Topic: Final touches

Charlotte Ravenlock

Date: 2006-08-13 13:59 EST
All three women: Char, Cassie, and Lucy, had moved into the house in West End, but it was far from being finished. There was alot of painting to do before any of the more bulky furniture was brought in, so Charlotte suggested they all get to work.

Cassie had been so kind as to tell Charlotte she'd paint the baby's room so that the fumes would be totally gone by the time she was born. Charlotte would have done it herself, but it was, in fact, a rather small area with no window. She kindly took Cassie up on her offer, allowing her to get it painted.

Lucy said she was painting her room pink and purple and seemed genuinely excited about working on it. Charlotte promised to help her, but for now, Charlotte wanted to finish the first room she and Cassie had started. Once Aiden was put down for his nap, Charlotte went into the livingroom, now painted a very neutral tan color and laid out the painting cloth under the door frame.

Dragging a chair over to stand on, Charlotte carefully climbed on top with a very fine paintbrush and a small jar of dark green paint. Around the edges of the frame, Charlotte began free handing some ivy. It was a tedious job, but Charlotte looked forward to the finished product. She loved this house and it was going to look nice. It had to.

Hours passed. Charlotte changed colors periodically to different shades of greens and yellows, blending them together perfectly on the wall, adding to the effect. It almsot nearly looked real. Soon, she had surrounded both archways: the one that led to the foyer and the one that led to the kitchen. Standing back, Charlotte smiled admiring her handywork. Perfect timing, really, because it was then that she heard Aiden's bedroom door squeak as it opened and his little feet pitterpatter down the hall to the stairs.

It made her smile. Visions of her unborn child at that age swam into her mind, with Aiden holding her hand, helping her down the stairs. She blinked. What an odd thing to imagine, but she looked forward to moments like that. Having a nearly three year old was wonderful. Charlotte truly learned things from her son every day and just simply couldn't get enough of him. But she was excited about the baby. Her first breath, her first smile, first laugh, first word, first step....first time everything. Children were such a joy!

But even with all the good in her new life, Charlotte knew she would never be completely whole. Perhaps...without...well, you know, she never would be. That simple fact robbed her of her happiness in that moment. Would the feeling of despair ever go away?

Shaken from her thoughts.

"Momma!" Aiden stood in the doorway of the livingroom in just a little shirt and a diaper. His blonde hair was toussled and standing on end in one section. He gave her a grin, binky still in his mouth of course, and padded over to her.

Charlotte melted. Her life was everything it needed to be in that moment.


Date: 2006-08-13 15:32 EST
Now that she'd gotten Charlotte's permission, and found a way to keep her out of the room, she could get started! First, she had to go back and pick up everything she'd left in the marketplace. Amazingly, it was still there. Nothing she'd bought was all that valuable in a monetary sense. She slipped into the nursery and started setting down the drop cloths. Paint can was opened and some poured into a rolling pan, and then she grabbed the rough sea sponge. The room was already white, so all that was necessary was for Cassie to do was to sponge the pale pink paint on the wall, letting some of the white peek through here and there. Of course, it wasn't easy to do, getting it on there so perfectly, so it would take awhile, and Cassie was already planning on taking her time, or least, letting Charlotte think she was taking her time. After all.. She needed the time to sneak in all of the furniture and decorations for the room since she'd decided to surprise Char by getting it all done for her. It was going to be her gift to Char and the baby.

She spent quite a lot of thought trying to decide how to decorate, and she'd settled on a theme of Flutterbys. The crib, rocking chair, changing table and all the other furniture were white. The sheets and padding in the crib were pink, of course, and the little blanket to go on top was covered in bright pastel flutterbys. There was a mobile that she hung over the crib and hanging from it were flutterbys that seemed to flit about when it was turned on. The cushions on the rocking chair were also covered in flutterbys. There was a little side table next to the chair and on it was a white ceramic lamp with a, guess what, flutterby lampshade! And when the lamp was turned on, pretty colors were illuminated and lit up the walls. Decorating the changing table were flutterby stickers that could be peeled off and reused without causing damage to the furniture along with a flutterby pattern squishy cushion. She'd had a little sign made to look like building blocks and the blocks spelled out "Ava" which was hung on the wall across from the door so that there'd be no doubt about whose room this was. Since there was no window, every color in the room was bright to keep it from getting too dark. Even the light switch covers were bright, white with a different colored flutterby for each one. There were a few framed pictures on the walls, not too many, but she didn't want the walls to look bare either. They were bright scenes with flutterbys and smiling people and animals. Overall, the room had a very bright and cheery look, if she did say so herself.

