Topic: Family Matters: Archenemies Always


Date: 2008-09-13 13:18 EST
Kerrick sulked as he trailed behind his mother and twin sister, moving from stall to stall in the marketplace. With Stephen away sailing, Iona away visiting relatives, and all the older kids away at school, Kerrick had been abandoned with no choice but to go shopping with the two remaining females in the family. He had told his mother that, as a grown-up boy of almost six, he was old enough to hang out at the docks by himself, that he knew some people down there. When she just gave him that enigmatic little smile--that he would one day realize meant she was trying not to laugh--and said she ?didn?t think that was the best idea,? he knew she meant there was no chance, no way, that he was getting out of a torturous afternoon of shopping to spend a glorious one down by the docks. There was steel, often unperceived, in his mother?s voice when she spoke; it was a hidden strength and authority that many admired and respected, and that her children obeyed?most of the time. Kerrick kicked a rock, thinking about how he?d like to disobey now.

Ever since someone had paid a very unwelcome visit to the house in the middle of the night, leaving a mark of blood on the window and trying to lure Devyn outside, Jewell kept strict watch over the children at all times. With the five eldest safely away at school, the main of her attention was constantly fixed upon the two remaining in her immediate care: Devyn and Kerrick. And with Stephen away, Jewell became all the more paranoid, not letting them out of her sight; hence, how poor Kerrick got stuck on this current shopping trip. It was a necessary evil to have him along, although it tried Jewell?s nerves as he kept trying to wander off, annoyed Devyn to no end because she wanted alone time with mommy, and drove Kerrick crazy because he wanted to be anywhere but with them. As Jewell took a glance over her shoulder and saw that her son was in full on sulking mode--a trait inherited, without a doubt, from Alex--she sighed. Directing Devyn to the next stall they were going to, she turned to face her youngest son, who was now glaring at a rock he had just kicked because it had not gone as far as he wanted it to; everything was working against him today! ?Kerrick, sweets, if you stay within my sight you can go wander about and play some while we shop here.?

Despite this concession--this bit of slack on his leash his mother constantly held so tightly--the little boy only shrugged and shuffled off in whatever direction that would take him away from the terrible combination of mother and youngest daughter. Jewell just sighed again, keeping one eye on her moody child as she started to discuss outfit possibilities with the tailor; Devyn kept outgrowing her clothes and was in serious need of a new fall wardrobe, ?I was thinking something in a warm raspberry color??

Kerrick wandered along past the next few stalls before he was inevitable drawn to the center of the small square; like many of the squares in the marketplace, this little one catering to Fey wares had a fountain at the heart of it and Kerrick was inevitably drawn to the water. Straight out of the Lands, the fountain was a work of art and magic; the water bubbled forth from the outstretched hand of a faerie girl, dancing and spinning about on one foot. As it splashed into the basin, it created a musical sound that softened Kerrick?s foul mood. He walked until the tips of his shoes hit the wall of the basin before looking up. With the sun shining reflectively off the stone--a substance not to be found normally in RhyDin, that glittered and sparkled as if alive in its own way when the light hit it--Kerrick stared upwards, marveling at it. Forgetting all about his mother and sister, he started to slowly move around the basin of the fountain, admiring it from different angles.

Lain Amthras

Date: 2008-09-14 20:12 EST
"You will not touch Alex's kids. Which is fine. Only three of them are his. The rest, like her, are fair game. Got it?"

"Yes, yes, I heard you the first sixty times, child.."

Although It had never set foot in this portion of the Marketplace, being the furthest thing from a Faerie at the moment, this place disgusted It. As did mostly all things. The small area dripped with Fey essence; sticky and clinging like cold molasses. Every thing, no matter how insignificant, was a testament to the fact that they all loved 'pretty things'. The picture would have been more complete with scantily clad men and women tossing buckets of glitter in the air and falling all over each other in fornication. That last thought had It snickering and the noise continued as the specified target wandered into Its midst. To Its dismay, Kerrick did not, in fact, trip over the edge of the fountain into the sparkling water.

Its thin fingers gently rubbed the outside of the ice cream cone in Its hand. Chocolate dip. The same as that day two years ago. As It strode forward towards the fountain, the vendor behind It fell to his knees and vomited the shadows that had seeped into his internal organs. Hidden behind the cart and It already moving away, he wouldn't be able to identify his attacker.

