Topic: The Raven and the Fox...

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2006-02-28 00:41 EST
Leaving the Inn, Brian set out into the cold night. Blue eyes glanced around him, as he walked down the cobblestoned path. A strong gust of wind whipped through the block, as he pulled his trench tighter in habit. The way she looked at him, burned into his memory. It was the same exact way Renna had looked at him, that same fierce look of determination in each of them. Now there was Emma, and Renna was no more. It bothered him a great deal more than he cared to admit. Renna and he were a bit alike in the fact that killing was their business and many times business was good. It was true that he didn't know Renna as much as he would have liked to. But he felt some sort of a kinship with her. Now her daughter had arrived and to top it off asked to see Talomar. Brian had no information on Talomar, but he felt it was time to do some homework. Looking to the night sky, he made his way down the block. No real destination in mind.

A short time had passed and Brian found himself near the harbor. Busy as always, he smiled faintly as he watched shoppes close and people locking up. Street vendors were also packing it in, and loading their carts. He made his way towards the pier and found an empty spot to lean on. Leaning along the rail, he looked out to the sea. The breeze whipping by, as his eyes panned the horizon. He could hear the activity around him, as he basically just stared ahead. Then Renna's voice was heard saying "You know, the time will come when you will have to kill me." He shook his head a moment and her voice continued. "So I hear you're a killer... I won't hold back you know.." Softly he spoke his replies saying " If you are going to come after me, don't hold back.. I won't hold back either. If you hold back it will be an insult." He remembered how they smiled to each other as they talked of killing. They spoke of it as one would have a conversation over dinner. In truth she had asked him a favour and he didn't see it. He didn't see it until he learned of her death at the hands of Ayreg. So now Emma was here and she was very determined to accomplish whatever she set out to do. For some reason, Brian felt compelled to assist her in whatever way he could... Things were going to get interesting. He smiled to himself as he walked back to Briallyn's building, things were going to get interesting indeed.

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2006-02-28 09:45 EST
Brian finally went home and tried to sleep. A few hours passed and he still couldn't get there. Frustrated he rose from the bed. He looked over next to him and half expected Bri to be there. But he knew better. With the thought of sleep long gone, he rose went over to his and lit a candle. After a bit of paper shuffling he found the bounty postings he intended to collect on, and began to read over some. Pacing back and forth across the room, he read page after page and looked for anything that stood out. Along with postings, he also had his own information network of sorts and sometimes it paid off in spades. Everyone on the street had some kind of a price, and for the right price the info could be great. This time he had quite a bit of information to go through. If this was legit, his take of the bounty would be a bit less than normal, but he didn't mind about the money. The Crime for which this person was to be hunted was such a crime Brian didn't like to speak of it. He hated it when children were hurt and took it to heart. After 3 pages he stopped dead in his tracks and smiled faintly.. "So Number 1295, you were seen at the Northern grave yard three days running in the middle of the night... This is good.. Very good." With that Brian began to gear up. Still her voice stuck in his head. "I hear you're a killer." For some reason when he heard that he felt like the old Brian. The one he fought so hard to leave behind in Vana'diel.

Leaving Briallyn's building he made for the stalls straight away. He checked his saddle bags, made sure all his gear was in place. When he was satisfied, he saddled up and bolted out of the stable through the alley and down the street. The streets were rather empty as it was near 4am, as he tore down the cobblestoned road. The cold air was refreshing and instantly ripped any sleepiness from his body. For some reason he felt a rush when he worked like this. By day he worked in his office and also was a handy man in Briallyn's building, but when he was alone or with a very select few that was all tossed aside and he was another creature altogether. Lifting the lower half of his he covered his mouth and nose leaving his eyes and hair exposed, he hated full masks with a passion. That came from the time he spent in servitude and was forced to wear one at all times. That aside, he left the Northern Gates and sped up the main road leaving Rhydin. A quick detour was used, as he slowed and went along the southern perimeter of the grave yard looked for a good spot to tie his horse. After a few minutes he selected a small forested area about 200 feet south of the Southern Entrance. Taking a few moments to gather what was needed, he adjusted his fatigues once more. A quick check of his boots, as he tucked two boot knives and strapped a dagger along his thigh. Satisfied with his back up weapons, he strapped his quiver to his tactical harness and took out his Royal Footmans Bow and set it aside, and then selected two Wakizashi blades and slipped then into their sheathes which were already attached to his tactical harness. Slipping on the tactical harness he checked each clasp, and checked himself once more. Yes it was a bit overkill for one person, but in this day and age one could never be too careful. Using a candle he looked at a map of the grave yard once more and commited landmarks to memory. Snuffing the candle, he grabbed his bow and set off into the dark.

