Topic: Ascending Justice.

Gabriel Ashlocke

Date: 2009-02-05 17:52 EST
He was sitting behind the big long table in the "Big Chair". He placed his elbows on the table and crossed his hands. "Okay..Commander...Tell me...Why is it my ship is still in docks unergoing repairs?" He motioned to the stack of datapads telling him what was boken.

"General. I do apologise. The repairs arent going as scheduled. THere have been many setbacks. When we fix one thing another thing breaks."

He sighed and stood. "Commander I do not desire excuses....I put this in your hands....I expect my ship ready by the months end...You have that long."

His commander stood nodded and saluted him as he left. Gabriel wasnt liking how things were going so down hill. He had his best men posted around his home. Making sure the place was secure. He even had a barracks put up in the back yard. SOmething felt amiss.

Gabriel Ashlocke

Date: 2009-02-08 22:55 EST
He had sent word to his ship at exactly 10:48 PM on Febuary 8th. To ready a room incase he has been forced to elave his own home. It is as a precaution incase said event does happen.