Topic: The Taste of Glamour


Date: 2007-11-13 18:22 EST
She ran through the streets of RhyDin and those who saw the streak of blue hair go by at such a frenzied pace looked further down the street towards her destination to see where the fire was and then from whence she came to see if there was a good chase scene to be had this brisk November afternoon. Disappointed in both, they went back to their work: using a broom to clear leaves from doorsteps and storefronts, shopping for a few more items before darkness fell upon the city, rushing to their own destinations before the cold air could seep through their coats and nip at their skin.

The cold air did nothing to clear her mind or to dissipate the passion that had been ignited within. Her skin burned, her cheeks remained flushed. Samael had teased her with that taste of glamour and it took every ounce of self-control within her, the remembrance of promises made, as well as the grounding touch of Cassie not to throw herself at him, embrace him and the offer that he had held out to her for a second time, now. It was not just a promise of a satisfying physical coupling with someone who obviously had experience in the world of visceral pleasures. No, there was more to it than that?emotional manipulation and magic that could bring one to heights far beyond what even the most sensual imaginations could dream up.

Later, when she looked back on their brief encounter, she would be enraged and amused at his daring. She was not accustomed to such forwardness anymore; was not used to the temptation that such forwardness could bring when it came from someone like him. It was easy enough to resist and brush off the mundane men that inhabited this realm. Samael was different. He was not a challenge she felt at all prepared to face. How long had it been since she was surrounded by such magic, in a land so saturated by it, with people who embodied it, where it was the norm? It had been in the very air she breathed. Now, in the magical land of RhyDin where such divine magic was still a rarity, his magic was exotically different and intriguing to her; it made her lightheaded and drew her in as if she was some mere, unsuspecting mortal. Oh, how she missed the taste of glamour on her tongue! Addicting, bewildering magic!

But she would only think of such things?how it had affected her, why it had done so, why she let it, how she could stop it, if she even wanted to stop it?later. For now, she was still under the powerful influence of the emotional suggestion of another, Samael?s parting gift; it was a glimpse of what he could do to her, for her, with her, if he did not restrain himself as he had. Such insinuations were arousing, to put it simply. Jewell needed an outlet and affirmation that she had made the right choice in turning and actually running from such a temptation. Her passion had been roused and she would be darned if she wasn?t going to be a respectable fey and put it to good use.

Down to the docks and the Pride and Fury she flew on feet that didn?t seem to quite touch the ground; if they ever did, they certainly never made a sound on the freshly fallen leaves. She had a one-track mind at the moment, and as she dashed past a particularly strong empath, the lady blushed scarlet at the feelings the water fae emitted.

It wasn?t that hard to find her husband; Stephen had been down at his ship all afternoon, working on some minor repairs before they were ready to set sail again. He was standing on the docks, in one of his white linen shirts, his overcoat having been set aside some time ago despite the crisp fall air, overseeing the removal of several crates from the hold, when Jewell found him. She did not slow her pace upon seeing him but opted to crash right into him with all five foot four inches and one hundred and twenty pounds of water faerieness that was his wife with only a breathless, ?Stephen!? as a warning.

The good captain stumbled a bit under his wife?s surprise attack, managing to catch her up in his arms without sending them both to the ground. ?Murinin,? he laughed out, ?what be the meanin???

His crew stopped their work and were staring, amused, as Jewell didn?t even give Stephen a chance to finish his question. The second her arms were around him, any emotional energy that she had been holding back as she had raced across the city was uncontrollable. The want, desire, and need were almost tangible in the air and were certainly so for anyone sensitive to the senses beyond the mortal five. Passion spurred her on as she kissed his lips and any other exposed skin she could get her own lips on currently.

?Jewellsie?? his tone sounded too much like an objection; he was clearly surprised by his wife?s actions. It wasn?t that they weren?t usually playful with each other, and Marc Franco had said it best once when he had asked, ?who in RhyDin gets more action than fae and vampires?? But this single-minded ferocity?in public, no less!?completely lacking in any subtlety, was not exactly fitting with his wife?s usual behavior. She wouldn?t even stand for any objections, silencing him with a kiss purposefully performed with the goal of making him forget whatever it was he had been about to say.

It worked. It worked so well that she only broke the contact of their lips to give him a short, simple directive that did not leave room for any protestation: ?Our cabin. Now.? Such a bossy little thing, his wife was.

All the same, he swept her up into his arms with every intention of doing exactly as she said. He gave a rather distracted look around?as she teased the skin of his neck with her tongue, relishing the faint tang of salt from the ocean air that lingered there?at the gathered sailors who were watching the show, and elbowing each other with knowing looks, in keen interest. ?Get back tae work!?

Without further adieu, and before his wife could get his shirt off, which she was already starting to work on determinedly with fingers numbed from the cold, he moved up the gang plank and onto the Pride and Fury.


Date: 2007-11-16 16:41 EST
They ran through the meadow, wading through grass that grew past her waist as he pulled her along by the hand. She stopped short, unwilling to go any further, and he tugged at her arm, spinning her about when she refused to move. It became a tug of war between them, both pulling fiercely until they let go at the same time and went tumbling to the ground.

She lost sight of him as she fell, the wild grass cushioning her body as she stared up at the summer night?s sky. There were always so many stars shining down upon the Lands and the constellations were never the same unless you needed them to be, to guide your way. The buzz of insects filled her ears, it was all she heard; not even the steps of her partner?a playmate, really?registered as he cut easily through the twilight to fall on the ground beside her with a good natured laugh.

She continued to stare up at the star-spackled ceiling above her, even as he reached out, fingertips brushing her face and exciting a tingling sensation across the skin there. Glamour. She knew the word, heard it whispered in horror back at home, and saw it practiced with pride everywhere she turned here. She had even begun her training using it just recently. This was different, though. She wasn?t just seeing it anymore; she was tasting it. It excited feelings inside her, feelings that she had thought dead for so many months now.

It scared her.

She rolled away from him, getting up and starting to move away like a lost will-o-wisp. He pursued. She looked over her shoulder, gave him an impish grin, before she started to run again. She turned back to look where she was going just in time to stop herself from running right into him. Ah?the light footed fey! He hovered before her, tawny wings outstretched, grinning like the Cheshire cat; there was no escape for her now.

Before she could even try to get away again, he wrapped his arms about her. Even more important, he enveloped her in a net of glamourized emotions: passion, lust, ardor, desire, devotion, even love. She shivered with delight. Suddenly escaping was the furthest thing from her mind. He sealed it all with a kiss and her world melted away in a swirl of amber colored dust that surrounded them. It didn?t matter that she didn?t even know his name nor he hers; she felt loved.


Date: 2007-11-16 16:41 EST
She stirred awake with a gentle start, grey eyes taking a moment to adjust to the fading light in their cabin. Stephen was lying at her side on his back, eyes closed but not sleeping, a small smile curling the corners of his lips up. The sight was enough to make her smile: golden rays, refracting through the windows, played upon his skin; the worry lines that were often around his eyes were smoothed out; and a slight indent, a dimple, dotted his cheek. She lost herself in looking at him.

Feeling her stir, his fingers started to slowly move through her hair again where they were entwined. A content little sigh escaped from semi-parted lips and her eyes threatened to close once more as she shifted to the side to lay her head against him. He broke the silence, his rich baritone reverberating in his chest beneath her cheek, ?Not that I were complainin?, Murinin, but wha? were that all ?bout?? Green eyes were open now, peering down at her curiously just in time to see the flush of shame that washed over her face. That was no more expected than the tears that were suddenly tickling his bare skin. ?Murinin, I do be quite amazin? in bed but it be nothin? tae cry over.?

She had to laugh, despite her sudden onslaught of tears, at his comment, and wrap her arms about him in a tight hug in thanks; it had brought enough levity to the situation for her to explain quietly, and with a bit of trepidation in her voice, exactly what had happened earlier in the day to cause her to march right down to the docks to see her husband and demand they spend the rest of the afternoon in their bedroom having sex. She talked about the conflict, both physical and emotional, born within her at even the nearness of someone like Samael. How she had been afraid of what she might do with him so near her; how accepting his offer was the last thing in RhyDin she truly wanted to do in her heart, despite what her body might have been saying at the time.

