Topic: Dark Secrets

Katt Batten

Date: 2011-06-20 14:00 EST
.: June 7th - Early Evening :.

Earlier evening meant that things outside were not that hot..which is the only reason why she was actually out of the Bon Bon. Sitting on top of a table she stared at the sky, arms folded.

Dean pulled up in front of the shop in a sweet black '66 Mustang, which he bought when he was in Rhydin the first time and had borrowed from Quinn. He pocketed the keys as he got out of the car and spying Katt at the table, sauntered over that way.

That sound was always something that caught attention. Mostly because she was still not use to things that..well..were like cars. Katt's eyes lowered from the sky to watch the shiny black thing parked and Dean spring out of it. Blinking her head slowly tilted to the side and he was watched curiously. "I didn't know you had one of those things.." Was said when he was close enough.

"One of what things?" He followed her gaze toward the car, looking over his shoulder, wondering if she meant the Mustang.

A hand rose up to point at the Mustang as she slipped off of the table. Fixing her vest she leaned to the side just a bit to look around him. "It's shiny."

He smiled, obviously proud of his current 'baby'. "Yeah, isn't she pretty? I just washed and waxed her."

She giggled at him. He sounded like someone else she knew. "Yes 'she' is! You around here just shopping again?" Was that..a teasing hint to her voice?

He shoved his hands in his jacket pockets and stepped aside so she could take a better look at the car. He smiled. "Nah, this time it's a social call. I figure we know each other well enough by now not to make excuses."

She blinked up to him and raised a brow a little. "You never needed to make an excuse. Oh hey! You hungry? I was going to start making dinner soon. Mister Duncan brought me this huge box of beef and steaks and..Well just a lot of meat. I can make hamburgers or something. You can stay and keep me company and we can talk." Seemed like a good idea to her.

His smile widened at the invitation. "I have a weakness for hamburgers."

"I like cheese ones. Oh! And cheesy fries. I had some at this diner..." A broad smile sprung to her lips. "I don't know how to make them but they were awesome!"

"Cheesy fries are awesome, but you know what's even better? Chili cheese fries!" Yes, he was a junk food junkie, if there ever was one and food was a hobby with him. Eating it, anyway.

And she'd give him a look as if he were god. "Chili cheese fries?" It just sounded yummy. "Do you know how to make them?" A sudden grrrRrrrrrRrr made her draw back a bit and a crimson bloomed over her face quickly. "Nhh.." He didn't hear that.

Too late, he had heard it and chuckled. "Yeah, I know how to make them. You hungry?"

"Nh..Pff.." She grumbled quietly. "Yeah a little. Before I was sealed I didn't have to worry about uhm.." She glanced down to her stomach and rubbed it with a palm. "I could go days without eating..So I guess I am trying to adjust.."

He grinned at her, watching her rub her stomach. "You have to make up for lost time then." He felt an odd desire to toss an affectionate arm around her shoulders, but held himself back. "You wanna eat here or go somewhere? I've got wheels."

Her hand shot to the bon bon, gesturing it out. "Here! Remember. I was going to make hamburgers but uh..Maybe .." Her brows furrowed. "I don't know if I have things to make chili cheese fries." Again..just saying it sounded yum!

"Tell you what... Tonight, we'll do burgers and next time, I'll take you out for chili cheese fries. Okay?"

Katt Batten

Date: 2011-06-22 00:27 EST
"Hm. Hmm.." She taps her chin thoughtfully. "Okay but you better remember! I want to try them." She nodded and gestured to the door before starting her way to it.

"How can I forget chili cheese fries? That's like... a sin or something." He was grinning like an idiot as he followed her toward the door. He enjoyed her company and felt comfortable in her presence, more so as he got to know her better.

Her hands rose up in the air, swirling a gesture of dismissal. "It seems a lot of people I know always forget stuff." Then again she was no better. Opening the door she pushed her way inside, waiting for Dean to follow. "Er. Your ..uhm..'she' will be okay outside right?"

