Topic: Birth

Shai Vevea

Date: 2013-10-26 09:50 EST
Rochelle found Shai crumpled on the floor and it was with haste that Angelo was sent into the city to fetch the doctor. A flurry of motion in the main house, Gio scooped the woman into his arms easily and rushed her upstairs to gently place her upon the bed.

Noone knew what had just happened, least of all Gio. Shooting a look to Rochelle he demanded. "Send one of the other's to find Kruger, hurry woman!" Rochelle was mid heel in a turn when Shai muttered between gut wrenching sobs. "Do not seek him out..." Stunned by the declaration, they would deal with all of that at a later time. For the moment, Gio followed Rochelle's line of sight to his sleeve and he went wide eyed, it was covered in blood....Shai's blood.

An eternity before the doctor had been roused from his bed and brought to Belglade to tend to Shai.

All through the night, the house was a flurry. The wives, the husband's, even the children kept a vigil downstairs. So very confused, they whispered amongst themselves for some sort of answer. An answer that didn't come. The only thing that came was the burst's of screaming from upstairs', now and then.

Sometime around dawn, the sun was just beginning to peek it's way from it's haven, the shrill cry of a newborn was heard and the group sighed a breath of relief.

The child had arrived.


Shai Vevea

Date: 2013-10-26 16:19 EST

To the very core.

Dark eyes, swollen, unyielding in the constant assault of burning tears gushing down her face. This was the moment, the one moment in time they had earned the right to experience one..! And now, she could not dare to look upon this child that was placed upon her chest. "Madam, please wrap your arms around him..." The doctor's gentle words, failing to encourage her.

Him, he had said. It was the boy she had teased Kruger about. Which of course always made him counter with, girl.

Shai was so confused. "My husband, is he here?" Perhaps she had imagined it all. Rochelle, ever present, whispered. "No, Shai, you said not to fetch him." Bewildered, Shai searched the woman's gaze and it all slithered back at the forefront of her mind.

She had not been enough to keep his demon's at bay. She had not been enough for him. She had tried so hard. For so long. The opposition won.

Kruger was surrounded with love, acceptance, loyalty and honor. Every person within Belglade looked upon this man as if he was the Messiah himself. And he ran, with narry an explanation, even though he probably thought what he gave her in such, was enough. Just always out of his grasp. Pretending. Wanting to be more.

Why had she failed?

The baby began to wail. Rochelle sat down on the edge of the bed and smoothed the line of the Greek's brow. "Please child, allow him to nurse.."

The doctor sat down in a corner chair, unwilling to leave, not quite yet. There was a turning point he was waiting for.

The fear coursed through Shai, leaving her trembling. If she looked upon this child and saw what she so feared, it would be her undoing. But if she looked upon him and was greeted by the love that had created him, the world might right itself slightly.

Rochelle continued to urge her, even sliding her hands along Shai's arm's to help her cradle the bundle. She resisted a moment and finally opened her eyes to peer down, breath held. "Cher Dieu..." He was so tiny and so unhappy at that moment. His eyes were tightly closed, his little lungs thumping as he continued to cry.

Bringing him closer, Shai nuzzled down into his neck and breathed in his sweet smell as she sobbed, right along with him. In the matter of a blink, the child quieted and was making light sucking noises as Rochelle guided a breast to his waiting. It was at that moment, Shai inspected every millimeter of his face and through her heart ache, a smile couldn't help but twitter her lips.

If there had been one shred of doubt, there was no longer.

He was the son of Aristotle Kruger Allen.


Shai Vevea

Date: 2013-10-28 06:51 EST
"Shai, I will leave you in the capable hand's of Rochelle and return to check on you and the bairn in the next day or so. If I am needed sooner, please send word and I will come post haste..." The Doctor patted her arm and took another peek at the now sleeping child nestled close to his mother.

Propped up in the bed, Shai nodded and inquired. "May I beg of you a favor?" The older gentleman nodded and waited the request. "Will you stop by the Forge and let Mr Allen know his son was born?"

