Topic: The Posters.


Date: 2006-04-22 19:05 EST
Red and yellow sparks were spitting and hissing around her, illuminating pale almost elven features, as every poster she came across burst into flames then floated away on the breeze as the petite, silver haired female stalked down the dark streets, both hands extended before her with small balls of flames swirling above them. In place of each poster was left behind a brand that a few might still recall from long ago. ?~??~?

A smirk rested upon pale lips as glacial blue eyes searched for the pictures that had been tacked up all over town. At least part of them had already been torn down or so it appeared. Nails left with only shreds paper, that smelled new, attached to them were a good indication that someone had come along ahead of her and removed some kind of notice.

It was a good bet that the Slavers had sent out their minions to remove the posters to keep the normal, everyday, citizens of Rhydin in ignorance.

Fire was cursing viciously to herself in Tayladras as she stalked down the middle of the cobblestoned street, lovingly caressed by licking tongues of flames that were flowing like a waterfall over her from head to toe in a beautiful but deadly dance should any dare to come near but Nyte.

Her aura continued to pulse around her glowing hotly with her fury as posters flared to life then died in flickering embers as the female Huntress continued her burning of every last one she could find.

She would not stalk the more crowed parts of the city yet as her fiery temper was out of control and to end up killing an innocent bystander, and that had been known to happen on more than one occasion in the past when her Ashke was not present to control her outbursts of ungovernable fury, would have the townsfolk after her head just as fervently as they were after these Slavers.

It had never been like this in the past. Time used to be she could step out on the street and have dinner without a second thought. Now she had to actually take the time to scan minds of the next tasty treat to find a decent meal. Had the couple actually been away in their home for that long?

The males were the worst. They appeared to think they had the right to speak to her if they wanted to even though no one had first introduced them to her. Had they no realization that she was royalty and they required at bare minimum an introduction to her first? And then if she was so inclined to grant them permission to speak with her she would.

More fires sprang up around her slender form. A male whimpered in agony as his body writhed helplessly as it was mercilessly engulfed in hungry red and yellow hues that gloried in the devouring of his body after she had fed until the last possible second. Above the whimper and hungry roar of flames could be heard a feline-like purr of satisfaction at the end of his life.

Suddenly she paused in mid-step and canted her head to the side as a feminine voice sounded in her mind. Her aura immediately withdrew inside herself to snap and crackle just beneath the surface of her skin as she turned on her heel to return back to hidden forge that she and her partner had called home for centuries untold.

Firesong replied the same way through their bond. ?Hai. Ye did not say that I was not allowed to have a little fun while ye were repairing the dint in ye armor Ashke. One would think after these centuries ye would tire of the repairing of such and simply leave it for me. I return now with news.?