Topic: Bloody Blade Estate


Date: 2008-07-06 05:47 EST
Welcome to the little estate just out side of town. No, this is not the type of place with a quaint little yard and nice house at the end of the drive way that happens to have state of the art alien defense systems. Nope. This is the place that you just have to stop near when your car breaks down, you already know the place.

The place is overgrown and evil, it feels evil. Everything tells you that walking down the road in the pitch black of night is better then stopping here, but then again you do see a light on, so it must be ok, right?

The Bloody Blade Estate is a nickname given to it by the kids, their parents, and the parents of those parents. It is the kind of place that has been there and was old when they were kids. It is obvious that there is no one living that remembers who it was built by, and for whom. It is the place of nightmares and terror for any who have ever ventured with in the grounds of the place, few ever dare to go inside, some have never come out. But you, you are not from here so you don't know this.

There are three common links to every story ever told about the place. First, is that you never go there at night. Second, is that the place is something evil, what kind nobody knows or can agree on. Third is that there is always a light on, always. It is the same light from the oldest stories, to the common tales of terror. So you walk up the way and as soon as you cross the boundary, the chill takes hold and becomes almost unstoppable, there is no resisting it, but of course it must be your imagination. Its dark, and there is a creepy house you are about to knock on the door to, what else could it be. You need help and oddly enough your cell phone just died on you.

The place is a three story mansion actually, dark and it seems that this is only the beginning, the back of the house must contain other sites that you would rather not see right now, for you fear that you would find a graveyard with freshly moved earth on plots, or even worse, open grave sites hungry for your living body. Yeah, your mind is wandering now.

The back of the house actually goes on for miles, the back yard is nothing less then overgrown forest that seems to go on forever in the dark. There are paths that no man or child alike will travel down due to terrible stories of people getting lost in the woods and something takes them away. They say you can still hear them screaming if you listen closely. Others say the screaming is what ever lives down there, luring people to their doom to those would be good people just looking to help the ones in trouble.

You walk up the steps, each one seems to be frail and groan under your weight as you walk, but they do not fall in and you remain safe, you knock on the door, once, then again. Nobody answers, nothing happens at all and you wonder, begin to wonder if this was a mistake. The door creaks open softly and invites you in.

You figure if nobody is home you can just sneak in and use the phone. You figure it cant hurt, can it? You creep in and the close the door behind you, the last thing you need is some completely random door slamming action. From the moment you step inside and close the door though, the sense of impending doom comes down on you, hard.

The walls are not torn to shreds, but they are worn down with age. You don't see a phone. But you do see dark rooms and a staircase hear breathing from somewhere too you almost freak out until you realize that it is your own breathing.

You really can't seem to move any further and decide this really is a bad idea. You turn around to leave, but the door is no longer there. It seems you are stuck here. Forced to move forward you come to a dark room, no lightswitch, nothing that you could find. Then you get the sense that somebody is watching, waiting for you to make a mistake. You are tense and trying to keep your cool. You know once you start trying to be calm this is when you will mess up. And you do.

You trip over something laying on the floor, something wet and sticky. You really don't want to think about what it could be, now you must get out and you stumble to your feet and go back the way you came. Somewhere in the back of your senses you hear something following you, something, squishy. Running to where the door used to be you trip, no you do fall but there is something wrapped around your leg and it feels soft, but has a grip of pure iron.

Somebody who lives nearby the Estate somebody who you either missed on the way here, or did not make it far enough to see is awakened by a scream cutting through the night. They contemplate going to see what the matter is, but then they figure somebody stupid enough to go into the house at night, and there is no point in checking out the carnage now. They rollover and go back to sleep trying not think about the horrors just down the road.

And so it continues....


Date: 2008-07-11 05:38 EST
Glass shatters as your car misses the unseen one infront of you, instead of hitting the abandoned car, you hit the ditch instead. No, you are not alone well you know somebody was with you when life decided to throw that unexpected curve your way. You wake up and its black, you both were wearing your seatbelts. It is the only thing that saved your life, with out it your head would have been impaled upon a rather sharp branch. It is only inches from you. Slowly, and with much effort you reach up and push it to the side away from you and off to the side.

