Topic: Noni vs. Noir (Pt. 2)


Date: 2008-08-06 01:15 EST
Up In Smoke
August 2nd: Late Evening

Christmas lights wished they lit up the sky that bright. Snarls of flame echoed with hisses and crackles of born malice and tickled the insides of the room black. When flames tickled anything, it usually tickled black. If flames tickled you pink, you were lucky.

Tonight, someone happened to wear the dog tag of that word. That chain was a gift to him. And that gift wasn?t given before several other gifts were taken away without ribbons or wrapping paper.

On the floor at the door with the golden outline of heat was Claude. A nasty bruise or two would color themselves into exposure in a few hours.

The scene was still fresh. Fresh with the flames shining and the remaining weapons that triggered more fireworks to make the grand finale long and splendid for onlookers gathering below.

A fleshy, young-skinned something that should be living was in the depths of the crackling party behind the closed door. The closed door was only closed because Claude?s head served as a doorstop. Blood was a fetching color on that man?s face. Or so thought the person who did the decorating on it.

Many other bigger, complete bodies of should-be-living things were piled and draped like curtains on the walls and furniture inside. They were cooking. The room was the closest thing to an oven.

Without the curtain of flames coating the floors and walls of the apartment, there would be broken boxes, emptied drawers, scattered valuables and belongings. Ripped sheets, clothes, and stained floorboards with blood, bullet shells, and limbs.

Broken glass was no stranger in this scene. And neither were broken limbs. Nor were broken lives. The number of broken lives didn?t compete with the amount of lives that were stolen. Those were among the gifts unwillingly taken in the transaction.

Among all the many gifts taken and given, the one that was wrapped with an invisible ribbon was on the chest of the unmoving Claude.

An opened pack of cigarettes.

Full of coffin nails, save for one.


Date: 2008-08-06 01:52 EST
August 3rd: Early Morning Hours

My father doesn't begrudge me this time. He doesn't hassle me, he doesn't comfort me. He does nothing but make sure he's still there.

I've locked myself in his room. Cream colored candles burned on every available surface. Their perfume was heavy in the humid air, their flames dancing and creating shadows on the walls. I've turned his bedroom into my own private Hell.

My father didn't change a thing since he died, and even through the fragrance, I can smell him. His sweat, his cologne, his leather jacket. It's made me weak, or is it that I've spent the last four days in this room? Laying on the floor, letting the melting wax spill all over me? Its sharp pain doesn't even touch what I feel. I haven't eaten anything, and my father hasn't tried to feed me. I've only slept in short bursts. There's vomit in the trash can, there's blood on the floor.

My hands shake as I try to move them and sweep my hair off of my wet forehead. I'm drenched with sweat, but I'm freezing. Goosebumps explode on my arms.

I roll over, and see his shoes under the bed, his running shoes. The ones he wore the night before his death. There's a box next to it that I know holds his jacket. He wasn't buried with it, and there are still a few bullet holes next to the zipper.

His face flashes before my eyes. He's smiling at me and shaking his head. I screwed up again. That's not how I was supposed to hold a gun. Relax my arm, tense my hand. His fingers brush my cheek, and I feel myself grin too, though I don't know why. He'll forgive me like he always does.

"Noni?!" My father's voice cuts through my own screams. I've been crying out again for the last few minutes. I'm clawing at my face, and I can feel the cuts there open again. It's this face that was the last thing he touched. These hands that he held. These arms that he died in. My nails tear into my skin as I try to pull it off.

I don't deserve it, I scream. I didn't do anything, I couldn't help you, I killed you.

"NONI! NONI, OPEN THE DOOR, PLEASE!" My father bangs on the door, and it rattles on its hinges. He thinks I'm killing myself. Tears run out of the corners of my eyes and across my scraped skin.

I come to a point where I can't breathe, and I gag instead. My chest heaves, but nothing happens. I feel like I'm being stabbed. I cough, and spit, and blood flies out of my mouth onto the wall. I've shredded my throat.

Through it all, I can still smell him. Still feel his arms around me. He's protecting me. He will always protect me..

"Angelo.." His name barely falls from my lips before I fall unconscious.


Date: 2008-08-06 02:59 EST
August 5th: Late Afternoon

It took me forever to leave that room, but when I did, I found a little of the weight leave my chest. I had survived that day. And now I had a whole year before I had to do it again.

I knew how I looked, with scratches and blood all over me, and I was glad my father didn't comment on it. In fact, he didn't comment on anything. I opened the door, and he took me into his arms. I stood there, frozen and unable to move, for the longest time before I was able to hug him back.

In that time, I realized what I had shouted, and what he must be going through. Was he wondering if I had really killed my brother? Was he denying it because he couldn't believe it, or because he was trying to get away from it? Or did he accept it because he was just happy that he still hadn't lost everything? I didn't know, and I couldn't even try to speak.

Then, he said something that shocked me back to reality: "Noni, there's been an accident. At the Garage."


The tires squealed as I turned the steering wheel sharply and almost jackknifed across the pavement. I could see the gray smoky haze from a mile away, and cursed myself for having my phone turned off.

Why now? Why did this have to happen now?! In my life, there were no accidents, otherwise people got killed. And when I stepped out of the car, I felt sick all over again.

It was nearly gone. The only intact thing was the floor, and it had stains of all kinds across it. There was a blue tarp thrown over a mound that was just about as tall as I was stationed in the middle of the garage. The stench of death hit me full force: burning hair and flesh. But there wasn't anyone here..

"CLAUDE!" I called, choking on new blood that was freed from my shout, "TAMARA!"

"Noni?" Her voice was weak, but I heard it. Before I saw her of course. She appeared from the shadows to my right, soot littering her milk white skin. Her clothes were burned, and her right hand was wrapped up in bloody gauze. Her icy eyes were on fire. Her heels clicked ominously on the ground as she strode towards me.

"Jesus Christ, Tam, what happened, wha-!" I cried out when she backhanded me, and before I knew it, I was held up by the shirt collar and against a wall. That's how I knew I was too out of it, and she must have realized it too. Normally, she was never able to touch me.

"Where the hell have you been?!" she screeched. I had never heard her yell before, nor really talk above a whisper, so I was surprised. I chopped the heel of my hand down into the crook of her elbow, kicked her kneecap in a straight-shot, and shoved her chest to get her away from me. We stared at each other in a silence so thick it was smothering me. "Don't you think we worry about you too?" she ventured first. "You've been gone for nearly two weeks, and then this happens which was a clearly deliberate attempt on all of our lives.

"Tam, what happened..?" My voice was spent, and I swallowed down coppery blood. I was thankful I'd left my jacket behind. My tee shirt and shorts were sticking to my skin.

"We were attacked," Tam said matter-of-factly, turning towards the mound contained by the blue tarp. "Surprised, raided, and torched. Only myself, Claude and a few others were able to get out." I recoiled when she lifted up the corner of the tarp. A human head, eyes and mouth wide with pain lolled out on its burned neck, looking at me upside down. My hands flew to my mouth and nose, trying to block out the smell.


"We're dealing with a psychopath. And don't even ask me how I know it was Noir. No one else leaves calling cards like this." She tossed a full pack of cigarettes at me. A couple fell to the floor before I caught it, and spun around in a pool of dried blood. My eyes began to sting as I stared down onto the pack. I kept my other hand pressed against my mouth to keep myself from throwing up.

In the front row, there were six cigarettes that had their filters marked with a number. 1,2,3,5,6,7. I suddenly felt cold. Since Ichiro, Hans, and Dickson retired, he'd jumped up in rank..

"Tam.." I couldn't keep my voice from shaking. "Where's Rico."


Date: 2008-08-10 20:43 EST
There were no red coats and white fur accompanying this delivery man. It was only a picture.

Like the countless passersby and spectators, he walked past the wreckage in a slow, curious pace.

A stroll later, he passed the car. And like the stork, it left a surprise for those who would feast their eyes on it.

Grinning, the hat wasn't red or with a furry ball at the end. A long braid was loose and swaying like any stallion's manicured tail.

And seconds later, he was gone. It was as if he took one step into nothingness, and it granted him just that.

His phone vibrated, and he picked it up. He now stepped into his own black car several blocks away. Gagged, was Rico.

A new born babe's tears seeped out of those young eyes. And anxiety tugged at the corners of his eyebrows. Fright was obvious.

What was more obvious was that he was new to the business. And would be early to retire from the business.

His kind of gift is one rarely afforded.

And the car sped off. They had cookies to bake. And another photoshoot to prepare for. It would take hours to prepare for the camera next time.

The model, like any, was pretty and quiet.

Soon, he wouldn't be pretty. Or quiet.

As finely wrapped a gift as it was, it would only get better.


Date: 2008-08-10 22:26 EST
We sat across from each other, a picture before us. Like a morbid slumber party. A bottle of tequila and two shot glasses were set off to the side. Tam was talking to me, but I couldn't hear her.

I vaguely remember her telling me that she'd taken care of Claude and already tried to contact the others.

"Do you want me to tell your Family anything?" I couldn't answer her.

I hate every single one of my team in one way or another. Claude is a moron. Tamara has an ego. And Rico.. heh, Rico's an even bigger moron than Claude. The thing is - I'm the physical embodiment of all their faults times sixty. Maybe the real reason I hate them is knowing that they're willing to throw their lives away for me.

Glass scraped the garage floor, echoing in my head, as Tam slid me my third shot of tequila. Like a robot I grabbed it, downed it, and slid it back to her. The silence once more settled around us. I could feel her eyes on me, but I couldn't taken mine off of Rico.

It was him in the picture: bound, gagged, and looking like complete hell in at least six other ways. The majority of the Polaroid was taken up by Rico and the chair he was tied to. His eyes were closed, albeit one was swollen that way, but he was still keeping his head up. Meaning he was conscious when this was taken. He's not dead, yet. Noir is using my team to get to me. He knows that my Family is an inch shy of untouchable and by extension - me.

I ran my fingers along the edge of the photo and pulled it to me, studying it. Noir had left a note on the back that I'd read twenty times over 'Tick tock goes the clock.' To be honest, I was surprised he didn't give me Rico's watch.

Rico may have been an idiot. No. He may be an idiot. Sure, he called me '24' and tried to explain the fact that he thought it was cool, had absolutely no respect for privacy or personal space, and thought quiet meant the same thing is scream at the top of your lungs but.. I couldn't help but feel sorry for him as I stared down at him now. He was the rookie, and had nothing to do with any of this. None of them did.

Yeah, I hate him, but like I said, I hate all members of my team. So I was going to get him back.

"Noni.. what's this?" Tam tapped a long, blood red acrylic nail on a shadowy figure just over Rico's right shoulder. I blinked, and plucked it up, holding it so close to my nose, I was going to go cross eyed.

There were three shadows - those of heads. The middle one was taller than the outer two. Dark circles were their eyes and mouth, and they were all gaping in a silent scream forever captured on film. For the second time, I felt sick and cold. Because I finally recognized the sliver of white cement stucco, and support beams of a porch.

"NONI?!" Tam shrieked after me as I bolted from the garage and dove into the driver's seat of my waiting car. I hoped and prayed Noir didn't plant a bomb or cut my break lines. It wasn't his style, but I was hysterical. I smelled the burning rubber as I wrenched the car around and gunned it in the opposite direction I had just come from.

He had been at my house, and he had gotten to my father.


The engine was still running when I flung myself from the car. Rico's chair was still in our walkway, and it happened to be one fro our dining room set. I could make out several bloodstains as I passed it, but I didn't have the mental capacity to deal with an outsider right now.

I kicked the front door in, expecting to find the house in shambles. But everything was clean and upright. Like we had left it. I didn't know if that was the more eerie thing.

"DAD! DAD?!" My voice carried through the halls, thank god, because I was turning in circles, running my hands through my hair. There was no answer.. Maybe he'd gotten away..? He wasn't a pushover, and given the fact that he worked for our Family too, he had exceptional talent. "DAD?! ARE YOU HERE?!"

I turned on my cell phone as I went, hoping that he had left me a message. The screen flashed just as I hit the top landing, and stared down the hallway that housed all our rooms.

"One new message.. that's it, Dad.." There was a window at the end of that hall, and it was filled with dust and cobwebs. Since Mother's death, the little things had been neglected, and as long as the window worked, we didn't care. The shadows stretched across the floor and licked at the bottom of all the doors. I punched in my password, and held the phone to my ear.

Something was wrong.. I had locked Angelo's door, but it was ajar. I hurried to it, and pushed it open. Its hinges squeaked just as Noir's voice filtered into my ear.

"I told you zhings were too loose.."

My father lay on the bed, his arms stretched to their extent and tied to the bedposts. The stench of vomit and blood exploded into the hallway. And plastered all over the walls were pictures of my brother. Pictures that I'd never seen before. I recognized some, but others must have been taken when I wasn't there. He was happy, and seeing his smiling face brought both elation and the feeling that I'd belly flopped on a chainsaw.

I dropped the phone and it cracked on the wooden floor. My hands shook on their way up to my screaming mouth. I backed away, and hit something fleshy. It was Tamara, I could smell her perfume. She must have followed me, or figured out where was I was going.

She tried to comfort me, but there was nothing she'd ever be able to do. He had been here. He had been in my house. He had been in my brother's room. He had touched everything. Even though it didn't look like it, I knew he had. It was something he couldn't have resisted.

"Noni, Noni come on, you have to pull yourself together.."

"NO! NO!" Tears squeezed from my eyes and coated my fingers. Tamara had never seen me like this. None of my team had. Hell, barely any of my Family had.

Tam pushed another Polaroid into my stomach and held it there. I couldn't be bothered to even register that. My eyes wouldn't leave my Father, and the fact that Noir has sliced Angelo's smile out of a large photo, and taped it over the lower half of his face.

"Noni, I know how much of a sick bastard this guy is, but if you don't hurry, Rico and your father aren't the only ones you'll have to worry about.."


Date: 2008-08-11 00:23 EST
Together, we got my father untied, cleaned up, and into his own bed. I wanted to close his door, but I didn't feel safe enough. Noir's presence was all over my house. I could feel it crawling all over my skin. I tied my hair back to give my hands something to do, and continued pressing the curls down and back behind my ears. Tam laid a hand on my shoulder, the one without a thumb. It must have hurt for her to do that..

"I know what you're going to say, and the answer is no." I said as she opened her mouth to speak. She slowly closed it again, proving my point. "He's not after any of you. He's after me, and that's it. I'm not going to give him any more free toys, do you understand?"

"Noni, what the hell do you expect to do all by yourself? Regardless of the fact that he's after just you, he's willing to go through anyone else to get there. So keeping all of those that care about you away from him isn't going to keep them safe. He's already kidnapped Rico and cut off his hand. He nearly killed your father and my husband! If he wants us, he'll get us. And that's just something you're going to have to live with!"

"No.." I shook my head. I was resolute in this decision. He'd planned this all out from the beginning. That was why he chose now. He was a time fanatic. He knew what time it was.

"No what? Do you realize how much of a dumbass you're being? You're only gong to get yourself killed, and that's not going to be help to anyone!"

I turned on a heel and looked at her. By her expression, I could only guess what my face looked like.

"You asked me what I wanted you to tell me Family, right?"

She nodded.

"Tell them I'm sorry." I left her without another word and with a look that told her I would, in fact, kill her if she even thought about following me. After all, she had a husband to look after, as well as my father. She knew I trusted her above all others on my team.

I touched Angelo's door as I passed it, and my phone began to buzz. I had completely forgotten that I'd dropped it on the ground. Nudging it around with my toe, I found that Andre had sent me something.

"A video..?"

He was tied to a chair, much like Rico had been. Two men were on either side of him, and light from a bare bulb shone down on his head. It lit his eyes on fire. Or was it that he was angry?

I could hear the rhythm of the dance music as fuzzy static. It drowned out whatever the two men were saying, but it couldn't have been good. Andre stretched out of the way of one who was trying to bite his neck, but the other had begun a path of seduction with his hand down Andre's chest, stomach, and between his legs.

Noir was laughing.

