Topic: Change o' Pace

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2006-05-15 05:01 EST
After speaking with Misty and Sigma concerning their respective positions aboard the Fur'za Flyin' Brian arrived home. It was still early in the evening and Charlotte was not around, so Brian made his way towards his office and checked each room. The house looked to have been cleaned up recently, and even the study Jes was using was now straightened out. Brian checked the other rooms, and the room he and Charlotte shared and noted the fact it looked like no one had been home in a few days. He had last seen Charlotte last week and knew she had a lot on her plate as well, he missed her and hoped she was well.

Making his way into the Office, Brian opened a closet door and began to rummage around inside. Moment's later he dragged out a large metallic foot trunk and set it on the floor near the desk, and went back inside. Soon he emerged once more with a second metallic trunk, and then dragged out a large duffle bag as well. He smiled to himself, as he looked over the trunks. On each one was a metal plate with "Ragol IV : Hunter 0909 Raven" , Brian ran his hand gently over the plates and then opened the firsy trunk. It had been about six years since he was hired by the Ragolian Provisional Govt. as part of the Hunter's Guild. Most of the gear he had stowed away hadn't been used in roughly four or so years time. Still given the tech aspects, it was just as good now as it was then.

Brian sifted through the contents and found everything as it was, closing the trunk he went on to the second one, and checked it as well. Once he was finished he knew he would have to head to the Star's End side of town and see to having the tools and weapons recharged and see to new power sources as well. Laughing a bit to himself, it had been a long time since he was even on a star ship let alone a part of a crew. Granted he was hired on as a cook, he was determined to do whatever else needed to be done and was sure he would have other jobs as well. It would be interesting to be in space again, and even more interesting to see other worlds again. As it stood the only two Brian had dealt with in the last few years were Vana'diel and Rhy'din. Brian still needed to explain to Charlotte what he had hired on to do, and that since it was job to job based he would only be gone for short times... Hopefully at the very least.

Still he was satisfied with his decision to hang up his swords as far as bounty hunting and his shady jobs went. It was a nice change of pace to have a day to day once again, and he really enjoyed being able to cook again full time. So he packed what he intended to drop off at Star's End and left a note for Charlotte. Then he left the Villa and head back into town for a quick stop at his office, and then to a few shops in Star's End where he could drop off his gear, and then it was off to check the ship and then do a supply run.

Charlotte Ravenlock

Date: 2006-05-15 05:31 EST
Speaking of a change of pace...

Charlotte needed one of her own. She'd left brian a note, but perhaps it'd gotten lost. So many things had come about in the ast two weeks and Charlotte had had enough. After finding out that her daughter had killed...something, she wasn't quite sure what, Char just neededto get out.

She'd gone back home to Bethesda for the week, hoping that some time away would be restful. She couldn't have been more wrong. She was miserable for each and every one of those days. She missed Brian, she missed Lucy...she missed home.

One good thing, however, was she visited some sort of herbal healer during her stay. He was able to tell her if she was pregnant or not. So on the fourth day, when she was told that she wasn't, Char decided that it was time to go home. She'd been gone for far too long.

Upon arriving at the Villa, Charlotte was dismayed to find that Brian was gone...and after reading his note, realized that he might be gone for a while. As she turned to go into the livingroom, a yellow piece of paper caught her eye. It had fallen onto the floor and was barely visable under the counter. She bent and picked it up....seeing that it was the note she'd left Brian about where she was going.

Oh no! What if Brian hadn't ever read it? She sulked into the livingroom and flung herself onto the couch and cried. Hey, still emotional--but not pregnant! Yey!

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2006-05-15 06:04 EST
What Charlotte didn't know is that Brian was not set to leave offworld, until the ship was overhauled. Slowly the door opened and he made his way inside. He paused a moment and watched her sitting there crying. He felt bad inside and thought maybe he should have been clearer in his note.

"Welcome home, Love. I missed you."

As he made his way inside, sat next to her and wrapped his arms around her, a soft kiss to the top of her head.

Charlotte Ravenlock

Date: 2006-05-15 06:11 EST
Charlotte let out a muffled cry as her own arms wrapped around him. Burying her face to his chest, Charlotte finished her crying and felt like the biggest baby in the world. She told him so.

After a great deal of sniffling and pulling herself together, Charlotte tipped her head back and looking up at his face. "You didn't get my note, did you."

Char pressed her weight into him so that he was forced to lie down. She snuggled close to him and rested her head on his chest.

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2006-05-15 06:16 EST
Brian held her closely and let her get it outta her system. He hated to see her like this, but he knew it was expected given the week she had. Gently he rocked her back and forth and just let her cry as he kissed the top of her head. He smiled as she asked him about the note and shook his head in response.

Gently wiping her tears away as he offered a loving smile. He truly did miss her, and was thankful she had returned.

"No love, I didn't get it. But I wasn't worried, I knew you'd come back."

Holding her closely, as they were pushed back, his hands gently ran through her hair as they lay there.

Charlotte Ravenlock

Date: 2006-05-15 06:22 EST
"I missed you," she replied softly. Closing her eyes, Charlotte smiled as he played with her hair. She liked that. Then, in one startling moment, Charlotte gasped and opened her eyes, tilting her face to look at him.

"Hey babe, guess what?" Her eyes were sparkling--now granted that was because she'd just gotten done crying, but it added to the effect, dun'cha know!

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2006-05-15 06:39 EST
Smiling as he played with her hair, he replied to her softly.

"I missed you too, love. Very much."

As she looked to him, he smiled in return and caressed her cheek.

"What is it my dear?"

Charlotte Ravenlock

Date: 2006-05-15 06:44 EST
"Well, I went to Bethesda for the week. I had to get away from a few things arounf here." She smiled weakly and kissed his fingertips. "While I was there...I found something out. I'm....we're not having a baby, love."