the weapon melted when she heard the woman say that. Brows furrowed against the blindfold. She started to ask question the woman but before she could someone ran by.


"M-Michael?" she choked out.

"Mic-Michael! G-Get away it's dangerous!!!"

Her head whipped. Corey too? She felt Michael's arms wrap her waist. He was sobbing and clinging on for dear life.

"Pests. You all! It matters not. I will kill you all and return her to her rightful place."

Lowering her arm she pushed Michael away. "Go Michael."

"N-No!" the little boy whined.

She growled even as darkness began to ink along her arms, fashioning her fingers into wickedly curved claws. "Michael! Go!"

"Oh how adorable. You are going to protect them?" The woman laughed.

She used the laughter to swiftly approach the woman. Slashing the air she missed and something metallic met the claws. Flinching she grunted and tilted to follow the sword's direction.

"Other way Katt! She's behind you!" Corey directed.

A little late. Her head rocked back when the crest was grabbed. She gasped, mouth gaped open.

"Enough of this foolishness. It is time to g-" The woman choked in surprise and stumbled back, clenching her waist. She stared at Katt who was still standing there with her arm bent, a backward blade protruding from her elbow dripped with vital. "Resourceful." The woman laughed and attempted to stand fully. Katt had managed to tear from the puncture point to rip out the side leaving the other female with a nice gap in her side.

Suddenly a hand grasped Katt's wrist, pulling her along. "Katt. Hurry! Back inside!" Corey dragged her to the steps but she kept her attention in the direction of the woman. He shoved Michael ahead and when Katt didn't move like he wanted he grabbed her arm sharply and pulled her close. Then slung her over a shoulder. He stumbled, unaccustomed to her weight. "Ack!"

"What the hell are you doing?!"

"Ack! She's coming! Shut up!" Corey ran up the stairs with the added weight, the woman close on his heels.

Suddenly she found herself dropped and shoved forward. The thickness she stumbled past made her feel as if she was passing through tar but she fell to the ground on the other side of the barrier. She heard a choking sound come from Corey as he was skewered through. Rolling over she felt Michael grabbing at her arm, the boy trying to breath through tears and sobbing in his attempt to tell her what happened. She quickly shoved Michael back and pushed to her feet. She didn't even make it to the doorway. Corey pushed from the sword's end and wrapped her up in a hug, using his weight to toss them both back into the church. She landed on her back with a thud and pain rushed through her. Corey's weight pinning her.

"Worthless human trash. How dare you get in my way." The woman paced at the doors, unable to enter.

"Ka...Katt...D-Don't.." Corey kept her pinned, refusing to release her even as he bled out.

"M-Michael. Don't go outside. Close the doors! Quick!"

The little boy did as he was told, jumping when the woman snarled at him. The doors were slammed in her face. Michael then ran off. "SISTER ISABELLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!"

She listened as Michael ran off and Corey's raspy breathing. "Corey..."

"W-Why..d..did you ...g..go outside?" He gurgled in her ear quietly.

"I..I'm sorry Corey. I ...I just..I was trying to ..remember.. P..Please don't die.." She sniffed softly. He wasn't suppose to die. He...


...wasn't..suppose to leave...

"You...can't die.."

Corey chuckled weakly against her ear. "I'm ..n..not..S-She missed a..anything.." He went quiet.

"W-Wake...Wake up..W-WAKE UP!" She shook Corey until she felt another pair of hands.

"Katt! Stop it!" Isabella took Corey into her arms and Katt quickly scrambled to sit up.


"He is breathing. Go to your room. I will take care of him."



She cringed at the echoing voice and rushed to her feet. The shadows had yet to leave her body. Stumbling to her room and it struck her late but...

She had been unable to draw on her Altian strength. That was a bit ..alarming. It didn't matter. She paced her room and eventually sat down. She didn't sleep just..sat..waiting.

Katt Batten

Date: 2011-03-01 02:39 EST
.: Feb 28th - Late Evening :.

She knocked softly at the door Michael had lead her to.

"Who is it?"

"It's me.." She answered Isabella's muffled voice. Between the blindfold and door she barely heard the voice. There was some rattling and the door pulled open so sharp she felt the air pull in with it. Lowering her hand she tilted her chin to the side.

"Can I help you, Katt? How did you find your way here?"

"Michael showed me earlier. Is Corey.."

"He's fine." Isabella's sharp voice sliced.

It was clear Isabella didn't want her there at the moment. A polite nod and she started stepping back.

"I...Isa..bella? W..Who ...Who is it..?"

She heard Corey's weak voice. There was some grunting as he pushed himself to sit up in his bed.

"It is just Katt, Corey. Lay back down this instant." Isabella demanded, turning to the wounded Corey.

"I am okay..S..She can come in." Corey frowned as Isabella started to close the door on Katt.

Isabella sighed and reached out to grab Katt's arm, dragging her in. The door was closed firmly once she was in the small room. Isabella lead her to a chair. "Okay but only for a little while. You need your rest."

She could smell Corey's blood. He had bled a lot. Sitting down in the chair Isabella set her near she clasped her hands in her lap.

"A-Are you okay..Katt?"

The question, to a point, confused her. Why was that important? Why did he care? "Why did you do that Corey? I thought you wanted me dead..."


"Katt, now isn't the time." Isabella scolded from wherever she was.

"N-No. It is okay. Sh-She's right. I did...I did want her dead."

He wasn't the first so it didn't really surprise her. She did wonder..did anyone care she was actually alive or did everyone just..want her dead?

"..and...and I didn't know what to do.."

Her chin rose at Corey's words. She had missed things he was saying. "It is okay."

"N-No it isn't okay!" Corey quickly sat up, wincing in the process. "There would be people sad if ..if you.."

"What? Died?" She snorted and turned her head.

"Y-yeah! I-I mean if Toby found out w-what I did he'd prob-"

"He already knows and from what I hear you sound no different." She stated in a flat, matter of fact tone.