"'hold 'is 'ead up, I want to see 'is face.." One of the men obliged, and grabbed a fistful of Andre's hair, pulling it back. His face was blank of all emotion. I was proud of him. "Bon soir, mon petite vingt-quatre. You'll say bon soir to Bonita Nonita, won't you, homosexuel gar?on..?"

Andre's eyes flared wide in surprise, and he stared at the camera in Noir's hands with a mixture of betrayal and hurt on his face. But I'd told him that Noir knew..

As soon as it showed itself, it vanished, and my cousin laughed merrily. "It's always a pleasure, Cyclops. Although, I have to say, your welcome crew is a little unfriendly.."

I vaulted the staircase down to my front door and raced out to my car with Andre's shouts of pain as my background music.

I wasn't too late. I couldn't be too late..


Date: 2008-08-11 01:17 EST
That forbidden night club had a neon sign in the shape of a Mardis Gras mask. It blinked on and off. And the cabaret was going on splendidly as any other night would. Men danced with other men. Men kissed other men.

And men there were dressed to suggest only one thing.

Approaching the doorway, two men forced the door open with C4 explosives. White putty and cords spelled the death of the doorman. It was a small charge. So it only opened the door. The deafening music of the place had it be unnoticed.

But what was noticed was when a rifle was aimed to the ceiling and fired.

And in the midst of a raging song, a gunshot rang out. The joy stopped.

Everything stopped.

Somehow, all that was left making noise was the pounding techno.

And in the next few moments, people frantically began rushing out.

And the one iceberg that had the currents of other masked and fantastically dressed people deviate around. A braided, one-eyed, half hat rimmed Frenchman. Unlit cigarette was bitten softly in the corner of his mouth.

?Oh, Black Bird... Come out, pretty birdy.? Reginald grinned into his coffin nail. It began to tear into a smirk.

Everyone at the club knew who that was. But nobody pointed him out. Mostly because he was gone before anybody found it in themselves to point.

Andre, at the sound of the first gunshot, ran and hid behind the bar. He knew the place well enough to get behind there without notice. In a room full of panicking homosexuals, it was difficult to notice one deviating out of harm?s way. He recognized that voice. And he was still masked. The bartender tried to reason. The bartender was the only one remaining in the bar.

The remaining contenders were Reginald, his handymen of three, the bartender, and Andre.

Hands in the air, he spoke in that classic high pitched voice. But only a word came out. And even that word wasn?t finished. Shot in the mouth, blood painted the walls. It was a splattered piece of art.

The now dead homosexual slid to the floor. And as he fell to the floor...
?...GERARD!!!!? Andre rose and rushed to the corpse. He stopped right where the puddle of blood began looking down in horror. Jade eyes were wide with repulsion and shock. And he looked over towards the firer of the firearm.

And in that sight, he backed into the splattered back bar mirror.

??Zhere you are.? French accent in full throttle, a lazy ribbon of gray smoke curled and sashayed into the clouded ceiling of the club.

Andre opened his mouth, no words coming instantly. But, they came. ?..Noir...??

And then, one of the handy men thwacked the back of Andre?s head with the back of his rifle. Andre slouched over the bar, out cold.

Reginald grinned, walking to the bar. Pulling his half-done cancer stick from his mouth with his unoccupied hand, he put it out conventionally in an ashtray that was placed on the bar. Upnodding to his three men, they got to work.

Unconscious Argentinean heir was thrown over the shoulder of one of the men, while the other grabbed Rico from the. Both men were over the shoulders of two different men. And the third had all the supplies. Supplies that would make Francisco blush. Or any man of Francisco?s trade. It was in a briefcase.

Table was drawn, and two chairs. One for the Argentinean. And another for the model. It was posterity time.

The handy man placed duct tape over Rico?s mouth. And moved for

Andre?s. The hollowed barrel of a gun intercepted, holding it back.

?Ah ah ah. Ne pas le b?illonner, Pierre. I want to ?ear zhis Black Bird sing. He and I go way back. Far back enough to when ?e thought ?e liked women.?

Pushing that hand aside, he set his own gun down. And he pulled out his cell phone. Andre?s eyes were opening slowly. Groaning softly, he was face to face with Rico. He was two yards or less away from him. Both of them were tied by the wrists and ankles. Rope and duct tape was the binding.

French Head Hunter snatched the mask off of Andre, him still having it on until that moment. What he also had the handymen retrieve was his cell phone. State of the art. Top of the line. Cutting edge. That was the modest way of putting the Argentinean?s phone.

Noir turned away from the scene to furiously press away at the touch screen of his phone. Noir?s personal phone was dead simple. He preferred simplicity. And the older models of phones are impossible to trace due to their discontinuation of production. Perfect for any savvy assassin.

And Reginald had the last word on savvy in the head hunting department.

As he explored the unending depths of Andre?s technology, the three handymen made a triangle around the coming-to Argentinean.

Finally, he was fully aware. The world came into the progressive focus.

Eyes of a lovely jade were focusing by the black pupils. When vision cleared, he saw three cackling French henchmen surrounding him.
?Alors, vous ?tes un fagot ?? The one named Pierre said, gesturing his handgun as he nodded down to him. Andre narrowed his eyes, spitting up at him. His homosexual saliva landed into his right eye.

The other one, named Jean, gave a prompting but harsh slap to Andre?s face. It had Andre?s eyes closed, small grunts and breaths coming out of him. After three or more, Andre exclaimed.

?Stop! What?!?!? Andre thrashed in his chair, only acquiescing it to scrape along the floor in a deafening inch. The French man grinned.

?Answer zhe questionne. Are you p?d?raste??
Andre looked away furiously, Jade eyes looking to Noir?s back and seeing the luminescence etch his square shoulders, and funky hat. Looking back to him, he grinned.

?Yeah, I?m gay. Want AIDS? I can spread the wealth. Anything for you, gorgeous.?He grinned wide, though it stung to. Both sides of his face were pink. Finger marks.

And right then, the French one named Pierre landed a closed fist blow to his groin. Andre suppressed a shout into a murmuring growl.

Noir turned around to his men, eyes still glued onto the phone. He was half fascinated. And half affixed on assuring he wouldn?t change the screen he was on.

??Ey, patapoufs. Lights, camera, action.? Aiming the phone, he pressed the screen. And his grin widened.


Endless gropes, taunts, mocks, and snickers later, Noir finally pressed the *finish* button of the phone. Tossing it idly to the side to the ground,
Andre watched it.

He watched it as if it were his only hope. Looked at it deeply. And then, those eyes of diamond-hard green looked back to Noir.

Panting, the homosexual Argentinean looked to Rico. Then back to Noir.

?Cyclops, why are you doing this? Did my father not give you enough money to get you out of our lives?? All spoken weakly, tiredly, and all sorts of painfully.

Noir walked leisurely to the opened briefcase on the nearby table.

?Well, since you asked so nicely, ?e didn?t give me one cent. ?e simply laid me off. Zhen I tricked zhe bastard into ruining Nonita?s face. And zhe night is only going to get better. Now, we ?ave music and a show. ? Arms were spread, revealing a machete in one hand, the other gloved.

Andre?s face paled, aching eyes wide with honest terror.

Upnodding to one of his men, the man readied the Polaroid-producing camera. The other man unbound one wrist. Arm was cruelly held out Brute strength of years doing similar unholy things had Rico?s arm overcome no contest.

Andre looked to Rico, shaking his head slowly. He was compelled to keep watching. He couldn?t look away.

He made it a near dance. Graceful, precise, and powerful. And in a flawless sweep of Noir?s arm, it was off.

First, metal cut air. And, as Andre watched helplessly, the metal cut skin. Bone. Tendons. Everything that shouldn?t be cut.

The artery?s squirt was flailed and aimed in an aimless way as he flailed his arm around. Rico immediately came to life in agony. All his energy that he didn?t have revived itself as he screamed. Jade eyes were unwavering.

But they didn?t waver because of bravery. Not because of cowardice. Not because of hatred.

Because of pure horror. He saw clean bone newly be drizzled with blood.

As he blinklessly stared, blood spattered across his smooth face. It dripped down his face in strips. His high quality shirt was bathed, soaked, and clinging to his skin with warm blood.

Noir picked up the twitching hand by the index finger. Opening up the clamped and rigid fingers, he upnodded towards Rico, then to the one named Pierre. As if they had some sort of French telepathic bond, the man brought his hands to Rico?s mouth. One hand devoted to each jaw. And it was pried opened. The man?s massive hands would make any crowbar seem juvenile.

Like children playing with a Mr. Potato Head, they incorrectly placed one limb into another outlet just to laugh at. And boy did the trio laugh. Noir didn?t need to. He was only grinning. Pearly whites of the head hunter would occasionally show themselves.

Through it all, still the techno music blared on.

A blinding flash coated the room. Plucking the sliding photo out in a birthing flow, he shook it tenderly. Then, he flicked it at Andre. Luckily, it landed picture up on Andre?s lap.

And in all swiftness, Noir cut into the solo of Rico?s screaming, sobbing, and yelling even fiercer then when he amputated the hand itself.

?It?s time to go. Get our loaf of bread into zhe car. We can't afford our breadcrumb supply to run out zhis early. Stop his bleeding. If I lose 'im, I lose you.? It was no promise. It was a guarantee.

And as if a missing reel was smuggled into time itself, Rico, henchmen, and French Headhunter was gone.

All that was left was Andre. Tied, covered in blood, bruised, and with a new photograph on his lap. He did his best not to look at it. But he was still frozen in a shocked haze. He was frozen.

And would be for a long, long time.

It was as if his own hand was cut off.


Date: 2008-08-12 00:49 EST
Noni coaxed her father's car into going past its limit. She knew she was going to pay for it later, but right now.. she couldn't be bothered with it. The falling shadows of darkness made the club's blinking neon sign a beacon and it made her squint as she fought to keep the car from jackknifing. Her lips moved as she muttered and prayed to herself, Luvvie's black metal flashing in the sparse light. She ripped open the back door of the silver car and kicked the fake backseat open. Within were at least twelve weapons: six rifles, and six semi-autos - all loaded and all new. She was against using other weapons, so her willingness to do so was a testament to the direness of the situation. She grabbed two of the semi-autos and a handful of clips. Then, she slipped noiselessly in through the blown out front door, her Docs squishing congealed blood through the grooves in their soles.

Even if he was untied, Andre wouldn't have wiped the crackling riverbeds on his face. He recognized the man, but not really. He had seen him once or twice. And he couldn't remember his name for the life of him. He felt as if he was doing a disservice by not knowing this. Mostly, however, was the sound. That was what consumed him. The sounds he heard. And the sight matching them. His brain struggled processing both things at once. But stored both for future use. Now, separately, he relived the moments in echoes. Nevermind him. He just saw..."Rico..." He remembered. His eyes widened remarkably, and feasted on the puddle and chair left behind. That chair stored a soul. One little piece of a young soul. It would never be the same chair again. And Andre would never be the same again.

The remnants of a disco ball littered the floor. The music still pulsed for no one. Like it hadn't realized the club had emptied. It was unconventional, odd. Everything looked like all of those people would come back any second. Ready to dance, ready to drink. Noni smelled blood right away, and it was in greater quantities than the unlucky fellow behind her. Like a ghost, she haunted the empty club. Like a shadow, she slithered along the wall, and soon caught sight of the bartender whose head was nearly shorn of by a bullet. But none of it looked familiar. Noir had been gracious enough to leave her a clue, and nothing in her immediate vicinity was it. Andre wasn't in the main room, he wasn't in a bathroom, he wasn't in a storage room. Chocolate brown eyes narrowed on a door that said 'Employees Only' and had a little sad face painted beneath it. She bit down on any thoughts of Andre's kidnapping. Noir wouldn't have ceased to tell her that. Trying the handle of the door, she found it locked. There was no hesitation in her pulling out one of the silver semi-autos and blasting the thing to kingdom come. She pulled it open, and it squeaked and roared.

There was more blood here, and the smell of it was starting to make her stomach churn. Normally, she didn't have to deal with it. She just caused it to flow, and left it for the cleaners. Her gun dropped from her hand as she saw Andre in the chair, covered in crimson, staring like a deer in the headlights at the gore before him. " .. shit.." It was more a whine, and held more breath than voice. But her throat was torn, so that was to be expected. "Andre..?" She hurried to him and stood between he and the blood; then knelt, pawing him, checking him over. She quickly discerned that the blood wasn't his.

Andre's ironclad stare rotated like a steady spotlight. He didn't once look to Noni. He instead looked down at his lap. It was the first time he'd done that. It was as if words had been amputated like Rico's hand was. They were gone. Completely disabled from use. His head hung low. He wanted his face hidden by his hair. His wrists were not bloodied or bruised. Proof he didn't move or struggle since the visit had even begun. His hair was dried into reddened chunks. As Noni patted him over, he acted like a limp puppet. Literally, he was motionless, emotionless, and speechless. Yet, he felt as if he was ready to burst. And his trembling irises showed that. The eruptive nature of green had a shimmer that was unexplainable.

"Thank god.." Such relief in her voice, someone else might think Noni didn't really speak at all. She kept a tight lid on all emotional outlets, but once in a while, they got out. She was grateful for being able to lose control on Tam. Her tiny hands came away from him covered in red, and she felt around his bonds for the knot. It was huge. And made of how many ropes - nothing she could untie without at least ten minutes without interruption. And that was something she didn't have. "Don't move." A rock hard command from the Assassin, though Andre really didn't seem like he needed to be told. She tugged Luvvie out of her sling, spun her around her index finger, set her muzzle to the knot. And fired. The bullet TWANGed off the floor, and her head flew back with the impact. With her free hand, she tore the ropes from Andre's body, and spat. The slug sounded like a bell as it hit the floor. She gave bite the bullet a whole new meaning.

Andre's eyelids winced. And like the limp puppet he was behaving like, he let his arms fall to his sides. They hung off the sides of the chair. But what he did manage to do was stand. He stood. And as if to reluctantly play the role of a grateful free man, he massaged his wrists. Yet those green eyes looked into the walls before him with a gaze that glowed that it looked anywhere but into that wall.

"Where did they take him." She returned Luvvie to her holster, and shook her head to rid her damp brow of curly bangs. Her ears were perked beyond their usual point, eyes paying attention to every last detail, including Andre. She was thankful for the fact that he didn't fall over, but this stony side of him was something she hated seeing.

He picked up the Polaroid off the floor. It fell face up, thankfully. Turning on his slow-moving feet, he stood upright. Towering over her, he held out the photograph. "Check my phone." Eyes finally looked to her. And in those green stained glass circle-shaped windows. Sunlight did not illuminate the glass. Something else did. Something unknown. And in that, he gave that to Noni. Finally, the glass proved true. And sobless tears fell down from the corners of his eyes. The tears mixed with the foreign blood. "His Rico, right?"

Noni produced the picture Tam had found in her house, and once she took the one Andre held, she compared them side to side. Her lips pursed. 'Check my phone.' Right. Neither of these pictures held any such clues as to where she would find Rico. The video probably did. Her bloody fingers traced over Rico's face like it was the real thing. The progression of injuries in the photos was staggering. "Rico, yeah.." She pocketed both pictures, and looked up to find Andre crying. Her jaw finally unclenched, and her mouth gaped in surprise. It wasn't like she shouldn't have guessed it. "Oh my god, he made you watch. Andre.." Much like that other fateful night, Noni tried to tug her taller cousin into her arms to squeeze him tight. Half for his sake, half for hers. " .. I'm so sorry..."

Andre was pulled. He let himself plunge down to the tiny one that tried to embrace him. It took much force for him to show fondness. He usually was so affectionate. But he nearly felt as if it were unnatural to do such now. He was still in shock. If that's what one would call it. Andre found that name giving was too unfitting for a moment in time such as now. Like any true South American, however, that was not to last long. He finally let go. Whatever was built in the moments after it happened and now was torn down by the pressure. It was too much. And he gave his younger cousin a squeeze. Eyes remained opened. They bled colorlessly for Rico.

