Topic: It's Not Tuesday and It's Not a Bomb


Date: 2016-11-24 09:43 EST
(( rped with Kate (shifting sands). Thanks for the rp!))

Whistling to herself, Kate stood outside the back door of the Otherworld Museum, ignoring the fact that Troy was staring balefully at her. She couldn't decide if she liked the dog or not but didn't feel like she had to come to a conclusion about it right away; kinda got the feeling Troy was in the same boat, in regards to her. As long as it was mutual, they were Gucci. She knocked rapidly, loudly, leaning to peer into the nearest window. "Oh Rooobbbiiieeeee, it's Kate. I know it's not a day that starts with a T but lemme in, yeah?" She was holding a wooden box in her arms: two feet long, one foot wide and one foot deep. The lid was nailed shut with small carpenter nails, the heads sunk into the unsanded surface.

He was on his phone when she was knocking, talking to another museum about a possible exhibit swapping. He'd show theirs and they would show his. It was common practice. The exhibit on fire, on its development and use, was what was currently on display. It didn't say much but the visuals were appealing. He muttered a few things before hanging up, stepping up to the front door. His hand caught the knob and turned it, "You mean a T.U. There are two days with a T." There was a look at the box in her arms before his hazel eyes jumped up to her face, "... I don't suppose that's a donation?"

"As usual, I'm not quite sure what in the 'verse you're talking about, but I do know there are two days starting with T. That's why I made it plural." He was on the receiving end of her duh expression. "Nope, not a donation. Are you gonna let me in or are we going to stand here, putting on a show for the dog that tolerates you?" Troy got some side-eye before she leaned in and tried to push past the demon in the doorway.

"I don't know. Is that a bomb?" His tone never lifted or hinted at being particularly excited. Besides, he stepped back to make room for her long before any "bomb" reassurances could be made. Troy was in first, sniffing and wagging his tail as he clipped his way down the hall and into the kitchen where a bowl of food waited for him. Robert had to give the dog props-- he'd done well in terms of training him.

"Not a bomb," offering a winsome grin as she breezed past him and hunted for the first closet she could find. Once it was found, she started rearranging things to settle her box in one of the back corners, bold as you please. "If I was going to blow you up, it wouldn't be this way, that's hardly sporting." Troy ignored her to fulfill his own mission and Kate was just fine and dandy with that.

"To what do I owe the pleasure?" Another wary glance at the box before he stepped down through the waiting room lined with chairs and stood behind the desk. He treated it, at times, like a fortress to be kept between him and other people. "During business hours you could just... step in." It'd be harder for him to tell her 'no' or to go away at that point if she did.

?Ew, you mean like a regular person?" She stopped in the middle of shoving a rolled-up area rug back into the closet long enough to shoot him an indignant glare. "What's the freakin' point of knowing the person that runs this place if I can't make use of the back door?" She grumbled about lame Crying Demons under her breath. Once everything was back in the closet, she closed the door and brushed splinters from her jacket and shirt. "Hey, have you had your lunch break yet?"

"Yeah?" Half-hearted as he watched her open the coat closet at the far end of the waiting area, burying her little box there. He looked preoccupied with the museum ledger when he spoke, "And what makes you think I won't open that as soon as you leave?"

The closet was closed, the half insult water under the bridge they stood on. Robert capped his fountain pen, shoulders rolling up in a shrug, "No, but it's about time to eat." He hadn't for nearly thirty hours and a snack might be helpful in taking that salt-edge off of his personality. A wayward look to the closet door, shut and now seeming innocuous, before he looked at her, "Do I really want to know?"

"Because there's a sensor in there that will tell me if you open it and I'll come back here and cut your fingers off one by one." A saccharine sweet smile followed that statement, leaving Robert to wonder if she was joking or not. "But no, you really, really don't want to know. The less you know about it, the better. Forget it exists. Also, I'm taking you out to lunch so grab your sac and let's be off." Stepping close, Kate made a concerted effort to shoo him out the door.

"It's been quite a while since I've been tortured. Maybe I'll give it a whirl." His monotone reply. They could have been discussing the weather for how it all sounded. She was far too cheerful. An outsider would have warned her to step away, get away, from the downward slide of him. Kate was rather unshakeable, though.

Now she was wanting him to relocate? He'd thought she was joking until she took the effort to link her arm into his and give a tug. One hand dropped to the seat of his pants to check for his wallet before he was so easily moved to the door. Once there he turned the sign over to "be back in..." with an hour's span indicated on it. A twist of an old-fashioned key and they were in the parking lot. Without much surprise, "I suppose I'm driving?"

With her arm tucked around his, it was easy to lean into his side and purr into his ear. "Darling, when I'm finished with you, you'll be begging for more. Sit back and enjoy the ride." Her smirk was so very satisfied as they headed out the door toward the parking lot. "No, Sour Puss, you're not driving. I am, is that okay with you?" She led him to a 1975 Kawasaki sport bike in a lovely shade of purple with matching helmets. One of them was handed over to Robert, a challenge in her gaze. Would he put it on?

The knit beanie adorning Kate's hair was traded for the purple helmet, the former stuffed into the pocket of her jacket as she straddled the machine and flipped up the kickstand. Turning the key, Kate revved the engine and glanced back, waiting for the added weight of another body behind her.

The rain from earlier that day had turned into a mist that threatened to become something more substantial or to disappear altogether. It would take more than a motorcycle accident to kill him. She was not so lucky. Grasping the helmet by the chin, it swing down like a weight to his side. One hand combed back his hair and he fitted it on before he got more damp. There was some fumbling but Robert must have dealt with helmets before-- he found the straps and tightened.

The tweed coat left behind in the museum, Kate was left with a man wearing black scuffed shoes, slacks, and an old button up mounting the seat behind her. Lunch. The concept seemed far away and strange. His arms circled around her waist just before he bumped his helmet against hers to say he was ready. Troy was left looking on at them, his tail no longer wagging in a serious expression that followed after them.

Robert didn't need to worry about what would or wouldn't kill Kate - she always had a contingency plan. Grinning to herself as he jammed the bright purple helmet over his hair, Kate revved the engine and waited for the weight of him to depress the bike, to feel his hands at her sides. He was a trusting soul, to get on the back of her bike when he'd never seen her drive before, but that just made it more fun! She'd be sure to do something real stupid that scared the crap out of him.

The bump to her helmet caused her grin to widen further before they were off. Kate was careful to start slow so they didn't spin out on the slick asphalt but once she was in traffic, she felt free to weave in and out at will, cutting through dangerously small breaks between cars, leaning into the handlebars to cut wind resistance as she booked it through the light at the overpass. The place she wanted to eat lunch was across the river, finally slowing to a stop in front of a place called Mister Dumpling. "This place is great, you ever been here?" she asked once they dismounted.

Trusting or stupid was debatable. Maybe Robert secretly needed the thrills or he was just worried what would happen next without him. There were moments, most moments, which he spent staring at the world as it passed him by. He saw trees and dips in the ground that he never noticed before because he'd been too busy driving. There were hundreds of little worlds he always seemed to miss because his eyes were forward.

Their bodies bobbed and weaved. Robert gave away his expertise by letting his weight follow hers instead of contradicting the bowing motions of the motorcycle. Over a bridge, the rain was a figment of the imagination. Mr. Dumpling loomed over him, first through the shadows of his visor until he pulled off the helmet, "Can't say that I have." He dismounted.

Kate had been here a few times before; it gained her attention because it was open all day and all night, however many hours were in the day on this planet. Sometimes, Kate forgot where she was until she picked up a magazine or hit the news feed on her phone.

The smell of garlic and ginger hit them like a slap in the face but she inhaled deeply like it was the freshest air she ever smelt. "Take a whiff, Robbie, it's good for the digestion or something." The back of her hand hit his stomach lightly before she pushed her way through the door. As soon as he followed behind her, though, an old woman behind the counter started yelling at them and shaking a knife.

"Ai! Ai ai ai ai, no no no no, he is not allowed!" The knife was brandished at Robbie - not as a threatening gesture but merely because she worked there and had been in the middle of cutting vegetables. Kate halted and frowned, looking from the woman to Robbie and back again. "I know he's like a human version of Grumpy Cat but he's not all bad."

"No! He get out, we no serve demons!"


Date: 2016-11-24 10:26 EST
With a sigh, she turned around and started urging Robbie toward the door. "Come on, we can find some place way better that doesn't put rats in their food!" pitching her voice for the patrons that were staring at them. Kate shot the woman behind the counter a very rude hand gesture before she headed for the door, tearing it open with a huff and stomping outside.

"You don't inspire much confidence when you use the words or something." His response came with the usual straight air to it. The stomach pat felt like the sort of thing 'buddies' would do for each other. Good game. How about that? You know what I mean? Pat pat. Did Kate have trouble categorizing his role in her life or was she trying him on, shoving him onto different lists and roles to see where he would prosper best?

