Topic: A Shadow Of Blue

Valucia Sabet

Date: 2009-10-13 13:19 EST
The place where her rooms stood on the second floor of the Red Dragon in was more than satisfactory to the Aes Sedai?s tastes with a window that faced out to the main street and belonging to the area she used for a sitting room and the bedroom had a window in the bedroom.

The adjoined rooms had one door and all ways in were warded heavily with weaves on each that had those without magic meeting impervious barriers and those with magic stung by its touch if more than a casual touch was attempt; for those of magic who continued with those effort, a burn of the seal of the Tower would be emblazoned on their hand or limb from the unwise attempts. Valucia has protect those walls, floors, ceilings and points of entry with further wards of magic, but it was nothing she mentioned to anyone else.

What documents, volumes, and more lay within were all protected against meager thievery and worse acts. She had started to wear down, to have spread herself thin with the constant protection of the area without others from the Tower. Until two days ago.

Two days ago, she had met with the gladiator. Less than a handful of times and yet trust was being cultivated and nurtured with Sadi Dahala. What he was had shocked her. He was similar to two others in the realm: one tainted, the other very much in control of what he was and could wield. It would seem Sadi was much the latter than the former. And for that, Valucia was grateful as well as relieved.

In these two, of Elan and Sadi, there might be found camaraderie in lands where even that ?spark? for a female Aes Sedai had yet to be discovered. But she had been told there was more to these infamous and endless lands of RhyDin. So the one of the Blue Ajah remained and started a foothold here in the town Proper.

While her Warder, Raytheon, was busy with matters of import of his own, she was sending out scouts for various reasons ? known and unknown. It was the way of most of Tar Valon?s Ajah to have eyes and ears where they were expected and not expected, to glean information or to even plant it when absolutely necessary.

Valucia Sabet

Date: 2009-10-13 13:42 EST
Valucia stood before the darkened window that faced the busy RhyDin street that ran before the Red Dragon Inn. In her hand was another cup of tea. Streetlamps and torches did little to cast light on the cold, drizzling early morning. She had not been seen for nearly a day, as she was holed-up in her rooms. It was by her doing, that segregation and aloofness.

It was into the third of the morning and only a few had been seen pass on the street below as such a wee hour. She turned away from the window, letting the curtain fall back into place and strode about the table and chairs.

Among those she thought of and on was the Maiden. Not only the ethereal being?s effect on the creature of a man, Zedi Null, but how she was in and of herself. Pheus, named for the one that had owned her. ?In what way, though?? The Aes Sedai knew there were many forms of ownership, including those of body and spirit. But the Maiden had been very sparing and vague in her details of it. Valucia had gleaned that he had not been kind, that much was certain.

And what of the Gladiator? He was a stoic mystery within the gentle cloak of friendliness, that one. ?But.. Aes Sedai? Like Elan?? Two in one land. But not at all the same character of men. She shook her head and allowed a soft breath to sigh forth; weary. ?So much to learn here that I am as a Novice at times.?

Then thoughts of music and dancing came to her and she chuckled. ?Draco Darksteel.? Another conundrum to add to the rest. Clothing, with wards. Thoughts not akin to one of his apparent age of reflection and foresight. And he had shown great patience with dancing with the child to make her happy and with the Maiden to ease her loneliness. She smiled to think of the portly barmaid, Madisa, that had helped nudge the minstrels away from the ale-induced slumbers to play for them so that Draco, Pheus, and the child could dance.

Not all things were bad within the realm. Not all things experienced were directly for or from the Tower. More was to come. More to meet, on whatever footing. More to sift through. And from them, a rare handful would be called friends. Until then, she was glad, on some occasions, to be that shadow of blue and to see what the realm had to offer and to simply be the woman in blue in the eyes of most.

She had stood there long enough in her thoughts to see the first pale light of morning make its way through the steady, cold rain through the window of her sitting room. A glance given to the window and rooftops beyond, the cup was set to the table and she finally headed for bed..for the first time in two days.