She laughed weakly. "I know what he's thinking.." Noni patted Andre's shoulders as she talked. She felt horrible that she, who knew Rico better, wasn't crying for him when Andre was. But maybe it was because she knew him better that she didn't. In any case, she couldn't have handled what Andre had. And she knew it. And the thing was.. Noir knew it too. " .. he's just waiting to die. He doesn't think I'm going to try and help him.." This was something she had been thinking about for the past hour or so. If Noir killed him, her last words to that little spanish idiot would be telling him how much she would love killing him. Her hands slid from Andre's arms and shoulders, and she tried to use the back of them to wipe his face clean.

The fields of wheat colored strands were stained with blood. He'll never forget the white of cut bone. And the color red against it. It would fill his dreams. His daydreams. Even his thoughts. The sound kept reverberating in his mind. It kept its own rhythm with no metronome. Gentilities, like Rico's hand, was sliced away. Round edges were now smoothed but with jagged edges. Something was lost in Andre that night. It was obvious by how different he seemed. He could probably be deaf to the once insufferable uselessness of Fio's bickering. It all would be naught. Nothing but nothingness itself. "He took it with him...." He looked to the door Noni shot open. "My phone's on the dance floor."

"He took it..?" Blinking, then following his gaze. She didn't know if he was talking about Rico's hand or something else. But it was probably the former. Noni gave his arm a hard squeeze and slipped back out of the room, grabbing her dropped gun on the way. The phone was lonely on the ground, and Noni squatted down before it, bringing it up before her eyes with apprehension. She flicked glances to Andre as she inspected it.

He followed after her in his own pace. What was the rush? Only corpses filled this fast lane of a place. He actually walked towards the DJ's station. He pulled the universal plug. And the booming pulse of the building flat lined. What was odd was that Andre's eyes seemed even more of a dead line than the silence. Vibrancy of green was remarkable in the eyes of a traumatized young man. He wasn't quite young, but he was nowhere near old. As needless as it was, he needed to say it. It had to be spoken. It took him one step closer to acceptance. "His hand. He took it with them."

"Thank god. I assumed he'd leave it as a tasty party favor for me.." Said more to herself than anything, and with any lack of remorse for the fact that that very incident had scarred her cousin. After all, she had made her decision. What else was there to care about. But.. "Andre, I'm sorry, I didn't.." Noni sighed forcefully and punched buttons on his phone, scrolling through recent texts and videos taken. She has no idea what she's looking for, but is pretty sure she'd know it when she saw it.

Windows flew open with technological excellence. And then through the picture al;lbum, the latest picture uploaded would definitely snag attention. It went from whacky photos of him, Fio, and Vladimir to a centerpieced image of a mansion. Andre crossed his arms put his head down on a stray table, arms over the back of his head. No sounds emerged from him. Only breathing.

Nostrils flared to help her suck in breath because her jaw had clenched so tightly. She knew that if she opened her mouth, something would come out of it. Noni grunted softly, as if in pain, her cell phone hand shaking. It was like she was staring down a dark tunnel, and this disgusting reminder of a photo was her light at the end of it - her beacon. " .. I have to.. bathroom!" She bolted for the ladies room, dropping Andre's phone with a clatter.

The clattering phone had his head rise. It wasn't startlement. Rather, a prompting reaction to such a thing. Standing slowly, he walked wearily to the dropped phone. Picking it up, and beholding the screen, he looked towards the path Noni took to the restroom. He didn't find the image familiar. Not right away. Instead, he kept his gaze at the screen as he followed the rocketing steps of his younger but talented cousin.

Having her hair pulled back already aided *very* much in the retching process. Noni had thrown up everything she had eaten in the past few days already, so all that was left was coffee, dry heaving, and blood left from her ripped up throat. Tears came from her eyes when she gasped for air, clawing at the handle to get the contents of the toilet to swirl away. She then sat on the floor, one hand on her mouth the other across her forehead. As Tam had heard not too much earlier, screams sliced through her voice box like an angry bear; muffled, but not greatly, by her hand.

His numbing reverie was given an end when panic came to his ears in the form of extreme emotion coming from someone who wasn't terribly extreme in behavior. This night was a stained night. A night stained with grief, scars, and blood. But it was time to ignore the self. And focus on others. Andre darted into a reflexively swift speed towards the bathroom. Thrusting a hand to swing the door opened, he ran inside. His cell phone was tucked into his pocket on locked mode. The screen would remain on that picture, no matter what button was pushed. His run slowed to a jog. That slowed to an observant walk. And then, he pulled the stall door opened where he saw sprawled legs. Some fallen curls clung to the white tiles of the bathroom floor. Falling to panted knees, he unbuttoned his stained shirt. Underneath was his black wifebeater. And that subtle smell of high quality cologne. "Noni...? Noni..." He couldn't compete with the screams. He instead kept it constant in hopes of somehow being heard. If he wouldn't be heard, he certainly would be felt. His hands reached for her shoulders. Most of the other moments like these, he would cry. Or even be repulsed by the vomiting. But the sight of amputation and surviving the such added resistance. Remarkable resistance.

It was like she was watching herself from above, Watching, wanting to change her reaction, but not able to do a thing. She wasn't the one that that was supposed to fall apart, she wasn't the one that was supposed to be hiding in a bathroom, she wasn't the one that was supposed to be crying her eyes out. All those people - they were supposed to come to her. She was supposed to be strong, and she was supposed to take care of situations with proficiency, stealth, and above all silence and intimidation. But Noni didn't have any of those things now, and she knew that she wouldn't have them for a very long time. She had forgotten Andre was there at all - why she had come here in the first place. When he touched her, she spasmed into an upright position, Luvvie drawn with the hand that had been covering her mouth. Her teeth were grit, and they were pink with the blood that kept coming up and that she kept swallowing. Her fingers performed the operations mechanically - push the hammer down, squeeze at the trigger. Until.. " .. A-Andre..?"

His own hand, though not proficient, was sufficiently stronger. It cut through the air, covering her hand to guide the gun groundwards. Eyes were slightly wide. It was frightening to be on the wrong end of the bullseye. "Noni. It's me. Calm down." They were orders. Clear. Firm. She needed foundation. And he hoped his clarity would give her some form of that. He gave a gentle pull at her fingers, hoping to undo her grip on the gun. If he didn't win that, he always had a more intimate grasp of her hand and the gun itself. He'd settle for that. Beggars couldn't be choosers in moments of emotional pandemonium. He was in turmoil, too. But somehow, he wasn't as bad as Noni was. It had something to do with that picture. He knew it. But that was all he knew. With any luck, he'd change that tonight. "What is that picture of? Why did he put it on my phone. I need you to answer me, Noni..."

"I didn't.. want to. H-he's, he knows..?" The ramblings of her words were cut by the rattling of Luvvie onto the floor. She shook her head at Andre's words, her hand in his shaking like a leaf. "He kn-knows, Andre.. why..?" Again, her head shook. " .. I didn't w-want his damn.. *job*.. Why is he d-doing this to me..?" Tiny packages always held the biggest things. She was like a nylon stocking: small, able to hold and cover so much, but at the slightest tear would go to pieces. Like Tam, Andre would get to see how much this delicate stocking had to hold, and how badly it was already coming apart.

Andre gave a snatch to the gun on the floor. He put it behind him, tucking into his waistband as if he'd done the action from the day he was born. He suddenly knew how to handle a situation he'd never been in before. Perhaps it was primal thought. Or reflexes. Or a mix of the two with a dash of common sense. Whatever it was, Andre brought both hands to cup Noni's quivering ones. The tile allowed him to scoot into view of her. Jade eyes were different, but concerned. They had a candied hardness to them, but still that soft translucence remained. Andre was here. And he couldn't put the pieces together. Not when he just saw a hand get cut off in front of him. "Noni..Tell me why he left that picture in my phone." He didn't want to give fake answers to questions he didn't know the answers to.

He deserved to be punished and completely dismembered for what he was doing to her Family, for what he was doing to her friends. Andre's comfort ignited a flame of strength deep in the shadows of suicidal thoughts, and Noni sniffed, blinking hard to clear her eyes of tears. She swallowed multiple times, finding it ironic that she was able to cry but not produce saliva. Her tongue tried and half succeeded to wet her lips. She cleared her throat, and swallowed blood. "It's the Montez mansion, where I-.. where Angelo.. was killed." She figured that answer would span over his question.

"Angelo was shot there. " Andre didn't know Noni's secret. And her error in speaking was forgiven and not suspected of anything too filthy. Andre stroked his thumbs across her tiny hands. Massive met small, and it was something he was used to. With a majority of female relatives, it was a way of life. Nodding softly, he stayed simple. To the point. His firm directness seemed to be relieving to her as he had hoped. "Can you stand? We need to get out of here, Noni.."

"He wants me to go there, he's going to kill Rico. He's doing it because he's jealous. I never wanted any of this, Andre..?" How does the saying go: don't count your chickens before they've hatched? "I never wanted to usurp him, I never wanted to kill people.. I don't like killing people.." Approaching the edge of another breakdown, but her words about Rico kept her grounded. Tam was right, he was going to go through anyone and anything to to make his point.. Staring down at Andre's hands, then up into his bloodstained face, she felt the first minute waver in resolution. But she needed to clamp down on those thoughts, otherwise... "We..?"

Andre only nodded her through. She needed a silent coach. Someone to hold her by the hand while emotional therapy was taking effect. She didn't need spoon feeding. He smiled as if he was newly washed. He looked like the millions of dollars under his name in his inheritance in that moment. "I'm coming with you. At least leaving here. I'm not leaving you alone here. And I'm not leaving me alone here."

It scared her when he said that. She didn't want him to be there when... Then a sigh of relief. "Right.." Noni had to smile too. After all, why shouldn't he see it? Why shouldn't he see anything? Plus, she had already leaked at least six gallons of salt water by now, and screamed her throat to death. How much more emotion could have been inside? Don't answer that. "Will you stay with Tamara at my house? She needs help taking care of Claude and my father.." She felt sick asking him to leave her like this, but she didn't want to burden him with any fraction of what she was carrying around.

Andre looked downwards a moment in thought. Eyes searched the floors as if they had the answers to a prized exam. And then, in the next moment, he looked back to her. "I can do that. But what about you? You're not staying here."

"I know that." A deep breath. "I'm going back to Montez.. I don't want Rico to die thinking that I don't give a shit." She should have treated him better, she knew. Even all that stuff he said about her face, which was now just a plain number made out of thin scabs, was completely obsolete.

He nodded. He just needed to know. Andre had to. Especially since objectivity was his only salvation from his own load of scars beginning to decay from neglect inside of him. "Alright. Come on.." And he guided her to stand. He held Luvvie in his waistband, focusing on getting her to her feet before handing her back the firer's fifth limb.

There was nothing for it since Noni knew she wouldn't be able to get to her feet herself. The weight of the night's upcoming events had begun to wash over her, and for some reason... she felt strangely weightless. Andre pulled her up without issue, but she gripped him to keep from wobbling. "Andre, do something for me, okay..?" She slipped her hands from his, one dropping to the side, one waiting for Luvvie to be returned.

Pulling the firearm from his waistband, he gently placed the weapon into her small hand. His strength was a contradiction to her frailties. It was a complimentary duet. One that was functional, anyway. A naked but strong arm was around her waist to give the proper support. That hand secured her to him enough for walking to be possible for the two of them. His other hand groped his back pocket for his phone. It was a habit, at this point. "What do you need?"

It was a reflex, that spinning of Luvvie around her finger before shoving her back in her holster. Noni, too, snaked an arm around her cousin's waist, giving him what she hoped was a comforting squeeze. "Tell everyone that I'm sorry.."

Andre looked down to her, blood stained face forgotten by the owner. And his brows were up. That caused the dried blood to crack. Some flaked off. Others remained in jagged jigsaw pieces of red on his skin. "Sorry? Noni, you've done nothing but your job. He's doing all this to you. He should apologize." His voice darkened. And lowered. "..With his life."

Noni snorted. "I.. yeah. But, please.. and talk to Tamara." Nodding, her curls, drenched with sweat, still bouncy.

"Alright." Andre walked them through the rooms. And onto the dance floor. He looked a final time to his dead friend of a bartender named Gerard. He remembered all the moments they had. And the time he gave a lap dance to him while he was still engaged to his current husband. Well, widower, now. And he looked back down to Noni. He didn't even notice his bloody face in the bloodied mirror. Blood was the constancy in this scene. It was all the same to him. "I will. I'll spread the word to the others. I'm sure Fio will want to know."

Noni laughed. "Yeah.. yeah, I'm sure she would. I'll drop you off at my house." She, too, looked down at the bartender with a pained expression. It set her gears in motion. "We have to hurry, come on." There was a flurry gentle sidestep, and she was out the door, the engine revving up a few seconds later.

Andre nodded to her. And when her speed had the best of him, he only smiled. That was the Noni he recognized. And he walked after her. It wasn't often he was in the same car as Noni. He secretly forgot of her driving personality. And in that, he buckled up.


Date: 2008-08-12 01:49 EST
August 6th: Early morning hours

Our car ride was silent, and I wasn't sure if that was a good or a bad thing. It saved me from answering any questions, but I also didn't know what he was thinking. I wasn't as good as Tam was in that department.

The Blackhawk, Rico's car, was in the driveway, and that meant Claude was here too. I heard him before I saw him. The unmistakable readying of an AK-47 wasn't something you forget too quickly. When he stood, the porch light flicked on.

"Ease up, Claude, it's me.." I nodded for Andre to go ahead, and watched his back as he did so. Claude was watching him too, and moments later, we had drawn our weapons on each other.

"Where in the fuck have you been, half pint? What, do you just flit the fuck off when you have emotional issues? What the hell's the matter with you, huh?"

"Simmer down, it's not what you think."

"Oh, it's not? This is the second time you've disappeared without a trace, not counting the last fucking time where you were freaking the hell out that you were followed. Ooh..." He wiggled his fingers at me, and then upnodded. His golden hair rippled behind him.

"Don't start, Claude.." I wasn't in the mood for this. I was wasting time here. Rico's life was hanging in the balance. All I wanted to do was see my father, was that too much to ask? Surely he'd grant me that?

"I'll start, stop, turn around, dance naked, and kill babies whenever I please. Did you see what they did to my wife?! Do you know what they're doing to Rico?! Just because you hate him's no excuse to not go and do something, or let someone else do something! All because your fucking brother was-!"

That was it. He was ranting on like he didn't know me, like I didn't know the situation, like I didn't know what time it was. I cocked Luvvie's hammer and fired her. The sound exploded into the thick, humid air. Claude froze, and I knew he was trying his best not to show how much that startled him. The right half of his collared shirt had a pretty new hole in it. Keeping the guns pointed at his face, I crossed the lawn and ascended the porch steps. Andre thundered down the stairs and burst out the front door, yelling something in Spanish. But all my attention was on Claude.

"You know me Claude. I miss on purpose. You'll shut your idiotic mouth before I make it impossible for you to do anything ever again." I stepped past Andre without giving him another look. "Stay out here. There might be more shit to shoot if you're patient enough."

"He's still unconscious," Tam told me when I came upstairs. She wasn't surprised by the gunfire, or Claude's reaction. Again, I wanted to know how the hell she dealt with it.

"From how things went down, I thought that's how Claude would have been too." Tam laughed as she changed the cool compresses on my father's head. My chest swelled with gratitude. I crossed to the other side of the bed, and touched his face. He wasn't old at all, not even forty-five. His brown hair was cut short and stylish, and his broken glasses were on the nightstand beside him.

"You know Claude, he doesn't stay down for too long."

"I noticed.." Andre knocked on the door, and I gave him a wan smile, finding it surprisingly easy to do so. Tam stared at me when I did, but I wasn't staying to hear anything she had to say. "Watch over them," I whispered up to my cousin. I caught the last half of him apologizing to Tam for me, and my head lowered as I sped out of the house and past my second hand. He watched me go, and I knew he wasn't sorry for anything he said.

"Good-bye, Claude.." Seconds later, I was speeding off into the night to the last place I wanted to ever be.


Even though I knew Rico was in there. Even though I knew that Noir was doing everything to him short of actually shoving him through a meat grinder.. I couldn't bring myself to get out of the car right away.

The place hadn't changed one bit, save the fact that a slew of vines had begun to creep up its brick walls. All the lights were on, and just from that, my heart filled with dread.

