Topic: Strange actions, love affirmed, a date set and more

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2006-06-02 05:58 EST
Brian arrived at the Inn that night to find Katharine half way to Margaritaville, courtesy of drinks served by Asuka. A fuzzied grin, slurred speech and happy demeanor were just the tip of the icerburg for the trip she was taking. At least that's how it seemed to Brian when he spoke with her.

Katharine was happily noting that her glass had a hole in it and none of her drinks were staying in it. Brian told her that the only hole the drinks were going through was her mouth. Luckily Miles saved Katharine's determination based on the technicality of the glass literally having a hole. Point given to the partially drunken Katharine.

Katharine was in rare form, at least by Brian's standards as she was care free and gabby as hell. A far cry from the Katharine Brian was familiar with. Katharine proceeded to let Brian know about Toby's dislike for him, which of course that came as no surprise to Brian. Miles chimed in once more and suggested his name be added to the list of people who didn't like Brian and thus it was done. Brian however couldn't give a rat's ass about Toby, his dislike, the chip on his shoulder for losing Renna or anything else related to him save Lorelie. Brian respected her a great deal and was glad for the talk they had, and really hoped one day she and Charlotte would settle up. But that was up to the ladies and not his barrel o' monkeys.

Of course Katharine was not done by any means, she poked and prodded, she kept on about Toby and finally when Brian had begun to get annoyed she decided it was time to leave and proceeded to leave the Inn. Brian decided it was best if he took her home, and followed her outside only to find her halfway in a empty cargo crate waiting to be taken home. After some insistance and a bit of persuasion, Brian was "allowed by her grace, just this once" to see her home safely.

Soon they were off in a coach, driver in the front and Brian keeping an eye on Katharine. Brian made a mental note in regards to the strange actions of the women lately in the Inn. Char and Lore fighting, Kat intoxicated and Char's lack of energy, thinning and who knows what else. An investigation was warranted and Brian decided to see if Miles wanted to assist. At any event, it would an excuse for them to run amok and do what they do best. Make snide remarks, drink, and talk to women and upset possessive males along the way. Brian and Kat talked a bit, and the conversation shifted to Brian's mentor, Dillon Jones.

Dillon taught Brian just about everything he knew and to this day somewhere on his person Brian wore the badge Dillon had given him years ago. Kat explained that someone in the Inn knew of Dillon and that made her think of years gone by, years that involved them all. Alexander, Jewell, Brian, Dillon , Midara, Devin, Whisper, Link and Megan and many others. Also the influx of older residents returning to the realm and city after many years played heavily on her.

"They have no right to talk about you like that.. They don't know what you have done for people, what you have done in the city.. No one knows. No right at all, he doesn't have no right."

Brian had to smile a bit, Kat was defensive as ever and just as onery as he could be at times. He heard her words over and over and nodded in reply. She was right, no one knew. While many great epics were recorded and put into legend, just as many if not more were not. The same thing Kat said in regards to Brian could be said for so many other incredible residents in the realm. That's what made Rhy'din such a great place to be.

Talked shifted once more as Katharine suddenly grew serious and spoke once more.

"I want you to be happy, truly happy. That means more to me than anything. So long as you are happy, I am alright."

Brian was taken back a bit by this and didn't respond for a few moments. It warmed his heart to hear her speak this way. He knew this had to have been hard on her. Think of it. You have Katharine Reno, someone he loved deeply years before and still loved to this day, granted in another way, wishing him happiness towards his fiancee' Charlotte Cross, a woman he loved beyond all measure. Brian wished he had been that understanding years back when Katharine married. Brian responded to Katharine with a nod.

"I'm truly happy, Katharine. Thank you."

Brian helped Kat inside her home and made sure everything was locked up and then headed home.