"Y-You TOLD him?!" Corey choked out really loud then started to cough as if he was coughing up a lung.

She shrugged slowly. "He asked and since you ran off he asked me instead. I simply answered..."

"Oh man..." Corey whined and groaned in pain, still coughing while cradling his torso.

"I don't understand what the problem is..Not like he cares. He is probably another one of the people of the church who thinks this world would be better off without me on it's green."

If she could hear gawking she'd hear it from not only Corey but Isabella. Both just stood there staring at Katt in a state of shock.


Her hand waved a dismissal into the air. "Don't think I haven't heard people. Th..Mrmm?" Her hand lowered, captured between Corey's two hands.

"Katt..Toby ..he..You really don't remember him?"

She focused on the pressure of Corey's hands. She couldn't really feel the touch. It was annoying and made things difficult to handle properly. "I know I should..He knows me and there are things he matter how hard I try it just..hurts." Her hand pulled from Corey's hands. "It is the same thing with certain blotches when it comes to Mayu or..uh..stuff.." Just a lot of things that didn't add up.

" re-remember her?"

"Yeah.." She lowered her chin with a faint frown. "There are just things that..I can't.." Sighing she pushed from her chair. "Don't waste your life like that again.. You *do* actually have people who care.." She turned and started for the door.

"You are different." Corey stated with a frown that could be heard.

She stopped when she heard Isabella open the door. "Different?"

"Y..Yeah. But I don't think i-it's your fault. Hey..L-Listen..I know you want to remember stuff but *please* don't go back outside..That woman is waiting for you I just know it!"

She grunted quietly. The thought had crossed her mind if just to try to wander her way back to the loft and check on Kitty. "Fine..." She finally gave in. It wasn't like she wanted to go back with the woman..Go back to life. She was suppose to stay here. She didn't know why but she knew she didn't want to leave. There were reasons.. "Rest, Corey." She stepped out but made it only a few steps before her arm was grabbed.

"Katt. Can I have a moment with you?"

Tilting her body she turned attention to Isabella while carefully removing her arm from Isabella's grasp. "Yes?"

Isabella could see it too. Katt was rigid and more like a soldier when addressing someone. Shaking her head Isabella smiled sadly even though Katt couldn't see it. "You are wrong. He does care and you do have people who care about you. People who do care if you die or are get hurt. You may not remember it but I assure you.."

"Is that what you had to tell me?"

Isabella blinked at Katt. It left to question if Katt even believed her. It probably was difficult to believe when she didn't remember certain things or events. It was evident that Katt was trying to, though. She wanted to remember..

"No. I wanted to ask. Do you ...have family?"

"No..I was abandoned as I was a babe. Why do you ask?"

"So you do not know if you have ..say...a sister?" Isabella furthered carefully.

The question would of gotten Isabella a blink. "Not to my knowledge. Again...why do you ask?"

"Corey told me about the woman who attacked you. He said she looked a you."

Her lips thinned at Isabella and she shook her head. "Sorry. I have no family.." She turned away and started her way carefully down the hallway.

"Katt..We will be seeing about removing that thing around your head soon." Isabella stepped back. The only thing she could figure was that the thing was keeping Katt from herself.

"'kay.." She mumbled as she continued on her way. Not to her room but to simply roam. She wasn't tired and there was stuff to think about.

Katt Batten

Date: 2011-03-03 23:19 EST
.: Mar 3 - Late Afternoon :.

The group of children that Isabella and Corey watched over were scattered throughout the marketplace, making the two scurry in attempt to collect each and every one of the wee ones.

Tabitha and Michael were the last two gathered. Tabitha had been crying and Michael was trying to comfort her. They were lead back to the church, Isabella scowling the entire way. Michael paid her no mind but was keeping a steady eye on the younger Tabitha. After she had stopped crying she had been really, really quiet.

Too quiet.

Michael did like always once they arrived in the church and quickly scrambled his way to Katt's room. He found the door ...locked. Little fist pounded at the door until it was opened and Ricter peered down at the little boy.

"What is it child?"

The elven man's voice made the boy nervous but he squared his shoulders and huffed out bravely. "I wants to see Kitty!"

"Kitty? Oh, Katt. Sorry, lad, she is busy at the moment. Come back later." Ricter tried to explain but the sudden howl of a shriek behind him had the boy squeezing by the little space between the tall man and the door. "Michael! Wait!"

Michael did but because of what he saw. Rufia and Katt on the floor, separated but both spilled. Rufia was holding her face while Katt was on her knees, hands attempting to grasp at the floor as she gasped for air. "K-Kitty."

"Katt. Calm down." Rufia tried to reach out for her but she coiled away from both voices. Rufia could tell she was having terrible trouble breathing. "Katt.."

Katt's hand shoved at the air, swatting Rufia away a lot lighter then she had before. Springing to her feet she made for the door, just barely in her right mind to grab the coat from the hanger nearby. She sped past Michael, leaving the poor boy in a daze. When Ricter tried to grab her she shoved him but his grip was a lot stronger then she remembered. In her panic she squirmed and eventually got out of his grasp.

"Katt wait!" Isabella called as Katt sped by and Corey blinked.

Steps were not the most easiest of things to work her way down and she stumbled, catching hold of the railing. She didn't let it stop her. By now measured steps were familiar and she didn't have to count. She was out the door before any of those chasing her could catch her. Amazingly she was out of the church and on the streets without much hassle. Breathing was still hard to do but eased the farther she got from the church.

Maybe it was the fresh air but she was pretty sure it was something else...

Katt Batten

Date: 2011-03-04 18:15 EST
.: Mar 4 - Afternoon :.

The night had been a very long one. What time wasn't long for someone who didn't know how the world spun beyond what the eye could see? The days..nights..everything just ran together.

She heard scuffling outside her door a number of times and by the time lunch time came around she had finally had enough and yanked the door open on whoever it was. A yelp of surprise told her exactly who it was.

"What are you doing, Corey?"