Crawling out of the car you are in pain, but nothing is broken thankfully. Then you remember you were not alone, you must have been hit harder then you thought. The passenger door is open and its now obvious that you are alone. You look around and see no sign of her, your little sister, she is only ten years old and now that guilt begins to set in. Your mind begins to race as you look for her, better or worse.

Fifteen minutes go by and you realize that she is not here. No blood, nothing to indicate a body. The moonlight is hardly reliable when it comes to searching for things so precious though. It plays tricks on your eyes and the shadows seem to move around you, through you even. Then that is when you see it. In your frantic search, you missed what was right in front of your eyes. The rundown house and your blood freezes. You know exactly what this place is. You never told your sister the stories though, you were a nice sibling and decided not to scare her like that.

You swallow your dread and put it away for now. And as you do you see the front door close, and you thought you saw her going into the house. You know full well that this place plays tricks and lures people into it. There is going to be hell to pay, but who is to pay it remains unknown. With no other options, you figure she must be inside, you won't go in caught off guard though.

Moving back to the car you search for suitable things that could be used as weapons, light sources. Finding everything you can carry in less then thirty seconds, then your journey into terror begins. There is no other choice but to go here. But maybe. Just maybe she never made it inside and was hiding around the outside. You try to think like her and decide that maybe she just went around back. So you try there first.

Its too bad you were not a ninja or anything, your footsteps were not concealed in the least by anything. Not getting to close to the house because you have heard stories about people who get too close getting sucked into the earth, you only hope they are false as you make your way to the backyard. Turning the corner your flashlight beam makes visible what everybody always said was true. It was nothing less then a cemetery. You called out her name, then again. There was nothing. Not even an echo. The story goes that this is a dead place nothing lives here. Not even the sound of your voice.

Less then willing to move among the headstones you make one last sweep of the area and see nothing else, thankfully. You turn around and quickly make your way back to the front of the house. Then the thought occurs to you that your voice just alerted every potential evil in the area of your presence making you fair game for anything that wants to play its hand.

Shaking off the thought the best you can, your pulse is racing and you can hear it in your ears, your breathing is loud. So you approach the front door, climbing the stairs and one last breath. Into the house you venture, not closing the door behind you. You listen closely but hear nothing, and see even less. Moving the flashlight around searching for any signs of movement. The less time spent in here the better as far as your concerned. Its too bad that nothing seems disturbed.

Gathering your wits you decide to clear the house from top to bottom, in that order, infront of you there are stairs. Taking a deep breath then you decide to climb the stairs, slowly. They groan and creak under your weight as you step up them one by one. You realize at this point, this is a terrible mistake, too late as the door slams behind you. It was not the wind.

The darkness seems to be calling to you, it seems it could take you at any moment, however you can feel that there is more of a purpose to this. It does not strike, it does not attack your mind for the only reason because of the faint glimmer of hope that still lives within you. Crushing it with some visual display would be enough to shatter your mind. However it seems that not all the ghosts of the old house seem to want you here.

As you get to the top of the stairs you see somebody standing there with their back turned to you. The dress is something from another time and place. Its a sickly pale yellow and you are instantly aware of the hair standing on end on the back of your neck. This was something new, but then again not many who entered the house at night ever returned to tell the tale.

You call out to the woman, there is no response at all, dead silence is the only thing you get in return. "Give my sister back, you..." Cut off as your fear gives way to anger and frustration. Ghost or not you will not be denied this the house can't win. But you were cut off. Your voice attracted its attention and you quickly wish it wouldn't have. The yellow dressed woman turns around and her face is a skull. Bits of decaying flesh are eternally dripping off of it and worst of all, the eyes are empty. You freeze as it slowly begins to walk towards you with its arms outstretched.

