Topic: Reflection & payback for the Flower Girl

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2006-05-13 06:31 EST
Brian left the Inn with a rather foul taste in his mouth. His evening began nice enough when Dana appeared, but went down hill from there when he found out she was assaulted and nearly violated by some sick bastard near one of the city squares. Then came the conversation he had with the Death Knight Jodiah Ayreg concerning Renna and Lucy, but in truth as abrupt and serious as it started it ended up well enough. Brian shared the Knight's concerns in regards to Lucy, and agreed that he would do whatever needed to be done should the child follow the path of her mother. Granted it was not something he looked foward to, but it would have to be done if she went wrong.

Then came the argument he had with Lucy in regards her newfound powers and her newly found sense of anger. In the back of his head were Ayreg's words in regards to putting her down if it came to that. Brian was stuck between a rock and a hard place on that one. He knew she could get the help she needed at the Abbey, but she needed to want the help in order to recieve it. As it stood, things were not looking good. Especially with the way she lashed out when they argued. Brian knew deep down what she could be capable of, and hoped somehow they could help steer her away from it all. But the time table was ramped up a great deal as she was experiencing feelings and gaining access to abilities that she had no business dealing with. Brian knew he would have to have a long talk with Charlotte about that, and that was on top of the other situation Brian and Charlotte were dealing with. Brian however set all that aside as he made his way towards his office. Brian made his way into the office and checked his messages and then grabbed his full bodied trench. In moments, Brian locked up and left the office and made his way to the area that Dana had specified her assault took place.

Sliding the trench on as he walked, Brian glanced about the street. It was rather cold out and people were bundled up nicely as they made their way along. Soon Brian was at the specified Square and began to look around. He recalled her directions in reference to the paces and turns, and began to follow them in turn. Brian even went so far as to close his eyes to mimick how Dana possibly would have walked. When Brian had cut the turn in the area she had previously mentioned is when he heard the voices.

"Flowers?! Das' how ya got her? Did she 'av any coin?"

"Almost got her an I wasna lookin' for any coin, I was lookin' for a piece o' flesh."

"So she didn' notice the scroungy look on yer face?"

"Hell no she didn't, she was blind as hell... No mate, I mean it. She was really blind an 'ad a body too."

Brian opened his eyes and crouched into the shadows of a nearby stoop. He glanced around and noted they were in a culdesac type area, and some of the buildings were run down. Brian thought he might have been somewhere on the edge of the west end, but in truth couldnt be sure. The men were seated on a stoop across the way, and were warming themselves via a drum fire. Brian listened as the men joked and laughed back and forth.

Glancing up and down the street, Brian noted little in the way of traffic. He pondered how this place would look in the day, and if there was this little traffic in the day time, anything could happen here and no one would really know. Brian made his way a bit closer using the shadows as he crept along the stoop, and into another corner. He could see the men more clearly as they continued to talk. They were rather ragged in the hygene department, and their clothing seemed to match as well. He could also make out several bottles on the ground around them, more that likely booze in his mind. Looking up the street once more and then glanced about the culdesac. No street traffic and it seemed no one was in any of the buildings, granted things werent always as they seemed. Brian decided it was time to get home soon, so he stood slowly and began make his way towards them.

Pulling out his gloves he then slipped each on, and then reached into his pocket and pulled out a collapsable baton. With a quick flick of the wrist Brian extended the baton which caught the notice of one of the man who was asking about Dana, he opened his mouth to say something, but Brian was a tad faster. Reaching back, Brian swung the baton as hard as he could and connected square against the man's jaw and literally heard bone break as the man crumpled to the ground in a drunken heap. With one down, Brian looked to Dana's attacker and stepped over his crumpled friend. The man stood and pointed to his friend and mumbled something that didn't make much sense, well he mumbled until Brian reached back and connected against his left knee with the baton.

Yelling out in pain, he bent over and grabbed his knee and began to curse at Brian. Reaching back once more, Brian swung again hard and connected against the man's left elbow and once more bone was heard breaking. Yelling once more, the man fell to his side an rolled on his sides back and forth. Brian drove his knee into the man's chest and stopped his rolling, then grabbing the man's hair Brian jerked his head upwards and spoke clearly.

"Next time you decide to *#@& with any girls and look for a fresh piece of meat like that, I promise a lot worse will happen, got it?"

"I dunno what yer talkin' bout, you *&$^#*! My knee!"

"Shut up and listen close. The girl you screwed with today, the flower girl. She's hands off! You tell the rest of yer scroungy pals, and anyone else looking for an easy mark."

The response this time was a shaking of head and a look of sheer stupidity and this annoyed Brian even more. Shaking the man's head once more, Brian spoke again and made sure it was clear to the man.

"The blind girl that was looking for flowers yesterday, the girl you tried to violate. Ring any bells now *&%@ head?"

A nod yes in reply was what he got.

"Okay lunchbox, she's hands off. I swear if anything happens to her, I am gonna come back rip off yer arm and ram it clean up yer *&#. Hands off, got it? You tell everyone else, an don't think this makes it open season on other girls too jackass. Don't make me come back."

Brian left it at that and stood to his feet and looked at the other man, he was starting to come around finally. Using the cement rail of the stoop to collapse the baton, Brian shoved it back into his pocket and turned around and then delivered a swift kick to lunchbox's head, quickly send the man into a daze.

With a glance about the culdesac once more, Brian noted a few faces looking out from broken windows. Putting his hands into the pocket of his coat, Brian made his way down the street once more and was soon on his way. A glance back down the street once more as Brian pondered returning to check the area out during the day. Who knows what he might find.

For the moment it was time to go home. Brian and Charlotte had a great deal to discuss, and then he needed to see Rienna at the Abbey. It was a long week indeed. But, at least he got Ayreg to agree to share his chicken roasting skills so it wasn't so bad. A yawn escaping his lips, as he walked to the stables. He needed to get to bed, and get back to the Inn early to make ready for the breakfast buffet. It was a nice change of pace indeed.