Corey's steel blue eyes were attempting to look past her and into her room. Adjusting the sling that his arm was in Corey swallowed. "U-Uh..Hi."

She grunted at the greeting and 'stared' at him. One could feel the nervousness coming from the guy and his feet were once again shuffling him back and forth. "You have been pacing around for hours. What is it you want? Were you not told to leave me alone?"

Corey's head whipped, looking around quickly. Once he was sure he was safe he looked back to Katt. "I uh..w..wanted to apologize. I j..just think you sh..should take some bl..b-"

"Shut..up.." Her voice was so cold she could of shamed ice.

Corey's respond was to stiffen up. Using his one hand he scratched at the back of his neck. "R..right.. O..Okay..Uh..D..Don't tel-"

Before he could even finish she was already walking away. Even though she heard voices she paid no mind. Hand on the railing she walked down the stairs carefully. There was people in the nave so she turned step to the kitchen. Before making it to the hall she felt a small hand tug on her pants. At first she thought it was Michael but when she turned to give attention the small hand retracted.



She knew that sound. "Tabby? What are you doing out here all alone?"

"Teddy." the small girl replied, both hands raised up with small hands clenching and opening in attempt to be picked up.

of course..Katt couldn't see this...

"Teddy? No..Katt." She pointed to herself.

"Nooooo." Michael's voice came chiming in. "Shes left hers teddy in in markets when wes playing hide and find."

Hide and find? He meant hide and seek she was...pretty sure. "Oh. You should take her to see Isabella. She will tak-Hm?" Her head tilted down when the little girl grasped her hand and pulled.

"Wes go get!" Michael said and grabbed her other hand.

Sighing she allowed Michael to drag her along. She wasn't suppose to leave the church. But she wasn't going far. "Fine..fine..lets go. You two lead the way." She didn't really need to say it. Michael was pulling and Tabitha was walking at her side. The three of them left the church and headed to the marketplace to find the missing teddy bear. Worse case scenario...she'd get Tabitha a new one.

Katt Batten

Date: 2011-03-05 00:01 EST
A few hours later...

"Where are we going." Because it felt like they were going in circles. Michael was pulling her one way and Tabitha was attempting to pull her in another. It was confusing...Eventually she was lead to what seemed like a wide alley of sorts. Or a building? She didn't know but she knew when Michael talked his voice bounced off the walls.

"Are yous sure Tabby?" Michael asked the curly haired girl. He blinked when she shied back behind Katt's leg. "Whas wong?"

"It took you long enough, child. Mister teddy bear here was getting lonely.."

Katt stiffened to the voice and yanked on Michael to pull him behind her with Tabitha. Before she could do it fully Tabitha had broken away and was running forward to collect her teddy from the cloaked woman who was holding it out in wait. "Tabby wait.." Katt started after the child.

The woman gave the bear to Tabitha as a prize for the 'delivery' and looked to Katt as she approached. Silence meant she was able to wait even if Michael was tugging to keep her back.

Katt's head turned when she heard Tabitha scurry by, Michael's silence and pulling trying to get her to retreat. She decided to do just that but before she could get too far she felt a hand grasp a lock of her hair. Yelping she was drawn close. The woman smelled like.....nothing...

"Do you see what you get for trusting? Back stabbed at every turn." The woman sighed softly against Katt's ear as she was drawn up into a hug of sorts. "Good little children do as they are told."

Michael looked at Tabitha who, of course, had no clue that she had been used to weasel Katt out of the church. Huffing the little boy turned to the woman. "Let Kitty go!" Brave little man he was, Michael started marching forward.

The woman chuckled at the show, watching him with amusement. A slender hand curled along Katt's chin and brushed along her cheek while words were whispered into her ear. From cheek to the back of her head the woman's hand moved until it found the crest.

The crest glowed and Katt inhaled sharply, lips parting to release a heavy breath into the air. It was riddled with pain and then nothing.

Michael stopped a few feet away when he noticed something crawling along Katt's skin. It was creepy looking.. Dark gray substance alive, crawling and attempting to consume her. "Kitty..Mean lady stop hurting Kitty!"

The woman grinned at Michael, her eyes turning to watch Tabitha run away. "Boy..I am not hurting her. If anything I am freeing her. This is who and what she is.."

"N...No..." Katt groaned and tilted her head back, trying to keep the creeping ink from covering her face. It was already washing over her cheeks. A claw tipped hand rose up to grasp the wrist that clenched her hair.

The woman chuckled at Katt. "No?" The woman nestled into Katt's hair, close to her ear, and whispered again. Once she was done she released Katt who simply stood there.

Michael wanted to approach but when he saw her hands..the shining metal like substance on her fingers that looked like razor sharp claws.. "Kitty?"

Katt dipped towards Michael and a hand reached out as if to cup his small face with the metal plated palm. The motion came quick and her claws bit into the youth's shoulder and upper arm. The impact was enough to send the boy slamming into the wall. There was no check to see if the claws had shredded him or if the impact killed him.

The woman laughed, looking to the small body that littered the trash. Smooth motions had her stepping to Katt's side, a hand cradling Katt's cheek. If it were not for the blind the woman might of seen something that would be been displeasing. "Finally...Come, little flower. It is time to go." The woman started to walk, passing by Michael.

Katt dutifully followed...

Katt Batten

Date: 2011-03-05 03:38 EST
.: Mar 5 - Morning :.

The white haired woman was surprised to bump or rather be bumped into by Katt's friends while waiting for the waystone. The interaction was completely not what she was expecting. It was amazingly hilarious how unimportant the girl was to these people. Almost more then Toby's rant that Katt had a choice in the matter.

A doll does not have a choice. It does what the puppeteer demands with the pulling of the strings. And with the memories blocked fully there was no emotions..memories..Thoughts strung just a simple follow through of order.

Not permanent..

In a way he was right. If the device was removed properly she would have free reign over herself again. Her memories. Her feelings. These were cautioned against to make her a better puppet and there was nothing of Katt's 'self' there. It had been hell to set her into the state and quite frankly the woman had expected more from those that Katt clung to so dearly.

