Topic: Memorias


Date: 2008-06-25 23:30 EST
June 1

My father doted on me. He had a son who made him proud and then me, his little princess. I remember one Saturday in particular. We were going to a house party. As we got out of the car, my brother--a scruffy little boy dressed up in a handsome suit with a cowlick--ran ahead to the house. My mother had stayed home. I was gathering my purse. Dad opened the door and I looked up at him, convinced in my seven-year-old heart that he was more handsome and smelled better than any daddy anywhere. He extended his hand to me with a twinkle in his eye and said, ?Una mano, mi se?ora?? Then he swept me up into his arms and told me how pretty I was. ?Ning?n padre tiene am? siempre a peque?a muchacha m?s que te amo,? he said.

Years later, I learned that the house parties we attended on Saturday?s weren?t house parties. The man I thought my father had been no longer existed. The older we got, the more his attention shifted to Andre. He soaked up the attention, but he, too was shattered when he learned the truth.

In my life, I?ve learned that you must take what you want. I cannot have the mind of a seven year old anymore. Both she and the man I called Daddy back then no longer exist. I am a woman of means. Without my father?s love, I must earn his approval. I cannot be weak like Andre. That stupid boy let Daddy?s secret destroy him.

I let it empower me.


Date: 2008-06-27 06:25 EST
May 23

When I was fifteen, I got into my first fight. Although, I'll have to say it wasn't very fair to begin with.

Jorge DeMarcus had the mentality of a five year old, and the body of a line-backer even at that age. He was the leader of a group of thugs who'd dent your face in if you so much as breathed. He was "interested" in one of my friends, and I steered her away. Now, he was after me.

They had chased after me right at the bell, hoping to catch me, but I was too fast. I knew the dark alleys and narrow streets like the back of my hand. I nearly passed out when I slammed our front door shut. My head was spinning and my lungs were burning. And what was worse, I knew I was home alone.

What happened between then and when I was taken to the hospital is all kind of a blur. I was told that Jorge had gotten his hands on his father's buckshot rifle and that I was lucky I missed the majority of the shrapnel, but he clipped my left arm something fierce.

An event like that would have made anyone abhor guns, but I embraced them. Their power, their quickness. One shot to any of your vital organs usually meant you were done. For my eighteenth birthday, my father gifted me his most prized possession - his old fashioned, black revolver.

What are you going to call her, he said. Guns are like your children. You take care of them, you clean them, and you keep them close to you.

Luvvie, I said. Her name is Luvvie.

And oh, how faithfully she's served me.


Date: 2008-06-27 16:32 EST
June 3

I live for the night. The day time is my hated enemy. Well, whatever time I need to do family duties is the time I hate. I used to love my family.

I remember those days. I used to smile all the time.

Now? What's a smile other than the pull of a few face muscles?

What are tears but salty water that oozes from eyes?

The only way I can possibly survive this world is by being who I am when nobody's watching. Well, when Father isn't watching. I hate him.

I hate my father. And he knows it.

Fiorella, my sister. The princess. There are days where I wish I could shove the diamonds of her crown into her eyes to gouge them. But other days, I can't help but love her.

Perhaps that's why I'm diseased. I don't want the baggage a woman comes with. Fiorella has her own graveyard of grief. Undertakers are underrated, in that matter.

I still don't understand it. Why they hate us so much.

No matter how much they hate us, I still am. My only salvation are the nights where I forget the hate. I forget the broken heart that beats a distorted beat inside. I forget the outside world.

Yet that outside world is what I'm a slave to. It's what Fio's a slave to.

Even with our money and prestige, we're all slaves to it.

And I hate it.

But most of all, I hate my father.


Date: 2008-06-28 02:17 EST
June 4

The hardest things about what I do aren't the actual act of doing it. It's the thoughts that follow.

Each person: man, woman, even child in some cases; they all have families. They all have hearts, they all have ideas, they all have dreams. And they all have people that love them, despite who they are. Even I have that.

So what gives me the right to take that away from them? I wouldn't want someone stripping that away from me all in the manner of a second. I've looked down barrels of guns before, and I don't like those parts of my life that flash before my eyes.

But what can you do? They are my family. Maybe we're not as perfect as some, but... we make do with what we have. We look out for our own. I'll do what's needed to protect them with everything I have...

Because I know those that I take down wouldn't hesitate to do the same to me.


Date: 2008-06-28 05:20 EST
June 11

It?s amazing how easy it is to forget about someone when you haven?t heard from them for a long time. I remember talking to Noni last month. She was acting strangely. She does that because she tries not to tell me when she?s got a mark. She fails because, obviously, I?m able to tell what?s going on.

