Topic: To Be a Guardian


Date: 2006-05-18 11:29 EST

What does it mean to be a Guardian? Many a planet, at some point in their ancient existence, produces an avatar that will serve the planet as a protector, as Guardian. These individuals are gifted in different means to serve as the planet?s moving representation. A planet itself is a powerful entity in the universe but it has little ways to focus that power and use it in offensive and defensive ways against the other forces of the universe. A Guardian is gifted as an ecopath of sorts- serving as the embodiment of the planet.

Jewell was born to be the Guardian of Aquarius. She had been mentored under the former Guardian and then had served in that same capacity from the age of twelve to sixteen when she left such duties unattended to in her relocation to RhyDin. The call to resume her duties was ever present, ever ignored. She had not asked for that responsibility, the heartache, and atrocities that went along with it.

She had become a single Aquarian refugee, running from her own life. Her Guardianship was just a causality.

Now they were in RhyDin too. She had been aware of being followed months ago; it had stopped and now they were back. They were the other four guardians of the planets in the Halaxi system and she could only fathom what they wanted. Her death? Her return to her duties?

That they were her fellow guardians there was no mistake. Those first months were spent nervous, paranoid, looking over her shoulder and trying to puzzle out just who was out to get her. Now she had caught a glimpse of Ethaen. It had been near ten years since she had seen him last but she?d recognized that long dark face and obsidian eyes anywhere even if the hair was now peppered. He had been careless, or perhaps taunting her.


Date: 2006-05-18 14:57 EST
He was taunting her. She saw him for a second time in the market. She had gone out by herself in the early afternoon to get a new dress or two for the summer. He had been standing against the corner of a building, as if he were just waiting for her. She had paused in the midst of the busy street, uncaring of the jostling she received by those passing by. She stared at him in her shock. He refused her eye contact but she thought she saw him smirk when she finally had the sense to move past.

Without a doubt, they were here for her. He had not come to take in the sights- when one Guardian traveled abroad the others were not far behind. Pieces fell in place. They had come before, without a doubt. They had merely been gauging her, watching from the shadows then. They had been careful. Now they were ready to make some move and Ethaen was playing with her- goading her into carelessness. Jewell abandoned her shopping expedition in her rush home. All caution was thrown to the wind- they knew that she knew they were in RhyDin. She would taste the blood of each one of them if they harmed her family. She ran home.

The house was a paradise juxtaposed to the chaotic scene set up in the market. Birds and the wind rushing through the trees coupled with the laughter of her children as they ran amok in the yard were music to her ears. She paused in the long shade of the avenue, catching her breath and calming her heart. They were not here. She had felt a momentary panic when she had not seen the others- why would Ethaen be the only one watching her? Where could the others have been? What were they doing?

No, they were not here?but they could be! Grey eyes flickered suspiciously to the woods as she approached the yard where the children played. The movement of an errant squirrel was turned into a hooded figure knocking back an arrow by her paranoia. And there! That flicker of light through the canopy of branches was a blast of mana energy. She felt dizzy in anticipation of an attack that would not come.


Date: 2006-05-19 14:41 EST
Jewell left the house the next morning, dressed in white to mirror the flowers and buds of the newborn spring. She wet her feet in the dew, her sandals held in her hand for when she left the woods and entered town. Until she reached the dirty streets of the city she would let the soft grass and growing foliage serve as a rug on the forest floor.

She did not fear to walk alone in the shaded woods; she jumped and sprang from spot to spot where the sun broke through the leaves. The shadows brought unseemly things to mind-a leering face and rough hands on her soft skin-and were to be avoided. It made her sick but she no longer felt fear, not even when she felt eyes on her again. The crack of a twig and the crunching of leaves followed the eyes. They could not walk as lightly in the woods as she, a child of nature. They did not have the sensitive ears that she had.

Jewell could lose those eyes in the woods if she wanted. She would dance into the shadows of the trees or hide in a flower bud; she would become a shimmer of silver and blue before she was gone from sight. She resisted the urge to play with them that way; she would not taunt them so.

She paused when she came within the circle of a clearing, the sun short of its noon position in the sky. It was a lovely spot that she often stopped in, but they must know that by now. They knew everything of her habits. The realization made her feel naked, exposed. She stepped into the middle of the clearing, setting her shoes down on the ground. Rather then dancing in the rays of the morning sun, she stood waiting. Like all conflicts in life, this to would come to a head. She would force it to that zenith now.

?I will not be toyed with anymore, Ethaen. Come out and face me like a true Guardian, not that I ever thought you much of one.? With that taunt, accompanied with a sneer, she dropped her eyes to the ground. It did not take long for her four watchers to join her, completing a square with her at the center.

She looked up when they would come no closer and met the eyes of each in turn.

Before her and to the left was Bali Delinglin, who she knew only by name, of Espalur. She was short, shorter then five foot, with silver hair that fell to her knees in neat cornrows. In her hand was a cylinder, familiar in shape to that of what Jedi Knights carry, which Jewell knew to extend into an electric whip. Bali was not to be trifled with, although the youngest of those surrounding her, for she could manipulate electricity to a certain extent in addition to the mana they could all control.

To the left, at only a few inches taller then herself at 5?6?, was Orind Baun from Giffao. Shorter then most men and squat, the completely bald Orind held his short sword before him. He was dressed in brown robes that, although Jewell had never noticed it before, made him look like a parody of a monk. He inclined his head upon receiving Jewell?s gaze. Although she was sure none respected her as Guardian, at least he respected her royal blood, for all the good that would do.

She turned slightly, not exposing her back to the first to Guardians in order to view the remaining couple. There was the Guardian of Ethul, Shengl Wetha, on her left. Slightly taller then Orind, Shengl was remarkably pretty at thirty-eight, despite the abuse those in Guardianship withstood, with brilliant emerald eyes and spiky dark hair. Her sleeveless black shirt betrayed muscular arms that could power a punch strong enough to break Jewell?s jaw. She had seen Shengl do it before. The bronze skin of the Guardian?s hands was covered in the black leather of a pair of simple gauntlets.

