Topic: The OOC Stuff


Date: 2006-08-11 20:59 EST
Well, we all gotta have one of these. So here it is. You guys know the drill. OOC information posted here is not to be used IC. People are welcome to stop by and play with us in here, but please, use your brain when looking to join into a thread in progress. Feel free to ask us questions or leave comments or love, we don't bite-hard. =P

Alex Ravenlock

Date: 2006-08-11 21:48 EST
I thought I was a blacksheep, too? This is so sad.


Date: 2006-08-11 21:52 EST
Haha guess you just aren't a special enough black sheep. :P

Alex Ravenlock

Date: 2006-08-11 22:07 EST
Or, am I too good to be a blacksheep here? I think so~


Date: 2006-08-11 22:10 EST
N'ah, no way. Not possible.


Date: 2006-08-11 22:36 EST
Did anyone think that if almost everyone is a black sheep that really just makes them not black sheep anymore?


Date: 2006-08-11 22:39 EST
Hmm.. Now that's just thinking way too much, lol. Makes my head hurt. Eh well, it hurt already.. Oh well.. =)

Lydia Loran

Date: 2006-08-11 23:16 EST
I thought Alex couldn't be a black sheep of the family anymore since he renounced himself from the family~


Date: 2006-08-11 23:19 EST
That's right! Ha!

Alex Ravenlock

Date: 2006-08-12 03:18 EST
That's right! That family sucked.

So he's just Alex. Nwah~~

Lucy Ravenlock

Date: 2006-08-12 07:48 EST

The Black Sheep Club. :D Population. 3.

Or 4. Or whatever...

No idea why I posted this...

*peace sign* Black Sheep rules and so does it's MODS! Woo!

Alex Ravenlock

Date: 2006-08-12 09:39 EST
I vote for more stories, please. :)

Lydia Loran

Date: 2006-08-12 09:49 EST
Yah, the OOC thread is more happening than the stories. :)

But hey, when Lydia gets to know Charlotte more or whatever, maybe she can come hang out at the house, you know, like whenever she gets sick of Alex. :D Fun times for all?

Charlotte Ravenlock

Date: 2006-08-12 09:51 EST
More stories. Check...

...we just gotta find something interesting to write about. LOL

Oo! Yey Lydia! Yeah, dude...come over!

Alex Ravenlock

Date: 2006-08-12 10:42 EST
Yah, the OOC thread is more happening than the stories. :)

But hey, when Lydia gets to know Charlotte more or whatever, maybe she can come hang out at the house, you know, like whenever she gets sick of Alex. :D Fun times for all?

Yeah. That makes sense. Especially when she just promised she wouldn't get sick of him! .. ugh. Lies. The LIES.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2006-08-13 12:26 EST
Yah, the OOC thread is more happening than the stories. :)

But hey, when Lydia gets to know Charlotte more or whatever, maybe she can come hang out at the house, you know, like whenever she gets sick of Alex. :D Fun times for all?

Yeah. That makes sense. Especially when she just promised she wouldn't get sick of him! .. ugh. Lies. The LIES.

*giggles and pokes*

I knew you'd read it, that's why I said it. You know, just teasing? :D

We should probably stop spamming their thread now... *slinks away*

Charlotte Ravenlock

Date: 2006-08-13 14:11 EST

The 'Final Touches' thread is for all the fun painting posts and decorating. Also, Cassie....that surprise you mentioned to me for Char can go in there too if ya want.

Also guys, unless I state otherwise, all of my threads are open to anyone. Jump right on it!

Now, for everyone else: Do feel free to stop by. Visitors are always a fun thing!


Date: 2006-12-21 03:30 EST
I figure that since this is Cassie's area, I should have Cassie's surveys here! And maybe I wanted more silver.. Shhh!

Name: Cassandra de Vernon

Sex: Female

Birth date: December 20th. Oh wait, that's today isn't it?

Location: West End Rhydin

Height: Five foot ten inches

Eye color: Blue-grey

Hair color: Purple
What does your name mean: I don't know. It was my mother's mother's name. So my grandmother's name.