I didn?t realize until two days ago that I hadn?t seen or heard from her in a week and a half. Nothing ever takes her that long. Not that I?m boasting about my cousins capabilities, but she?s usually done with things like this by now. I talked to Andre, but he didn?t seem worried. I tried looking for Eddie, but that man is so hard to track down sometimes. Eventually, my curiosity got the better of me. I made mention to Daddy that I hadn?t heard from Noni in quite some time and he gave me permission to go see a friend of hers.

Enrique is a disgusting pig. It?s a good thing I took Andre with me because that man infuriates me. He thinks that he has the right to speak to me like I?m his equal. After what seemed like hours, he told me where Noni had gone and who she was after, but did not give me a way to find her. He didn?t know what was taking so long and acted like he didn?t care. After I made it clear that he?d never be able to have children if he didn?t get my information, Enrique was much more compliant.

Andre and I stopped by a tavern on the way back home and I ran into Detective D?Mourir. Alain. I don?t know what it is about that man that intrigued me, but I accepted when he invited me to dinner. Dessert was divine. No man has ever made me behave like that before and oh, it was real this time. I should look into finding more lovers with piercings. I found his to be highly erotic.

I know Andre would beg to differ, but I think that, perhaps, Detective D?Mourir is someone to keep close. You never know how much an ex-smuggler could come in handy in this business.


Date: 2008-07-01 04:44 EST
June 28

I've been asked why I never smile, and I still can't come up with the answer. The closest I can get is that my face has forgotten how. "How can someone so pretty be so angry?" they ask me. "It's easy," I reply, "I just am."

In our world, smiles are a tool, not an expression. Smiles are everything, smiles are nothing. Smiles bring joy, smiles bring sadness. A smile could mean the difference between life or death. And a smile can set you free. There are so many ways it can be used and used against you, I think I've just taken away their tool to prevent complications.

But I smiled tonight. It hurt, but.. it felt good at the same time.

Andre shared something with me that only two other people know. Something deep, and something sacred. I was surprised. I didn't know he trusted me that much. In the same situation, I wouldn't. Not in a million years. Hell.. I hardly trust the rest of my Family as it is.

I wonder sometimes if he's just that stupid, or am I just that cold? Regardless, he did trust me. And I will honor that.


Date: 2008-07-02 06:30 EST
June 4th


Today, the most beautiful of angels stepped from the golden, basking sun and into my presence. She, like that of glorious silk draping on a rack with rough wool. A paradox in appearance, with creamy skin that glistened from the beads of water rolling in repelling manners; even they aware they should not be graced by her touch.

She, with extravagant hazel eyes, twin gems set within a treasuring statue, looked onto "El Suave" with such precision, I could have melted. No woman makes such water expel from the knees, to make him feel less than what he is. Alas, she fled my perception when I could regain such composure.

Those women, oi oi oi.

I am to leave my homestead by the morrow. I received word from "Serpiente gorda" of a transaction in the making. He wishes of "El Suave"'s appearance to ensure all is smooth.

Esto no se asienta bien en mi mente, but we shall see what they do. What they say. "Las inestabilidades de pre-mediar". The troubles of anxiety, I say.


Date: 2008-07-06 15:35 EST
July 6

The days are winding down, less than a month left. The calendar on my wall, with the red X's laughs at me from a distance, always reminding me. I tore it down and threw it out.

I wonder if I can handle it any better than I did last year. The year before that? I don't know. I've already lost it once this month.

'Cisco's here, he tried to help.. But the only good thing: Alek's back in town. Even if he doesn't ever answer his damned phone. At least I can try to find him.

Fio has already been irritated with me, I screwed things up with Andre and I'm pretty sure he'll be wanting to send someone after me.. My associate initiated a three foot restraining order..

Everything's falling apart, I'm falling apart.

Help me...


Date: 2008-07-07 00:03 EST
July 3rd

Noni is back, thank God. She was gone for over whole three weeks. No one had heard from her and I was beginning to think they girl had finally gotten herself killed. Luckily, she escaped from her job and found Andre who brought her to see me. She and I have our differences, but I was still glad to see she was ok. We spent most of the afternoon on the balcony talking about what had happened. Apparently she?d had a rough time with a hit and now thinks she?s being tailed.