And she explained to him again the workings of glamour.

?I don?t pretend to understand it all myself, love. There?s still so much I don?t know, have never learned. I?I?m only a child to them, how could I know more than I do? As it is, I?ve already pushed beyond the limits of what I should do because I think like an adult; I am an adult, but only in one world.? It was the closest she could come to expressing the eternal frustration she felt over being so liminally situated in life: a girl in an immortal body, conditioned and raised as a mortal. She lived the life of a human, fully entrenched in adulthood, when she was barely into her tweens in the eyes of the Fey.

?But that?s besides the point. The point is that glamour is,? she paused, struggling visibly to find the right word, ?intoxicating, I suppose. At least, for me it is. I?ve spent such little time in the Lands and it has been so very long already since then. My body, my soul, is drawn to such magic. It knows it; it?s familiar with it.? She nervously traced a pattern over his stomach as she whispered the last, ?It longs for it.?

Her fist curled in frustration, ?But I don?t want that and I?m not strong enough to fight it. I don?t have the raw power or the training to brush it off like it?s nothing. I?m as susceptible as a mortal is to my own use of glamour.? She laughed, as if it was really funny. ?But I would never?I don?t. It?s emotional manipulation! And I?m the only fey stupid enough to have morals against such a thing.?

?But it feels beautiful, when you let it in.? She closed her eyes, as if basking in the sun. ?Because even if there isn?t love or passion?or whatever involved, you can still feel it, still relish in emotions that aren?t even real. And if, by chance, they are real? It?s the most glorious thing.?

?Ye?ve gone and lost me now, Murinin.?

?Have I?? She opened her grey eyes, peering up at him with a touch of amusement on her features. Her skin was slowly bathed in the silver light that she often controlled, kept hidden, her very essence shining through and lighting up the darkening cabin. ?Have you truly never felt it, my love? I can?t always control it. The magic leaks right off me, encasing those around me in warmth, love?devotion. So many emotions, often the very emotions I?m feeling.?

?But I could do more than that. I could demand such feelings?force them upon someone. And then they?re not really feelings, are they?? Her brow furrowed as she seriously struggled with this; ?No, they?re just the way someone wants you to feel so they use their magic, they?re glamour, and you feel that way even if you don?t really want to feel that way deep down. Or maybe you do. In the end you get so confused and messed up, you don?t even remember what you really want or don?t want.? Grey eyes were distant as she contemplated this; ?A prisoner in your own body,? she murmured so softly.

?An? this be wha? he did tae ye, Murinin?? His hand was steady as he brushed back the wispy blue bangs that trailed into her eyes; she had taken a pair of scissors to her own hair just the other day, saying that she liked the way the hair now fell diagonally across her forehead and how she could tuck the hair behind her left ear if she got tired of it. They seemed like they were always in this scenario. He knew she could take care of herself, but that didn?t mean he had to like other men trying to seduce his wife.

She just bit at the inside of her cheek and nodded, ?yes.?


Date: 2008-01-02 21:39 EST
It had happened again.

She had been enjoying, despite the awkwardness, the small talk she had been making with Alex, was even glad to finally formally introduce him to Stephen. Then Samael walked in and her magic senses went crazy. She was nervous; she wanted to run away and hide in the embrace of her husband. She was intrigued; she wanted to touch his skin and feel the magic that was there. She wanted to test that magic against her own. She wanted to stay as far away from him as possible.

But chance and circumstance, or maybe it was simply Samael?s desire to toy with her and watch her squirm, brought them close enough together to let him whisper in her ear words that made her blush and use his magic to cause an illusioned touch: kisses down her spine, a press of lips to the pulse at her throat, a nip at the back of her neck. Glamour meant to inspire passion overwhelmed her, enchanted her. Eventually she didn?t think or feel anything else; it was only passion?red, hot passion.

Luck or fortune kept Stephen near at hand so she need not search for him?or another, as would have been the case in her single-mindedness?to express the ardor that was brimming over after Samael?s parting kiss of glamour. No, she did not need to look far at all; she needed only to turn around and wrap lithesome arms around her husband?s neck, impressing upon him her desires with a sensual smile as she whispered in intimate detail at the curve of his ear and pressed heated kisses there. Despite any misgivings he may have had?Jewell?s well being and her bizarre behavior throughout the afternoon?he followed his sprightly wife where she would lead him.

And when passion was spent, Jewell was left feeling empty. She lay in bed a moment before grabbing for her discarded dress, slipping it on as she snuck from the bed into the adjoining bath of room seven at the Red Dragon Inn.

She thought she had been prepared this time, was strong enough to resist the emotionally manipulative magic of another. The truth was that she was too untrained, that she didn?t have the faintest clue how to protect herself from such magic. Her attempts were clumsy at best, futile regardless. She moved from her lean against the bathroom door over to the claw foot bathtub, stepping inside and curling up within it, knees tucked to her chest. She covered her face with her hands and tried not to cry even as hot tears slipped between her fingers and down her arms. She had been manipulated, passionate emotions charged and brought to the fore against her will. The result had not been detrimental to her relationship; fortunately, Stephen had been there, her release and safe haven, but what if he hadn?t? There had been no Cassandra there to ground her this time.

She pulled back suddenly, staring at her hands. Traitorous hands. They hand longed to touch another. They would have caressed his face, eventually sought to explore the lines of his body as she gave in to the passion he begot within her. Only that passion would be meaningless, clouding her mind as she enjoyed the more carnal pleasures with another and leaving her dirty, sullied by the touch of someone other than her mate, when it was gone. She wanted to tear at the skin of those hands with her nails, prevent them from ever desiring such a touch again. Instead, she covered her face once more, pressing her lips against the heel of her palm to muffle the sound of the sob that was building in the back of her throat.


Date: 2008-01-08 15:24 EST
Jewell and Danny DeAuster had walked towards home together, parting ways at the lane that led up towards the Ravenlock-Kidd house. It was some hours after midnight as Jewell hobbled alone up the lane, each step coupled with a stabbing pain in her right knee. When she got to the double doors of the main entrance of her house, she did not go immediately inside; she just stopped there, standing on her front steps, her hand not even raised to open the door. She was afraid to go inside. For the first time in a long time, Jewell was afraid to go home.

She had been putting this off all evening. When Samael had dropped her off, unmolested and unharmed, wherever she desired, she had avoided both home and the Pride & Fury?which was more like a second home than anything?and had chosen one of the remote beaches to the south of RhyDin. She had sat there for some time, perched on the edge of the icy cold water, occasionally letting it lap at her feet. What was going through her mind? She probably could not even explain it; her emotions and thoughts were in complete turmoil. Prominent, though, were guilt and an unhealthy dose of self-loathing. There was also: frustration, anger, regret, confusion, resentment, the usual fear of abandonment, and bitter disappointment in herself.

All these feelings waged war within as she later wandered the streets at night before directing her steps to the Outback, longing to go anywhere but home. The night before she had went to the Annex where pain had been her vindication. She cleansed herself of negative emotions, cleansed herself of the sin of letting Samael?s magic touch her, as she bled upon the floor of the sword rings. Each cut at the end of another?s weapon was gratifying pain, a punishment for her actions but not self-inflicted. No, she was past that stage; self-inflicted wounds were unseemly. She had fought until she could leave the Annex with a semblance of inner peace, a repentant sinner free of her non-existant sins?for who could really point their finger at her and tell her she actually had done something wrong?and bathed clean by the pouring out of her own blood.

She had not sought that earlier this night when she stepped into the Outback. She was doing anything to delay returning home, to help her forget for even a little while, and to punish a traitorous body that could not protect itself. Ring after ring she entered. Even when she won, she was only satisfied with the pain inflicted upon her: the way Erin?s solid punch to her face somehow made up for not leaving the Inn the second she saw Samael present, and how Danny?s blow to her knee was penance for letting Robert kiss her. Falling from the height of Styx allowed her to forget all, for a time, but when she stood?her body beaten but not broken, a reflection of what was inside?there was still the undeniable truth to face: she had only delayed the inevitable and it was now time to go home.

