Topic: Solitairey Faerie


Date: 2009-03-05 10:22 EST
March 4, 2009

Lately I feel as though I am dreaming while awake, as if all of RhyDin were a dream. Intangible. It certainly seems that way sometimes, does it not? My glamour feels more real to me at times than this very pen I hold. However, maybe this pen, this paper, these words are a dream--a glamour crafted illusion--and I am not even writing them at all.

See what I mean?

The line between worlds blurs and I feel I am slipping through, or perhaps, just spending so much time alone with my dreams, my thoughts, my fancies that I have simply lost the ability to tell what I have crafted within my own mind, with my own mind, and what really truly stands before me.

What is real, anyways? The concept becomes subjective when one can take a thought or idea and bring it to life before themselves. To make it really real. I can craft reality. Therefore, is anything really real? Is it all just an illusion? Perhaps we all live within layers of illusions.

There used to be things that I knew were real, very real and very separate from the supposed reality that I can affect and create. Death was one such reality; it was very real to me once. It filled my nostrils with the scent of burnt flesh and singed hair, turned my stomach, and made me howl in pain that was emotional yet tore at my very being. Death was real then. I could touch it, feel it, see it, smell it. Perhaps those too were illusions, though? It is not beyond the realm of possibility (but what is in RhyDin?). We can trick ourselves every day with things we think are real--things we can touch, smell, see--but are simply the imaginings of our own minds.

However, the absence of life that day was undeniable, no matter how persistently I denied it. There was reality in that. Finality.

But even death--that greatest enemy of mortals and harbinger of a deep sorrow to those longer lifed--can be made unreal, can it not? In RhyDin, where reality bends around death or perhaps death bows to this reality, it certainly seems so. In this place, the reality of death--which is perhaps unreality, as death makes one no longer real, if the presence of animation and life is real--can be reversed or made unreal itself. Death can become dead.

In this place, one who was very really taken from me and made unreal in death is now real again--full of life, no longer painfully absent from it. In simpler terms: I saw Skyler last night. Living, breathing Skyler. He looked just as he should, just as my memory kept him in tact. Perhaps that?s why I could almost believe he was an illusion, that even that note that I saw before was an illusion. For him to look so perfectly whole once more, how could he be anything else but after what was done to him? Not an illusion of my own making, though. So far removed from that awful situation, I would not torture myself so with the illusion of him now. It would give me no comfort in my current misery and trials.

He is not a Dream, like Robin was. No, certainly not. I can feel the difference now. He is not an illusion, though, either. Not of my own or anyone else?s? making. I confirmed this by my touch, my eyes, but most importantly, my sense of life. No illusion can feel alive the way he does once more.

He looked? his hair, his eyes, the feel of his skin. All the way it should. But it hadn?t been that way the last time I saw him, when I held his broken and burnt body so tight and.. NO! I cannot think about.. I will not! Not again. But just seeing him again?

Regardless, it made me feel happy. Sad, yes, for what was lost and never can be gained back, but happy too. He does not remember, and maybe that is better for us both. There is still feeling there for him. Not strong romantic love, nor overwhelming physical desire, but love and fondness for someone I once cared so deeply for.

Now, I feel truly awake for the first time in weeks. My earlier ramblings are nothing, the barest glimpse into my dreaming mind as of late. It is clearer now, though. I have become so solitary that it is easy for me to get lost within my theories and thoughts once I get started. Yet, such an encounter has brought me back to the here and now. No, perhaps not to the here and now. It has brought me back to the past for a moment.

Was I more alive then?


Date: 2009-03-11 10:02 EST
March 11, 2009

I have been reading a lot lately, trying to figure myself out.

Maybe my glamour is broken. I know it sounds so very silly to say that; even looking at the words written on the page makes me want to laugh at myself. But maybe it really is. I know that cannot be the case because I can sit here right now and conjure an illusion that can trick my own penetrating eyes.

However, if it is not broken, and it is as strong as I understand it to be, then why do I always end up alone? If my glamour has the ability, when I am not even consciously using it, to draw people unknowingly to me, to cause them to be enchanted with me, then why am I here alone?

Why does no one ever stay?

Apparently I can reel them in, but they slip through my fingers all the same. Always the same. One after another, all tearing out of the unintentional web I weave.

They leave such holes behind them.


