Topic: Good Morning Eva Jade


Date: 2006-01-18 12:48 EST
She awoke with a start and judging by the amount of light streaming in through the windows, just in time. It wasn't a smart idea to wake up late in a house stock full of children. One time they had all woken up before her. That's when all hell broke loose. Raven had somehow managed to get his little head stuck between the railings on the stairs. Amanda-not wanting to wake her mother up-took matters into her own hands. It all ended up with Raven, Eva Jade, and Oz with their heads-covered in butter-stuck in the railings which Amanda had frozen with a little bit of magic. Amanda had later explained to her that they had stuck Eva Jade's head between the railings to figure out a way to get Raven's out. Oz, having seen his brother and sister to do so, had taken it upon himself to do the same. Moradin had quietly observed them all and had waken Jewell up just before Amanda had tried freezing the triplet's heads thank gods-when he had gotten hungry.

Rising from bed, she took on her favorite robe and set her unruly black locks in a messy ponytail. Stepping out of her room, the master bedroom of course, she moved only a few steps down the hall to the wing of children?s bedrooms. The twins? rooms were first since they were the youngest and next after that was the room marked as Eva Jade?s by the sign hanging on the door in the shape of an angelfish. She pushed it open enough to peer inside. All the walls save one were done a slate blue with ripples of light green, mixed with glitter, moving horizontally across. The child?s bed was set up against the left wall, the right wall taken up with a mosaic-tiled scene of the ocean floor. The light filtering in through curtains bounced off the little bits of broken mirror used in the mosaic and scattered the light across the room to dance on the ceiling.

Eva Jade's pure white eyes opened instantly-as usual-at the sound of Jewell entering. She murmured something before sitting up, her white hair with wisps of blue defying gravity. Jewell padded over silently to her bedside, kneeling down and smoothing out the little girl's hair. It fell almost to her shoulders now, she noted. She hadn't the heart to get it cut- Cher had always worn her hair long. She spoke softly to Eva Jade as she knelt down and searched for her slippers under the bed, "Good morning my little fishy, what do you think you want for breakfast today?"

Eva rubbed the goopy stuff from her white eyes as Jewell searched for her slippers. So many people assumed that because her eyes were pure white she couldn?t see a thing. However, she looked quite clearly towards her mummy's head as she knelt to look under the bed. It was but a moment before she replied to the usual question with her usual answer: "Pancakes!"

Jewell laughed lightly at their little antics. Sitting back on her feet she handed the manatee shaped slippers she had found to Eva Jade and asked her the next question in their little game. "Would you like any fruit in the pancakes?"

"Boo-berries!" Despite being a big girl of four now, she still insisted on pronouncing the fruit name wrong as her mouth had trouble forming the ?bl? sound.

"Alright, sounds good to me!" She stood and lifted Eva Jade into her arms, she was really getting to big for this but Jewell didn?t mind. With the white-eyed child came her stuffed manatee that traveled with her everywhere. Moving out into the hallway, she left the door to the room open behind her and moved on to the next room.


Date: 2006-01-20 12:48 EST
With Eva Jade in her arms, she left the ocean-themed room and moved into the hallway once more. The thick cream carpeting silenced her steps as she moved down a few doors to the one that had a simple purple sign with ?Moradin? inscribed on it. Pushing open the door-which was always left slightly ajar at night due to the occupants fear of the dark-she stepped inside. The full light illuminated the mural of trees and countryside painted upon the walls. It was the perfect setting for the bed, which was shaped like a castle fortress- safe and impenetrable to the young, pale boy that lay sleeping in it.

Approaching the bed she leaned over the raised sides-designed to look like a castle wall-and kissed the top of the little boy?s messy hair. "Brian Moradin, it's time to get up," she called to him softly. He whined a bit as his emerald eyes were forced open, fighting the sleepy gook that held them closed. He sat up seeing his mother; multi-colored locks falling into his face. Jewell brushed them back in that loving tender way with her free hand. "Come on sweetie pie, we're gonna have boo-berry pancakes.

All she got was a groggy nod in reply as he climbed over his castle wall and stumbled to the ground. She placed a steadying hand on his shoulder as he slid his dragon shaped slippers on. With Eva Jade in her arms and Moradin in tow, the three made their way down the stairs and through the house, into the kitchen. They remained silent, each giving each other time to wake up fully.

The other children were left to sleep. Oz and Raven were just too cranky when they were woken up and Amanda was old enough to get herself up. The twins had been up all night with the whooping cough, she would check on them once the food was cooking. Breakfast of boo-berry pancakes was a special tradition for just Moradin, Eva Jade, and Jewell sometimes joined by Alex. Jewell strived her hardest to make special time for each of the kids, which was hard when there was seven of them.

She set Eva Jade on the kitchen table while Moradin climbed onto a nearby seat. She hummed quietly as she moved about the kitchen, gathering what she needed to make them their breakfast. The two kiddies talked to one another occasionally in their sentences strewn with the garbled words of children, their eyes often following Jewell around the kitchen; just as her eyes occasionally switched to them to make sure they stayed out of trouble. She had learned the hard way that they all required a bit more watching then 'normal' kids. Like the day she walked into Eva Jade's room to find her sitting in the air above her bed looking at one of her pictures books. She hadn't even been aware that Eva Jade would be able to do that, but it did make sense for she had seen Ramses do it several times. She had to remind herself that she wasn?t the little girl?s biological mom, so naturally they would not share the same abilities.

"Mummy..." Moradin spoke up as she started to put the blueberries into the pancakes. She grinned-having been waiting for him to speak up-before moving over to hand him a small handful of blueberries. He never spoke much; she just had to know what it was he wanted. For sure, he knew how to speak and quite well for his age. It was just in his nature to be quiet, quite the opposite from loud Amanda. In fact, his older sister often spoke up for him, knowing exactly what he wanted to say. She was fairly sure it was part of their life-bond, but Moradin never mentioned it and Amanda didn?t have the vocabulary to explain it properly to her. She wouldn?t be surprised; the two shared their life energy why not their thoughts?

Too deep in thought, she almost burned the pancakes. Her nose alerted her to that almost-burnt-pancake smell, she quickly grabbed the flipper, and she moved them off the griddle and onto two plates. She motioned for Moradin to help Eva Jade onto her seat as she set the two plates on the table and moved into the icebox for syrup- the kids insisted that it tasted better cold. Forks, napkins, and syrup were set before the two kids who were grinning in expectation. ?Eat those and I?m going to check on the twins. I?ll be back in a minute to make you more.?