I parked the car outside the gate, and climbed my way onto the grounds. Staying to the shadows, I avoided the security cameras that swiveled and the lights that burned until I had reached the massive double doors that led into the atrium of the mansion. Large chunks were eaten out of the locks by bullets, and through them, I saw the marble floors splattered with blood. It was like a grotesque deja vu.. As if the first experience wasn't enough.

I pushed the door in, and immediately leapt back, my mouth open in a silent scream. A dead man, as if hanging by his legs on the monkey bars, swung back and forth, bloody and oozing. A note was stapled to his chest: Welcome home, Bonita Nonita.

Behind the gruesome doorman lay a short severed arm, but I recognized it instantly. Rico's fingers were smashed and made to point me off in the direction of the basement.

I willed myself not to cry, but felt my eyes burning. Noir really was making this my own nightmare come to life.


Date: 2008-08-13 21:33 EST
And the black bag of a veil was ripped off. Kissing what was underneath was like kissing the bride of Macabre in all essences of the word.

Rico was barely recognizable. It was the inanimate, unloving accessories that were dangling from his ears that made any sort of character trait.

That face wasn?t a face anymore. Just a stew of skin, bone, muscles, and blood. Shadows made the skin look more like ice cold clay. Light made the sweat and blood look more like puss and glaze over the horrifying thing.

The neck it sat on gave the winning hint that it once was a human being.

The stained, ripped wife beater and dress shirt worn hinted that the breathing, groaning being was a human man.

Clothes didn?t resemble clothes anymore. Just another kind of destroyed on top of more tarnished living materials. Organic rot began to set in. Infections.

Halfassed bandages wrapped a stubbed end of a limb. That missing part was on the floor along the wall. Also rotting. Also dying.

Rico was dying.

A hefty white over coat was thrown against a skeletal wooden chair. So was a half-empty pack of cigarettes.

A match was struck. And a gritted stick of white was lit at the end by the burning splinter held tip-to-tip. White teeth shimmered in the brief ember igniting into the dark room. A cellar light was lit in the corner. That was all they had. It didn?t matter. They didn?t need a spotlight for their star anymore.

A puff is taken, and the match was still lit. ?Vell, Rico, I must say. I ?aven?t ?ad zhis much fun in years.?


Andre scooped crisp, cold water onto his cracked face. Red turned to pink.

And for several minutes, only pink water spiraled down the drain of the sink. Hands that were equally stained red also had pink dripping off of them as they rubbed furiously up and down his face. Pausing, he turned the faucet off.

Resting masculine hands on either end of the sink, his dripping hair and face hung low. He had been washing is face and hair in the sink for over an hour. And even though the pink stopped flowing, he still didn't feel clean.

He still felt blood on him, somehow.

He even pulled his wifebeater off in desperate attempts to get rid of that wretched feeling. If he was alone, he would've stripped down completely in hopes of erasing that filth from his skin. Instead, he stood there.

Breathing. Dripping. In the kitchen.

"I didn't think that it would have shaken you up this bad, seeing what she does." Not even the door frame squeaked when she leaned against it. Her long curtain of hair swished along her back as her head tilted, as her arms folded.

As she studied him.

Tamara had had sparse meetings with each of the Bohannon Family, and it was something she really didn't mind. After all, spying on them wasn't her job. That is unless otherwise specified.

No. Tonight she did it out of leisure.

Because as cocky and ridiculous as Claude was, she felt safe in this house with him outside it. And she allowed herself these moments.

"It's not what she did. It's what he did." Andre gave it a long marinating pause before answering her misled observation. "It's what he did to Rico."

That name will forever bring forth tonight's horror to his mind. To his eyes.

It was a done deal the second he remembered that guy's name.

He would've rambled on and on about the night's happenings, but she was Noni's teammate. And if she was anything like Noni, his emotions would be wasted on her if he did such a thing. Another point that kept him from being too expressive was the fact that he'd only seen her a couple of times in the past.

He lied to himself. Told himself it would all fade away. Like a bad dream. Back was turned on the sink, and he leaned against the counter. His hands clenched the edges with a slight grip. A slight grip to Andre, however, was much more to anyone of any less stature than him.

"You have to realize that she does the same thing, only cleaner." Tam's plump, dark red mouth spread into a smile.

Unlike Noni, her emotional capacity wasn't closed off.

As much as her occupation professed - Tamara was a woman, and she behaved like one when she felt it necessary. She crossed the kitchen floor in a single stride and pulled open a cupboard mounted on the wall like she owned the place. She'd seen how he and her boss had come back, and she could only imagine what it was Noir did to their rookie.

She sucked in a breath, prepared to say something, and held it, studying him like he was a new life form just discovered. Cap removed from the tequila bottle, she emptied a generous portion into the glass, and slipped up before him. "What happened?"

Jade circles were crestfallen. His gaze went back and forth between the floor and the wall across from him. He ran his slightly pruned fingers through his wheat brown hair. It was brown again. But he wouldn't believe that. Not for a long time.

He heard glasses collide. Liquid poured. But the smile did coax a weak grin from his hardened lips. Andre took the glass, downing the Tequila with Argentinean-bred stride. He would've made Francisco proud. And that thought made him grin a little more sincerely.

Glass was set down on the counter that made a tapping noise. "Gunfire. Only one shot. I was at the club. They kept me there."

Andre didn't have to spell it out. And he wouldn't. "They made me watch." He paused; the hand that was lodged into his hair came to cover his eyes. It ran down the rest of his face. Stopping with his fingers hooked to his broad shoulders. "Noni doesn't do that."

"No." It was a little more clipped, a little more severe. Like she was telling a little kid to stop doing something stupid. "No, she doesn't. She's not the type to want to hurt people. Especially her Family. But you know that already, don't you?"

Tam took the glass up in hand and filled it once more, only halfway this time. "My name is Tamara, by the way. And that gargantuan Noni nearly shot is my husband, Claude." Holding out the glass to him, she drummed her acrylic nails along it to get his attention.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that, Mr. Bohannon," manners and the like, "but your life is one that's settled directly on the fine line between ignorance and reality. You can't hide from the dark side of your relatives forever."

Taking the glass, his grin was turned to her directly at her complimentary introduction. He appreciated it, but at the moment, he was having difficulty showing it without furrowing his brows. So, he didn't. Downing half of that glass with the same rapidity, he kept his fingertips enveloped around it.

"Nice to see you, too." He replied, even after her definition of his existence.

Dimmed humor lingered in his voice. And a soft, passive acceptance of what she spoke of. She was right. And he's known that ever since he could conceive such a concept. That grin melted to a pained smile. The kind of smile a man gave when he knew he was a helpless wheel in a machine far grander than himself.

"Did she say anything weird to you?" Tam asked after a moment's pause.

She continued to study him, as was her nature. She was, or has been told, that she was creepier than Noni when she did. The only thing she attributed it to were her eyes. In the darkness of the window behind
Andre, they seemed to glow, no shadows touching them. Long fingers kneaded the crooks of her elbows as she waited for a response.

She didn't have a good feeling about this situation. She rarely did when it involved being told to stay behind or be killed.

"She asked a favor from me..." Finally, the glass was put down on the counter. He kept his eyes downward on it. "To tell the rest of my Family that she was sorry. And that was all." Dre looked back to those frostbitten eyes with his thawing Jade ones.


Rico breathed what he began to realize were useless breaths. Well, he realized they were useless since pros like Noni, Tam, Claude, and everyone else would?ve found him by now if they tried. Even in his thoughts, he half referred to Noni as that cool number she had on her face. But she told him not to call her that. And even in his thoughts, he took that threat to heart.

The agony bruised, mashed, and cut onto his face faded a moment later.

Smiling wasn?t an option. Those muscles don?t move that way anymore.

He could barely feel his face. But what still worked well enough was his throat. The French fxck steered clear of his neck and throat. And in that, a rattle came through. Laughter. Weak, croaking, coughing, laughter.

The French Head Hunter bit into his cigarette from appearances, but he knew the exact decibel of pressure to apply without breaching the white skin of his cancer stick. It was a life stealer, and he enjoyed it. Slowly, he?d kill himself. It was his own little plan. A plan only he understood. He?s killed thousands in seconds. Retribution came in slow torture. And in that concept, he felt saved. Saved in advance from himself.

?Pencils down, students. Time to pay attention.? Came the French-stained words. His stupid grin was kept on as weak smoke oozed slowly from his mouth. ?Lesson one. Know ?ow to take your time.? He paced in a circle around the seat of the mutilated Rico.

Class wasn?t over, yet.


Date: 2008-08-13 21:37 EST
As if in slow motion, her expression changed. From one of frigid apathy, to concern, then worry. Her dark brows wrinkled, rippling her smooth forehead, and she sighed in disbelief. (s)"Impossible..."

She draw back her loose, long hair with a hand, and held it, a weak smile coming to her lips. (s)"Impossible..." Repeated.

Green eyes darted back to the melting but piercing blue eyes of the female before him named Tamara. Brows rose gently, a sudden look of gentle alarm prickling at his face.

"..What? Tell me. You need to tell me." He searched her face in vain. He couldn't read her. Dre remembered how little of a pro he was to these people. But he searched anyway. If anything, he did it to kill time until he got answers.

Inhaling deeply; a sniff in reality - used to keep tears threatening to spill at bay, she then combed through the rest of her length of hair. The motion released a gentle perfume into the kitchen. It was too late to back out of it now, and she knew that with just a glance at Andre.

He knew something was wrong too. The question was: how much should she reveal?

"How much do you know about Noni's older brother Angelo, Mr. Bohannon?" She decided to start there, ease into the subject. It had nothing to do with Andre's immediate question, but was, in fact, the whole reason why these events were playing out the way they were.

Tam crossed to the cupboard once more, if only to get herself a glass and fill it.

"Angelo..?" Dre paused, furrowing his brows. He couldn't see whatever bigger picture there was yet, but he was on to it. "Noni's brother. He was shot when at the scene of one of her earlier jobs. He..was really into running. Vlad kept putting in money to get him Olympic training. Other than that? I remember playing tag with him when were kids. He'd always catch me, and I'd have to hide and sneak up on him to ever get him."

Useless information to her, but it helped with him. He did answer her question. And he did honestly, and clearly.

"Did you ever learn who killed him?" If she knew Noni like she knew she did, Andre would have no clue. Tam, behind her mask, was putting two and two together. Everything was starting to make sense, but she couldn't believe the reasons why. Esteban had been delirious when he revealed this information... But it explained everything.

"No. I never felt it my place to ask. It's a very tender subject for her. Even now. I just figured it's none of my business. And whatever business it was to Noni, she must?ve finished it." He was almost defending Noni. He felt as if he should. He was putting her on the pedestal she belonged. Dre thought highly of her.

Plus, he was quite fond of her as a cousin. She was his favorite one.


Walking past one of his henchmen, a flash of his white gloved hand around the waist of one of his Henchmen. The one named Pierre looked in puzzlement down at his waistband, but by then, Noir was on the other side of his revolution of Rico?s chair, holding a hand gun. He held it with ease, in the readied position. Trigger finger was loose, and flat. Parallel to the barrel.

?If you shoot your bullets like candy, you give away your position to zhe enemy. Treat your bullets like you vould as if each one vas a piece of your soul. Every bullet is precious. Irreplaceable.? He squatted in front of Rico, presenting the gun to him.

Rico?s laughter lowered into silence, glassy eyes looking to him with that little engagement he could muster. He was starting to get dizzy.

?Lesson two. Are you paying attention? When you want to let go of a piece of your soul, you aim carefully. And look zhe devil in zhe eye.? Noir pointed the tip of the gun to his own remaining eye. Pun was intended, he rose.

Reginald?s hat was pulled off, and placed with his tossed coat. Pulling another chair in front of Rico, he spun it backwards and straddled it. Arms were crossed, gun dangling from a hooked gloved finger in a gentle swing.

Rico, for the first time in hours, made a bad decision. He decided to speak.

He didn?t know how much energy he could spare, but the common sense in him said none. He spoke anyway.

?So..Y-you think you?re the devil himself? That?s a bit cocky, i-isn?t it?? Again, that throaty, weak, groaning laughter was coughed out of him. His organs didn?t function without him either choking, coughing, or bleeding. Usually, all three were in the mix at once.


And Tam noticed this. Which was why her face melted in pain..

She strode to the small table and chair set and folded herself into one of the seats, and kicked out a chair for him. "Sit."

It wasn't negotiable, and she was going to start talking whether or not he decided to take her up on it or not. "Mr. Bohannon, you have to understand how difficult this is for me to reveal.. because I admire
Noni, and I respect her more than I've ever respected anyone. And I agree with you that what's her business is her business, but.."

She paused to guzzle a good amount of her tequila, and swished it about her mouth before she swallowed. And she took a deep breath.
(s)"Noni.. she was the one who killed him."Her head lowered, and her hair shifted around her bare shoulders.

Andre stayed standing. The fact that he was sitting down when tonight's blood was spilled in front of him made the idea of sitting down repulsive still.

It was all still fresh in his soul.

Jades finally looked to the table immediately after he was given the information Tam had given him. He couldn't look her in the face anymore.

His mouth opened for words to pour out. Only breath came out. Finally, he looked to her. Brows were tensed, eyes looking to her as if she was the blinding sun. He squinted slightly. "...What..?"

"I don't know all the details, but.." nodding, as if trying to affirm the information for herself. Even though she had heard it repeated to her countless times, and had seen it for herself when she decided to rake through the stacks of memories she had acquired over the two and a half years she'd spent working for the tiniest Bohannon.

"Esteban told me that she admitted it, over and over again, when she was in his room and.. mourning."

Another swallow of tequila. "It would make sense though, wouldn't it..?" Questioned as she chanced a glance his way. And chuckled. It was like looking into a mirror - the same look of amazement was stuck on Andre's face.

"Any time he's brought up, any time the summer months come around... any time his date of death comes around.. I was told she was here all that time, those couple of weeks up to August third."

Every time he came up with words, Tamara's next batch of reasons and rationalities had him clamp his mouth. Now, he definitely wasn't about to sit down. No way in hell. "I..I thought it was just because she lost him. She couldn't have done that. She..."

Andre began to shake his head slowly, looking down to the ground. He was like limestone. When you poured fresh misery onto him, it seeped in slow through all those countless pores. Once it reached the core, it would take effect. Like a slow-acting venom.

"That's something I've been struggling with too.." It was apparent that Tam was trying hard to both find the truth and not believe what was told to her. "But what it all comes down to is this: Noir is a psychopathic, jealous bastard. And he has something on Noni, something big. Noir doesn't care anything about her Family, which is obvious because of the fact that he's willing to mow you all down. Noni cares about the image she presents to you. She doesn't want anything to tarnish that, and she doesn't want any of you to hate her for any reason. Which is why when one of you are irritated at her, she sacrifices everything, remember?"

It was a slight jab at Andre's past beef with her, and Tam watched how that would effect him. He looked distraught, however, and she didn't expect much.

Finally, a hand came to his mouth. It was making sense.

Eyes closed. It was as if his heart was broken over and over again in the time span of seconds. Broken, and gathered to be broken into smaller pieces. Then smaller pieces. All that was needed was a puff of air to blow the heart?s dust away. But tears kept the shards of Andre's heart to the floor. They came.

Dre didn't sob. One of his few masculine traits was that he never sobbed. Reopening his eyes, he turned away from Tamara, walking back to the Kitchen counter in a pace. He couldn't say anything. But there was so much on the tip of his tongue. His lungs only gave him air. And his throat didn't want to give birth to sound. But it was loud and clear that it finally got through to him.

" .. she told me the same thing - to tell everyone that she was sorry..." Tam downed the last of her tequila, slid the empty glass forward, and stood. (s)"You've seen her lately, Mr. Bohannon. Your eyes, I can see it in your eyes. You've watched her mourn for her brother, you know what I'm talking about.."

The Spy flitted from one side of the room to the other, and laid a hand on

Andre's shoulder, not really knowing why she was doing so. Noni had told her about him, and from how she spoke, Tam felt compelled to try and comfort him. "Noir is after her because she cost him his prized occupation. And to threaten her Family means to bring out the monster she keeps chained within her. So he's using her secret against her. He knows what she did, I'm certain of it."