It was likely they would all be failures. Robert didn't do well when he tried.

There was an eyebrow arch at the knife waving inside the restaurant. A bit dramatic, but he got the point. Old women tended to hate-love him. This was more of a hate-hate-love it seemed. It didn't surprise him that she spotted him right off for what he was. Magic and spells didn't have much on worldly experience and common sense. He stood there, feeling slightly uncomfortable, wondering if he should light up a cigarette and let Kate enjoy her lunch. His weight had rolled onto the back of his foot like he meant to wander off on his own just up until she slipped up to his side, urging them out the door with her. His steps were fluid, unbothered. Unlike Kate, he'd experienced this moment enough to be unruffled and seemingly unshaken.

"Do you enjoy being with someone more undesirable than you?" It wasn't meant to be an insult. Kate wrestled with the underground, with drugs and some of the questionable parts of mankind. He imagined that there were places that at worst refused her and at other times tolerated her just so she wouldn't make a scene or cause trouble. Did it comfort her to know that she could walk into a place and be rejected not just on her own merit, but his? The situation never stopped being awkward. Robert had never considered himself a 'player' in the demon world. Maybe a stooge, maybe a servant, but no more than a pawn in terms of power and influence.

Nola had started to change that, but that was a change only the demonic and man-belief-magic world would know of. It was still subtle, still a whisper in the back of everything. Perhaps it would start being seen in the faces of unforgiving old women who needed to quit smoking.

The softer question followed his first, quite nearly at its heels, "Or am I reinforcing something you never wanted for yourself?" They continued to walk the street, his purple helmet hooked and carried along in one hand, swinging like a weak pendulum at his side.

Were they not allowed to be friendly while clothed? Must penetration be involved for a conversation to happen? Besides, there hadn't been any thought or intention behind the gesture, other than to tease him. Robert really wanted there to be subtext where it didn't exist, huh?

There was no way Kate would have enjoyed her lunch while her companion was spurned, it wasn't her style. What Robert couldn't know was that she had her own motivations for leaving the restaurant, her own disdain for prejudice in all its forms and it had nothing to do with how she made her money. His question earned nothing more than a roll of her eyes. Lips parted to pick apart his understanding of the situation when his follow-up slipped out. Stopping dead in her tracks, Kate stared with wide eyes for a moment before lifting her hands to cover her face. After a deep breath, she didn't feel any better so she lifted her hands straight into the air and let loose a frustrated sound that rasped from the back of her throat.

"Sweet fucking baby Traveler, I swear that spending so much time around weeping assholes has turned you into one of them. First of all, I don't even know what the fuck you're talking about. Reinforcing what now? Secondly, I don't know who or what you think I am, but you haven't got a clue what I've been through." She huffed and glared at him, hands on her hips. "What do you see when you look at me, Robbie?"

Robert was cynical and preoccupied. He assumed Kate's interest was skin deep and didn't dwell on it longer, didn't afford it more meaning than that. Friendly while clothed was just being momentarily polite. In some ways, Robert was right. People were fickle and were likely to enjoy him briefly as a novelty, as a curiosity. For Kate's sake, it was best that he didn't hold his breath or consider that it might be more meaningful. Robert's heart moved at a glacial speed and his expectations of being loved rested somewhere behind the moon.

She rolled her eyes which provoked a strange smile on his lips. Humored at her lack of humor. Her frustration built itself up into a full body expression. She exploded while he lit up a cigarette, her hands in the air like a prayer. His head tilted to the side, there were several blinks to bat away the debris of her outburst from his eyes. "What I said had no reflection on what I thought of you, as a whole," a motion of his hand and then one to the restaurant behind them, "Only that you are familiar with that place. You brought me somewhere you liked. You're not there because of me and it's likely that with me... many more doors will shut. I don't think you envisioned that for yourself." There was a pause, the melancholy demon offered up a sliver of light, "And I suppose that doors which were shut to you before will now open."

Kate asked him the question that stabbed people the deepest. Nearly seven hundred years, at least ten generations of mankind, he had observed. In rougher times one could have argued it was twelve generations. She was glaring, hands on her hips, looking like she might throw a punch if she didn't get her way. That was fine, she could throw a punch. He'd say it, anyway. He sucked on his cigarette and exhaled the words, "A relatively broken person, which is to say you're beautiful."

Oh yeah, reading WAAAAYYYYY to into things. There were a million different levels between skin-deep fuck buddy and soulmates for all eternity. Sure, Kate tended more toward the former because she didn't stay settled for too long but that didn't mean she wasn't sincere in her friendships or affections, that she didn't care about Robert as a person. Demon. Whatev. Kate lived in the moment, enjoyed what was in front of her without trying to cling tightly, allowing things to move away from her when that inevitable time came.

A heavy sigh left her, fingertips rubbing at the spot between manicured eyebrows while she tried to process his level of angsty emo. "Let's get one thing straight, Robbie," allowing her hand to fall away from her face. "You don't know what I envision for myself so don't make assumptions. I'm no stranger to being a pariah on my own merit and not for the reasons you're probably thinking. What bothers me is that people are assholes, not that you're a demon and poor you can't get into some of the clubs. If that place is going to treat random customers like that, then I don't wanna fuckin' eat there. I don't care how cheap their dumplings are."

The words broken and beautiful earned a rather disgusted expression. "Ugh, are you serious? I'm getting you a journal so you can write down all your deep, dark thoughts and glorify it on your own time, tell it how much you hate your parents. You have so little game, you have anti-game. Maybe it's a demon thing." With a huff, Kate shook off her lingering anger with the proprietors of Mr. Dumpling and glanced around. "I think there's a taco place nearby, you like tacos?"

There was a turn from him, he took a few steps and put the purple helmet on the seat of her ride. Another draw of his cigarette, "I don't try to have game or whatever that is." It was a newish term that was hip and sometimes eluded to courtship as being a game. Robert wasn't altogether sure that he liked that.

"You snub an establishment for rejecting me for being a demon and then you... make an enormous assumption about all demons based on me?" She mentioned tacos and he frowned, holding the cigarette and both hands atop the helmet, "You go ahead. I'll find my journal to write my thoughts in. I'm not really in the mood to be the subject of mockery." A glance at his cigarette before he put it between his lips. His shoulders lifted in a lukewarm shrug, putting his cigarette to his lips and backing off a step. Kate's comment had the desired effect of pushing him back.

Kate's shoulders slumped, knowing she'd overreacted but that shit really got under her fucking skin. Old wounds were the deepest, right? "Fuck," she muttered, taking a step closer to him, daring to put a hand on his arm. "Look, Robbie, I'm sorry. I... where I come from, I have a kind. And people didn't much like my kind so I know how it feels to be on the receiving end of that shit. I know how it feels. But what also made me twitchy was you assuming that I would somehow judge you for it, take it out on you. That's not me, okay?"

"You must realize that... I was born in a time that the mentally retarded humans were executed for being demonic." He reminded her, flat tones following, "If a woman gave birth to a defective child... it was said it was her fault. That looking on a disgusting painting or having impure thoughts during her pregnancy could cause it. It was something people believed for decades." One of his hands rested on her waist, his smile a bitter one, "You realize it is only recently that women aren't viewed as property anymore? Not even within a century on Earth can that be said. Taking into account the prejudice mankind shows itself... yes, maybe I am a morose son of a bitch, but it isn't because I made that up to torture myself. You live in a liberated, beautiful era in an eclectic town, but it is not the one I've known."

There was a sigh and, perhaps, the urge to reroute conversation, "Let's try those tacos, then."

"Sounds like your people got treated a lot like my people. Feared and hated for what we are. I haven't been in the game even a fraction of the time you have, maybe I'd be angrier or sadder like you. But...I can't let it hold me back, either, yanno? Fuck anyone that doesn't like me or doesn't get me. If they don't want to try, oh well, I got better things to do. I just think you get in your own way. You're also living in the same liberated, beautiful city and one old bitch with a butcher knife shouldn't be enough to put you down. You're older and more powerful than her. You should kick the door down and carve her face off or something," smiling because it was only half jest but the idea alone was pretty sweet.

She lingered over it for another heartbeat before moving on. "Yeah, tacos are awesome. Let's go," hooking her arm through his and dragging him toward the taco place down the block and across the street.

"Well," Robert said with a small lift and drop of his shoulders, looking down as her. He felt the initial urge to point out that it wasn't incorrect for him to be hated or feared-- demons fed and prayed upon humanity. His impact just happened to be benign because he wasn't a soul collector or needed his sustenance in a more aggressive way. Had his birthing been a bit more different, he would have been the coyote to the chicken when it came to mankind. The tension there was real, posed to continue on until judgment day.

