Topic: The Broken Queen of Faerondalen Awakens in Biodome


Date: 2012-03-15 00:29 EST

The Crown Princess of Faerondalen, only four years past her ?coming of age? celebration, found herself chained within the dungeon of her own palace. Wait, she was no longer the Princess, but now the queen...a fact that had yet to sink into her terror soaked mind. She had watched in horror as the man whom she had been arranged to marry tortured and killed every member of the Royal bloodline, the Council of Elders, all palace servants and every elf unfortunate enough to be called her friend.

Isa`viel lifted her head as far as her cramped muscles would allow as she heard Lialin once more enter the chamber.

?Isa, my love, even now you fail to show proper adoration for your betrothed. After all I have done for us...for our kingdom. There is nothing left to hold you back from fulfilling your destiny as Queen of Faerondalen and bringing forth my heir to secure my claim as King. Why don?t I see gratitude in those lovely green eyes? It almost appears that you...hate me, my darling. I am injured by this lack of devotion.?

The madman affected quite a feminine pout upon his delicate features, platinum blond brows furrowing as he looked the elven woman over. Tapping a gloved fingertip to his lips, Lialin moved slowly around Isa as she hung by chains from the ceiling, far too close for her comfort; she showed him his error by spitting into his face, bloody sputum, thickened by her dehydration.

?Oh, what a little spitfire you are, my love! HA! Do you understand the jest? spit upon me...oh my dear, you really should show me your famous smile.? He clapped gleefully before his gloved hand reached out to caress her ruined cheekbone, violet and swollen from being fractured. As she tried to draw away, that hand slid down to grasp her chin tightly, thumb now pressing violently against her broken jawbone.

?You will love me and you will produce my heir or I will scourge this entire kingdom beginning with the lovely children you have so painstakingly taken care of. You have murdered your family and your government, will the blood of these young innocents be upon your hands as well?

The silver gaze that had been so full of insane joy moments earlier had become something so menacing that the young elven woman, not yet so bold as she would someday become, averted her own gaze and began to quietly weep. She visibly slumped, as far as the chains that bound her arms above her head would allow. He had achieved his first goal and had broken the young elf?s fiery spirit. For the moment.

Lialin?s second in command strode through the door of Isa?s cell, brisk pace carrying him quickly to his commander?s side. Frantic whispering ensued and the broken elf was able to catch a few words, the most hope invoking being ?Laenothil?s rangers.? Did she dare hope for rescue when she knew there would be more bloodshed and possibly more death upon her hands?

There was no time to really think upon this as she heard the clash of steel on steel close by. Lialin and his second both drew their magically crafted elven blades prior to plunging themselves through the doorway and out into the large open room at the center of the individual cells that were arranged along the walls.

It felt as if the battle lasted for hours as she heard the cries of men in various stages of dying. In reality it was less than an hour before a heavily bleeding Laenothil stumbled through the stone doorway with the key to her shackles in hand. Isa couldn?t be certain how much of the blood was her instructor and friend?s own but there was so much that her immediate reaction upon having her arms freed, after a week of incarceration, was to attempt to check him over. She took two steps before she stumbled down, bloodied and broken cheek pressed to the unforgiving cold of the rough stone floor.

Laenothil knew they had no time to spare and with this thought in mind, he was able to hoist Isa over his shoulder and stagger from the cell. The last thing the broken young elven queen remembered was feeling the warmth of golden sunshine upon her face prior to everything growing black and very cold. She then felt herself spinning with her limbs feeling as if they were being stretched to the point of dislocation. Bruised, cut lips parted for the anguished scream that built up so loudly within her body, but no sound was forthcoming.

The spinning went on for what seemed an eternity before the blessed darkness swallowed her; relieving her of all of the horror, sorrow, and pain that had been forced upon her.

Isa`viel awakened alone upon a bed of spongy grass and wildly colored flowers in a meadow beneath an amethyst sky...

above image by Erion90@deviantart


Date: 2012-03-16 14:03 EST

Above the domes, within those very same amethyst skies, gunships were flying. Massive, majestic ships that were beautiful in their dominance of the sky. Not only were they flying, they were also fighting...a nearly continuous battle that paused for very few things.

Today, one of those things would be the damsel in distress that had managed to catch the attention of not one, but two, ship captains that were as different as night and day. Obviously she didn?t realize she was a damsel in distress and she hadn?t exactly been in distress and wouldn?t be unless one of those captains reached her first.

Unbeknownst to the young elven woman that hunkered upon the greenery below, bared legs drawn against an equally bare torso, she was the linchpin in the latest of disagreements between the two most famous (or infamous) air captains in Biodome. Was it because of the young queen?s unmatched beauty? The exotic slant of her large green eyes, the tapered point of her ears or perhaps the perfect proportion of her chiseled, elongated body that gave evidence that the gods were more than simple minded narcissists, at least when it came to creating their art.

As true as any and all of these facts were regarding the young woman that had suddenly overcome the stupor of her ordeal and was now arising from her cower upon the ground, this was not the reason the two air captains were now lighting up the violet sky with angry red and gold explosions from their ship?s weapons. The dome above the elf?s head actually shuddered in response to a particularly nasty dual explosion, the aftermath rocked the smaller of the gunships out of the air but thanks to some brilliant, death defying maneuvering on the part of The Epyllion?s captain, the majestic ship refrained from crashing into the impervious dome below as it plummeted madly through the air, spiralling downwards at an alarming rate that had the crew bracing for the impact that, thankfully, would never come. There was a howl of maniacal laughter that should not have been audible and one could only guess that its origin was from the captain of The Kurgan, wicked being that he was.