Slipping past the caretaker's shack, Brian crept along the line of the wraught iron fence until he came to a suitable entrance point. Looking around to make sure he was alright, he climbed over as quickly as he could and dropped from the top of the fence into the snow. He winced and cursed himself, as he felt a sharp sting from his left knee. "Damn demon." Was all he said softly, as he recalled the fight in the Inn, a few days past. With that, he crept deeper into the grave yard. Between the snow, various old trees and tomb stones and monuments his cover was nearly too good to be true. After a bit of time, he found what he was looking for. A dim light was eminating from a crypt a few hundred feet ahead, he crept an made his way using several tomb stones for cover.

After a few moment he found a good vantage point, and knelt and waited. The light came from an door to the crypt that was partially opened, and he could even hear voices. A man and woman were talking and laughing. Scowling he thought he was given bad information, and cursed himself. With no other way to determine who was in there, he moved quietly through the snow and crept along side the building and paused just aside the doorway. Then he heard it.. Gritting his teeth he heard and man inside describe what crime he commited.. As drunk as he was he gave details, very intimate details and it made Brian's fists clench. The woman inside laughed and called the man a liar. He laughed and assured her.. He assured her it was a child and how old she was. Brian's thoughts went to Amanda and Jewell's children, Katharine's children as well. Reaching behind him, he pulled a Bokdin arrow from the quiver and notched it. His rage was building, as he waited.

The fool kept talking of his crime and Brian waited. He waited for what felt like an eternity, but in truth as only a few seconds. He moved and opened and door drew back the arrow and let fly. It made the mark as it slammed into the side of the man, causing him to slam back into the wall. He didn't look like much to Brian. Maybe five and a half feet tall, and about a hundred and sixty pounds or so. Dressed in a loose shirt and breeches, he looked like he had recently shaved and cut his hair. His face matched the posting though. His eyes gave him away, as he screamed in pain and reached for the arrow. It had hit just under his arm and into his side, a large spot of blood grew on his shirt, as he tried in vain to pull at the arrow. The woman screamed in turn and crawled into a corner and covered herself. Brian notched another arrow and let fly once more, this arrow slammed into his target's right shoulder causing the man to scream yet again as he scrambled about the floor writing in pain. Oblivious to the screams Brian notched yet again and let fly three times over. Two in the chest and one in the gut just about the crotch. This was no fight, this was punishment. Brian watched as the life ebbed from this man. Pulling his mask down, he walked to the man and spoke to him. "Look at me... Look at me! I am the last thing you will ever see. When you get to hell you tell them I sent you, and to leave the light on for me." But it was too late, he died while Brian was speaking.

The woman was screaming once more, as Brian turned and spoke to her, "If you want to live to see tommorow, leave now and shut the hell up!" She needed no other incentive as she scrambled out the door into the night. Pulling a small sack from his thight pack, he opened it and set it down. Taking a few moments to arrange the body, he ended up setting it atop the make shift table they had inside the crypt that was made out of crated. Pulling one of the wakizashi blades, he reached up and sent it crashing down, as he decaptitated the deam man. Grabbing the head by it's hair he stuff it into the sack and tied it shut. Snuffing the candles in the crpyt, he exited and made his way down the main path. He normally didn't feel this much rage when he hunted, but this was different. This young girl had a future and it wasn't to be molested and killed by this savage. Leaving the way he came, he trekked through the snow and saw his horse was gone. "Damn it all.. Why now." he said as he tried to track the animal. No tracks could be found at all. Then all the sudden a light reddish glow could be seen just ahead bobbing about the trees in the darkness. Brian followed, and tried to keep pace. He didn't know where he was, or how much time had passed. Keeping pace he came crashing through the brush and was blinded by a fierce fireball, and covered his eyes. Then darkness came once more, as he let his eyes adjust. He saw his horse tied to a post near what looked to be a shrine. Dropping the sack and bow he stepped foward and saw what was a shinto shrine. "What the hell? A Kistune? Here of all places.. Heh." Before him was an old Shinto Shrine to the Kitsune, the Fox. He hadn't seen one since he D-hopped to Earth years back. Walking foward he bowed and pressed his hands together. "I understand." With that said he gathered the sack o' head and attached it to his saddle bag, mounted up and set out again. After a few feet he turned and the shrine was gone, all that was there was a clearing. Everything else was gone. He turned his horse south and headed back to Rhydin. It was time to collect his bounty, get some sleep and seek out the fox.