It was likely she already knew all of that, that his rambling would merely beat a dead horse instead of be illuminating. So it was that he said nothing, her arm hooked into his as their path steered them towards tacos and away from empty notebooks.

Older and more powerful. Carve her face off or something. Dog eat dog world. Robert's eyebrows knit as he thought about it, perhaps imagining the moment that he did something like that. For some reason, it wasn't as repulsive as he thought it'd be. Instead, it felt dark and comical, like skinning the woman's face was a strange joke that she would get later and laugh about.

"I like being around you." If he kept talking like that she might have to rearrange the Eeyore imagery he'd carefully cultivated. Not to worry, there was more to be said, "You make things feel new again. Sometimes the company I keep makes everything seem like an unstoppable rerun. Another fight. Another war. Another joy or tragedy. It feels less repetitive and... a little more fun because of you."


Date: 2016-11-24 11:00 EST
Maybe it wasn't necessarily incorrect for her kind to be feared, whatever they were, wherever she was from, but that was neither here nor there. As for demons preying upon humanity, Kate had a big-picture philosophy about it all: if the human wasn't strong enough to defend their lives by hook or by crook, then it was survival of the fittest. There was no judgment for Robbie being a demon; in fact, she felt he was too low key, needed to shake some shit up. Celebrate it.

Kate was already moving on, mentally and emotionally, from the argument. No grudges here, life was too short and she didn't have the time, not for something so small. However, she sure as hell wasn't expecting a confession, let alone one that was so complementary. Not after yelling at each other on a sidewalk.

"Oh yeah?" raising her brows as she looked up at him. Both hands clutched at his elbow, leaning in a little close with a smile. "It's what I'm here for, Bobby-licious. Haven't I been telling you this whole time how much fun I am? I don't know that I hate anything more than repetition or being bored so I try not to be either of those things. And I like being around you. You're pretty weird," her smile becoming a grin. "And I mean that in a good way. You're not as stodgy as you'd like to think you are but it's fun to get you out of your comfort zone."

Whether he wanted to or not, Robert knew he was on the verge of doing just that. Shaking shit up. Going to Nola and treating it like some sort of snow globe. It hadn't been something on his agenda, but all roads kept directing him in there. The need to be intimate, to be so easily desirous of another, was temporary no matter what the outcome was. At least Kate humored him for it. As much as that was there, ticking uncomfortably in the back of his mind, there was also the need to be in New Orleans. If Salome was right, it was likely a trap designed to bring him there with Roach.

Someone wanted what he had. What he had he largely hadn't used or even tried to acknowledge. Robert had survived his centuries by not shaking things up, but on the horizon there would be no other option for him.

The pressure of her hands squeezed at his arm. He turned his head to look at her more directly, both his eyebrows ticking upward just a degree when she complimented him. Not really a fight. Not really a make up. They stumbled and caught each other, more like it, and just kept going. It was because she was leaned in that she was easy to kiss. It was the sort of kiss that said 'thank you' and didn't brush her with his tongue. There were low tones, as if admitting to being depressed, "Could I not... be... Bobby-licious?"

The kiss, the nature of it, surprised her more than anything else and she blinked but didn't pull away. Just ahead was The Cabana where the smell of delicious tacos was making her mouth water. With a smirk, Kate pulled away to open the door for him, ushering him in with a gesture. "Mmmm, maybe. What do I get out of it? Also, can I call you Rob-a-booey instead?" She posed it as a question but it wasn't - that moniker would be used again in the near future. There wasn't much choice in the matter.

The place was seat-yourself so she took him to a booth tucked up against a wall. waving at the singular person behind the bar across the room. Kate had a view of the door as she slid in, pulling her phone out to set it on the table. "So. What's the plan? With Roach? Have you decided to go or not? Also, I'm going with you."

"I think you'll jeopardize your street-wise image if you use pet names on me," his first tactic, apparently, was to make the over-the-top gooey nicknames for him look like a poor reflection of her. No badass street dealer cocked a brow with attitude and then looked over to their demon company and said, 'Rob-a-booey, get the pliers and see if we can make him talk.' Robert wasn't particularly great at being persuasive and found, more often than not, that his dislike for something had the strange effect of making it a certainty.

Inside the Cabana, he was hit with the smell of tortillas, of salsa, of chicken and even the thinnest hint of Mexican beers which universally seemed in the need for lime. The margarita machine glowed a green and churned constantly its slush of booze at the far end of the bar like an alcoholic night light. He took his seat, inspecting the cleanliness of the booth table as he spoke. "Salome and I are waiting. When I don't show up... someone else will come here, looking for me. At least that way there is the home field advantage. And Salome will be there." A pause, looking up from the marked laminated surface to her, "And you, too, I suppose. Even if it isn't Tuesday?" Robert's attempt at humor, of course.

The woman snirked - part laugh, part snort - behind her laminated menu. "Rob-a-booey, ain't no thang gonna wreck my image. It's what I make it. Also," lowering the menu so that just her eyes were visible above it, one brow arched, "You can do way better than that." What a soft volley, she expected better. Kate would absolutely use pet names during a shakedown or worse, smile like an angel as she pulled out some fingernails at the roots or watched someone have their tongue burned out in small chunks over a series of weeks. It's how she rolled. Yes, she'd been accused of being a sociopath.

"So you're just waiting for someone to try and get the jump on you??" Now, she frowned, placing the menu down on the table. A waitress sauntered over, popping gum loudly while looking bored. The specials were listed in a monotone voice but Kate listened patiently, one foot bobbing over a crossed knee under the table. "Great. I'll have a margarita, some queso and the chicken flautas. Extra sour cream." After Robbie put in his order and the woman shuffled away, Kate resumed her frowning. "You're not even going to set up a decoy or anything?"

Her eyes hit him over the menu, a clear challenge to bury his warning of harmed images and how it might put a wound in the side of her empire. He drew in a breath and sighed, resigned to the fact that a barrage of other odd names would be given to him until she found one that made her squirm with self-satisfied joy at the sound of it. His gaze dropped down, continuing to peruse the menu.

"I think the idea is to get the jump on them when they come to me." The waitress waited for him to order after Kate and he motioned, lightly, "One beef taco." He handed the menu back to the waitress and felt, momentarily, stripped of any armor when he had given up the menu. It had felt like something he could use as a shield during their conversation. If not as that, then as something to fidget with. Something other than staring her down when he replied, "Being the curator, where I live is hardly a secret. In terms of a decoy, well, that'll be something to go over with Salome. I anticipate that they will seek me out at the museum, either waiting at a time that I leave and return or... waiting until they are the last visitor and dispatching me when no one else is around."

Tenacious as a pit bull with blood in its mouth, Kate was determined that Robert put every precaution in place before some faceless a-hole gave him a beat down against which he couldn't defend. "You'll only get the jump on them if you know when they're coming. Will Salome be able to tell? Has she hit him with some tracking mojo or some shit? What if they do show up at the museum, what are you going to do? Do you have security cameras, at the very least?"

Eyes narrowed thoughtfully, leaning her chin on one palm. "If I were going to do it, I'd recon first, scope you out. See what your defenses were like. Maybe even hire some local powder-head to hit you first, make it seem like a random crime to draw you out, see what you're made of. Then strike a few days later, when no one else was around. Probably middle of the night since it's not like you got close neighbors to hear anything. Please tell me you have something in place to alert you to that kind of shit."

"She's a warlock of some sort... I imagine she has something. Beyond that, I have the ability to mislead someone as to where I am. Which I should do more often." She asked about security cameras, to which he gave a nod, "To protect the exhibits so.. there is nothing in my personal quarters." For many reasons, he avoided reviewing some of those video logs.

"I expect that is what they will do." Not so long ago, it had been the very tactic he had executed. Folding his hands, they rested atop the table as he looked at her, "So I will do my best to behave in a regular fashion so that their tactic will not change. That will leave it to you and Salome to interfere when they do strike. And me?" There was a pause as the waitress came by with two Margaritas for them. They were set down with chips and salsa and little other ceremony. Robert cornered one of the chips, digging it into the salsa as he spoke, "I will probably kill them if you and Salome don't get them first. It isn't hard to slit someone's throat when they walk by you because you're not seen." The chip weighed with salsa was popped into his mouth.

Fingers tapped frenetically along the water-marked laminate, thoughts racing. She would set up a perimeter tonight, grab some extra gear and units, make a grid of the neighborhood. "Okay, I can have everything in place by tomorrow morning. I'll also put an ear to the sewers and see what floats to the surface, yeah? Garbage always does," flashing a sugary smile. "I should know, been ruling the surface for years. Good to know that as bait, you still have some tricks up your sleeve," grinning as she nudged her foot against his leg under the table. "I see you're packing more than just a hard eight inches," bobbing her brows at him twice before breaking into a chuckle. A chip was dipped in the salsa and she nibbled, squirming around on the bench.

