Topic: Conoce a la Familia


Date: 2008-06-28 08:52 EST
He wore a crisp maroon button up shirt, and had a black t-shirt underneath. Very, very dressed down for the Good Son of Bohannon. He had khaki pants on, brown leather sandals adorned his feet. Expensive sunglasses were hooked atop his head as if freshly home from a day at the beach. Truth be told, Andre adored the summer styles.

His hair was a wheat brown with sighs of gold, cut short with the summer's intolerances and gelled up in fashionable fleets of prickles. He wore a metal chain necklace in a masculinely styled choker. A blank plate of metal centerpieced the chain. Eyes of a faded green were on a book involving astrology. He found that genre very entertaining and relaxing. He unwound with the book while seated in an over sized loveseat, one leg crossed over the other loosely.

Minutes later, the faintest jostle of the bell above the front door sounded, and a small breeze ruffled the pages of a massive book nearby. The woman at the counter looked up expectantly, but froze, her mouth open - the greeting dead in her throat. No one was there.

Andre heard...something. He had an amused half-smile on his face as he read the line Scorpio women wish they had been born as men. The noise didn't deem itself worthy of a glance, his index finger kneading the corner of the page. Broad shoulders rolled as he stirred in his chair as he turned the page. What did the book have to say about Libra men?

Along one shelf, and then the next, heavy feet making no sound on the floor as she walked on her toes. The way she was taught. Assess the strength of the floor, and apply your weight accordingly. Although, it was easier when one was only 5'3". His figure loomed closer and closer in her vision as she slipped between the lines of books, Luvvie rattling disapprovingly against her ribs. So quick in her darts that the scents of her shampoo and perfume found it hard to catch up, she rounded the last shelf, inched her way behind Andre's chair, and roughly touched his shoulder.

He whipped his head to turn over his shoulder, moving his torso abruptly. The face he met with allowed his eyes to soften, but not his expression startlement.

He was gifted one of those rare smiles, if one could call it that. The expression seemed to touch her whole face, as if her lips were just about to break. But they didn't. Dark chocolate eyes danced as fingers squeezed his shoulder, and she made to occupy a seat near him. Her voice as she spoke was just a few decibels above a whisper. "It's been a while, Andre." The leather of her coat squealed gently against the leather of her seat, the only noise she'd made so far.

"Noni..." He looked up at her and resettled himself as she sat beside him. As she settled, he looked down to his closed astrology book. Andre frowned to himself, only to shrug. "I lost my page..." Then, he grinned, ignoring his own observation. "It's good to see you. You look.." his eyes looked down to her frame and attire. Not at all predatory. "Very well. How are you?"

I do? she queried, looking down at herself. A plain white tee shirt was half hidden beneath a tan leather coat; faded jeans and Docs completed the mix. Nevertheless she chuckled, odd coming from an unsmiling face. "You're still as sweet as ever. I'm doing as well as can be expected." Little fingers touched her right cheekbone where rode a faint yellow discoloration, a souvenir, eyes flicking up to him. "It's finally going away."

"You do," assured Andre. His expression warmed by several degrees. Noni never really gave him a visit before. It was usually only to Fiorella. Andre usually happened to be there. What with Fio and Andre living on the same Estate. He still smiled as he saw the yellow on her stunning face. "I didn't even notice it until you showed me." His smile turned to a boyish grin in a flicker.

Andre always made it hard not to smile, and her bright eyes showed that. It was true. Noni was indeed on the fringe, one of those Family members that was talked about but rarely seen. Such would be a compliment in her eyes. She nudged her toe gently against his leg. "Always the charmer, I'm sure women fall over themselves with you." She felt awkward having the attention on her. It was something she wasn't used to. "What about you? You don't seem injured or unstable. I'd say that's pretty good." Nodding; her loose curls bounced around her cheeks.

Andre's right brow furrowed and tensed to make his boyish grin skeptical. He grinned wider, curling his fingers and rubbing the quartet against his shoulder as his grin gained a goofy quality. "I'm in one piece, but Fio makes sure that's a challenge in itself." He laughed softly, the hand rubbing his shoulder flexing outward as he talked with his hands. A true Argentinian trait.

Another set of chuckles fell from blank red lips. "Does she make you work just as hard? Not that I complain or anything.." Her own tiny hand waves as she shifts, and props the soles of her shoes on the edge of the table before them. They're broken in, fuzzy, and seem too big for her feet.

"That and more, definitely." He looked to the ceiling and let out a tired sigh, shaking his head. Yet, the warm smile came over his face. "But she's a big princess, so she is out more often than usual now. Which makes things very peaceful. Quiet, too." Again, that boyish grin came on his face as his brows quirked as-a-matter-of-factly in a flex. Andre was handsome, and looked quite youthful today. His skin seemed healthy in its glow. Had he been sunbathing?

Noni's eyes flickered all over him, studying him, taking in every detail. After all, she'd not had much of a chance. She could see the family resemblance, although his hair was a little darker than Fio's. With her pale flesh and dark features, he probably was glowing sitting next to her. "So she's been alright too? I haven't had the chance to get in contact with anyone outside of you yet. Slight complications, and such," she said with another wave of a dainty hand. This time it was annoyed.

"And to what do I owe the pleasure? You've.." he paused, smiling comfortably. "Never really come to see me specifically before." Then, an excellent idea came to mind. "Could I steal you and take you back to the Estate? Fio could be there." He was a natural flirt. He already made a move to stand up, sitting on the edge of the couch to look behind at her with a smile.

"Can Family not visit each other?" Her head tilted childishly. "And you know you sister better than I do. Am I supposed to expect some kind of scolding?" When Noni said no contact, that's literally what she meant. She'd taken at least three times as long with this job than the others, and had even been considered 'missing' or 'killed in action' according to her associates. "It's best to get it out of the way, then.." She took her sweet time in getting to her feet, and threw her arms above her head in a stretch. Beneath her coat, Luvvie flashed in the light beating through the window.

Andre placed a hand on her shoulder. Unknown to him, his father did the very same thing when escorting a lady out or in to a room. Bohannons are known to be hospitable and affectionate to their own. One of his hereditary faces were in tow. "I'm sure she'll be happier to see you than to see me. She was terrible to me on the last note we had." Then, he walked towards the door, holding it open for her, he looked up to the bell for a moment. Then, back to Noni.

Red lips twitched as she caught his glance upwards. She was extremely pleased with herself for that one. "Maybe I'll teach you someday."

He grinned wider. "That was you, then? That noise?" He was amazed, but expected nothing less from Noni. He thought very highly of her. From what he heard from Fio, he had no choice.

She nodded to him, chocolate eyes dancing as she neared and patted his chest. "Don't worry. She loves you, you know that."

"Sometimes, Noni..." he said gently, smiling a painful but soft smile down to her. He towered over her by several inches, him a decent six foot at least. His was a true secret he hadn't had the chance to share with anyone. Nobody suitable to share such a thought with had that affect.

"I truly wonder."

Andre and Noni's players on June 27th in Teas'n Tomes. Permission granted by both players. ]