A few days ago I got a letter from Daniel Faraday. It said, ?Fiorella, Nice to see you?re still living with your father. ?Danny? Needless to say, I was spooked. He?d left if with Stephen. I thought that motherf?ker was still in jail. Sure, it was consensual, but you?d think that law officers who sleep with 16 year old girls would be locked up for longer. And now he?s watching me? I showed Noni the note and she went loco. I wanted advice..not to be yelled at. My younger cousin just sniped at me the whole time. It was all very degrading and by the end of the conversation, I slapped her. I know I shouldn?t have, but she was threatening to tell people about it. I can?t let her do that until I know what he wants. After I find out, then Noni can kill him. I don?t care. He broke my heart. Used me. He means nothing to me.

I?m extremely upset. I don?t even know what to do with myself. Perhaps I?ll go find Alain and have him look into Faraday. He might know something. Who knows, maybe I?ll get more than information out of D?Mourir.


Date: 2008-07-07 04:57 EST
July 1st

"Serpiente gorda", El numero boss man, is very upset. His latest shipments were not of satisfactory standards, and has come to me in requesting I find him new hardware.

This damages "El Suave"'s name. How dare he drag it through the mud like a pig.

But, being the kind-hearted individual that I am, I am already in hopeful search. "Rye Vaun" has come to me in hopes I could assist in a matter, as well; and his crew is heavily packed with firearms. Surely they will not miss much if "El Suave" steps in for an evening?

Being the medium in the never-ending cycle of lifestyles is not easy. But I will most certainly say this: It can't be ever more rewarding.

By tomorrow I plan on seeking advice from Noni. She must have somebody that supplies her with ammunition. Two birds with one stone, and we're free as birds.

I miss the homestead. The other day I was reminded of my angel who dried herself off on the beach, with her luscious skin making my own crawl with goosebumps. Glorious. Those here are appealing on the grounds of "Five dollar?" levels. No woman can beat somewhere like "Pinamar" beach! They are classy acts; a hot salsa.

Oy, soon "El Suave".



Date: 2008-07-07 05:04 EST
July 4th

As I write this, I am still alive. It would seem El jefe is content. Noni was fortunate to come across a contact that I could work with. This little balding fellow; one certainly not in the line of work because he fits the description. He was quick to aid me, as long as he was able to make a slice in the cut. Twenty percent was steep, but no more so than if I was to lose my head.

Unfortunate for "El Suave", "Serpiente gorda" felt it necessary to not pay because I did not deliver on my word, originally. Merde!

I am in the city, and plan to meet with Noni very soon. She has made mentioning of her contact being pleased with his share; directly from "El Suave"'s pocket! El bromista!

Why I feel she wishes to gip "El Suave" should come as no surprise. The heartless! Oy, she stabs me swollen heart so.

We must remember. Soon.



Date: 2008-07-08 01:18 EST
July 7

Strength. Like smiles, it means so many different things. There are so many different kinds..

Does strength mean the same thing as self control? I wonder if I have it.

I know Fio does, and I both hate and love her for that. I look at myself, then I look at her and I think "opposites." She's intimidating and flawless. I've been told I'm intimidating too, but I really don't believe it.

Sometimes I think I have it all together, and then others feel like I just want to kill someone. I've heard we all feel that way sometimes and that it's just life.. The thing is.. I don't ever remember being this horrible.

Alek nearly got himself killed last night. And we're sharing a room now. I'm glad that something in my life doesn't make my head feel like it's going to explode.


Date: 2008-07-08 04:04 EST
July 8

Dulcie's in town now too. And she's implying some weird things.. about Alek and I. Telling him that he needs to take "good care" of me, and asking me if I ever wanted to kiss him..

He does take good care of me, he's the best and closest friend I've ever had. So I don't know where she's getting the idea that he doesn't.

She said she was high when she told him that, and I'll believe her, but sometimes..

Maybe I should ask him..?

I don't know.. Dulcie confuses me.


Date: 2008-07-19 00:40 EST
July 16

I am home now. And I'm in my bedroom as I'm writing this.

Is it bad that I wished I had missed this place more than I really did?

The Estate became something of a dream over the past few days. Something I didn't have to go back to.

Good old Vladimir kept calling. Saying that he missed having me around. That he missed having company when he had to do the deeds.

I swear, for a man, he talks storms when you don't want him to.

He kept giving me updates on things I didn't ask about. He told me of Fio's newest purchases or what Fio had been up to that he was aware of.

Fio and I are fluent in the game of telling Vladimir what we want, and hiding whatever else. Father was too lazy to use a magnifying glass on us.

I wish he hadn't told me about the grounds. I wish he wouldn't call me all the time. Because with every phone call...With every ridiculous detail he shares with me or some comment he tells me...