Arriving at the Villa, Brian then sent the coach back to the Inn and made his way inside. Sliding off his coat he tossed to the rocking chair and then slid off his sword and gun belts and set them with the coat. Making his way into the kitchen, he found the calendar and circled June 24th, and wrote in in the circle "Our Wedding". He chuckled to himself, and actually began a list of people to be invited and prayed his sister would be back in time for the wedding.

Brian made his way down the hall and to their room and found Charlotte sound sleep with Jean at the foot of the bed. Changing his clothes, he then sat on the side of the bed and watched her sleep. She was amazing in so many ways, he couldn't begin to describe it. It didn't matter what state she was in, be it upset, down right angry, happy or even sad, she was simply amazing. Brian smiled as he continued to watch her, and promised to himself to make her as happy as he possibly could. Whatever came, he would weather and endure with no problem, so long as she was there at his side. Brian was that happy and was more sure that he wanted to marry this woman before him than anything else ever.

Brian scooted into bed, and laid on his side and just watched her, he did so for a good while until he fell sleep.

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2006-06-03 06:37 EST
Brian arrived home and quickly made his way inside the Villa and locked the door and reset the wards, and went so far as to add another layer. Once he was satisfied, he slid off his trench and tossed it on the couch and made a beeline for kitchen. After a bit of searching he found his stashed bottle of "Pepe El Grande' " whiskey, and popped that bad boy open and took one helluva slug right off the bat. 'Ol Pepe's stuff did what it did best and burned like hell, especially with as much as Brian just slammed down. Truth be told he didn't care at the moment, not after the screwed up stuff that occured around the Inn today.

Brian left the kitchen, bottle in hand and made his way down the hall. A quick peek to check on Charlotte as she slept, followed by a kiss to her cheek. He then quietly left their room and made his way down the hall, ending up in the office. He closed the door and took a seat behind his desk and set 'ol pepe down, and then rummaged around the mess that was his desk for some specific folders. Moments later the folders were found and another hit from 'ol pepe was the reward. Setting the folders titled "Renna/Lucy" and "Jayde" aside, he then grabbed a note pad and quickly took down notes in reference to the events over the course of the day.

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2006-06-03 21:44 EST
Notes were made in regards to Lucy's "creations" the twins, what they have done so far and what effects they seem to have on people, in particular Alexander, Katharine and Icer. Brian knew Alex didn't harm Katharine of his own accord, but he also knew Alex more than likely got himself in that deep to begin with and it snowballed before he knew any better. As it stood Brian left it at that, more information would be needed in regards to exactly how Alex was effected and was there a way to help him. Then of course there was Icer and Katharines run in with the twins earlier in the day, Icer was out of sorts for a bit and was very on edge and defensive. Katharine on the other hand was a whole other deal entirely and Brian was not please one bit about her current condition.

Katharine was bitten by one of the twins days before and seemingly recovered and then today was attacked again and now has some kind of attachment to Brian. As soon as he entered the Inn, she was all over him, acting as if they were still together, just as it was ten years past. Not knowing what to make of it, Brian pushed her away and left the Inn, making for the Hall. Only to have her track him down, and start all over again and this time she was much less inhibited with no company about. Brian pushed her aside again, and explained his stance. She knew full well about Charlotte and still she would not yield. The final straw was broken when Kat forced her way into Brian thoughts and tapped a bond that truth be told was forgotten. Brian was furious and left the Hall, making straight for home, the pain from the mental invasion fresh in his head.

Then there was the mess with Lorelie and Charlotte. Brian didn't even know what to do in that regards except talk with Lorelie, which is exactly what he did. Brian even went so far as to explain to Lorelie exactly why he and Toby disliked eachother and told her about Ren and the events of the last few months. That's when the proverbial shit hit the fan. Lore shuddered and suddenly Jayde was there in Lore's body. Brian was no expert mage adept by any means, but he knew a forced possession when he saw one, and Jayde disregard for the eventual death of Lore upset him greatly. Lucy stepped up, no longer acting like the age she is, and knew Jayde has to be sent away, as much as Brian hated it, he and Icer had to work with Lucy. Jayde however had other plans as she chucked herself right off the 2nd floor in the Inn, taking Lucy along for the ride and breaking her Lore's neck in the process.

