Topic: Missing Pieces Found.


Date: 2006-04-22 19:33 EST
Fire?s attention was caught by that male, Brian Ravenlock, he was spouting off about her charge deserving to be collared and the flames greedily sprang to life in one small hand. She longed to set them free, burn anything, let it all burn, her fury was rising as more often of late it had to be set aside in favor of reason.

Kristia was present but Fire ignored her. She had learned all that she needed to know of that one and so it was no longer her job to antagonize or fight with her. If there was fighting to be done with that female it would be Nyte that did it or so Fire had been ordered and since Nyte was GC and Fire SIC so it would be.

Again the flames she had called forth were taken from her palm by the ebon armored hand as it was left smoking the same very special gift was left behind. A gift that had first began being given to a Beloved one years and years ago.

It had not come easy being married to an assassin at first. Fire had sought ways to protect her Ashke at every opportunity even though Nyte's confirmed kills at that time were already in the 30's. The Mage Adept had spent two full days making the gift for her wife. She still carries it at all times to this day.

They had spoken of themselves to none since they had returned. Their path was one of silence and watching, waiting for the right moment to revel themselves to those they waited and watched for.

Eventually all except the couple and the ice dragon as well as a male had left the Inn. It would seem the other two had forgotten their presence as the lifebonded couple were whispering to each other in Fire?s native language while listening to the other two?s conversation.

Suddenly there was information passed by the ice dragon that had the couple pausing in their conference to listen completely to the other conversation. Missing pieces fell into place with a loud snap and the two glanced to each other before Fire stood angrily and called forth a gate.

Only an Adept could call forth a Gate and she did so with the ease of long practice. Gates were tricky things as if the one building them were not careful they could drain their maker completely of all power. Only the one that called them forth could control them and the person creating them had to know exactly where they wanted it to open in order to create one.

The power for the Gate could only come from within herself not from without and she slumped once the lush foliage of their home Vale was visible where before there was nothing but the brick archway. Talisa picked her up and threw her over her shoulder with a growl and stalked through it as she had many times before.

Fire brought the power back into herself with a loud snap as she closed the Gate behind them far too quickly leaving mage channels raw and burning.

She made certain to leave not a trace of herself that could be tracked by covering it with the magic of the Inn itself rather than her own and by using not ?true? or ?high? magic.

Fire had taken them straight from their corner in the Inn to one of the Vales. There Talisa could heal from her fight with Kain, she could recover from purposely overloading herself to prevent them from being tracked, they could discuss the new information they had seemingly accidentally been given, and decide if it was worth their time to return to Rhydin or not.