Topic: First Snow


Date: 2006-12-01 09:47 EST
"It's snow!"

"It's snow!

"It's snowing!"

Jewell Ravenlock usually woke up on her own accord. Her body had its own little internal clock that roused her at the same time every day unless extenuating circumstances existed. She had been up late last night Dueling--shedding a fair amount of her own blood in the process of winning--and had "turned off" the clock for the morning to rest up.

Her children had other plans.

Little voices took turn rallying her out of bed by jumping on it (how the hell did they get the door open again, she had just replaced the lock). She tried to cover her head with a pillow but the twins, the most excited of her children as the triplets didn't enjoy the snow nearly as much, would not allow it. After all, the first snow of the year was a very big occurrence for those in the Ravenlock household.

"All right, all right...I'm up!" She grumbled, sitting up rather suddenly and almost knocking little Kerrick off the bed with her pillow to the delight of his giggling twin sister. "Now, what is all the ruckus about my loves?" She had to play along, smiling for them; they had their feelings so easily injured otherwise at this age.

"It's snowing!" The four year olds shouted in unison at her.

She had been unconsciously aware of that fact even in her sleep, just as she would be of the rain. She inclined her head slightly towards the wall of windows, covered up by thick drapes, and grinned. "Well now, so it is."

Covering up a yawn with her hand, she shooed the children away with her others, "Go downstairs and tell Iona to make a big breakfast...we're gonna need to be well fed if we're going to go out and play, right?"

The twins scurried off her bed, shouting in triumph as they raced each other to the door. Jewell knew Iona was probably already preparing a feast for them, knowing their habits when it came to the first decent snowfall of the year, but it gave the kids something to do.

"Oh, and you can wake up your brothers and sister too." They had stopped short at the door when she had spoken up again only to run out, laughing at her allowance. If she had to be woken up so rudely on the perfect morning to sleep in, no one would be allowed to rest.

She let her head fall back onto her bed a moment with a groan. It was going to be a long day and she certainly needed a hot shower before the madness began.


Date: 2006-12-01 09:57 EST
There was one thing she had to do before enjoying the luxury of her shower. She slipped on a robe and slippers and left her room, sneaking downstairs. She could hear the indignant shouts of the triplets as they were rudely woken up and had to giggle like the little co-conspirator that she was. Life was certainly always interesting in her house.

Not one stair creaked as she went down them, her steps landing light as snowflakes. She shuffled a bit more loudly down the hallway, not wanting to startle any of the servants that didn't hear her coming first; that had certainly happened before.

She poked her head into the kitchen, wearing a cheshire like grin, "Good morning Iona!"

"Morning Miss Jewell," she chimed in response over her shoulder as she whipped up something in a large ceramic mixing bowl.

"I was wondering, could you send someone with a message over to Cosmo Beach really quick? I know it's snowing and that you're all busy..."

Iona cut her off, "Of course, Miss Jewell. What sort of message do you have in mind?" Her grin was suddenly being mirrored back at her.

"Nothing to devious, I promise. If you can just have whoever relay the message to Skyler..." with a glance at the clock to note that it was still fairly early in the morning, "by way of Molly because he won't be up yet, that he is invited to our brunch this morning and to come play in the snow with us today?"

"I'll get someone to send that right over for you, now get into the shower you look awful."

She laughed, stepping back out of the kitchen with a "Thanks a lot," echoing down the hall.

Iona set aside the mixing bowl a minute and grabbed her shawl. She was just putting it on when the kitchen door opened up and her young nephew, Markus, came in stomping snow off his boots. "Ah, love I was just going to find you. I have a message Miss Jewell needs to be sent over to Cosmo Beach if you can..."


Date: 2006-12-01 23:25 EST
In the end, Iona had written the message down for Markus to take over to Cosmo Beach. He ran through the accumulating snow, the note kept safely dry in his pocket, rubbing his hands together to keep them warm. The sudden drop in temperature in RhyDin was not celebrated by everyone in the Jewell Ravenlock household, Markus being the main exception.

Fortunately, Cosmo Beach wasn't too far away. Iona had given him strict instructions on who to ask for and what to say. So, when he knocked on the door of the house (it was too early to ring the bell, Iona had emphasized that to him several times) he was praying for Molly to answer.

The thirteen year old shivered, shifting quickly from foot to foot and hoping the one named Tommy didn't answer the door.


Date: 2006-12-02 16:53 EST
It was, in fact, Tommy Hill Figure who answered the door. A steaming cup of coffee in hand, dressed only in a black velvet bathrobe, he pulled back to the door to see who was knocking. He squinted at the bright glare of the snow as cold morning air drifted inside, swirling around his bare, hairy calves.