You wonder how many have fallen to this phantom, you realize very quickly that you will not be one of them, at least not yet. Escape is easy for you as a room is found with an open door. Taking no chances you make for it and seem to be in the clear. Since you can't hear the ghost coming for you, the door is closed and you pray that what ever it is won't be able to get you. It would be a small favor at this point you figure. The light still works amazingly. There are pictures on the wall, the room is huge actually, no. It seems to be a study.

Books and pictures adorn the walls. At first glance the pictures seem mundane and weathered. But upon closer examination you see they are pictures of torture, hellish scenes of war and formless beasts emerging from portals created by cults of faceless people, not cloaked. The people in the picture truly have no face, just bloody scars. These alone indicate that who ever lived here was truly insane. The thought that the owner's spirit still lurks here is, unsettling. The books are no better, Not a single spine has a title on it. Arcane symbols are the only identification given for these tomes.

The whole place gives you a chill, but there are no windows here you can't shake the feeling of being watched. The room as a whole would have been a rather pleasant place to be and it seemed to be well maintained compared to the rest of the house. This worries you, greatly. Whatever was taking care of this room could come back at anytime and there is no way out other then the way you came in.

You walk to the desk there are various papers and notes there. As you begin to investigate them for clues on maybe how to defend your self better, a scream echoes through the house, you know the voice to be that of your sister's. Ghost or not you need to get out of this room and find her. Sense of purpose renewed and courage restored you.

Out through the door leaving the study behind, no sign of the ghost that chased you in here so you bolt to the other end of the hallway as fast as you can. Oddly the hall did not seem as long as it was when you were just looking down it. The scream came from this way, you were sure of it.

All of the doors are open except the one at the very end straight ahead. That is where your sister is, you are sure of it. So you run in to the door at full speed intending to break it down, the only thing that happens though is you bounce off it. It sends you to the floor. This was something you didn't need. The pain was starting to set in now as you struggled to get back up. This time you try the knob and it turns, the door opens up with ease much to your surprise, but then you should have expected nothing less of a haunted house.

The room is completely empty. Well almost. In the middle of it your sister is standing there, back turned to you and motionless. You know something is wrong right then and there. "Sis, lets get out of here." You say to her, there is no response at all. You sigh and decide that she is just scared out of her mind, what kid wouldn't be after all. Not wanting to spend another second in here you become proactive and decide to go get her.

Walk up to her and place your hand on her shoulder and its ice cold, it burns your hand. Drawing back instantly you know this is all wrong. Your sister turns and your eyes go wide with an unexplainable sense of emotion. Her neck is broken, she never made it through the accident. Her eyes are pure white now and her skin is blue, ice blue. Her face is all slashed up. Her mouth is stuck in a sardonic grin and now it is filled with razor sharp teeth. Her smile was gone forever. She extends her hands, as if asking for help, begging for you to take her in your arms. As if there was some trace of humanity in that body.

You have failed. The house has won, the house always wins and the stories are always right, there are no happy endings here. The deformed creature stumbles towards you slowly, you are terrified, but. No you can't let your sister exist like this. You slowly tighten your grip on that branch nearly killed you. "Forgive me, but this is something...I can't allow" You hesitate for a moment, this IS your sister after all. You would not want the same fate. You throw the makeshift spear and it hits its mark. The creature falls to the floor instantly and blood comes from the wound created.

"Why" You hear a voice whisper to you and before your eyes. The hideous thing was an illusion. The house had gotten to you instead. You are shaken to your core as you watch your sister bleed to death. Maybe there is still time. You rush to her side and pull out the spear and quickly wrap around the wound, trying to stop the bleeding.

Lifting her in your arms you and the body of your sister run down the hallway, the house is laughing from every crease and wall, laughing at you for falling for its tricks. You run down the stairs and somehow open the door.

You don't remember much after this. You later find your self banging on a door frantically for help. An old man answers and to his horror he sees you covered in blood with a dead body in your hands. All you can say is "I killed her, but the house made me do it" He knows instantly what your talking about, but nobody will ever be able to prove it as he calls the authorities.