Dusty blue eyes caught sight of Jewell and the other child quite a ways away, and positioned Itself accordingly on the edge of the fountain out of her line of sight. It had dressed the part, wanting to make sure It actually looked like Lain had despite the obvious changes. White hair was left down to conceal the lack of earrings. A long sleeved tee under a short sleeved one, both black, and snugly fitting dark jeans made up Its outfit. The boots with spurs.. those It couldn't abandon.

It twitched and popped Its neck, swallowed hard, and shuddered as Lain forced herself into control. An easy smile pulled onto Its lips as Kerrick came close enough. It gave him an upnod.

"Hey, lil' man..? You been schway?" The ice cream was offered to him with a gentle shake of Its hand. Its eyes traveled him, and Lain chuckled inwardly.

"I was right.. he's gonna look jus' like his dad.."


Date: 2008-09-16 13:44 EST
Kerrick was jolted from his trance, mesmerized by both the statue and the musical sound of the water, when Lain addressed him. She brought a sudden halt to his travel around the fountain and he shrank back, the active result of a learned instinct: a fear of strangers and the evil they supposedly had planned for his family. However, there was no mistaking Lain for anyone else, not for Kerrick at least; after all, he had become the closest to her during the time the children had spent staying with Lain and Alex just last spring. The dress, the white hair?the lingo. Kerrick took all this in, blinking emerald eyes against the sun, in a matter of seconds to confirm that it was indeed Lain standing before him (conveniently blocked from Jewell?s sight, as she looked through bolts of fabric, by the fountain?s statue) , perhaps here to rescue him from the dreaded shopping trip! Only it wasn?t Lain, was it? Not the Lain he knew, at least. However, the discrepancies--the lack of earrings, the general ?feel? of the person standing before him--that would indicate a difference between the Lain he knew and that which was actually standing before him were undetectable to the little boy.

Undetectable and unimportant. Lain was here and he smiled brightly up to her, bad mood vanished in light of a possible playmate--who was neither mother nor sister--and the offer of ice cream. He was soft spoken, his smile turning almost shy as it had been some time since he had seen Lain, ?Hi? you haven?t come to play in a long time. ? Or ever. Kerrick was aware that it had actually been a very long time, in fact, since he had seen either Lain or his father. His mother had explained to him and his siblings that he probably wouldn?t be seeing either of them anymore, so Lain?s presence now was a pleasant surprise. The ice cream distracted him from the fact that while Lain was present, Alex was not, and he took the offered treat as he sat on the edge of the fountain, presenting his mother with the view of the back of his blue-haired head. He never once thought of the adage to not take things from strangers as he took his first lick of the ice cream cone. It was a moot point, anyways, because Lain was not a stranger at all; Kerrick considered the two of them good friends.

?I am un-schway,? he easily readopted the lingo his mother had drilled out of him after his stay with Lain and Alex, becoming more at ease around Lain with several licks of ice cream, ?they made me go shopping with them and it?s booooooring.?

Lain Amthras

Date: 2008-09-17 02:10 EST
Author's Note - Italicized dialogue is spoken INSIDE the Doll's head and can therefore not be heard by others. Thanks!! ]

"Aww, Lain.. Lain.. do I detect some sentimentality..?"

It felt Its whole face twitch despite the emotionless front It presented. A breath was taken then let out. Lazily, It went through the motions of patting Itself down for a clove and finding It had none. It settled for running Its impossibly thin fingers through Its hair. Idle hands, as the saying goes. "Yeah, well.. s'not like you ever did either, yanno," It said like that wasn't the lamest excuse for not visiting ever and with complete disregard for the fact that his whereabouts were, obviously, totally out of his control. The hand that held the ice cream lifted to tousle his blue curls gently once he took it. It was only playing around.

?I am un-schway, they made me go shopping with them and it?s booooooring.? A little flower of pride bloomed within Its chest.

"Heheheh, Lain.. Lain.. I had no idea you were this soft-hearted. Have you changed since our last encounter..? Lain.. shall I change you back..?" It grit Its teeth as It fought against the voice in Its head, resisting the now overwhelming urge to lash out and snap the boy's neck with one quick gesture. It leaned Its elbows on Its knees and clasped Its jittering hands so tightly, Its fingers began to change color from trapped blood.

"Knock it th'hell off, I told you your boundaries. Stay behind them."

It laughed, trying Its best to make it sound actually engaging and not the sickly mistake for emotion that it truly was. "I'm sorry, Lil' Man. Chicks can'a.." It paused and cast a fleeting glance over Its shoulder to Jewell. The operation wouldn't go down as smoothly as planned if she, you know, turned around. "They're fricken janky sometimes. Tell ya what, schway? Why don't you'n I get outta here? Cuz they're prolly gonna be tryin' on every stupid lookin' thing they've got over there. We'd be gone and back before they know it." It gave him a wink and a winning smile.

