Topic: Playing with matches

Lirssa Sarengrave

Date: 2016-07-03 18:55 EST
"Did you want to see the choices?" Margo practically wiggled she was so excited. She stood at the entry to Lirssa's office at the Kids of Summer Foundation holding three boxes quite clearly marked from some of the higher end fashion houses.

Lirssa set aside her work. She knew just what these were, and she had to giggle. It had been her idea, afterall, to be an informal mascot for Jewell's Hydra team. Just a silly notion to show her support for her boss, her one of many bosses, and the only one with a team in Hydra.

"Sure, Margo, bring them in."

A little yip of excitement passed the elven woman's lips and she set the boxes down in one of the two chairs across from Lirssa. As if it were a holiday present, she opened one up. "The Lady had her own input on each one of these, but she said for you to choose one." The first that was drawn out was a pair of leather pants, a tank top and then a looser fitting shirt with the Royal Pain logo.

Lirssa knew that Jewell's concept for the team had a very striking, bold image. Lirssa just had to embrace that it was a performance role. Still, with that in mind, she shook her head. "A little too constricting if, you know, splits."

Margo's eyes widened. "Oooh. That would be a wardrobe malfunction."

"Who had one?" Came Theodore's voice just before the man himself walked through the office. Theodore was not overly tall, and there was some small measure of dwarf in him that gave his beard and mustache extra thickness, though he kept it neat and tidy. Eyes green as emeralds were always warm. He had a good heart, and that's what Lirssa appreciated. He was also dashedly clever. The combination made him a very good fit for their work.

He looked at what Margo was holding then over to Lirssa. "This is it?"

With a laugh, Lirssa said, "Option one."

"I came just in time, then," he took a seat on the corner of her desk, nudging plants out of the way. "Do go on," he smiled to Margo.

Margo almost managed not to sigh through her smile at Theodore. Almost. Gathering her wits, she put that one away, and pulled out the next. It was a combination black leather corset, that looked untraditionally flexible, hot pants of similar material, and then a honeycomb skirt. "Well, that's interesting. Not unlike some other costumes I've had to wear," Lirssa remarked.

"Interesting," Theodore chuckled. "That's a word for it. Hope neither of those straps snaps or, oops," he motioned dropping something from his chest, no doubt referring to Lirssa exposing herself.

"I think it's wonderful," Margo pouted a little, glancing to Theodore.

"Oh, I do, too," he quickly back pedaled, cutting Lirssa a frantic look.

Lirssa just smiled. She knew Theodore was as fond of Margo as Margo was of him, but they were dancing around it like two birds. "Then that is the one. Don't even need to see the third."

"Not even to look?" Margo's pout increased.

"Tell you what, Margo: You and Theodore can take the other two, look them over, and then return them. Bring back some lunch for all, yes?" Get them walking and talking outside of the work environments could be just the trick.

"Sure," Theodore was quick to say, taking up the boxes and, as if going to a dance, he offered his arm to Margo. With a delighted smile, Margo took his arm and they went on their way.

"Mission accomplished," Lirssa murmured through a smug grin, and then gave a look to the outfit left behind. "Oh my."

Lirssa Sarengrave

Date: 2016-10-04 09:19 EST
"Theo?" Lirssa called as she took the turn around the corner to her right-hand man's office. A swish of brushed papers, the scrape of a chair, and Lirssa was greeted by Margo and Theo awkwardly too far apart as if a hand had come down and separated game pieces. "And this," she grinned at them, setting one hand to her hip, "is why I yell people's names before I step to the doorway. You two," shaking her head but giving them a smile.

Theo's cheeks colored, but Margo just gave a bold as brass grin. The young woman looked pleased. Lirssa could not help but be pleased, too.

Clearing his throat, Theo flicked fingers towards the folder in Lirssa's hand. "Are those the reports?"

Stepping closer, Lirssa handed over the folder. "Yes, reports all done, shined up and looking pretty, thanks to Margo, and ready for delivery to the board. Sorry I can't be there, but Dionysus set this final meeting for tomorrow. Time to bring the legal department in on it to verify arrangements."

Margo frowned, leaning on the edge of Theo's desk proprietorially. She did not need to. Probably an instinct from her former life. "I thought the final meeting was between Lady Jewel and that L'Vanis character?"

"Oh, it will be. That's more of a formal, fancy cameras flashing, 'look what we accomplished together' type meeting. Get the signatures and whatnot. This is the legal department going through it and saying 'The word has to be must not should.'"

Lirssa was not exactly looking forward to it. It was likely to be a very long meeting, and she was going to have to be on her mental toes instead of her physical toes the entire time.

"Anyway, that's tomorrow. Today? Let's check in with the foster homes, and I also want to work out more details about the Spring fundraiser."

"Ooh, I'm so excited." Margo wiggled from shoulders to hip. "I think it's a great idea. Less space needed."

"More logistics," Theo grumbled. He added quickly, "But a great idea, boss."

A light punch to Theo's arm, "Both for the sarcasm and calling me boss."

They were a team -- well, when Lirssa was not feeling like a third wheel. Which was just about to happen as Margo started to inch closer to Theo. She turned for the door, "I'll see you all tomorrow after the meeting."