Topic: September 15th - Another Day.

Nayun Takamine

Date: 2011-09-16 00:01 EST



It's always like this.

"Nayun." -- the silence finally broke with the elder of the two speaking out softly. Nayun looked to her sister without even a second of delay and waited for her to continue.

"Happy birthday."

Then the silence returned. The younger girl watched as her elder returned her gaze back out through the window at their right. Nayuns own looked about the small restaurant known as Francisco's. Every chair but their own had been empty, every table without customers to grace them. She remembered the time they first came here.. the place so alive. Children running about, their parents trying their hardest to correct them but nothing seemed to work.. and the two Lortz sisters sitting quietly on their own in the same corner they sat at now. Now? The events of the Chains fiasco was over and her sister now held the title Queen of Adenna. Privacy came with a title like that -- and today at Francisco's was privacy they had gotten.

Nayun could see a few of Adennas guards moving about the kitchen. At least they attempted to stay hidden. A turn in the opposite direction and a look out the window would allow the girl to see the many other armor clad warriors standing about the restaurant. Glares and orders to `` Keep moving! `` kept the Rhy'Din populous away. Inside, Nayun wished they could come inside.. to hear the laughter and listen on to conversations of those she's most likely never see again.. but that would be too much. Her sister was the Queen -- it was a knights duty to protect her. It was Nayuns duty to do the same.

"I hear you're challenging for the Tower of Air in the Rhy'Din duels.."

Nayun hadn't been expecting those words. She turned to her sister and gave a bit of stare -- one that was returned without any other words. The younger girl finally gave a small nod and peered down at the half eaten pizza in front of her. "Yes.. I am." -- "I see." It ended with that. Nayun thought to press it.. it was something she'd like to talk about; but it looked that her Queen thought different. Before she could even speak the elder of the two reached into her purse and pulled out a thin, black box. With a light tap it was placed down onto the table before given a push toward the girl.

"Your gift."

It wasn't much of a surprise. Nayun knew what she had gotten her. It was always the same.. Christmas, Birthdays. Still -- her heart skipped a beat at just the sight alone. Nayun carefully reached out. Fingers of her right hand moving to curl about, but then her sisters voice came. "Use your left." The girl gave a blink and looked to her sister for a few moments; but with a nod of her head she'd do as she was told. It came slow, a small shake could be visible as left arm reached. A look of concentration written all over her features, one that kept even as she took hold of the box and brought it closer to herself.

Nayun sat there. Red eyes looked to the box that now sat in front of her. Use your left still heard within her thoughts. Gloved fingers curled and took hold of the box top.. and finally she'd pull it away. Inside she'd see exactly what she knew was in there -- a hairpin. The light of the hung lamp above the shared table shimmered against the silver that the pin was made up of. Attached to it's tip, attached to a small chain, had been a star. Each point of the star had a chain of it's own with five ruby's attached at each of them; all ending with a smaller version of the larger star at their ends.

"Thank you.." Nayun finally spoke. The girl looked to her sister. Sharing a stare between one another. No reply was given, Nayun knew her sisters intentions so one wasn't needed. Instead she'd watch as the older woman turned to look away from her. Those dull reds that made up her Queens eyes looking so distant as they peered out from the window once more.