But what would she find there? Fighting had been unable to give her an answer to that. The real question was?what had Stephen been told? What did Robert report to him of the day?s events? What was her husband feeling? Was he angry? Did he even want to speak to her, see her? As she walked towards home, chatting amiably with Danny as his arm served as a welcome support for her battered body, these questions plagued her mind and weighed on her heart. What would Stephen think and how could she explain to him what had really happened that afternoon?


Date: 2008-01-08 15:47 EST
Fighting in the Annex the night before had brought Jewell relief, easing the turmoil within her until she was almost light-hearted, bouncing up the stairs of the Inn, carefree. Her personal hell waited within. She had seen Isuelt first, a smile rising to her lips that was killed by the presence of another?Samael. She made to run but there was no assault, no honeyed Glamour that brought passion alive. Not wanting to make her now concerned friend leave, Jewell mistakenly chose to stay and treaded carefully to Issy?s side.

Samael sat at the bar with nary a hint of glamour. Not the trace of a touch, but his gaze caressed Jewell in a blatant, shameless tease, before his gaze shifted to Isuelt. Lips parted, a deeper, more luxurious interest stirring beneath the surface of the drowning amber as he took another sip of gin. Fingertips toyed almost absently with a zipper, the whine of metal on metal vibrating against skin. Again his attention shifted back to the Fae.

?Sorry Is, didn't mean to interrupt your dinner.? Jewell spoke quietly to her friend, feeling even worse now as she joined Issy at her table. She should never have even entered the Inn to begin with.

Issy shook her head and shrugged as if to say, ?Fine by me.? Though, she was feeling a little flushed, maybe? Too much adrenaline, she guessed. Jewell had gotten her stirred up with her actions at the door, her friend having seemed frightened or upset by someone within the Inn before she had calmed herself down.

Samael?s palm smoothed down silky leather, a toss of his head scattering narrow braids, and his chin lifted, angling the regard that remained fixed upon Jewell even as it revealed the line of his throat. Fishing the second onion from his 'martini', he nibbled it almost too delicately, and he gave the Fae a slow, almost mocking wink.

Without the glamour, there were no emotions stirred besides anger and perhaps defiance within Jewell. She narrowed her eyes at Samael; it was easy to do when she was in complete control of herself. Once more setting her boots up on a chair, Issy leaned back and renewed her chewing. She nudged some of the bread and cheese toward Jewell, knowing very well that she wouldn't touch the remnants of Reeni's meaty dinner leftovers. ?Thanks.? Jewell took a small bit of bread as Issy offered. It was a nice exchange for the dryness of her mouth at the moment.

With the flare of a wild grin, his gaze melted slowly toward Isuelt, lingering over hardened muscle and sleek contour alike. Flicking back to Jewell again, a brow arched speculatively. Jewell followed Samael's gaze towards Issy and then back again, face hardening, as she mouthed a very clear, 'No' to him. She knew what power lay at his fingertips from personal experience now and she would not allow a friend to be subjected to such.

His second brow joined the first, and he beckoned the sapphire-maned Fae, leaning back a trifle harder into the unyielding bite of the bar's edge. Wings trembled, and his glass lifted to toss the last swallow of spruce-crisp gin over his tongue.

Issy had looked up just on the tail-end of the exchange. Her dark eyes looked over to Sam once more before she started. ?Hey, you know what? I think the whole Brian being gone might have been a good thing. We actually started into the kitchen again. Reeni's not a half-bad cook.?

But Jewell wasn?t listening; instead, she was standing up, ?Excuse me for a moment, Issy.?

?Ah....sure,? Issy nodded as Jewell got up and took a moment to compose herself, straightening her back and holding her chin up just shy of obnoxiously high, before she moved towards Samael. She did look over her shoulder, giving the Judge a reassuring smile and holding up a finger to say she'd just be one minute before she turned her attention on the male.

Amber drowned as he watched Jewell stalk nearer, but he did not move from his comfortable - after a fashion - drape against the bar's edge. Honey-gold melted across fingers and palms, sinking back into his skin as he extended a hand to the approaching Fae. ?No,? she said, eyeing his hand warily, shaking her head. Her voice was quiet, as she tried to keep their conversation more private. ?That magic lurks just beneath the surface of the skin and I do not like its affect on me.?

"Then don't let it affect you. A kiss, no more, unless you choose to give more. Dare you?" His long fingers remained extended, perfectly normal but for the sleek sheen of his nature; The Glamour he could hold in check easily enough, his basic nature, not so.

Issy?s arms now crossed over her chest, she watched the exchange between Jewell and Sam, though she couldn't quite hear their words.

?Why must I tell you no again?? Jewell?s tone became defensive, the defensiveness possibly starting to reflect in her body language. She even shied away from his extended hand now. ?No kiss, nothing.? She didn't explain that she couldn't make it not affect her; that she didn't know how because she had never been trained.

"So afraid, little butterfly. Why fear pleasure? Why fear something as simple as a kiss? Do you fear the rewards... or that you would like them too much?" Again amber melted past Jewell, lingering upon Isuelt. A slow sigh whispered from between parted lips, heavy with the honeyed sweetness of his Glamour, though undirected. Issy?s one finger tapped against the corner of the table as she watched Jewell and Sam, meeting his eyes with her own dark glare.

What Samael said struck a chord and she only frowned more. She was most certainly afraid she would like it all too much, and against her will. She did not want to like the touch of another but the body could be treacherous. She knew the sway that his Glamour, any Glamour, held upon her. She was as helpless as a mortal in many ways, but perhaps worse off because her own magic craved that which was similar to it and did not listen to her heart. ?I told you, I am bound to another. I find my pleasure in him and him only.? She had to take a step back, a retreat. That glamour was undirected but her mind and magic reached for it. The look to Issy did not go unnoticed. ?You should stay away from her.?

His laughter purred, a velvet caress of sound, and he flowed off the stool to stand. A hand smoothed slashed leather over his hip, and he barely whispered the words that fell upon Jewell's ears. "She wishes to hurt me. Shall I let her? If you fear so greatly that a simple kiss would break down the illusion of your walls, perhaps you are too fragile to play with."

Issy?s curiosity was piqued, there was no way around it. She strained to hear what was said between the fae.

?I am not too fragile.? It was said louder than the rest. His words were almost like a challenge and she was so silly to fall for it. The mild wrinkle in Issy?s brow drove deeper as Jewell's voice powered past the eavesdropping Scathachian. Without thinking, her hand went to rest on the hilt of her blade, though she did not stand just yet.

Reluctantly, amber turned from the allure of Isuelt to the pleasure of Jewell, and he glided a mere step nearer, hand lifted, that she might choose to take it or turn away. "Prove it. Kiss me, and walk away."

She looked from the hand up to him and had to look away. She would love to take that challenge because she hated to be thought weak. ?My kisses are not for me to give.?

?Too fragile. Too hungry to be owned, and too fearful of discovering how much you want. Your kisses are only yours to give, little Butterfly. She is lovely, and she is dangerous. If I Touched you, would you turn to her??

?Don't!? And she looked up at him again, panicked and pleading for him not to. She knew that his Touch could do that, could make her turn to her best friend with the eyes of a lover. Where the ?don't? had been loud, the next word was not, ?Please??

?Okay, time's up!? The Judge was pushing her way loudly to the bar, toward Jewell and Sam. She hadn't realized just how many people were parked along the side of the bar, though, and it took her a bit to squirm and traffic her way around.

?It would please me, and pleasure is a pursuit I rarely deny myself. She comes; Shall I let her?? Hips swayed lithely as he stepped forward to meet Isuelt, empty hands open and chin lifted. Gossamer wings flared and trembled.

?Do not touch her!? Jewell stomped her foot down like a petulant child but there was a silver light alive in her eyes, her magic rising in response to her emotions.

Mocking amber slipped back to Jewell, almost coquettishly. ?Jealous??

?Hardly.? She scoffed and turned her face away, both her friend and Samael still visible to her though.

?Sorry.....s'cuse me....? Issy bumped into Damien and Tarna as she passed.