Andre took a sharp breath. Tears drenched his face, though that was turned away from her. His head weakly turned towards her, but not enough for her to see. The hand that touched his young, bare skin of a shoulder was what had his eyes open.

He gave that same shoulder a roll, picked up his bundle of a wife beater that was beside the sink, and made for the door. Cloth over his head, he pulled the fabric over his torso.

He was in a rush.

His hand went for the doorknob, wrenching it to open and opening it. He left it opened behind him, jogging down the steps. His hand whipped out his cell phone, calling for a car. The phone was to his ear as he walked onto the porch, standing there.

He stirred while standing, as if he had a purpose. And he did. Now.


Date: 2008-08-13 21:42 EST
Noir wasn?t quick to rage. He didn?t have a temper at all. And that?s what also made him a far more chilling foe. It was nearly impossible to get under his skin. Lips covered his teeth and their hold on the coffin nail, sucking on the stick as if a lollipop was hidden in the depths of his tongue and mouth. In fact, hits to his ego amused him. It was like telling him a good joke.

?Zhis is true. A bit too...?ow do you say..? Presumptuous?? Nodding admittedly, he smiled as if he spoke to a close a friend. But that smile would make any sane person want to punch it out of existence.

He paused, as if he had just discovered something for the first time. His eye squinted a moment, as if to get a better look. Then, he took a lean.

He was a master of balance. He was on the heavier end of the front to legs of the chair. The front legs were up in the air.

His white gloved hand was brought to his mouth. Teeth bit down on fabric, pulling off the glove. A naked hand reached to one of his ears, poking at a golden earring.

?Nice jewelry. South American gold? The purest kind.?


"Whoa ho, there compadre, where the fuxk are you going?" In one smooth arc, he'd pointed the muzzle of the AK-47 directly at Andre's face.

The porch light did wonders illuminating one of the elusive Bohannon elite, and both of Claude's eyebrows shot up on his forehead.

The phone to Andre's ear was ringing, and he waited for the other line to pick up. His head turned to him before his eyes did. Jade diamond grinders turned to him. They didn't even look at the gun.

He didn't say anything. Ears then went to the side, and he switched to Spanish.

"?Hola? ?S?, Alhambra? Necesito un coche conducido a m?. No, necesito para conducirlo. Que alguien lo conduce sobre a m?. Necesito para conducirlo s?lo. Ningunas preguntas. Estoy en la casa de Noni. Venga al conduce la manera. D?galos poner las luces de emergencia tan yo s? que es para m?. ?Conseguido? Gracias. Yo le dir? m?s tarde. Gracias."

End Call Button was pushed, and his phone was tucked back into his pocket, as he did this, he kept his eyes on Claude. "You must be Claude." He had wiped his many tears away thanks to the wife beater going along his face as he put it back on.

"Si si, mi amigo chupacabra," His fry hand touched his brow and flicked off - a weak salute that looked like a regular salute's retarded third cousin.

Seconds after that horrid attempt on the Spanish language, Tam emerged from the shadows of the house and laid her injured hand on Claude's shoulder, giving it a squeeze. It was remarkable how much that one small gesture accomplished.

The American looked as if he wanted to touch Tam's fingers but immediately thought better of it. "She's doing it to protect all of you," She said to Andre's back, fairly sure that he knew what Noni's plans were.

"He won't stop. Noir never will. When he's done with her, he'll blackmail the crap out of us. He'll have us by the balls until the last one of us is six feet under. If I stay here, my only hope is that he dies before the last one of us does."

Andre looked out onto the driveway, hoping the car arrives soon. It was the same car he'd use to drive his one night stands homes. Or to pick him up from them. Usually, the driver would come with clean clothes. He hoped this one would. But if the driver didn't, he couldn?t care less.

"...I don't care." Belatedly, to Tamara.


Rico took a shaky breath. Arms were bound with duct tape. Reginald looked to him with his eye. Deep. Going back and forth between his barely-opened ones. He twitched the gun into a readied hold. Barrel came close to his forehead, promptingly. Softening the extension of his quick arm, Reginald tapped his neck with a grin. He wanted a conversation. And he would get it.

Rico flinched violently, arms twitching, the one without a hand twitching more due to phantom nerves reacting to something that isn?t there anymore. He coughed, groaning softly before looking to the French prick with an ever-hating frown.

?...Bolivia. La Paz, Bolivia?? Rico coughed that response, literally.

?Ah. Cheap gold. But pure. Very nice...?

The barrel of his gun went from ear to ear. The tip tapped each earring in inspection.

The Head Hunter smiled, nodding as if he was fascinated of his answer. He wasn?t fascinated at all. But he loved having fun with things. It made the kill go down smoother. And it was more fun. Again, he upnodded to one of the Henchmen. The one named Jean. And he worked to undo the ties binding Rico?s arms.

Reginald stood from his chair, kicking the chair to one side gently to give him room to stand.

A surprised expression came over Rico?s face. Noir smiled at his face.

False hope was his favorite flavor on his targets. They think they?re saved.

They think that some angel answered the phone upstairs and would flutter to the rescue and fix their peril. It was a wonderful thing to break.

Handgun was tucked into a thigh holster he had, rubbing his hands together. One was gloved, the other bare. Biting the fabric of the glove on his other hand, he pulled it off. With the other glove, he tossed it with his other white clothes. Snapping his now naked fingers together, the other henchman named Pierre came to Reginald?s side with a wet washcloth.
Rico?s expression went from surprised, hopeful, and excited to confused, dreading, and alarmed.

Noir smiled to him wide. Taking the wash cloth, he spoke pure smoke.

?You?ve ?ad a long night, oui? I?ll give Bonita some credit with choosing you. You?re vet be?ind zhe ears, but you have spirit.?

He paused, beginning to tedious wipe away at his face. Cleaning the blood off. It was a long ritual. Noir..was cleaning his face. Handing the red cloth back to Pierre, he gave Rico?s bruised but clean face a gentle smack.

?Zhere iz one thing I don?t like about you, though..?

The fond smile stayed. He brought both hands to cup his face. Fingers slowly slithered from his cheeks to his ears. Thumb and forefinger of each hand gripped the gold ring on his ears.

Rico?s look of alarmed turned to horror. Jean joined Pierre behind Rico. A gentle scream of metal whispered into the room its presence. Rico began to cry. Looking up at Noir, he was forced into standing. Rico?s height was 2-3 inches shorter than the Frenchman?s.

?You watch way too many movies.?

Ripping skin and chopping noises came. Two gold earrings fell to the ground. Inner curves of the rings had blood hugging their inside bends.

The undertone of all the noises was screaming. Shrieking. Sobbing. Rico?s cries for mercy and salvation.


To be honest, Tam thought that it was half for her Family, and half for herself. She massaged Claude's shoulder to keep him in check. "Are you sure?"

It was a test.

"Noir only wants Noni. If he wanted the rest of your Family, he would have started with your father. But instead, he orchestrated this master plan just get at your cousin."

"Mmmmm... So she's finally gonna let someone do her in..? Pfffffffffft, I don't believe that. Little bitch's got *way* too much fucking fire in her." Nodnodnod.

"He did start at my father."

Andre was beginning to see things clearly. He remembered back to that Bad Deal. That night when everything started going to shxt. Dre looked to Claude specifically, grinning.

"We all do." Andre secretly stepped up as the heir to the Bohannon's fortune. He remembered.

He was The Son. The Good Son.

And two yellow blinking lights on a Mercedes Benz drove up to the driveway. Another followed after it.

Andre descended the steps of the porch, walking to the car in a half jog, half walk. The car was kept on. The second car drove off.

Getting into the car's driver's seat, he began to back out of the driveway.
Tam chuckled. He was right, but he was wrong. "Noir would have started on any Family member that crossed his path. You both were just the first that did so.." She shook her head gently, freeing her brow and shoulders from her waistlength fall of loose hair.

"Do you think he'll get there in time..?"

He shook his head gently.

"No. You know her, she doesn't let anyone stop her from doing anything.."


?I would?ve let you keep more, but your damn blood vessels couldn?t keep all zhat blood off of my coat, could zhey??

Rico was barely alive. His face was clean, and decipherable. Misery, and fading light in his eyes. Ridiculous but thick rounds of bandages were already turning pink by blood staining the white gauze. Jean and Pierre were nowhere to be found.

Seconds later, they came back into the room. Speaking slang French to the Head Hunter, he left the barely living Bolivian amateur in the room. He didn?t have a leg to run away with the other. And he didn?t have enough arms to undo the duct tape around the hand remaining. Noir replied to them in French and gestured to the floor.

The two Henchmen picked up Noir?s fallen, stained, drenched-in-blood articles of clothing. Thrown in black trash bags, they walked the bag after Noir.

While they tidied up, the Head Hunter browsed the house. Giving a slow stroll about the house from the front door back to the Wet Room. They all called it the wet room.

All the walls, floors, pictures, and lightbulbs were coated red with shining blood. It was a freshly wet cutting ground.

Giving a grin to the two of them once all three shared the same room as the unconscious Rico, he smiled.

?Excellent job, boys. We?re almost done ?ere. She will come soon. You men are very creative. My own personal Picassos!?

The two laughed, and Noir flicked the nearly done cigarette at Rico. He began to awaken, but he looked different.

As different as any young man who had pieces of himself shown to him would.


Date: 2008-08-13 23:47 EST
Oh, it was disgusting. Being in this house, doing what I was doing. I had the other semi-auto strapped to my leg. I wouldn't defile Luvvie's holster with its disgusting presence. She was angry with me for betraying her, for using more than just her. I saw her flashing dangerously in my hand.

It took me more than the prolonged moment to tear my eyes away from Rico's arm, but when I did, I found his hand on the grand staircase, pointing me upwards. I didn't stop to think what that meant, I just ran.

The second floor landing branched off into east and west hallways, but there were footsteps of blood continuing down the west one. And smears of crimson on the wall. " .. he was dragged.." I expected my voice to break, but it didn't. I expected to cry, but I didn't. The Killer, the Hunter had taken over. The one that wasn't afraid, wasn't disgusted, was even anticipating the end result.

I slid along the wall until I came to the first door. It was ajar, and I merely had to touch it with the back of my hand to get it to swing open.

I froze. I didn't know what I was expecting to find, but I was sure it wasn't that.

A maid and the butler; gutted together with a bedpost to the mattress of the king sized bed in a rather raunchy position.. I let myself out and gulped even though my throat was dry. He'd probably already slaughtered everyone else in the house.. My eyes fell shut, and I took a moment to breathe.

But that's when I heard the screams.

I grit my teeth to keep myself from answering him, and staggered along down after the trail of blood. Rico's voice cracked for a moment, and so did I. I stumbled into a marble bust of Senor Montez, and it crashed to the ground, in pieces. With the guns in my hands, I flattened my ears. I didn't care if they'd find me. I didn't care what would happen. I just wanted the screaming to stop..

At the end of the hall, the laundry chute's trapdoor was kept open by a bloody hunk of meat that, upon closer inspection, I found to be Rico's foot.

"Bastard.." The laundry chute led directly into a part of the basement only accessible in one other way - a key. I eased the trapdoor open, and Rico's severed foot tumbled down the long slide before I did, echoing morbidly on its way to the Abyss. It was an easy fit, but it stank of blood and gore. I clambered in, slid down the length without issue, and flopped into a cart with the day's bed linen. The room was dark, humid, and close. If I remembered correctly, it had a fan mounted to the ceiling to keep the heat down, and after a few moments of mindless groping, my hand closed around the chain, and I pulled. Immediately, the bare bulb flared, and the fan's gentle breeze washed over me.

Rico's earring had come off in my hand. Noir must have fastened it to the chain - and it still had bits of skin on the post, still warm. My hand shook as I dropped it to the ground. His blood was smeared all over my arms and face from the laundry chute. All over my clothes, under my fingernails. I could taste it in my mouth. Like I needed a reminder..

I heard repulsed whimpers escape through my clenched teeth as I fell on the door, twisting Rico's other earring that was the key to the last portal of my personal Hell. I slid to one side, and eased it open, readying my guns, ignoring the oozing bloody leg stapled to it. An array of bullets sprayed into the laundry room and bit into the appliances with metal twangs. One, two, three, four... ten, eleven, twelve. Then the clicks started. Idiot. He was using two typical semi-autos.

"Oy, Boniiitaaa." It sounded disgusting coming from his French mouth. It wasn't Noir, though. It was one of his lackeys.. I didn't remember which. But they were all dead men anyway, so who cared? The stairs creaked with his steps, and I could hear him sliding the metal clips into the grips of his guns. "O? ?tes-vous?"

"Bon soir," I hissed. One round left Luvvie and sliced through his right wrist. He dropped his weapon with a mighty howl, but was still able to point his other gun at me. We shot at the same time and our bullets hit each other, grinding to dust in a flat second. I flipped the semi-auto in my hand and brought it down first on his ruined wrist, then up into the side of his head. With the sound of cracking eggshells, he crumpled to the floor. Silenced. But not for good.


"Rico.." I gasped, and thundered down the stairs. I tripped over myself and slammed into the metal door. It didn't open.. "RICO?! HOLD ON!"

My fingers found the lock, and I readied Luvvie.


God, how in the hell was he able to keep screaming like this..? "RICO, IF YOU DON'T SHUT UP, I SWEAR TO GOD-!!" I squeezed Luvvie's trigger, and sparks hit the air. The door swung open, and I was met with the muzzle of a gun, and over this henchman's shoulder, the smiling face of the Devil himself glimmered from the shadows.

"Don't leave us in suspense, ma petite. If 'e does not shut up, you vill..?"

Rico's sobs cut through me just like Noir had cut through him. I saw him on the ground next to him, and had to battle the urge to run. He was a mess.. just mere pieces of the human being I knew..

Tears welled in my eyes, and I no longer cared who saw them. " .. Reggie. This ends. Right now."


Date: 2008-08-14 03:27 EST
Andre was speeding. He had no change of clothes. But he was cleaner than before. Free of the red from his skin.

Constantly, hands were at 10 and 2 on the steering wheel. Eyes would drift down to his hands. His arms. And the rearview was given a glance, to see fragments of his face. He didn?t believe his eyes. Or the mirrors. He felt disgusting, still.

As jade eyes looked to the road and followed the Navigation afforded to him by his cell phone. GPS had its uses.

Door slammed on his black Mercedes Benz. Jogging through the lavish front yard, he looked back at his car. He didn?t bring any pieces with him.

And even if he did, he wasn?t proficient in them. Realizing that he didn?t know what he was in for backfired in his mind.

His mind should have freaked out, gotten back in the car, and called the police. Or Francisco. Or someone else with more of a mind for whatever was in that mansion.

But it didn?t.

What he did was another story. He witnessed a man?s hand being cut off. With that thought in mind, it couldn?t get much worse. Or so he told himself to get his pace into a run into the opened double doors.

Once he entered, he drew back at the stink of it. The stench.

Death was here. A lot of it.

A lightning bolt struck his mind. And the possibility that one of the many lives taken here was Noni?s had him ignore his turning stomach. It had him ignore the smell. It had him ignore the fact that he was unarmed.

All of it was ignored. The finger pointed up. He followed it.

The blood on the floor had his head spinning. But he had to hurry. He had to find her.

Before it was too late. The path of red revealed...Oh god. He had to lean against the wall and cup his mouth.

Two dead bodies. In an all but respectful pose. People, real people...dead. Right there. They?re right there. They died tonight. He immediately turned aw. Clenched fists came to his temples, eyes shut as he put pressure to both of his temples. Constant gasps mixed with gags.

Hands went down to his stomach as he nearly keeled over.

He saw it. And their eyes filled him. Empty eyes that had lives behind them. People he didn?t know. Murdered. It chilled him. He felt himself crumbling. So much for that masculine treat. He let out a gentle curse.

?Merde?Dios mio??

This house was horror. Pure horror. And pure death.

Pushing his wobbling body to walk past the corpses, he could see their posed bodies behind him as he passed them. Even though he hugged the walls, smearing blood on his skin, he could still see them. His eyes stayed glued to the ceiling as he walked.

