Topic: Dark Lily Bloom

Katt Batten

Date: 2011-07-29 04:26 EST
.: June 29th - Early Morning :.

"You watch him any harder and you are going to give him nightmares."

She sighed quietly from her place, leaning into the door's frame of Sergei's room. How long had she been watching him sleep? Considered waking him up and telling him what would happen within the next few days? He already knew what she was. It was amazing how he accepted it, not seeming bothered at all. Almost..comforting.

Still. It was better he didn't know. Along with the rest of them. It was her choice and hers alone. One that that she had been thinking long and hard over for a long, long time.

"Xavier? Are you sure that the seals were only a temporary thing?"

"You knew it was from the beginning that it was meant to only last so long. I am surprised that it lasted as long as it did." Xavier answered from his place in the shadows. He couldn't place it but there was something about her that was different.

She smiled and lowered her chin. "It was done by wonderful and powerful people."

"They must of been people you trusted."

Carefully she closed Sergei's door, leaving the simple note tucked where he could find it. She didn't question Xavier's conclusion but rather allowed it to slide by. "Alright Xavier. It's time to go." She moved over to him and she didn't attempt to stop him when his arm went out to her.

In a breath's time she found herself in a familiar room. One that she had been in months ago. She glanced around then up to Xavier who was still hovering above her.

"What..?" she finally asked.

"Are you sure, Kathryn."

She blinked those green doll like eyes at him. "Yes. I am sure." Her chin lowered and she looked away.

"I see.."

Like herself, he was fully aware that her Altian blood was dormant due to the age she was in. She had many choices to stop the path that her future was on but what she was going to try to do seemed to be the best path.

"Kathryn?" Xavier's voice pulled her back to the present and she looked up to him.

"Xavier. How do you know so much about the Altian? You are neither Altian nor Reevi, correct?" She had never seen Xavier's face turn a frown that quickly before.

While speaking he slowly trailed across the room to draw the curtains closed. "I know of the Altian from your mother."

She grew stiff when he mentioned her mother. Watching him closely she found she was being drawn in, desiring to know more. That was always the case when it came to knowing things about her mother. "My..mother?"

"When we were invading Unity or rather when your father met your mother, we spent a lot of time together us three. Your mother was a beautiful soul, Kathryn. Kind and generous and when she went into battle it was like nothing I have ever seen. She was like a gilded sword matched by none other."

Her eyes tilted over to him. The wistful way he was looking off into the distance as he recalled his past. Normally his more gentle side was something rarely if ever seen by the eyes of another. She could only remember a handful of times really and they normally revolved around either herself or her mother.

"Your father went back and forth often and I remained behind. I, of course, knew what he was doing. There are times.." Xavier stopped and lowered his eyes to her.

She swallowed as he approached her, reaching out with a gauntlet hand to stroke her cheek softly. The weight of his stare was crushing.

"There were times I wanted to tell her to stop seeing him. To tell her of his plans."

Her eyes rounded wide. "You loved her..?"

"You look a great deal like her." He sighed and lowered his hand away from her face. "I learned a great deal about the Altian but even more, I learned about her. Yes, I was in love with her."

Her hands shot out to her sides. "Then why?! WHY did you allowed Caius to go through with his plans if you knew it would mean her death?!"

"She would of died either way but if I would of told her of the plans she would of died a most horrible death and much sooner."

He looked so sad. She had never seen him look like that..ever. He carried her mother's death on his shoulders and it showed. "Xa-"

He shook his head quickly, causing his long white hair to sway like a long tail behind him. "M`j nkori da corvorjizi."

She blinked and frowned at his words. Words of regret in the ancient tongue. He had learned a lot more then just the race. "I don't think she would of hated you for attempting to keep her safe for as long as you did..." Her words had him staring at her again and the pressure was like none other.

"Do you think she would of forgave me?"