Last was Ethaen Uliaunt, completing the square surrounding her. He was the Guardian of Pyra, on whom all her hatred of that planet was reflected upon. The eldest guardian towered far above her at 6?5?, a man of dark skin and complete lean muscle. His long black hair, streaked with silver, was held back in a ponytail. This, and not the polished wooden pole arm in his hand, made her nervous. Coupled with his garb, a tight black shirt, loose pants and laced boots, did not give confidence to her hopes that they were going to have a friendly chat.


Date: 2006-05-19 15:10 EST
?Ethaen, you of all people should know that this is a fool?s errand you are on. I will not return home and resume my position and you can make that very clear to the Senate as it seems that my own assertions were not heeded.? This was not the Jewell Ravenlock that most in RhyDin were used to. This Jewell stood tall and looked every bit the Guardian her challengers did even in a white slinky dress. She had turned further to address Ethaen, the only one she could not see was Orind, and had forced every bit of authority she ever had into her voice.

He laughed outright at her.

?Still such a fool. The Senate did not send us, little girl; we have come on our own accord to judge you. The last thing we want is for you to resume your place amongst us.? Oh the implications. She kept her face from showing her shock and confusion. She could only display the anger she felt, not the hurt, at the very idea that she was not fit to be a Guardian- that they would not want her to be their equal any longer.
?I was a better Guardian then you could ever be!?

Her mouth was open to further assault him, ?SILENCE!? She gaped as he continued, ?We have found you inadequate, no longer fit for the position to which you were born. We will remove you from the honored spot that you have been so long disgracing.?

Remove her? She raced through her mind, going over every bit of information she had ever learned as a guardian. She could not think how such a removal would be possible save, ?You plan to try and kill me then?? She was incredulous, mixing it up with ego-ridden disdain that she did not feel. Certainly, she would not stand a chance against the four of them.

?We need not kill you to accomplish what we came here to do.? It was Shengl that spoke up and Jewell pivoted to look at that cool woman that lacked all expression on her face. Not even compassion was there. Bali and Orind were all but forgotten at her back as she faced the two eldest.

Jewell tilted her chin up, grey eyes on Shengl, ?Explain.?

?This wasteland has obviously caused you to forget many things, child.? Ethaen smirked as Jewell switched her gaze to him. He rotated his staff horizontally before him; it was a signal of some sort for Shengl, Bali, and Orind all went into movement. They formed a triangle in the clearing around the two. Jewell spun about, tracking their movement while keeping the majority of her attention on Ethaen. ?A physical challenge, Jewell. You beat me in combat and we will leave you be. I beat you,? his grin became feral, ?and we will be rid of you.?

She felt her palms start to sweat. Rid of her? She was in horror at the suggestion. Her throat felt tight as she swallowed, trying to force her voice to sound cocky, ?You? Ethaen, you are an old man. Do you really think you can beat me now, hardened as I am by this wasteland of a world?? She even managed a weak snarl- his insult to the RhyDin that she loved so much was taken personally, as it was meant to be.

?Stop with the petty insults. Do you choose a weapon??

The only weapons she had on her were two small knives in thigh holsters. Those would simply not do for such a fight. Neither would the sword she had at home, even if she were allowed to retrieve it.

Her only choice came to mind and she couldn?t resist the defiant smirk that raised the corners of her lips at Ethaen. He simply raised a brow as she held her right arm out to the side and the outline of a weapon formed in her hand. She had to reach for it, call to it, to come to her. It had been so long but she had been made to wield this weapon just as the Guardian of Aquarius before her had. She had to expend precious energy to call it from its resting place, so far away, but it was worth it when it solidified in her hand: a trident. The pole-arm was made of hundreds of tiny silver braids, so many that the surface was almost smooth, yet the small grooves of the braids allowed her to grip it firmly. Where the pole-arm met the head there were crystals, shot through with the blue of the ocean, that were so close they appeared fused together. The three prongs of the trident head were shining brilliantly in the sun, never tarnishing and ending in sharp points.

It felt familiar in her hand despite the years of separation and she smiled to see that it no longer towered so far above her head. Her admiring gaze turned cold as it was directed back to Ethaen, ?Let?s begin, no??


Date: 2006-05-19 15:12 EST
She did not wait for an answer. She swung the trident before her, taking a double-handed grip on it. She gestured with it from the ground upward, collecting the dew around Ethaen?s feet and slowing the molecules down to freeze him in place. It was rather nice to wield magic without singeing her little fingers- the trident was an excellent focus. She relished in his exclamation of surprise. She took two quick steps towards him, slamming the butt of the pole arm into the ground and using it to leverage herself into the air to deliver a double-footed kick to the man?s chest. She was aided in this momentary defiance of gravity as silver wings appeared and disappeared in the briefest moment, in a shower of silver dust, behind her.

Ethaen, his feet breaking free of the ice, landed hard on his back with Jewell standing on top of him. The blow did not take his senses from him long enough. He pointed a finger up at Jewell, drawing energy and firing off a thin shot at her face to distract her. It worked well enough in that she started to lose her footing on his chest and stumbled backwards to his stomach, one foot coming to steady herself on the ground, as her face was cut and blood started to run down her chin. He took the opportunity to raise his upper back and release his hold on his staff to deliver a double fisted punch to Jewell?s sternum. Long arms and torso gave him a nice advantage over the petite Fae.

Jewell fell backwards from the blow to her sternum, which was certain to produce one painful bruise. To add injury to injury, Ethaen sat up further, opened his palm towards Jewell and released a wider, stronger burst of energy at her. It caught her upper chest as she fell and forced her skidding back a few feet along the ground, leaving her breathless for a moment.

Ethaen took this chance to grab up his staff and rise to his feet again. Rather then attack Jewell while she was down, he took the time to reach out to the ley lines. Although this was not his own planet, he could still manipulate the energy around them with ease. Flames of red energy danced over his staff. The other guardians recognized the preparation for Ethaen?s favored attack. With his staff as a focal point for the energy he was drawing in, every time he would hit his opponent there would be the added force and burn of pure energy.

