Topic: That's what you get . . .


Date: 2007-01-24 00:31 EST
. . . when you cross the Figure of Tommy.

The next morning, Tommy loaded Skyler?s dead body into the Hummer and drove down the street to Jewell?s house. There seemed to be some sort of magical barrier preventing him from approaching the home, so he dumped the boy?s body at the boundary of the property.

The body that had once housed the soul of Skyler Jackson Chamberland had turned a pale gray color, and it was charred black in some spots. His once long pretty shiny black hair was gone, burned away, and the few strands that were left were a frizzled, blackened mess. His eye sockets were empty. The body was flat and deflated, the blood and organs it once contained liquefied.

On top of the body, Tommy left the piece of notebook paper on which Skyler had written. It was stained with blood, and the letters were jagged and uneven.

Dear Jewell,

I?ve come to the clearing at the end of the path. I?m sorry I have to leave you now. Don?t worry about me. It doesn?t hurt very much. Every moment with you was heaven. No one I?ve ever known has made he half the person I was when I was with you... Tell the children I?ll miss them.

I love you.


Beneath Skyler?s sappy little bitch letter, Tommy had added his own message to Jewell on the blood stained page.

Dear Jewell,


Tommy H. Figure


Date: 2007-01-24 16:35 EST
She left the house in the cool early morning, unconcerned and generally light hearted. Her shift at the Dragon had gone well, for once, the night before. She had seen Skyler for a few brief moments towards the end of her shift, never enough but better than nothing. He had indicated that he was going to be home at some time last night but when he didn?t show up she was not horrible surprised as he didn?t like to come home too late and wake her up. She figured he opted to stay at Cosmo Beach after working and that she?d see him when she got back from doing a little shopping.

Despite her lack of concern, she hadn?t been able to sleep without him. She had rested for an hour or two in the early morning hours, fitfully. The rest of her time was spent in daydream fancies with the aid of her fey magic mirror. She also planned for the coming day; although she had received a bundle of unmentionables from Stephen the night before she fully intended to visit Koy?s shop to purchase some of the special items she had mentioned getting in for the upcoming Valentine?s Day.

She was approaching the end of her drive before she noticed that something was amiss. Stepping forward towards the prone form on the ground, her knees suddenly sank into the soft ground, legs unable to sustain her at the sight that was laid out before her. Here was all her nightmares from the past few weeks come to fruition. Lips mouthed a denial, as she undoubtedly knew who this was before her, despite what Tommy?s ministrations had done to him. There was nothing left to truly identify this desecration of the human body as her beautiful Adone, but Jewell just knew.

A trembling hand reached out, not quite touching his body but just hovering above it. She reached out for where his long, shiny black hair should have been. She loved his hair, had loved when hers had matched his in color and how it mingled together when they were lying in bed. Her mouth started working despite the taste of bile that was pervading it, ?No, no, no.? She started whispering again and again, as she next traced where those electric blue eyes should have been; she hadn?t been able to hide anything from them. Now, now all those secrets she had bared were hers to hide away from the world once more; she was alone with them, again. ?No, no??

Only then did she notice the note?Skyler?s departing words to her and Tommy?s cruel addition. Jewell probably had never experienced such a combination of fury and anguish mingled together as she did at that moment. Her arms wrapped around Skyler?s deflated, lifeless body, cradling it against her chest as she screamed out wordlessly. Energy erupted from her body causing a solar flare type effect; the ground was compacted around her and everything nearby?bush, tree, and animal?was pushed back forcibly.

With that explosion of energy, that created a small crater surrounding the two but left them both untouched, Jewell exhausted herself: physically, emotionally, and mentally. She kept his body cradled in her arms as she started to rock back and forth. She stayed almost completely silent, not desperate sobbing or angry screams. Her eyes closed and she occasionally let out that small, whispered, denial once more. Only if one were to get really close would they hear the small wining sound she didn?t even know she was making; it sounded remarkably like a wounded animal, a puppy kicked when it was already down.