He saw their bodies only changing angles as he all but looked at them. He felt his chest. He was wondering why his heart hadn?t stopped. His youth served him well this time.

He got to the laundry room. And he sighed in relief, looking around for some sort of hint as to where to go to next. He leaned on the washer for support. His legs were useless to him on their own. However, he had to move.

He was wasting time. He?needed to find her. And figure things out.

Another thing he wanted was for her to confirm it. If he could manage, he wanted her to tell him herself.

But most of all, he just wanted to make sure she was alright. The thought of her being hurt...That erased those dead bodies from his mind, if only for a moment.

Then, he noticed something. The darkness of the room led him to believe it was a dead rat. Dead rodents, he could handle. They actually gave him relief. He even approached it. He needed to know it was a rat for sure.

Judging by the size, it must have been some sort of vermin or pest of the house.

His own foot touched it, and turned it over. The sight of that had him draw back into the door, closing it behind him. He groped the wall for a light switch, gasping and begging for light. Thankfully, he flicked the switch.

It wasn?t a rat at all.

It was a foot.

The foot. It was still with a shoe. He recognized the shoe. Brows were scrunched.

He treated it like it was a ghost. He knew the owner of that foot. Hell, he met him at least twice in the past and probably found him to be something to look at.

What else did that sick French Cyclops cut off of that poor man?

He didn?t want to know, but if he knew Noir, he?d find out if he kept going.

He needed to keep going. He needed to keep going for her.

He wanted to yell. To shout. To express what was inside. But that wasn?t
an option.

And what wasn?t an option was to waste another second fighting nausea.

He could fight nausea while crawling into that chute. Stepping into it, he sri-lanked his way down. Feet hit the walls, walking him down as he clung to that rope for dear, dear life.

His dear life. As wretched as it was, he didn?t want to die. And he didn?t want his cousin to die, either.

Fingers turned ghastly white as they clung to that rope. Forehead was pressed to the rope. He still smelled blood. That stink. He felt like a child trapped in a room filled with evil imaginary friends. He was alone, but he was tormented by what only he could see.

That maid and butler. That foot. And all this blood on his hands. On his arms. He purposely ran his hands up and down that rope furiously in a trio of strokes. Rope burn. It helped. The searing pain had him think of his hands. His nerves. And not those poor, innocent bodies. And all that innocent blood.

Finally, his feet hit the ground. Only, it didn?t hit ground. It was an uneven impact. One that had him bump from wall to wall with his broad shoulders.

The box was preventing him from getting out of that chute. He was starting to get claustrophobic. Visions of those bodies, that foot, the bone and muscle that was cut upon for his viewing torment tornadoed through his mind. He lost strength in his legs, and leans against the wall. He?s trapped. All alone with nothing but death below, above and around him.

He began to ram his fists against the walls around him in spaced out collisions. He didn?t want to be here. He didn?t want to go back, but he didn?t want to be in this narrow place. He never realized how he hated tight places. Then, fortune twistedly smiled down on him. His weight caused the wood to splinter and break beneath him.

Collapsing the wood into chunks, he kicked and stomped it into pure sawdust. Well, small enough chunks for him to escape. Splinters implanted into his legs. Pieces of wood lodged onto his hands as he crawled out, hissing and wincing at the new wounds he earned. He didn?t care. He thanked those reminders that he was living. His body was in working order. His heart was racing, but still beating.

He made sure to rush through this room. There was an opened door with an earring of gold in it. He rushed through that door. The momentum had the door swing to nearly close, but didn?t. The moving shadows had him whip his head back.

And there was a limb. An arm. He recognized the arm. It was the sleeve.

That corny seventies print that wasn?t stained with blood. It was Rico?s shirt. Rico?s blood.

It was Rico?s arm. Hands went up, fingers lodging into his hair. He clenched his scalp, eyes to the ceiling. He was in hell. This is what it must have been like. This is what it must be like.

He forced his feet to move. Throwing his hands out of his hair, he gripped the railing of the stairs before he actually undergoes descending them.

There was a living man sprawled along the bottom of the stairs. He could tell that he was alive. He was groaning, breathing. It wasn?t relief, but it wasn?t anything that would add to his collection of scars on his soul.

He descended down the steps cautiously. But, his foot fumbled. Thanks to his hands on the rail, he didn?t tumble down the stairs. Instead, he ended up sliding in constant bludgeons of his rear end to the steps. He stood the second he stopped moving, which was when he stepped over the unconscious man with the leftover momentum. He couldn?t stay still.

And just then, he made eye contact with that eye. Jades fell onto a dark blues. Andre didn?t react other than that stare. He was frozen. It had only been a few hours since he?s seen that eye last. And that wretched leather patch.

And that damned smile. Noir acted quickly. It reminded him of the blinding flash of a camera taking a picture. Instead, it was a gun?s barrel. There was a flash, and his shoulder was breached. He felt it go in, and stay there.

A hot, steely, unwelcomed guest wedged itself in his shoulder. A deafening bang was nearly ignored at the next thing his now wide plates of jade beheld. Noni.

It was Noni. She was alright. Thank god, she?s alive. The pain had him blinded. But his eyes stayed open. They stayed on Noni. Immortalizing her in his mind. That number on her face. He saw her. She was alive. She was there. Once shot, he fell to lean his good shoulder?s side on the wall. A hand flew to his wounded shoulder.

It was glazed with blood. Red instantly. It was warm. It was his. And he did his best to stay standing. The elevation of the stairs had him sit on them, letting him still see her. Everything was starting to slow down.

Everything but the blood he felt pouring in his cupped hand on his new hole.


Date: 2008-08-15 00:51 EST
She was alright. Alright but covered in blood. And far too jumpy and out of touch with her surroundings to be of any immediate use. As if in slow motion, she watched Noir's arm raise. It wasn't longer than the fraction of a second, but it seemed to take forever. She started turning and she felt like she was moving through cold water. She was frozen, and ever muscle in her body screamed at her to not turn around, and to not watch. Noir seemed to wait until she had as the BANG echoed through the room once she'd done so. "NO!" If she'd only moved a little more.. it would have been her head that had gotten hit, and not Andre. But she wouldn't have cared. She wrenched her feet from the ground and nearly slammed into him. "LEAVE THEM OUT OF THIS, DO YOU HEAR ME?!" Noni, with tears flowing freely now, clutched onto Andre, trying to support him as well as push him back into the next room. Like hell she was going to make him watch something else tonight.

The door of the stairs had an entire body of French Henchman keeping it opened. Andre saw Noni. And Noir. His ears somehow went into hibernation. Were those tears? He was sitting on the steps, and wasn't moving. He couldn't. Any movement meant a new pain from his shoulder. It was a wonder how all his nerves somehow connected to every other one in his body. He kept his eyes opened. If there was anything he strived for, it was to keep looking into Noni. And occasionally, at Noir. Was he laughing? That French Cyclops was laughing. Enjoying this.

".. Andre, what the fuck are you doing here...?" Noni whispered exasperately, touching his face with both hands. She couldn't decide whether she wanted to slap him or hug him. "TAMARA!" Her head twisted over her shoulder as, if on cue, the six foot three female descended the stairs in a flash. "Get him out of here." It wasn't up for debate. Noni stared murder at the frenchman that was between herself an Noir, her ears filled with the latter's laughter. "THEY HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS! YOU WANTED ME, YOU GOT ME, SO HERE I AM, TAKE IT!"

"You're too late," Tam whispered down to him, tearing off the bottom of her sleeveless top into a strip that she wadded up and pressed into Andre's hand.

The hand Andre didn't use shielding his new wound went to his cousin's hand. Touching it made him smile weakly. "I'm here...for you.." He knew she probably wouldn't hear her. He could barely hear himself over all that laughter that was reverberating around him. It was like a gas. His laughter was everywhere. He looked up to see long black hair above him. Those piercing eyes were shinier than he'd ever give credit to whatever God was above them all, judging them. Noni's yelling had him anchor himself down. And his stubborn hand wouldn't move from his gunshot wound. As much as it hurt, he protected the wound as if it were a newborn child. His newborn child. He was scared. If she touched it, it would hurt. So he stubbornly took the cloth, pressing it down on his wound far too softly to make the difference it needed to. He looked back to Noni's back and Noir. Jade eyes were mixed with so many things. Hatred, pain, confusion, trauma. All of those things. In one. He couldn't move. And he didn't want to. Even if he was injured and useless.

"She doesn't want you to see this, Mr. Bohannon. You have to remember she's doing this for all of you.." The Spy was checking him over. No exit wound - great. That means that somewhere down the line, someone was going to have to dig the slug out of him. She watched him closely, waiting for an oppurtunity to grab a hold of him and start dragging him up the stairs of she had to.

Luvvie and the semi-auto pointed at the frenchman-turned-door that stood blocking Noir from her wrath, both hammers were cocked, and she strode forward like nothing would stop her. "I will turn your head inside out. Or do you want me to shoot off a happier place.." one gun slowly lowers and points at the man's groin, and her hand tenses, ready to fire.

Andre gripped the railing, while his other hand nursed his wound pitifully. As he tensed his grip, he let out an honest groan in agony. A slight yell was added as he denied the feeling he got. He scooted himself lower. He scooted down a single step. Looking down at the dazed French man on the ground, he quickly looked back to Noni. The man scurried up the stairs toward Andre. He was rambling and begging in French. With all the energy he had in him, he shoved his foot into his head, kicking him. The man's head threw itself back, falling back first to the ground where Noni was. He refused to move. Andre resumed his suppressed howl of pain. He didn't want to seem too pathetic. But he wouldn't move. He didn't want to. What if..?

Much faster than she had done previous, Noni whipped around.. and watched her cousin nail the blundering idiot right in the head. She blinked, and for the first time in a while, felt like laughing. What came was a 'heh', and a rather sadistic smirk she tossed to Andre. Along with a nod of gratitude. There were no holds on her emotions now. The end was near. Everything and anything could come out in the open. And it did. Because even through all of it, tears still rolled down her cheeks and streaked pink rivers as it hit blood. "Nice one, primo.. Tam," the last word was more like a plea. Noni gave them both a gentle look that held none of the anger she'd displayed two seconds ago. Then dropped her semi-auto, and kicked it away. Luvvie was spun around her index finger, and she started to stride forward towards Noir.

"You're not going to stop her, don't hurt her anymore by watching this.." The Spy's voice broke as she continued to whisper to the Bohannon heir. She straightened, only to shove one unconscious frenchman from their path with her stiletto heel.

Andre's eyes were squinting softly from the pain he suppressed. He could hide it by not groaning too loudly, but his Jade eyes gave it all away. That he was in COMPLETE physical agony. But even then, he denied his bodily sensations to let out a snort that was a common laugh towards Noni. The grin that was mixed with tears would've worried him under different circumstances. Like Tamara had said to him. It was too late to worry. Too late to do anything. And since he was injured and bleeding rapidly, he was as useful as a corpse. "Prima.." Andre begged and partially called to her. He pretended like he didn't hear Tam by calling out to her, but he did. He heard her. And she made sense. But he wasn't about to leave. He couldn't leave. Not now. He looked to Noir again, spitting blood and saliva in his direction. He was no professional, so it didn't go terribly far.

"Tamara, I said get him out of here!" Noir sneered down at her, and she could practically see his salivation at all the destruction he'd wrought. "You wanted me, Reggie.. you have me.." Noni refused to sob, refused to do anything outside of unstrapping the other semi-auto on her leg, dropping it, and kicking it aside with her heel.

"Easier said than done, Noni.." She, like Andre, couldn't take her eyes off of her boss. There was so much strength contained in that small body. So much hurt boiling beneath the surface. Noni was able to keep it from everyone. No one ever knew, and most questioned if she even felt anything. But tonight, Tam got to see just how much got to her, and she wanted nothing more than to try and fix it.. but she knew nothing she did would work. And that it wasn't her place. Tam stooped and tried to coax Andre's arm around her shoulders. She was keeping an eye on him too, sort of waiting for him to go unconscious because then her job would be WAY easier.

"Ah, Nonita...Why not 'ave him here? Zhe more, zhe merrier, oui?" Said grimly to her, and he watched the spit land on the foot of the henchman standing in front of him. Fingers slid underneath the braid that wound around his neck, pulling it loose to fall down his back gracefully. He was perfectly calm. Peaceful looking even. The malice underneath the surface was on reserve. He wouldn't let that be seen until he and Noni had that date he'd been waiting for since she ruined his career. The date was going to be a wonderful one. Reginald treated all the women in his life with excellence. Noni would be no different. Hell, she was an extraordinarily beautiful one. And he would give the beautiful mademoiselle a date to remember. He even sent a wink to Tamara, the cigarette between his lips at an angle from the corner of his lips. He grinned at him, taking in whatever parts of her he could. Like any man who worshiped beauty, he filled out a new index card for this one.

Seeing those wolfish eyes prey on other women had his skin crawl. But even more, he was angry. That handsome, usually gentle face turned to a jagged scowl. In this moment, he reclaimed his own father's fear-inspiring aura. The Bohannon's only Son was seeming more and more like the Father. Was The Good Son showing hatred? Yes. Did he promise all sorts of hell in those green acidic eyes? Without a doubt.

"It doesn't concern him, you moron," Noni bit out. Even though she wanted to get this done, she was doing it as slowly as possible. Her hair was tied back, but there were enough curls to shield either side of her face from the events. She found herself at the metal door, and her hand closed around its cool surface. A breath was taken, and she leaned her forehead against it for a brief second.. before beginning to draw it closed. It was like she had eyes out the back of her head. Or she could see Tamara and Andre's expression. Noni laughed as she slowly started to cut them off from seeing her final moments. "I wouldn't recommend it, Reggie.. Claude will rape you sixty ways with his AK if you even get near her again.." Another weak smile was granted to Tam and Andre. She knew she was dragging it out, but she couldn't help but look at them, watch them. "You'll tell everyone I'm sorry.. won't you?"

She froze in trying to pull Andre to his feet, and stared at Noni. Tam's grip on him tightened severely.

Noir grinned. And with that grin, as if the grin was the gun itself, fired. Two shots sounded like only one. And the hinges of the door were blown off. "Ah, Bonita, I must insist on an audience. How else will zhe family know, hm? It seems zhe two of zhem 'ave zheir eyes glued on you. Why disappoint zhem?" And the door fell in Noni's direction, slowly but surely it was plummeting down.

Andre reached out helplessly, only to be sealed in darkness. His breathing accelerated and he moved only to get a better grasp of that rail. Gunfire was heard, and his eyes went wide with horror. Light returned in cracks.

She didn't want it to end that way. If the door fell on her, there was a good chance that she'd stay alive through the whole thing, not able to kill herself, not able to make Noir kill her. Noni had no choice... but to stand aside.

"NONI!" For all her preaching, she was certainly not one to follow her own advice. If she had her way, Noir would be in pieces, and not Rico.

There was an excruciatingly long moment in which the door creaked and groaned before it finally fell backwards into the room. It made Noni jump when it hit the ground, and she felt the reverberation throughout her body. "FOR GOD'S SAKE, TAMARA, WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU STILL DOING HERE. GET OUT!"

Standing back and watching the fireworks, he sighed to himself and gave a pat to the back of the henchman in front of him. He even turned away to look at Rico. As if they were friends whispering dirty comments about those around them he whispered to him. "See zhis? Even when she's 'ere, she finds 'erself concerned about others. Not you. You're barely alive, no? And here she iz..trying to get peeping Toms out of zhe way before looking back at you. Her brozher was compromized, and now you're being compromized.." Looking back to Noni and the rest of his peanut gallery, he tapped his gun to his temple. Like a mother would tap her foot in wait of the realization by the wrongdoing child.

Shaking his head frantically, he clutched to the railing with his good arm. He even curled to that one wall like he did as a small boy to immobilize. It was a lousy attempt, but the best he could do. "I'm..I'm not leaving! NONI, DON'T DO THIS!!" He knew why. He could see why she would. But he didn't care. This was his cousin. And with that considered, all that mattered was that. Nothing else. Family mattered. Nevermind Noni's logic with that same religious code in mind.