The Figure loomed imposingly on the threshold; enormous, forbidding, the girth of his body from one shoulder to the other nearly spanning the entire width of the doorframe. He regarded the boy with cruel eyes, his deep gravelly voice rumbling. ?Hell do you want?? Before the kid could reply, he snatched the note out of his hand and unfolded it. His expression softened only slightly when he read it. ?Molly!? he croaked, and began to wander off, the boy at the door already forgotten.


Date: 2006-12-02 16:55 EST
The maid came scurrying over from the kitchen. She arrived at Tommy?s side, smiling prettily at the young Markus. ?Good morning, handsome! What can we do for you today?? Molly was always sure to be overly amicable to any guests who came calling at the mansion and were unfortunate enough to have the Figure answer the door. She knew she had to make up for Tommy?s lack of hospitality.

She took the note from Tommy and read it quickly, smiling at Markus again. She warmly gestured the boy inside and closed the door behind him. ?Make yourself at home, I?ll go wake Skyler up. There?s some freshly baked brownies on the kitchen counter, so go help yourself.? Molly trotted jovially up the steps en route to Skyler?s bedroom. She was very peppy and cheerful this morning ? it seemed the snow was having a resounding happy effect on everyone. Well, everyone except for Tommy, who was always a grouch.

She knocked on the door of the master bedroom. ?Skyler, someone?s here to see you.?


Date: 2006-12-02 16:57 EST
When he rolled out of bed just after daybreak to take a leak, he?d seen the blanket of snow covering the ground outside. That one glimpse was all it took to assure that there?d be no more sleep. How could anyone sleep when there was a winter wonderland right outside your front door?

Skyler had immediately begun unpacking his snow clothes ? baggy black ski pants, an expensive grey and black ski jacket, thick Gortex waterproof boots and big puffy gloves. He wore one of those thick headbands around his ears, and he tied his long pretty shiny black hair back into a ponytail to keep it from getting all wet and droopy.

Just as he finished getting dressed, he saw a younger boy running across the lawn. He looked familiar ? someone from Jewell?s household, perhaps. And that was a good thing, because that was the first place he intended to go.

Molly?s announcement at the door was not unexpected. The look of shock on the woman?s face was quite amusing, as he yanked open the door wide awake and fully dressed. He grabbed the note, read it, then grinned. Skyler shoved past her, hopped onto the banister and slid down the winding staircase.

He saw the brownies on the counter and stuffed one into his mouth, regarding Markus evenly. ?Thanks for relaying the message, dude. Why aren?t you smiling? Don?t you like snow? Come on, let?s go.?

Outside, Skyler went to the tool shed and pulled out his blue and yellow plastic sled, waving it boastfully in front of Markus. ?Yeah, see this, dude? I just waxed her. I?m gonna fly on this baby.?

Once they were out the front door and jogging toward the villa, Skyler playfully shoved Markus down into the snow and ran ahead of him. ?Haha! See you at the villa, punk!? His laughter echoed across the lush snowscape as he ran, toting his sled beside him. When the terrain sloped downward, he would sleigh down it until the hill ended, then pick up his sled and run with it until the next slope, all the way to Jewell?s.


Date: 2006-12-02 23:16 EST
Markus absolutely gaped at Tommy when he opened the door; he didn't think he had ever seen a human man that big. He had fumbled the note out of his pocket, needing to read it because the message had flown right out of his head at the sight of Tommy (what Iona had been afraid of), but it was not needed.

With the paper ripped from his hands and Tommy moving away, Markus looked over his shoulder. Running seemed like a perfectly sane option at the moment. Even the arrival of Molly didn't assuage him of his fear but he was ushered inside all the same.

Brownies? Who could think of brownies at a time like this? His life was on the line here! He stood awkwardly just inside the door, waiting for Tommy to come out and just blow his head off or something. He didn't move until Skyler came down.

?Thanks for relaying the message, dude. Why aren?t you smiling? Don?t you like snow? Come on, let?s go.?

Did he like snow? Poor Markus couldn't even think straight, let alone formulate an answer. He just nodded, casting a quick glance around for any sign of Tommy before following Skyler outside.

He admired Sky's sled, secretly hoping he would let him try it on the way back to the Villa. He had seen one just like it in the store the other day and was planning on saving up his money for it. Unfortunately, today was just not his day! Skyler pushed him into the snow and he totally ate it, raising a bright red and wet face to watch Skyler speed away down the nearest hill on that prized sled.

He pushed himself up on his needs and shouted after Skyler the first thing he had said in the last hour, "I'll get you back!"

So maybe he wouldn't have to save up his money to buy that sled after all.


Date: 2006-12-02 23:44 EST
Jewell had raced back up the stairs and past the kids rooms--cries of indignation from the triplets dodging her steps. She'd have to appease them later, maybe be on their team for a snowball fight or two.