Brian appeared after a nexus-napping and felt helpless as they each watched Lorelie slipping. Kat arrived and a four way linked empathic healing took place, with Brian and Icer as anchors for Kat and Lucy running stabalization for the procedure. The burden was too much for Katharine, as the excess passed onto Icer, Brian and Lucy who each took a portion of the injuries from Lore and divided whatever Kat couldn't handle among themselves.

A few quick notes were made about how each of them were affected, and the fact Lucy's twins who she said she had control of, watched from the sidelines and refused to assist their mistress. Still, even while in pain from a dislocated shoulder, Lucy assisted them. Brian was sure there was an underlying reason in regards to that, and made sure to keep an eye out. But for the most part he was proud of her to an extent.

Lorelie awoke and seemed to be well, Brian hoped she would remember when they did for her, and that she understood she had friends here for her. Brian felt bad as Jayde wanted to see Charlotte and couldnt, given Char's condition as well. But that as they was was that. Jayde gone, Lore stays.

Notes were also made in regards to Charlotte's weight loss, lack of hunger and stress. It was getting much worse, and Brian was worried deeply. She still refused to speak of it, and he was hardly a doctor to understand all of what might be going on, all he could do was wait and see.

There was a lot on the plate indeed, between all of the above mentioned dealings, there was also the fact that Bri's unlike-able status hit an all time high as people he didnt even know were tossing punches and kicks his way, dirty looks and more. Brian had no real idea what started all of this, and truth be told he didnt care. More than likely it was Lucy playing the innocent girl and painting Brian the villain he was years ago. Brian made a few more notes and decided he needed to see Tera and speak with her in regards to any gossip, maybe she could hear what he couldnt.

Then there was the mess with the Abbey and Mother, over Brian's use of his talents alongside Lucy. But Brian was too tired to even bother with notes in regards to that.

All that aside, Brian stopped his writing and yawned a bit as he dimmed the lamp and tucked back into his chair and began to fall sleep. The last words he remember were from a friend of his from many years ago.

"Bide your time, and hold out hope."

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2006-06-04 06:26 EST
Brian's slumber was short lived as he felt a ward inside the Villa trip. Snapping awake he grabbed his sword and moved from the desk, quietly making his way through the weapons room, and then into the hallway.

Creeping down the hallway, Brian paused at the corner and crouched low as he took a peek. Everything looked quiet enough, and Jean-Luc didn't seem to have been alerted either. Slowly Brian made his around the corner, slipping inside their room to check on Charlotte. Finding her still asleep, he sighed inside a moment and looked about the room to find his large cat missing from his usual spot on the bed. Quietly, he slipped out of the room and shut the door, and then continued down the hall to the living room area.

Brian pondered who or what could have set off the ward, this was one of those times he wished he had studied more in Magickal Studies instead of hell raising for dummies 101. Stopping just short of the living room, Brian waited a moment and raised an eyebrow as he heard what be believed a woman's laughter. It was a light laugh, and caused him to stop in his tracks. Remaining where he was a moment and wished Jes were here to be used as Cannon Fodder, but since that was impossible at the moment he stayed still for the moment. After a few moments of listening he recognized the voice, and sighed a bit in relief and made his into the living room, sheathing his sword as he did so.

"I was wondering how long you were going to sit there, and if I was going to have to come in there and get you myself, Lordling. At least your cat had the sense to come out and greet me properly. He really is a good kitty"

"What did you expect Rienna? It isn't like I was expecting you."

Brian shook his head as he watched the Shrine Warrior as she sat on the arm rest of his couch and pet Jean like she knew him for years. The large cat was rather receptive, and seemed completely fine with her presence in the Villa.

