Topic: Another addition


Date: 2006-11-06 20:23 EST
It had taken a bit of convincing, but Sebastian had finally gotten Cassandra to let him move in. She wouldn't regret it, he promised. Now, the fact that Cassie agreed to let Bastian stay was a very big deal considering how just a few weeks earlier the two cousins were at each others throats.

Cassandra wouldn't let him take Charlotte's old room in case she came back, so Bastian moved into Lucy's old room. She certainly wasn't coming back. find a job.


Date: 2006-11-06 20:39 EST
"You're moving where?!"

"I don't need to repeat myself, mother. You heard me the first time."

Mrs. de Vernon stood in Sebastian's doorway as he packed his bag. "But...but.... with her? Sebastian, darling, have you been drinking?"

Bastian threw his mother a sharp look.

"You're too young!"

"I'm 21, mother."

"But you've never been away from home for very long. What if you can't survive without me? What will you eat -- better yet, who will feed you? Who's going to look after you when you get sick?"

Basitan smirked as she ranted. The poor woman simply didn't know how to let a child go. "Mum, it's not like I'll be gone forever. I'll come visit."

His mother looked flushed, standing there in the doorway, fanning herself with a hand. "You could get killed living with her kind, Sebastian. They are dangerous people. You're too young to understand that."

He didn't answer her. She was just looking for excuses. He zipped his duffel closed and slung it over his shoulder. Blue eyes turned on his mother. The woman looked close to tears.

"But what about Truly?"

He paused. Truly. Sweet sixteen and more vixen than a fox could ever be. The girl had hinted countless times that she wanted to do more than kiss Sebastian. That was partially his fault; he flirted too much. Most belived that Sebastian wasn't a virgin, but he was. And while he wasn't ashamed, he didn't go around broadcasting it. He even joked with Cassie about bringing women home, but she knew the truth. Probably one of the only people who did.


Sebastian blinked as his mother verbally prodded him. "Mother, Truly isn't the one for me. I've already spoken with her. I've ended things."

Now that did cause Bastian's mother to cry. "You're really leaving, aren't you?!"

He sighed, dropped his bag on the floor and moved to gather his mother into his arms. "I am, but as I said, I will be back to visit. You can come visit me, too, you know." He knew she'd never do that, but it was worth a try.

"You will be alright? You promise? What will you do for money? Should I go to your father? We can-"

"No, no," he gently interrupted her. "I think I am going to get a job. Don't worry." He kissed her brow, released and held her at arms length. "I love you."

He always knew what to say. His mother smiled and patted Bastian's hand. "You'd better go. It's getting dark."

"Yes, mother." He stooped to get his bag.

"Dont' forget to write."

"Yes, mother."

"Did you pack clean underwear?"

He chuckled. "Yes, mother."

"I love you, too, Sebastian."