Date: 2009-03-16 09:40 EST
March 12, 2009

I am confused and distressed. I feel that I am at such a stand still. Where am I going? What am I doing with myself? Nowhere. Nothing. If I did not already know this feeling coming over me, this dark cloud following me around, I would be frightened by it. I am frightened. How many times can I beat off this depression?

I take no joy in my usual pursuits. The restaurant and my other projects do not hold my interest. I am idle without wanting to be but with no desire to do anything to change. Frustrating self!

I want to run; I want to flee. RhyDin and its people have lost their charm. Maybe I have lost my charm in their eyes. I do feel un-charming. I have put my charm on in order to go out; therefore, I rarely go out. It becomes an exercise, an exertion I cannot be bothered with.

It would be nice to think that someone might be worried about me, but who would be? And why should they? I am sure I have used up my friends? patience with my past theatrics. I do not want their worry anyways. There is nothing to worry about, after all. I am just being overly dramatic.

I do wish I could run, though. A change of scenery, something! But it would not really solve anything because I would still be hopeless me. I could be someone else, though. Remake myself. Put on an entirely different show.

I cannot leave RhyDin. Damn responsibilities. I refuse to have my children grow up as I did--forced to hide the greater part of what they are. That is what was forced upon me by necessity and look at what it has done to me! Here I am, still hiding what I am, or maybe I am just unsure of what it is that I am. My morals, my viewpoint? everything is shifting, and I find myself so liminally placed: neither human nor Faerie. A bastardization of the two. I do not want my children to feel like this. I want them to have acceptance from others and of themselves. RhyDin, despite its many negative qualities, can give them that.

But what more can it give me? I am too young to have neither plans nor a direction for myself. Too young for these kids, these past relationships, these emotions.

Alas! Where are the good ol? days? The simpler times. Skyler has evoked in me a rare longing for the past and the apparent simplicity I had there when lying in bed late together, cuddled on a couch at the Inn together? Together, together, together! That is the simple truth, and even then it is not very simple at all. It was not simple then and it is so complex now that it could never be.

Still, I would at least like to see him again. Maybe give him back his Ledger if he wants it. He seemed so? lost.


Date: 2009-03-16 10:03 EST
March 16, 2009

I saw the strangest sight yesterday while walking through New Haven. It was in the window of a store front selling some type of electronically controlled devices. I do not usually look into such stores, at least not in New Haven because many of the products are not adapted to run off mana and mage-work instead, and where I live we do not have access to such electronic pulses (I believe that is how they work).

What attracted me to the storefront window was what was playing on what they call televisions? They look like ancient brothers of holographic networks. Instead of displaying an image up into the air, it is displayed on the front side of a box, sometimes a very thin one. The images look so flat!

I could barely believe what was being displayed on every one of those televisions in the storefront! Marc Franco! His hair looked curlier than I remembered seeing it last; perhaps he got a perm? Apparently, though, he is now doing his gossip reporting on recorded programs that are sent out to all these television boxes.

I think I much prefer reading it, though it was amusing to watch (mainly because I was not mentioned!). I do not need to see his smirking face as he says nasty things about my friends. Unfortunately, now I will not be able to get the image out of my head whenever I read his gossip rag!

And I am a loyal reader, of course. Who isn?t?

Regardless, I must have stood there and watched the entire program over twice. At least I was not alone; many people were pausing their shopping excursions to watch the famed Gossip GangSTAR in the window. He drew quite the crowd.


Date: 2009-03-22 13:33 EST
March 18, 2009

The Dream haunts me. I know I have made my decision, I have chosen my path and it is not that one. Still, I feel the pain as if it was my own, the loss. I do not want to close my eyes for fear of seeing?of being?that other Jewell again. I have revoked that path.

Such loss? how could anyone endure it?


Date: 2009-03-23 09:10 EST
March 22, 2009

I saw Skyler again last night, or rather he saw me first. The way I feel around him, it?s almost as if no time has passed at all?that we are back then, that we can be them again.

He always was able to get me to open up, to be truthful, and honest, and me: flirtatious, uncaring, playful, youthful me. Maybe I had it all wrong before, back then. Maybe we are more alike than we realized, than I realized. Years may separate us, but we are still the same?so very young and currently without direction.