"So what bring you here Rienna? You're not even wearing your tunic, or sword."

"I wanted to talk to you in regards to the sealing.. You know, none of us were happy with the decision and what followed. I was yet surprised to hear that you accepted the council's ruling."

"What was there to argue? I had a laundry list of violations, and my standing in regards to my position was unstable at best. So I was sealed, I can live with that. I mean I did cover up for Emma, Renna and Lucy and in some cases even assisted them, and even used my talent without permission, or course there were the Gauntlet incidents as well."

"I see.. So you are alright with no longer being able to use your talent, let alone any magicks any longer? No more remnants, nothing but artifacts for any kind of support? No support from 'him' ? As I recall you used to be rather fond of.. What was it called? Ah yes, your trump card. So you're alright with all of that?"

Brian thought for a moment, and looked to Rienna with a faint smile and responded.

"Yeah everything is jake, I can deal with it. It wasn't like I used it all everyday, and I know changes are gonna have to be made. But I have my tools, and some trinkets here and there. Sides, that's how I started out when I first came here. You remember that?"

"I recall a boy who wanted nothing more than to run away and wreak havoc and flirt than study and follow up on his lessons. Still you didn't turn out so bad, granted many of your choices in life were and still are questionable. Then again, who am I to Judge? Still your 'family' has grown and for the most part has done well. And now we have a wedding coming up as well, I must admit I was surprised. Then again you have been very surprising since your return."

"What are you getting at Rienna? I can't imagine you came here to just talk about my sealing and how I am now opposed to how I used to be."

"I'll cut to the chase then, Brian. A decision was reached tonight earlier and I thought it be best to let you hear it right away instead of later. The Council and Mother have decided it be best to dismiss you from service entirely. You are no longer welcome in the Abbey and are to abstain from any and all activities in regards to the Abbey.

Rienna paused a moment and shook her head slowly, and looked to Jean and then to Brian. The expression on her face was a somber one, as she continued.

"I was not in agreement to this, just as I objected to the sealing as well. But after the body count and damage caused by Lucy, there was little anyone could do to stop this. It all fell on you, since it was your actions that started this chain of events. For whatever it is worth, Mother fought tooth and nail for you. Still in a way I envy you.

"There is nothing to envy, I am just a person who made a great deal of foolish choices and still somehow landed on his feet. Please tell Mother I understand, and readily accept and respect their decision. Truth be told, I just want a normal life with Charlotte. That's about it, and maybe some adventures here and there to keep me on my toes. But I have a few things to deal with at present."

"If you're referring to Lucy, do yourself a favor. Do not let yourself become too attached, and do not delve too deeply in that mess. Because that is exactly what it is, one huge mess. You have better things to do, such as looking after your wife to be. I can only imagine what the last few months have been like for her. Also, we are looking into Lucy and how to go about dealing with that, but truth be told those creations of hers concern us the most. Anyhow, I have taken up enough of your time.

Rienna lifted herself from the couch and smiled warmly to Brian, it was probably the first time in a very long time he hadn't seen her in some kind of a uniform or armor. It was a welcome sight, but still made Brian feel a bit strange. She still looked as young as she did back when he met her over twenty three years ago. She nodded to him, then walked over to and opened the door.

"I hear your cooking has improved, maybe one day you can make something for Nyu and I. Also treasure what you have right now, your wife to be is an incredible woman. Especially considering what it took for her to get here, and the fact she stays with you my Lordling. Draw your strength from her, and may Marfa care for you both. Nyu and I will be watching, and if you need us, you know where to send word to. Take care, Brian."

Rienna closed the door behind her and Brian felt the ward kick back in, he moved to the window and looked outside, only to find no sign of Rienna. Jean padded up and nudged Brian's leg and let out a soft growl. Brian nodded to the big cat, as he dimmed the living room lamps and walked down the hall.

"Yeah, Jean let's call it a night."