The question was shocking to hear from one such as Xavier. He didn't just love her mother. He really loved her. "That isn't a question I am able to answer, Xavier..."

His smile returned. "I know but what of you? Do you forgive me?"

"Mrmm? You..didn't kill her. You tried to protect her."

"More then you know.." Xavier muttered, hanging on the wait of her judgement.

"It is not my place to judge you, Xavier. I hate Caius. It is his fault she is dead. If anyone should be forgiving's yourself." She moved over to the bed to sit on the edge, a soft sigh given. Her body ached.

Xavier's pulled on his cloak as he quickly turned and headed to the door. Her reply placed a strain on his heart like only one had ever done. "Your honesty is refreshing. I will tell his lordship that you are here. Get some rest while you can."

Before she could respond he was gone, the door closing and leaving her chambers otherwise silent. Sighing she threw herself back into the bed and stared at the dark crystalline ceiling.


Rolling onto her side she balled up and stared at the pillows. Yes, she should.

Katt Batten

Date: 2011-07-30 15:07 EST
.: June 30th - Time Unknown :.

Arriving into the dinning room she eyed the long table filled with all sorts of foods. She wasn't completely hungry but at the same time eating wouldn't hurt.

"Ah there is our sleeping beauty." Chaos' silky smooth voice echoed in the large room.

It drew her attention and she causally made her way to the table. A seat was taken at the god's right.

He watched her closely, his mouth twitching in amusement. Both hands gestured grandly to the spread before them. "Please enjoy as much as you desire."

Unlike last time she did take him up on the offer. Some fruits were pulled out of the nearby bowl and set on the plate before herself. It would of been foolish for him to poison her. Chaos was many things but he was not a foolish man. "You knew I would be back, didn't you?"

Calmly he poured a glass of red liquid into the goblet resting near her plate. "What gives you that notion?"

She didn't answer at first. Instead she took her time to eat a bit. Maybe she was taking her time to choose her words. Really she wasn't in the mood to talk. Why couldn't he just read minds. Oh wait..he could. Just not hers. "You are hardly surprised I have returned and requested to speak to you instead of just summoning you."

"You are getting too comfortable with bringing me to your call. I am not your lap dog." Despite his sharp words Chaos leaned back into his chair like an elegant gentleman.

"And yet you always come." She countered without missing a beat.

His lips twisted into a smirk at her confidence. She was, however, very correct. When she called him, he always showed up. Maybe not at first but he always did.

"Which leads me to think one thing. There is something you want from me. Something that makes me 'important'." The food was forgotten now and she settled back into her seat. Her eyes turned to him only to find he was staring intently at her, judging or waiting for her to continue. "What is it? My soul?"

"Not quite." his voice smoothed past his lips.

"Then what?"

"Why are you so interested in what I want? Aren't you here to get something you want?" He countered. His eyes locked with hers, unblinking.

She sighed and rubbed her face. "Right..The thing is I have a feeling what I want will come with a hefty price." There was silence. He was waiting for her to continue. "Are you able to extract the Altian out of me?"

"What is the matter? Didn't your little scheme with Xavier work? Did you really think you would get away that easily?"

She shrugged and grinned a bit. "I was hoping.."

"One cannot fight their destiny."

His words deflated her.

"Why do you want me to do this? Why not go to Oda? Ascend to the Guardian status?"

"You know the answer to that. Like you said before. If I went to the gatekeeper as I am he would smite me without blinking an eye. Besides.." Her eyes drifted half closed. "I don't want that. I don't..want to lose who I am. I don't want to forget. I don't certain things.."

"My my. You are a picky one aren't you." He laughed at her and she huffed quietly. "And you would give up all of that to become 'dark'?"

Her eyes flicked over to him and she smiled a little. "I am not stupid, Chaos." Her words stopped his laughter on note. "The Reevi may be demons but they are not evil. They are like the shadows that wrap them."

Chaos' brows rose up. She was correct but he didn't vocalize it.