Robert Kidd, the singing pirate, came swaggering into the inn. ?Ladies, ladies, ladies....please try tae control yer selves an' form a orderly line fer kisses an' free pantie autographin'.?

Jewell almost felt like closing her eyes--still aglow with that silver light--and asking someone, anyone that would listen above, ?why me?? when she heard Robert enter. She barely flicked a glance his way, though, her attention remaining on Samael and Issy. In return, Robert wolf whistled at her.

Samael?s whisper was but the breath of heat across skin, the words for Jewell as his gaze slipped back to Isuelt. Another step was taken, to meet her approach. "It has been a while since I played. She would be a pleasure... and not so fragile as a frightened Butterfly. What cost a kiss?"

Robert offered an obscene tongue gesture at Issy. ?Oh, for Goddess' sake...? Issy rolled her eyes at Robert. Her momentum paused for the moment. Who would have ever thought it? Robert rescuing Issy?

Jewell?s cheeks flushed some at the feeling of heat on her skin. ?She will cost you too much. I tell you again, do not touch her.?

?When ye gonna shiver me timbers again?? Robert asked Issy.

?When I pick up my axe from the woodsman, Robert.? She responded, glancing back to where Jewell and Samael had been.

?Oh Issy I dun know why ye fight it so...? He tried to pinch Issy?s butt as he headed towards Jade at the bar. Poor Robert got a great pinch of Isuelt's steel as her hips turned in mid-seek for Samael and Jewell. A sword wasn't nearly as soft as the Judge's backside.

Mockery flavored the glance Samael gave Isuelt as her approach deflected. He returned his attention to Jewell; he stepped toward her, but doesn't touch. "What would she cost me, Butterfly? Some prices I prefer to pay."

?If she did not take your life for an unwanted touch to her, I would.? Perhaps the threat was empty and she would be unable to actual fulfill it, but with that look Jewell gave him it was clear that she would surely try.

Oh, such a wrong path to take; Jewell wouldn't be left unknowing of that for long, however, as Glamour flared, melting across his skin hungrily, molten honey to whisper wordless possibilities to the Fae. "So frightened, and you would kill me? I doubt that, Butterfly. But her... perhaps. How, then, would she take my life?"

Jewell retreated a step and then two away from him, aware of her serious misstep now. If only she would think like a Fae and not a Fae raised with human morals, as she was, she would have faired better in this conversation. ?It would not be pleasurable in any way.? Her voice had lost whatever strength it may have had, though, as she felt that Glamour, heard those whispers.

After Robert was done kissing Jade, he reached for Jewell trying to grab her wrist and pull her to him.

Again, exactly the wrong way to step. Samael matched her motion, breath sighing hungrily from between parted lips. His hands lowered, no longer extended in offering; but the honey-gold heat sparks higher, visibly rippling across skin and leather. "I know. She would delight in hurting me, don't you think?" His gaze flicks toward Robert, and a flicker of Glamour licks toward Jewell.

She was suddenly between a rock and a hard place. Maybe literally. Samael on one side, Robert pulling her on the other side. She shuddered at that touch of glamour, letting Robert pull her out of what she felt was harm's way even if it meant something equally unpleasant.

Issy was finally back on track, she could have reached out to Sam and Jewell if she chose. ?Hey, Jewell!? A bit too loudly for the situation. Though her lips curled a bit as Robert grabbed Jewell. He was awfully free with himself these days, even if he was the B.I.L.

Robert embraced Jewell around the waist and neck; he bent her back and kissed her with a deep fiery kiss...and a little tongue too.

Issy rolled her eyes. ?Bloody hell...?

She was quite pliant and responsive at the moment; Robert could thank Samael and his touch of Glamour for that. She may have even enjoyed the kiss, her passion stirred unwillingly by magic, but the second she was up on her feet again, reason dominated and she was pulling back to punch Robert in the face as hard as she could.

Robert ducked the punch and hoped that she would nail Jades overprotective male of the minute instead.

A fluid step, a twist; Samael?s hand lifted toward Isuelt's cheek, brazenly, seeking to stroke Glamour across her skin with a fingertip, before he turned back to the pairing of Robert and Jewell. Another step, and his hand lifted to intercept Jewell's blow - while he kissed Robert, without even a hint of Glamour. The kiss was thorough with tongue and teeth.

Jewell unfortunately did not hit Jade?s overprotective male. She just stumbled forward a bit as if she couldn't see. It was clear that maybe she couldn't, because when she straightened she was wiping tears from her eyes and glaring at her BiL. ?I hate you.? Samael had just missed her hand, a brush of skin perhaps, but it was enough. She backed away as each man was busy with the other.

Robert pulled back from the kiss his eyes wide and rolling back in his head as his mouth hung open unnaturally, his tongue working like it was trying to push something out of his mouth. ?I ....'ave......been violated.? Robert composed himself and silently turned and headed towards the door.

Cassie slipped in through the alley door, tugging absently at a lavender curl as she pulled off the black gloves she was wearing and shrugged out of her coat, dropping both on the bar once she reached it.

Jewell was actually retreating very very far, tripping over chairs and people to get out the door as the men?s kiss ended. Tears, however, obstructed her vision and she actually totally fell over one chair, ending up on the floor. She didn't move though, tears were filling her eyes and spilling over onto her cheeks now. She was fighting that Touch but everything was so messed up in her head.

Robert grabbed his groin and shifts his package then held out a hand to Jewell. ?Lets go 'ome Jewelly.?

Cassandra blinked at the sound of Jewell crashing to the floor. Gloves and coat were left as she rushed over that way, a hand diving for a weapon at the sight of Samael.

Like Autumn's breath, Samael whirled from Robert to swoop upon Jewell, wings flared wide as he bent, liquid motion, to scoop her up. Molten gold flared and flowed across skin and leather, shimmering; and they were gone, the fluid light fading where they had stood.


Date: 2008-01-08 17:17 EST
She had not fought against Samael, did not have the energy or will power to do so, when he took her to where he resided, beyond wakefulness and the realms where mortals walk openly and into Dream. She was not there long, though, before he sent her on to where she desired?that little hidden beach where she could not possibly find solace in her own company. Would Stephen believe that, though? Or would he believe Robert and whatever lies he spun off the truth he did not possibly understand. She was so afraid that he would think her tainted, sullied by the touch of another, and that fear crippled her. What could she possibly say that could convince him that she had done nothing wrong when she didn?t even truly believe that herself? Jewell was ever pointing the finger of blame in the mirror at herself.

Jewell hung her head as she stood before their front door. She could not put this off any longer. Rain was threatening in the air, and she willed for it to fall, yearned to get lost and hide amongst the drops. It would not work, though; in the morning, her fear would only have grown, fed by dark thoughts throughout the night. She had to do this now; she had to face her husband like a grown woman. She arranged her bangs over her face, attempting a cheap cover for the horrible bruise that was growing across her left cheek and eye; Erin had been thorough in her beating. The other wounds remained hidden beneath her clothes: bruised shoulders, stomach, back, and legs. None of it had been enough, though; the pain, once the fight was over, was not great enough to keep her thoughts from wandering to her problems, it could not keep the fear and uncertainty at bay.

Taking a deep breath, aching fingers tightened around the door handle and slowly pulled open the right-hand door, allowing her to creep inside her own house like a guilty teen out past her curfew. She had nothing to fear, though, because Stephen was nowhere to be found. The house was dark and quiet; the children had long been in bed and Iona did not tend to wait up for the lady of the house, knowing she was want to come and go as she pleased. Jewell crept from room to room, searching for him even though she knew she would not find him. His absence brought her no comfort although she had dreaded his presence. She had steeled herself for the obvious confrontation that awaited her at home and to find Stephen absent, perhaps never having been there at all, caused disappointment and worry to curl in her stomach.

Her mind raced through the places where he could be, as she stood on the threshold of their empty bedroom, unwilling to step inside. He could be on the Fury, unwilling to see or be anywhere near her. Or maybe at the Keg, drinking his mind away with Robert at his side, urging him on in his disgust for her. Or maybe at the docks, making ready to sail; that was what he and Robert had planned to do the last time things had gone ill between them, wasn?t it? Or maybe he was already gone, sailing away, or in some den to seek out those horrible drugs again. Her mind went wild with the possibilities, no rhyme, reason, or logic considered once she got started.

