Topic: Welcome Spring With Open Arms


Date: 2006-03-20 13:54 EST
There was something in the air on this, the very first day of spring, that made Jewell feel more alive. It wasn't simply love. It was the potential for growth, the rebirth of all that had died or gone to sleep in wintry rest.

She was up earlier then usual for the first day of spring was a big event in her house. Pancakes had to be made for all and fruit cut into the shape of flowers for family breakfast. The less formal dining room, most often in use for family meals, was decorated with fresh flowers as was almost every other common room in the house.

As breakfast was under way and in the capable hands of one of the few maids that were kept in the house, Jewell got ready for the rest of the day's activities. There was to be cupcakes made and decorated (pastel colored icing already whipped up the night before), tissue paper flowers to make, color soap bubbles to play with outdoors, ribbons and bells to decorate the trees with and any other outdoor activities the kids could imagine.

Jewell's particular favorite was dancing on the lawn with the butterflies.

But for now, it was time to get everyone up and ready. First to breakfast in pajamas-breakfast was more fun in pjs and slippers-and then to get decked out in fun spring clothes.

Alex Ravenlock

Date: 2006-03-23 02:17 EST
And whilst one was awaking to happy times of spring.. the other was mourning that dreaded day. When the sun, perkier than usual, concentrated its beams of 'merry light' through shades and directly upon him. He'd call it a curse, if it wasn't simply the bad placement of where he opted to sleep, that night.

With a slight twitch of his nose, he lifted up from that comatose posture, eyes already wide and full of mirth. Regardless how the morning greeted him.. that smell.. Food!.. it was always the antidote to grumpy 'lex. Within a few moments of fixing himself up, and keeping true to the PJ's, he'd be down the stairs, and right on his way into the kitchen.

"Gooooood morning, dumples!" A new keyword he picked up. It was meant to be directed to everyone that was present.. be it family.. or not!

Edit: Grammar iz gud.

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2006-03-23 14:58 EST

That along with the sound of Brian slamming into the ground rear first from about five feet into the air was all anyone could here if they were outside. "Sonuva.. Portkey my butt.." as he dusted himself off and looked around. The fresh air felt like.. Well fresh air, but it was really fresh air and truth be told one could not describe it. After a search for Charlotte the previous night ended with zero results, Brian thought it would be best to start fresh with a new day. Annnnnnnnd Being a fresh new day, he sensed a new perspective and a free breakfast.. Hey don't judge, Rogues are known to mooch at times. Glancing around once more he smiled and caught the scent of breakfast carried by that most incredible goddess of the wind. "Right on time. Booyea..." He said softly as he made his way up that familar path and to Casa de Alex y' Jewell.

Granted he was still in his work clothes, he paid it no mind as he strode up to the front door and set his swords against the wall near the front door and set his pack down aside them. A bit of knocking later and the the battle cry of "Hellooooooo we are taking surveys on the undead and lack of insurance and the benefits of breakfast with one's favourite uncle!!" Brian smiled, and waited for an answer. He was sorry he couldn't stay as long as he truly wanted, between the Festival and Charlotte search he was tied up. But for the moment, it was time for some family fun. Bowing to the door, his blue eyes held a mischievious look and behind his back was his hand, loaded with a well filled water balloon. Happy Spring indeed.


Date: 2006-03-24 21:14 EST
Luckily, it was only family that was in the house to see Alex parading around in his PJs. Lucky for Alex or perhaps lucky for the girl that dare sees Alex even somewhat unclothed who Jewell gets her hands on.

Jewell looked over from the stove where she was putting the finishing touches on breakfast, having dismissed the servant to some other deed. Her flour spotted right cheek dimpled as she grinned and made a kissy-face at her husband.

He got a more worthy good morning from the kids. Oz, Raven, and Kerrick had been wrestling on the floor until Moradin had effectively ended all movement by sitting on. It took them a moment to untangle all their limbs- with not a little pushing and shoving-before they ran to attack Alex.

Little arms wrapped around his shins as voices begged to be noticed. "Play with me," "Outside! Outside!" "I wanna do that game," and so on. Devyn, her dark maroonish colored hair sticking up bed-head style, with a toothy little grin had them all beat. Arms still chubby with baby fat reached up to Alex in a silent demand.

Amanda was busy sneaking pieces of fruit away from her mom's preparation, but Eva Jade would have joined the fight for Alex's attention if a knock on the door had not been heard. Amanda, grabbing a strawberry, took off at a run for the door. Eva Jade, imitating her older sisters enthusiasm, followed at a slower pace. Jewell, spatula in hand, squawked in indignation at the strawberry thief and followed after her. She loved their little domestic antics.