A look moved between Rochelle and the doctor before it came back to the Greek. "Of course, if he is not present, I will leave a note on the door." A reassuring smile was given and he moved to Rochelle to give her last minute instruction's for the care of the two.

Shai paid them little mind, she was consumed with her own thought's. When the doctor left, Rochelle sat on the edge of the bed and took her hand. "Will you tell me what happened, Shai?"

Shai's word's came carefully, in an almost bewildered tone, so it was no shock when Rochelle's eye's went wide. "That was it, he said no more?"

Shai nodded. "He just left, after that..."

It made even less sense to Rochelle. "Would you like me to go speak with him?"

Shai snapped. "Absolutely not. I will not have pity bestowed upon me nor our son, he made himself very clear." There was a certain edge to Shai's tone. Out of everyone, Kruger knew she would be the one who understood him best and for him to state what he felt necessary, and the admissions he made swiftly....he had made his decision for whatever reason and she would not give chase.

For what purpose should she? He obviously felt he had no choice. He obviously felt the thing's he had declared. He obviously felt, they were not worth any further effort on his part.

"I will deal with legalities when I am on my feet..."

If he decided to walk through the gates of Belglade, it would be on his own and not byway of guilt bestowed upon him.

But Shai knew, he would not return.


Shai Vevea

Date: 2013-10-28 10:51 EST
With every passing moment, Shai fell more in love with this child, that was so content to be wrapped in her arm's. Through every sleepy yawn he made, his mother smiled and whispered softly against his neck. This little person was simply amazing.

Such a shock of hair he had. Inky black mixed with threads of honey hues. His skin was canvas perfect, not blotchy as most newborns were, the olive hues aiding in this. His eyes, fathomless depths that already held a sprinkling of wheat color.

In Greek culture, it is common for a newborn to be named after their grandparent's. This assures the continuation of the family name. However, when there are blended cultures, it is acceptable to not follow the standard, as long as the surname of the one parent that is Greek, appears in the child's legal name. That being the case with this birth.

Alone for the first time in hour's, Shai would decide upon his given name. Something else that was supposed to be shared between herself and Kruger. A glance toward's the window, she almost expected to catch the scent of brimstone, but did not. The air was clean and crisp. Winter would be in full throes before too long.

Tear's were becoming common as they coursed down her feature's. This was not how it was all supposed to happen. While her heart soared for this child, it was also shattered in a million pieces at the same time. She had never felt such pain before. Not from giving birth, but from the splitting of her very fibre.

The child had been victorious in his arrival to a mother who was not supposed to be able to bear children. His name should be appropriate. The child of Kruger and Shai will be called Nikolai Aristotle Vevea Allen.

So lucky they were, even in the throes of tragedy. The child was healthy, and was of a good weight. His mother, while having lost a lot of blood, would also survive in a healthy fashion.

It was a shame of epic proportion, that his father felt the need to no longer be a part of them. Perhap's it had always been that way, his words of 'pretending' only cementing that further in Shai's mind.

"Mon doux Nikolai, vous ?tes ch?ri et aim?."


Shai Vevea

Date: 2013-10-30 08:33 EST
The doctor returned the next morning to check on Shai and the child. All seemed to be well. Nikolai was nursing eagerly and was already on a 2 hour schedule. His mother, while in pain, was at least sitting on the side of the bed and rising to walk short distances around the suite. Her appetite was not what it should have been, but it was improving as red meat was being served at every meal to elevate certain key nutrient's.

Garbed in a chemise and silk robing, Shai had taken care to tie her hair back and had already received Sophie and Tomas as visitors. Their mother's had joined them and lovingly welcomed this little boy into their world. While they "cooed' over him, the Greek spoke to the attending doctor. "Were you able to speak with my husband?" The older man shook his head. "He was not present, M' Lady...I left him a note, however." Shai nodded. It was the only thing she could do in response.

As Rochelle looked on, she couldn't help but frown deeply having overheard the doctor. At a time when possibility should have been key, it would seem that her Mistress would be starting over from the beginning, at least emotionally.