Jewell had seen it before. Her breathing still labored, she somersaulted backwards out of her precarious position. The moment the balls of her feet touched the ground she sprung upward and forward like a feline leaving her trident behind. The distance between the two was too great for a normal bound to bring her closer then a rough landing at his feet. A burst of silver dust trailing behind her summoned her wings on her back, carrying her further and faster then her other muscles could. Energy erupted over her body in silver and blue, burning her skin as she channeled more energy quicker then was safe. It was for a good cause as she slammed her body perpendicularly into Ethaen with her shoulder as the lead, and then kept pushing. With beating wings and the added force of energy that she pushed at him with, Ethaen was forced back and back until he was against a tree.

She refused to let him stop to think, to get his bearings and start his attack on her with his staff. Wings steadied her as she let her feet touch the ground once more and before becoming a flurry of motion in her assault on Ethaen: uppercuts, jabs, chops, snapkicks, a knee to the groin. Her entire assault aided by mana that was now concentrated around her hands, helping to make his body a bruised mess and to do damage to that face of his.

An attempt at a roundhouse punch to his head was what brought her down. Quickly, his hand was around her throat and cutting off her air supply. The sudden shock of not being able to breathe ruined her concentration causing blue and silver to dissipate around her hands. One hand continued its assault on him, or attempt to as he laughed and lifted her feet off the ground and extended his arm so she was no longer within reach of his torso. Her other hand frantically scratched at his wrist as she cursed herself- What good were thigh holsters? She couldn?t even reach them!

?That,? squeeze, ?wasn?t very nice.? She would have gasped as he further restricted her windpipe if she could. Jewell could stay under the water for long periods of time with the proper concentration and frame of mind. In the midst of a fight, cut off from vital oxygen, she saw black spots form before her eyes.

Both hands now went to clutch at Ethaen?s wrist. She was trying some last-ditch effort magic here; reaching out for the water molecules in the air and trying to have them coalesce around his arm and freeze once more. He wasn?t wholly unfamiliar with such a trick and had little desire to have it used on him twice in one day. He spun about and slammed her against the very tree he had just been caught against. Once, twice, three times. Once her arms went slack at her side, he let her drop to the ground.

A tangle of limbs and wings, she didn?t even wait for her vision to fully clear. Ethaen stood above her, staff back ready to strike. With her mind buzzing and the taste of her own blood on her lips, silver wings spread out and carried her upwards. She didn?t make it far enough as she was sent slamming into the ground, her weight causing her left arm to break. She could barely register, as the world spun and silver dust fell about her as her wings disappeared, the fact that he had grabbed her ankle, twisting it as he threw her to the ground.


Date: 2006-05-19 15:17 EST
?Get up, you pathetic girl,? his staff prodded her ribs none-to-gently. ?What my liege ever saw in you I cannot fathom,? he struck her unharmed arm with his staff but it didn?t matter. Jewell, with eyes unfocused-one too many hits to the head could do that-saw red at his last comment. Trash talking a downed enemy was the fatal mistake of all antagonists.

It was Jewell?s last stand. An adrenaline rush, catalyzed by her fury, brought her to unsteady feet. Ethaen raised his staff to strike her down again. She didn?t give him a chance. Her trident was summoned back into her hand and she used it for its other purpose- a fairly good physical weapon. With both hands, she swung the trident at his face as his staff came down in an arc to hit her broken arm. She was satisfied to hear the sickening sound of the face of her weapon coming into harsh contact with his cheek before she let the pole arm go with her left hand, that arm falling to hang oddly at her side. The right still held the trident erect to block another blow from his staff aimed at her left side again, but she was forced to stumble back at the strength that still remained behind his strikes.

The adrenaline rush was over and a well-placed kick to her stomach had her on the ground once more. She wasn?t getting up this time.

?Shengl, get the rope. This is over.? Jewell?s only satisfaction came from hearing Ethaen?s muffled voice now, she had totally broken his face! Other then that, there was only fear- stark, cold fear.

She was only aware that Shengl was behind her when she was hoisted up and forced to rest on her knees as her hands were tied behind her back. ?Tell me, what happens now,? her voice was weak and raspy from her bruised esophagus, coming out in between wheezing breaths.

?We will remove you from your guardianship,? was her only answer as Shengl moved away once her hands were firmly restrained. It was a safety precaution for Jewell, to keep her from trying to tear her own heart out as they commenced with the ritual.

It was a blur, all she could hear was the screaming in her ears that was her own as they worked old magic to reveal her soul-bond in the air.

She writhed in pain, sobbing hysterically as they cut that bond that she had with her planet. It was that which made her Guardian, that which epitomized her as the avatar of her birth world. They severed it with their rites; the backlash of energy that erupted pushed Jewell back along the ground and momentarily blinded the rest.

When it was done, they turned and left her there. She was dead to them, it was time to find and train the new Guardian of Aquarius that would be born. Her hands were still tied behind her back as she cried brokenly for the shattered girl they were leaving behind.


Date: 2006-05-20 10:57 EST
Amanda Ravenlock was a very unhappy eleven-year-old come eight o?clock at night. Her mother had not returned home all day and she was supposed to go take her and Moradin out dancing in one of her favorite glades with the fireflies. Now Leena was pushing her up the stairs, telling her to wash up and do something quiet until she fell asleep, ?You and your mah can just go another night, Miss Amanda. Dontcha worry, she just lost track of time is all.? Little consolation for her disappointment.
She cleaned up all right but she did not dress for bed. Rather, she put on her outfit specially picked out for dancing in the woods at night. Gossamer layers of silver and blue went over a little slip. Her hair was pinned up best she could without the help of a maid, falling down over her neck with silver sparkles in it. Her slippers were blue with silver ribbon wrapping around her legs to her knees. She felt like the prettiest creature, fit to wander the glades of Faerie.

When all was quiet upstairs, the little kids asleep, she tiptoed over to her little brother?s room. Moradin and Amanda were like peas and carrots. They were life bonded to each other ever since Moradin had come close to dying after his difficult birth. Their mother still didn?t fully understand the extent of it, but their life force was shared and she was afraid that the death of one meant that of the other as well. Until then, the two were the best of friends.