She truly had been abandoned and she was made to return to the fate she was bred for. A fate she didn't want but had no choice.

"It is your fault you know.." The woman spoke over her shoulder to the slouched figure still perched on the nearby table. "If you had just left the children to run the streets and stayed in that church you wouldn't be here now. Though I doubt it matters much. I waited nearly a full year to get this far and I could of easily awaited another. My plan is filled.."

A hand rose, tapping her temple as a small imp like creature spawned before the fireplace. It's chattering was listened to and the woman smiled slowly. "Ah, good. Another twenty-four hours and we will return home. I am anxious to get out of this disgusting disguise." But it was a disguise well worth being stuck in. If not for just the shocked expression and mental struggle it sent Katt spiraling into when she first saw her 'mother' alive. And to be betrayed.. If the girl still had access to her own thoughts what would she be thinking about this situation?

Fingernails drummed against her lips as the woman waited. The imp had vanished in the shadows that spawned it and Katt was not one for conversation. Eventually a hand swiped at the air, commanding Katt back into the shadows that she had slipped from. Maybe to dwindle the hours away she would have Katt pounce some unsuspecting by passer.

That would be fun..

Katt Batten

Date: 2011-03-06 04:25 EST
.: Mar 6 - Morning :.

The day went by, uneventful. The woman ... or rather creature ..had shed its disguise the closer to the 'magic hour' it got.

It was essentially the 'demon' from Katt's dreams. The implant of itself while connected to her was easy. To prey on her hopelessness and heavy sense of being utterly alone. No matter how strong she wanted to be there was only so much one could take before they broke.

..that breaking point had been pushed upon brutally and without mercy.

A clicking sound caught the creature's ears and it's beady eyes lowered to the square stone that met the ground. "About time. Come." Talon fingers clicked out a snap and the figure hiding in the shadows dropped silently to the ground next to him.

Ion watched the stone as it rose up and folded back in half then folded out again. Stretching wide and long to form a doorway of solid stone. Wild energy spat out from the edges and a roll of eerie fog crawled along the ground to their feet.


"Sssseemsss like it isss time to go." Ion moved forward, heavy feet set the ground shaking with each step. Looking over shoulder he looked to Katt to make sure she was following.

Her delicate form shaded like it was, with the swirls of darkness and the claws that were nothing like her altian form.

He took the time to watch the deadly stalking 'creature' from over his shoulder. A part of Katt she had wanted to forget..almost did forget..would of forgotten. That Darkness of her very being that was left to consume her whole now that she was no longer hindered by her memories and desires. A smirk pulled on Ion's reptilian like lips. It was a self-satisfied expression...Victorious.

Ion turned and stepped through the waystone, the energy wall crackled soundly but accepted the bulky form without hesitation. The smaller form followed moments behind and the gate . Once she had passed through the gate collapsed in on itself. The crackling energy faded from the waystone as it fell to the ground, clanking noisily until it stilled in it's roll.

..silence overtook the hall once again.

Katt Batten

Date: 2011-03-10 03:41 EST
.: Mar 10 - Early Morning :.

What had been days had really been months...

Luckily the portal had left them someplace she knew! But even though she knew where they were it felt weird walking in the marketplace like it was just any other day. The marketplace she had spent hours of days of months in. The familiar shops..the familiar fountain..

"Are you sure you are okay with coming back so soon?"

Her head tilted to the voice that was following her, the young female was marching behind with a cheerful smile. And behind her two men brisked, dressed in crisp uniform....sort of. One was dressed more proper while the other was dressed sloppily, shirt half tucked into the band of his pants.

"Mrph...I'm fine, Tera. I never wanted to go back to Unity begin with.. My pla..wha?" She was caught off by girl's hands shooting up in defense. A half smile curled the corner of her lips and she turned forward again. She felt a little..lost. "My place isn't there..It's here.."

"Yes, We know! You are like a broken record sometimes Katt! Chilllll~" The sloppily dressed guy said. Reaching up he scratched at his wild red hair. "But why you have to drag us along?"

She turned to address him but before she could even find her voice the girl was already speaking. Snickering she watched the girl shake a finger at the guy.

"Max! Now you stop that this instant. Coming here was my choice not Katt's!"

She snickered at the two who she swore seemed like siblings. The second male released a sigh and shoved his glasses up the bridge of his nose with two fingers. She didn't quite like him. Never could tell what he was thinking. He always wore this calm smile.

"Miss Kathryn? Are you sure that the people of this church will welcome us?" he asked with an even tone.

Katt turned her eyes to him and pursed her lips thinly. After a moment she gave a lopsided grin. "Best not to say that you know me and I am sure they will. They don't really like me.." She had to stop when all three stared at her. "Wha...?"

Terasa moved to eye Katt up close and personal. "Why not?!"

"I'm part demon?" she answered smoothly and leaned back on her heels in attempt to escape. It didn't work. Terasa was shorter then her but was still pretty much in her face. She had to stomach a laugh when it sounded like Terasa was sniffing at her.

"But you aren't really. I mean you sort of are but you a-uh?" Terasa looked down to Katt's hands that were held out, palms to the sky.

"Terasa..please don't worry about it. I am use to people hating me." Katt smiled reassuringly and turned to walk. "The people at the church aren't all that bad. Even the ones who are mean to me. Though I really don't like Sister Ga..uhhh..Agatha.."

"Sister Ga..uhh?" The redhaired man snickered at Katt and he was given a dirty look for his tease. His lazy steps swirved as he laughed.

It was weird being back..after months of time..after..everything that happened..

Her eyes lowered and she frowned at the streets. She didn't remember even leaving. What was she going to be coming back to? After so long...

What was she suppose to say? Do?

For now..she would bring the three to the church and get them situated. The rest..

The rest will have to be dealt with as time goes on she figured. Reaching up she rubbed at the back of her head.