Everyone that was a resident of Belglade wondered, as they should have, what would happen next. Shai had assured Rochelle, that nothing would change. This was their home and it had been acquired long before Kruger had ever walked into the picture. The loss of a relationship, regardless of how painful it was, would NOT dictate the continuation of such. She was also instructed to pass this along, so that the uncertainty could be quelled. It had also been stated to Gio and the other's, if they chose to vacate Belglade out of loyalty to the Blacksmith, they would depart with Shai's understanding and blessing's. They remained steadfast.

Standing in front of the window's, Shai drew in a slow and steadying breath. This was the point where anger began to brew deeply right along with thick sorrow. Whatever she had done to aid his leaving, it was absolutely no excuse for there to be a lack of acknowledgement of this child, they had both wanted so badly. He had made choices, out of his own insecurities with himself, and she would be damned if he would add Nikolai to that list of regret.


Shai Vevea

Date: 2013-10-31 09:24 EST
Nikolai was asleep and Shai was alone, only kept company by the flicker of lantern light reaching from the desk. Again, she stared into the darkness outside of the window's. She was so full of turmoil, and misunderstanding. She was still expecting to see smoke coming from the forge, some sign of life, but it just didn't happen.

Shai thought she knew Kruger, better than anyone and she had understood all of his demon's. She would have given anything to help him find peace. She thought she had, to some degree. She had been wrong, painfully wrong.

One cannot turn off emotion, just because their counterpart chooses to do exactly that. Trapped in the middle, this chasm was unbearable. She would speak not one harsh word about the Blacksmith, no matter what heart and mind were screaming. It was simply not her way. Regardless of what she had been bred to declare in life, she held onto the sanctity of marriage and destiny, as it should be.

Conversation's, recent ones in fact, played a fandango over and over. It made no sense. Perhaps, it never would.

The note the doctor had left him, had he received it? Had he cared even to read it? What was happening..? It was as if she had imagined it all. The only saving grace, was this child. Had Kruger believed he was not his, even as he was convincing her that he was? Had it all been for her benefit? Even if all of that were true, he had proclaimed it not to matter. He had convinced her of this so vehemently, she had believed him.

It was a moot point overall, as the child resting peacefully in the middle of their bed...THEIR bed, was in fact HIS.

What happened to him!? What was he trying to protect them from? Was the crux in all of it, quite simply...him?

She didn't regret coming back to Rhydin.

She didn't regret him.

She regretted failing to be enough.


Shai Vevea

Date: 2013-11-03 15:21 EST
?Did the two of you quarrel, Shai?? Rochelle was rocking Nikolai, while Shai was in the bathing room, washing her face.

?No..? Peering at herself in the mirror, Shai set the cloth down and ran a fingertip under her eyes where they were so very dark. The assault of crying and lack of sleep was doing nothing for her appearance. Shai had told Rochelle the gist of what had transpired. The older woman had no answer. As if there ever could be one.

?Will you seek him out when you are able to travel into the city?? Rochelle inquired.

?I yearn to do exactly that, as I have since the night Nikolai was born. What would it solve, if I were to corner him? It would solve nothing. Ultimately it would cause more anguish on both sides, I fear.? Shai shook her head and the swell within her throat doubled in size. ?There is a reason why he has done this, he has simply not made me privy to it.? Said matter of factly.

?I speak of only myself, Shai, but I would do exactly that.? Rochelle spat and shifted the child to hold him closer. ?You allow him to just walk away, poof, he is gone..? Muttering.

?By his own choice. I know nothing more than I did then. It is not as if I can go to any he knows, he has never involved me in his life outside of Belglade, regardless of how much I have wanted to be part. He seemed content to work, and return home to us....all of us. I will not make myself a fool by chasing after him when I am not wanted. Our child is not wanted. Our not wanted. Our life together is not wanted. He made that crystal clear.? Snuffing out the burning lantern, Shai found herself seated a moment later on the edge of the bed, regarding the two. ?By his own word's...?

?Shai, he is your husband. Go to him...? Rochelle was near pleading.

?I shall not...I am his wife and he does not rely on such...? Shai's whisper near unheard.