"I wouldn't kill them, I'd incapacitate to extract information. I've got some people for that if you're feeling squeamish."

"Hopefully it won't just be shit that you get," he spoke when she said something about what would float to the surface in the sewers. It was a straight-faced delivery, his eyes distracted from her, somewhere over her against the back wall was a gaudy neon margarita glass image glowing off the back window of the restaurant. He looked down at his drink and drew it forward, taking one sip before his hazel eyes centered back on her. There was a faint smile on his lips, but it faltered when she made the sex joke like he wasn't sure if he should smile more or scowl. The indecision meant that he ended up blinking before taking a longer draw of his drink.

Fingertips pinched the salted corner of a chip, diving it in after the bite she took, "Squeamish? No. I've been accused of many things, but not that. Born during the plague, remember?" The chip crackled as he took the whole thing in his mouth and then worked it down in pulp. The bitterness of his drink followed the salt and spice of the chips like a compliment he would have enjoyed more if it wasn't for Kate distracting him with her squirming and impish smile.


Date: 2016-11-24 11:20 EST
"I've always been pretty good about separating the wheat from the chaff." Robert got a wink before she glanced down at the plastic tablecloth, picking one manicured nail against a crusty spot of dried salsa. Well, she assumed it was salsa. Could be anything, really.

"What was it like, growing up in the plague? I bet it smelled, festering bodies can't be a good smell. Did any of your family die or do demons not catch stuff? That must come in handy for all the women on the other days of the week," lips splitting into a wide grin. "Maybe you could offer some sort of stud service to the sexually diseased." Could that really be a thing? If there was a market for it, Kate would find it an exploit it.

She nibbled the edges of chips first, working her way toward the center in a slow spiral that seemed born of fidgeting or nervous energy than any real desire to consume the chip. Her phone lay face up on the table and when the screen flashed or it made some sort of noise, Kate glanced at it, taking in the notification before swiping it away. "So after we catch this dude, then what? What's the end game here?"

"It's possible but... improbable. Some viruses will pass between species but human specific ones... well..." a shrug of his shoulders, the unnecessary addition of 'I'm not human' wasn't voiced. Kate wasn't stupid and likely caught his meaning. More to the point, though, "The plague wasn't much of a problem for us. There are different sorts of demons, some more similar to humans than I am, who may have suffered. I don't remember seeing it but... I was also an infant at the time. I don't recall much so... I'm answering you based on my adult experience."

At the offer of stud service his nose wrinkled, the disgust more than palpable. There was afterwards a definitive shake of his head as proof of a strong disinterest in it. If there was a market for it, Kate was not nearly persuasive enough to convince him. He didn't say anything to it, thinking that she mostly meant to goad that dismayed reaction out of him for fun.

"He's been relentless so... it seems his death is necessary. He's had multiple opportunities to abandon this path and he hasn't taken them. I doubt another shake-down will end things. As far as I'm concerned, he's decided that this is worth dying for." Another chip with salsa taken and chewed up before he continued, "I'm willing to give him that."

No, he wasn't human, he was a demon. Unless she'd missed some essential piece of information, she understood that to mean 'not human'. Neither was Kate, but she passed well enough that few ever questioned it. Unless she was trying to pass as something else, in which case no one ever questioned that, either. "So what do you remember, from your childhood or whenever? What's the weirdest fucking thing you've ever seen a human do?"

The waitress placed her margarita in front of her and Kate smiled to herself, like she'd just been handed a diamond ring. "Hello, friend," crooning to her drink before lips wrapped around the straw. It wasn't nearly as strong as she wished for, but it was passable. Next time, Kate would bring her own reinforcements.

"So guy is looking for death and you're gonna give it to him good. I can attest to your proficiency. Wonderful. What happens after that? You and Roach, if she's still alive at that point, are still super glued at your boy and girl parts on the astral realm or whatever. How are you going to fix that? Do you want to fix it?"

"Weird?" Robert tilted his head to the side and then looked away. The moment of consideration was long and he admitted, without shame, "I have difficulty recalling much. Sometimes I feel there are memories hanging like anvils over me and other times... Deja vu." His lips pressed together in a line as if holding back a few more sentences. Anyway, something... weird.

"There wasn't much cattle in Europe. They need a lot of land, so only certain people could afford it." His thumb pushed up, into the line of salt that rimmed his margarita glass before he continued, "When a calf would die, the farmers didn't like it. You see... they would bring the bull in at certain times so that all the cows would give birth at about the same time. It made managing the herd easier." His eyebrows lowered and there was a smile that broke on his lips, as if rediscovering the strange moment anew, "I was walking down the road to get groceries when this calf trotted right up to the fence. It was young and probably thought I would give it food or something but I was startled because the calf had the skin of another one tied to it. So, it had run around in this little calf-suit right up to the fence for me. The smell was intense and the sight of it was? surreal."

There was a pause, his hand lifted away from the glass, rolling in the air until it was palm up, "See, when a calf is lost the cow will go back into heat, which farmers don't want so they buy a twin calf from another farmer so that the mother cow doesn't try to make another calf. To keep the mother from rejecting it, they skin the dead calf and tie that skin to the twin. It makes sense but it was... so weird to see. Weird to see someone do it."

The subject of weird rotated to the other weird. Roach. He took a chip, dipped it in the salsa and chewed as she asked the question. Kate had a way of putting her hands in things, as deep as he would let her. There was a faint admission, which seemed to be a testament to his uncertainty, "I have an idea, but it's... flawed. Beyond that, Roach would have to agree." It wasn't impossible that Roach would cackle hysterically or think he'd gone off his rocker. Other than that idea? He sighed, "I don't think either of us can last like this forever. Perhaps a loveless union isn't the worst fate to befall two friends." Though it sounded, at the edges of his voice, like he was recounting a vivid nightmare.

...One with Roach in a light pink apron, making questionable toast and calling him Honey. It was a slight upgrade from the plethora of play names Kate was intent on.

Leaning an elbow on the table, Kate slumped forward, the straw resting upon her lips so that she didn't have to reach far when she wanted a drink. Her focus, however, was glued to him and his story, dredging up memories as if through a fog, trying to catch them before they slipped away. She tried to imagine what she might and might not remember after several centuries.

A horrified, disgusted face was made for the description of one cow wearing another's skin. "Not the most fucked up thing I've ever heard but certainly up there." However, it also gave her a rather inventive idea for the next enemy that tried to trip her up. As usual, her mind ran with something in ten different directions at once without distracting her from the demon across the table.

"First, you didn't answer my question about whether or not you want to dissever your junk from hers. Second, what's so flawed with your idea? What does it involve?" Pale eyes squinted at him for a moment or three before she grunted low, to herself, and straightened. "You don't want it and that's enough, isn't it? Just admit that you're a romantic that wants flowers and date nights and anniversaries. There's no shame in that."

"It's the most fucked up thing I saw humans do outside of war. Demons get weird in other ways." Once he had tried to share such stories with another and was met only with perplexed looks. It was no different than trying to explain to someone in the 70's why the sight of someone's ankles was scandalous a few hundred years ago. Perspective and social culture were everything and demons had a way of being both more and less extreme than humanity.

Dissever your junk from hers. That sounded like an severe form of circumcision, which made him cringe unavoidably, shoulders bunching upward as he took a backward lean against the booth. The look away had "Check Please" written all over it, just with no follow through. His attention returned to her when he had finally cobbled together the words to respond, "I want Roach, but it's an unclear want that I don't trust. The contract makes it unclear because the spirit, or magic, whatever you want to call it, wants to be fulfilled. It wants a man to rule New Orleans as its spiritual Hades... as well as it wants a Persephone. For us to fulfill those roles we need to consummate the agreement like a marriage. Sex, basically. When we're around each other it's like being drugged." Beyond that, Robert and Roach had been an item for a heartbeat. It couldn't be said that there had never been a genuine draw, only that the contract severely muddied those waters. Roach was in love with Grey, and knew that at even the deepest moments of temptation between them. Robert was... disillusioned and dedicated to answers.

"And my idea is that Roach and I need to die," he took a swallow of his margarita, knowing it was affecting him because he didn't think the mix was as sour as the first swallow he'd taken. He looked back to Kate, "Just... die temporarily, somehow. The contract between us can't be lifted or mended from what I can find, but it does go onto its successor upon our death. If we are dead long enough for it to apply to two other people? We'd be free of it. We'd just have to... not stay dead."

For Robert, this was a somewhat terrifying option, though he delivered it without frantic inflections in his voice. Being that a demon had no soul, there would be no 'bringing him back' if he died. It couldn't be remedied by a one-in-a-million miracle, like Cris returning from Hell. He'd simply become nothing, a spiritual dust in the universe. Roach, well, she was human and any temporary death had an enormous and very real risk of being permanent. Brain damage. The questions for the proposed solution then became... is it worth it? Who would be their successors? Those were obvious questions, but they didn't have answers. With Roach being in the situation she was, she couldn't exactly be consulted.


