Topic: M?taal Cue

Valucia Sabet

Date: 2010-09-12 17:23 EST

The Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah of Tar Valon was many things. She was servant of all - within the boundaries that were those of Sedi, she was a mahdi (seeker), a disciplinarian, a teacher, a holder of the bond to her Warder, and more. But these things she very readily called herself.

But she knew that behind closed doors Warders and other Sisters called her a name that was a crude copulation of words from the Old Tongue M'taal Cue, Stone-Heart. And the reasoning behind this is not that Valucia Sedai had never married, for it was commonly known that those of the Blue Ajah rarely married, but that she had never loved.

It was by that assumption that whispers had started many years ago. She had denied many Warders before she had chosen only one: Alrin Martan. Though it was guessed by some that she might have loved her Warder, she was never heard saying it, nor had she ever been witnessed by another who knew her to show him anything beyond her place as his Aes Sedai.

Valucia allowed the nickname, as it was, to linger until she had grown used to it - like some trapping, or another strip in her many colored shawl. She wore it easily these days without the mute, private pain or upset that it had given her to hear it many years ago.

She was remember it though, on the anniversary of Alrin Martain's death. While she mourned him she could not help but to remember the tower and with it her sisters. Along with those thoughts, cropped up the cruel name.

It was simply a name. And what was traipsing about along the edges of her mind were simply long-remembered, dusty thoughts.

Her head shook as she finished putting her chaterlain in place at her hip and moved out of her rooms that were hers at the Red Dragon in.