Topic: Seeking Solace


Date: 2007-03-18 22:20 EST
?What Waits for You in the Night?[]

She was riding in the carriage alone trying not to cry. It was a losing battle. She could still feel Devyn?s arms reaching out for her as she cried, begging her not to leave. All she had with her was a bag of necessities: a change of clothes, toothbrush, sword. Jewell was truly a warrior, and not some refined lady, at times like these. She should have asked Mr. Whittiker to drop her off at the Sanctuary. It was way past midnight by this point but the Sisters would certainly wake up and provide her with a room for her to hide and cry herself to sleep in.

That?s what she should have done but instead she found herself signaling for Whittiker to stop the carriage. She hopped out into the pouring rain at the very edge of the city. ?I?m going to the Inn instead,? she called out to the driver. ?Put the carriage away and lock it up, thanks!? Before he pulled away or could even verbally object, she took off running at a breakneck speed through the puddle-strewn streets.

She stopped abruptly about two blocks away from where the carriage had let her off. The streets were empty and she was suddenly all too aware of it. All night she had been thinking about the children: get them to safety, protect them, make sure they?re okay. Now that they were okay, were protected, were safe, she was suddenly aware that she was more than likely not.

The realization sent a shiver over her body. She tried to take a casual look around to see if she was being followed or watched in any way. It was too late for that now. Even if she wasn?t being watched she could still feel eyes upon her, hundreds of eyes, all watching her every move and waiting until she was the most vulnerable to strike! She took off running again towards the Inn. Tears picked up their pace, steadily mixing with water in running its course down her face. She didn?t know when she started crying so hard or even why. She?d been scared before. This fear was a momentary thing, certainly not crippling. She?d get over it. She could shake it. She?d beat this.

The crying and pleading looks of her children as she left them behind, she couldn?t shake that. That hurt. The whole situation hurt.

She was soaked when she reached the Dragon, chest heaving painfully with each breath from the exertion of racing across town and the occasional sob that broke through. The common room still buzzed with conversation and she avoided it completely although many of her friends were sure to still be present at this late hour. She crept up the back stairs and moved down the hallway to room number seven. She still had a key to get in and it was technically her room, but she knocked anyways. ?Stephen,? she called out in a whisper, furiously wiping her tears away with a sleeve that had absorbed too much rainwater to be of any use. She gave another knock as she waited, trembling.


Date: 2007-03-19 03:03 EST
He had been sitting in the room just watching the flames dancing in the small hearth when he heard the knock at the door. Unsure just who all knew he was staying here in Jewells room he was unsure wether to answer the door or not. That was until he heard Jewell's voice call his name softly. Getting up and padding across the room he opened the door slowly looking in wonder at the wet empress.

"Murinin?" He stood in the door confused about her ragged appearance. Jewell started to explain things, but her words came out in a rush and much was left out at first.

He stood aside of course after all this was her room letting her in. As she sat and began to explain everything to him that had happened at her villa he wrapped his great coat arround her shoulders to warm her. Stephen had become very distressed when he had heard about the threat to her children, and he had perhaps scared her a bit as he let his anger at someone threatening her children.

He of course had offered to help her in any way he could. He even posed the question to her of where she would feel safe. When she had said that she had thought of going to the sanctuary with Issy and the sisters he had been prepared to take her there, then she shocked him by saying that she would actually prefer to stay with him for the night. He felt deeply honored, but all the same he told her that he would take her to the sanctuary, even going so far as to let her know that not even Issy herself would be able to keep him from her if she wished to go and him to be with her.

Jewell confirmed that she wished to stay at the inn with him this evening, and that was good enough for him.