Eva Jade, in slippers, took a little fall while rounding the hallway corner. She was scooped up by Jewell, who was wielding the spatula in her other hand, as she closed in on Amanda at the door. The girl had her hand on the doorknob, turning it to let their guest in. She was effectively hip-bumped out of the doorway by Jewell, who greeted her brother. She was not at all dismayed at her appearance of cotton shorts, t-shirt, socks with the spatula still in hand, a kid tucked under her arm and another glaring up at her from the floor. "Brian! What a wonderful surprise, you're just in time for breakfast!"

Alex Ravenlock

Date: 2006-03-24 23:16 EST
And, without even a moments worth of warning, he was paraded on. Stumbling amongst the children, hands trying to rattle up each head seperately was a daunting task. He, after all, had to be sure each was given at least a moments worth of attention. It was hell, if not. A wink was offered to the lovely counterpart, as he did his best to keep that loose fitting tee-shirt on, just about at the same time there was that knock at the door.

"Whoever gets there first gets a special treat!" After all, the moment Amanda teared off with Eva Jade shortly behind - he could see the possible solution of being rampaged. The few and proud that still lingered behind him were off and out, as he scooped Moradin up in an arm. "Hey, tike. Looks like mommy left some cut up fruit behind, again." He couldn't help but grin as Moradin did. The two, partners in crime this morning, swiped the plate from the counter, and scurried off from the kitchen into the living room.

He wouldn't tell if Moradin didn't. A free treat was something to brag over, after all.. just as long as it was between them. As for the excuse? Perhaps it was just a little moogle. .. or something.. that took that plate!

"Mornin'!" He called out, muffled with a slab of melon. Moradin did his best impersonation, calling out a garbled amount of words as fruit was stuffed away in his mouth. And, instead of teaching the little guy some manners, Alex offered another grin, and planted a strawberry into his mouth.

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2006-03-25 01:56 EST
A huge grin on his face as he snickered, Brian waited with the balloon in hand. He chuckled and easily could have passed for a child about to prank someone with no care of reprocutions. Listening carefully, as they grew closer he laughed once more as he heard the children and the clamor inside. It somewhat reminded him of when they all lived in the manor for a time, and life was chaotic and yet to much fun.

Hefting the balloon in hand once more, he waited and snickered again. Truth be told he wasn't to good with the pranks, but he figured he had the element of a chaotic surpise. Hearing Amanda and her mother near the door and the bumping of what sounded like Amanda beong moved to the side, he reared back and prepared. The door began to open, and he cocked his arm back and was ready to let fly and lo and behold there was Jewell in all her morning glory, child in one hand and spatula in the other. It was too precious for words, and the balloon slipped from his hand and burst on the porch. Smiling like the cat who just ate the canary, Brian nodded in reply.

"Eat wat.. Sister!! Goooooood Morning to you and yours! You look lovely, I hope I haven't caught you at a bad time? Breakfast you say, smashingly good idea! What? Water? A balloon? Perish the thought! Amanda look at you! An Eva too!"

He smiled, as he looked to them all. This was a nice feeling and was a world of difference from his own empty home. It felt good to be around them, and truth be told he truly missed them. What a great way to break in the new Spring.


Date: 2006-03-28 16:30 EST
After her happy greeting the water balloon crashed to the ground. Jewell's eyes followed it and then moved up to her brother's face with a raised brow. She definitely understood that it was not originally meant to explode on the ground. A raised brow and she stepped aside, gesturing Brian in with the spatula, "At least it wasn't a wombat."

A nudge to Amanda with her foot wasn't even needed to get the kid up from the floor. Amanda knew that she was Uncle Brian's particular favorite, or at least she told herself such, and he was therefore greeted promptly. Off the floor, she was latching herself onto his arm, "Uncle Brian! You're gonna stay all day, right? We're gonna play games!"

Not wanting to be left out, Eva Jade wiggled and raised a ruckus until she was set down. She touched the floor just in time to be run over by the rest of the gang minus Moradin, sent as a greeting mob by their father. Of course, she was used to such antics and held her ground amongst the yapping bunch of kids.

If Brian asked Jewell, she would allow that with the kids it was just as chaotic, if not more so, then when they all lived in the manor. Those days were almost to be preferred for the independence and fun they afforded. Life was different now, but not without its excitement as the gaggle of kids could certainly provide as much amusement (if of a different caliber) that the group of adults-if they could all be called that back then-had.