She retreated to the room that often served as her study, standing at the window with her forehead pressed against the glass, watching the sea storm far below. She could go look for him, a point she debated for some time in her head. Would he want to see her now? She came up with a decided no; it was obvious in her mind that if he had wanted to see her he would have been at home, waiting, or would have come to find her. The answer rooted her to her spot, leaning forward against the window for the rest of the night. There was no care given to her throbbing knee or injured face despite Harris? reprimand earlier in the night, a reminder that she better take care of herself if she didn?t want to inflict any permanent damage on her body. Maybe she did.

When dawn came, soaked with rain, she wandered out into it.


Date: 2008-01-10 02:06 EST
The weather failed to reflect Jewell?s mood and she scowled up at the crisp, blue, January sky in annoyance; she was sitting on a bench in a park, but exactly which park and in what part of the city, she was not exactly sure. She wanted the rain to come back again; it had been her friend all day long yesterday as she wandered the streets of the city, lost, looking for her anchor. The raindrops had dodged her footsteps, forming little rivulets that led her along on winding paths through slick cobblestone streets. She had followed those rivulets wherever they led as the water embraced her from the sky, soaking through clothing and skin to chill her to the bone until she was numb.

She had spent at least an hour yesterday morning, hidden in an alley down by the docks with the Pride & Fury in sight. Several men passing by, on their way to work despite the rain, gave her odd looks as she stood there, leaning against a wall, just staring; not one of them leered, the bruise decorating the left side of her face was enough of a deterrent coupled with the ?don?t mess with me? way she stood. She wondered if he knew she was near as her fingers fiddled with the gold earring that rarely ever left her ear. She just wanted a glimpse of him, her conscience not at all bothered by her sudden voyeuristic nature. The morning wore on as she waited, the rain growing heavier for a time. With a sigh she had turned away, unsatisfied, and took up wandering again, her mind drifting much further than her feet did.

Jewell had spent all day in such vain pursuit. A stop at the Inn broke up the monotony of it in the early evening, providing her temporary relief and comfort under the attention of both Danny and Tass, but an altercation with Renna afterwards further degenerated her mood again and undid any healing her knee had undergone. After that, she had waited on the steps of the Red Dragon Inn as the rain continued to fall, hoping that he would come and seek her out when she was too afraid to go to the Powdered Keg to do just that. And when he didn?t? She too spent the night away from home and her feet, tired of aimlessly wandering the city, did not thank her for it.

Her knee had finally given out, landing her on the bench in the park late in the night. At least she did not have to fight one of the city?s many homeless off it before throwing herself down on the uneven wooden planks. It was hardly comfortable, but that failed to matter; it had been the nearest thing, besides the ground, to rest on when she had finally awoken from her stream of consciousness thinking to find that she literally could not take another step. Finally accepting that neither spirit nor body were willing to go on, she let herself rest and watched the sun rise, pushing away the rain clouds that had sympathized with her.

Despite yearning for another wet, soggy day to get lost in, she had to admit that a little sunshine felt good upon her bruised face.


Date: 2008-02-04 16:09 EST
In the evening, Jewell directed exhausted steps to the Red Dragon Inn once more. She went in through the back way and up to her room, spending some time there trying to warm her hands, to get feeling back in them. After spending all yesterday in the pouring rain, and today outside in the cold, she looked haggard and somewhat unkempt. Brushing her hair back out of her bruised face and pulling a sweater on over her thin dress, which hadn?t quite kept out the cold when she was outside all day, didn?t approve her looks much but it was enough to allow her to venture downstairs.

There was only so much time Stephen could spend at the Keg before he grew weary of it. He opened the door to the Inn and looked around quickly seeing whether or not "she" was here. When he didn't spot her right away, he moved inside and headed for the bar. Dropping himself onto a barstool, he waited for the tender.

Basalt nodded to the captain, ?May I get you something??

?Des' moonshine...jus' mix it wit' a lil somethin'?

Jewell made her way down the inside stairs slowly, her right knee not bending at all. She stopped a few stairs shy of the Inn floor, spotting him just as he took a seat at the bar. She glanced back up the stairs quickly, wondering if she could make it back up without him noticing. She had been looking for him, wanting to speak with him or at least see him, but now that he was before her, she didn?t feel so sure of herself anymore.

Basalt nodded and took down a tankard, grimacing slightly as she turned to mix moonshine with ... with what... pausing, she surveyed the assembled potions. Then Basalt gave a nod and a smile, she carried the tankard to the stove, where it was mixed with mulled wine, then she returned to place the tankard on the bar top.

Stephen shook his head as the gold binds them and he should have felt her earlier. ?Jewell ye know ye can nae jus' hide away now tha' I 'ave felt ye...come down an' get yer drin' I will be leavin'.? He grunted his thanks to Basalt as he picked up his tankard and took a drink.

?I'm not drinking?? It was slow going down the last few stairs, easier when the ground was level; her knee was a mess and walking on it so much since she injured it had not helped. For the last two days, she had been miserable and sad, but seeing him and what he said...gods he just stirred her up. Her tone was a touch defiant as she moved towards the bar and more directly, him. ?And I wasn't hiding.?

?Aye nae I dun suppose ye would now would ye?...I suppose tha' falls tae me tae be the one tae 'ide me face.?

Jewell stopped just short of him, eyes dropping at what he said. There went her defiance but there was no flush of shame. Her voice was soft. ?And why would you hide your face??

Stephen looked up from his drink and finally let his eyes fall on her. ?I thn' ye know the answer tae tha' but nae matter it be nae a discussion I will 'ave in public.?

Jewell wouldn't look at him, busy studying her feet. ?You really think that of me then? You think I would do that to you?? Her voice was getting thick though there was a hint of reproach there. ?You really think that lowly of me?? If he did, and that nasty little voice in her head assured her that he did, it would hurt her to the quick. There was a touch of betrayal to it, as well; she thought that he, of all people, would trust her more than this.

"Thanks. Miss." Uncurling her arms, Piper fished about in her pocket to find the coins for her drink. Keeping some attention on Jewell and Stephen, she glanced back to Basalt with a quick smile as the coins were pushed across the bar.

Basalt nodded to Piper and tills the coins. ?I thank you.?

?Ye disagree wit' me then?? Stephen asked Jewell.

?I?? She faltered. Herein was the problem. She knew she had not done anything really wrong, she had not broken their marriage vows, but still she felt overwhelmingly guilty. She looked up at him for a second before just lowering her head again, shaking it. ?Does it even matter or have you already condemned me as guilty no matter what I say??

Hard boots clashed with the boards of the porch, and Samael blew through the doors on autumn's breath, a few dry, displaced leaves rustling from quivering gossamer and golden braids. Amber melted across the room, and he followed the glance toward the bar, the thump of boots betraying the gliding illusion of flight. Flinging himself carelessly onto a stool, wings draped back over the bar top like broken cobwebs, and he virtually purred at Basalt. "Martini, luv. Hold everything but the gin and onions."

?Would ye 'ave me list off e'erythin' 'ere in public as I thin' ye migh' be confused about wha' it be tha' I am upset about.? His answer to his wife stopped as he noticed Sameal; Robert?s description left little doubt as to whom it was.

Jewell?s demeanor instantly changed the second she heard Samael's voice nearby. Her whole body went rigid and she sent a quick, sharp glance his way. ?Noo?? It came out like a tiny whimper, nervous or scared, and she instinctly backed away a step. The whole of her body language betrayed that she was terrified to be anywhere near the other Fae. She had heard Stephen, she had, but there was only one thing on her mind right now?get away. She looked up at her husband; begging, panicked, ?Please?please don't let him near me.?

Basalt turned while waiting confirmation about Kristia?s whiskey and created the martini, slipping a cocktail onion into it and then placing it on the bar top for Samael.

Samael?s spine arched luxuriously against the edge of the bar, he plucked the martini up with slender fingertips, giving Basalt a wink and blowing her a harmless kiss before turning back to survey the room once more. Certainly, he noted Jewell and her companion, but he paid them no particular heed, quite yet.