She took the quickest shower in history, tying her soaking wet hair back and laying out her snow clothes. She didn't need to dress as warm as others as it was rare that she'd let herself get wet in the snow. Still, swooshy water proof pants and a warm sweater were tugged on. She took her boots and jacket out, along with glittens and childish snow hat, and set them on a chair in the hallway. She'd finish getting dressed after they ate.

Now, it was time to get the kids all set up. The twins were easy. She moved like a whirlwind through their room, laying out their little snow suit outfits and all the accessories.

"Just put the first layer on right now, after we eat you can put your jackets, boots and hats on!" She called over her shoulder to the twins as she darted across the hall to help dress the triplets. At least she had Leena's help with them, but it took a little time. The triplets could not have any of their skin, besides their faces, exposed when they went out to play in the snow. The last thing they needed was to get wet and undergo their change in the middle of building a snowman.

When all their outfits were basically set out and everyone was almost completely ready to go out into the snow, Jewell herded them downstairs for their breakfast.

"Let's go! Let's go! I don't want you rushing through your breakfast so move down the stairs faster!" She followed after them like an army commander, shouting to be heard over their excited chatter over the plans for today.

She was just sitting down with them at the table when she heard footsteps in the hallway. "Iona, can you please tell Skyler we're in here," she didn't even need to finish that request as Io left the dining room. The kids didn't heed the interruption at all, feasting on the pancakes and french toast set before them.


Date: 2006-12-04 11:32 EST
When Jewell?s villa was in sight, Skyler paused to let Markus catch up.

?Here ya go, pal. You can ride it, even though you?re slow!? He shoved the sled at the boy and ran ahead of him again, bounding through the lush powder toward the villa. He could already smell the breakfast food cooking, and it lit a roaring fire of hunger in his stomach.

He breezed through the front door, stopped on the doormat and did his best to stomp the snow from his boots. But he was really hungry and he really wanted to see Jewell, so he bolted for the dining room before his boots were dry, leaving a trail of snow behind him.

Skyler smothered Jewell as soon as he emerged into the room. He came up behind her and gave her a huge hug, arms encircling her body like octopus tentacles, drawing her against his cold, wet, bundled up form. He kissed the back of her neck and exhaled a warm whisper against her flesh. ?Morning, beautiful.?

After greeting Jewell, he took an empty seat at the table and glanced from one child to the next as they ate. ?Hey? Where?s mine?? He pounded his fists lightly on the table, a look of playful indignation on his face. He took off his wet snowy gloves and unceremoniously plopped them down on the table in front of him. He couldn?t really eat wearing those big plushy gloves, could he? While he waited for his own plate, he reached over to the plate of one of the girls who sat next to him, grabbed her fork out of her hand (which held a big juicy bite of pancakes), and shoved it into his mouth. Skyler chewed slowly, watching her with curious eyes as his mouth worked, wondering if she would complain or laugh or act offended. Right after he swallowed, he quickly handed the fork back to her, as if it had never happened, a silly grin on his face.


Date: 2006-12-04 15:55 EST
It took Markus a minute or two to catch up with Skyler, water dripping down his face from his fall in the snow. He eyed the sled warily as he took it from Skyler before uttering a quiet, "Thanks man."

He waited until Skyler had got near the Villa before actually moving into action. He took a running start at the nearest decline and jumped into the air, the sled beneath him. He hit the snow and went flying.
Iona was just stepping out into the hall to show Skyler into the dining room when he breezed in himself. She barely gave him a nod in greeting, brown eyes focused on the trail that led down the hallway back towards the front door. A bit of an annoyed look was sent over her shoulder to Miss Jewell's beau before she moved about to make quick work of the mess.

Jewell, unaware of the minor distress Skyler was putting her main housekeeper through, tilted her head back and smiled brightly as she was wrapped up in Sky's arms. She gave an exaggerated shake at feeling how cold and wet he was, "Good morning love...get a little cold on the way over here?" His lips on the warm skin of her neck sent a little shiver over her.

All five of the kids had looked up upon Skyler's entrance and gave their own greetings, mostly waves as they were too busy eating to say much. Devyn, to his right, eyed him as he sat down, forgetting the food poised on her fork--just waiting to be devoured--for a moment.

When Sky asked where his plate was she burst out with a quick answer, sounding almost smug in her four year old 'I-know-it-all' tone, "You don't get any less you ask nice. That's the rule."

To her horror, he didn't even wait for an answer or his own plate. No, he just took the fork she had been holding right out of her hand as she was speaking. Grey eyes went wide as he devoured a piece of the pancake that had been destined for her mouth.

She really didn't know what to do. No one but her siblings had done this to her before and she knew her mother always yelled at them for it. She looked to Jewell as Skyler chewed but she just had a funny look on her face, as if she didn't know how to act either! In reality, her mother was trying very hard not to laugh and awaiting her daughter's response.