"Miss Kathryn?"

She blinked and looked up to the tall man who was suddenly at her side. He was like that..appearing out of nowhere as quiet as a mouse. He was worse then she was. "Mrmm?" His stare made her uneasy and she looked away.

"Are you sure you are all right? After everything that happened I think you should still be resting. Physically you may be okay but.."

Her eyes narrowed and shifted up to Eliam. "I'm fine. What happened..It.." Her eyes dropped low to the ground. "That isn't me. That isn't who I am. I am not going to be what *he* wants me to be." Her eyes flicked back and forth. Damn him. Damn Eliam for giving her stuff to think about. She didn't want to think about anything that had happened. What she had learned had happened. What she had done..Who she had done it too. She nearly jumped out her of own skin when a hand settled on her shoulder.

"Caius is dead and you are free now. Completely. Those were Varnevori's words."

"Free.." She smiled slowly to that. After a moment she swatted the hand away from her shoulder. "Since when are you all friendly and touchie touchie?" She teased a bit with a snicker.

"I have my moments, young lady."

Urg! That smug smile! She snorted at him but chuckled anyways. Looking over her shoulder she stopped and blinked at Terasa and Max who were lagging way back, barking at each other. It was an amusing sight really. "Hey you guys? I will leave you lost in the streets you know!" Both looked at her with wide eyed expressions and came running to catch up. Before they were even close she and Eliam had already started to walk again.

"I think I am starting to rub off on you, Miss Kathryn." Eliam's calm tone held a hint of amusement.

"Oh hush it, Eliam. Oh! Look there is the church!" She smiled up at the grand building. She wondered..what was going to happen. She explained the barrier on the way up the steps, her voice lowering the closer they got to the door. Who..was she suppose to introduce them to with Matilda gone?

Oh good gawd..

She hoped it wasn't Sister Agatha...

Katt Batten

Date: 2011-03-14 02:12 EST
.: Mar 10 - Evening :.

Rubbing her face she stumbled into the cemetery. The encounter with Mayu and Toby left her aching in far too deep a way that not even the cold could ease. She wasn't given much warning upon passing the arch.


"GAH!" her head rocked back when a clump of snow found her face with force. Her head slowly rolled forward and she started to wipe away the packed white fluff. Red rimmed eyes glared at Max who was on the far end of the cemetery laughing up his victory.

If looks could kill..

She watched as he bellowed and rolled in his laughter until..


Max went down like a tumbling block, a snowball catching the very temple. Eliam, leaning against a tree, calmly shoved the glasses up the bridge of his nose but had that smug smile on his face. It wasn't he who throw it. No. It seemed to be the giggling tree.

She knew that giggle. Terasa was there it seemed. She didn't really want to interact with any of them. Rubbing the snow away she sighed and closed her eyes. A number of steps retreated her back but before she got too far she felt a pair of arms grab her waist.

"Oh no you don't! Come play spoiled sport!" Max swung her around like she was a sack of potatoes and dragged her to a patch of snow.

She snarled and kicked her legs. "Max. Let me go. NOW!"

"Ma-Max let her.." Terasa tried to chime in to save Max from a fate he wouldn't enjoy.

At both the female's warnings he released Katt to her feet and she quickly pressed past, making her way to the way she had came. "Whoa. She's wound up tighter then normal." Max blinked after Katt and suddenly rocked forward after a sounding smack rattled the air. Rubbing his head Max looked over his shoulder to find Eliam glowering. Of course Max was lost as to the reason and it was rare that Eliam ever lost his smug smile.

"Miss Kathryn!" Terasa chased after Katt and reached out to touch her hand. The contact never happened as Terasa drew back and blinked up at Katt. She didn't need to touch Katt to feel the emotions that came from her. It was almost suffocating and splitting.

"I'll be back later, Terasa. You can scold me then.." She shook her head and slipped out of the cemetery.

The three blinked but Eliam was the one who took charge. Sliding forward he glided swiftly after Katt. "Lady Kathryn." He called to her, his voice echoing through the nave that she was trying to push through swiftly. He followed her despite her lack of answer. Despite the fact she obviously didn't want company. By the time she made it out of the church he was at her side, pace kept in time with her own. "Do you wish to talk?"

She glanced to the side with a look that just screamed how stupid that question was.

He just smiled ever so calmly to her. "Well then I suppose we shall walk in silence."

She knew what that meant. He was going to walk with her if she wanted it or not. That was okay. The company wasn't that bad even though she had no intentions on talking.

"As I was saying earlier.." Eliam started, his hands clasped to the small of his back. "Your progress is coming along very well. You seemed to of adapted to the changes and knowledge."

Her face flattened at his words.

"And what about the .."

"It's fine." she grunted without waiting for him to finish.

"What about.."

"I don't want to talk about it." She sliced him off before he tried to continue to where she was sure he was heading.

"Terasa told me what she saw."

Her eyes turned to him. How long had Terasa been there? How much had she spied on? "What..did she tell you." Eliam smiled at her with that smile she was having a feeling he used just to poke at her without physically touching her.

"Don't forget your healing session with Terasa in the morning." He eased to her carefully.

She turned to find he had wandered off just after they had passed the fountain. To a bookstore.

She wasn't that surprised...

Katt Batten

Date: 2011-03-26 02:29 EST
.: .: Mar 23 - Evening :. :.

There was something cold to wake up to. It burned like nothing ever should and it was everywhere.

"Nhh..." Why did her body feel like one great big lifeless noodle? Why couldn't she move?

"Easy now, Kathryn."

She tensed at the familiar, angry sounding voice and shuddered under the touch that found her brow.

"O...Od..da?" Her throat felt like she had been screaming for hours, shredded painfully and dry.

"Quiet. You are safe now."

A hand blindly went up, swatting at the air above and before her. Why was Oda there? "Wh..where am.."

"You are in the Ivory City." Oda's hand captured her own, holding her hand in his. His palm could of swallowed hers twice over with no difficulty.