It didn't know how this was going to work. It was playing off of Kerrick's want to get out of there as fast as possible, but begun to have a sinking feeling. No matter though.. because once True Blue saw It with her child, all Hell was going to break loose. It hid Its sneer nearly a touch too late, passing it off as just a regular swipe of lips before standing. The one thing it was careful about, though, was keeping out of Jewell's line of sight until the opportune moment.

Entity laughed evilly and the noise reverberated around in Its skull. "Ahh, I see your plan, Lain.. There is my disgusting child.. Nnnhnhn, how I have missed her.."

"I told you.. none of them deserves what they have. And damned if I'm gonna pass up th'chance to take it all away from them." The smile It still flashed down to Kerrick was brilliant and unchanged.


Date: 2008-09-19 09:21 EST
Kerrick wrinkled his nose--a very Jewell-esque mannerism--at Lain?s counter to his complaint that she never visited. He opened his mouth to object, to assert that his mother wouldn?t let him go even if he had thought of it, but his comment died with the playful tousling of his hair and all was suddenly well again; he once more filled his mouth with ice cream instead of words.

The fight going on within the body of Lain, between Lain and It, went unnoticed by the young boy as he continued to enjoy his treat and smother chocolate all around his mouth. While the tightly clasped hands and the uneven note of Its laughter might have been seen or heard, their meaning and import could not possibly be discerned by young Kerrick. This was especially true now that he had a sympathetic ear to listen to and lament along with his current woes; like most young children, Kerrick was completely egocentric, with the whole world revolving around him and his monumental problems.

"They're fricken janky sometimes. Tell ya what, schway? Why don't you'n I get outta here? Cuz they're prolly gonna be tryin' on every stupid lookin' thing they've got over there. We'd be gone and back before they know it."

?Leave?? Lain held out to him an offer too sweet to refuse and better than he ever could imagine! Why sit around this dinky fountain, waiting with nothing to do while his sister and mother enjoyed themselves for who knows how long, when a responsible adult was willing to take him elsewhere and do something fun with him? Maybe Lain would even take him to the park that had the twisty slide!

?I wanna go!? And up he hopped from the edge of the fountain, ice cream and all, completely negligent of his mother?s orders to stay within her line of sight.

Lain Amthras

Date: 2008-09-21 00:48 EST
Swiftly, It put a finger to Its lips, motioning for quiet. Its other hand settled on his upper back, steering him gently in some oddball direction opposite of where Jewell was.

"S'gonna be our little secret, schway?" There was another wink down to Kerrick as they fell into an easy stride. It had to walk slower than usual, to accodmodate their height difference, and It noticed that the loose spurs on Its boots rattled ominously as It did so. Coincidentally, the path they took intersected with the unlucky vendor from before, and he gaped at the pair as they slowly made their escape of the disgusting square. A watery choke from his throat sounded, then a muffled snap, and he discreetly crumpled where he fell. It paused, eying Kerrick carefully when they were some feet away from the scene. Its attention was split.

"So where do ya wanna go, Lil' Man..? Day's all yers."

It was impossible how much cheer was put into Its voice as Its mind focused on gutting the vendor behind his cart. No doubt when Jewell noticed he was gone, she would panic, and just randomly start looking around and asking others. Someone would find it and read the message. Concentrating as heavily as It was, the only things discernible to It from Kerrick's spastic suggestions were 'park,' twisty,' and 'slide.' Luckily, It had a vague idea where to find all three. It seemed that Lain was a fan of the swings.

"Schwayah.. good choice." It snickered and resumed leading him away.

The message for Jewell, soaked through the vendor's shirt in dark blood and thick, crude letters reads: PAY ATTENTION.


Date: 2008-10-06 13:35 EST
"S'gonna be our little secret, schway?"

?Schway!? He practically shouted the slang word in his excitement, even if Lain had just gestured for quiet a moment before. He liked secrets, especially when he was the only one privy to them and his siblings were not, like when Papa Stephen had let him have an extra cookie when he was supposed to be in bed sleeping two weeks ago.