Devyn did not disappoint. As the fork was handed back she patiently took it from him and gave him a very serious look in exchange, "I'll get you later." Ominous words from the four year old before she stabbed another piece of pancake and ate it, making sure Skyler could hear her "mmm" of enjoyment as he still didn't have a plate before him.

There was a simultaneous motion from both Eva Jade, to Sky's left, and Kerrick, across from him, after Devyn's statement. They moved their plates away from their guest, coveting their pancakes. There was really no need for that as Iona chose that moment to come in and set a plate full of food--pancakes, french toast, bacon, and an assortment of fruit--before Skyler. "Sorry dear, would have been out faster but I had a bit of a mess to clean in the hallway."

In exchange for his plate she took his wet gloves off the table, "I'll go and put this out in the hallway with everyone's things for when you go out."


Date: 2006-12-05 12:14 EST
?Ask nice? Me? Ha ha ha.? Skyler glanced over at Jewell and sarcastically said, ?J-Bug? Can you believe she expects me to ask nicely?? He gave a mock exasperated sigh and peered sidelong at Devyn as she ate, saying nothing more. Then he turned his head in the other direction, giving Eva Jade a good long stare down. He began to shift restlessly in his chair, fingers tapping the table, feet tapping the floor.

Finally Iona arrived with a heaping plate of food. Skyler thanked the woman and gazed ravenously down at his grub. He smothered the pancakes and french toast in piles and globs of butter and syrup, for such food was useless without these items. Then he took up his fork and knife and dug in, tearing through the plate?s contents quite efficiently.

He ate much faster than the children. Skyler was fully grown, and he could put away food at a much higher rate than little children. Suddenly he paused entirely, dropping his fork and knife. He put a hand to his chest, blinking, casting his eyes about for Iona. ?Milk!? he groaned. ?Need milk.?

Jewell?s housekeeper was on the ball, dutifully bringing over a tall glass for him. Skyler didn?t even let her set it down ? he took it right out of her hand and began to gulp it, a look of ecstasy spreading across his face as he drank. ?Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.? He let out a huge, dramatic sigh of relief and placed the nearly empty glass of milk beside his plate. Then, glancing around at the children, he said, ?Hurry up, slow pokes. I got here late and I?m already almost done and you guys haven?t even made a dent. You better pick up the pace or the snow is going to melt!?

He returned his attention to his plate and set about devouring the rest of the breakfast. He dipped the bacon in syrup as he ate it, then finished up with the fruit. When his plate was empty he dropped his silverware with a loud clang and leaned back in his chair, sighing contentedly and rubbing his belly. ?That was yummy,? he drawled.

As he sat there digesting his meal, Devyn became the subject of his gaze. He glanced at her plate, to her face, then back to her plate, a broad grin on his face. Teasingly, he said, "Jewell, tell Devyn to hurry up, she's eating slow and holding everyone up."


Date: 2006-12-06 10:22 EST
?J-Bug? Can you believe she expects me to ask nicely??

Jewell brought her mug of coffee up, hiding her smirk behind it as she looked over at Skyler, "Whatever was she thinking."

Eva Jade returned his stare evenly with those sometimes eerie white eyes. She was eating mechanically, not looking at her plate but somehow managing to get the food into her mouth as she watched Skyler. She only interrupted the fork from plate-to-mouth process to announce, "I'm going to be five soon."

As Skyler got his food and began eating, the rest of the occupants turned their attention to their food as well; though, Eva Jade kept sneaking glances aside at Skyler as she ate. Two of the boys--Raven and Oz--were usually ravenous eaters themselves but were distracted this morning as they made plans and boasted to each other about how great their snow fort was going to be.

Kerrick stared across at Skyler as if he was crazy when he started moaning on about needed milk. Just as a precaution, he pulled his own glass of it closer further away from Sky. When you lived in a house with six other kids, you learned to be possessive of your things.

?Hurry up, slow pokes. I got here late and I?m already almost done and you guys haven?t even made a dent. You better pick up the pace or the snow is going to melt!?

"Are you telling me to hurry up, too?" With a smile at Skyler before she took another bite of her food, winking to Kerrick as she started to chew it antagonizingly slow.

Kerrick grinned and seemed to take the hint, setting his fork aside for the moment as he looked across at Skyler again, "Snow melts...mama will make more."

Devyn was doing her best to studiously ignore Skyler and focus on her food; she had incidentally started to eat quicker when Skyler called them slow pokes.

"Jewell, tell Devyn to hurry up, she's eating slow and holding everyone up."

Jewell rolled her eyes a bit at her beau as he further antagonized her youngest, "You tell her yourself."

There was no need for that, though. Devyn's fork had clattered onto her plate as she looked to Skyler, indignation scrunching up her features. Someone had obviously gotten the bad temper of both parents, "I don't eat slow and you're not nice! Gonna use my magic 'gainst you." That last was mumbled as she stared down at her plate, pushing it away from her.