"The removal was a success but I will need to keep an eye on her for a while, Lord Oda."

The male's voice was familiar as well. Coupled with Oda's words of where she was, she felt a large pit in her stomach that made her want to double over. Swatting her hand out of Oda's she forced herself to sit up. Her whole body felt numb and at the same time sung out in an increasingly amount of pain. She sobbed as she doubled forward and clenched her head.

"You might not want to move around so much, Lady Kathryn. The removal of the artifact was quite difficult on both your body and spirit." Oda's eyes narrowed at Eliam. The blond man blinked and quickly pressed a finger against the bridge of his glasses, shoving them up into place. "Lord Oda?"

Oda shook his head and turned attention to Katt when she tried to crawl out of the bed. "What do you think you-"

"I don't...b..belong here..I go b..back."

Oda blinked. Simply blinked. Reaching out he placed a hand on her shoulder and despite the scream of pain that erupted from her he shoved her back into the bed. "You are going nowhere."

The fiery pain didn't subside for several minutes and she just laid there trembling.

"You are in no condition to go anywhere, Lady Kathryn." Eliam's voice broke through loud and clear.

"Summon Ana and the child Empath. I want them working on Kathryn right away." Oda's voice boomed shortly after Eliam's.

"Nhhh.." A hand rose up to wipe the tears forming.


"AH!" She whimpered at the sudden pain.



-ke up!"

Flinching she swept the air quickly, trying to get rid of the hovering hand.

"Come on, Katt! You've been sleeping *all day* and Eliam is getting really cross." Max whined at her.

She wasn't in the mood for it. Without warning she swung out a leg and nudged him away from her. "I'm tired.." Of course she was tired! It was coming up to that specific date that Eliam had been trying to prepare her for. Or trying to prevent. She wasn't sure. All she knew was everything he had been doing had been exhausting her. Then again she was pretty much just working and nothing else. She hadn't really left the church because of Eliam's treatments and because it was just that much easier to do stuff for the church. She could just make up bringing baked things to the inn at a later date.


A fling of colorful words left her leaving Max looking like a owl. He gawked at her as she sat up and rubbed at the spot he had thumped her at. "I can feel that now you know. I'm not as numb or in pain anymore."

"Oh. Hahaha!"

His laughter down right annoyed her. He grinned lopsided to her and rubbed the back of his head while offering his other hand to her to help her up. She stared at his hand and glanced away. After a brief moment she sighed and reached out to take the offered hand. A yank by him had her up on her feet and flinching. "Thanks.." She mumbled as she toddled across the room. He was following, she could just feel his presence. "Why are you in my room anyways?"

"To wake you up, duh!"

"Uh huh you could of just knocked on the door." She mumbled and opened the door. Not even waiting she slipped her way down the hall. Again..he was close by.

"I did."

"Did not.."

"Okay, okay. I didn't. I could of but what fun would that of been?"

She glanced over a shoulder to peer at him and her eyes narrowed. "Yeah I have a sneaking feeling you were hoping for a peek or something."

"Ew. A peek of you..? Never!"

Yeah...the grin he wore said something else. Snorting she made her way to the room designated for Eliam and before she could even knock the door was yanked open and she was pulled in by one very annoyed looking blond man.

"With the day coming up so soon you would think you would be here on time." Eliam scolded her.

A majority of the words that followed went right over her head. Half awake she stumbled along and once able she flopped to the edge of the bed. Glancing over she noted the door closed and she was alone with Eliam.

"I..had another dream.."

Eliam was already preparing everything for what needed to be done and she watched as if she was bored with the process when in fact..she could care less. She really didn't feel a need for the preparation. She could sick. Terasa would gladly watch over her, as the girl already stated on numerous occasions but Eliam was worried that the sickness following the cancel of the pact would mess with...

She sighed, not wanting to think about that.

"What was it about." Eliam spoke while he moved about the room.

"Um..When I woke up?"

Eliam paused and looked over to her. "Have you remembered anything from the between?" She shook her head slowly in respond to his question and he quickly frowned. "Lady Kathryn. There is a very good reason you can't..and won't remember. So please try not to force yourself."

"But it wasn't that..but..I was wondering. Why can't I?" Her eyes tilted up to him and for a brief moment there was a sadness that found her otherwise empty stare.

"Why can't you..remember the between? Quite simply because Ion placed you..or rather your it's own little world. Things here were done on a more basic programing, if you will, done by Ion. You, essentially, were not you.."

She grunted quietly and glanced at her hands.

"Lady Kathryn?" Eliam questioned her when he noticed the stare at her palms. When she silently shook her head he frowned. "Right. Well let us begin. I have a lot of work to do tonight."

She glanced at the vial of slushy green liquid he shoved in her direction. No matter how hard it put her to sleep she still woke up completely exhausted and drained. Sighing she took the vial and downed the contents without being a grump about it.

Five minutes later she passed out like someone had knocked her aside the head with a sledgehammer.

Katt Batten

Date: 2011-03-26 03:17 EST
.: Mar 24th - Late Night :.

"Oh my precious little flower. You've come home." The laughter was deep and rumbling. Dark eyes stared and a grin placed firm upon thin lips...It was alarming to view this man, chained to the floor with his hands bound behind his back. Demonic glowering enhanced by the matting of clumped dark hair that flowed over his face. The clothes and armor both were caked with blood and mud that had been there for who knows how long.

A disturbing sight and the smell was just as bad.

Dangerously close to be standing there she watched as the man leaned down to her level, eyeballing her closely. "I see Ion was partly successful in his task of retrieving you. Come, my child. Release me from my shackles and we shall unleash such a hell upon these lands like they have never seen. Be quick before that fool Oda brings the guards."

She didn't move. Simply..stared.

His eyes narrowed upon the smaller form and his annoyance started to grow. "Release me now! Or you will die with the re-"

"SHUDDUP!" She bellowed out, in his face and without remorse. Hands curled up to her sides. How could this alive? "Why.. Why did you do this to me?! Why couldn't you of left me to my life?!"

