Topic: Silver Amidst The Ashes


Date: 2009-12-23 21:47 EST
"Ma'am, you canna go in there! The Fire Marshall says it's not saf-"

Glowing silver eyes made the Watchman shrink in his boots. "I do not think you truly understand - I MUST go in there." Each word made the already-chilly breeze sting and prick like needles. "I WILL pass - I WILL see for myself." The Ice Mage swept past, and frost blued the lips of the man as he hurriedly crossed himself...

Hot. The heat from the fire, though not enough to be a danger to the surrounding buildings, was still strong enough to bead silvery sweat upon Wyheree's brow. Her nose wrinkled, her arms wrapping around herself as she turned about, staring wide-eyed at the blackened and charred support beams that stood like broken teeth, jutting from the foundation. The Mage felt the Magic - it overwhelmed her very being, making her tremble as she walked further within the cataclysm. Everywhere she looked was ash - ash stained the hem of her gown, ash streaked her bare forearms as she reached to touch the charred remains - jumping back when one piece let loose a pocket of steam when it crashed to the burned floor, scattering remnants of porcelain, one still bearing a faint blue flower...

A gleam caught her watering eye, a flash in the debris. Kneeling down, Wyh brushed aside the ashes, and her breath caught in her throat. A single platinum link was revealed, and another, until finally she pulled the bracelet from the rubble, cradling it in her shaking hands. The old token had been made for Skyler once, and it had become Jewell's after his death. The links were mostly tarnished, the chain and sword charm fused to the bracelet itself from the intense heat, but it was miraculously intact otherwise...

Wyheree stood motionless, save for the trembling of her fingers, and the quivering of her lip. The bracelet used to have an inner light, a sparkle, a life of its own. Now, that light was gone - platinum turned to naught more than base metal in her hands, the ice-diamonds fading even as she watched, clutching so hard the bracelet bit into her delicate fingers. Silver mingled with the ashes as her tears fell thick, her sobs choked on the bitter, magic and soot-tainted air. She fell to her knees, black streaks staining her gown, and Wyheree cried, a silver stream twisting through the rubble...


Wyheree stirred once, a soft hitch of breath foretelling more tears, yet they were still by the scent of cinnamon and sandalwood, the brush of steel-grey fur, and the soothing sub-sonic rumble that promised sweet sleep, even through this terrible tragedy.