Issy had been correct when she said that everyone had their limits regarding what they could handle. Jewell was often walking the line of her limits. This destruction of life?a life she held so dear, dearer than many had probably realized?had sent her flying past the limit of what she could handle. She was so far past it that she probably couldn?t find the line even if she had the chance to stop and look around.

She had loved Skyler, really, truly loved him. He had helped heal her, faced her demons with her. This?this left her more broken than she had been when they had first started their relationship?when she was broken over the loss of a friend and amidst a failing marriage. She had every intention of being loyal to him, of being at his side until the end of his mortal days. Those days weren?t supposed to end so soon.


Date: 2007-01-24 16:35 EST
Iona was moving about the house, getting the children ready to start their lessons with their governess. She was upstairs, walking past that grand window that looked out on the whole front yard. She took a glance, always just one glance, to check and see if anyone was coming up the drive, like the postman that usually came fairly early in the day. It took a double glance, today, to confirm that there was someone at the end of their lane, a crumpled form?she couldn?t mistake that blue hair anywhere.

Miss Jewell had left over a half hour ago and yet, there she was. Iona shouted instructions to the children?s governess as she rushed down the stairs and out the front door. She practically ran down the graveled drive towards Jewell, slowing down towards the end and slowly approaching her from behind. She noted the indent in the ground immediately. She was more worried when she heard that pathetic whining noise coming from Jewell and took a sharp intake of breathe when she saw what, who, Jewell was cradling so tightly against her.

Jewell seemed oblivious to her presence; she didn?t move once at Iona?s loud approach or the fretting she started to do upon seeing what had happened, she just kept up that slow rocking. She backed away from Jewell, scared to leave her alone but knowing that this was something beyond her ability to care for. She ran back to the house, breathlessly summoning Markus. She sent him off towards Wyheree?s house in a hurry while she stood on the doorstep, keeping an eye on Jewell and making sure she didn?t make any sudden movements; of course, she wasn?t sure if lack of any movement was any better.


Date: 2007-01-24 17:23 EST
Wyheree had not slept well the night before. Every time she drifted off, she would awaken suddenly, looking about for danger, but all she saw was the slumbering form of James beside her. So, she slipped from their chamber down the steps, and paced the living room, gazing at the large winter landscape that hung over the banked fireplace, trying to figure out what was amiss.

The feeling did not leave her as the sun rose. When James left to tend to matters aboard the Sea Wolf, Wyh decided to stay behind. She could not explain the reason, only that she had the sense she needed to be home today. So, after kissing James soundly, she continued her pacing of the living room, ice crystals leaking off her in her agitation.

The knock - no, pounding - on her front door made her jump, and she rushed to open it before anyone else. Her silver eyes swept over the lad shivering on her doorstep, and she got an immediate sense that something was horribly wrong, even before he spoke, his words gasping and ragged from the speed he had come down the way.

"Miss Wyheree? Come quick - It's Miss Jewell - and Skyler.."

That was all she needed to hear. Wyh tore down her drive, and up the road towards her sister's Villa. Stopping short of the crater, Wyh saw Jewell clinging to.. that could not be.. she slowly approached her sister, tears welling in her eyes, slipping down her cheeks as she knelt nearby, Jewell's little keening sounds tearing into her heart. Skyler had been one of her dearest friends. She had stood as his second twice. She had his back when he and Jewell were attacked. He had comforted her when her sorrows nearly overwhelmed her. He had always, always been kind to her.

Wyh reached out for Jewell, not just with her arms, but with her element as well. She did not know words that would ease her pain and anguish, so she offered Jewell her strength, her energy - pouring herself into Jewell as she cried by her side.


Date: 2007-01-25 17:19 EST
Whereas Jewell had been completely oblivious to Iona previously, Wyh?s presence brought Jewell to a semi-consciousness of what was going on around her, though she still didn?t seem fully aware, still in shock. As her sister reached out for her physically, Jewell shrunk back and held Skyler closer to her. Her eyes flew open and she stared at Wyheree as if she were a complete stranger, someone trying to take her beau from her. She opened her mouth, ready with a verbal assault (who knew what language it would have came out in) when the familiarity of Wyh, and her element, registered.