The man stumbled back and to the side. Not from surprise of her raised voice but from the laughter that sent him tittering. "Hahahaha! Life? What *life* do *you* posses child?" His head tilted and he grinned like a madman in her direction. "You are nothing but a doll. A puppet for my strings. You were born for one purpose and one purpose only. To do my biding." He rocked around to face her, the grin growing to the point she was waiting for his face to split in half. "You are nothing. Nothing but an amusement for me. Stuck between light and darkness. Oh yes, I had plans for you. To open the ivory gates wide for me but what use do I have for a plaything that thinks they have life..? A purpose.." He snorted at her when he noticed her shaking with anger. "Self-awareness. I thought my brother had beaten that out of you."

"S-Shut up. I have a purpose. I have life. I *am* self-aware! And I have people who care about me! Who have helped me get over all this cra-" She blinked when the man fell to his knees, laughing so hard that he doubled forward then rocked back. He was...laughing at her?

"Ha! Did Oda bring you in here to kill me with this dribble?! Do you honestly believe anyone cares about you? Even to Oda you are a plaything! In the end, child, all one has is their self and power. That is all and you don't even have *that*!"

Her hands clenched tighter and she turned her head. His words stung. Shaking her head she forced it away. " mother really dead? Or..I-Is..she alive?"

The man's laughter stilled almost instantly at the question and his overall demeanor seemed to drop. They stared at each other for a long period of silence. It was weird to see him like that but soon enough the wicked grin sprouted back into place. "I skinned that worthless piece of trash after the men had their way with her. She gave me what I needed. A weapon of destruction. A child stuck between two worlds and can never be whole. She gave me *you* with open arms and a bright smile."

"LIAR!" She shrieked at him and dove forward, slamming a fist into his cheek so hard that her knuckles hurt. He reeled back into the wall. Clenching her hand she tried to shake off the sting of being touched and stalked after the man who could do nothing but lean into the wall. "My mother loved me! If she had known what a monster y-"

"We. You are my daughter after all.." He grinned down at her.

"No. No I am not. You are *nothing* to me.." She glared up at him darkly.

"Believe what you may, my precious flower, but in due time. I will be released and I will bring you home and-"

"I have no home.."

"Oh..Oh is that so? So there is no place of value to you? How amusing. It just makes it that much easier for you to adapt when I am free now won't it?"

"I am going nowhere with you..I will *never* go anywhere with you."

He pushed off the wall, leaning towards her once again. His voice lowered, thick and dangerous. "Oh..You will. There is no place you can hide. I will always come for you, my child. So long as there is breath in this body I will make sure that one day you will be returned to my side."

Her eyes tilted up to his face. No place..she could hide. "You..will never leave me alone..and let me live..will you?"

His lips twitched into a smirk that was all knowing. "I think you are getting th-" Before he could finish his words there was a loud choking sound and his eyes grew wide in disbelief. He stared down at her even as her flesh began to overrun with the embrace of darkness. Lodged deep into his gut with her hand, armor-plated fingers flexed wide. He laughed even as the blood bubbled from his lips. "That's my girl. B..But we both can't kill me."

Forty-five minutes later the door opened and Oda dipped into the large holding cell, stopping short after just entering the disturbing scene. Standing before him was the gore drenched girl with a unyielding blank expression. Behind her was a mangled corpse that not even he could distinguish who it had once been. If he had been any other person he would of been confused by the scene but behind the steel demeanor was understanding.

The large man moved forward, slipping an arm across her shaking shoulders. He tried to move her but the pressure didn't seem to budge first.

She stumbled a step as if knocked out of some trance and tears instantly began to swim down her blood soaked cheeks. Turning her eyes up to Oda she shook her head. " mom..She..She did love me right?"

Oda's expression echoed heartache. Grasping her shoulders he turned her to face him fully. "Your mother was an honorable and great woman, Kathryn. She loved you wholehearted and gave her life to protect you. Do not ever doubt that."

She sniffed and nodded weakly. It was nice to know that at least that part of things had been true. Weakly turning she stumbled out of the holding cell.


"Eliam stop! You've hurt her enough!"

"Ah! Terasa stop that!"

The young girl's flailing hits disturbed the rites the man was performing and a mess was created in end result. The cluttering of a bowl spinning on the ground stole both attentions and soon Terasa was sighing.

"I'm sorry. I just..she's had enough tonight I think. Let her rest. Her mind is already in enough turmoil."

"You are not just saying that because you too are tired?" Eliam looked over to the young girl who quickly huffed.

"Of course I am tired! We have been doing this for almost twelve hours!"

"She only has a few more days, Terasa!" Eliam barked sharply, making the girl draw back instantly. A calming breath left Eliam and he forced the glasses up his nose. "If we are going to make sure that her illness will be lessened we need to get everything done before the pact ends. I am just.."

"You are exhausting us and yourself. We will be here for her when the pact ends so.. For now lets all just rest." Terasa smiled to him and shooed him out the door. Eventually she followed, closing the door to leave the sleeping Katt to her dreams.

Katt Batten

Date: 2011-04-17 14:10 EST
.: April 13th :.

"Katt! St-GAHHH!" Max found himself flying across the roof of the Zen, the fist that hit him was familiar and unforgiving. Landing hard he groaned and rolled around until he was able to get onto his side, eventually sitting up. He blinked at the lowing figure that was nearly across the entire rooftop.

Her fingers twitched as she looked back, nails clawing into the roof's surface. Blank, white eyes gave no evidence to the glowering Max was receiving. Her body was coated in dark metal that shifted as if it were alive.

"I thought she was suppose to be weak!" Max snapped at Eliam who was standing calmly on the sidelines.

"She is weak. Exhausted in fact. Her body is burning on empty and still trying to go despite what she is going through." Eliam informed Max. The flaming head lad yelped when Katt began to approach him a bit more quicker then he would of liked. "I find myself wondering if Chaos was trying to protect her."