He always ends his phone calls with the same thing. He always asks.

"Why, Andre? Couldn't you just...not like men anymore? Or like both and date women more often? I mean, couldn't you just...fix it?"

It's as if my sexuality was a toy car in a catalog. And he kept trying to find ways to convince the company to produce the car in a certain color.

But my sexuality, to his dismay, isn't something that can be given a new paint job. Car or not, it isn't that simple.

I'm not that simple. No person is.

Not even the damned Mexicans we have as our muscle.

I used to try to answer him. I used to try to express my thought processes, logic, and feelings towards the matter. I used to stress how I always knew, but didn't know what to call it.

Is it so hard to accept something for what it is?

Why can't he just understand it?

Better yet. Why can't he just understand me?

These questions are typical of any teenager, but I'm 23 years old. I'm an adult. I should be married by now.

Vladimir was married young. He hoped we would follow in suit. I don't fit the bill for fulfilling legacies. Apparently, it's a disability I have.

It's not like I'm his only hope for children. Fio will produce dozens of heirs if she decides to. It wouldn't be much of a change from her current lifestyle.

All she'd need to change in her equation is the lack of protection. And lack of so many partners.

I hate how I can't find it in myself to rip her to shreds about her espionaged romance all those years ago, and I let her obliterate me after a long night of what I enjoy.

She trounces over me all the time. But I can't find it in myself to do the same. It hurts too much.

Wounds like that never really heal for me, somehow.

I can't even hate her for too long. She's my older sister. It isn't right to hurt someone else just because you can. Or to flex your favorability muscle in front of others just because you can.

But Vladimir and Fio do it. They say it comes with the territory.

I disagree.

What comes with the territory is the shame. The secretiveness. The never ending fear that the next corner you turn will be the good guys are there to take you away.

To remove your evils from damaging the delicate world around us. For committing a disservice to the law. To reject the rules to protect and knowingly do the exact opposite.

I hate thinking I'm the same level as a murderer. What we do, as a whole, is far worse.

I hate it, but I still pretend. I pretend to forget that I'm a bad guy. I forget that I'm doing bad things for bad people.

I forget to remember that I'm breaking the law. I forget to remember that I'm going behind the backs of thousands for the benefit of the few.

But the biggest thing I forget to remember is what I am.

I do it to reduce the number of phone calls from Vladimir. I do it so I can smile.

But I know that when I smile, my heart breaks. Since every smile I make in front of my dad is my apology to him.

My apology for not being what he wanted me to be.

Every smile hurts. And every stab at my truths keeps on bleeding. The ones who are supposed to be my greatest allies are the hugest culprits of this crime.

My prison bars are the loving arms of my family. And whatever else comes with my family.

The wounds just keep growing, and don't start healing.

They just...keep hurting.


Date: 2008-07-19 02:52 EST
July 17

Sometimes I think that everyone around me is as simple as my tools.

Sure, there are exceptions, and then there are those that stand outside the lines of what I can safely say is describable. Like Papa. Ever since I was a child, he's always thought the same thing of me: That I'm weak. I guess I should thank him, in some ways. Without the goal of carving my own accomplishments into his tombstone one day, I doubt I would've made it past fourteen years.

This girl Noni brought me, she keeps screaming. Asking questions through it, but screaming them at me with her shrill little voice. I don't like it.

"Why would you do this to me? I don't know anything! Don't cut off my other foot, you psycho!"

Merde, you think she could appreciate the symmetry in it. It's not even as if she can feel the pain, yet. I had her pumped full of so many local anesthetics she'd be lucky to feel those stumps in a week; not that she'll be alive for more than another day or so. I can't stand when people refuse appreciate symmetry in an art as sophisticated as mine.

If she'd seen how I grew into this life, she'd probably feel as honored as she should right now.

When they scream, I can almost feel their fear in my bones. I almost miss being able to feel fear so great, but I'm not a sick child anymore. I'm not only looking forward to seeing one face for sure maybe once or twice a week. I'm not painting on the walls with my food because Papa wouldn't allow me more paint during a given month. I'm not afraid of death.

I'm an artist now, and my canvas is the entire Human race. My brushes are sharp, cold, and carry heat and emotion like a conductor. My eyes show them their fear while I work. My fingers manipulate the formal elements in a way no other artist could.

Death is my art, and art is my life. They're inescapably intertwined.