He was neither troubled by the pause in Lain?s stride nor noticed her suddenly split attention, as she dealt with the poor vendor, or the reason for it. His sole attention was on Lain?s question: "So where do ya wanna go, Lil' Man..? Day's all yers," and answering it as quickly (which meant incoherently) as possible; ?I wanna go on the big slide, it?s really really twisty and it?s in the giant park where they have animals and swings and a twirly board and even a tree house to play in that has a slide from it too! And there?s a big pirate ship there to climb on but all the other kids always fight over who is gonna get the wheel even though I know best?? Most anyone would be clearly able to see that Lain was not listening to Kerrick?s ongoing ramble, but the little boy had deluded himself into believing that Lain truly cared about everything he was saying--even his lengthy story about how the last time he went to the park a little girl pushed him out of the way of the wheel of the pirate ship jungle gym and how Devyn had bit the little girl on the arm to enact revenge on her brother?s behalf--and was satisfied in this belief as Lain had her hand on his back and was seemingly leading him onwards to his declared desired destination. Mother and sister were very far from his mind.

But he was not far from theirs, at least not from Jewell?s. Becoming more and more distracted as she and Devyn looked through piles of fabrics and patterns, Jewell still managed to glance in Kerrick?s direction every few seconds; as long as she could see that curly mop of blue hair by the fountain, her fears and paranoia laid at rest. Unfortunately, the length between glances became longer and longer as the vendor began writing down Jewell?s order and asking her several questions.

?And lastly, you want this pattern to be made with the blueberry and cream fabrics you picked out, M?lady??

She gave a glance in Kerrick?s direction before looking to both the pattern and the fabrics again, ?Yes, and maybe the sash out of a darker blue material??

?Yes, that should be lovely, don?t you think little lady?? The vendor smiled down at Devyn who was practically bouncing in place.

?I wanna hat to go with it too!?

?Can that be done?? Jewell looked from Devyn to the vendor.

?Certainly M?lady, if you will just look at this book of hat designs?yes, on this page are our latest fall designs that should go nicely with the dress.? He flipped open to a page and presented the book to her.

Jewell glanced towards Kerrick before taking the proffered book and flipping through the pages, ?And you make the hats on sight??

?No, M?lady, we take your order for the fabric and the material and use a milliner across the way.?

Jewell nodded, sending a distracted glance in Kerrick?s direction before looking back to the book and pointing out a hat, ?That one will do, I think.?

?Yes, M?lady, that will look absolutely charming on the little girl. With that done, would you like any enchantments sewn into the garments? I know you are familiar with our usual ones, but we are offering several new ones if you would like to take a look at the list.?

?Certainly,? and Jewell took one more look at her little boy before she was given the list and started to pour over the enchantments that could be sewn into her daughter?s garments along with the descriptions. That list certainly proved distracting, as she had to ask the vendor several questions regarding the newer enchantments he was offering, ?I?m not quite sure if I understand how this enchantment of Finding is any different from your old one, sir.?

Thus sparked a conversation that withdrew her attention from Kerrick long enough for Lain to tempt the boy with a getaway to the park and to lead him thither without his mother noticing. When the enchantments for each garment were finally decided upon, and Jewell?s attention was free to turn upon Kerrick as the vendor totaled up the price for all that had been purchased, the little boy was no where to be seen.


Date: 2008-10-08 13:32 EST
Only a parent could relate to the sudden panic and terror that came over Jewell the moment she realized that Kerrick was no where to be seen; even then, they could not understand or fathom the depth, the chill, of the fear that froze her heart as countless horrible things, and a plethora of enemies, that could have happened to her little boy ran through her mind. All the magical abilities and powers at her disposal did nothing to alleviate the horror she was experiencing. There was no doubt in her mind that this was an abduction: not Kerrick just wandering out of sight, not the crowd obstructing him from her view.

?Kerrick?? It was a weak call that not even those nearby could hear. ?KERRICK!? That tore from her throat, anger and fury broiling up to brush away fear for the moment; someone had dared to mess with her family once more.

?M?lady?? The vendor recalled her attention with concern.

She twirled towards him, grabbing Devyn roughly by the shoulders and shoving the little girl at him, ?You watch her. You watch her with your life, do you understand?? The man only had time to nod numbly at her, pulling Devyn--as tears started to build in the little girls eyes--to him, before Jewell was pushing into the thin crowd of the market square.

?Kerrick?? She was shouting his name constantly now as she moved, looking left and right, towards the fountain: the last place where she had seen him. As she moved, she grabbed people by haphazardly, ?Have you seen my little boy? He?s only five, he has blue hair, green eyes?? so very many just shook their heads and muttered an insincere apology as they moved on.

Desperation shook her frame. Reaching the fountain, she circled it like a mad woman, eyes frantically searching for any clues or signs with the five senses, plus some. When she reached the spot where Kerrick had last sat and Lain had stood, a frown wrinkled her forehead as she scanned the spot and found residue of?something that stirred up memories. Someone?s hand reached out and tentatively touched her arm, a voice jarring her from her thoughts; ?Arwen En?Alu, what is wrong??

