Topic: ((OOC: WoW Junkies))


Date: 2008-03-26 15:50 EST
Don't think I do not know you're out there. ;-)

Do you have any amazing screenshots you'd like to share, funny pictures of you killing NPCs, a snapshot of a ridiculously high crit attack that probably dented the face of your opponent? This is the place to get them out there for the world to see!

I figured that this deserved a thread of its own for its graphics heavy nature.


Date: 2008-03-26 18:09 EST
I figured that I would get the ball rolling with this seeing as how Ayai seems to be busy enjoying the fact that she's 70 and is leaving me behind. ::so sad.::

This picture would be a lot more epic had it been a moving file, but alas. The day after the massive 2.4 patch (HELL YEAH!) lag has descended amongst all of the battlegrounds, and Alterac Valley seems to be the worst. Go there to enjoy watching 40 people run in place and bitch about how inept Blizzard is at creating a game. It's really quite amusing.


Date: 2008-03-27 17:15 EST
Um! Lol I don't have many exciting ones. But here. These are all from 69.

And Ayai copping a feel. We're frisky.


Date: 2008-03-27 17:33 EST
::chuckles.:: Oh, how fitting that that last shot was taken when we were lvl 69, mm? Sadly, I only have a few more.

Overall top damage at the end of a Warsong Gulch match. And as you can see by the bottom left hand side, I was feared and wasn't too amused.

Running as slow as can be with the flag. It always makes me feel giddy when I do this, so I do try to get it at least once in every Eye of the Storm and Warsong game now.

And.. Ayai being incredibly emo. Don't do it! We love you!!

::discreetly slips this one in..::


Date: 2008-03-30 20:30 EST
Jalleia has reached level 70! Although that milestone is going to mean nothing when the next expansion comes out, I still can't help but be very proud of it. Thanks to Ayai and Eronwe for helping me level her those last eight bars. I have brought pictures to commemorate this event!

Jalleia riding on her freshly purchased flying mount. Wish me luck in saving up gold for the epic..

Season 1 gear is gorgeous, enough said.