She did not allow Wyh?s energy to pervade her, yet she found comfort in its presence surrounding her on some level. She whimpered as her eyes closed again and she started the slow rocking once more. Jewell had retreated deep within herself, hiding from the ugly truth of what had happened. She couldn?t cope with it on any level, was protecting herself from the inevitable, internal, emotional fallout that would surely occur. Her sister?s presence had certainly been noted and mostly ignored as she tried to dig herself deeper.

Iona only gave the sisters a moment together before she approached, fretting nervously with the skirt of her dress. Jewell did not seem to recognize her presence at all, at least she didn?t respond to it in any way. Therefore, Iona addressed only Wyh, although she did so hesitantly as the young woman seemed so distressed as well, ?I?m sorry Miss Wyh?I had the boy go for Mister Brian and then he?s to go to the morgue.? For once, Iona was not composed herself, tears starting to sting her eyes, ?I didn?t know what else to do?who else to call for. I suppose maybe I should be going to get Mister Alex to watch the kids as well.?


Date: 2007-01-25 18:56 EST
The expulsion of power was something that could easily be felt across town where he was. That push of power was a unique one, and he instantly went on the alert. There was no telling what had caused the draining of that power, but what was obvious was something had happened to Jewell.

He stood from his desk and closed the book that had lain open before him. He would get to the finances for the Isles later. Right now, it seemed that he was needed elsewhere. With a flick of his hand, he sent the doors closed to the Library and sealed the place shut. Turning, he moved to the large hearth and stepped within the flames.


His feet landed on the cobblestone that led to the house. The power was still thick in the air? there, waiting for the one that it was meant to find. But that ?one? was not there? nor would they be. With a careful hand, he pulled the raw energy to him and folded it within his own. It would not do to leave that running loose with all that was potentially going on. Another could use it and that could account for all sorts of problems.

He moved down the road, his mind stretching out to find the one who lived at the end. What he found was not what he expected. She has retreated so far into herself that he could barely feel her. That was something to be worried about.

His feet carried him quicker down the path, and soon stopped short as he came to the edge of the crater. His eyes searched first the outer rim of it, expecting more trouble, but when he found none, his eyes moved to the center.. and those within.

His heart dropped.

Jewell was there? and was rocking what was left of Skyler.


Date: 2007-01-26 22:10 EST
Wyh felt her energy slide around her sister, and not into her as she hoped it would. She felt when Jewell retreated further into herself, and she slowly inched forward, but Jewell did not see her, did not acknowledge the ice swirling all around her like she usually did. Jewell was slipping away, and Wyh was powerless to pull her back.

When she heard her name, Wyh slowly looked up at Iona, her eyes liquid, silver tears spilling down her cheeks. She gave a slow nod of her head to show the lady she heard her. After a moment, Wyh found her voice:

"Alex - the children - they should not see this."

After another moment, or longer, for time seemed to be standing still, she felt the excess energy dissipate, clearing the surrounding area, making it easier to think. She turned to seek the source. Her sight was blurred from the flow of tears that still fell. Yet, that brush of energy was familiar. She blinked, trying to clear her vision, and slowly, the old man came into focus. Wyh's voice failed her this time, so she sent a plea through her element, whispering through the air and the water, hoping he would hear her.

"Tass - he is gone - and I fear she will follow.."


Date: 2007-01-30 10:06 EST
Tass?s presence momentarily stirred her from her regression. She visibly flinched back, eyes clearing briefly. She did not want to awaken and return to reality, though. Reality was just too harsh to deal with for the time being; her body, in a way, was protecting her as it dragged her mind inward once more. She was moving deep down, where all her secrets were; she could hide amongst them there.

Jewell?s housekeeper was at least glad to see Tass despite the fact that Jewell might not be. All these emotions flying around were beginning to upset her as well, tears stinging her eyes. She had been fond enough of Miss Jewell?s beau since had had moved in. He got along so well with the children even though he tended to be rude at times.