Jewell turned sharply, half expecting an attack from this friendly inquirer, only to find herself face to face with one of the vendors she was well acquainted with, ?Annarina! Someone has taken Kerrick, utinuamin-elle. He?s gone!?

?Aie--the little one with hair like yours??

?Aye,? she sent another panicked look around for him.

?Do not worry, mellonamin. We will find your son,? she gave Jewell?s arm a reassuring squeeze before running off. Soon, many people were searching the area and calls of, ?Kerrick!? could be heard throughout the square.

Jewell look around, feeling lost. She needed to get a grip on herself. She needed to think clearly. Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes and searched out, seeking the familiar presence of her son. She did not get far, being interrupted again by Annarina, ?Lady! She says she has seen your son.? Anna pushed forward a young human woman.

?You saw Kerrick??

?Yes?yes, ma?am. He was walking with a woman, that way,? she pointed to one of the main roads that led from the market square. ?I did not know that there was a problem, or I would have stopped them, but he seemed to be friendly and familiar with the lady?not like he was forced.?

?He did?? She questioned, confused. Who would Kerrick just walk off with? ?No, never mind. That way?? She pointed and at the woman?s confirming nod, Jewell took off after the way Lain and Kerrick had gone, pushing and shoving people out of her path. She was starting to despair as she got further away from the square that her son had ever gone this way when she thought she saw a glimmer of blue over someone?s shoulder. ?Kerrick?? She cried out, shouting over the din of the hustle and bustle, ?Kerrick!?

The young boy, happily skipping along at Lain?s side, in blissful anticipation of playing at the park, finally paused and looked back over his shoulder, ?Mama??

Arwen En?Alu--Lady of Water
utinuamin-elle--my little son
mellonamin--my friend

Lain Amthras

Date: 2008-10-09 18:20 EST
It was caught between two extremes: usher the boy forcefully, or wait for Jewell to inevitably catch up with them. The former proved useless. It wanted Jewell to see that Kerrick trusted It, no, trusted the face that It was hiding behind. That would evoke indefinitely better entertainment. That and It didn't want to turn the child away. Its skeletal fingers tensed as It gently patted Kerrick's back. Only an idiot would have been unable to hear Jewell's screams. It tracked her progress through the crowd, becoming suddenly thankful for every insane woman who just had to buy the latest fashions today.

"Hey, Lil' Man.. I bet'cha can't beat me there.." It smiled wickedly at this wager, stepping strategically in his line of vision, blocking him from the sight of his nearing mother. It didn't want to turn around, not yet. Though, Jewell was probably able to see It. Shock white hair stood out amongst all other colors. That is, before the shadows along the ground began to twist and turn, becoming sticky, and started to turn the expanse of ground between them into tar.

"On your mark..?" It was a long shot, but It was willing to prolong Jewell's worry as much as It could.


Date: 2008-10-27 15:32 EST
Lain underestimated Kerrick?s devotion to his mother and overall mamma?s-boyishness, otherwise her plan may have worked a bit longer. He did let himself be turned around and guided by her hand; he even began to take a racing-start position at her challenge. At the same time, though, his reluctance and doubt started to show. Some inkling that he shouldn?t have wandered off with Lain in the first place was starting to prick at the back of his mind. His stance wasn?t rigid, muscles straining for a race, but went slack, directionless. He kept looking over his shoulder, even when Lain moved to block his view; blue eyebrows started to knit together. ?But?? his objections to the proposed race were summed up in that word.

As for the mother: like any that could claim that title, Jewell could easily pick out her child?s voice in a crowd. Fey hearing being what it is, Jewell could have heard and identified the smallest whisper of any of the seven children she called her own. Being that she was straining for the slightest sight or sound of Kerrick made hearing that single, ?Mamma?? he uttered all but impossible to miss.

In her despair, she had stopped moving, letting the crowd bustle and push on around her. Now she had a focus. Grey eyes strived for a promising sight to match the sound of the little boy?s voice and zeroed in on a flash of blue hair before the boy was turned and white replaced blue. Shock white hair. Who would Kerrick just walk off with? Straight white locks. What adult would he trust like that? White hair.

Jewell saw red.

She took one step forward, then another. Her third footfall was halted, her shoe hovering just above the hard ground, and she recoiled in disgust. Shadows: sticky, clinging, deadly, seeping up from the ground. She let out a growl and rose off the street, just above that familiar, tar-like substance. Gravity held no sway on her. Like a bullet, she shot forward. Right and left people fell as she barreled through the throng, hands outstretched in desire to wrap about that awful woman?s neck--Lain.