"Devyn Ravenlock, clear your plate or you're not going outside." With a smug look to her mother, the little girl took her fork and stabbed the remaining half a pancake on her plate. Lifting it up, she reached over and deposited it on Skyler's empty plate.


Date: 2006-12-06 15:41 EST
?All right! More for me!? He eagerly consumed the pancake remnant Devyn had deposited onto his plate, grinning at Jewell. ?Devyn?s gonna use her magic against me, I better watch my step.? Then he turned to look at the little girl, giving her a very wary expression, as if such a prospect terrified him to no end.

He overheard Raven and Oz?s building plans. ?Hey, can I hang out in you guys? snow fort?? Skyler looked at them anxiously, apparently as genuinely excited about it as they were.

Eva Jade?s announcement of her pending birthday was given its due reverence. ?Are you serious? Five?? Skyler?s tone was rich with wonder and admiration, treating the child?s birthday with the same awe that the little one herself surely felt. ?That?s terrific, you?ll be practically grown. I?m gonna get you a awesome present.? Another grin was sent Jewell?s way.

?We?ll I?m all done. I?m gonna head on out.? He pushed back from the table and went into the hallway, where Iona had put his gloves. Quickly pulling them on, he shouted into the dining room. ?Jewell, hurry! I wanna roll you around in the snow!? The sound of his snickering drifted down the hallway. That idea had just popped randomly into his head, and the imagery it invoked was quite funny.

Skyler trudged out into the yard and delved his gloves into the fresh powder. He came back up with a nice big tightly packed snowball. This snow would be perfect for snowballs, he observed. The one he had just made would sail quite easily through the air, yet explode on its target into a light, non-abrasive powder with very little force. It would be good for throwing at little children, because it wouldn?t hurt at all if it landed.

He hid behind a bush near the front door, then went about making himself a nice little cache of snowballs, stacking them in a pile in his hiding place. He made one for each member of the breakfast party, and he planned to launch them in turn as they emerged from the house.


Date: 2006-12-07 14:33 EST
Devyn frowned as her pancake was consumed, that did not go at all like she planned! She eyed her family members, they were obviously all picking on her...again. Being the littlest of seven had its many disadvantages, in her eyes.

?Devyn?s gonna use her magic against me, I better watch my step.?

Jewell smiled at Skyler, "You probably should...the one time we went out and Devyn tried to use her magic, Eva got all wet. Didn't you, sweets?" Arching her head out to catch Eva Jade's eyes and smile at her. She, in turn, looked to her little sister and scowled at her, nodding her head to affirm her mother's statement.

Devyn was too busy to notice, however. As Skyler gave her that wary expression she did her best to emulate the smile her mother often wore when she was about to absolutely destroy someone verbally or physically. It wasn't a perfect rendition, but the feeling was still there. She had every intention of showing Skyler that he should be terrified--or at least trying to.

When Skyler interrupted Oz and Raven's planning with his question, Raven deferred to Oz for the answer. Oz seemed to size Skyler up from across the table before looking to his brother, "We are gonna need a bigger fort." Raven took his turn in examining Skyler, grinning, before he nodded his agreement with his brother.

Their grins gave way to indignation as Skyler told Eva Jade that he would get her a present. Naturally, what she had failed to mention was that all three of them were turning five. The gloating smirk she sent to her two brothers, after smiling brilliantly at Skyler, was an indication that this was no mistaken omission and that she had purposefully left that information out.

?Jewell, hurry! I wanna roll you around in the snow!?

Her laughter followed him out the door, only growing stronger as she saw all five sets of eyes focused on her. "How's he gonna do that?" Kerrick inquired before stuffing the remaining bit of french toast in his mouth so he could follow Skyler outside.

She grinned at the kids, "Oh...he only thinks he's gonna do that. Have you ever seen anyone beat me in a snowball fight?" Just as Oz opened his mouth Jewell cut him off, "Besides Amanda and Moradin teamed up with all of you against me?" He grinned at her and shook his head no. "Didn't think so. All right! We gotta go show Skyler what he's up against. Bring your plates into the kitchen and let's get suited up!"

It took them a few more minutes to get outside, plenty of time to Skyler to make enough snowballs to last a good part of the morning, probably. Jewell helped zip the kids up in their little snow suits, wrapping scarves around their necks and pulling their gloves on for them. She pulled a snow hat, with one of those silly pom-poms, over her own blue locks before looking them over. "Everyone ready?" With muffled shouts of excitement--maybe the scarves were a bit much--Jewell took the first step outside into the snow ball barrage.