Amanda crept into the little boy?s room and was not disappointed. He sat waiting for her on the edge of his bed. Moradin was nowhere near as dressed as Amanda was, just a simple tunic and dark pants. However, he was going barefoot, he insisted that he didn?t think that real Faeries would dance in the wood in shoes.

The two need not exchange words as they set out, easily escaping the confines of the house through Moradin?s window.


Date: 2006-05-20 10:59 EST
It didn?t take long to get to the clearing, Jewell had shown it to them before. It looked a bit different this time as Amanda stepped through the trees, the grass was torn up, and the air felt all-wrong. There was also, of course, someone?s body lying crumbled up in the middle like a broken doll. She gave a little gasp and pushed her little brother, who was just coming up besides her, back behind her.

Her ?other? senses were getting stronger the more she trained, and right now they were going hey-wire. The broken doll was sickeningly familiar in ?feel.? ?Mor, I want you to run home as fast as you can. Get dah, if he?s there. If not?anyone. I don?t care if you even have to go get Uncle Brian. Just go.? Moradin never went against his older sister. He tried for one look around her at the clearing before dashing off into the dark woods again.

As the sounds of Moradin running through the woods faded away, Amanda ventured further into the clearing.
It had been hours since Jewell had made any sound. After screams had ended, further irritating her bruised esophagus, and her sobs had subsided-mixing tears, dirt, and blood on her face-she had cried out weakly between labored breaths. In her anguished state of mind, she had called out for the mother and father that she had seen buried over twenty years ago. She begged for her brother Jem, who had never cared before, to help her now. She cried out for Alex, her soul mate. For Skyler, the young man that tried to play at indifference with her. For Cher, long gone.

She drifted in and out of consciousness, in and out of the years of her life. Memories blended together, people and places exchanged. She was seventeen again, getting into a scrape during her first days in RhyDin and crying for Kiri to patch her up only now Kiri wore her red hair up in someone else?s signature pigtail braids. She was twenty-one, getting thrown to the mats by her guardian-predecessor who had died when she was eleven; she told her roughly to get back up and ignore the pain in the sweet voice of Amthy. Robin backhanded her to the ground and told her what a dirty whore she was in the confusing way Viki tended to speak in.

Pain was the simple connection between all the memories, tied to newer and happier ones. She finally settled into the stage, the mind set, that seemed most fitting in her status of confusion and mind numbing pain. She was six, her parents were dead, and she refused to say a word to anyone and stared at the world with empty grey eyes. They had shipped her off to her Fae relatives then, to try and snap her out of the shock and horror that watching her parents die had produced. What could anyone possibly do to fix her now?


Date: 2006-05-20 11:29 EST
Amanda crept near to the unmoving form of her mother. The white dress that had looked so becoming on her that morning was soiled with dirt, sweat, and blood. Her hands were tied behind her back still, the one arm looking unnaturally swollen and odd even to the untrained eyes of the eleven year old. Jewell?s face was a mess, bruised, and distorted in pain.

The child gave a little gasp, eyes wide and quickly filling with tears upon seeing the state her mother was in. She stepped away from her quickly and took up pacing slowly around her until help came, as she was too afraid to touch her to help.
Moradin did not find his way home. Turned around in the woods, he ended up before the gravitation center of RhyDin city- the Red Dragon Inn. Bewildered and dismayed that he was now even further from home, the small boy stood staring at the sign for the Inn. He didn?t enter, scared as he was of crowded rooms and lots of people, but Fortune shined upon the quiet Ravenlock child.

?Hey there, lil Ravenlock, whatever be you doin? out here in the streets late at night?? He started at the loud booming voice but quickly calmed under its familiarity and the smiling face of its owner- the husband of one of the maids who worked at the house during the day. He worked in town but often stopped by the house during the day to say hello to his wife and he was always friendly with the children.

He stooped down low to be on eyelevel with the child, noting the tears of distress forming in his eyes. ?Come now, lad, what be the problem? I?ll walk you home, iffin you need me to. Is your mother inside there?? He nodded towards the Inn; he had bumped in Mrs. Ravenlock on her way to the Inn several times in the past. He preferred to drink his ale at home.

?Mamma,? he shuddered out a breath. Moradin hated speaking and was more then content to listen to others talk, like his older sister, without getting a word in edgewise. ?Mamma?s hurt,? short and concise, he never wasted words.

?Hurt, did?ya say? And you be lookin? for help all by your lonesome?? At the confirming nod he lifted the little boy without object up into one of his arms, even at six Moradin was small.

They set out together back into the woods, Moradin directing the way with ease. It was impossible for him to get lost finding the clearing again, he could feel his sisters? presence as clearly as if he were two feet away from her.


Date: 2006-05-20 12:37 EST
The pair came upon the clearing and Amanda, pacing back and forth before the body of her mother with her fist in her mouth to keep her sobbing quiet. When she felt her brother?s presence, she turned and ran to Mr. Owane?s side, ?You gotta help my mom, Mr. Owane, she?s real bad off. I don?t know what happened but the energies are all messed up and she doesn?t feel like she normally does and her face, her beautiful face is a mess.? She was babbling, tears running endlessly down her cheeks her as went on about things Mr. Owane would never understand.

Mr. Owane was a good man, but he didn?t exactly know how to deal with a crying adolescent girl. ?Here now, darlin?, watch your brother and none of those tears now, I?ll take care of it,? he set the young boy on his feet besides his older sister before approaching the crumpled form of Jewell.

Miss Jewell was always good to him and his wife. She had nursed his wife back to health last winter when she had lost their baby in childbirth, using that healing touch to save his wife from a similar fate and guided her back to the desire to live with sweet words. It hurt him to see her lying there on the ground, her body broken and bruised almost beyond recognition. This was not the same woman he saw blowing bubbles and dancing through the yard to catch them with her children on a cool spring day. ?First things first here,? he mumbled to himself, kneeling at her side and removing a knife from his belt. He cut the bonds that held her hands behind her back, shaking his head in dismay at seeing that they had cut into her skin leaving cruel marks behind.