Date: 2008-12-04 17:35 EST
December 3

I haven't been able to write since it happened. Noni's death really shook me up. I suppose I shouldn't have been surprised, considering her past with Reggie, but I was. Oh, Dios. The way she went.. what they did to her. I have dreams about it at night. I don't think Andre suspects it bothers me as much as it does. I sometimes think he believes he's the only one who wants revenge. It's as if he was the only one who lost a relative. My brother, the queer, behaving as man for once and I can't stand it.

I don't understand him. Papi is ill.. the heart attack has left him bed ridden and largely unable to function by himself. Andre takes no responsibility around the house. He leaves me to deal with Father and then brings a male whore into our home to stay. I wanted to strangle that stray he brought in when I found Papi crying. I didn't understand why until I realized the sound of their lovemaking was coming from the vents. I wish father could understand his son, but he is old and set in his ways. Andre should be able to see that and if he cared at all, he'd leave the poor man oblivious.

And this.. this boy he's brought in makes my skin crawl. El peque?o bastardo. No maneras, no hay equilibrio, no tacto. ?l habla a m? como yo no soy nada y mi hermano le permite. Even when I point out that he was only here because of my good graces, the boy had the audacity to bandy words with me. He looks 17.. maybe 18 years old. I can't stand seeing them together. I want my brother happy, but did he have to choose a scrawny child as his lover? Ni?o feo. Joder.

On a more positive note, we gained a new client. It's not normally what Papi would take on, but I'm attempting to take the business in a different direction. We've been having the Watch breathing down our necks since the whole ordeal with Reggie and Noni. Ships immune to search and seizure will certainly come in handy. I have dinner tomorrow with one of Papi's old friends; he's a regular. Though, I'm not sure what he wants. Esteban had better have kept his mouth shut about Andre. If I lose a client over my brother's indescretions, Fiorella Bohannon will not be happy. Alguien puede salir herido.

Fabrizio Carnale

Date: 2009-01-21 20:42 EST
January 21

I've been in Rhydin for two months and I can't say that I miss Buenos Ares that much. Well, except for the weather. It's been cold. Bone chilling cold. But with family around, I don't mind it so much. And this place is amazing. The little clubs I've been hitting up never leave me wanting for attention from the ladies.

I don't feel like writing about some of the crazy things that have been happening since I arrived. Andre and Fio have been gracious hosts and I would be remiss if I ever said anything bad about either of them. But I can say that life has been interesting.

No, what I wanted to write down, to commit to paper, are the dreams I've been having lately. Ever since I visited with Noni and Angelo's graves, I've been having dreams about things we did when we were little. Things like the last birthday party I had before they left for Rhydin.

I couldn't have been more than ten or eleven years old. Angelo is about my age, Noni, the little sweetheart of the family, was a few years younger. I can still remember the red velvet and satin dress she wore, a wide white sash tied in a bow in the back. She wore patent leather mary janes. The boys, including myself, were dressed up like our fathers and uncles. Wing tipped shoes, dress slacks, white dress shirts with cuff links and tie clasps and silk ties or cravats. We all were so young then. So innocent. All of us wanted to grow up and be just like our elders. And we all looked like miniatures of them.

Anyway, back to the party. It was still early and people were just arriving when Noni suddenly grabbed ahold of my arm and pulled me aside. I can remember the mischief in her chocolate brown eyes as she told me of the plan. Angelo was in on it too, so there was no way they were going to leave me out! Anything Angelo or Andre planned was always the best. And this time, the plan would take the cake.

Noni's giggle and Angelo's soft laughter still echo in my head as I sit here and write this out. Angelo threatened me with my life if I didn't remain calm and collected. That was tough for me. I've always been a bit of a spaz. The plan was to put firecrackers in my birthday cake so that when it was cut open, it's explode. And it worked! While our parents weren't looking, we snuck an entire package of waterproof firecrackers under the top layer of the cake. I still don't know where Angelo got them or how he lit the fuse without anybody seeing, but he did.

Noni and I were his lookouts. Noni was better at it than I was. I just kept laughing and dancing around like a fool. More than once Angelo clapped me behind the ear and told me to settle. But I couldn't do it! I could just see cake flying everywhere, everybody screaming and my aunts crying because they had frosting in their hair.

And that's how it worked out, mostly. It got kind of scary when one of my uncles or my father or somebody started shooting at the cake. But all in all, I think my best birthday. Our suits were ruined, people were running around like it was the end of the world. It was beautiful.

When my father found out our little plan, I didn't sit for a week. I'm not sure what happened to Noni and Angelo, they left for Rhydin before I could find out. I miss Noni and Angelo and I thank God above every day for Andre, Fio and Francisco. Together, we press on.

-Fabrizio Carnale