Topic: Motivo


Date: 2008-07-22 02:50 EST
She hadn?t touched her cellphone in three days. By now, it was dead from neglect, burying all the missed calls, voicemails, and text messages. It took away the only connection she had to her family in RhyDin; she?d never given them an address.

Meanwhile, she laid prone on the mattress, with her arms spread out to either side. Dirty blonde hair, aptly named in color and current state, was fanned out in waves along her pillows. The ceiling swirled. It held clues she couldn?t decode. She was somewhere between stoned and strung out, crashing hard from the high life had given her, this time.

The fingers of her left hand twitched and unfurled, allowing a lone bullet to roll out of her palm and clatter onto the floor. The sound rang out and changed the patterns above her head. The colors got darker, the pictures became detailed. Dilated pupils were almost at the point of revelation.

And to think, this all started with the one phone call.


Date: 2008-07-23 03:33 EST
--Last week of August--

Foxy. Her eyelids bounced, but returned to the downright and locked position. Foxy. She groaned and made a blind grab for her nightstand.

By the time her ringtone had gone back to sleep, it was too late. She was up. Dulcie fought to pull her head up a little higher on the pillow as her fingers closed over the familiar body of her phone. Her blue eyes, lined and speckled with wisps of grey, creaked open to view the ?missed call? prompting on her front screen, and with the press of two buttons, she had the name at her disposal. Abuelo?

She sat up to call back, feeling her throat struggle to get rid of the sleep that might creep into her words. She was saved the trouble when the ?voicemail? announcement buzzed the phone to life in her hand; it really should be checked. Button 1 brought her to her inbox, and the five digit code got her in. The automated voice droned in her ear as she stared at the full-length mirror tilted towards her open closet door. ?First voice message?? Her breathing hitched as she waited.

?Dulcinea, bonita? Ah, you must still be napping. Your padre told me you?re having a fine break from school and work.? So, perhaps this was just a friendly call from her grandfather? She smiled. Until his voice got a little quieter. ?I?m afraid your break might be cut short, bonita. The Family is waiting. Contact Noni and tell her you?re ready to train. All my love, Dulcinea.? A click. ?To save this message, press?? Instead, she just closed the phone and slumped back. Yup. The day had come.


?Mom, you?re, like, such a hippie,? Dulcie answered with a roll of her eyes, as she circled around for a piece of pita bread to dip in.
?Reformed flower child, please.? Her mother reached towards the bowl, stopping to look between her daughter and the clock. ?You?re up? At one? What?s the occasion, sweet??
?Someone called,? she said with a shrug, around her first bite. ?Couldn?t fall back to sleep.?
?Ahhh. Wait. You have friends who are up at one? Who?? she asked, feigning shock.
?Mom.? She said it in a warning tone, as she turned to look at her. ?You?re being a Gemini.?
Her mother finally laughed, stretching an arm out around Dulcie?s waist. ?You?re right, you?re right! This is me, respecting your privacy.? To which Dulcinea smirked a little and leaned into the arm around her middle.
After the moment of quiet, she reached for another bit of pita bread. ?It was Abuelo.?
Her mother?s eyes, a smokier version of her daughter?s, grew wide. They hardly ever narrowed. Not unless she was really pissed. ?Abuelo? Is he alright? He didn?t call the house, did he? Did I miss--?
?No, no, no. He?s fine. He was just checking in.?
Her mother smiled, stretching to grab her glass of cranberry juice. ?Oh! Is that all? I don?t see why he couldn?t just wait for the weekend.? It was her turn to shrug. Though, Dulcie?s current expression took away some of her ease. ?That was all??
?Hmm?? Dulcie pretended as if she didn?t hear the question right away, using the moment to train the right muscles into place. ?Oh, yeah. He poked fun at me for sleeping in late. Just the usual. I?m gonna go swim, okay?? She kissed her mother?s cheek quickly. Madre was the only one who could see through her 99.7 percent of the time, and there was already the beginnings of ?the look?. It was the very same one Dulcinea had adopted, along with the light haired genes and the freckles. Her last moments in the kitchen were spent grabbing a bottle of lemonade, as her mother stared at the back of her head.

When she was back in her room, changing into her bathing suit, she saw her screen flash. Text from Fio? RhyDin. Family. Noni. She forgot about the blob of suntan lotion on her arm. She?d have some news at dinner, tonight.


Date: 2008-07-24 05:07 EST
It was the night before she was set to leave. Dulcinea sat cross-legged in the meditation room, with her eyes closed, letting herself swim in the smell of incense.