Maybe this is what she was talking about when she said opportunities would present themselves. Can I get back the past? Do I want to? When I am with him, it is so easy to forget the pain, breaking to pieces, the smell of burnt flesh and hair. I don?t want to remember those things.

He says I haunt him. That?s the glamour, isn?t it? Or maybe just memories teasing him. We were happy once, and at least I have that knowledge to comfort me at night when I am alone. I am always alone. But at least I remember, and not just in regards to him, what if feels like to be loved, adored, fancied? Those feelings never last, though.

He?ll stop by for his Ledger soon. What good can come of that? What will happen when he reads the words inside?both his own and mine. I don?t want him to be haunted by me for the rest of his life. He has his second chance by some miracle?I want him to live.

Everyone was watching me carefully last night. Perhaps they have a right to be wary. I do act like a smitten girl when he?s around?blushing and all. I don?t have to act when I?m around him, though. I don?t have to act like the responsible adult I am supposed to be, the one I became when he was gone. I can laugh, tease, be teased, be spritely? that feels so right at times, whereas the responsibility feels heavy; it weighs me down. Which is the real me? Who am I supposed to be?

Confusion is rampant. Will I ever know what I truly want?what will make me happy and whole?


Date: 2009-04-03 20:51 EST
April 3, 2009

Last night was difficult yet lovely all at once. I took over for Tucker behind the bar of the Red Dragon. How long has it been since I last was seen slinging drinks? Too long. It felt good to be doing something that I once considered such a normal part of my everyday life. I want that normalcy back; I crave it. I want to be behind the bar, laughing, flirting, holding the attention of others. I belong there?all eyes on me. I am such a social creature, after all.

One of the real joys of the evening was seeing Charna again?our darling Vixen. Delightful, beautiful, as warm-hearted as ever. We suffer beautifully apart, do we not? Always something to be troubled with. We Forsaken Blades?forsaken from what? Happiness? The ability to truly confide in one another as we strive to appear strong. I am strong and so is Charna. She looked painfully skinny yet happy. If she is happy, then I can be happy for her. It was so good to see her at Rory?s side, where she should have been all along, no? That is another normalcy from the past. I like it.

I also got to see Piper, if only for a moment. It felt good to just see her and hug her. I truly miss such contact?a touch on the shoulder, a friendly kiss on the cheek, a reassuring hug. I thrive on these things, a weakness though it may be. I need others to love me; I need my girlfriends around me. Who else do I have?

The trying part of the evening came with Robert?s presence in the Inn. At least it was not a surprise; thank Marc Franco for small favors, I suppose. He seemed puzzled by my cold reception. Men are so very thick. Even if things were not in the state they were with Stephen and I, why would I be welcoming to him? It isn?t like he went out of his way to come see us?the kids and I?since returning, and I know he has been in port for at least a week now. Ah! Familial loyalty. How charming.

The worst is knowing that where Robert is, Stephen cannot be far behind. I have made my decision, though, and there is no going back on it. I have my pride. He cannot just be a married man when it is convenient for him and act otherwise when it is not: gallivanting about, free from any responsibilities, and turning home only when he tires of the sea. I will not stand for it. I am not one to wait around, simpering and silly, tied to a man that clearly does not care, does not know his own mind, or perhaps places other desires above that which is for me. Even if I were to soften my heart? but no, I have the Foresight. That is not the path for me. Perhaps another woman but not me. The Jewell that I would turn into, that I would become if I did not take my stand against him, I can have no respect for such a creature. I do not allow men to walk all over me and use me. Not anymore.

And still? I have to live with this decision now. He forced me to make it, though! He pushed me to it with his actions, inactions. Yet, I will be the one who is blamed. I will be called inconsistent, unfaithful, everything unbecoming of a woman. How bitter that could make me. Yet, I will know the truth! I will not allow their words to influence me, taint me. I cannot.

Please? do not let me allow them to break me down.


Date: 2009-04-07 08:52 EST
April 7, 2009

It is done. We are done.

My heart grieves me some but less than it did before Anya mentioned something to me last night. She said a strange man was at the duels, Tara addressed him as Stephen, and that he spoke of his wife leaving him.

Yes, of course. I am naturally the one who has done the leaving. Let us not address the fact that I have not moved an inch since he went off gallivanting last summer. How could I leave? I am always the responsible one, always the one left to pick up the pieces of my life, the one left to take care of things, to offer explanations, to?ugh!