Date: 2016-12-18 10:43 EST
A brow arched at his opening line, leaning forward despite her best efforts not to show her interest in the story. "Weird in other ways," lips barely moving as she mumbled that to herself; made a mental note to follow up on that particular branch of the story.

She followed along about the spiritual mickey they'd been slipped, acting as an adamant biological clock where the two were concerned. It made sense, in the grand scheme of things, and was a pretty efficient spell, all things considered. Didn't even matter if the parties were willing. Fucking rapey religions.

"So, you need to die but not die? Do you actually need to be dead or just really close to death for the spell to pack its shit and move along? Because...because I think I have an idea and it could either be useless or brilliant, depending on the answer to that question. I think that I could get my hands on some stasis pods. Would that fulfill the terms?"

"Dead," Robert said with a sigh. The waitress finally appeared, setting her full plate of food in front of Kate and then his small side plate with the beef taco in front of him. He motioned for a second margarita. He was needing it in that moment.

"I'm not trying to trick someone with eyes that I'm dead, you know? The contract, from what I've been able to find, binds itself to me and to Lizzie. We would have to die for it to want to find new hosts. We can't exactly trick it... but also... whoever those new hosts would be would need to be close by. It isn't exactly random so that is the second catch. If not me and Roach... then who?" The taco tucked in his hand, he took a bite and then upon swallowing, continued, "And are the two people who would take the roles... well, is that going to be a problem?"

The appearance of the waitress surprised her, having nearly forgotten about the food while engrossed in their conversation. Leaning back, Kate beamed a smile up at the woman setting down the flautas, careful to avoid touching the hot plate. A flick of pale eyes across the table caught Robert ordering another drink and a crooked smirk formed. After she cut up the flautas and took a few bites, Kate decided to continue the conversation.

"So how are you going to temporarily die? Do you have that part covered yet? Will the same mojo work on you and Roach, both?" because Roach was human (or close to) and Robbie was of the demonic sort. Seemed too easy to find a panacea. "What do you mean, is that going to be a problem?" She paused in the act of slicing through the fried tortilla to frown at Robert. "As long as you're not even thinking about suggesting me as a sub, then I don't really give a shit who it is, yeah?" Kate squinted at him a moment as follow up before putting some more food in her mouth.

"No idea. I haven?t seen demons come back from the dead. We're pretty good as staying gone. I don't think what I would need is what she would." He admitted this with a small shrug of his shoulders followed by another bite of taco as Kate continued. His leg leaned into her foot when he took a bite and then adjusted. At the mention of Kate being a sub, his eyes dawned with some amusement.

"Technically, it's the ideal role for you." He wasn't trying to persuade her, only making his amused point, "The spirit and street workers slinging drugs or sex would be spiritually bound to listen to you. You'd be running and trafficking one of the largest cities on Earth as Persephone and have a partner, Hades, who would be beyond reproach. That is what is at stake. A lot of strength and power, and the sort of control that doesn't get contested." He bowed his head to finish with cornflower shell cracks, the rest of his taco.

Lips wrapped around the edge of her glass while taking a sip before shoveling some refried beans between them. "So, uh, how are you planning on the whole death thing being temporary? Because you said that before, temporary. How the fuck are you going to come back?" gesturing at him with her fork. The toe of her boot skimmed up his shin as a tease though she wasn't distracted from the topic, not by a long shot.

"I haven't figured that part out, yet. I don't know any demons that come back from being dead... so... if the risk is that great, is it worth it?" Robert was still in the infant stages of his plan, clearly. Robert wasn't keen on being Hades, but he was even less keen on the whole 'not existing' idea. The stroke of her boot was appreciated, it felt more like a reassurance than a flirtation, though the latter was more probable. Even Robert occasionally needed that, though he would have perhaps rather eaten raw liver than to say it.

Manicured brows rose to hear a description of the position, wondering if that was how Roach got involved in the first place. Wanted to run a network of her own. Mulling over all of the points he made, Kate seriously considered it. "What do you mean he's beyond reproach? Does it have to be a man? Would I be able to leave the city for any amount of time, or the planet?"

"I mean that the Hades would be incapable of betraying Persephone. He risked everything to steal her as his bride and... I suppose to your point... she's not even there the whole year. About a third of it, if the mythology holds true to the contract." There were a lot of 'unknowns' still there. It was uncharted territory that not a lot of humans documented or were glad to share information about. What he and Roach had learned about it was through stumbling terribly in the dark. He cleared his throat, "Kate, you'd be my wife." It was said as if that would be the axe to cut off her considering it as an option.

It only occurred to her after she asked the question that the answer already sat in front of her. Robert was not in New Orleans and, from what Kate understood, didn't make frequent trips there. She could still travel but maybe have a home base. And power. Real power, not just the stuff she was born with. Chewing and thinking, she was silent while he pleaded his case, tried to warn her off from the job offer that he'd already garnished so prettily by telling her it was perfect for her. Not a great way to talk someone out of something.

"Yeah, yeah, married but only in name. If you bang Roach, then it would seal the deal but you wouldn't have to technically marry her. Obvs, you can bang other people," gesturing between the two of them with her knife before slicing up more chicken and tortilla. "What other perks come with the position? What are the cons?"

"The banging of her would be... marrying her, presumably. I don't think I can sneak that one past the interested, spiritual parties." He imagined that moment with Doll and the cameras having circled them in the bed of the motel room. Ten four. Robert's shoulders drew back and he felt it, a strange pang at what could have been. It wasn't his feeling. Maybe it was. It hung like some shrapnel healed into his body.

"I don't know if I could bang other people," his tone slanting with the same tone she had when she said it. Her terminology wasn't wrong, but it made him think of something entirely different. The banging in a slaughter house. That he would bang other people. Images of Robert the butcher with pristine, beautiful women hanging by their feet in a meat locket came to mind. Bang.

"If the myth is true... Persephone is not an entirely committed wife. She's part time and... as for the perks, I don't know. Beyond that, I have no idea how applying for the position works. You're not a demon so I can't merely sell you her soul and have you involved by association. You're not human so I don't know if you even qualify... I'm not sure how I did." All of it called for a substantial, salty margarita swallow before continuing, "I don't know all the details. Some of what I told you could even just be... wrong. But you would be tied to the city, so I imagine if it needed you that you would have to take the call." There was another detail that neither of them had considered, which he said with a long, straying voice, "It's possible that... Roach will feel the same way you do and become your competition instead of your dealer."

Another gesture with her fork, the tines slicing through the air in a straight line to negate what he said. "No, you're already banging other people and you're already halfway there. That would change once you two got horizontal?" Thoughtful, she chased down her food with drink. "So, Persephone was not faithful but...Hades was? Sounds like you're really getting the short end of the stick on this one," her nose wrinkling at the presumed odds.

"Not human, no," taking another long drink, cool alcohol pooling in her stomach to become an icy heat that spread slowly. Kate just barely managed not to spit it back out, barking out a laugh instead. "Roach, take me out? Are you high? That would never happen in a million years. She would hesitate; I wouldn't."

"What other people?" Though Kate had joked about other women for other days of the week, he wasn't having sex with them. She was the only one, which wasn't a detail he had readily shared with her. When she mentioned the part about Persephone he shrugged his shoulders, somewhat indifferent to the outcome. Or to the "outrageous and totally unheard" situation of him getting the short end of the stick.

"She would have a whole city at her disposal, an army of people running the streets. She'd be a more than capable street runner at that point alone just because of what she had." Robert had a clocked smiled. For some reason, it was enjoyable to slip just under Kate's skin. She was proud of her empire and like all that were, she couldn't imagine someone challenging what she had built. Never in a million years. Yet Rome had fallen.

Sighing, Kate tried to fight a smile while rolling her eyes. "Me! I meant me. Sweet baby Traveler. I'm not Roach so obviously you can go outside the bounds of the spell, that's all I was trying to say." The exasperation on her face was gentled with something close to affection.

It wasn't that she was being cocky, not in the way Robert thought. Roach still had a conscience, a moral compass despite the illegal things she was willing to do for a quick buck. The girl cared about others, genuinely and from her heart. Roach considered Kate a friend and if push came to shove between the two of them, Roach would hesitate with the killing blow. Kate would not. "Don't you worry about me, Cupcake. I've got a few tricks up my sleeves that no one would see comin'."


Date: 2016-12-18 10:54 EST
The smile wasn't completely gone. It appeared just at the corners of her mouth when she spoke but mostly he saw it in her eyes. They caught the light differently. It was less like a gleam from the light hanging over their booth and more like an inward light. Maybe it was affection or just warm amusement.

