Topic: A Stranger Lends a Helping Hand.


Date: 2006-04-22 19:08 EST
Firesong woke to find a foreign taste in her mouth. It wasn?t the nectar of life but rather some type of seed-like things. Sitting bolt upright on the couch she snarled; those glacial eyes quickly taking in her surroundings as her aura exploded outward in a rush seeking death and the destruction of anyone that might be within it?s reach.

Inhaling deeply to catch the numerous scents in an attempt to sort them out left her on overload. They were too many and too varied so she shook her head vigorously to clear the scents from her nose and gracefully rose to her full height. The soft hiss of leather and chiming of silver bracelets mingling with crystalline beads brought some semblance of comfort as she scanned the unfamiliar room.

The last thing that she could remember was the fight she had been in. She sought the female?s death and had she been but still laying in the tangled bloody heap with her she would have killed her on the spot. There was only one that could survive her flames unless the Mage Adept was only toying with them and Kristia was not the one.

It appeared that someone had taken her to this place, where she could detect no hint of a threat to herself, while her body had been Healing itself of the wounds she had sustained during the physical brawl that had ensued after the woman had caused her to lose her link with the node beneath the inn. She would be better prepared for her next time. First encounters were often messy things. More of a feeling your target out than done with any sense of finesse and so this had proved to be.

Broken ribs, broken finger, concussion, lost link to the node, and numerous bruises, cuts, and scrapes that had her more thankful than ever of her Vampire heritage. It hadn?t been the clean swift kill she could have hoped for but she felt she had a better grasp now of what the female was capable of and would shamelessly use that knowledge when next they met as they assuredly would.

But for now apparently she had a benefactor, that she could sense was upstairs, to thank for seeing her to a place of safety while her body Healed itself. Removing four silver coins she left them on the shop counter where they could not be missed by the woman that had gone to the trouble to help an injured stranger.

The shopkeeper would forevermore be protected by the couple from afar. Their work was such that to be called friend by them would gain the notice of those better left unnoticed by. A simple note upon a piece of paper was left along with words that would appear only to the one they were intended for and then disappear as soon as they were read.

My thanks ye have. If ever in need ye be send word via the ice dragon.
Lady Firesong