Damn it. Now I hate him. Though, perhaps I should thank him for making this easier on me by being so unbelievably wretched that I have no qualms whatsoever about saying goodbye.

The children are not taking this lightly, though they have been faced with his absence for many months now. Perhaps that is really what I cannot forgive him for.


Date: 2009-04-14 09:26 EST
April 14, 2009

I had a very nice evening last night. Of course, Marc Franco soured my good mood this morning, but for a time I was in uplifted spirits.

Imagine my surprise when Kristia, of all people, was on the porch last night when I came upon the Inn. Out of all the returns to RhyDin lately, this one is the greatest cause for joy (or perhaps the only). We got to speak together for some length of time outside since it was a lovely night out, all mist and rain; I hid myself in it on the way to the Inn and didn?t feel so alone. I told her about Stephen and she seemed very displeased. Initially I just mentioned my fabricated story?Sirens and whatnot?but she did not buy it. Then the truth came out as I do not make it a habit of lying outright to my friends, deceiving them, yes, but not outright lying. Kris? protectiveness is endearing; it?s good to know that my friends are truly concerned about my wellbeing and happiness. It made me miss Issy, though. I understand that the Sisters need their rest in this lull, but that does not make their absence from my life any more endurable.

Kris also mentioned that her house had been destroyed, but she seemed to gloss somewhat over the issue. I offered my own house to her; she will be always be welcomed in my home. I doubt she will take me up on my offer, though. I remember how distraught I was when Lucy, Lain, and Alex destroyed my house that time. It was distressing to know that many treasured objects were not saved. I can only imagine how Kristia must feel now.

Oh! And she kissed me on the cheek. It was quite surprising, I must say, since she has never exactly been the hugs-and-cuddles type (could you imagine?). It was welcome and warming all the same, though, or even more so because of her usual distance from displays of physical affection. I crave such displays now, though. Even such a small, kind gesture from a friend reminds me that I am alive and that my life as of late is not just another bad dream I will wake from.

I also got my Taneth hugs in last night. There are few things that can cheer me so easily as that!

Additionally, I spoke with the man I met while bar tending last week, Jace. He seems nice enough. It is nothing serious, just some fun play. While speaking with him, I saw Reap. I?ll admit that I was actually pleased to see him. He may be a pain, but he is amusing and fun to swap insults with too.

And this brings me to how Marc Franco ruined my mood this morning. I know he is purposely trying to cause trouble with his paper; he even states so! Still, that does not take the sting out of reading about Stephen propositioning some woman. I hope she was very ugly. No! I hope he does try to replace me with someone. He?ll only find further misery as he ruins relationship after relationship, being unable to give up his first and true love: the sea. Then maybe he will understand what I have done.

And why does everyone think my butt is huge!?


Date: 2009-04-22 23:41 EST
April 22, 2009

Why? Why does this keep happening to me?

She promised that new opportunities would open, that I would be happy in life! Empty promises! Ash and dust. Everything I want is beyond my grasp and it tears at my soul.

First it was Skyler. I am still indignant over what he did. How dare he invade my privacy in such a manner? At first, I was more hurt than anything. What he took cannot be given back. He has muddied my memories, memories that were very dear to me, and spit on the kindness I showed to him since his return. All this after I opened myself up, made myself vulnerable by offering him his Ledger. I know the things I wrote in there. Yet, I willing exposed myself because I thought it would help him. Then this! I know he apologized, but I do not want him to think I will so easily forgive such a trespass. A simple, ?I am sorry,? cannot make this just go away.

Perhaps that is unfair. Maybe I am just so angry and frustrated with life that I just do not care. He provided a target. Heart, mind, and soul? I am so lost.

Then tonight? Stephen came into the Inn. This was obviously inevitable, us meeting in a public place, but I was not ready for it. I probably never would have been ready. I know I was angry at him for being gone so long, but? mother of nature, why does this have to hurt so badly? Why does it have to be like this? Was it really supposed to be like this?

I saw him, and he called me murinin. I wanted to cry just at the simple endearment. This is not how things were supposed to be for us. We were supposed to be happy. All I keep thinking is, ?Could we have made it work?? But I saw the future. I saw it! Damn her. Damn her for ever showing that to me. We would have been happy for a time together. But then? everything would have fallen apart. It was better to do this now. It is hard to believe, but there is less heartache involved.