He frowned a little at her admission, sort of feeling the same way, but made no comment. "Yeah, she'll be fine." He reached for the door and followed her inside.

She continued to the kitchen and shoved it open. "Come on. I'll allo-" THWAP. "Nahh!" Her hands went up to her face, the door sharply closing on seemingly it's own. "O-Ow!"

He came up beside her, looking both curious and concerned, not quite sure exactly what had happened. "You okay?"

"Ow..ow..That..hurt." A single eye was closed when she finally lowered her hand to look over to Dean. There was a bright red mark on her brow and her nose. "I..uh..yeah.." Turning her attention to the door she scowled and pushed it open again and it slammed closed. "Max! If that is y..." Her brows lowered. No..Max was out with Eliam and Terasa. Trying to push the door again she found that it wouldn't so much as budge.

Dean took a closer look at her face and then watched as the door slammed in her face again. He gently pushed her aside, starting to get annoyed. "Cut the crap or I'm gonna kick your ***," he told whoever was on the other side of the door.

Katt blinked when she was pushed aside and quickly looked over her shoulder when things started crashing off the counters and onto the main floor. Quickly both brows shot up. When the sudden fit ceased she frowned. "What the..."

When things started crashing down by themselves, his first reaction was to shield her from harm. Without waiting to ask permission, he yanked her toward him, wrapping his arms around her to shield her with his body and keep her safe.

Katt blinked when she was wrapped up and she wasn't sure to make of it. Her face twisted up at a loud screeching sound, glass splitting and webbing out along one of the closer displays. It shattered violently, as if something had hammered into the already weakened structure and erupted into a rain of glass. Reaching up she grabbed on Dean's sleeve. She wasn't quite use to being shielded. "D-Dean we got to move."

Dean flinched, acting on instinct again, pulling her against his chest and shielding her head with arm from shards of broken glass. He waited for the chaos to stop and hearing her, sensing her fear, he started with her toward the door to make their escape.

"Keep your head down!" he told her as he led her out.

The sound about tore at Katt's heart. Her precious Bon Bon! It was odd being shielded but she had no choice but to oblige for the time being. Shuffling the way out she sighed and and once outside she tried to wiggle out of the shielding embrace to look around him. If anything to see the damage done both to Dean and the building.

He found himself reluctant to let her go, but made no argument, turning to look from her to t He shook out some broken shards of glass from his jacket, one of them nicking his neck.

She watched the front door slam closed, rattling hard on it's hinges. She stared at it long and hard, eventually shaking her head. "No.." She shifted away when he shook himself out, avoiding any glass while at the same time frowning. "You..Why..Why did you do that? You .." She reached out but stopped herself mid way. "You could of been seriously hurt Dean!"

He was staring at the building, a little lost in thought. "My gut says you've got a ghost. Either that or someone's playing a nasty practical joke on you." He didn't answer her question, instead turning and heading toward his car, unaware he was bleeding in several places.

"I don't think Max would go that far.." She frowned more and quickly followed after, reaching out to grasp his sleeve and tug. "Dean! You are bleeding. S-Stop for a moment would you?"

"What?" he turned halfway toward her when she tugged at his sleeve, furrowing his brows down at her, both at her mention of Max and the fact that he was bleeding. "Max?" He seemed to recall meeting someone briefly by that name.

She waved a hand in the air. "Max. Red in ...look you are bleeding we need to get you fixed up." She was scowling like no tomorrow while staring at the tugged at sleeve. Without any sort of warning she turned on her heels and stalked way back to the Bon Bon's door.

"Katt! No!" Dean was hurrying after her then and it was his turn to tug on her sleeve, pulling her back around to face him. "You can't go back in there."

Katt blinked as she was spun around to face him and a hand shot out to the door. "I got some stuff I can use to at least bandage you up. You got hurt because of me.." Her lips twitched and she glanced to the door. "If it is someone's joke then..maybe it's over."