Lain Amthras

Date: 2008-11-03 11:19 EST
"Ahh, Lain.. Lain, you've been caught.. Your plan backfired and now, child, you shall reap the consequences, henhenh.. I'll enjoy your turmoil immensely.."

It gagged when Entity forced Lain into the forefront. Air rushed into Its chest and It nearly toppled forward onto Kerrick. Lain was surprised at the lack of pain she experienced. She could breathe again without the aches in her chest, emotional and physical.


Lain had realized she'd made a mistake. She shouldn't have gone through the children, least of all one of His children. She couldn't stand the thought of even one of them hating her. And she didn't want to hurt any of them. Despite the years of self and outside conditioning, tears sprung up in Its eyes, and suddenly, Lain found it nearly impossible to breathe all over again.

"Kid, I want'cha t'listen t'me very carefully, schway?" It said, kneeling down and placing Its hands on Kerrick's small shoulders. Lain could see the doubt in his eyes, and even the underlying fear that Jewell was going to be pissed at him for running off with her. "I want you to get as far away from this place as you can, okay? Run. Just run until yer little legs can't run anymore, I dun' want'cha seein' any'a this.."

"This is it, child.. your last connection to the thing you hold most dear.. Sometimes I wonder if you really need me, Lain.. Lain, you tear yourself apart even without my help.."

"Can it.."

"How does it feel, Lain.. Lain.. to be completely alone..? This can't be what you wanted.."

"It's not, but that's all I am now."

"You hear me? Fricken go. Move!" Lain wasn't sure whether or not he would obey, being completely tied to the fact that Jewell was flying at them. But she had to try. It roughly turned the boy around and shoved him away from It around the same time Jewell had extended her arms. The swirl in Its eyes became a tornado, black overtaking crystal blue instantly.

Without a second thought, It pivoted on Its heel, fingers pulled back, and the heel of Its hand was sent directly towards Jewell's face as she flung herself towards It.

"Glad you could join us.. Jewellsie.."


Date: 2008-11-28 11:26 EST
"Kid, I want'cha t'listen t'me very carefully, schway?" As Lain knelt down before him and spoke, Kerrick frowned even more. He had obviously made the wrong decision in going off with Lain and now he was going to get them both in trouble, something he certainly did not want to do. "I want you to get as far away from this place as you can, okay? Run. Just run until yer little legs can't run anymore, I dun' want'cha seein' any'a this.."

Despite the boy?s fear of the scolding awaiting both him and Lain--at least that?s what he thought was going to happen--from his mother, this latest assertion of Lain?s not only boggled him but upset him even more. ?But Lain?? he couldn?t help but object. He knew, to some extent, what his mother?s wrath looked like when one of his siblings did something wrong. He also knew it would be wrong for Lain to take the brunt of that; he had been taught to own up to his mistakes and take responsibility for himself, not let others take the fall for him. He gravely underestimated the seriousness of the situation and what wrongs had been committed.

"You hear me? Fricken go. Move!"

Any other objection from Kerrick was silenced as Lain turned him about and shoved him. He fell, catching himself on hands and knees, just as his mother reached Lain.

It was not a meeting of face and hand. Jewell exerted enough control over her abilities to stop herself mere centimeters from the heel of Lain?s hand. She did not close that distance, though the tenseness of her muscles betrayed her deep desire to; she was holding herself back by will power alone. She moved from horizontal to vertical before Lain, as simply as one takes a step from left to right, her feet still not touching down on the writhing ground but staying just above it.

Sharp senses had taken in everything in the moments leading up to their confrontation: Lain?s command to her son to leave, the way he objected, the moment she dared to shove him out of the way, and the very color of her nemesis? eyes. All taken in, imputed in a matter of seconds, as her mind grasped for the right thing to say, the right way to convey her outrage without ever laying a hand on Lain.

Jewell had to choose words as hear weapon because she refused to physically fight this woman with Kerrick standing right there.

?How dare you?? She growled out at Lain, steel grey eyes narrowed and fists clenched at her side. ?How dare you!? she repeated with greater ferocity. ?To think you would sink so low as to attempt to get at me by using him,? she pointed at Kerrick, sitting on the ground, now watching them and sniffling because of his scraped knees and the verbal fight exploding before him. ?He trusted you, Lain?? No, that wasn?t right. This wasn?t Lain. ?Or whoever you are, whatever you have let yourself become. He trusted you! And you? you are a selfish, conniving little??