"TAMARA, I WILL SHOOT YOU IF YOU DON'T GET HIM OUT OF HERE." Noir was talking to Rico.. like he was alive.. " .. oh my god..." Her mind was torn in too many separate directions, and she felt the migraine explode in the side of her head like she'd been shot. She wanted to be shot, she was hoping to be shot. One hand over an eye, one hand clutching Luvvie, Noni stumbled forward, not even wanting to look at Andre at this point. Her stomach churned as she caught sight of Rico. Or the bloody piece that used to be Rico. She only knew it was him because she knew who Noir had taken. Jolts of pain shot up through her knees and into her leg as she fell to the ground beside the rookie, and swallowing any squeamishness, reached forward to touch his face, smooth his hair back. ".. Rico..? You can hear me, right?"

bloodied pulp with missing pieces grunted at Noir, looking to Noni with a glassy, incomplete glance. He was feeling it. Blood loss. He could feel it taking hold. "...You're late..You said..punctuality could or death..." He was glad that she had come, but only moments ago he was cursing their existence. And he knew he heard her. "..Wh-wha..t...took you...s-so...l-o-ngg...?" And then, his head lowered. It dipped lifelessly. And whatever limbs were spared also stopped twitching. His heart finally gave up on him.

Rico was dead.


Date: 2008-08-15 00:54 EST
Delivering an exceptionally clean and quick roundhouse kick to the chair was placed upon, he kicked the chair to the side. It was knocked over, and that corpse still bound to it was the dead weight that only stirred due to momentum given by Noir's delivery.

Noni cried out as the entire contraption went flying away from her, and skidded across the floor. Rico - like a noodle - flopped dangerously around. The Assassin's own screams of horror matched her cousin's and she scrambled, falling on the knots that bound her teammate to his chair. Without any other option, she shot them free, and Rico's lifeless chunk of a corpse oozed off of its placement into her chest. He was still warm

"...NO!!!!" Yelled Andre, at the top of his lungs. It was then that, tears came pouring out of his eyes. Strings of red dripped down his mouth as well. "No...! NO!!" He shook his head repeatedly, pressing his temple to the wall of the staircase as his tears and blood mixed on the surface in smears. He kept watching. Those destroyed green orbs still watched it all. He looked at the body, eyes trembling within the white of his sockets.

She dropped Luvvie to the ground, watching as the rest of Rico's blood leaked all over her. Her hands were brought up before her eyes, and she found it hard to breathe. "Just like the last time, he planned it all to be just like the last time.. In this house, down here, why would he do this, why, Rico had nothing to do with anything, nothing. It was an accident, he didn't mean for it to happen, no one did.." She rambled like a patient in an asylum as she shimmied out from underneath Rico, and watched him smack like a steak into the ground. His blood was all over her, and she shook. "IT WAS AN ACCIDENT, I DIDN'T MEAN TO DO IT, I DIDN'T MEAN TO.." She threw her head back and yelled until her lungs ached. "WHY?!" A rattling breath. "WHY?!" Another. "WHY?!"

Tam made a quick motion to try and hug Andre, providing resistance just in case he got a random surge of idiot and decided to charge in, guns blazing. "Mr. Bohannon, we need to leave. Now."

Grinning pure malice now, the date was meeting it's highest peak. The flowers were given. Movie watched, and the movie only was the background. Taking a long, deserving drag of his cigarette. He blew smoke at her fallen form. Surrounding her with the cancer she already suffered from in a different organ, he looked back to Andre and the pretty blue eyed Tamara. After her cries of ecstasy were through he answered her with the answer he didn't want to hear. "Because you're a killer. Everyzhing around you, close to your 'eart, dies when you touch zhem. Zhat is why."

He was sobbing openly now. He just watched that poor man die. Right then. And his last words were the most..silliest words he'd heard. But it didn't matter. That man still deserved his tears. As Tamara encompassed him, he didn't struggle. He couldn't anymore. The grief drained the life out of him. He couldn't respond to anything. But he forced it out of him. He squeezed his lungs to make them produce something tangible. "...Noni.." He didn't move, but he didn't struggle. He felt dead himself. Something else died tonight. And yet again, he still sobbed softly. But truly, he felt drained. He was only choking on breath while tears seeped into his mouth.

"I'm not, I never wanted to be.." Bloody hands dragged through her hair, and added to the liquid red already coating her skin. She had to look away from Rico, she had to. He looked too much like Angelo lying there, his mouth gently smiling. Noni grabbed Luvvie with a spasming hand and, her back halfway to Rico, she faced Noir. One tendril of mocha brown split her face right down the middle. On the ground, she stared up at the Devil Incarnate, her thumb performing the mechanical motions of cocking the hammer. Of readying her piece. (s)"If that were true, you would have died a long time ago.. I could take it all away from you, you know.. I thought I was being courteous, giving you a gift.." Slowly, she began to raise Luvvie to her left temple, and as she did, she smiled. (s)"I could cut you deep, Reggie. You'll watch me die right here, forever living with the fact that your purid life's ambition slipped through your disgusting, scalpel-ended fingers, and you wouldn't be able to do a damned thing about it... That's what it's really all about, isn't it, Reggie? About taking me down..? Well, now you have.. I can't go any lower, but I can go away.."

"Shit," she cursed. She could see Noni through the door, making ready to end her own life, and she knew that she didn't want to be a witness to it. She needed to get Andre out. Tam?s arms tensed as she tried to haul Andre up, fingers flying to his own to try and pry them from the railing so that it would be a lot easier to do. "She's not even herself anymore, Mr. Bohannon, you cannot save her. You need to let her go."

"What's it going to be, Reggie..? Do you want me to do it for you..? Like my Family had me do at seventeen? It seems I'm always doing what you can't do, doesn't it? You really are worthless.. Prove yourself. Kill me."

Andre?s eyes widened, and he launched himself towards Noni. But Tam, along with his bleeding shoulder, kept him from making much of a last stand. ?Don?t..Don?t let him win...No..? His hand was a ghostly white. Sure enough, the blood loss was against him as well. Feeling himself rise, Noni?s fallen body showed him the gun to her own temple. And her last challenge to that French Bastard had him shake his head frantically. ?NO! NOIR, STOP THIS! PLEASE! STOP! Don?t?.? He knew it was pointless, but the words that came out of his mouth weren?t meant to be received that way. The way it escaped his lips were spoken for words that were more along the lines of begging Noni. He couldn?t leave her! He couldn?t..! What kind of family member would desert another one to die? He could never stand again if he left. But Tam had him up and he leaned against the wall. His bleeding shoulder was getting the best of him. His arm and right side of his neck was shining red. Right when he had washed off, he was in blood again.

?She..she doesn?t deserve to die..! Oh god..Oh god..Oh my god..!? It was starting to truly sink in. And it had his short breaths puncture themselves with gasps to prevent his crying to be too much of a bawl. Tam was turning his back to her. They were both leaving her. This was so fxcked up. So wrong. So disgusting. He felt spineless. Useless. He couldn?t fight off Tam. He couldn?t fight anyone with that wounded shoulder making him weak. ?I love you, Noni..Don?t go..? As he turned away, his vision started to blur. Knees trembled, and as he forced his foot to lift and land on the next step up, he lost consciousness. Was it consciousness? Or was it just strength? He still heard echoing. But his eyes were closed. Damp eyelashes released more clear beads down his cheeks, as he managed to guide his body to lean on Tamara entirely. He was still there, but barely. Suddenly?he was very sleepy...

?I like a woman ?oo takes charge when eet matters. And ?oo would I prove myself to? You? I didn?t do zhis because of my size, or because of yours. I?m doing zhis because you do not belong ?ere. Not weeth us. Watching you all zhis time showed me just ?ow unfeet you a?e for zhe world you chose. You?re no monster at all. You?re a little girl who never grew up.? He walked to stand before her and pulled off his eyepatch. Hand came over top the leather, peeling over the covering. The empty blackness of his eyes was there. It was only black. A black hole. Slowly, he knelt down to her. ?And now, as a true monster, I do zhis for you. You will not go where Angelo?s gone. You know zhat, don?t you? Wherever it iz you are you are going, I will send you zhere. From one monster, to a masquerading one. I wanted to do zhis, before someone else deed. Eet has to be me...? He holstered his own piece. And he reached out to her, as if to help her up. Hand extended, fingers all descending to her. Palm was up. ?Geeve me your gun, Imposter.?


Date: 2008-08-15 01:09 EST
He was strong, even when he was nearly unconscious. And that was probably because she half wanted to let him go and rush in herself. Tam was jerked forward when Andre tried to stand on his own, and then had to quickly compensate for his blood loss by becoming his shelf upon which to rise. "She's doing this for all of you, you have to tell them that. Don't let her die alone. You bring all your fight down on anyone and everyone else from this point on, do you understand?" He was fading, and he was fading fast. She finally had her shot - to grant Noni's last wish - to get Andre out of here. Her grip on him nearly strangling, she began to lead him up the stairs.

Her lips flattened to a thin line as she listened to Noir. No - her executioner. But she had to smile. He was taking it the way she wanted him to. "And here I thought you were jealous of me. I know you are, this proves it. You were beaten out by someone who didn't even want to become a killer, and in that knowledge, became better than you." She stared at his face, refusing to look away, even when he revealed the gaping hole his eye had become. After all that she'd seen tonight, she could deal with that. She could easily deal with that. He mentioned her brother, and she fought the urge to take his other eye in the same way. This was what she wanted, and fighting it now wouldn't make any difference. Regardless if the reason that she was shaking now was out of terror instead of disgust. She grabbed the back of his extended hand with her right, yanking it to her and latching on. Her other hand uncocked Luvvie's hammer, and she wiggled the weapon before him. "This is where things meet a crossroads, Reggie. I'm letting you do this for me like you so desperately think I deserve. You. You take your little french ass, and your little french lackeys' asses. And you get the fuck out of my Family's life. It's not their fault what happened. It's mine. And I'm letting you have your revenge for that price." She spoke this loudly so she knew Tam would hear it, and possibly Andre, if he wasn't passed out already. Somehow, her message had to live on. Because she doubted that Noir would end it there. The Bohannons needed to pick up where she left off, guns and hatred blazing for this sack of evil she was now clinging to.

"I'm never leaving her...I love her.." Andre was so close to whatever it was. He was so sleepy. If he didn't know better, he'd want to yawn. His eyes were closed, but would open in pathetic excuses for blinks. He was barely there, but there enough. His feet were gelatin. "Noni...No..." He begged in his groggy murmurs. It was barely audible. But that was all he could do. Just as the beginning. Moan and groan and be carried away from all the devilry. He was never meant to be there. And like all the other things he was confronted with, he didn't care. He didn't give a shxt. And from now on, he wouldn't. Never again.

"I'm sure she knows that, Mr. Bohannon. And I know she's thanking you.." She reaffirmed her grip on Andre, her head gently tilting to catch Noni's words, and nodded. Like hell she was going to let this go quietly. Tamara wanted to make sure everyone knew, and make sure that something was going to be done about it before the rest of them disappeared. Without Noni, their team was nothing. She was what held it together. People who'd never listened to anyone cut her some slack for whatever reason, and things ran smoothly. Every single time. Past mistakes aside because, really? They weren't her fault. The Spy clenched her teeth, and swallowed sobs that were pushing up towards the surface. She was rigid, waiting for the gunshots that would mean everything was over.

During her voicemail of a suicide note, he grinned at her smile. That smile. No cheer. He smiled a similar smile many, many years ago. He remembered. After she was done, he took her gun. Latched on to, his grin widened with the evil that made the cancer on the cigarette he smoked seem like nothing. ?You drive a ?ard bargain.? Reginald detested that name. He hated it. And after tonight, he?d never hear that name again. Not from that voice, anyway. And the other voices, like hers, will be silenced. In time. ?So, I guess zhis is goodbye. Eet?s time to send you on your way, Bullet Catcher. It?s been a lovely night, Mon ami.? Like any lifeless man of death?s harvest, he blew smoke directly into her face. And the gray of the cancer made her seem prettier. ?Now, eef you weell be so kind as to open your mouth, we can call it a night..? Their styles differed when it came to killing. Due to experiences in the past, even shots to the brain weren?t entirely guaranteed deaths. From that twisted situation forward, he always shot in the mouth. To sever the spinal chord, the esophagus, and make a pez dispenser out of the body. It guaranteed death. He?d give nothing less to Nonita. His Bonita Nonita.

She wouldn't cough or waver. Something about staring down that tunnel before you got to Heaven made you oddly calm. Noni's head lowered in a nod, her hands falling away from Noir's and climbing up to her hair to let it down. Her blood caked fingers ran through it, and she shook it out. A deep breath was taken, and through the fall of her hair, she saw Tam and Andre STILL. But at least they were moving now. Noni was familiar with his way of doing things. It was very much like hers. Although, she favored two shots to the head, one to the heart. She folded her hands around her ponytail holder, running her thumb across Angelo's ring on her finger. And chuckled, her head finally lifting. "You give so much more meaning to Kiss of Death, Reggie." It was her death day. She was afforded more than one jab at the son of a bitch. Keeping her eyes glued to him, she tilted her head back, and opened her mouth. Everything else was calm but her hands. Her hands gave her away. There would be no catching this bullet with her teeth. No nothing. Ever again.

Reginald laughed, kissing Luvvie's barrel as if it were a beloved friend returning to his company. He would've kissed the bullet if it didn't delay the inevitable. As he fixed her hair, he brought his arm to be perpendicular to his thigh. Arm was propped on the thigh. Gun swayed in a ticking wait. He gave her a moment to pretty up for the bullet. Perhaps she convinced herself that this cellar was her coffin. He was no priest, and he wouldn't bless her journey. They both knew he wouldn't. Finally, the envelope was given the proper postage. And he brought his arm to point the gun at her. "Don't make me blush, ma petite. Poetic justice eez for your tombstone." And he slid the gun into that beautiful mouth. Like any bloodthirsty man, he would imagine other naughty things that mouth would do later. Perhaps after he cashed her check. He was a killer of flock of birds with one stone. Leave it to Noir to always find the most expensive way to carry out business. This was his rebound. Her corpse was his rebound. "Au revoir, Noni Bohannon. I usually don't kiss on a first date, but.." Cigarette was plucked from his lips. The flame sizzled to death in a nearby pool of Rico's blood. The Frenchman leaned with the gun in her mouth, kissing her cheek. The cigarette's cancerous odor was overpowering. And he'd leave his cologne with her. He sent it with her to oblivion. "..I can make exceptions for a beautiful woman like you. Sleep well." And he pulled the trigger.

Andre's eyes woke up from their heavy daze. He looked behind them, and he gained an odd lightning bolt of strength. "NONI!!!!" He shoved against Tam's strength. But instead, he stammered forward. He was still so weak. His crying returned with a vengeance. He knew who fired that bullet. And he knew who took it. "BASTARD! YOU FRENCH BASTARD. OH MY GOD...FXCK YOU!!" He was full of bark, but not enough energy to bite. He struggled against Tamara, and made her journey out of that house very difficult as he soon melted again. His weakness caught up with him fast. He began to sag against her again.

Two tears slid down her cheeks - one from each eye as they closed - and she held her breath. She didn't want to smell that. Any of it. She wouldn't. His lips on her face made her want to puke, but she was seconds away from not feeling anything, she could take it. 'Sleep well.' Her eyes flew open as the bullet left Luvvie's chamber. Her flash was the last thing she saw before her world went dark, and like a rose, she wilted towards the ground, falling gently into the nearby pool of crimson. There was a smile still creasing the corners of her mouth.

The Spy lurched forward, her eyes wide. That tore it. She needed to get out of here. Noir was still there, and Andre was a sitting duck. He wasn't going to stop. But she wanted to get Noni's body. She deserved a proper burial. She deserved to be buried next to her brother.. "It's time to haul ass, Mr. Bohannon." Her voice, somehow, remained calm, but she was far from it. Footstep after footstep - each touch to the stairs feeling like a nail in her own coffin. It made her sick as she lead Andre, albeit sloppily out of the house and into his car.