He pocketed the cord, as it may prove useful in later identifying who did this to the young woman. Then, he gingerly picked her up, careful of broken arm. She was so much dead weight, completely unresponsive as he moved back towards the children, ?Kids, you?re gonna hafta lead the way on through the woods here, I know your sharp little eyes can see the path clearer then mine ever could. You just let me know what?s before my boots, here, so I don? jostle your mom up much.?

They started off in a solemn parade, Amanda leading the way with Moradin clinging to her hand at her side. A few words of caution here and there, a guiding hand at Mr. Owane?s elbow to get over a particular rough spot that he couldn?t see, and they made it to the main road that would eventually lead to their house. ?Miss Amanda, I want you to run off and go wake that mid-wife your mah likes to use when you all are sick, here me? I?m gonna take little Moradin here and we?ll meet you at the house.?

?Yes, sir.? She had to wave away Moradin?s clinging hand, as he didn?t want to let her go, before she took off; fey-slippers carried her light as air as she ran down the road.

?Now sir, lesse your mom here safe into the house, no?? Their pace was much slower than Amanda?s as they walked down the road in the dark of night. Mr. Owane shifted the woman in his arms as little as possible; besides that broken arm the bruising on her arms and face led him to believe that the rest of her body was in a similar state.

The bright lights of the house welcomed them; the two eldest children had been discovered missing not too long ago. Moradin ran ahead, throwing open the double front doors and shouting out incoherently for all the servants and their governess that were waiting up at this late hour for the children?s return or word of their whereabouts from those that had gone out looking.

The house instantly became a bustle of bodies moving around. Jewell was moved to the sick room and was quickly seen by the mid-wife who came rushing in with Amanda at her heels. The two children were guided away by their governess with only a last glance at their mother as the mid-wife and servants worked to access the current damage; they were not wholly unfamiliar with aiding an injured Jewell Ravenlock.


Date: 2006-05-20 14:05 EST
Amanda refused to leave the hallway, sitting on one of her mother?s decorative leather chairs and watching the door to the sick room anxiously. Mr. Owane had left a little while ago, needing to get back to his wife and tell her the news; he promised to return with her the next morning to check up on the family.

Leena stepped out of the sickroom, closing the door softly behind her and shaking her head. She looked up, catching Amanda?s steady grey eyes on her and quickly replaced her grim expression with a smile for her young charge. ?Amanda Ravenlock, shouldn?t you be in bed? Its nearing sunrise already!? She tried to muster up a stern expression, but it just wouldn?t do. The young girl looked too distressed, her eyes swollen and red from crying. ?Come now, sweets, its not good having you sit here watching that door like a hawk. It won?t be making your mah any better any quick and you know that. Why dontcha let me take you up to bed, I know Moradin is probably wanting you in his room tonight.?

Amanda ignored the admonition, even the guilt of not being there to comfort her brother was brushed away, ?How?s mamma doing?? Her tone was flat, lips turned into a dour frown.

?Much better then you original thought, I assure you m?sweet,? Leena placed her arm around Amanda?s shoulder and guided her out of the seat and towards the stairs as she wove her soothing lies. ?I know she looked rather bad off, but it ain?t so bad as she?s been before, not nearly so bad I assure you.?

In fact, Leena didn?t believe she had ever seen Jewell look as bad as she did when she was brought in tonight. The mid-wife wouldn?t stir from her side, insisting that there was more then just physical wounds ailing the patient this time. The broken arm and twisted ankle were quickly and easily tended too, as was the cut-like burn on her face. The bruises on her arms weren?t of major concern, the hand-shaped one on her throat and battered sternum-so newly healed-getting more serious attention. They tended carefully to her back, the skin along her spine was bruised and torn up from her skidding across the ground and would be more than sore for a while. The familiar burns on her arms from energy manipulation were milder than usual and got an ample supply of the typical burn salve applied to them.

They ?tsk?d? over the bruises on her head, she was certainly going to be out for a few days. The women of the house whispered and spoke softly with the mid-wife about what was to be done regarding what Amanda had said about Jewell, ?feeling different.? In the end, they left her to the hands of a nurse as they went to bed in the wee hours of the morning. Nothing was do be decided upon until they speak with Jewell.


Date: 2006-05-22 14:32 EST
She woke up two days later to an existence she no longer wanted. She?d felt it before, this heart breaking pain that makes you want to die, and it had taken a relocation to RhyDin to run away from it. Then it had only been a broken heart, this time it was her soul. How could they rend that bond from her? How could they just take it away, something so precious and cherished?

Tears were fresh in her eyes from the moment she woke up until she went to sleep that first day of hateful awareness.

She refused to be idle even if her broken body begged her to be so. Amanda, accompanied by one or two of the other children at different times, had been waiting patiently outside the sick room door for her mother to wake up. When Jewell did, Amanda had run into the room ready to attack her with a hug and berate her for getting hurt again. Sometimes, it was hard to discern who was the mother. Grey met grey as Amanda looked into her mother?s eyes and started to cry herself. There was no smile there, no laughter that soothed her even when she was being scolded. There was nothing. Amanda ran out of the room and refused to go back in to see her mother.

With her raspy voice, the nurse said it would be a while before her esophagus healed enough for her to speak normally, she commanded the maids in the house to start packing the family?s belongings up. She was going to run again. Leena, the most capable of the women working in the house, was sent into town to inquire after houses to let. RhyDin had served as her sanctuary for so long, even when she was kept far away, and now she needed to find another.
By the early afternoon everything was settled. An old lord?s summer estate was let out far south of the city along the ocean. She was loath to take the children along, but she did not know for how long she would be gone and without Alex, there was really no other option. She didn?t want them to see her like this; she had always tried to be so strong for them, the perfect role model. She knew she was doomed to failure in that part of her life too.

The house was a bustle of activity around her, wrapped up in piles of blankets on a divan in the common room that the family usually relaxed in. She couldn?t get warm. The children played around her between their chores. She amused herself with tracing the visible scars on her arms. Having her bond cut had several traumatic consequences; one being that she was finding it near impossible to use her magic at the moment. Without it, she couldn?t keep up her glamour perfection that hid the scars on her body. They weren?t hideous, they just made her look tougher then she liked to appear. Of course, appearance didn?t really matter at the moment. Nothing else did compared to the ache inside her.