Lain Amthras

Date: 2008-11-29 14:18 EST
?How dare you? how dare you!"

It smirked, Its outstretched hand shaking with withheld force. There was only so much space between them. A few steps and..

"To think you would sink so low as to attempt to get at me by using him. He trusted you, Lain? or whoever you are, whatever you have let yourself become. He trusted you! And you? you are a selfish, conniving little??

"Bitch?" It had no issue with language on front of kids. In fact, It had forgotten that Kerrick was even there. His sniffles and sobs were completely ignored. If but for Its own sake.

A heckle escaped Its sickly blue lips then. "It's funny, Jewell.. you're funny.. you make me laugh." To prove Its point, It started to. A great many laughs were expelled, then air sucked in with a wheeze, Its chest puffing out. One would think It was dying. "I do not have to stand here and take this berating from you. An idiot that can't so much as keep an eye on her own child has no right to tell me what scum of the universe she thinks I am." The wicked knife-like smile didn't even touch Its eyes, now inkwells of shiny black. No white, no blue.

"It's been a long time.. Jewell.. I hardly remember the last time we met.. And it's true, he trusted Lain.." a step forward was taken, and Its head cocked dangerously to the side so that vertebrae snapped into alignment, "But I wonder.. has she given you any reason to believe she would hurt his children..?"

It wanted to. Oh, It wanted to. Jewell wasn't on Lain's list. Even moreso, Jewell was Its supposed 'only' target now. Apparently, It had been overzealous in Its efforts, although It hardly thought Hasim had anything to worry about. He didn't know the Ravenlock's views on Lain. Short of Alex, none had really expressed anything towards her but hostility. All of her behavior aside, of course.

Its fingers cracked as It lowered Its outstretched hand, digits rippling as unnaturally as the rest of It. The sticky tar-like shadows swirled towards that hand and rested before Its knuckles in a compact rotating orb of deep black. Without their dank addition, the alley they were in brightened considerably, and the grotesque details of what It was came into focus. There was very little, if any, Lain left in the face It presented to Jewell.

"She wants to have.. a few words with you, ngyahha.." another wheeze was made, and It gnashed Its teeth like an animal. "She says.. you're sloppy.. because this isn't the first time someone has gone after your children. You'll learn.. oh yes, you will learn.."


Date: 2008-12-19 13:20 EST
Lain?s words caused Jewell to bristle internally, but, despite her earlier displays of unrestrained emotion, she took on a blas? fa?ade. The Unflappable Empress. Later she would let the words sink in--?I do not have to stand here and take this berating from you. An idiot that can't so much as keep an eye on her own child,? ?She says.. you're sloppy.. because this isn't the first time someone has gone after your children. You'll learn.. oh yes, you will learn..?--acknowledge the threat within them, and take them very seriously. For now, she had other priorities.

Grey eyes watched those tar-like shadows, as they coalesced into an orb, and tagged them as a possible threat. The Not-Lain their lack of presence revealed, though, was of much greater interest. ?No, Lain would probably not hurt any child of his,? she shook her head and even let out a little puff of dry laughter, ?foolish loyalty.? She paused, evaluating her enemy, ?But you are not Lain, are you? And her loyalties are not your own. Therefore, one must never be too careful, you know,? she stated in a purely conversational tone.

With the clearing of her throat, she was back to business and adopting a rather cruel smile. ?No, you aren?t Lain at all. But I imagine she?s in there, no? Perhaps you?re just a messenger, since you seem useful for little else besides snatching children,? the remark had some bite to it. ?So, why don?t you pass this little message along for me: Lain, I am gravely disappointed in you. Here I have always considered you a somewhat worthy opponent. How sad to find out I have been wrong all along. Giving up your body so easily to play the simple-minded host to a symbiotic life form? Pathetic. Absolutely pathetic.? There may have actually been real disappointment in her tone, if one could discern it amongst the disdain. ?I thought you above such weakness.?

Lain Amthras

Date: 2008-12-21 00:50 EST
There was a snarl in Its head unlike any other - a cross between an enraged lion and a scream.

"Mhmhm.. careful now, child.."

"Loyalties.. fucking loyalties. Lemme out, I want to talk to her."

"Ih-hi-hit's soooo funny, Jewell..? Very good to see you think this is the extent of me and my stores. Although, I must thank you," It said with a flourishing bow, "Without your stupidity, I wouldn't have succeeded. Thank you, Jewell, most kindly, for your failure." Spikes of dark black exploded from the orb before Its hand, turning it into the equivalent of a puffer fish dunked in ink. The whole thing began to whir like a top as It pulled Its crunching and jerking way upright again.