Date: 2006-12-09 01:14 EST
The moment Jewell emerged he slung a snowball at her. As the kids began to step out, he went into rapid fire mode, hurling his projectiles at them one by one, aiming for their chests. He emptied his cache from his hiding place and then moved out from behind the bush, arms thrust high in the air victoriously. ?I?m the snowball champ!? he boasted. Skyler danced a jig right there in the shin-high snow, a silly grin on his face, kicking up white powder.

He knelt back down soon enough and began to pack together another one, glancing up apprehensively, knowing a return volley was on its way. He eyed Jewell especially carefully. While the children probably couldn?t put too much force behind their throws, she was likely going to be able to hurl a real beamer.


Date: 2006-12-10 08:57 EST
"I've been hit!" She shouted, grasping at her chest and letting herself fall to her side in the fresh snow. This had a two-fold purpose: it had the kids laughing at the display and opened them up to a similar attack.

Skyler did not disappoint.

The kids stood there, dumbfounded for a moment, as they were attacked. It was Devyn and Kerrick that took the initiative, after Sky's little victory dance, diving forward into the snow and packing snowballs to send back Skyler's way. The triplets followed quickly, although the twins had a greater affinity for snowball making from their watery-fae nature.

"Snowball king? Hah! Get him, guys!" Jewell sat up, snow clinging to her hair and took a brief assessment of the area. This was war. Grinning, she made a gesture at the roof. With a little application of magic, she brought a big hunk of snow crashing down towards Skyler.


Date: 2006-12-11 13:52 EST
He cringed and jolted with overly pronounced, animated movements when the children's snowballs struck him. One caught him on the side of the head and exploded into a shimmery white powder. He moaned melodramatically, made a show of staggering around, then collapsed weakly into the snow, laying on his back. "Ooooooh, they got me," he sighed. "I can't go on . . "

It was all an act geared toward making the kids laugh. At least until the snow from the room came tumbling down. Just as Skyler opened his eyes he saw a huge blanket of snow descending on him. "Oh. Crap," he muttered, having only enough time to shield his face with his arm before his body was completely covered from head to toe.

Underneath, he simply lay there, dumbfounded, dazed. At least he could breathe. More embarrassed than anything, he could have easily sat up and clawed his way out of the snow. But a better idea suddenly popped into his head. He just lay there and waited to be dug out, and when they reached him, he would feign unconsciousness and get them all worried, then leap up and scare them!


Date: 2006-12-12 14:37 EST
All snowball throwing and general motion stopped as the snow came down and covered Skyler. The triplets immediately looked to the twins--who were looking at each other--in accusation. It was Jewell's laughter, as she fell back into the snow, that alerted them to the real culprit.

" cheat!"

Still laughing, Jewell gasped out, "Oh quiet! You..always cheat." Cheating included the use of powers, especially those which the triplets did not have. She sat up, her laughter tapering off when she noticed that there was no apparent movement from under the Sky-snow-pile, "Go dig him out, guys."

"I got it!"

"No, me," Kerrick said, pushing his sister out of the way. He raised his hands and told the snow to move off of Skyler. Now, Kerrick is still very young and barely proficient at the easiest uses of magic. The snow certainly moved when he told it to--it exploded off of Skyler and into the sky to come falling down on all of them again in flurries.

Devyn danced around under this fresh snowfall while Eva Jade ran over to Skyler's prone form, peering down at him. "Maaaama--you killed him!" She cried out, dismayed, nudging him a little with her boot.

"I seriously doubt that," she responded, joining her daughter at his side. She had risen from the snow right before Kerrick's little display of magic, in case she had to do any damage control.

"Fix him!" Eva demanded of her mother, sounding mildly panicked. Her tone drew the attention of the others.

"Fine, fine...calm down." Trying to pacify the girl, she knelt down at Skyler's side. It was obvious, at least to her eyes, that he was still breathing so she made a show of poking him a few times before standing, shaking her head sadly. "You're right...I killed him."

Five sets of eyes stared at her, horrified, before looking down at Skyler.

"Guess we'll just have to pick him up and throw him into the ocean, then."

This idea didn't seem to bode too well for most of them, except Devyn who leaned down to pick up his arm in order to help.


Date: 2006-12-13 17:42 EST
As the snow exploded off of him, Skyler?s lifeless charade continued. It was very difficult but he managed to fight off his urge to smile as he heard their worried chatter. He lay completley motionless as Eva Jade nudged him with her foot, his face slack, mouth agape. Even as Jewell poked him and claimed to have killed him, he lay utterly still. He could tell that she knew he was playing around, but he was enjoying the fact that he had the children going.

It wasn?t until Devyn reached down and grabbed his arm that Skyler?s eyes and mouth shot wide open and he shrieked monstrously, lurching up at the girl like Frankenstein come to life, fingers bent into rigid claws. He chomped his teeth and made as if to lean in and swallow her whole, yet all he did was sink he fingers into her ribs and lightly tickle the girl, his growling soon tapering off into giggles.