Cassie slipped in through the front door, shivering as she unbuttoned her coat too close to the door and caught a draft. "Brr!" She pushed her way further in, slipping past people here and there. "Ohmigod Jewell!" Dismay and excitement all at once as Cassie moved in to give the shorter woman an enthusiastic yet careful hug.

After a quick drink of the steaming coffee, Piper settled her chin into a curved palm. Her attention was riveted on the Empress, shoulders tensing as a small frown started to crease her brow.

Stephen looked between Sameal and Jewell; he just shook his head and clucked his tongue. ?I think I will take me drin' outside where it be a tad warmer.?

Karen Wilder glanced over towards Stephen and Jewel and spoke very quietly, ?Interestin'...?

Jewell almost jumped, or would have if her knee wasn't busted, at the tackle-hug from Cass. She was frozen in her arms, beseeching her husband with her eyes not to leave her, to abandon her to Samael in her mind. ?Don't.. Stephen, you don't understand. Don't leave me here, please.? Cassie was going to be holding her up in a moment; she was starting to lean into her.

Murmuring something akin to ducking tail and running, Piper quieted any further comments with another drink.

?Thank you.? Kristia eyeballed the large bottle Basalt had given her thoughtfully. ?Hm. Have to get me one of those..? Spine arching as she stretched sideways to look out again. She spotted the Empress but was hesitant to wave with the obvious excitement of the conversation taking place. Vampire-like skills weren't needed to catch the obvious tension. So instead, she was content to watch and sip on her extremely large cup of whiskey.

Steeling himself, Stephen took up his tankard and moved off to a table near the hearth.

"Stephen don't be a bloody ass." Cass could guess what the problem was and kept an arm around Jewell's back, supporting as much weight as Jewell wanted to lean on her.

Stephen gave Cassie a frosty look at her comment. Cassandra gave as good as she got, returning a withering frown.

Drowning amber tilted toward Jewell and Cassandra... but where the heat of Samael?s regard settled was upon Stephen, gaze stroking down his form luxuriously before flicking, laden with mocking laughter, to Jewell. The sharp spruce-tang of gin spilled across his tongue before he blew the Fae a kiss, and his gaze tracked true to Stephen's course.

Piper tracked Stephen's movements, she swung her gaze back to Jewell almost instantly.

?Din't take long fer trouble tae spring up 'gain fer thet lass,? Karen commented quietly.

?Cassie..I need to go.. don't?? Jewell?s breathing was quickening again, but not from any touch of magic; she was absolutely panicking. Her pleading eyes were turned to her lavender haired friend now, and there was a touch of moisture there. ?Please please, I swear I didn't do anything but I don't want him near me?I can't??

"I believe you." Cass assured her immediately and sincerely. "Do you need any help?" Tightening her arm briefly around Jewell's back at the moisture in her eyes. God Cassie hated to see people cry, especially the people she was close to.

Piper was unaware of the other figure presenting the threat; she drew in a deep breath and stood straight from her lean. Taking up the mug, she took another swallow, contemplating.

Stephen felt Samael?s eyes on him as he sat taking deep drinks from his tankard. With his free hand, he reached inside his captain?s coat and reached for the inner pocket.

Piper glanced once more to Stephen, taking a step back incase he withdrew a flintlock, or worse.

Karen?s own hand dropped to the slipcase at her side... Stephen was being more obvious than he probably realized.

Taking a long taste of the whiskey, Kristia focused in on Jewell and the woman with her. Red curls pulled slightly out of place from the bun as she moved her attention to Stephen. Unaware of the actual problem, Kristia always figured it had to do with a man. The source of all evil.. Eyes narrowed and she idly patted down her leg for her weaponry.

?I don't know?? She couldn't even decide where she wanted to go. To Stephen, no? Outside? Jewell eyed the door; she wanted to run, she wanted to get away from Samael and his glamour. She gave a brief glance to the other Fae, eyes narrowing when she saw where his attention was. As scared as she was of him, she felt a sudden rush of fury that he dare look at her husband with any interest.

Again, Samael glanced back toward Jewell, a visual tease and no more. Supple motion rippled through flesh and buttery leather as he flowed off the stool, glass dangling negligently from one hand and wings a-tremble in the heated atmosphere of the Inn, to sashay blatantly toward Stephen. Passing Jewell, he sent her a wink before skirting a circuitous route around the captain's back, studying him at his leisure.

The only weapon the potter had was a mug. And a heavier, sturdier one at that. Piper was quickly draining the contents of said mug.

"How 'bout the porch, and then I'll get us drinks and bring them back?" Cass suggested, eyeing Samael briefly as well, trying not to give in to the frown that was twitching at her lips. "Or.. I could play with my knives some 'cause it's been awhile.." As Samael started moving for Stephen.
?Might be a fight soon...? Karen whispered to her companion, Azjah.

Azjah?s brow lifted slightly as she asked quietly in turn, ?Is she prone to fighting??

?Oh hell no?? Jewell muttered under her breath. It was amazing what stability she could find when she needed it. She was pushing away at Cassie's arms, standing up as straight as she could with her knee as she glared at Samael, watching his every step.

Stephen?s fingers found what they were searching for, his hand now gripping it tightly debating in his mind if he should pull it out or not. His brow furrowed as Samael moved around him.

Piper glanced aside when Karen whispered. Smiling as she recognized the candidate, she nodded in agreement.

Cass let Jewell go but kept an arm out and ready to steady the smaller woman if she needed it. "I could shoot his ass right now if you want.." Muttered to Jewell. She shook her head faintly no to Cass, but she didn't put having her do that out of the realm of possibilities or ideas. Cass had to repress a sigh, but unless Jewell was okay with Cassie doing something violent, Cassie would wait until Jewell was elsewhere to do it.

Karen surreptitiously opening the slipcase, her rough fingertips brushing against the handle of the pool cue.


Date: 2008-02-04 16:10 EST
Sliding a hip onto Stephen's table, Samael braced a hand to lean on casually, slashed leather playing peek-a-boo with the skin beneath, as he took a sip of gin. Leaning toward the captain, wings flared as braids slither down his shoulder, breath barely a whisper; his gaze centered not upon the man he addresses, but the blue-haired Fae beyond. "Lovely butterfly, isn't she? Shame to pluck the wings off something like that, or stick it with a pin and hang it on a board all to yourself."

Opening her eyes she didn't stop dancing but Maeve did see Piper. ?PIPER! ?The volume was so loud in her ears that she didn't realize how loud she sounded.?

She was so tensed with anticipation of trouble that when her named was screamed, Piper jumped a good foot and nearly toppled the mug right off the bar. Swinging about, her eyes wide, she was prepared to deny any and everything. "What!?"

Jewell was rooted to her spot, nails biting painfully into the palms of her hand. Her magic rose to the occasion, though, tendrils of blue leaking out between clenched fingers. One of Cass? hands remained ready to steady Jewell, but the other slipped surreptitiously beneath the coat that she'd unbuttoned but hadn't taken off because she'd seen Jewell and gotten distracted.

Karen still wasn't sure where the worst of it would start... she could easily stop Jewell from doing anything, but that might not be what was needed.

Basalt?s golden reptilian eyes traveled over those who were radiating the most tension, and she watched silently.

Maeve yanked the earpieces out and smiled at Piper. ?Howizit? You are feeling on the edge, chommie?? She did look awfully tense for a simple greeting thought the oblivious foreigner.

Sighing with relief when she spotted Maeve with those ear contraptions wrapped about her head, Piper grinned and waved her over. "Just a little on the edge. But walking on the edge of a sword can be exciting, yes? Get's your blood pumping again."

Running his tongue over his teeth in an effort to stay calm, Stephen glared up at Samael. That didn't sit well with Stephen who knew full well how much a person position could play in a conversation like this. Standing suddenly his chair toppled to the floor. ?I made nae choice tae pin 'er or tae clip 'er wings. Tha' is a choice which she 'as made. All tha' aside who be ye tae question wha' about 'er life?? He was showing quite a bit of restraint and being quite calm; his hand was still under his coat, though.

