Topic: Dance Of Blades

Valucia Sabet

Date: 2010-12-25 22:56 EST
The days that followed the dream were full of their own distractions. The Aes Sedai still whole and watchful of the comings and goings of RhyDin Proper.

She knew if its strange sorts and a stranger happenings, but there was nothing stark that lay against these to show something out itself as out of the norm for this play that lay so far away from Tar Valon.

Until that day.

Dressed in a bodice that hugged her form her skirts flowed away from her waist and brushed against the ground as Valucia wandered into the Marketplace of RhyDin. She had not come to shop but to see what had brought the urchins and other street rats flowing from their usual perches and crevices -- all in the same general direction of the market.

The fur on her winter cloak flowed and ebbed against itself and wool of the cloak when the wind pushed at her. She ignored the cold winter for the time while dark, black-pearl colored eyes took the sights of the market. Merchants, items and wares, and buyers.

But it was the sound of steal against steel that turned Valucia Sabet's head to the right. Her path branched off from the one she was previously one and headed towards the sounds of what could either be sword fighting or sword play.