The smile grew a touch because she knew she was correct. "It depends on the Reevi, which path they take, who they are. My father for example. He was corrupted by power."

"You've been thinking a lot on this, haven't you?" He sat up, finding the conversation having a turning point he wasn't expecting.

"Nearly every day for the last few months." She answered evenly.

"You are correct, to a point. The Reevi are like the shadows and a lot like yourself. They are born of the light and darkness, neither but at the same time both. You just bend more toward the light because of your Altian blood." He exhaled through his nose. "You plan on continuing to live your life as you are now?"

"What do you mean?" She ticked her fingers against the arm of the chair.

"Living this life you've set up for yourself. As a little baker woman."

"I enjoy it."

"You enjoy losing yourself in it."

He had a valid point. "Yes but I also enjoy what I have been doing. And people like it too."

"You like that don't you? Being accepted."

Her eyes lowered and she sulked in her chair. "It isn't because of that."

He mused as he watched her. "You have grown. I see changes in you I thought I would never see."

She didn't say anything to that. Reaching out she started to roll a grape along her plate.

"If I do as you ask you realize I will ask something of you in return." He finally spoke up.

"I know. What is your price."

"You." He stated simply and when her eyes raised he laughed, gestured a hand at her. "Not like that! If I do as you request, and you survive, you will be my finest work. I want you to become Mistress. Alpha. Omega. Whatever title you may wish."

She blinked at him in a heap of confusion. "You want me to be head of the Reevi?"

He smiled when she got it without explanation. "You seem to understand their inner workings. If not from this conversation then the one we had months ago. You will answer to no other but myself and the Reevi will answer to you and myself."

She was silently weighing his words. "You are going to change me, aren't you?"

"What do you mean..change you?"

"I don't know." She clenched her teeth. "Emotionally..physically..make me different in any way."

Chaos' hand waved the air. "Not at all. Well if there are changes it will be because of the Altian removal. I could always put a mark on you if you want." He grinned teasingly at her.

She snorted sharply. "So I will be as I am?"

"Correct. Minus your Altian heritage. Minus your mother's heritage."

Her eyes closed when he mentioned her mother. She didn't like the idea of losing her only connection to her mother but in the end it was better this way. She wouldn't be held down by so many things that the Altian's had and what was more..she wouldn't be dying. "I know..I know what it means..but it's the right choice. I wouldn't be able to be full Altian and I know you wouldn't be able to do that."

"Oh I could."

Her eyes opened and she looked up to him.

"But that choice is yours." He stood, the robes making it actually look like he had a lower body.

"I've made my choice. If I were full Altian I..I would be worse off. I would lose too much and..."

"And hurt more." He stated, finishing that both knew she was getting at.

"I want my own path, Chaos. I am tired of struggling to be happy.." Her eyes shifted up to him. "I am tired. I'm tired of being everyone's b***ch and getting nothing but grief and pain. I am tired of being used and chased. I have started myself on this path and damn it..I am going to fight everything I have to tooth and nail if I must. I like my life, dealing with the Bon Bon. I like the people I've met and I like seeing their smiles when they order something they like." She was slumped deeper into her chair. "I'm tired of being yanked around by my own emotions. Just..tired. I can't even trust anymore because the people I did once trusted broke it to the point that I can't even put it together again."

He allowed her to vent, listening to each and every word. "You sound like a woman on a mission."

Her eyes shot to him. "I guess I am. I've done a lot during the last eight or so months to change. I have grown. But I am tired! And I am tired of having to deal with this stupid battle of what I am. So rip it out. Do whatever. But so help me, Chaos. You change anything about me other then what you are suppose to-"

Chaos smirked and raised his hands in defense. "Why should I change you when you are coming to me willingly? Not only that but in completing this you are giving yourself to what I want."

"I do have one question.."

"Hm?" Chaos raised a brow to her. "What is it?"