After thoroughly terrorizing Devyn, he turned to Eva Jade and did the same, playing the monster come to life role until he couldn?t fight off the laughter any longer. Finally Skyler stood to his full height, still covered in snow powder, all white from head to toe. He waved his fists in the air. ?I AM THE ABOMINABLE SNOWMAN!? Then he lunged at Jewell, grasped her around the waist, picked her up and threw her over his shoulder. He began to spin around in a circle really fast in the snow, growling dramatically, making a helicopter out of himself and Jewell.


Date: 2006-12-14 15:50 EST
Devyn was not the only one to scream when Skyler miraculously came back to life. Her little high-pitched shout was echoed by most of the kids while Jewell tossed her head back, laughing. Oz shouted something about "zombies," pulling Raven--Eva Jade was out of reach and would just have to be sacrificed--into the safety of the bushes besides the door.

Devyn stared at Skyler, scared motionless even as she started to laugh against her will at the tickling. It took a few moments for her shocked brain to process the idea that she was not being eaten by a "zombie" but was being tickled.

Eva Jade, after her initial fright had her running away, had crept back while the Skyler-monster attacked her sister. It was that desire to watch the gruesome, the feeling that made people stick their heads out of their carriages to see a wreck on the side of the road, that edged her closer than she deemed safe. It was her funeral as the monster turned on her and tried to tickle her to death!

She gasped out little "No no no"s between peels of laughter until Skyler called off the attack. Holding her stomach, Eva fell against her little sister and brought them, both laughing, crashing into the snow. They only laughed harder as Skyler got up, covered in snow as he was, and attacked their mother.

Jewell, laughing as she was, was taken by surprise. She gave a surprised squeak of indignation as she was lifted up, her laughter starting again as he started to spin her around. Her eyes were closed shut against the dizziness, so she also missed the next attack aimed her way.

The boys, watching from the safety of the bushes, discovered a few of Skyler's remaining snowballs. Gathering those, and more, they took the opportunity to pelt Jewell as Skyler spun her around. She sputtered as one of the first ones was lucky enough to catch her in the face.

"! I'm being attacked!" The girls were laughing too hard, tears forming in their eyes, to be of any use and the boys just kept up their onslaught, aiming for Skyler now too.


Date: 2006-12-17 21:52 EST
As the snowballs pelted them, Skyler eventually toppled over into the snow, grunting as Jewell landed on top of him. He?d lost his balance more because of the dizziness from spinning than the projectiles. He lay on his back in the snow, head spinning, blinking.

Skyler crawled out from under Jewell and staggered to his feet. He saw Oz and Raven just a few paces away still launching snowballs, then lunged at them. Unfortunately he was still so dizzy he only made it about half way before collapsing sideways into the snow. Lying helplessly on his back, he brought his hands up in front of his face to ward off the snowballs still being thrown. Once he managed to compact another snowball of his own to throw back at them, but he was still so dizzy he missed badly.

Finally he managed to get to his hands and knees and crawl away, but Oz and Raven were in rapid fire mode with those snowballs. Skyler crawled to the best hiding place he could find ? Devyn and Eva Jade. He crouched right behind the little girls, using them as human shields. ?Devyn, save me!? he whined / laughed, risking a glance over at Jewell to see if she had recovered from her dizziness yet.


Date: 2006-12-20 17:18 EST
"Oomph," was all she got out as they went down, at least she had Skyler to break her fall. Guys were good for that. She kept her eyes closed tightly, not feeling the need to see the whole white world spinning around and rolled onto her back in the snow as Skyler crawled away.

Skyler suddenly became the boys' main target as he started to move--he had made himself a little more of a challenge and therefore more fun to hit. They had a nice system going: Kerrick was kneeling in the snow and making the snowballs (he was better at that because of his fae-nature) while Oz and Raven, being older and having more accurate aim, threw the snowballs at their target. They were unstoppable and only laughed as Skyler attempted to return their fire.

The little girls shrieked as they suddenly found themselves subject to the snowball brigade; the boys, unable to hit Skyler as he chose to hide behind their sisters, just attacked the next best thing. Eva Jade launched into a counter-attack of her own, rapidly making and throwing the snowballs back at her brothers. Devyn was too indignant at being used as a shield, stomping her little snow boots and looking behind her at Skyler, "You're supposed to help!"

"You help!" Her sister yelled, forcing a snowball into her hand before going back to throwing them at her brothers.

Devyn certainly helped. As Skyler looked away towards Jewell, she threw the snowball down at him, "Girls 'gainst boys!"

Jewell, who was still lying in the snow and occasionally moving her arms and legs to make snow-faeries, sat up at the mention of girls versus boys. "Ooooh, we're sooo gonna beat you!" That got her a snowball in the face which she just laughed off as she stood. "Come on girlies, we're gonna build the best snow fort ever."