"Cupcake? No, we are not doing cupcake." Robert gave her a meaningful look, glancing at his drink and wondering if he'd started to drink more because of the situation or because of her. Tricks up her sleeves? His attention moved to her face, but he knew better than to actually ask. He could already imagine her lips twisting up in an amused smile as she shared a dirty joke instead of any insight to her tricks. He opted to say, instead, "I believe you."

Kate was capable of affection but she never let it rule her decisions. Well, she tried not to, anyway, particularly when it came to business. Some things in life were simple if you allowed to be and she liked simplicity, it helped when she might be called to pick up and move on at a moment?s notice.

After another bite, Kate rested an elbow upon the table and leaned on that hand, grinning while she chewed. ?What?s wrong with Cupcake? Do you think you?re not as sweet as one? Maybe something salty, instead, like?pickled herring.? A cheeky smirk was aimed at him across the table and the next time he picked up his drink, she ?helped? by tipping the bottom upward. ?Let?s get another in you before we leave, yeah? I think it will help your workday go by faster. Or maybe we?ll just close the museum and I?ll take you somewhere.? Shaped eyebrows bounced up and down twice, leaving it to him to decide how he wanted to spend the rest of his day. ?I think you?ll like it, it won?t be anything too crazy.?

"I don't think I can live in a world where you call me your pickle." She must have known that the comment would drive him to drink. As if on cue, he tipped his glass back, her hand catching the bottom. At that point he had the option of finishing it off with a few shreds of dignity or drowning. Perhaps drowning. No, his eyes widened and he shifted to clear the last few swallows, setting his glass down and then wiping at the salt on the trim, dark hairs of his face with the back of his hand.

"I won't have another if you don't." Though he paused afterward, looking towards the door and then back at her, "But I suppose you're driving. It isn't very fair though, is it, to get me tipsy while you just observe." Robert could actually loosen up when he drank. It was tied to some of the lighthearted memories Roach had of him and why he seemed so stiff and serious to her now. It took a few drinks, but his biology wasn't immune to the effects of it. He'd blush like a person and, after a time, make enough of an ass of himself. For about a year he'd slept at the bottom of a bottle.

The museum. Back to his self-imposed house arrest or to wander. To go to another place. Robert wondered sometimes if the clock was ticking and how soon things would change again. He said it the same way someone said 'fuck it' when he replied with, "All right, we'll see where you take me." For a change, he didn't sound like he was about to be executed.

Cue the classic spit take. At least Kate managed to turn her face to the side before spewing liquid in a misty cloud from her mouth. Some of it dripped from her chin as she burst into laughter, swiping at it with the back of her wrist as she howled. ?My?my pickle!? she gasped out, not caring who stared. Kate was lost to her laughter for a good few minutes and it took the same amount of time for her to wind down and catch her breath again. A napkin was used to blot under her eyes where tears had formed, breathing hard. ?Oh Robbie?O-M-Fucking-Traveler. Fucking grumpiest pickle I ever did meet, that?s for damn sure,? her grin softening the words. ?Grumpy Pickle is your new street name, by the way. Imma tag it errywhere.?

Finishing off the last bites of her food, Kate was contented and the pleased smile curling the edges of her mouth told that story plainly. ?I?m pretty sure I could drink you under the table, Pickle Puss, so don?t worry about my driving. Drink all you want.? Kate winked at him and then finished off her drink. ?But we can get other stuff to take with us, pit stop. Let?s blow this pickle stand. And try not to act like you?d rather be committing suicide than spending an afternoon with me.?

"I told you, it isn't a thing. Is Robert so terrible? Is it just... going to be absolute murder on your remaining soul to call me that?" A motion to the waitress. The communication was clear. A single finger to say another, please. Yes, he needed another. Maybe he wouldn't hear the nicknames if he drank enough. Maybe they had always been there but after making out with a bottle of whiskey you just didn't seem to notice them. Kate was grinning, but the ease that came to her voice offered him no comfort. Not when Grumpy Pickle was the outcome.

Robert wasn't competitive about most things. He didn't feel the need to prove himself or argue when she said she could drink him under the table. There was the slightest rise and fall of his shoulders as if to say "okay" after she'd wagered it. His new drink appeared, which he took a substantial swallow from since they were on the verge of departing, "Just one minute while I finish this?" A motion to his margarita. At the mention of committing suicide verse spending time with her, he frowned, "Most of the time, you're agreeable." It wasn't likely he'd repeat the admission so hopefully she heard it the first time.

"You think I have some sort of soul left?" Kate laughed again but this time it was softer, pushing her empty plate out of the way. "Well isn't that just too cute for words. Are you trying to be a sweet pickle, now? I like mine tart and salty." Brows bobbed in his direction before they were finally graced with the check and Robert's last margarita. Money was given over to the waitress and then Kate was left drumming her fingers on the tabletop, pulling out her phone to tap at the screen. "You wanna hurry that up and chug? Don't wanna be late." Beaming a bright smile at him, she was on her feet the second the last drop cleared his lips.

"The mystery of my appeal for you has been solved. Glad we've made progress." Kate liked her sour... sigh... pickles. He cleared his throat, leaning back so the waitress could smoothly set down his drink before he asked, "Late?" His eyes narrowed on her fractionally, as if trying to discern how concerned he should be. His right hand went to his chest, holding back an invisible tie as he leaned forward, drawing heavily from the margarita. It wasn't a chug, but he had sped along. She played with her phone a bit while he worked on it.

Outside, she got them back on the bike and, as promised, she stopped at a liquor store 4 blocks down to grab some "dessert" before she whisked them through traffic, weaving downtown and if Robert asked, he wasn't told where they were going.

Agave, sour mix and salt washed down and overpowered any hint of cinnamon that might have been in his mouth or lips. Traveling in taste and smell incognito, it seemed. When they stepped outside to the bike he mounted the bike behind her and the pulled the purple helmet on. Fastened beneath his chin, he held her around the waist as they journeyed. They picked up dessert they didn't eat and wove through the traffic in pursuit of something before it was too late to have it. On the last leg of the journey his right hand slipped under the bottom of her shirt. His hold was a firm palm kiss against her skin of her side. The hold broke once she had parked the bike and they pulled off helmets, leaving her need for speed behind in the parking lot.

It was... another museum, much like Robert's, but this one was dedicated to ships and space. It had a planetarium located at one end of the building and Kate snuck them in through a back door, keeping to the very top row in the dim lighting while planets slowly rotated overhead. "Here, we have the Calliope quadrant, where Zeta Prime and the Eden Five are located..." The announcer in the center of the amphitheater droned on while Kate grabbed an empty seat and settled her head back, boots propped on the seat in front of her.

The museum was curious to him, enough that his lips were parted in a soundless study of it. He couldn't say anything at first, trying to take it all in. As slowly as he read, as deliberately as he went through life, it was the same way when absorbing museums. It was good Kate was there to keep pulling him along. Through the back door, they had to be the only criminals who wanted to dodge a modest museum fare and sneak in. The act felt like being a kid stealing from a teacher's candy basket. They hadn't taken anything of enormous value and though it was a disgrace to a fellow museum, Robert was smiling. In the planetarium, the stars spun overhead with worlds he knew existed but had not conceived the feel of. He took a seat to Kate's right, one ankle propped on the opposite knee as he started to make sense of the projections.

"This is what you do, pilot of the stars?" His head turned, speaking quietly in her ear so as not to draw the attention of the three other people scattered in seats for the show.

The mystery of their odd chemistry might never be solved but Kate found she could easily live with the mystery. Not every single rock had to be uncovered in life, else where was the fun? The element of surprise?

For example, it was a surprise when his cold hand winnowed under her jacket and made its presence known with a jolt that startled her, not to mention the breeze that snuck in around his wrist as they drove but it wasn't enough to shake him off or try to tug her jacket down.

Twizzlers and a cherry coke with Jack poured into it was her planetarium fare, not even trying to muffle the crinkling of the plastic as she ripped open the package. A floppy stick of red licorice was used to point out Eden Five. "Don't believe the hype about that place, it was balls for the employees." Her face tilted toward Robert but pale eyes remained fixed overhead, a small smile playing at the corners of her mouth.

"Yeah. Long hauls are my favorite. Up never know what you're going to find. Never know if some minor mechanical malfunction will kill you while you're sleeping. It's... it's freedom," an undertone of awe coloring her words. Finally, her gaze was flicked to his face. "Have you ever been up there?"

"I'll keep that in mind," his eyes followed the red licorice wand to the speck of light that was indicated. He was watching the star like he could see it, as if it was close enough that he could have recognized anything about it other than it twinkled. His smile was tight and he looked back at her, knowing that he was pretending to understand. His posture eased, allowing him to slouch further down in his seat.