There are no happy endings at the Bloody Blade Estate.....and so it continues...


Date: 2008-08-05 07:13 EST
Fire rained down from the heavens in black and orange streaks of doom, the sky was adorned with violent explosions, yet the legend stood through it all during the war. The house remained abandoned and terrible as it had and will remain, but the wrath of war would not leave its walls untouched with the blood of the ages. History is filled with stories of mysterious vanishings and terrible war stories where the enemy was far from actually human, but more along the lines of beyond imagination it self. The war would have over one hundred thousand dead on either side, depending on who's version of history you would believe. But there is another legend well known to the locals of the missing soldiers, two of them seeking some kind of shelter from the violence, to last through the war, but they stepped into the hellish domain of the Estate.

The two soldiers, depending on who you believe and listen two were either on the retreat, or deserters. It may never be known for sure, or even if the story was actually real at all.

Legend has it that the two of them entered into the house, and were never seen again. But a journal was found the following day by a local farmer passing the place by. It is said the book was surrounded by glass, as if thrown out a window. But none of the windows had been broken. The journal has been lost, or has it?

These are the last entries of that journal.

September 27th.

It was a cold night last night. War is hell, I hope it comes to an end soon. The enemy is hot on our trail and my comrade and I, well we are helplessly lost. We found this old abandoned house in the middle of nowhere and something about it gives me the creeps, I am not alone. But It was too cold to remain outdoors, so we decided we would take our chances. The place seems pleasant enough as I write this but I cant help but feel we are being watched. Paranoia is easy when you are being chased down, but we are managing, for now.

September 28,

I awoke to the most horrible dreams I have ever had. I dreamed of entire groups of people being killed by terrible beasts I can not put into words. Sleep was hard and what little I got did either of us any good, although it has seemed to effect my buddy more than me. He seems to still have been awake for the entire night. At least he looks like it. The place is just as dark at night as it is in the daytime, but if we can't see out chances are nobody can see in. It seems like a peaceful day outside. The ring of cannon fire can't be heard, but then again nothing else can be heard either, but every once and awhile I think I see something running across a hallway. It must be my imagination, but it seems to be getting worse and worse.

Its about 4 pm now. To our horror we have found there is no way out of this place. The way we came in is gone. We have explored the entire place and there are some really creepy things in this house. Who ever had it built was either insane, or demented. We decided to go back to where we slept last night, but now things are beginning to get stranger. I could have sworn that one of the dolls in that room upstairs was watching me, but neither of us went into that room. It sounds silly, but sometimes the most innocent things can inspire primal terror. The upstairs has many rooms, far more then it should have. The place did not look that big outside when we approached.

Date Unknown.

It feels like we have been in here for days, My buddy here, is convinced we are doomed to never leave this place. Not sure where he got that idea but I hate to say it, after the several attempts of trying to escape, it seems impossible. We found a red book that mentioned a way out, but the way was unreadable to us. I have seen horrible things, but so far they have all been an illusion, but I wonder when it will start to play for keeps. I feel it in my soul our time is limited here.

Date unknown

I woke up to a screaming noise, and to my horror my buddy was being sucked into the wall. he was screaming for help and his nails were being shredded as he tried to stop himself. I was not fast enough to help him and when I got over to him, he was gone, I am alone now.

So terribly alone.

Somebody please help me.

(Three blank pages)

If you are reading this then my escape failed. I tried to break out using the window, this book made it through. I did not.

It is too late for me, if you find this journal burn this house alive....(The rest of the page is covered in dried blood and the rest of the book is empty)

That old farmer's grandson then puts the journal way, back in his secret spot where it has been for years and looks down the road, down to the dark end of the road where horror lives, but not for long. Even though he knows the evil is confined there, the fear knows no boundaries. And he wonders to himself how many more will fall victim to its traps and its monstrous ways, like his grandfather before him, he is too afraid to take action against the house of death, to get too close for too long, is to invite death.