Favorite relatives: Uh. My blood relatives.. Let's see.. Sebastian and I get along better these days..

Summer memory: Spending time with Jon and Aki, the three of us laying in the grass together.

Do you believe in yourself: Sometimes.

Favorite game: Never Have I Ever

Favorite drink: Peppermint tea. Sometimes with a splash of Peppermint Schnapps

Favorite food: Anything sweet

Favorite colors: Black and red

Favorite cigarettes: I don't smoke

Favorite sounds: Happy laughter. The pure kind, not the mean laughing at you kind.

Favorite smell: The just showered smell. Before any scents are added. So soap, I guess.

Worst feeling in the World: Not belonging anywhere.

Best feeling in the World: Being accepted for who and what you are.

Favorite thing to do on a weekend: Enjoy the company of my friends.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years: Uhm. I guess in Rhy'Din. Perhaps with a boyfriend of some sort.

First thought in the morning: Who the hell is laying on my arm? No kidding kidding! Really I'm thinking about sleeping some more.

Are you a good friend: I try to be good to those whom I consider friends. I'll defend them always.

Chocolate or Vanilla cake: Vanilla

Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: Well.. I do have this mint green wombat.. Shhh!

Thunderstorms cool or scary: Cool

What is your zodiac sign: Sagittarius, I think

What do you wear to bed: Usually nothing. But I do have an assortment of pretty night gowns and pj sets for those nights that it's too chilly.

Do you eat stems of broccoli: Sure do

If you could have any occupation when you get older, what would it be: I think maybe I'd like to own a bookstore..

If you could dye your hair one color, what would it be: Strawberry blonde, like my mother.

If you could have a tattoo, what and where would it be: Some sort of sign for independence on my side, just above my hip.

What is your favorite quote: I try to take each day at a time, but sometimes several attack me at once.

Have you ever been in love: Yes.

What's on your walls in your room: Paint. Some pictures. Nothing special right now.

Which one, Coke or Pepsi: Neither

If you were to kill someone, which method would you use: My knives.

Are you a righty, lefty, or ambidextrous: Ambidextrous

When you meet a person of the opposite sex, you notice their: Smile

What kind of shoe would you be if you had an option: Slippers

What's under your bed: I'm afraid to look

Who is your biggest crush right now: Oh my. Well, I guess right now Jordan.

Nickname: Cassie, Cass, Too-Tall

Do you Drink: Sometimes. Alcohol has a love-hate relationship with me. Loves me when I'm drinking it, hates me the morning after.

Have you ever been skinny dipping: Yep

Do you make fun of people: Not too often, but I'm sure I've done it.

Have you ever been convicted of a crime: Nope

Best friends: Charlotte, Erin is getting up there

One pillow or two: Two

Pets: Nope

Hobbies: Reading, laughing, loving, fighting, working out, goofing around, flirting

Word or Phrase you overuse: Uhm

Piercing or tattoos: My ears.

Do you get along with your parents: Hard to say. My mother's been dead for years and I only met my father recently, and he stays away most of the time. I didn't get along with my aunt who raised me at all, and my uncle was sort of neutral.

Favorite beer: Carlsberg

Most humiliating moment: Oh.. When James broke up with me in front of a crowd.. And made sure they all knew he'd only dated me to get into my pants. I was 17. He was my first.

Craziest or Silliest Person You Know: Erin?

Favorite Holiday: New Years, if I have to choose one.


Date: 2006-12-21 03:32 EST
1) What is your name? Cassandra de Vernon

2) What is your marital status? Definitely single. I'm not the marrying type.

3) Do you reside in RhyDin? Yes

4) What creature class are you? Human and something else.

5) Who is your father? Alexander Ravenlock

6) Who is your mother? Stephanie de Vernon.

7) Who are your brothers? Brothers? No.

8 ) Who are your sisters? Well, strangely enough I recently met a half sister. It was weird. I've never had a sibling before. At least, none that I've met.

9) Do you have any children, if yes, who are they? Gods no.

10) What is your age? 20- No wait, 21. Today, actually.

11) Do you have any knowledge in magic? Very little. I wish to learn more.

