Topic: Chasing Down Sis

Vitus Rustovich

Date: 2006-06-19 12:41 EST
Months went by and there was no word from his sister, the Temple sat nearly empty apart from the Undead army that was garrisoned there. They trained with the new weapons Vitus had acquired, and occasionally raided outlying territories, terrifying and subjecting the primitive people there with little or no effort. Soon, Vitus became bored with such easy conquest, so he set out once again to find his sister.

He arranged for the normal day to day running of the RhyDin temple, setting a Vampire Lord named Adremalech in charge in the absence of himself, Rhaine, or Raevix. The Temple needed to continue to function, and needed some sort of mind to guide it. After satisfying himself that things were in the best order they could be in, he began packing up a few simple things; his two blades, the armor he had been working on, and the tome he had recovered from the sunken temple of Chemosh.

A long prayer to the Grim Lord set him in the right direction, a rift that lead somewhere else. Seemed everytime he tracked little sister down, she moved on again. Perhaps this time he could convince her to stay put a little longer...

Vitus Rustovich

Date: 2006-06-20 12:19 EST
The land Vitus found himself in was unfamiliar, however this was where the Grim Lord had led him. As he wandered, he could feel a faint pull, a presence of the Legion, not strong, but subtle, almost subdued. He was sure the Grim Lord had followers here, the only task now was to set about finding them.

Wrapped in a black cloak, his armor made muffled clinking sounds as he strode through the streets of the settlement he found himself in. His unusual size and stagger made him the object of some interest in passersby, however a dark glance from beneath his hood usually discouraged any from taking too close a look.

A shabby inn of some sort presented itself as a possible source of information, however its condition was not what Vitus was used to. Shaking his head at the substandard conditions, he muttered to himself, "Rhaine, where are you?"