"Am..Am I able to have children? Will they end up being part Altian and Reevi as well?"

"No. They will have either a half or partial of the Reevi within their bloodline depending on who you breed with." Chaos said it without batting an eye. "But once the Altian blood is stripped from your genes you will never be able to get it back. There will be no trace."


Chaos nodded. "As if it never existed."

"You will have no control over my offspring. Or any of the generations that follow." She sharply spoke. Sitting up she eyed the god without fear of him. "You will have no control or any influence in their life. Is that clear?"

"Of course not. As I have told you, you will be the 'Mistress' of the Reevi. They will be at your whim. If you wish to go so far you can consider yourself as my child and heir."

"I have no desire to take your seat." She raised from her seat and he laughed at her simple statement. "And just because I am agreeing doesn't mean I will listen to your orders. I will not kill because you demand it. I will not command your Reevi as someone would an army."

He seemed to find her words most amusing. Sliding an arm along her young shoulder he started to 'walk' her to the door leading to the grand hallway. "I have generals and commanders of my armies to fill my orders. In time you may find yourself among even then. For now, until you find yourself ready for that, I will let you live the as you wish. Settle down. Have little ones." His hand moved to her stomach and rubbed.

She grunted and quickly swatted his hand away. "That will be a long time away.."

"This is true. You must first find someone to love you first, don't you?" Chaos laughed when her eyes shot away and she frowned. "Oh don't be like that. Just think. You have a swarm of Reevi men to pick from."

"I don't want to get laid." She snapped.

He only laughed louder to her words. There was much to do and time was a ticking.

Katt Batten

Date: 2011-08-03 11:47 EST
.: Aug 1st - Time Unknown :.

"Yay! She's waking up!"

"Joshua keep it down."

The young voice hushed down a few notches. "Yay! She's waking up!"

She knew both voices and they stirred her out of a slumber she didn't even remember falling into. An eye slowly peeled open as she shifted around in the very comfy bed. She wanted to just roll over and go back to sleep.

"Take it slow there, Kathryn."

She grunted at the voice and sat up regardless of Xavier's suggestion. Her body was in all sorts of pain. "Crahh..Wha..happened?" Her throat stung hellishly and she could pretty much guess as to the reason.

"You lived!"

She blinked sluggishly as she was pretty much pounced into a hug and her head tilted to crown of straw colored hair. "Joshua?" She muttered, a bit baffled by the young boy's appearance at her bedside. When his face tilted she could tell that he was excited that she was okay. It shined in his amber brown eyes. A small smile twitched the corner of her lips and she ruffled his wild hair. While doing so she looked over to Xavier for an explanation. "What happened?"

Xavier's nearly was gawking at her. "You do not remember?"

Slowly she shook her head to his question and as hard as she tried she couldn't remember past a certain point. She could remember her and Chaos working on a blood agreement that would make sure no lines were crossed. Terms they would both agree to. She remembered him explaining to her that the potion she had taken was acting differently because of what she was. She was stuck at the age it had reverted her to. Which in the end explained why she hadn't returned to her normal age.

The explanations continued with him warning her that he would have to age her, regardless, to where her Altian blood wasn't dormant. It would be easier and slightly less life-threatening to be extracted then. That didn't excite her very much. To know he was going to be toying with her genetics was enough but aging her? If she came out to be some old grand mama she would going to swift kick him no matter how much it might ache her joints!

Much was agreed to and unlike her going to Omen, all those years ago, this was different. She was going to make sure she was nobody's guinea pig. She was pretty sure that Xavier wouldn't let that happen to her either.

That was all she could remember. The process or what happened after the agreement was finalized? There was..nothing.

"It must of hurt a lot more then what you were letting on if you can't remember." Xavier muttered.

"You screamed a lot!" Joshua's voice chipped in as he pulled away and moved from the bed.