I keep telling myself that. I just can?t believe a word of it tonight, especially not after he spoke to me.

My name. Even if I insist on us being apart, I always knew I could trust him with it. I have not lost complete faith. Just the reminder, though, that he knows it. That he knows me. All of me. No one knows me like that, and here I am pushing away the one who does, perhaps the only person who can ever fully understand me. I cannot think like that, though! If I do? I cannot give in. It?s not even about the pride anymore or anger.

I chose this path, but will I forever regret it? I know I could not handle what was before me the other way. It would have destroyed me.

But isn?t this destroying me too?


Date: 2009-04-28 18:20 EST
April 28, 2009

Stephen was over the other day to bring gifts for the kids. They were so excited to see him and very sullen for the rest of the day once he left. They continued to give me dark looks, as if this is all my fault. Maybe it is.

I feel like I?m pushing away happiness with both hands.

I am dreading the celebration of Beltane. Can I possibly get through it wearing a smile? At least I do not have to be May Queen and act as though it is not killing me inside every time I bless someone with happiness and love when it seems forever out of my reach.


Date: 2009-05-01 20:01 EST
April 30, 2009

What a fool I am. What fools we both are. I have pushed him away, yet he still continues to pose a temptation to my heart. Soaked with wine last night, oh how I wanted him to kiss me! I wanted to forget the future, the past, and just enjoy that simple, comforting pleasure of truly being his murinin again.

What have I done to anger the Fates so? Why do they conspire against my happiness at every pass?

The night up until Stephen came had gone very well, at least. All the hard work I had to put in over the last few months?arranging the activities, ordering food, drink, making sure everything was in order?was worth it to some extent. Aly made a beautiful Queen with Wolvinator as her Green Man. I did not drink so very much wine, only enough to forget for a while and to turn everything into a pleasant dreamy state. Bestowing flowers upon friends, trading a few kisses amongst the merry making with that man Jace and that other man?who was he?

I did greatly regret missing my chance to dance with Sinjin, even though we have shared few words (if any) in the past, since he looked quite dashing last night. However, he has corrected the problem with an invitation for dancing and dinner. When was the last time I went out with a man, any man, and enjoyed myself truly? Almost too long ago to remember, and therefore far too long. If Stephen can go about propositioning women and kissing others, surely I can enjoy an evening with such a man as Sinjin, who promises to be quite pleasing company I am sure.

Will anything erase from my mind, though, the way his skin looked with the fire dancing on it? Beltane was our night. It was made for us. Maybe I desperately wanted to recreate the magic we shared then. How silly. The spells have been broken.

If only I could have truly forgotten all that I have Seen, even for just a few moments? then maybe I could have gotten that kiss. It was the only one I really wanted.


Date: 2009-05-07 10:09 EST
May 4, 2009

My nose and cheek are still throbbing after last night. Silly, isn?t it? All it would take is a simple touch of energy to make it go away.

I do not want it to go away.

I did not ask for that fight last night, did not intentionally provoke that stupid slut of a girl into saying those things about me, but I did enjoy it. I reigned myself in, though. I would have very much liked to have given in and not held back. I could have made her as ugly as her nosey little personality is. Instead, I let her hit me. I wanted to be hit. I sometimes forget how much the throbbing of a bruise can dull these dangerous thoughts in my head. I want more. I need more.

She deserved it either way, deserved a lot more than she got, too! Who does she think she is, sticking her big nose in my personal affairs, talking as though she knows me. She doesn?t. She?s too stupid and blind to ever see through the illusions I weave. And even if she did, as if she has any grounds to talk! Insinuating that I am the real hussy? Coming from someone like her, that is truly laughable! What is even funnier is that she probably truly believes the things she said, so much so that she would fight me over them.

Pathetically sad, that?s what she is.

Someone needs to teach her not to pass judgments on others, especially when she has no clue what is really going on. It just burns me that she thinks she does. Why? Why does she think she knows anything when she doesn?t?

A good family of sources. Absolutely laughable.

I think I?ll tear her teeth out next time I see her, one by one. Sounds like fun, no? Let?s see how well she runs her mouth then.