"So you're something of an adrenalin junkie treasure hunter?" It was really stating the obvious. The reckless zeal in her heart was all but perfectly represented by the crotch rocket she drove. How awkward it was when it was parked next to an old, black hatchback. She was looking at him, his face gently illuminated by the spread of stars in the electric screen sky, "No... I'm afraid I've only been on Earth and this city. But the planet was large enough that there was still a lot I hadn't seen."


Date: 2016-12-26 09:52 EST
"I like to explore," said nonchalantly, shrugging her shoulders while chewing on the end of the licorice stick. "If I am going to keep bouncing from rock to rock, I might as well find something about it to enjoy, right? Treasure is just a perk, if and when you happen to find it." Another wide smile flashed in the dark as the narrator told the story of a dwarf star collapsing in on itself to form the Licenti Black Holes, two black holes that kept each other in their gravitational pull but exerted just enough opposing force to keep from swallowing the other whole.

"You wanna go up there sometime?" cutting him a curious side glance.

"Then does that mean that you would go, even if it meant you would get nothing but the experience for having gone?" Some of the explanation would be lost to him because he was listening to her, watching the shiny, plastic-like candy periodically interrupt the motion of her talking so she could snack on it. His arm propped itself on the arm rest between them, his elbows pushed out far enough that his fingertips could crown the knee of the leg he had crossed over the other. It was like he was bracing himself to sleep.

With the new slouched position, his head rolled back as he took in the stars, "Yes. There has to be something different."

"That's all you really got, in the end. Experience. The money just helps the journey go smoother." Kate was starting to border on deep conversation, the type that proved revealing whether that was the intent or not. She could feel them both balancing on a knife edge, not knowing which way the tension would pull her. That was the rush, right there, moment to moment. "What do you think brought me here? Or has driven me thus far?" It was not so rhetorical, honestly curious.

"Different than what?" Two floppy red wants were set on his chest, tucked between buttons so they didn't go sliding onto the floor. No thought of the five second rule in the dark, some places weren't worth the risk.

"Knowledge is power." They hadn't ever talked like this before. Their conversations had been about Roach, about what would happen next, but now about who they were and what they believed. If there were dreams or other parts of them inside who they were.

Her question was unexpected enough that his head rolled to the side so he could look at her. The corner of his lips twitched as he thought and then he said, "Here?" A motion to the planetarium, his smile appearing passive and quick to die away. Robert knew she meant it all on a larger scale, her meaning expanding beyond that of a date of tacos and planets. What has driven her thus far? "I think you're looking for more. Maybe more business, maybe more relationships. You care about Lizz-- Roach-- more than most dealers care for their messengers. You've said you like exploring so... perhaps you're trying to fall down the rabbit hole to see if the landing hurts."

The candy slapped his chest and wiggled between his buttons. The predictable frown at it happening appeared and then he reached, tugging both out. One stayed in his hand while he brought the tip of the other to his lips. A tentative sniff before the end of it was tasted.

"There are lots of things that give you power over others, mostly just their own insecurities, though." If you acted confident enough, people leaned into it, let it smother them just so they didn't have to worry about anything extra. Pushovers. Made things a lot easier for Kate in this city.

"There's always more, always different. Things you haven't seen or done is all that's left to you. Some people are happy to sit on one rock all their lives and think that's the biggest world they've ever seen. Makes me feel a little sorry for them." Not that all worlds were winners - hell, she'd happily blow up a few she'd been on just for the improved landscape - but at least she knew it for sure.

"You didn't answer my question. Do you want to go up there?"

"Yes, I do. I... " there was a pause and he shifted his weight a bit uneasily. Robert had done his fair share of travel, rolling his path along the road, setting up different lives for himself in various cities. There was something to be said about getting away from other demons, from the march of influence in the back of his mind.

Still, New Orleans was calling, and that would have to be digested before he moved on to other places. There were things which had to be resolved. If anything, because he and Kate had the same concern: Roach. He swallowed down the taste of red licorice and focused on Kate's face, making it out better when the planetarium's exhibit went into an explanation that engaged more lights in the overhead dome, "I would like to go. When will you?"

Space was closer than Robert thought. Not deep space, no, that was a few light years away but they didn't have to go to deep space for her to show him something. The light overhead intensified and she could make out Robert's features easier; the ridge of shadow cast by his eyebrow, the sharp curve of cheekbone that sloped into the aquiline bridge of his nose, the flecks of green in his hazel eyes that now stood out in the cool light of the faux stars.

"What are you doing tomorrow night?" The crew didn't have anything planned so her services wouldn't be needed. Other plans were now being set in motion, thumb twitching to tap away at the screen of her phone. As soon as the show was over.

"I was going to watch a film." It sounded so very dry when he put it that way. It was easy to imagine a high-backed chair facing a small, outdated television screen. Robert would be sitting in a robe with a bowl of popcorn on his lap whilst being attentive, truly attentive, to the movie that was playing.

He used the term 'was' when he spoke, as if her half invitation had already trumped his cinematic intentions. It was the only indicator, really, of just how interested he was in what Kate was saying. Other than that, they made a study of each other's faces, mapping out their features like constellations, guiding their gazes to key points. Everything was blotted out by the light pollution of her phone. He couldn't help but look at the screen, but his eyes shot away from it. There was something too invasive, too weird, about watching someone's cell phone screen as they thumbed through.

"Well, put on your traveling pants because you're going to space. It's way better than watching a film. Well...." Eyes narrowed a moment, eyeing him. "Which movie were you going to watch?" Because some were worth giving up a night at the helm but there were only a scant handful that made that list. Kate wasn't too much of a movie buff, that involved sitting still for a long time.

Her phone was scrolled through until she got to a certain name and then she changed the language settings so that she could converse with the guy easier. He didn't speak English or Common, his phone didn't have an automatic translator (no matter how many times she offered to sell him one at a cheap price). He was a pain in the ass but he was good people. Reliable. She cashed in a favor and then turned back to Robert. "Think you've got the stones to face the stars for real?"

"Harold and Maude. I haven't seen it." The talk of going to space, though, there was hesitation in his face, to be sure. His mouth opened, wordless until he finally spoke, "How long is this trip going to be? Does it qualify as a kidnapping?"

Robert leaned his weight on the elbow furthest from her, giving her space to operate her phone and have a conversation so that he wasn?t a crow perched on her shoulder. When she turned to him and asked about whether or not it could be for real, if his interest had been a bluff, he responded in kind, "Don't keep me out past curfew. I have a museum to run." But Monday was a day it was closed, so she had room to spare there.

"I've never seen it, either, so that sounds like it can be skipped for a day or two." It sounded boring, truth be told, but she wasn't here to castigate him for his taste in movies. Not today, anyway. Robbie looked like a fish with his mouth hanging open like that and Kate grinned, resisting the urge to reach out and close his jaw for him. "Kidnapping? Well I guess that depends on just how willing a victim you are." Kate leaned even closer, half leaning over the arm rest as she kept his gaze on his. "Are you going willingly?" she whispered, one corner of her mouth quirking upward.

Kate snorted as she eased up on his personal space, straightening and brandishing another Twizzler stick in her hand. "If you're being kidnapped, then I don't care about no stinkin' curfew. If you aren't being kidnapped, then you'll be having too much fun to care about it, either. Your displays will know what to do without you there, pretty sure they'll keep collecting dust." She knew it was closed Mondays but played along for his benefit.

"I'm willing enough," he chewed the last of his first twizzler, feeling the red straw cave in and bounce back between the grind of his teeth. She eased away which had the strange effect of drawing him in. His head tilted to the side and he kissed her neck with the same curt motions of middle school boy when he was admitting that he liked someone.

"The museum needs me to run. It is my job so... Tuesday morning I need to be there." It was strange that he took that time commitment so seriously given all of what was happening around him. That Menace would spring upon him any day in an attempt to dispatch him. That Kate would take him away from it all, from the gravity that kept him down and to a place, perhaps, where even Mahis couldn't penetrate. He imagined that he would seem like a weird almost-human alien. It was likely every creature had their own means of gaining sustenance in the yawning, cold abyss of stars.

?Willing enough?? Kate wrinkled her nose, shooting him a sideways glance. ?I?m not twisting your arm, here. If you don?t wanna go, then don?t go. I won?t cry myself to sleep, just thought you?d like it.? Her shoulders lifted in a shrug but they were dropped when he leaned in to place his lips against her neck. The contact was brief but she still tilted her head to accept it, preening like a cat. ?Fine, fine, back by Tuesday. I can swing that, no problem.? The person four rows in front of them turned around with a frown and shushed them, to which Kate replied with a rude hand gesture but she scrunched down in her seat anyway and directed her attention up to the lights on the ceiling. They didn?t do the Universe justice, these flat pictures that didn?t really relate the vast emptiness of space between each star and planet, the feeling that it went on forever and ever without end and you could never see all of it even in a hundred lifetimes.