Cassie was always careful to keep the doors shut, and to try and do the construction parts of the furniture when Charlotte was out of the house so that any loud noises wouldn't bring Charlotte running to make sure Cassie hadn't fallen off the ladder while painting or some such accident. She was also careful to drop hints that the paint was still drying and the room was very fumey to keep Charlotte from peeking in out of curiosity to inspect the paint job. It took her nearly a week to get the whole thing together, and when she finally finished, she stepped back with a grin to survey her work. She sure hoped Charlotte liked it, because it had taken forever to sneak everything in like she did! It was finally time to get Charlotte so that she could "see the color of the paint."

Lucy Ravenlock

Date: 2006-08-14 11:52 EST
Lucy had been in no mood to paint that day. So many things had happened that she perhaps left it until the day Cassie and Charlotte begun on theirs and too the rest of the house. She had no power of what the other rooms would be like but at least she had the permission from her Mother; Charlotte, to create her own style in her own bedroom. So when her head was indeed clear of all the ill-thoughts that had been plaguing her as of recently and despite whatever mood she was in, she forced herself to paint her room.
Slowly the room started to take the form of what she wanted it to be. Normally she would be used to the dark - stank and horribly boring rooms of the Den and the Red Dragon Inn?s guest rooms, but now? She could play off on her more? Hidden girlish side...

Being the cleanliness of women, (a highly sarcastic notion considering she generally rots when she does not eat...) Lucy had made a make-shift coat made out of black rubbish bags with several holes to feed her arms and head through, this was because she did not want her straight jacket and skin full of paint! That?s right, skin too? She had an odd habit of walking around naked in her own bedroom. She felt it safe there, even with the curtains drawn wide from the window for all to see? It?d look really smooth if she turned up to a future date with various dabs of color on her bright white clothing!

So the black bags helped? It did its job in protecting various surfaces so, Lucy couldn?t care.

The walls were painted cherry pink and the ?skirting-boards? that ran across the lower most part of the wall were left white, the ceiling too did not get away from her painting spree and was painted a fairly pale lilac; too could be said for her door because that was also painted lilac. For comedy value she painted upon the lilac surface with the cherry pink on the outside part of the door: ?Lucy?s Dungeon? and below that a rather silly stick drawing of herself, too.

The paint?s fumes were intoxicating and did cause her lungs to feel like they were that little bit heavier. Though, Lucy being rather undead the toxic fumes of wet paint would not and could not faze her at the slightest and so would sleep in her new bedroom as soon as the bags were revealed from the bed, and floor. Which she decided to do now?

The bed was a sight to be laughed at, and befitted someone with the mental age of six years old. The quilt of the bed was purple and bordered in pink fluffy stuff that normally would be itchy to wear, her pillows were indeed a dark pink fluffy plushed type material filled with feathers, and then at the foot of her bed was that out of character dark, old trunk which held her precious valuables and the unmentionables. The walk in closet now contained her arsenal of clothing and was left inside, white instead of painting it with her two other favouite colors.

The carpet was? Well. Lilac? And guess what? Yep, it was fluffy.


Date: 2006-08-17 13:48 EST
Cassie had spent a lot of time on the nursery, so she'd decided to take a small break before going to work on her basement area. Well, the past few days had been crazy, to say that least, and Cassie needed an outlet for all her extra energy, so she went to work.

She'd spent a lot of time thinking about how she wanted things, and so she was finally starting to put some of the planning into action. She decided to paint the walls of the bedroom a cream color. This way she could change the theme of the bedding and pillows. The bed spread was a matching cream, but the sheets were a pale, pale green and the pilows were matching green. Also there were a few throw pillows in complimentary light blues and light yellows. She'd moved in a dresser that matched the bed frame and had a large mirror and assembled it all by herself. She arranged her clothes in the dresser and in her closet. Cosmetics and hair brushes and all the girly things were arranged on top of it. She even hung a few shelves, which were filled with books and various other things that were valuable to her. A small tv and dvd player were set up on a tv stand in the corner, where it could still be seen from the bed. Decorations for the walls would have to come later.

The living room area was painted the same cream as her bedroom. A white couch and matching love seat were arranged so that the television that was set in the corner could seen. The couches were facing away from the kitchenette, giving the illusion of privacy. There were a few small throw pillows arranged in the corners of a satiny black material. The kitchenette had been left alone for the most part, except for a few additions like paper towels and a cutting board and oven mitts arranged on the counters, not that the latter really got used. The shelves were finally stocked with edible foods, along with the fridge and freezer. There was also silverware and dishes and a few pots and pans, though not a whole lot.

The bathroom was her favorite. She'd sponged a light blue over the white paint and at the top she'd pressed on of those wallpaper trims up there. It was blue swirls with various sea shells running along the length, and in curly letters under each one the name of the shell. Shampoos and shower gels and all her other shower accessories were lined up around the jacuzzi tub, and around the sink were her toothbrush and face washes and the like. Matching blue towels had been placed around the bathroom, along with handtowels and wash cloths. She'd really gone all out on those! They were soft and fuzzy, great to wrap up in.