Jewell made to take a hesitant step towards Samael and Stephen and stopped. Her face was burning now; it was embarrassing to have her life laid out like this in front of everyone, to be talked about like this.

Cass? free hand moved to rub Jewell's shoulder reassuringly. Also, gave Cassie something to do because she was getting wound up and she had to do something before she burst.

Samael was not the least distressed at losing the advantage of height, he leaned toward Stephen a fraction more, floating the martini glass as his hand lifted toward the other's cheek, intent to stroke a fingertip down the skin in a light teasing carress. "I? Why, I am Samael, of course. Faerie. Not Fae, though they're delightful little things to play with, don't you think? Tell me, do you kiss as poorly as the other did?"

?Never a dull moment.? She muttered. Plucking up her mug, Kristia left her spot at the bar and made her way across to the other side of the tavern. Easier to eavesdrop that way.

"I am doing...well. Busy." A quick look to Stephen then to Jewell before Piper was shifting attention back to Maeve.

It would soon be time to try to play peacekeeper... before things devolved and Karen had to play guardsman.

Cassie's touch made Jewell flinch, so focused was she on the conversation. Her frame was shaking, either rage or some other emotion getting the better of her. She meant to shout, but it came out as a whispered threat, ?Do not touch him.?

?I do hope you are rather good at peace maker then Commander,? Azjah commented quietly to Karen.

Karen pushed away from the bar, her left hand slipping the pool cue?half from the slipcase and sliding it into her sleeve.

Daniel silently slipped in through the Alley doorway, a quick stop to warm up while on his rounds this eve. But, it may have been a mistake, as a tension headache immediately bloomed. Frowning a bit, Daniel stepped into the nook his father favored, glancing around the commons.

Karen slipped the other half of the pool cue into her hand as she moved over to Stephen and Samael.

Cassie flinched when Jewell flinched, dominos anyone? And at the whisper, she tensed even more. "What do you want me to do?" She knew Jewell hadn't been talking to her, but she wanted to do something, anything to lose some of the tension.

Just because she was watching anxiously, Jewell wasn't wholly unaware of other things going on. At Cassie's question, she gave the slightest head nod to Karen Wilder, her lips barely moving. ?Keep her away from my husband.?

Piper glanced quickly to Jewell then to Stephen and the other male. At least she knew Jewell well enough not to get involved unless asked, or immediate need was required. With a slight turn on her booted toes, she lifted a hand to Basalt, if she wasn't as distracted as Piper and everyone else was at the moment.

?Ain't this th' wrong kind o' place tae be talkin' like this?? Karen asked, looking from Stephen to Samael.

Now Stephen?s hand is quickly pulled from under his coat and the pointed right at Samael. ?I dun 'ave time fer yer mornoic games. Ye wish tae play with someone find someone else.? Karen as well as everyone else be damned and ignored, Stephen was focused only on Samael.

Cassie nodded and moved off, slithering through the crowd until she came up beside Karen, a hand reaching to touch her shoulder and draw her attention. "Can I speak with you a moment?"

?Whyizit the air iz feeling heavy even if it iz my feet are feeling in the light?? So Maeve wasn't completely oblivious.

Piper placed her order with Basalt with a smile before she looked back to Maeve. "Something is going on with Jewell and that other odd fella. Your bandages might be required. Did you bring them?"

?Oh ja but it iz I am not looking to be one of the supers tonight. But it iz all that it iz?? Maeve?s curious cat eyes studying her.

Karen didn't even glance at Cassandra, looking at Stephen. ?None o' thet now...?

"Seriously, I need to speak with you." Cass gave a more insistent tug at the other woman's shoulder now.

Karen raised her left hand, the one holding the thinner half of the pool cue, and held it in front of Samael. ?It seems thet yer makin' this fella upset... mayhaps ye should leave 'im tae his table??

"Oh for Chrissake! This isn't a bloody joke woman!" Cassie exclaimed to Karen.

Karen let out a bit of a sigh, glancing at Cassandra.

Drowning amber slipped toward Karen, and Cassandra beyond, but he didn?t answer the query. A hand lifted to close on the cue, lifting it out of his path. Sliding off the table, he plucked the glass up again for another sip, gliding steps closing the distance between himself and Stephen to bring his chest against the man's hand and the papers within. Honey-gold Glamour rippled across skin, melting over leather to soak within again, and trickled down the wood of Karen?s cue as he touched it.

Cassie's hands were quickly pulled away from Karen as the Glamour started heading in that direction. She sure as hell didn't want to get caught in it. Karen didn?t even noticed the spell being cast... she was near immune to that sort of thing, after all.

?Howizit biscuit?? Maeve said to Piper, squinting at her once. ?You must be in the chill.?

"I'm not sure. I arrived behind the Empress and her husband. Seems all is not sitting well." Focused on Jewell for a moment, Piper frown deepened as she finally saw the deep bruising and mess on the side of her friend?s face. "Oh! That.. that cowardly cur! He hit her!"

?Whoizit?? Maeve whipped around not sure of who Piper was referring to.

?Lady Wilder?? Jewell didn't turn to look at her, but there was a hint of silver to her eyes now, her own Glamour responding to her raging emotions, ?you touch my husband and I will take you out myself.? Her words were filled with barely contained emotion. And she was on the move the second she saw, felt, Samael?s glamour. Slow steps, slightly limped, bringing her closer as that silver light spread; the usual illumination of her skin not being hidden now.

?I've nae intention tae attack anyone...? Karen assured her.

"But you see, Jewell doesn't want to play. You wouldn't want me to disregard her wishes, would you?" Samael asked Stephen. Jewell paused hearing that, breath hinged as she waited for Stephen?s reply.

Stephen definitely felt the effects of the glamour, but rather then give into it, which he could have very easily had it been other circumstances, his vampiric senses realized it for what it was and left him standing there annoyed. ?Aye then why dun ye leave 'er alone?...Tis nae?? He stopped himself from saying more and saving Jewell that hurt.

"Obviously Captain Kidd. That must be why they are not on good terms at the moment. I can't imagine why he is still breathing." Piper explained to Maeve, forgetting for the moment that Stephen didn't actually...breathe!

?He iz putting the smacks on his chickie?!? Maeve gave the other girl a look, too confused about what was going on.

"Oh, that poor Jewell. She is so in love with that beast, she still defends him, even after that cruel beating." Tsk'ing and shaking her head, Piper was ready to give him the devil. Well, maybe later, when he can't hit her too.

Karen cleared her throat. ?Gentlemen... let's nae git th' Watch involved now, a'right??

"They aren't fighting." Yet. But Cass left that part off. "And if they start then they can take it outside and it'll be their business.. Some things are best handled between that way anyway. A little space might make them less tense as well."

?It be part o' my job tae keep th' peace,? Karen retorted.

"Perhaps you could convince me. You never did answer my question, as to whether you kiss as poorly as the other. Your... brother?" Samael?s wings flare and tremble, and he shifted a fraction nearer, pressing into the restraint of Stephen?s extended hand.

Stephen waved a hand at Samael and turned away to look to Jewell. Moving towards her, the scrolls of paper he held were thrust into her hand. Then turning back to Samael, he opened his arms wide and bowed. ?Do as ye please, she be nae me property, she is an adult woman.?

Dakota slowly made his way on in, hands shoved in his coat pockets. He hadn't been around in the last couple of days, and he figured that tonight was as good a night as any for a good drink, good company, and good conversation....that was, if there was anybody around tonight worth talking to. Heading on to the bar, he plopped himself down and checked out the ongoing happenings around him::

Daniel?s crystalline blue eyes glanced around the small knot of those he considered friends, the tension coming off Jewel very close to Monday. A hand moved down to rest on the end of the hilt of his long sword, fingers tapping against the worn leather as he watched.

?It iz you are sure it iz her husband giving her the smacks?? Maeve asked Piper.

Making a stand on the far side of the bar, away from any chance of being injured, Piper was frowning and scowling in Stephen's general direction. "Who else? She is like an Empress brawler! No one could get close to her. Except that sniveling worm. Ohh! We should sew him up in his sheets and get the kettle."