For the past week, as her dad made her travel arrangements, she had witnessed plenty of hushed, parental conversations that took place when she left the room. Considering her mother had always stressed the importance of talking to Dulcie frankly and honestly about family matters, what with her ?new-age? parenting, these discussions had come as a shock--especially when she could overhear the stress in her mother?s voice. Whatever issue it was, though, Madre failed to mention it to Dulcie. That was soon to change, of course.

Dulcinea heard the door open and click shut, heard her mother?s bare feet pit-pat across the stone floor, and felt her sink onto the large cushion beside her. The pair was used to meeting here in quiet, so the lack of a greeting didn?t add any unease. The feeling of her mother watching her did, though. Dulcie slit her left eye open to verify, instantly meeting her mother?s gaze.

?We need to talk.?

It caught her off-guard, and made her blink fully. This so wasn?t her mother's way.

?O?kay? About what??
?Dulcie,? her mother started, reaching forward to light another slender stick of incense. ?I?m not stupid, you know.?
?Mom? I never said you were??? It was rare that the boho-princess ever sounded so unsure with her words.
?Not directly, sweet.? The resemblance between mother and daughter was the most uncanny in that moment, when the older woman stared off at the grey, powdery end forming on the newly lit stick. ?Dulc,? she abruptly started again, after the zoning was over, ?haven?t you ever wondered why I always insisted on having a job??
?What?? Dulcinea stared at her mother, trying to figure out where this was going. The calculation was one of the few things she possessed from her father.
?Your other aunties are all happy to live off of their husbands? wealth, aren?t they? For the most part. It?s not exactly a secret that the Bohannons have money. And you know I really like the volunteer work I get to do, when I have time off.?
Her mother looked over, meeting the ?yeah, and?? glance that her daughter was shooting her.
?I can?t live off of all your father?s money, Dulcinea. I need my own. I need money I earn in a way that doesn?t go against my beliefs.?
There it was. Her mother?s seriousness, and the implications, aged her face momentarily.
?I love your father. He has an amazing soul?it?s wise and kind. He?s a model husband and he?s always put you and me first. Our safety, our happiness.? Things Dulcie couldn?t deny. Well, maybe all that soul stuff. But he was a good padre. ?But?? Her mother inhaled deeply. She used scents to gather herself, too. ?His business practices, and those of his family, are things I will never accept. Not for myself, and not fully. I don?t like the fact that he does them, but I can?t change those aspects and it isn?t right of me to try. Just like I can?t try to dictate your decisions.? She stopped long enough to smile at her daughter. ?Well, not all of your decisions. I am still your mother.?
?Right,? she answered slowly, watching the way her mother?s face changed with the shift of emotions. The concern in it was a constant.
?This is one of those times I have to let you make up your own mind, isn?t it? Hm.? She smiled, again, provoking a similar, smaller one on Dulcie?s face. ?You?re not dumb, either, Dulc. And you understand right and wrong. Whatever you choose, I will love you, just like I love your father. Promise me something, though??
?Yeah, mommy?? she slipped it out accidentally, looking down briefly at the wave of childish nostalgia.
?Don?t let it change you, completely.?
?Let what change me??
?Whatever you?re going off to find.?
Silence settled in swiftly, even with Dulcinea?s opened mouth. For a solid moment, all the two women could do was look at each other. It seemed to be enough, but Dulcie added a deliberate nod.
?Well, I should go badger your father about more safety precautions for you. Well-placed stress, right?? She stood up, patting Dulcie?s hand on the way. ?Oh! And I think you?ll really like the place I set you up in. Apparently, the woman at the head of the co-op is really awesome.?

Before Dulcinea even had a chance to make a face, her mother was out the door. She returned to her meditation, adding the weight of the conversation.


She was up early, for the first time in two months. She?d been too excited to sleep too long or too deep. She texted goodbyes to the people she hadn?t caught up with, sent out invites to the people she wouldn?t mind having out to see her, and erased the numbers she no longer had use for.

Standing outside the limousine?s open door, her mother and father gathered around her. Her mother was already weepy. Her father leaned down and kissed her on the nose, just like he had when she was younger. He?d stopped doing it for a while, around puberty, and again, after the rhinoplasty. Neither of her parents had much liked that idea. ?Te amo, mi ni?a. No olvide que. Por favor, ser seguros y estar cerca de la familia.?
?S?, Papa. Lo har?. Te amo, tambi?n.? She kissed both his cheeks and hugged him tight.
?Call the minute you get in?? Her mother grabbed her the moment her father released her.
?S?, mom. I will, okay? I gotta go.? She gave the same goodbye through her gestures, none of the affection missing.
?Remember what I said, Dulc. And your promise.?
?I won?t?? Her eyes took a moment longer to pull away from her mother as she slid into the car. She tried not to look back through the dark glass.