"I'm fine," he insisted, not letting go of her arm. "I've got a first aid kit in the car." He glanced over at the door. "How much do you know about this building?"

"It's old as heck and then some? You should of seen it when I first got it. It took a lot of work to get it.." Katt waved a hand at the building. Grabbing the wrist of the hand which had her arm she tugged and swept to the side, attempting to drag him to the car now. Sadly she didn't quite possess the strength she once held.

Dean went along willingly, wanting to get her away from the building, at least until he knew what was going on. "Do you know any of its history? Did anyone ever die there? Anything... violent ever happen there?"

When she got to the car she tilted her head, looking at him expectantly. "Um..well there was a number of deaths revolving around the last ow-wha..You don't think it's really you?"

"The last what?" Once they arrived at the car, he pulled away from her grasp. He unlocked the trunk and pulled it open, a small cache of weapons and other equipment filling the small space. He reached for a small gadget that looked like a cross between a radio and a geiger counter.

Katt Batten

Date: 2011-06-22 00:27 EST
Katt peeked into the trunk, blinking at the weapons but more attention sweep for the first aid help. "Um..Something about a man killing a bunch of people here. Some of them were kids.." Obviously this in itself struck a nerve by the way the frown turned her lips.

Dean swiped away some blood that was dripping from a gash in his cheek and fiddled with the gadget, jerking his head up when she mentioned kids. Why did it always seem to be kids lately? "Awesome." The word obviously meaning just the opposite. "I'm gonna go back inside. I want you to wait here."

Reaching out Katt pressed against the item he was toying with, trying to push it down and out of his attention range. "No way. You are not going back in there! Now where is that first aid kit thingy."

Dean lowered the EMF meter with a sigh and a small frown at her. "Katt, I'm fine. This is what we do, me and Sam."

"I don't care. You aren't getting hurt anymore because of me. I am tired of people I know..getting hurt because of me. So..No. And if you insist on going back in I am going too." Her tone basically screamed 'deal with it'.

"It's not because of you. It's because of that... thing in there. And I'm not letting you go back in there alone and take a chance on you getting hurt!" He sounded just as adamant.

Her hands settled on her hips and she squinted up at him. "Don't worry about that. I'll be fine. I mean I was in there by myself earlier." Sorta..Was in and out but still.

Dean glared down at her from his height, just as stubborn as she was. "You are not going back in there until I say so. Until I'm sure it's safe."

"Why do you care?" She blinked out of her stare and frowned a little at her own words. "I mean..why..? I'll be fine. You know ..partly about my past.." She shifted a little and lowered her eyes from him. "I can ..handle myself."

Dean studied her, knowing what she was thinking because he'd thought it so many times himself. The guilt, the remorse, the self-loathing, the feeling like whatever bad things happened he deserved them. "Stop it."

Katt's brows furrowed and she tilted her eyes to look up at him. A clear set of confusion began to cross her face. "What? I can..You don't need to put yourself in any more danger. Please..."

Dean looked down at her, green eyes meeting hers, noticing the look of confusion and feeling a little confused himself. He paused a moment and then pushed the trunk closed and moved around her to pull the passenger side door open. "Get in. You're hungry, I'm bleeding, and neither of us is going back in there tonight."

"Uh.." Katt glanced at the building but after a moment sighed and moved to the door. Squinting inside she slowly and rather carefully slid into the passanger seat. "Shouldn't I..lock the door at least?"

"I'll get it." Once she was inside, he pushed the door closed, then turned to head back to the building. Once he was close, he turned the EMF meter on, the dials dancing, the meter whining, getting stronger as he got closer.

"Ah! Wait no!" Katt quickly shifted onto her knees in the seat, her hands flattening against the glass. "Dean!" She whined at the glass window, squinting as she watched him get closer to the building.

Dean stuck his hand inside, just long enough to lock the door and pull it shut, just barely missing whatever came flying across the room and crashing into the door.