"Did you hear that, Lain..? Lain, I am only the messenger, how sad.." Whatever Entity said next was drowned out by wheezing snickers.

"Let me out. Now."

As It continued to speak, Its voice no longer echoed with duality. Eyes never changed from fathomless pits, but there was no mistaking who was in control of the sharp upnod It gave to Jewell. "Always liked how you could twist a situation to fit yourself. Lies, lies, lies. Just how many fricken ways will you make that word work for you? I hope you break your neck when you fall from your high horse because it bucked you the hell of. They dun' like heavy weight, see, and yer head's just balloonin' out to kingdom come.

"Let's not make you seem stupider than's been already proved by making you go on and on about how highly you thought of me. Seriously. Come back to me when you don't have scars cuz you spent hours cutting yourself and bawling over your prissy ass boytoy." Its voice had become a hiss. Memories from their last actual battle on Skyler's grave flashed in Its mind. Its teeth were clenched together so hard, it would have been painful if It could have felt such a thing.

It squared Its shoulders, Its feet sliding shoulder width apart. Its dingy white hair rippled and began to float, sprinkling black dust into the air. The spikes protruding from the orb grew and shrank and the fingers behind it shook.

"We. Are. The same. Jewell. I'm just not afraid to show it. I actually felt sorry for you.. hell, I still do. You dun' have half th'strength you pretend you do. Talk about disappointment, look in th'goddamned mirror first!"

It didn't give any space for a response for It had already whipped out Its arm. The orb's spikes soon became saber-like ribbons, exploding outwards and snaking their way at warp speed towards Jewell.


Date: 2009-05-03 11:08 EST
The world slowed down around her as she weaved her magic, gathering the energy to do so to her before Lain made that final move to attack. It was clear it was coming as Lain?s anger became more apparent: the grinding of her teeth, the shifting of her shoulders, the way those spikes grew and shrank as her fingers shook. Lain was bound to explode any moment, and Jewell wanted to be ready.

There was no time for verbal responses. No time to even feel righteous fury over Lain?s comments regarding Skyler. Yes, she still had those scars on her arms and always would. All other scars would fade in time if she allowed them to, superficial as they were, harming the body on this plane but not her true form. Those scars, though, the ones made for Skyler would never truly be gone as far as she understood; those six scars had cut through the form taken in this world and had made a lasting impression upon her.

She didn?t have time to think about any of that, though. Nor could she spend the time to remember the fury she felt at Lain?s intrusion on those private moments, wrecking the sacredness of the time she had spent at the graveyard, torn to pieces over someone so vital missing from her life. Jewell didn?t have the time to think about it because Lain was very likely going to try to tear her to pieces any minute now.

A cocky grin rose to her lips in the split second in which Lain began to move her arm. This was not a chance to show off; she had to preserve her life and gain the upper hand here. If she could accomplish that and still show off a little?proving Lain?s comment regarding her lack of strength false?then that would be an added bonus.

She had begun to craft her glamour into two illusions as Lain spit those final vitriolic comments at her: "We. Are. The same. Jewell. I'm just not afraid to show it. I actually felt sorry for you.. hell, I still do. You dun' have half th'strength you pretend you do. Talk about disappointment, look in th'goddamned mirror first!" When she attacked, Jewell was ready. She imposed a visual glamoured illusion on those around her, projecting it outwards, making herself invisible to all as she stepped aside. In that same instance that she cast the first illusion, she used her glamour to form a very physical doppelganger of herself to take her place on the chopping block. Synchronizing the magic together as she did, it would appear that she never moved although her features (those of the doppelganger) may have shifted for just a moment before the saber-like ribbons were upon her.

Invisible as the real Jewell was, she stepped through a land of specters and the otherworldly, moving to collect her son. As she moved, her doppelganger took the full brunt of Lain?s attack, reacting as real flesh and blood would. The saber-like tendrils pierced it at multiple points, causing the illusion to write in pain, her back arching as blood sprayed the street between not-Lain and now not-Jewell.

When the illusion keeled forward, impaled upon the inky blackness, Jewell returned to the world of the visible, dropping the illusion surrounding her. She knelt before Kerrick, blocking the view of the impaled not-Jewell, and scooped him up into her arms. He said nothing as she stood and started back down the street from whence she came. With Jewell?s withdrawal, the illusion appeared to melt into a puddle of watery-goo in front of Lain before dissipating. Jewell glanced over her should to not-Lain, ?We?re done here. Better luck next time.?