Date: 2008-07-29 15:37 EST
--The first days in RhyDin--

The room set aside for her was a single, one of the few the co-op had, and it was very small. There was a dingy little closet that could hardly hold a tenth of her clothing, a set of cabinets that she figured she would immediately jam full, a squat dresser with a wobbly mirror, and a singular light overhead. The old, plastic-y mattress on the floor didn?t give her a lot of space, either, making the room seem even more cramped. It was not like any place she?d ever had to stay, before, and honestly, she couldn?t say she minded that.

Thinking her mother had made a terrible mistake, Dulcie dropped her things to the ground and shook her head. The sigh came next as she stared into the haze on the opposite side of her lone window.

?You?re here!? came a loud voice that momentarily startled her out of her skin.
?Um?yeah?? Dulcie turned in time to catch the whirlwind of a woman jangling down the hallway towards her. Her linen skirt, all sage green and brown, swished and swirled around her legs as she moved. The off-white tank made her lack of a bra a little apparent and the woman?s cropped, black hair did nothing to hide it any further. Before Dulcie could determine how much space was left between them, the woman?s long, tan arms were outstretched towards her, and her hands were curled around Dulcinea?s biceps. Her many colorful, metal bracelets felt cold against Dulcie?s flesh.
?Welcome to your new home!?

Magnolia ran the building, as a sort of director, though she was quick to wave off the title.
?I?m not here to oversee you. I?m just here to help you adapt to our community. There?s very little direction needed.?
Dulcinea nodded with a smile, following a few paces behind Magnolia as she led an informal tour of the five-story building. Five stories, plus the basement. Magnolia kept trying to slow down, in order to let Dulcie catch up, but the younger woman made a point to straggle behind.
?We?ll go up, first. I want you to meet your neighbors.? She stopped and turned around to face Dulcinea. ?It?s the people that matter the most here, you know? I get that we don?t have the anything five star, but we have heart. You show me that in some ritzy apartment complex!? Magnolia stuck a finger straight into the air and twirled back around with a triumphant hoist of her head. It made Dulcie grin. If nothing else, Magnolia believed in her place, and maybe her passion really was enough.
They walked back down the hallway, towards the stairwell. Dulcie?s room had been almost at the exact opposite end of the hall.
?These few rooms are empty.? Magnolia pointed out three of the doors surrounding Dulcie?s. ?They?re all singles, too. So are those two.? She pointed ahead of them, towards the doors at the far end. ?Those ones are full, though.?
In the center of the hallway, on the left side, was an expanse of wall with only one door set in it. The right wall had five doors. The left only had four. Magnolia pointed at it, as if reading Dulcie?s mind. ?That,? she turned to look at the younger girl. ?Is the bathroom. It has a full bath, a toilet, sink, and mirror. You?ll be sharing that.? She seemed to be waiting for a certain reaction. She almost got it, too. Dulcie?s eyes widened at the discovery, but she didn?t let her mouth go slack. ?Don?t worry, though! The residents are really good at keeping it clean. You?ll learn.? That time, Dulcie?s mouth twitched. It wasn?t as if she?d never had to clean, before. Even with her parent?s money, her mother had always insisted she learn to do some things for herself. It was more the thought of scrubbing where strangers had just, you know, done their business. Magnolia laughed. ?You?re only sharing it with four other people. Well, three and a half, really. It won?t be too bad. Plus, you?re on the first residential floor?there?s another bathroom just down the stairs, but it?s only the toilet and sink kind. I?ll show it to you, later.?

