Topic: The legal side of... Happiness?

Jade Ravenlock

Date: 2007-07-30 14:08 EST
There was a soft *tap tap* at the door of Gabe's office. Jade poked her head in with a hand full of papers.
"Hun, are you in?" she softly asked as she set foot in. Seeing no one in, she lightly padded in towards the heavy oak desk. Her heels gave a sharp *click click click* as she walked.

With a small *plop* of shuffling papers, Jade set the papers on the desk with a green post-it note saying "Gabey! Read pleeeease! Kisses - Jadey"

The papers were set nicely on the desk in a neat pile. The lettering was very offical looking.

"Jade would like to use this legal document as a disclamer for a one Gabe Ashlocke. The signing of all papers will state that he willingly knows what he is getting into with a one Jadden Elinore Ravenlock Rogue.

Part 1
I, Gabe Ashlocke, understand that Jade will flirt with other men. I realize it is in her nature. But I also realize that Jade will never stray far and will alwaus come back to me.

This being said, I, Gabe Ashlocke, will never under any reason will flirt with any other woman - May it be elf, fairy, dragon, etc. Jade will quote "knock a hoe out". I hereby understand that my feincee is the jealous type, even though contradicting her own flirty nature.

I understand her flirting. I will noy hurt her for it.
Sign here X_____________________
I understand to never flirt with another girl because Jade is a crazy bitch and will kill me.
Sign here X______________________

Part 2
I, Gabe Ashlocke, understand that one Jadden Elinore Ravenlock Rogue is very emotional. I will do anything in my power to help her and comfort her. Also saying this, I also realize that Jade is not a Damsel in Distress. She does not need to be saved all the time.

I understand that Jade is emotional and will help her through it, but she does not need saving 24/7.
Sign here X_______________________

Part 3
I, Gabe Ashlocke, understand that Jade is a vampire. Any harm she may inflict on me (though it will be rare if any harm is done) may or may not be her fault. May can be if I say and/or do something stupid and she feels the need to step in to stop be or thump me. May not can be if the vampire in her takes over or something else along that nature happens and she can not control herself. I will take my chances with Jade and throw myself in harms way.

I understand that Jade is a blood-sucking monster on the inside.
Sign here X________________________

Part 4
I, Gabe Ashlocke, understand that Jade feels the need to start arguements. as stupid as they can be - as I've seen in the past. I will always be by her side, even if I'm the one she is arguing with.

I understand that Jade has a way with words... and arguing about it.
Sign here X___________________________

Part 5
I, Gabe Ashlocke, understand that I might not like (Even hate) some of Jade's friends. This includes a one Abyssal Bob. This being said, I will not attack them without a good reason other than the fact I hate them.

I understand that I will not attack Bob without Jade saying I can first.
Sign here X___________________________

Part 6
I, Gabe Ashlocke, understand that people will insult me and my relationship with Jade. I will pay no mind to them... because they can all go to hell.

I understand that people will not like my relationship with Jade, but I will pay no mind to their cracks.
Sign here X___________________________

Jade would like to say that she herself understands that people will not like their relationship. She will risk everything, even her family.
She would also like to say that she will protect Gabe with her life.

I understand that Jade loves me.
Sign here X___________________________

Part 7
I, Gabe Ashlocke, understand that the chances of Jade and I having a child together are slim to none. I know that when Jade was turned that opption of motherhood was taken from her. But, if somehow under a frikken blue moon Jade is blessed with a child - I will protect her and our unborn child with my life and anything less than that will not be allowed.

I understand that having a child with Jade will probably never happen.
Sign here X____________________________

Part 8
Silly, yet needed agreements.

I know that Jade is a sexy beast.
I know Jade is mine.
I know sex with Jade is the best EVER.
I know that Jade is the Empress of Muffins and Goddess of the Strippers.
I agree that Jade's muffins are the best.
I from this day forward never ever ever dress Jade into that dreaded French Maid's outfit ... or else.
I understand that "Or else" means something very bad.

I agree to all the statements about and then some.
Sign here X____________________________

Part 9
I, Gabe Ashlocke, understand that Jade is a vampire and I am human. As am human, I will age and Jade will not.

I understand that getting old sucks.
Sign here X___________________________

Part 10
I, Gabe Ashlocke, understand that I have one of the prettiest, sexiest women in all of RhyDin or the universe for that matter. I also realize that a lot of guys would kill (and will try) at their chances at her. But they will never get that chance.

I understand that I am a lucky man.
Sign here X___________________________

I will do anything my Jade-Zilla says because she is Jade, but as long as it is not something totally ridiculous.

End Notes.
I, Gabe Ashlocke, understand in full everything in this document.
I will have and to hold Jade, no matter how scary it may come.

Sign here X_____________________________
Here again X______________________________
Then another because I like to write my name

All legal matters are brought to you by MuffinLove Corp. Inc.
Any questions or comments on this document should be brought to Jade herself."


Date: 2007-07-30 14:41 EST
He looked over the papers and his eyes went wide. He never expected this but he would have to compromise with Jade on a few of these....He folded the doucments then put the in the pockets of his robe. He closed the latch on the pocket and grabbed his Bankai and was off. He looked around and just imagined jade being around all the time. That was gonna be fun. As he made his way to the transport he looked at all of the grunts and grimaced, she was going to be flirting with over one thousand men.....And they would be hitting on her 24/7......This was going to be interesting...if not Head Ache causing event.....He got into the Jeep and was driven off.

Jade Ravenlock

Date: 2007-07-30 15:34 EST

Part 1

Jade will only flirt with men at the Inn, Market, Glen, Hall, Etc. No flirting at the Delta base. It will hinder the boy's fighting if they are staring at Jade all the time.
And Gabe will continue not flirting with another woman...

Part 5

Gabe can attack Bob as long as Bob has the intent of hurting Gabe. But he can not attack Bob as long as Jade is talking to Bob.

Part 8

Gabe shall not dress Jade in the French Maid's outfit, 7 veils, or anything like them if Jade is not willing and not allowing it.

Part 10

Jade IS the sexiest woman in RhyDin, along her closest girlly friends.

Anymore questions, take it up with Jade again.


Date: 2007-07-30 15:41 EST
He signed al he needed to and Sat the papers in the Out box.He looked at the document and wondered what would make her rwite something like this but he knew. Jade was a woman of control.....So aslong as she had was fine