?But it iz you should maybe see if it iz the way it iz really to be happening. Are you viewing the smacks with your own eyes??

"The Inn doesn't operate on the same rules. If they want to duke it out to release a little pent up aggression, that's acceptable as long as they do it out back." Cassie continued to Karen.

Keeping an eye on Stephen... Karen decided to save the discussion with Cassandra for later.

"Oh, to the contrary. She is an adult Fae. It's only natural for her to do as she pleases. Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to be me... shame, that." Hips swayed as he sashayed after Stephen, all the nearer to Jewell, amber lingering toward her in a teasing stroke from toes to eyes. "As for you... an equal shame. Not even willing to brave one little kiss, to win your Butterfly my disregard?"

Jewell accepted whatever it was her husband had thrust at her, clenching her hand around it. Her stomach tightened painfully, she didn't know what they were and she was afraid to look; Stephen telling Samael to do as he pleased didn?t reassure her at all regarding their nature. Divorce had leapt quickly to her mind. She looked anyways, carefully straightening the papers out to ascertain at what they were. And all the fight went out of her, tears brimming over. A few fell on the paper as she traced over the pictures drawn on there, pictures drawn by her children of their family, which naturally now included their ?papa Stephen.? She didn?t understand his intent, though. Was he throwing this in her face? That they were a family and she was the one ruining it?

Cass watched Jewell look at the papers, frowning ferociously in Stephen and Samael's direction and choosing to ignore Karen since talking to her hadn't done any good.

Stephen looked to Jewell and then Samael. ?I feel nae need tae earn yer disregard fer 'er. She is me murinin, I will trust 'er chroi.?


Date: 2008-02-04 16:12 EST
Frowning, Karen stood at the ready... she didn't care what it was all about, she just wasn't going to put up with a fight breaking out while she was right there.

Well, Dakota started to notice whatever situation may be going on with Jewell, Cassie, Stephen....he was definitely curious, as this seemed to involve people who were in his circle of friends. He saw Jewell's tears, and combining that with the condition she was in the other night...with her begging people to hurt her...he was damn near heartbroken for her.

?Dakota..Buy me a damn drink man!? Stephen demanded as he moved off to sit with Dakota.

Jewell was ignoring Samael nearness to them both, eyes shifting from the papers in her hands to follow after Stephen as he moved away. The power of his words?they made her heart soar. He trusted her when she did not even trust herself.

Swaying near and nearer the pair, Samael studied them with a flaring smile, hand languishing out in a sweeping overdone bow, wings fluttering to either side, before tossing the rest of the gin to the back of his throat. Fishing the onion out, he sucked the fluid from it before brushing a kiss across one palm, and blowing across it toward the pair, Jewell and the departing Stephen. "I'll take that as an invitation to play with her, then, when the mood takes me."

?The loving, it iz being that blimmin' heavy, Piper?? Maeve asked.

Piper looked back to Maeve."Loving? Whose lovi- oh, Jewell and Stephen? I have no idea how heavy it is. What kind of a man beats a woman?"

"Hey.....what's wrong..." Dakota pointed to Jewell and the others.

Karen very casually switched the half of the pool cue back into its slipcase, replacing it with a cold-forged iron rod.

"You won't take that as an invitation to do anything of the sort." Cassie stepped to put herself between Samael and the retreating Jewell and Stephen, to block some of his view of them. Giving Samael a baleful stare, blue-grey eyes narrowed considerably.

As he sat he looked at Dakota, Stephen smiled for the first time tonight, ?Ye know there ain't a thin' wrong Dakota. Just some man wha' thin's 'e migh' turn Jewelsies 'ead away from me.?

Unable to see much from his vantage point, Daniel could only shake his head, hoping the talk Jewell desperately needed with her love was about to happen.

She shivered at that Touch but it did not have that same effect it normally did. Not tonight. Jewell?s own magic was too alive, too active, still glittering in her eyes and illuminating her skin with a silver light. It wasn?t just the magic, though; by trusting in her, Stephen had given her that confidence that she sorely lacked. She felt the Glamour and she brushed it off, shaking her head at Samael.

?I would skeem that iz the mal kind but maybe it iz a diff here,? Maeve commented.

"Yes. Bad. Very bad. Perhaps the company is no longer wanted." Piper mixed her conflicting thoughts and confusion into the conversation.

?You are still on the topic of Jewell or this iz another you are giving words about?? Mave studied Piper.

Distracted by Hodge for a moment, Dakota quickly looked back to Stephen, and then glanced towards the situation. "Why's she cryin', man....she was a wreck the other night at the outback." Legitimately hated to see ANY of his friends in the obvious pain Jewell was in, and it was bothering the hell out of him.

?I 'ave nae idea really? Stephen shook head in response to Dakota?s question as that is what had had him the most upset; she still tried to do so much on her own without even talking to him. Dakota nodded, knowing Stephen was a straight shooter.

When Kristia finished her business with Travanix, her feet shuffled off to Jewell and Cass, her amused expression replaced with concern. ?Hey,? to the Empress, sort of shoving her way right in the middle of the conversation purposefully to be a distraction from whatever the issue was. ?You alright??

A swirl of wings and leather-sheathed hips as he pivoted around the end of the bar, meeting Jewell's head shake with an unrepentant wink. Perhaps she was finally learning how to not taste his little presents. Swallowing the onion, Samael plucked a bottle of gin from the shelf, and the cocktail onions from beneath the counter, combining the two in his empty glass.

Jewell looked up as Kristia barged her way in, not unwelcome. She probably didn't look all right, bruised face, tear stained and all, and just nodded. ?Yeah...great.? Her response not to heavy on the sarcasm. ?I think I need to sit down, knee is killing me.?

Cassie gave Samael a last glare and shifted closer to Jewell, though she remained silent for the moment, still watching Samael suspiciously.

Karen relaxed a bit... sensing things were calming down.

?Sit.? Kristia gave a demanding point over to the nearest table as she crossed over and pulled a chair outwards for Jewell.

Jewell looked to Cass, speaking to her almost shyly, ?Thanks Cass?? And a blink to Kristia before she pointed towards Stephen, ?I need to sit over there??

Concern warred with duty, and unfortunately, Daniel had to finish up the latter while weighed with the former. A few steps to the Alley doorway, and back into the cool night, he vanished.

"You're welcome." Cass smiled gently at Jewell.

Kristia peered over her shoulder at Stephen and rubs her fingers over her chin. ?So does that mean no heads need to roll?? Grunting once, her nostrils flared as she stared suspiciously at the other undead.

Without any further argument given, Jewell was moving Stephen-wards as fast as she could and taking a seat next to him.

Cassie continued to frown at Samael as he found himself a stool, and then she finally took a stool herself, sitting near Jewell.

Jewell?s fingers gripped the edge of the bar and she stared at them instead of him, speaking quietly. ?I'll talk, if you want. I wanted.. I did want to tell you but I didn't know how and I was scared that you would think everything was my fault.?

There was a bit of a scowl on Piper?s face as she realized what Maeve had said. Shaking her head curtly, she tapped it down deep. Refusing to acknowledge it had ever happened worked best. "No. I am speaking of Jewell."

There went her wrist watch beeping again. Maeve frowned down at it. ?I am needing to be on the move. Kahle!? Leaving before anyone could ask her why she was running off so fast. Away she goes! Piper watched Maeve dash out as quickly as she had arrived.

Dakota REALLY wanted to ask what was going on with Jewell, but he thought better of it. Instead, his attention went back to Hodge.

Gathering her wits, Piper pushed warring feelings and emotions aside and focused on Jewell at the other end of the bar. Taking deep breaths, she reminded herself again that she had to remain focused.

Stephen nodded and gave Piper a friendly smile. Then leaned over to whisper to Jewell and she inclined her head to hear him best. Just sitting next to him was enough to slowly be calming her down. ?That?s all I ever wanted was ye tae talk tae me.?

She closed her eyes a moment but she was not going to start that mental beration. Instead, she turned somewhat in her seat to wrap her arms about one of Stephen's, her head finding his shoulder as she murmured quietly to him. ?I'll try...I promise. Ta gra agam ort...I'm sorry.?