Topic: Smile


Date: 2007-05-02 10:58 EST
She was a woman who wore many smiles over the years: some fake and pretentious, others naughty, gloating, and some that reached her eyes and made her face light up. There was a version of this last smile that came straight from her heart and was reserved for whichever man had the mixed blessing of holding her heart in his hand.

We say man, the singular, because Jewell is not like her fey kin, unsatisfied with just one lover. No, indeed she has only ever been satisfied in having one true lover at a time and it is he that is the recipient of this smile. It?s formed as she falls in love, cemented as emotions grow. It encompasses love at first sight, from death do us part, and the long (or short) years in between.

While a smile may usually refer to the tender upturn of her lips, for Jewell it also encompassed the way her body shifted with that upturn of her lips, revealing her openness to him, or how her eyes drank him in: studying every line of his face, the way his lips curved as he smiled, the shape of his jaw and where it would be perfect to press a kiss (which was everywhere in her opinion). For Stephen, the smile also included a mischievous sparkle in her grey eyes that he helped rekindle within her, and a look that clearly said, ?I have eyes only for you.? That smile revealed that for a time?however short or long it may be?there wasn?t another person in the entire multiverse that she was aware of.

She liked to smile that smile at him because sometimes it could convey more than all the words she knew to say.