"I DON'T CARE! STOP HER!" Max squealed as he dove past the incoming strike. The swipe was so swift that the air sung around her metallic clawed fingers as she tried to disembowel Max.

"Oh, Right." Eliam said and in no hurry began to open the book in his hand back up, flip through the pages at a leisure. "I wasn't expecting her to wake up like this. I should of used a stronger potion.."

"Eliam you bastard! Stop taking your sweet a-ahhh!" Katt was the feline and Max was the mouse. He was pounced on and he landed face first with a heavy pressure on his back. Perched on her toes at the small of his back she reared back her claws back.

"Oh all right. You should work more on your training, Max." Eliam hummed as he continued to flip through the pages, eventually stopping when he found what he was looking for.

"Oh SHUT UP!" Max blurted as he tried to worm out from under the unnatural weight upon him.

"Madyrn ri oraeshis de'serzo.." Eliam's hand caressed the air, drawing the symbol that was required. "..caesyrn syndaes caer eil'pori." A similar symbol that he had been drawing in the air began to form around the fallen Max and the air began to hum with energy. A loud *zap* crackled and Katt released an unnatural sound, her body reeling back. Pitching straight back she landed with a thud, writhing against the ground but not exactly in pain but rather some unseen force keeping her pinned. "Ah. That's better."

"Why didn't you do that earlier?!" Max gasped, attempting to regain his composure. Eliam just smiled and Max snorted. "You are such a sick bastard." But Max was laughing. Pushing himself up he glanced to the squirming Katt. "Why does she still have all this energy while being sick? What's more isn't she suppose to be like ..sedated from all that stuff you did earlier?"

"Chaos may of had a pact with her but all he was doing was restraining what is already there. She doesn't have energy. What is driving her... is pain."


Eliam nodded and moved over to the pinned figure and reached down to brush a few strains of hair from Katt's forehead. Her head jerked at the touch and she hissed. "She is between two worlds, Max. Neither light nor darkness and it is eating her alive."

Max frowned but felt a sense of relief when Katt's body began to slump, relaxing against the cold ground. He didn't need to be close to see the tears seeping out from the corner of her eyes. "Is that why you have been working around the clock?"

"Yes. Although I was hoping to have things ready when the term was over. I still need a few days to finish things but she should be fine. It is probably a good thing she wanted to stay here." Eliam watched the darkness melt from the small, slumped figure. He frowned at the exhaustion mixed with pain that was staining the girl's sweat drenched face.

Max mumbled. "She is going to burn herself out isn't she?"

"Why are you complaining? This is the second time this has happened and I don't think I heard you complaining about havi-"

Max's eyes got wide and he blurted out quickly. "DUDE! SHUTUP! If she hears that she will KILL me!"

Eliam smirked. "I think she would."

Max groaned and turned his head, his face just about the shade of red his hair was.

"Another day or two and things should be set. We will have to make sure she has lots of bed rest after I am done with her."

Max snickered at Eliam. "That sounds so nau~gh~ty."

Eliam snorted and shoved his glasses up his regal features. "And you were the one who went there. Who's mind is in the gutter?"

Max snickered even more and moved to scoop up the bare girl off the ground. Just before he could Eliam had pulled off his jacket and tossed it over the girl. The pained sound she made had Max nearly afraid to touch her. "She's..really hurting isn't she?"

"Yes and I feel for the girl. First her heart and soul now her body and spirit. I hope we can salvage.."

"Don't hope. We will do it.." Max quickly tossed quickly. "We can start with this and maybe work towards fixing the rest of her."

"There are some things we won't be able to fix with her, Max. There are some things that are, dare I say, permanently broken."

Max frowned at Eliam as they walked their way to the door leading to the stairs. "Like what?"

"I cannot tell you."

"What?! Why?" Max whined at the unfairness.

"Because what I know is in confidentiality." Eliam moved ahead that way he could open the door once they came to the room leading to the small loft.

"She talked to you about stuff?" Max slipped carefully into the room but nearly knocked Katt's head against the frame of the door. Nearly but didn't. Once at the makeshift bed he lowered her down.

Eliam got a bowl of water and rag from the kitchen, joining Max soon at Katt's bedside. Wetting the rag it was folded and placed on Katt's feverish brow. "Yes."

"That is good. She trusts someo-"

"Trust has nothing to do with it." Eliam all but snapped to cut Max off before he could finish. "To me it felt like she was speaking to me as if I was her last will and testimony

Max blinked and rubbed at the base of his neck. The snapping wasn't really Eliam's style. In fact he sounded upset that Katt didn't trust him and that threw Max off completely.

"She holds no trust in anyone or anything. Not even herself. I am just someone she can talk to and give an impartial respond if need be. She understands that I will not tell anyone but trust? No.." Eliam reached to touch the unconscious girl's burning cheek. "I should get back to work, time is wasting.. Things are different for her this time around."

"Before..? Oh you mean when the original pact was destroyed?"

Eliam nodded. "Stay with her Max. Your support, though it may not show, is important." Max blinked at him. "I will send Terasa here once I am back at the church. She is going to need as much support as she can get these next few days. Things with Caius and what she has been dealing with these past few weeks has all but killed her."


Eliam shook his head at Max. "We have both seen the effects that things have had on her behind the closed doors. What other people have not witnessed. She is like a flower wilthering away..."

"Wow Eliam! You actually sound like you care." Max grinned triumphantly when Eliam rolled his eyes and began his way to the door.

"I am being serious, Max. She is withering before our eyes.."

"Why don't we bring her back to the church?" Max asked as Eliam gathered his things.

"You heard what she told us. She doesn't want to return there and can you really blame her?" The door was pulled open and Eliam glanced over his shoulder to Max who was shaking his head. "I will return in a few hours." And with that the taller man slipped out, the closing door the last thing that echoed in the otherwise silent room.

Max frowned and turned to sit on the floor and keep an eye over the passed out Katt.