She took it as the initiative to get out of the bed by pushing the sheets aside and using her legs to pull her to the edge of the bed. Her attention was drawn to Xavier by a low whistle and when she looked over to him he was wearing one of his wolfish grins.

"Mrm?" She stood up and realized a bit too late that she didn't have a stitch of clothes on her body. "The Hell?!" She yanked at the robe hanging on the post of her bed and pulled it around herself.

"Now that was a sight worth waiting for." Another whistle left his lips and he laughed outright when she growled.

She wasted no time speeding across the room she punched Xavier so hard in the face that it actually dropped the armored man. THWACK! The sound itself echoed in the crystal chamber. Hurt the crap out of her knuckles but it was well worth it!

His hand hovering over his face he groaned. "For fuck sakes, Kathryn. Did you have to hit me so hard I was just paying you a compliment."

"Oh shuddup!" She kicked his side for good measure but it was far lighter then her punch had been. She heard Joshua snicker and shot a glare over to the young lad. He was smart enough to look away just in time to pretend that the curtains that hanged over the bed were interesting. "Joshua! Out!" She barked and watched as the lad scrambled out. Before she could redirect attention she felt Xavier's hand grasp her inner knee and another kick was issued.

"Ow!" He continued to laugh and even dared to reach up to pinch her thigh before rising up to tower over her. "So shy about your nakedness."

"You didn't see a goddamn thing!" She hissed at him, glaring daggers.

"I saw evverryythinnngggg." He teased. "All your scars are gone." He pointed out as if to extinguish her rage.

It worked. She blinked and turned from him while a hand went to her neck and it's curve. There was no scars. "....that ..hadn't been part of the deal..." And it alarmed her to what else might of been changed. She rushed off to the vanity and quickly dipped to peer into the mirror. Her eyes were lighter but not the apple green they had been once upon a time. Nor were they the murky, dark green. They were a glossy emerald now. Her hair was still the same. It was like she had never been through the hell she had gone through in her lifetime. Washed away. He could of at least fixed the lavender but then again..she sorta liked it by now.

Her lips tugged into a frown and she quickly turned to look at Xavier. "Where is my brooch?" A hand tilted, finger pointing to her bare neck.

"I am sorry, my lady. I don't know."

"Go find Chaos! Tell him I want it back! NOW!!"

Xavier blinked at her for the command she demanded without a lick of hesitation. He smirked and dipped into a bow. "Of course, my dark lily."

She rolled her eyes at the nickname both he and Chaos seemed to of stamped her with. Settling down into the chair she turned back to the vanity. "Have my things prepared for my leave and no funny business. I have stayed longer then I intended and I have people and work to return to."

"You are not going to stay a while longer to make sure you aren't going to croak over?"

"You are dismissed Xavier. Or do you need a few more kicks." She glanced at his reflection in the mirror and just because she could..she stuck her tongue out at him.

He laughed and bowed again. "I'll see to your things. Please try and rest until everything is ready for your departure."

She grunted in agreement. She listened as his steps drew him closer to the door. "Xavier...?"

"Yes, my lady?" The doors were drawn open but he waited for what she had to say.

"My mother's shadowsilk cloak. That..was from you..wasn't it?" She turned slightly in her seat to look at him.

He met her eyes and smiled just a bit. He offered a flourishing bow to her. "By your leave, my lady." And he stepped out.

Just by that smile she knew her answer. The cloak that had been delivered to her..the one she wore at one time and used to conceal herself to save someone. The one she used a sliver of to make the bracelet that now housed a piece of her soul..

He had given that cloak to her mother and still to this day wore one similar.

He had loved her mother and it still confused her why he didn't do something. What things didn't she know of that had him so afraid to speak to her about the destruction that Caius had been planning? The plan he had in using her to create a child that should not exist? To use and kill her.

Frowning she turned back to the mirror. So many unanswered questions and Xavier was hardly forthcoming with answers. Maybe in his own way he was telling her it was best not to ask or know.