?Someone?s going to have to take him from her, somehow. The morgue will be here shortly.? It hadn?t gone past her notice that Jewell did not seem to be letting go of Skyler anytime soon, holding his body protectively against her as she was.


Date: 2007-01-30 13:00 EST
"Tass - he is gone - and I fear she will follow?" Wyh?s voice carried to him across the chasm that the release of Jewell?s power had created. He knew that her words held some truth, for even now he watched as Jewell worked at retreating.

His eyes never moved from Jewell as she sat there rocking with what was left of Skyler in her arms. The flinch was almost like a knife jabbed into him, but he knew its reasons and its source. Yet, it had shown that she was not so far gone, for she had surfaced for just a moment before she went back within. That, at least, was something to work with.

?Someone?s going to have to take him from her, somehow. The morgue will be here shortly.? Jewell?s housekeeper, Iona, was a woman who saw the harsh reality of things. She would be an asset in the time to come as one to cling to in order to keep grounded. However, there first was the matter of getting Jewell back to the ground. It would be a long? very long task. He had no plans of going anywhere?

His feet finally moved and he stepped into the crater and moved forward towards the trio that was at its center.

His gaze first went to Iona. ?M?lady, I need you to run ahead into the house and gather the children and secure them away into their rooms, or a singular room?preferably away from the entry and a guest bed room? one that perhaps he might have used.?

Next he turned his attention to Wyh. ?Hun, it won?t be long before others arrive after what was felt, and this is Rhydin? word will travel fast. I?m going to need you to divert most, if not all well-wishers, at least until the Lady Iona can return to do such. If the gentlemen from the morgue arrive, send them back and ask for them to send for the funeral director. If he arrives from the Lady Iona returns?? he glanced between the two ladies for a moment, ??inform them that I will taking care of all expenses.?

He waiting for just the briefest of moments for Iona to move off to the house before he stooped down and wrapped his arms around both Jewell and Skyler, lifting them both delicately, careful not to dislodge the two from each other, and carrying them back towards the house.

He prepared himself, and even expected Jewell to lash out. He would take all she threw at him. He would not leave her. Once inside, he would wash and prepared Skyler. It was least of honors he could do.


Date: 2007-01-31 22:31 EST
Wyh looked up at Tass, nodding. His words gave her something to do, somewhere else to focus. As he tenderly gathered Jewell and Skyler into his arms, and headed towards the Villa, she took a deep breath, wiped her tears away, and followed them up the drive. In her mind, she had failed her friend, let him down when he needed her most. Now he was gone. Guarding Jewell, staying with her, not leaving her side - seemed the best way to somehow make it up to Skyler. Wyh kept close behind Tass and his precious cargo, steeling herself for the concerned family and friends that were sure to arrive, and hoping that Tass could reach where her Sister had hidden herself, and draw her back. As they walked, she managed a small whisper.

"Thank you."


Date: 2007-02-02 11:38 EST
?Certainly, sir.? Iona was a woman of quick action when she needed to be; living with seven kids tended to keep her on her toes. She took off towards the house with one last glance to Jewell, shaking her head and quickly wiping away any traces of tears that the children might see.

Iona made it an easy task to round up the five little ones that were living in the house at the time. Without making them too suspicious, she suggested that perhaps they start their lessons off today with swimming. The indoor pool?Jewell had designed the system herself with the aid of an engineer in town?was located the furthest from the bedrooms and the children were quickly herded there without any complaint from them.

Outside, Jewell struggled briefly against Tass as he lifted she and Skyler up. Surprisingly, she did not put up too much of a fight for she would not remove her arms from around Skyler; therefore, Tass was saved any physical blows from her hands. She just thrashed about momentarily, making small noise in protest, before stilling once more and falling completely silent. It was when they would try to take him from her that they would have to really restrain her.

With the kids left under the supervision of their governess as they swam, Iona quickly returned to Tass and Wyh to direct them up to Jewell?s room. ?You just stay with them now, Miss Wyh?I?ll take care of the visitors and all the rest.?