Date: 2006-05-23 14:43 EST
She went to the Inn; pushed and shoved out the door by her eldest daughter with the command to try and be normal. That broken look in her grey eyes was getting to everyone in the house after a single day and they urged her to try and find some sort of normalcy, even if it was temporary.

She had tried her best and allowed herself to get lost in conversation with Skyler and it worked for a time. He even made her smile. She felt guilty telling him she was going to leave, running away from her problems as she was. He told her he would miss her.

She walked him home, ready to fight off any hussy that tried to take advantage of his inebriated state with her one good arm. She felt at ease around him; she let herself feel at ease. He could take one look at her and read what was going on inside that curl-topped head. There was comfort in being that transparent to someone, someone she trusted to read her and not use that knowledge to turn around and take cruel advantage of her. It had been done before. Maybe her trust was misplaced this time as well; at the moment that was unimportant.

She was okay until she stepped inside the house once more. Everything settled down onto her shoulders and she physically wilted under the pressure. With other people around, that ache inside her wasn?t so bad. She could try and fill it with the love her friends and family had for her. Alone, it was overwhelming. She had relied on that soul-bond all her life, seeking comfort in the warmth of her planet-even when it was so very far away-and the strength that its presence gave her. It was that strength that she drew on when her own gave out; it was that strength that was at the steely core of Jewell. She was collapsing inwards without it, out of control.

She trudged up the stairs and towards her room, tears rolling unchecked down her cheeks to mix with the green makeup there: painted green teardrops for Am?thyst Oak. Her bed offered her all the comfort that piles of blankets and pillows could; she curled up, not bothering to change her outfit. That didn?t matter either. She settled on a position that was particularly painful to her back, luxuriating in the pain. She deserved it. She had failed in her guardianship; they had judged her and carried out their sentence. She didn?t deserve that special bond, so very precious; she had not fulfilled her side of the arrangement.

A planet was strong yet unable to fend for itself. A guardian was a weaker vessel given the ability to protect and serve his or her specific planet. In return, the planet raised that person up giving them the power and strength they needed to fulfill whatever their appointed task was. Jewell had taken that power and strength, coveted it all her life. She had earned it once upon a time when she poured her heart and soul to serving as Guardian, fighting opponents as they sought the ruin of her planet. She had forgotten such duties to run away to RhyDin but she had not relinquished that soul-bond; no, she had kept that near and dear to her heart.

This ruin was her own doing which made it that much bitter to swallow.


Date: 2006-05-24 15:37 EST
She spent her last morning in RhyDin writing letters to her friends and loved ones. It wasn?t easy leaving her friends behind but she knew, kept insisting, that she wasn?t really fit company for anyone right now. She knew she could just snap at any time. It had almost happened earlier in the morning when Eva Jade and Devyn were playing tag in the house. They had tumbled around, pulling at each others? hair, causing a complete ruckus when they had knocked roughly into one of the hallway?s walls and one of the few objects Jewell had brought from her original home went crashing to the ground. It was a painting of her mother and father when they were married; they both looked unflattering and cold but it was the only likeness she had of them.

It was the glass shattering that had set her off despite the silver frame and actually painting being relatively unharmed. She had screamed at the two little girls until Leena took them away, crying, to their rooms. The older woman had come back then to help calm Jewell down only to find a hole in the wall and her mistress already gone to hide herself away in some part of the house.

Jewell knew that she was absolutely unstable; a complete mess of angry highs and depressing lows. She didn?t believe that she would ever physically hurt anyone she loved, but her sharp tongue was far from gentle at times and she refused to let her children bear the repercussions of her pain.

It was mid-afternoon when they were ready to leave the house behind. It took three carriages to accommodate the family, their belongings, and the few servants that were coming with them. She would have preferred to travel alone, with the children in another carriage, but there was just too many of them. After seeing that the triplets and twins were settled in with one of their maids, Jewell retreated to her own carriage with Amanda and Moradin.

The two children spoke quietly to each other as they set out, Amanda?s grey eyes cautiously watching her mother. Jewell rested her head against the wall of the carriage to watch her world roll by. It would take them two days to get to their destination and then she could have some peace. Wasn?t that her hope when she first came to RhyDin, looking just as battered and broken as she did now? She had found her peace in barroom brawls then; if things didn?t work out by the sea she just may have to come back and try out that particular therapy once more.


Date: 2006-06-08 14:36 EST

?You were important once.? She stared at herself moodily in the mirror, the room lit with a yellow tinge from the low gas lights.

?You meant something. You were needed. You were importance once.? The echo of her footfalls, sounding on the marble flooring of the castle, rang in her ears coupled with the voices greeting her, ?Good evening, My Lady Guardian.?

?Now,? her voice thickened, ?Now what are you? Nothing.?



?NOTHING!? She slammed her fist down onto the vanity?s top, silver and blue briefly haloing her hand and aiding her in denting the mahogany. She recoiled from the magical backlash and stared defiantly at her hand- slightly singed as it was because she tried to use her abilities before she had fully healed.

?Even you will betray me?? She asked, eyes staring at her fingers. With a cry she tore at the skin of her face to try and tear out the pain and emptiness that was ruining her. Tears ran unchecked down her cheeks as she tore apart newly healed skin there. The salty drops mixed with the traces of blood, leaving faint red streaks down her face. The Earth?s Christ had cried tears of blood once upon a time.

The blood and skin caked under her nails went unheeded as the woman who controlled water in all forms could not check her traitorous tears.


Date: 2006-06-11 11:05 EST
Jewell emerged from her room the next day, scabs fresh on her face. She wasn?t hungry, had rarely been eating. In fact, she had not left her room during the day much since she arrived; she preferred the solitary night where she could swim the waters of the sea and let the moonlight soothe her. Today, despite her despondence, she felt some need to make sure her charges- those children that she usually loved so dearly- were all right. It was the only worthwhile purpose she had left in life and she felt her failings in it sorely.

She passed Amanda in the hallway and tried a smile for the girl. All pretense of their former camaraderie was gone as Amanda scowled back at her mother, her voice embodying all the sass of an eleven year old girl, ?What happened to your face??