?Roy! Get out here!? Magnolia called as they neared the end of the hallway. To Dulcie?s side, a door creaked open. Magnolia stopped abruptly and turned. ?So you are home! Lea, could you get your mommy??
Dulcie hadn?t seen the little figure, at first, but now the ?three and half? comment made a bit more sense. In the doorway was a round face peeking through the crack, belonging to a girl who couldn?t be any older than six. She was stunning; Lea had a heap of freckles, a little button of a nose, cheeks with the baby chub still attached, and big, coppery ringlets framing her face. Dulcinea was charmed, immediately. At Magnolia?s request, Lea glanced between them and nodded, before vanishing. In her place, Dulcie could now view the pastel walls of the inner room. The whole building was painted in ?happy colors??nothing too bright and garish, but definitely a change from the dark hallways she?d seen in other buildings. She smiled at some of the artwork on the walls. Was that a mural?
?Magnolia! H?who are you? I?m sorry, that?s rude!? There was suddenly a hand in her face. Upon closer inspection, she found it was attached to a new female. Lea?s mother, obviously, by the appearance of the larger, kinkier curls, only a shade darker than the child?s. Her face was longer, though, with a sharper nose and darker eyes. The only speckles she had were dried paint on her skin. ?New resident, huh? I?m Ariel, and this is Lea.? Her smile reminded Dulcinea of her own mother. She took the hand offered and gave it a good shake, already beginning to feel her mom?s ?I told you you?d like it? setting in. Not that she?d ever admit it. At the introduction, Lea peered up and around at Dulcie. The look of curiosity and awe made the Bohannon girl crack a grin. Poor thing. Magnolia and her mother were already much taller than she was, and here Dulcie stood, at least two inches taller than the pair of them. She tried to remember what it felt like to be that small.
?It?s good to meet you. I?m Dulcinea, but I like Dulcie, too. She?s beautiful.? She added the last in a light aside to Ariel, using her chin to nod at Lea. ?And so is that.? She indicated the painting on the inside wall of their apartment, now able to see the rolling meadow fields.
Ariel smiled wider at the compliment, setting a hand on Lea?s head. She craned her neck to eye whatever had captured Dulcinea?s attention. ?You like that? Thank you! That?s one of my favorites, too. Do you paint??
Dulcie shook her head with a laugh. ?I can barely even draw.?
?Maybe we can work on brightening up your room, together. The ones down there are so cold.? Ariel made a face as she glanced down the hall.
?I try, you know! I figure I?d let the new people pick the walls they want.? Magnolia chimed in.
Dulcinea nodded at the idea, warming up at the kindness already shown to her. She could tell it was deeper than lip service. The two women continued to chat, fielding questions her way every so often. Dulcie focused on trying to get Lea to wave to her. She succeeded just as Magnolia insisted Dulcie finish her tour.

?Gorgeous, aren?t they? We?re still waiting to hear the voice on the little one, though.?
?What do you mean?? Dulcie asked as they walked down to the next door.
?Oh, Lea doesn?t speak. We?re not sure why. The doctor says her mouth is fine, and she?s bright. She just isn?t ready, yet. We have to give her the time.? At the parenting talk she felt like rolling her eyes, but the use of the word ?we? had her chest swelling.


After another two hours, she?d met almost all the other residents. There was Roy, (who lived on her floor), a lanky man who apparently baked the most delicious breads, cakes, and so on. Across from him was Dylan--entering into his late twenties and soft-spoken. That was all she got right off the bat. On the floor above, there were larger apartments. One of the triples housed Nico, Marc, and their son, Ty. They were a sweet little family. Nico was almost as tall and lean as Dulcie, and just settling into the motherhood thing. The full-sleeve tattoos looked adorable curled around her drooling toddler. Marc was on the shorter side, sporting impressive side burns and a laid-back smile. The first double across from them belonged to Renee and Shelby, a pleasant and petite couple of middle-aged lesbians. Shelby was quick to pinch Dulcie?s side?she said she?d be prettier if she had more meat on her. What else could Dulcie do but laugh at that? The last double on the floor was empty, for the time being.

The fifth floor was home to Magnolia?s double, which she shared with her husband, Jonas. Their son, Ezra, was in the single next door. At sixteen, they decided he needed his own space. The owners of the double next to them were a geriatric couple, who were currently off visiting their family. Magnolia said they were in excellent shape, and that they might even outlive her. The final apartment, the second triple of the building, belonged to Marc?s pregnant sister, April, her boyfriend, Manny. They had caught them on the way out.

The rest of the tour was pretty straightforward. The second floor was the lounge area. It was open wide, with only the stairwell and bathroom closed off. Couches, pillows, chairs and the like were scattered around; children?s toys littered one corner, near a small TV that had rows of board games and video tapes on the shelves surrounding. Art supplies were in another section, for all to enjoy, along with a larger TV for adult viewing pleasure. Instruments had been left out in perfect trust. Another quiet corner housed the building?s library.

The first floor was split into three big rooms, with a hallway connecting them to the front door and the stairwell. One was a huge dining room, with a large, circular table for easy conversation and joint dinners. Another was the shared kitchen, which Magnolia explained was stocked full. They all shared grocery responsibilities, with everyone chipping in money for joint items. A legal pad was set on the side of the fridge, to write down special requests. There was a little area for quick, solo meals to one side, and cabinets and cupboards stuffed full on the other. The last room on the floor (besides the small bathroom), was a room strictly for yoga, meditation, and other quiet activities that the residents didn?t otherwise have space for.

?All laundry and excess storage goes to the basement. We share laundry duties, too. Did you want to go have a look?? Magnolia asked, turning to smile at the Bohannon girl.
?No, thanks. I think I?m just going to doze.? Dulcie smiled, fiddling with her key.
?What do you think of our place, Dulcinea??
She looked up at the question, not even hesitating. There wasn?t a need for a white lie. ?It?s growing on me.?