Topic: The Scar

Valucia Sabet

Date: 2011-04-16 18:18 EST
The Aes Sedai was in no mood to play at games.

The errands she had sent her Warder on months ago had left her without him at her side for that long. And, for just as long, the leads she had a handful of ruffians following --- loyal to her by smile and coin alike -- had lead her to a moment where a Warder at her side would have been best.

She stood at the mouth of an alleyway, at the western side of RhyDin. A short blade's grip was within her hand while her other glowed with the power of the Once Source. There was no knowing what that night's path could lead her into, and despite knowing that to have seen any Aes Sedai weilding both such weapons at once would have bee laughable within the great Tower in Tar Valon, she did so anyway.

The darkest shade of blue had been worn that night and nothing at all lighter; not even her chatelaine or coinpurse was on her person, lest the noise of either one of them give her away before she was ready.

Slender fingers curled and recurled against the dagger's grip once again before she took conscience effort to steal herself for what might come. The growling heard could have been beast by the sound of it, but it was in the form of a woman that lunged at her. Growl turned to shriek as the Aes Sedai's hand touched the side of the ethereal woman's face and brought to it a burned rememberence.

Valucia yanked her hand back, but refused to let go of the magic that the moment called for. Her other touch was already in motion, a blur of it the brought the tip of steal through leather and flesh to skewer against bones of the woman's ribs.

But despite preparing for that moment, she was not fully successful. Before the feral female dropped to the filthy, alleyway stones, she had been able to reach for the Aes Sedai.

Valucia Sedai screamed and her eyes flared with anger to have known the pain put upon her, to have not guarded herself more closely. Anger turned to sadness as she bore witness to the woman's death. There had not been others there to help her with Stilling her and the madness that was known in her land had touched this one before her.

The feral woman's eyes glazed over, then grew cloudy with death.

The wall behind Valucia was reached for, to steady herself. In the shadows, she could not see the damage that had been down, but the moonlight was there where the other woman's hand had fallen against the stones; it held within its dead grasp its own blade, curved and surrated.

A curse left thinned lips of the Aes Sedai and called out for one of the youths that she had employed to have found the encrazed woman. "Dravis! Dravis!"

The boy came out from behind the corner of a dark-windowed building. "Lady!" His leather shoes slapped against the ground and hurried across the street. The hour was late and very few would be found roaming any street at that hour, let alone one so far from the inn.

By the time Dravis reach her, Valucia's knees were growing weak. Without Raytheon within the realms, the bond was too thin to do her too true and good, to heal her as hastily as she needed.

"Such a good boy, Dravis." The pain in her side, below her ribs and at the swell of her right hip was searing and felt on fire. "Dravis...go to the inn. Look for the one known to guard the door there at times. A rather tall and broad-shouldered man with black hair. Tell him...tell him that I am in need of him. Go!"

That she had to send for anyone at all to carry her from that place and back to the Red Dragon was unfathomable to her. Yet, she was doing so. She had no idea if there had been poison on the blade, or if just the make of its steel was enough to put her in that much pain.

But she was without Raytheon and her knees had finally given out. Soon, on the edge of consciousness, she heard two sets of running footfalls; one smaller and lighter than the other by far.

As the quiet, tall man lifted her up she heard Dravis tell him, "Careful with her now! Hurry!"

Valucia then knew darkness, but it would be dreams and fever to wear her thinner over the next dayful of time.


Guido (How Valucia sees him)

Valucia Sabet

Date: 2011-04-16 18:56 EST
The man had kicked the inn door open enough to get it out of the way and head for the stairs. Along the way, one of the rare, RhyDin age-d citizens followed him and the boy.

"Thank you waiting, Nathen." The man didn't look over his shoulder as the Healer climbed the stairs behind him and Dravis. He adjusted the weight of the woman in his arms, and the weight of the dress she wore.

"Blood's dripping on the stairs!" Dravis exclaimed. "Is she going to die? Well?"

Nathen frowned at the boy. "She will if you keep wagging that tongue, boy. Now calm down. Where's her room?" Prompting, asking as the inn's sentry had stopped and had been about to ask the same question.

Dravis bolted down the hall and hurried to it, already a hand on the handle of it. "It's locked."

"Out of the way, boy." Nathen waved a hand at him, then tried the door for himself. "The boy's right, Karlis."

"Then move. I can -- "

"She has a key. I saw her put it in her pocket." Dravis nervously shifting from one foot to another, trying to stay out ofthe way but failing. He pointed at her dress' skirts, to the side that was covered in blood from her wound.

The old man moved towards her, and though she could not hear him, apologized softly. "Forgive me, lady." Then reached for her skirts and found the pocket. The key was withdrawn and used on the lock, a moment later opening the door and stepping out of Karlis' way.

Karlis was not a small man and easily carried her through the doorway and into the outer of the two rooms leant by the Aes Sedai. They saw it was set up like a small common room or parlor of a home with a divan and a chair near the hearth, shelves brimming with books and scrolls of parchments, and a tapestry of scenes that would not be fully understood in RhyDin.

He ventured further until he found the other room serving as her bed chambers. "Pull the covers back, boy!" Tersely, he threw the order out.

Dravis hurried over and drew back the layers of sheets and covers to the end of it, then watched as Karlis very carefully layed her to the mattress of it.

"I will go see if there's another healer or wetnurse about to help you, Nathen." With that said, Karlis ducked out of the Aes Sedai's rooms at the inn and headed downstairs to see who he could find.

Nathen had simply nodded to the inn's sentry and started to roll up his sleeves. The pitcher was tipped and water poured into the basin Valucia had on the table in her bed chamber.

When he turned, he saw the youth prying the dagger from the woman's hands. "Hand that here and leave the room. Make certain that whomever Karlis is bringing for me is a woman. " He took the knife from the boy and waited until Dravis had left, then closed the door.

He did not understand fully why, but he hesitated in what he decidedly had to do next. Then, with a shake of his head, he began to cut her clothes away.