Jewell self consciously touched the pads of her fingers to the torn skin on her cheeks. A bit of a blush rose on her unnaturally pale skin as she continued walking with a muttered, ?Accident.?

Amanda stared defiantly after her mother and twitched her nose at the blatant lie, ?Coward.?

It was only a whisper but fey-ears pick up much that they should not. A pause in her step revealed that Jewell had heard the comment and Amanda straightened her back in preparation for the reaction. Jewell considered letting it go but parental authority and her somewhat hot-headed nature couldn?t abide by that.

?What did you say?? It was the common question for a mother to ask, posed with a stern, calm face as she turned about to face the younger version of herself. Jewell hadn?t displayed such control over her emotions in weeks.

Her own face was mirrored up at her, perfect and defiant in youth, ?I said you are a coward. You?re weak. You got hurt and you sit in your room crying about it instead of doing something.?

?But you don?t?? understand. Her control faltered under such an accusation and her protestation was cut off.

?I don?t have to understand. You fell and now you got to get back up like you always tell us to do. Don?t be weak, Ravenlocks aren?t weak.?

That was the mantra she used with them when they were doing physical and magical training. Was she really setting such a bad example, really acting so weak? Weakness was not tolerated at home and she had to sweat and train it out of herself when she was young.

The blank and distant expression that formed on Jewell?s face made Amanda nervous; perhaps she had gone too far. She was not reassured by her mother?s, ?All right,? before she retraced her steps back towards her room.

Amanda sighed; this did not look like an improvement. She considered that it may be time to write her uncle or someone else close to her mamma to come and intervene before Jewell slipped further away from them.

Jewell?s own thoughts were far from seeking help from others as she haunted her steps back to that dark sanctuary she was calling a room during her ?holiday.?

Weak. Yes, she was weak. She had failed to serve as a proper Guardian because she hadn?t been able to handle the pressure from her brother, the mess with Robin. She hadn?t been able to save her dear friend, Amthy from an undeserved death. Emotionally weak, filled with desires and needs, she had pushed aside that most treasured relationship because she couldn?t handle waiting anymore. She just couldn?t handle it.

She couldn?t handle this, either. At least, not with sitting in dark rooms and meditating over how to fix herself.


Date: 2006-06-11 11:06 EST
She returned to her room but not to the hermit state she had spent the last two weeks in. No more crying huddled in a ball in the corner of the room like a scared child. Yes, she was still scared; terrified, in fact, of the empty hole that was threatening to consume her inside out.

It had been easier to pretend to be Jewell when she was home and amongst her friends: with Tara or Skyler at her side. Her body knew the automatic reactions that were ingrained in her: smile with a tilt of her head, laugh charmingly, drop a witty comment here and so on. It had been a faulty act, doomed to fail. She was only so good of an actress.

She had to relearn, learn how to act like herself. There was a crack in her veneer; the finely shaped mask that hid her from the world was broken. She was still at a loss as to how to fix the hole inside her, that vital piece of her soul that was missing, but she was a veteran at covering it up; build a new fa?ade, make it stronger and no one would ever know but those that heard her cry in her state of dream at night.

She taped her chest down, slinging her still injured arm tight against her body and pulled on a pair of cotton shorts that she had purchased after seeing Amthy wear them after her volleyball practice once. Her feet were bare as she left the house, still avoiding the other inhabitants as she moved towards the beach. Then she started to run.

She ran on the beach for hours each day, alternating with swimming until her arms gave out and she would just float in the water. Bone weariness gave her no chance to think, to dwell on unwanted thoughts. She could let her memories and problems lie as she formed her body into that perfect fa?ade once more.


Date: 2006-06-11 11:06 EST
She ran in the woods today and each step brought fresh pain to her feet; they actually bled in places where she had stepped on a rock or stumbled across a branch in her blind ambitious exercise. Jewell didn?t care. She was learning, re-learning, how to deal with pain here. ?You?re tough, you can take it,? was her mantra with each excruciating stride.

It was a pain of a wholly different origin that brought her suddenly, with a cry, stumbling to her hands and knees on the dirty hand-cart trail she had discovered. The green canopy, decorated with golden sunlight in the mid-morning, spun above her as she felt another?s pain. It was brief and terrifying, alarming because it ended and she couldn?t feel it anymore. She reached out desperately, despite her avowals on ignoring that particular portion of her life right now, only to be pushed back brutally by her own temporary magic restrictions. The attempt caused her own pain to explode in her head, wizards called it spell backlash, and she let herself lower completely to the ground.

She rolled over onto her back, confused and frustrated tears, causing the spinning canopy above her to blur, mixed with the dirt and sweat on her face. What was happening to Alex? That was the only one she was tied so tightly to besides the children and she would never mistake their bond for another no matter how determined she was to not think about him right now, not be with him. It was a protection for herself, selfish, because she wanted to be happy yet she had been miserable with him for months now. But these were all thoughts she was desperately working at locking away inside. Even thoughts of Skyler, that obnoxious young man that had handled her so gentle in her state of breakdown before she left and made her smile, were pushed aside. She turned over again and forced herself to unstable feet as dizziness still plagued her vision. She couldn?t think now, she had to run more.


Date: 2006-06-12 13:13 EST
The brief communication of Alex?s pain nagged on her mind but she continually pushed it aside and ignored it like so much else. She was re-forging herself without weaknesses and she could not think of Alex because he would always be one of her main weaknesses. In fact, she couldn?t think of any man because she was always weak for them.

No more. She would be strong for her daughters, for herself. She would be that starling example of grace, beauty and strength. The physical training she put herself through covered the last. She ran or swam herself weary every day only to continue the regime with mock fights against dummies in a room she had outfitted for a ridicules price. Then it was a run or swim again until she could practice her magic abilities once more. Eating had finally become mandatory if she wanted to avoid exhaustion and she did it with a relish, not because she enjoyed it but because it was a means to her desired end.

Beauty was not hard to come by. With her fey looks softened by that sliver of human blood she had a more unusual look, charming and angelic all together. Couple that with the art of glamour- the first of any magic she insisted on training herself in-and she could cover those slight imperfections that life had earned her and look the part of the goddess she always claimed to be.