Twisting the keys in the ignition, whipping the steering wheel around, and pushing her boot into the accelerator, Tamara left the House of Horror. She was just leaving her there. But she?d be damned if she didn?t come back.


Date: 2008-08-15 01:10 EST
Dying.. it's not so hard. It shouldn't be. Taking life was always so easy for me, so having my own taken from me should be just as simple, right?

I feel.. weightless. I feel better. I feel nothing.. I looked down on my own body from above, and it was surreal. Those last moments, I could remember entertaining the thought of begging for my life. But then I would be abandoning my whole reason for even being there.

If I didn't fully save my Family and friends.. I set them up to continue in my stead.

The light above blinded me, and I shielded my face. My eyes burned like I was crying, but no tears came.

I'm sorry.. Everyone. I'm so sorry.. I didn't want to fail you.

Uncle, I'm sorry. I should have prepared better.. Eduardo, I'm sorry I won't be there if you come home. But I'll be waiting for you if you don't.. Andre, I'm sorry you had to be there for all of this. I'll watch over you.. Fiorella, I'm sorry I can't be there for you. But you're strong, I know you can handle anything.. Francisco, I'm sorry that I couldn't see your latest painting. I hope you and Anya will be happy together.. Dulcie, I'm sorry I can't teach you how to shoot. Don't ever lose yourself to this world..

Claude, Tamara.. thank you for always being there for me, and I'm sorry I couldn't return the favor.. Rico and Alek, there's no way I could ever scratch the surface of my remorse..

Reggie, I'm sorry.. You don't believe me, you never did, but I never meant to take anything from you.. I never wanted this, and I hope that when you killed me, you'll be able to start healing..

And finally.. Dad, Angelo.. I'm sorry I couldn't live on like you wanted me to.. I tried, and I did alright for a while, but I couldn't keep it up.. I hope that some day you'll forgive me..

A dark shadow hovered before me, blocking out the ivory light of what I hoped were the pearly gates. It was someone. They were smiling. Laughing. Extending their hand to me.

"Stop crying.. Noni.."

I took my brother's hand and squeezed it, and I smiled like I hadn't in years.

If I had lived through this.. I would have started smiling again.


Date: 2008-08-19 05:53 EST
The Floating Candle

"Esteban. I'm sure." Andre assured, a hand on the mourning father's shoulder. The good man was trying to spare him what they both know will be the saddest taste. However, Andre had decided. He was going to do this. It would help. And he wanted to.

He wanted to look for one last time. He needed this. His tear ducts detested him for his decision, but he didn't pay mind to their complaints. Esteban, however, couldn't. It was still too soon for him to go to such..newly sacred grounds.

To them both, her room was officially sacred. A final and only temple to her. Now, it was time for Andre to say goodbye. The right way. Not in the way he had that scarring night. The night when he was kissed by a bullet. And a bullet gave its deadly kiss to her. His younger cousin.

Her name could not be spoken. Not until the wounds were healed.

Esteban closed the door behind Andre, eyes closed tightly and head lowered in heavy grief. The men were both wounded. Esteban had lost both his children to bullets, and Andre lost yet another loved one to them.

Andre walked into the room with slow, careful steps. He treated the room like glass. Fingers traced along framed photographs of..her. When she was a child. Picking up a framed photograph, he looked into it.

The picture was of Noni getting a piggy-back ride on Angelo's back. And Angelo was still wearing his running clothes. Noni still smiled, back then.

Her smile was captured in the picture.

Smiling, too, he almost gasped when his own colorless respects fell upon the framed photograph. His thumb wiped it off tenderly, replacing it on the dresser. He promised himself he wouldn't stay long. If he stayed too long, he'll be back at square one.

It was like reopening a closing wound. His arm was in a sling the entire time.

He slowly sat himself on the foot of her bed. Fingers snaked as a lover's would for the skin of the other. His fingers found sheets. And willfully, he grasped one of the sheet's many folds. He didn't sob. He had already broken that rule the night she died. He wouldn't again.

He would close his eyes, frowning jagged cliffs with his lips. He mustn't stay. He promised himself he wouldn't. Finally, he stood up again. With a slow, heavy walk to the window, he looked outside. It was the afternoon. A lovely day. Blue skies, and lively trees shaking their branches. They made tambourines of their many leaves.

He allowed his forehead to press against the window. Fingers found the glass, touching where old fingerprints were. They were hers. He remembered the size of her hands. He always would.

Moments later, he emerged from the bedroom. He closed the door behind him. Esteban was sitting at his table. The two looked alike only in the amount of bandages they both possessed. Smiling warmly to him, he walked to the table. His pace was lighter. Quicker. Esteban stood from his chair, unable to smile even if he wanted to.

Andre walked into the man, hugging him. Even if Esteban didn't need it, Andre did. And he wanted to show how much his grief was shared. Esteban gave a soft pat to his back, stroking his shoulder. That fatherly stroke. The kind a father gives to encourage. To assure. There were no more words. And after that brief embrace, Andre left.

His car was driven up to the Estate. And, he slipped his sunglasses back on. It was dusk, but he didn't want the others to see the pinken colors his eyes had taken. Pink didn't compliment or coordinate with his green eyes at all. Trudging to his home, he went up the spiral staircase as if it were to the tower of his death. Slow steps, and his sling added to the entirety of his wounded form.

A nurse stopped him before he could enter his room. It was time to change the bandages. Nodding to her, she led him to the fountain in the courtyard. It was where he wished to be bandaged. It was a beautiful place at night. The water's constant cascade comforted him. He would wince at the alcohol dabbed on his wound. The Bohannon's heir sat up for the bandages to complete their laps. And his head was to the skies. Their colors changed. And it all faded to black.

The nurse closed her case of items, bowing her way out of his presence. Andre nodded to her, murmuring the courteous gratitudes that were always unacknowledged. Now sitting alone in the courtyard, he waited a few moments. Out of his pocket were two objects. A buoyant candle and a lighter.

He stood, and walked calmly to the fountain. He brought the lighter and candle with him. Lighting the wick, he tucked the lighter into his pocket. Shirtless, bandaged half of chest glowed softly in the moonlight's shine. He paused. His eyes closed, chin forced to tilt and kiss the skies.

A minute, or ten minutes, or even a hundred minutes could have passed. Like the champagne class broken against the body of a ship taking sail, he kissed the white wax of the candle, careful not to burn himself with the flame flicking about. The kiss was fond, like to a forehead of a young woman he recognized and enjoyed the presence of.

Finally, he placed the lit candle in the water. Bobbing gently, he cupped his hand to prompt a gentle wave to guide it further into the fountain's body of water. Watching it drift for yet another immeasurable amount of time, he smiled to it. He began hearing the crickets sing.

And with an adjusting of his sling, he turned his back to the candle. Making his way back into the mansion, up the spiral staircase, and into his room, he locked the door behind him.

Hopefully, this would be the night where he slept without nightmares.

Hopefully, tonight he could sleep in peace.

And most of all, Andre hoped he could let the final memories of her drift into the distance with that candle. Far enough to let room for clovers to bloom, but close enough to see the light of the flame with a targeted glance.


Date: 2008-08-19 13:28 EST
Within the confines of his room on the Grounds of the Bohannon Mansion, Andre stood outside on the balcony of his vast room that offered a view of the courtyard. His eyes were glued on the lone white candle still floating in the fountain. The fire had gone out hours ago, but it didn't bother him. He'd light it in just a moment. The nurse would arrive at any moment to usher him there and change his bandages. His bedroom door opened and closed quietly, but instead of a nurse gliding onto the balcony, it was Fiorella. She was dressed finely in a flowing silk robe. It was covered in tiny red flowers which accented her flaming red hair. In the moonlight, the copper undertones glowed faintly among the curls pinned artfully to her head.

"Hermano," she spoke softly, alerting him to her presence. Green eyes drank I nthe sight of her younger brother; the slinged arm had him leaned against the ivory railway of the balcony with his hip. He sat loosely on the edge of the balcony while still keeping his feet on the ground. White unbuttoned dress shirt was through his good sleeve, but over his slinged arm. Looking away from below him to the sibling entering his room, he looked back into the night. This time, he didn't look down into the courtyard.

"I gave the nurse the night off." She stood in the doorway of the open french doors, staring at Andre's outline against the night sky.

"...Bueno." His voice was spoken with vocal chords that began to become unaccustomed to being used. It came in a slight hoarseness. Even though he agreed, he still looked away from her. And didn't move from his spot on the balcony.

The pain and horror was etched so deeply into the lines on his face that Fio wanted to just hold him. But it had been years since she'd hugged her brother and even now, in the midst of all that had happened, she didn't know how to approach him. "Hable con mi persona.. por favor? Let me change your bandages and we can talk about what happened. I need to know."

Remaining in the doorway, she watched him intently in silence. When he didn't move, Fio turned, disappearing into the bedroom. After several minutes, she returned with a bowl of warm water and a case containing gauze, antiseptic and tape. Moving silently, she joined him by the railing, setting the items on the wide surface and then peeled his shirt back. As she pulled his shirt back, he assisted by removing his arm sling. He kept his arm bent. Any sporadic movement of his arm while the wound was just beginning to close could rip open whatever repairing tissues had formed. "I've been told bits and pieces, but the puzzle still has some holes. I'm.." she trailed off, beginning to unwrap the gauze stretched across his bullet wound.

She'd yet to see his wound and when the last bits of gauze were pulled away, she winced. Fio was familiar with wounds like these, but seeing them on her brother made her stomach churn. "From what I was told, it was Reggie who planned the raid that night. Something about him not being happy about..." she paused, turning away from him to soak some cloth in the hot water. "...about Noni taking his place. But I'm a little shaky on the details in-between that moment and the night she died."

Her reaction to his wound had his chin lowering in shame. "He came to the club...He found me...Rico..was still alive. He...tied me to a chair. He made me watch..." It was too vague, he knew he had to specify. "I watched...Rico's hand.." He had to pause. He could see it in his mind. "Then...he took a picture. Leaving me there, he put a picture of the mansion on my phone.." He paused again. Secretly, he wished she'd apply the antiseptic. In a way, it helped. "..Noni....she came for me an hour later. After untying me, she wanted...she wanted me to tell the family that she was sorry.." His voice was lifeless. Except for the softness and lowering of his voice in certain parts, it was without much emotion. His eyes of green looked a dephtless gray in the evening. Andre refused to look at her.

"Noir decided to exact revenge by taking it out on the family." She nodded, gently prodding his shoulder with the cloth, tediously scraping away the oozing discharge from the wound that was just starting to heal, careful not to tear anything fresh. She let him speak and tried to fill in the missing pieces herself. "He found you at that club. I didn't know he knew.." she shook her head and continued wiping away. ?And he already had Rico? Right??

"Rico was with them when he came...Guns blazing." Andre nodded, his green voids for eyes looking into the depths before him, but at nothing at all. He was seeing it all again. At least, when he was awake, it was from his perspective. In his recurring nightmares, he saw it from his point of view. Over and over again. "He killed a bartender to find me. I tried to hide. To...get out. But he found me..."

"Noir tied you to a chair and tortured Rico in front of you, took a picture on your phone and sent it to Noni? He knew she'd come for you."

"No," He corrected. "He used an old fashioned camera. He sent her a video with my phone...and left a picture of the Montez mansion to tell her where he and Rico were headed."

Fio reached for a dry hand towel and drizzled the antiseptic onto it, biting her lip as she pressed it against Andre's wound. He hissed when the antiseptic touched bacterial regions of his wound. It wasn't gaping anymore. "Noni blamed herself wrongly. I... I wish I hadn't been so harsh after Papi had the attack. It wasn't her fault." There was, perhaps, some guilt heavily laden in her voice. "Then what happened? You two went after Reggie, right? To find Rico?"

He wouldn't give her too many details. It was still very hard for him. Very, very hard. He was surprised he'd gotten this far. "She went alone...Drove me to Esteban. I stayed there...until I figured out what..she wanted to do. Then, I called a car...And went after her."

Everything was starting to come together. She'd found out various details from Tam and Esteban; what Andre was telling her here was enough to paint a picture that was nearly clear enough to understand. A topical ointment was rubbed lightly on the outside of the wound and then she reached for the gauze and tape. Andre reluctantly outstretched his arm to for her to make the necessary journeys around his underarm and back to his actual shoulder. He let out a small grunt or two, but it was hardly noticeable and did his best to suppress it before her. Her face was void of emotion while her brother went on, though her stomach was in knots as the story came together. Finally, she spoke. "Somehow Tamara was there with you. And you two were there when Reggie... killed her. How did you get shot? I know how it happened for Noni, but what happened with Rico?"

"...I managed to get to them before Noir..I saw parts of Rico around the house...and...other things. I ran in, and Noir was about to shoot her. But, when I came, he shot me instead." He had numerous pauses and several times in his explanation did his voice waver. His eyes gained a glassy film and he looked up to the sky at random times. He tried to use gravity to keep the tears away. It was working weakly.

"It's not your fault, you know. It's... it's no one's fault. Noni knew better than to deal with Reggie herself. Especially after what he did to Papi. This was her choice. You can't beat yourself up over this, Andre." Long fingers smoothed themselves lightly over the generously gauzed and padded masterpiece she'd created. Slippers zipped quietly on the stone floor of the balcony as she shuffled behind him to help put his sling back on. His arm was carefully bent to his torso, lowering his head for the sling to hoist his arm and cradle it there.

"I'm sorry I haven't been there for you more, Andre. I spread myself too thin at times and don't know how to retract. I've been worried about you. And with what happened to Papi..." it was her turn to glance toward the sky. "I'm worried. But we can't shut each other out. I need... I need you. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you."

At her reassurances, he looked down to the ground, tears turning into crystal falling beads. His arm was situated. Shutting his eyes tightly, he stood. In a blur of a hasty shift, he made great speed. It was urgent. Needy. He turned to use his uninjured arm to go around his bare-shouldered older sister. He was now before her on the balcony, hoping to somehow achieve an embrace. It was hard with one arm, but hearing words of affection from someone he was accustomed with receiving resentment had him dash at the chance. He needed another loved one's comfort. A piano was no comfort at all. Nor was a floating candle. She took responsibility. And admitted...that she wasn't the superhero she made herself out to be. It was a beautiful disclaimer. A relief to him. She saw the humanity in his older sister for the first time in a long, long time. "Yo la pierdo, Fio..."

"No, no..." her voice shook as she clung to him. "She's been lost for a long, long time, Andre. We were never going to get her back. She's with her brother now.. and that's where she's always wanted to be." Their tears mingled together as Fio pressed her cheek against his. "We need to stay strong and figure out what to do for her sake." Lips pressed his cheek where hers had been moments before. "Te amo, hermano. Nos pondremos a trav?s de este."

Andre was weakened with tears, little brother reaching out to the older sister. Yet, the older sister had reached out to him first with a confession to past mistakes. The two siblings were coming together. "You're right...You're right, Fio..." He began to even his own breathing, accustomed to crying after so many days of doing it alone.

Her hand reached up to pet his hair, smoothing it soothingly as they embraced. When the emotions began to calm and tears began to cease she pulled away. "Oh, look at us." A strangled laugh escaped her. "Crying like little children." She reached up to wipe at his face and then at hers. "You should sleep now. It's late and we both need some rest."

"I started it..." He let out a broken laugh, sniffling himself. "...Like always, Fio. You're always right..." He admitted. But unlike those other times, he wasn't saying it in dread. Or disgust. Or resentment. There was a fondness there. An attachment that had been forgotten for over a decade. "..Thank you for changing my bandage, I was always such a bore for that poor nurse.."

Nostrils flared in attempts to hide the smirk that was threatening to emerge. "I suppose I should just fire her and hire a male nurse." Fio moved to pack up the kit she'd brought with her. The water in the bowl was dumped over the side of the balcony and the porcelain was cradled against her chest. "But that would just be too much fun for you and we certainly can't have that." An uppity expression washed over her face as she turned from him and led the way back into the bedroom. "You'll have to suffer through your meetings with poor Talina. She'll never know the way she fawns over you and pretends to drop things next to you so she can bend over won't make you take her into your bed."