The two girls abandoned Skyler to his fate and went after their mother to one side of the yard.


Date: 2006-12-23 11:13 EST
?Argh!? choked Skyler as Devyn?s snowball caught him in the face at point blank range. He shook his head back and forth, shaking the water from his face and hair. Relieved to see that the boys? snowballs barrage ended as the girls moved toward Jewell, Skyler got to his knees and looked around.

He glanced at Oz and Raven and Kerrick, frowning. With no desire to team up with them after they?d just plastered him, he trudged over to Jewell and the girls. ?I wanna be on this team,? he complained, looking rumpled and wet and cold. Instead of helping them with the fort, however, he plopped down on his butt in the snow and began to straighten his hair.

Suddenly he wondered what became of Markus. He?d given the kid his sled ? where had he gone off to? Skyler peered around the landscape.

As Jewell and Eva Jade and Devyn concentrated on their snow fort, Skyler, still sitting in the snow, lobbed the occasional snowball in the direction of the boys. When he got bored of that, he got up, crossed the lawn and kicked over the snow fort Oz, Raven and Kerrick were building. He stomped through it several times, then jumped up and down on the remnants, laughing.

Triumphantly he walked back over to Jewell?s side and sat down behind her and the girls, grinning proudly.


Date: 2006-12-27 18:22 EST
Devyn frowned as Skyler teamed up with them but Eva Jade seemed to accept it and just started to build up the snow around him. She seemed to be going for aesthetics more than actual defense, shaping little snow-towers and whatnot; Devyn provided the menial labor, piling up the snow in order to Eva to shape it.

Jewell tried to gauge how fast the boys were moving, throwing in a helping hand with the girls without giving them too much of an advantage against their siblings. Seeing Skyler just sitting in the snow looking all cold and wet, she paused in making the flurries dance about the little girls to lean over and give him a little kiss.

Then she went back to work, laughing with her girls as she formed a little princess figure with the snow and made it dance ontop of their fort's wall. "Make a prince, make a prince!" They insisted and she complied, a prince rising up out of the snow to embrace the princess. He lifted her up into his arms and started to run off along the wall with her. Eva Jade nailed the running couple with a snowball, dispersing them into a little pile, which had all three of them laughing.

They were distracted from their game by the indignant cries of the boys as their snow fort was totally destroyed. Jewell frowned the tiniest bit at seeing the destruction and Skyler walking away proudly from it. Oz lobbed a snowball after Skyler in annoyance. Jewell opened her mouth to say something to Sky when Marcus suddenly appeared, carrying Skyler's sled and wearing a huge grin on his face.

The boys forgot their dismay over their hard work being ruined and eagerly waved Marcus over to help start over. "Thanks, man." Marcus handed over the sled to Skyler before running over to join the younger boys and help them build a bigger, even better fort. Jewell even lent a hand, discretely, building up their walls a bit with a little waggle of her fingers.

By the time they were done building their forts, they were tired of the prospect of a snowball fight. Devyn and Eva Jade plopped down on the snow besides Skyler, looking up at both him and their mother in appeal. "We wanna go sled riding instead," Eva stated, Devyn nodding her agreement.

"All right...go run and ask the boys and we can go get all the sleds out." Both little girls were up in a second, running across the battlefield to their brothers. Jewell leaned down, pressing a kiss to Sky's cheek, "You want to go sleigh riding now or go inside and warm up first?"


Date: 2007-01-02 13:03 EST
Skyler watched in fascination as the snow prince and princess were forged. Jewell could do such amazing things with magic and water. He didn?t really care when she helped the boys build their fort back up, though he did wonder why she wasn?t proud of him for knocking it down.

He took his sled back from Markus and placed it in the snow. Chuckling, he picked up Devyn and Eva Jade and sat them on it, the younger child in front, the older in back. Then he got behind the sled and began to push the girls across the snowy yard, slowly at first, then faster. They breezed past the boys and their fort as Skyler pushed the sled in random directions all over the lawn, doing figure eights and three sixties. When a tree appeared just ahead, Skyler pushed the sled toward it like he was going to ram them into it, then changed angles at the last second, giving them a nice scare. Finally he pushed the girls back to where Jewell stood and gave the sled one last heave. The sled and its two riders puttered to a stop right in front of Jewell. Skyler collapsed into the snow, out of breath. His back was sore, too, from having to bend so far over to push the sled.

The timing of Jewell?s question was perfect. He was just cold and just wet enough, and her lips were just warm and inviting enough that he accepted. He glanced from one child to the next, seeing that they were all quite content to continue their snow play. It would be easy for he and Jewell to slip away into hiding.

?I wanna go in . . . but I?m not going alone.? Grinning, he stood up, gently took her wrist and began to tug her toward the house.