Topic: OOC: Empty Shells


Date: 2008-07-16 03:56 EST
The official OOC folder. Will contain both nonsense and serious information since we don't believe in cluttering our folder with unnecessary threads. Let the posting commence.


Date: 2008-07-16 03:59 EST
*wiggle* Hurray, we have a folder!! And now, I have absolutely no reason to procrastinate anymore! And I'm not sure if that's a good or a bad thing!!

White Apocalypse

Date: 2008-07-16 04:01 EST
Folder folder folderrrr!

*Makes conga line of doooom*

Yay for all the folders being up now!


Date: 2008-07-16 04:01 EST
Ah, mi dios. We have a folder. Damn. Now I have to post.


Date: 2008-07-16 04:17 EST
Heres an Idea. We have a west end already. Why dont we create our very own East End in Rhydin? Nightclubs...Skyscrapers....Mobsters and what not.

Let me know what you think. We can get it going and see what we can do.



Date: 2008-07-16 04:24 EST
There already is an East End. Just doesn't have a folder.


Date: 2008-07-16 04:34 EST
For Noni: Falafel.

That is all.


Date: 2008-07-16 04:35 EST
For Noni: Falafel.

That is all.

You are too adorable. :3!!! Falafel, ftw~


Date: 2008-07-17 18:17 EST
Felafels will be felafels...

But nothing quite says it like a Taco salad.

With some sour cream.

And guacamole.


Date: 2008-07-17 18:33 EST
Felafels will be felafels...

But nothing quite says it like a Taco salad.

With some sour cream.

And guacamole.
*just............................................ dies laughing.................. all over again*


Date: 2008-07-17 19:48 EST
You are all gorgeous people. Those of you that I do know, anyway.


Date: 2008-07-18 15:43 EST
You don't know me, and I'm still gorgeous. -Grin at Eduardo.-

We have a folder! Yay! I get to post things!


Date: 2008-07-18 16:04 EST

I lost count of the orgasms I had. Oh, and all the times I like reacted like a little schoolgirl to stuff.




Date: 2008-07-18 17:27 EST
Those of you I don't know might be gorgeous, as well. That or Dulcinea is the exception!

And movies that spawn orgasms; whilst reacting like a little schoolgirl? Powerful stuff!


Date: 2008-07-18 19:47 EST

I lost count of the orgasms I had. Oh, and all the times I like reacted like a little schoolgirl to stuff.


LOL. I'm glad you had fun~ I've always wanted to camp out for a movie!! Woo for crazy ass Joker~


Date: 2008-07-19 00:37 EST
You know, I'm so out of the loop it hurts. I didn't even KNOW this existed until I was told about it like, a half hour ago.

I blame everyone! EVERYONE!!!


Date: 2008-07-19 02:08 EST
Oh no! So sorry, 'Cisco! Would have thought Andre would clue you in. It's all fairly new to us, too. We waited ages for this folder! Now we have it, so I demand some posting. *is kidding*

Anya Iglesias

Date: 2008-07-19 04:17 EST
::Cuddles Noni::


Date: 2008-07-19 04:59 EST
::Cuddles Noni::
*cuddles back* So cute. :3

Anya Iglesias

Date: 2008-07-20 01:26 EST
Sooo.... The Dark Knight.

I have to admit I'm not a fan of comic book movies. The Joker was creepy, I'll give you that, but I don't see what all the fuss was about. Poor Heath Ledger. <3

.....Don't crucify me.


Date: 2008-07-20 02:17 EST
I think.. I think I have to cut my hands off so as never to be able to type with them again as penance for your transgressions against Batman.



Date: 2008-07-29 19:44 EST
I'm reading Motivo. Dulc', darling, it's great! I really need to write more. I wish I had your style, girl!


Date: 2008-07-30 03:07 EST
Oh, pshaw! You have more style in your pinkie than I do in my thread.

But thanks, lovah. ;D And yeah! Get back to writing! I want to read it!


Date: 2008-08-15 04:29 EST
A certain Dulcinea should pencil herself in the black book.

Since a certain Dre just did...And feels bad for not putting proper data in on Dulcie.

....Just a thought.
No pressure.


Johnny Smith

Date: 2008-08-19 07:36 EST
Hey - I know this isn't my folder or anything, but I wanted to drop in and let everybody writing here know how much I've been enjoying reading the threads - and watching on the rare occasions I see any of you in live play! Good stuff, well-written and engaging despite some pretty mature/dark content. I like it a lot. :D That's all.


Date: 2008-08-19 10:24 EST
I wish 'Cisco could've been a part of that, somehow!

Now he's gonna have to have found out the bad way! Where someone *tells* him she's gone.

And just as a little last hurrah and major props, I TOTALLY got all glassy-eyed when I was reading Noni's goodbye.


Date: 2008-08-19 12:46 EST
::Squee~:: Thanks, Johnny! Yay for props. It means a lot to all of us here. +pinkie+


Date: 2008-10-13 15:11 EST
Calling all peoples. LOL

Let's get this show on the road! I've got some good ideas for SL's and one really big announcement.

::demands everyone's tush's get in a line::


Date: 2008-10-19 23:16 EST
*Lines her happy tush in line.*

And ohmigod Johnny, what a pick me up!! Thanks for showing your enjoyment!


Alrighty, I'm 6 days late...BUT! I'm all set for whatever ideas you gotta spill!

I'm looking forward to getting back into gear~


Date: 2008-10-20 13:41 EST
*Rears his head. Godzilla music plays.*


Oh. Wait. Wrong OOC.

So what's this with the stories and the things?

It sounds. You know. Interesting.

Dorji Koazluria

Date: 2008-11-27 22:37 EST
So . . .

Do y'all still have any interest in continuing with the thread I posted? It's been fallow an awfully long time . . .


Date: 2008-11-28 12:16 EST
Oh gosh! Heh, yeah, I'll get right on that. PM sent your way!

Tyler Redfield

Date: 2008-12-25 03:30 EST

From our house to yours, the very merriest of Christmases!!



Date: 2009-07-07 21:55 EST
Aaaaaand we're back! Well, sort of. Getting things set up and moving for now. Don't be surprised to see a few of us here and there playing. It's great to be back in the fray. :)