?It?s better than this,? she whispered while leaning over to keep her voice low. A hand lifted to gesture at the pictures up above. ?Way better.?


Date: 2017-01-04 21:46 EST
Robert just wasn't the guy to give an enthusiastic response. If he didn't look as though someone was walking him to the gallows he appeared to curiously tolerate what was happening around him. Kate was right to demand that he give her a more interested response but she let him get by with the kiss, as if he were lucky that she would be so lenient. She was good at her cat-like responses and she probably knew it. Her preening was enough that it caused him to break into a smile and then look down at the second twizzler before he stuck it in between his lips. He took his breath in through the candy straw.

Someone tried to shush them. Robert didn't give a rude gesture, but he did stare at them, blinking once. It was hard to outshush the Shusher himself. The combination of his eerie, unflinching stare and her obscene, flippant gesture was enough to temporarily settle the matter. It would have been quite the accomplishment to get into a fist fight at a Planetarium. No one did that and if you did you never told your fellow inmates.

Her slouch in the neighboring seat was now in line with his own. When she leaned in to whisper about the stars, it felt like a promise he wanted to believe. It was better. There was a whole universe out there if only he was willing enough. His head turned, looking at her solemnly as he whispered, "Why aren't you there now?"

If Robbie?s idea of a good time was to get into a fist fight in ?odd? places, she could certainly set something up for him, just had to know in advance. It could even be a surprise! Now that would be fun. His supply of licorice was refilled in the same spot, same manner when he lifted the second one into his mouth. Kate didn?t want to eat the whole package but also didn?t want to cart it around for the rest of the day. In that vein, one of the sticks was thrown at the Shusher and when they turned around with a glare, she pointed to Robert with an innocent expression. It was alarming how well she could pull that off.

From the corner of her eye, Kate saw that Robert?s face turned to her so she returned the gesture, noting how serious he looked. A small, crooked smile bloomed. ?I?ve been there nearly my entire life. It?s the only place I really consider to be home.? The ship, the crew, the circumstances had changed a hundred times over the years but never her determination to keep exploring. ?Besides, I can go any time. I might have business down here but if I had to leave tomorrow, leave it all behind?? Trailing off, she shrugged. Wouldn?t be the first time, or the last.

The Shusher looked from her to Robert, whose lips were still circled around the piece of licorice she had given him. Now that he was to blame, apparently, he pulled it from his mouth and then shot Kate a look. It wasn't likely he would be blamed because people tended to think that if you wore a button up shirt that you were more mature than Twizzler tossing. Fist fights in the planetarium with Twizzlers wasn't his idea of a good time. Unforgettable, like when a nudist resort unexpectedly needed to be evacuated, but not good.

"I'll take your candy if I need to," it was said with the lift of his eyebrows. One might have thought he was giving her a death threat and not a candy threat, "As a curator I might be disgraced for getting kicked out of a museum."

There was the talk of what she considered to be home and it wasn't all that surprising that Rhy'Din wasn't home to her. Kate behaved like she was on vacation, like everything around her was a temporary situation. That turned out to be more true than he had thought. She mentioned leaving it all behind, but she didn't smirk as if it was nothing. Robert thought about Seattle, about Olympia and the Alexandra library. His thoughts moved on to New York, talking with Gus in the rain, lingering at Hemingways. He had not hopped from planet to planet, but he knew what it was like to uproot, pack everything into the back of a truck and just go. His side thoughts lingered, "Leaving it all behind... and still missing some parts of each place." He reached down, taking one of the Twizzlers she had tucked in his shirt to tap her gently on the nose, "And you would have to find a way to manage, somehow, without a pickle."

Twizzler fight at a nudist resort. That? could be interpreted a few ways. It was on the list.

Kate had to clap a hand over her mouth to keep from giggling loudly, highly amused by both his threat and the potential consequences. ?Not disgraced!!? she hissed out, trying to whisper through her laughter. ?Whatever will happen to the family name?? Even put the back of her hand to her forehead and struck a pose before lapsing into almost-silent laughter again. The narrator cleared his throat loudly, casting her a pointed look before continuing on.

"Yes... yes... my father and mother... the whole clan of Brohkuns will shake their heads at me before turning back to their silent vigil of a Holocaust site." His words couldn't be any heavier, the delivery was respectably straight faced while also leaning towards being truly harassed by her. Not that it was a deterrent. The narrator's gaze was met and he turned his head away, forcing his usually awkward smile with a follow up 'sorry' for the man's irritation. Robert couldn't have said what prompted him to make peace with the narrator except that he wasn't ready to get kicked out just yet.

Uncowed, it took her a few minutes to calm herself. ?There are plenty of pickles in the sea, but each one is unique. They all have a different flavor. You?re the only pickle that tastes like a cookie, for example.? That was accompanied by a cheeky smile, an arch look down at his crotch, and then a bounce of her eyebrows. ?But I could always stick you in a jar of brine and take you with me. What would you do about that?? He was whapped lightly between the eyes with a bit of licorice.

The constellations, worlds that were better than some thought or just not nearly 'all that' which people promised continued to move overhead. The sky turned into different parts, leaving the Milky Way to discuss some other unexpected areas.

"Pickles... in the sea..." Indeed. He was wrapping his mind around the imagery of the first before she threw in the stark contradiction of cookies and pickles. Maybe it was good that she Twizzler-tapped him, he was starting to wonder just what the Hell had happened. "I think I need to solve my identity crisis with you before I can do anything." Cookie pickles and her look to his crotch, followed by the motion of her eyebrows left him uneasy enough that he shifted his weight, putting the end of his Twizzler back in his mouth.

?What?s a Holocaust site?? she whispered back, ignoring the narrator for the conversation, which was far more interesting. This stuffed shirt wasn?t going to tell her anything about these planets she didn?t already know and even if that were the case, she?d never trust someone else?s opinion. Better to just travel there herself, see it firsthand. Experience always trumped belief, every time.

Kate snickered for the way he went from light, amused conversation to Grumpy Pickle; nicknames really seemed to set him off. ?Don?t be sour, Pickle,? she crooned while leaning close. Even gave him a peck on the cheek! ?Just wait until we get to space and you can see the light of the stars for yourself, it will make you all better. You?ll be a Star Pickle.? Grinning wide, Kate tried to poke another licorice into his mouth.

"On Earth there were a lot of countries," he was whispering for her, but it was a storytelling moment. His eyes were far off as he made the recollection, "In one of these countries they had begun to extinguish what they thought was a subset of people. Millions of them. Worked to death, burned," a small motion of his hand in the air, "Holocaust means large scale destruction, but the event on Earth was so uniquely horrible that they called it The Holocaust. There were others, at other times but... " his eyes focused back on the present moment. On her face, "some people couldn't believe it was real."

The crooning and the peck on the cheek were taken with a flat stare, but he seemed on the precipice of humoring her when she said he'd be a star. Promises of Hollywood and Vegas. His lips pursed when she tried to poke the licorice at his mouth. Seemed he aimed to be his usual brand of difficult.

Lips set in a thin line, pale eyes turned to flint as he mentioned large scale genocide of a certain type of people. It made her shiver to think what might have happened if things had gotten to that point on her home world. Her people. Could she even call them that, anymore? It had been so long that Kate had even crossed paths with anyone else from that planet let alone one of her kind but she didn?t know if she?d greet them or not. Mixed feelings swirled in the pit of her stomach and she didn?t like it.

Pulling back, the rest of the licorice sticks were gathered in her hand and pulled out of the wrapper, then tossed straight up in the air. ?Red candy for everyone!? she yelled with a smirk. The Shusher was flipped off again and then she grabbed her jacket. ?Come on, I need a drink. Let?s get out of here.?

Robert had been born it Italy, but it was after WWI that he immigrated to America and avoided serving for WWII. The first war had been enough and after it, he realized it wasn't a place for him to be. He was neither a wartime hero nor was he a parasite, happily filled with all the woes around him. They were tainted. Robert needed sorrow but the vast majority of it was pain, it was... tainted for him, somehow. Or maybe it was just too intense and a lower level demon like him couldn't handle the rich sorrows of a holocaust.

Red Licorice for everyone. The bag went up and when it splattered on the ground like a pinata, red bits of candy scattered as far as their sticky texture allowed. She grabbed her jacket and he cleared his throat, shoving the rest of the candy in his mouth before they made out like bandits through the museum. No fare paid and no full attention to their fake stars. It reminded him of his Creatures of Light Exhibit, how there had been forgeries of the real thing, which never seemed to impress anyone. People wanted the real deal, as it turned out.

"I know a place where we can get a drink." He said it when they were outside and he was fitting his purple helmet back on as he looked at her. Was Kate still claiming the driver's seat tonight, literally and figuratively?