Grace required more practice that she could not receive on her own. She ordered the children to begin their lessons again, the holiday was officially over. In the basics of etiquette and decorum she instructed them with the aid of their governess, digging up old lessons in her brain that had been hardwired there during her childhood. She remembered how to laugh delicately at a boring story, how to hold her head with dignity and pride but without that snobbish upturn of the nose that was so despised, she walked as if on eggshells but made it look as though she were floating. They were classes on how to be fake and loved by everyone- to survive in a social death match.

It wasn?t good enough, though. She didn?t only want that faux friendliness that would ultimately alienate everyone she loved. Jewell wanted that genuine goodness and affability that carved her out a place in people?s hearts. She wanted conversation with real interest and friendship without affectation. What better place to find such openness and truth then in a child?


Date: 2006-06-14 06:22 EST
She sat back on the hammock, bandaged feet swinging out before her and soaked hair falling into her face as the wind caressed it dry. Amanda lay besides her, feet just hanging over the side and eyes staring into the glass of juice she held in her hand; it was quickly leaking condensation down her arm. Mother and daughter hadn?t truly spoken since their little falling out.

?Talk to me, love. I?m not angry, not at you at least, and I want you to tell me why you?ve been watching me with such hawk eyes,? Jewell rolled her head aside, a hand lifted up to shade her eyes from the setting sun.

She had to wait a minute and then five before Amanda would speak, ?I was worried about you. You got so hurt this time and I found you, almost dead,? she shuddered a little and Jewell reached out to start stroking her hair, reassurance that she was there and wasn?t going anywhere. Amanda took a shaky breath before continuing, ?Then you just holed up. You cut away everyone, even dad, and just went away inside from everyone. Even before that, you haven?t been smiling really, ?cept for that letter from that guy,
and here a teasing smile and blush were shared between the two, ?and that?s just not you. Even when dad is never around you don?t get that hurt about it.?

?It was a bunch of things this time, baby. First with dad and then Amthy and the Guardians. A person can only handle so much before they break.?

?Are you fixed yet??

?I?m working on it.?

?Take long enough??

?I try.?

They smiled at each other and fell into compatible silence for a few moments.

?We?re friends, right mamma??

?Best of friends, darling.?

?Wanna tell me about the other guy?? She gave a sly look up to see if she?d get an answer. There was a pause in her mother?s hand stroking her hair before Jewell spoke.

?He makes me smile.?

?You look prettier when you smile.?

?I know, it brings out that dimple in my right cheek.?

?Are you going to leave dad forever??

Her voice grew quiet, ?Forever is a long time for me, Manda.?

?He needs you.?

?But that?s not fair. Its not enough to make a relationship work.? She got a blank ?Please explain? stare from the eleven year old and sighed. This was almost worse then the sex talk she had attempted with her. ?You need me to provide for you, care for you, guide you, etcetera, right?? And assenting nod, ?But what do I get from you in return??

?I do the clothes wash with you some times.?

?Yes, and you have conversations with when I?m upset, right?? Another nod, ?So, it?s a balance,? nod, ?But dad and I haven?t been in balance for years, love, and it?s not fair to either of us.?

?But I want you two to be happy.?

?That may not happen with us together right now, dearest.?

?Would be happier with that other guy??


?With Skyler??


?Does he need you??

Here Jewell wrinkled her nose, ?I think he may, actually.?

?Everyone seems to need you, mom.?

She laughed for the first times in weeks, ?It certainly seems like that sometimes, but it?s nice to be needed.?

?Will he bring you flowers when you?re sad??

Jewell rolled her eyes at the girl, ?Don?t you think I can make him if I want flowers?? They both laughed and it was genuine.


Date: 2006-06-14 06:34 EST
The next evening found Jewell and Amanda comfortably reclined on the hammock once more, counting the stars as they appeared. ?They call you the Empress, why??

?Tara asked me what I wanted to be called and that?s what I chose.?

?Is that what you want to be- an Empress??

?I suppose it wouldn?t be so bad,? she said with a musing smile.

?But you were a princess once, right? Remember??

She laughed bitterly, ?Of course I remember. It was over-rated but it was worth my dowry, at least.?

?So why Empress, then?? Amanda pressed. If her mother didn?t want to be a princess-and wasn?t that every girl?s dream?-then why an Empress?

?Oh, I don?t know,? Jewell sighed. ?It was just the first thing that came to mind at the time.?

?But now??

?Mother of nature, you?re pushy!?

?And now?? She persisted, staring eagerly at her.

?Now? Now it?s a social standing, not political. I?m like the social Empress, or something like that; ruling conversations and hearts with a gilded tongue and batting of my lashes, perhaps a sweet smile,? an amused smile touched her lips at how absurd it all sounded.

?Is that really what you?re like??

?You?ve seen me in the Inn, darling, even at home- what do you think? Am I charming?? Proceed with said batting of the lashes and an overly sweet smile.

?I guess so?but you?re just mom to me. But people like you, don?t they? They like to see you laugh and smile because you?re pretty and funny sometimes,? Amanda loved when her mother laughed at home because she would laugh longer and harder then any of them. ?Do they know how silly you are at home??

?Sometimes, especially after my antics with Tara and Amthy,? a touch of wistfulness in her smile.

?Tell me about them.?

?They?re not that interesting,? but there was that sudden half-smile that made it clear that Jewell was lying.

?Come on??

?Oh- well fine. Did you know that, well no?you wouldn?t find that funny,? as the many times the girls team-flirted filtered through her mind. ?How about the fact that supposedly, at our deceased clubhouse, we used to turn men into dolls or that I once melted a dolphin into purple goo and Tara opened a Bug Caf? and we throw lots of tea parties,? Jewell?s smile widened as she spoke.

Amanda?s smile at being let in on the secret melted into confusion, ?That sounds dumb, you?re like little girls.?

Jewell stopped short of saying one thing to exchange it for another, ?Well, we are.?

?You aren?t a little girl anymore.?

?Yes, I am dear,? she countered solemnly.

?How so??

?For a faerie, I am a very little girl.?

?Like me??

?Just like you.?

?That?s why we?re friends, then.?