12) Do you have any pets, if yes, what creature type? No pets. I'm probably not responsible enough.

13) Who are your best friends? Charlotte, and Erin is working her way there.

14) What is your alignment? Uhm. Well, I try to be good, but I suppose sometimes my morals don't exactly match up with those of good.

15) Who is the most attractive person or people you have met of the opposite sex? I find all sorts of people attractive.

16) Have you ever loved? Yes.

17) What are your fears? Loneliness, death, morbid things along those lines.

18 ) What is your darkest secret? Sometimes I think I hate myself more than any other person out there.

19) What excites you? Depends on who's doing it.

20) Who do you hate? The list would take days to complete.

21) Have you been slaved before? No.

22) Has this master trained you before in anything? I have no master.

23) Have you ever killed? Yes

24) Do you trust easily? No. Not anymore. Perhaps I never did.

25) Do you seek power? I could care less about power.

26) Name one thing you are sure of: My name is Cassandra de Vernon.

27) What do you need for strength & survival? Food. Water. Shelter. Human(Or not so Human) interaction. My weapons.

28 ) Do you have anything to hide? Plenty

29) Have you desired someone only physically? Of course

30) Do you have a kindred spirit? I doubt it.

31) Where does your loyalty lay? Myself.

32) What is your weapon of choice? Knives

34) Do you have a pic? Yeah, I do.

35) What is your goal in life? To just live?

36) What do you desire most? Acceptance

37) If you could be anything in life what would it be? Happy.

38 ) If it was your last 5 minutes on earth what would you say? The truth.


Date: 2006-12-21 16:39 EST

...which is okay.. I did that, too. *Whistle*


Date: 2006-12-21 18:43 EST
Mwahahaha!! And you shall never stop me!


Date: 2007-04-22 18:42 EST
Well, it's the week before my finals and I'm completely swamped, so I should not be around so much as I usually am. For those of you that I owe posts, I know! I promise I'll get to them at some point as soon as I can! Don't hate me!


Date: 2007-11-21 01:22 EST
Just an update. Most of the people I play with already know, but a parking lot totally kicked my ass the other night (Yes, I was sober, sadly) and my right hand is busted up. Soo I'm not playing so much, but if you do see me playing in the room, please keep in mind that I am typing with one hand, my non-dominant hand, and that I will be slow and I have to look at the keyboard and I will have short sends with typos. So if I miss something, just shoot me an IM.

Alex Ravenlock

Date: 2007-11-21 05:17 EST
I'm going to bug you about this till I get bored.

Which may or may not be immediate. Beware!


Date: 2008-06-17 10:16 EST
Hmmmm....nothing since last November?!

I'll have to remedy that!

Miss you, girlie! (And I hope you have your duct tape ready for the boy. Tee hee!)


Date: 2012-05-06 14:28 EST
Oh my God, I know, it's me! I guess that since my folder is here again, that means I actually need to start posting! Sooo, some new stuff should start going up shortly.

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2012-05-09 18:28 EST
Welcome back, Cassie. It's good to see ya again ^ ^

Can't wait to see whatcha got up yer sleeve.

~Brian / Raven

Locke DVestavio

Date: 2012-06-11 11:14 EST
Been totally remiss in saying something, but allow me to remedy that. Very excited to see Cassandra back! :)


Date: 2012-07-16 17:42 EST
Thanks guys! I got a little delayed with a lot of the posting I wanted to do, had some family stuff come up, but hopefully things are on their way to better, so I'm going to get my writing hat back on soon and finish up what I've started and then commence with more!


Date: 2012-09-15 01:58 EST
When it rains it pours, so the saying goes. I've been doing lots of thinking and planning but haven't been able to do the writing yet. School has started up again but I went with a half schedule while I try to get a handle on some health issues, so hopefully once I settle into that, I will actually write.


Date: 2012-11-26 02:12 EST
Well, I was trying to take a nap the other day and Cassie just would not let me sleep so I've started on some new posts, and went ahead and put down some of the old journal entries that I hadn't gotten around to posting before I got caught by life. Hopefully, after I write my 8 page paper >.< tomorrow and Tuesday, I should be able to do more.