At least I got to chat away the night with Skiddles; that made it endurable. And I saw Sin without his shirt on. Yummy.

I should make it very clear to Jace that if he ever pulls me out of a fight again (unless I am losing horribly! Then by all means, he should make it seem like he?s pulling me off the person and not the other way around.) I will knock his lights out.

The presumptuousness of some people. Absolutely unbelievable! Doesn?t anyone know who I am anymore?


Date: 2009-06-12 14:50 EST
June 12, 2009

Life has been uneventful as of late. Uneventful and lonely. I remind myself constantly that this is all my own doing, though. I cannot blame anyone but the pretty face staring me back in the mirror. If only it wasn?t partly done on empty promises. Where is my opportunity of a lifetime? Where are the doors that were supposed to open for me in order to make my sacrifice worth it? This humdrum life I have right now in RhyDin is not what I had in mind.

What is it that I seek, though? Companionship would be nice. However, anyone that seeks that empty spot is an ill-fit in comparison. Glory is unnecessary and not at all worth it in this forsaken land. Power could be mind but I am satisfied with that which I have currently. A purpose. Yes, a purpose would be nice.

So, I am seeking a purpose, something that will make my life and time meaningful. I know some would tell me that raising my children should be purpose enough. I think I am more suited for the pursuit of power, honestly. I enjoy my children and they serve to be good company. I take my responsibility to raise them to be competent adults seriously enough, but I do not find this fulfilling enough to be my life?s purpose or even the purpose of my life for a short time.

I should be at home ruling: the benevolent Queen. Yes, I could easily usurp my brother now, couldn?t I? I would spend hours planning, plotting, and executing the perfect coup only to find myself back in this very same place when I achieved my goal?searching for something to give myself meaning.

My life did not feel so empty with Stephen in it. Though that path would have left me eventually empty, broken, and beyond repair.

I am going into the city this morning; I need a new book to read. Maybe something on swordsmanship? I am rather rusty. I fought against Jaycy last night for the tournament and lost spectacularly. It was somewhat disappointing but not wholly unexpected as I know Jaycy excels at both sword and fist dueling. I know where my own strengths lie. I did enjoy the fight even though I lost. Jaycy is a fair opponent. I rather like her as a person, as well. She is someone that I think I could be friends with if I put forth the effort. Perhaps I should? I feel as though my list of friends has dwindled as of late. Where has everyone gone? I need a good long talk with Issy.


Date: 2009-08-29 22:25 EST
August 29, 2009

Some days I just fall apart. I try to keep balanced for the kids. I think I have put up a good show all summer for them; I really have. I have tried my best at least. They have needed me so much these past few months, much more than ever. They still feel the loss of Stephen in their lives keenly. Finally, they had what they saw as a stable father figure. When was the last time that happened? When was the last time they could look up to someone besides me?

How selfish of me to ruin it, to dash all our futures? to pieces. That is what I did, isn?t it? Selfish selfish girl! Couldn?t I just have accepted another loss, that horrible burden, for them? I should have just gone to my personal hell and then what? It really wouldn?t have made a difference anyways! We would live through everything that I saw, all the pain and blood, and then where would they be? Back to having only one parent, only this time it would be a father. What use could I be after all that? Any more depth to this well of sorrow would surely incapacitate me. I do not overestimate my own strength.

It already has incapacitated me in a way. I am still walking through life as if in a dream?completely directionless. Everywhere I turn I see the foggy mists of a dreamscape, parting to reveal only more emptiness for me to wade through. And I do it, day in and day out, only for my children. I have made them the point about which my whole life rotates now. I cannot even remember the last time I went out to enjoy myself. How empty.

Besides my daily routine of exercising, the only time I enjoy to myself is in the late evening hours, when the whole house is asleep. I stay awake and study. Maybe I will find an answer to my problems. I highly doubt it.

I have also been taking out the motorcycle that Skyler gave to me oh-so-long ago. I am not an enthusiast of what is considered modern technology in this city, but the motorcycle lets me go so fast and so far. Some days I just want to keep going on and on, forever until I reach the horizon line! As I ride, I try not to think about anything but just watch the world flash by me in a blur on both sides; it?s too much like my actual life, though, for the irony to escape me. I?m just watching life go by in a blur, but I keep going anyways. Then the wind dries the tears on my cheeks and no one ever has to know they existed.