No, as lovely as this young queen was, this was not the reason for the battle taking place above her. Honestly, neither captain could see her in any detail. She had been an object plummeting through the sky after a wormhole had opened and vomited her out into the Biodome?s atmosphere. As she had approached the massive dome that covered the terrain and protected air quality below it, a faint charge of energy could be seen. The elven maiden?s hair became a mass of electrically charged matter that splayed out about her in some otherworldly fan of obsidian with tendrils of frenetic silver electricity flowing between her body and the dome that she was somehow passing through as if it didn?t exist.

The fantastical two above the dome were locked into a battle that seemed to span, far reaching, across any space and time barriers. Theirs was a struggle, orchestrated by the universe herself, to maintain balance; and Isa`viel could be a weapon wielded by either side, whomever won the battle and found her first. Which would be difficult since they didn?t know she was a ?she.? She was simply an ?it,? an object they were fighting over because this was what was supposed to happen next, though neither knew they were being goaded into doing so.

The universe was a chaotic bitch, though neither evil nor good. While maintaining balance because the gods demanded that it be so, she did so in her own ways. Rescuing a young queen from her death in another dimension and imbuing her with the power needed for one side to win the battle over the other? Check. It would be entertainment for a timeless entity that was bored beyond all comprehension. What would happen when one side wielded their new weapon and won this battle? She, the universe, would orchestrate something new.

There would always be another battle. There would always be chaos. The balance would forever be maintained.

A playful, though far too curious red panda came barrelling towards Isa. This particular species of animal was foreign to her and in her experience, most animals of such a color should be avoided. The elf began her naked sprint across the flowered meadow that, within moments changed. Isa found herself attempting to halt abruptly as massive tree roots sprung up from the previously flat terrain directly within her path. Losing her footing, she sprawled face first upon ground that was, once again, completely flat. The tree roots that had arisen to trip her up were suddenly gone and the red panda was galloping faster towards her. Somewhere in the back of her mind, the elf wondered how a creature that was so portly was able to move at such a speed.

Scrambling to her hands and knees and then pushing off with the force of powerful thighs to propel her rapidly forward, the elf was confident she could outrun the strange creature. Until, yet again, the terrain changed and had her slamming face first into the smooth white bark of a tree whose girth could have easily made four of the elven queen. Knocked rather senseless, Isa stumbled backwards, was tripped by the tentacled vines of one of the oddest ?flowers? she had ever encountered, and found herself laying flat upon her back. The bumpiness of the ground beneath her smoothed out so that she felt the moist coolness of moss beneath her. A canopy of oddly shaped and multicolored leaves became her parasol. If all of that wasn?t enough change to throw the elf into shock, the red panda was suddenly standing right behind where she lay with its face, upside down, over hers. A warm tongue lulled from between powerful jaws and licked the trembling girl from her forehead to her chin, not omitting any feature in between.

The Queen of Faerondalen was once again unconscious upon a bed of soft grass and lovely wildflowers beneath peaceful amethyst skies, overcome by the onslaught of oddities since she had awakened in this fascinatingly terrifying new world.

Image above belongs to Gloria Scholik


Date: 2012-03-16 23:53 EST

The battle between Alfonso and Searcher continued. Time was of little relevance in this strange land that was new to Isa`viel. She thought she had been here for several days but without the rising and setting of the sun and moon in regularly spaced intervals, the elf had no real basis for time. Yet another oddity about this world.

After she had awakened for the second time in the flowered meadow, this time with the red panda laying next to her snoring loudly, the befuddled elf sat up and looked around. The first thing she noticed was that she was covered by a fluffy dark blanket that contrasted nicely against the thick layer of snow that lay all about her now. How long had she been asleep this time and who had cared to cover her so that she didn?t catch her death by cold.

?You are awake finally.?

?Y-yes. H-how long have I been asleep??

?For a few hours. I found you when I was tracking down Sugaidaro.? A hand was extended to point at the still snoozing red panda.

?What is this place?? Isa asked softly, trying very hard not to show the trepidation that she felt as she was suddenly sitting in water that reached mid torso of her sitting form. The snow was gone.

?This is Biodome. Do not dwell much on what you see for nothing is real until you are able to harness the energy within your mind and force a pattern of continuity.?

The dark haired woman nodded as if her explanation made perfect sense then simply stared at the frightened woman for a moment longer, head tilting to the left while large dark eyes blinked slowly.

Abruptly Isaviel?s visitor stood and scooped up the red panda. ?You are a naughty thing for getting out of the house.?

The small, dark haired woman walked away with the red panda within her arms and Isa?s brows knitted together in confusion. She could have sworn that creature had been giant while it had been chasing her earlier. Perhaps even creatures changed frequently as well in this place. The idea did not bode well for the young elven woman and she immediately tried to focus upon what the other woman had told her. How exactly did one harness the energy of their mind and force a...pattern of continuity?

Green eyes turned downward to stare at her bare form, noticing the blanket was now gone. Curious to attempt to change her circumstances in whatever way she could, the elf closed her eyes and tried to imagine herself dressed in comfortable hunting leathers with a warm cloak covering. When she opened her eyes she was clothed in this exact outfit but it began to flash and disappear as her excited mind drifted away from holding the image of clothing in place. Isa felt a small surge of triumph, however, realizing that she was beginning to learn how to survive in this strange, yet fascinating, new world.

Now it was time to explore.