He was so damn lucky Katt had no idea how to get out of the car. Her palms flattened, slapping the window. She was going to throw a fit from hell if he went in there that was for sure!

Katt squinted at him as she settled down in her seat, relaxing only after he started his way back to the car. She grumbled as he slid into the driver's seat. Folding her arms she drew her knees to her chest and leaned heavily into the door.

The drive to was silent between them all the way to a cozy little motel that Dean picked out. A room key was purchased and placed in her palm.

Stubborn. That was all he was..Stubborn as hell! He wouldn't allow her to even pay for the room she would be staying in. She was followed to the room marked with a big fat 4 on front. It was as if he was worried she was going to ditch the room.

The parting was done with quiet farewells so not to disturb sleeping patrons of the motel. The door was closed and she flopped into the bed without a second thought. She could concern herself with the cost of fixing the Bon Bon's damage in the morning...

Katt Batten

Date: 2011-06-22 00:41 EST
.: June 11th - Early Morning :.

Days had gone by like they tended to. Mostly quiet. Returning to the Bon Bon after the first night of the 'explosion' had been hard if not hectic. She had to keep the store closed for that day so that the displays could be repaired. As the days went by she learned, quite quickly, that the days were fairly safe but the night time..not so much.

The ghost seemed to spring to life just after twilight, sometimes less destructive but always violent. It seemed to favor a hatred for the female figures. After Terasa had been nearly thrown down the stairs, caught thankfully by Max, she had Terasa and her two male companions leave. They were going to leave anyways so why not leave a few days early?

Then it was the ghosts attention on her. Grabbing her wrists or neck to the point they bruised, slamming her hands on the hot stove, throwing her across the room with a brutal force. It was becoming clear quickly that the shop was as Dean had said. Haunted.

Standing outside of the Bon Bon she sighed, scratching a note on the chalkboard along with the monthly 'yum yum'.

Temporary Time Of Opening -- 5am til 2pm

Three hours. Removing three hours wasn't that bad for business..right? She could still do deliveries and..things. Stepping into the Bon Bon she tugged on her gloves and squinted up. She was going to get rid of the darn thing..Just it wait.

After a few steps she inhaled sharply and tilted her head to the door, a few child-like giggles making her think a swarm of kids were on their way in. The echoing was followed by a sweet, cooking like scent. It filled the air like the giggles. Without warning both ceased, leaving her frowning a bit.

More then one ghost? But if that was least they didn't seem as violent.

Rubbing her face she muttered against her palms. No wonder why she got the place so cheap. It wasn't because it was old as dirt!

Katt Batten

Date: 2011-06-27 14:36 EST
.: June 27th - Early Morning :.

The night went from bad to worse still.

Bumping into Dean, Quinn, and Quinn's boyfriend had been sorta a surprise but a good thing. She had brought donuts which she was happy to select out only for Dean. He had been helping her out a lot even though he said it was what he and Sam did. He was a good friend to have.

Things went from good to a flop when joking she was not quite use began to come around. Dean, more or less, joking with some girl about her name being that of a stripper's name. She scolded him, asked him if he saw her that way when he said her name, too, was like a stripper. He was joking, of course, she knew that. But others might of heard...

She didn't like the idea that maybe someone thought of her like that, let alone a friend...

When she told him she wasn't mad she hadn't been lying. She wasn't. Embarrassed, sure, but mad? Angry? No..

She left only because she needed to walk and shake off the embarrassed feeling. So she did, enjoying the somewhat cool late afternoon and the crowd of the marketplace. Windows peeked into in search for something particular but not finding what she was looking for.

Before she could pass the fifth shop she was nearly bumped into by Dean, who apparently had been seeking her out. If she had known what he was going to say she wouldn't of stayed...

Even though he held remorse for earlier actions his words sounded like he was trying to be ride of her. As if stating he didn't want to be her friend. She knew why... he didn't want her to get hurt. Bad things happened to those close in his life. Funny..she knew that feeling too. It was something that had her constantly keeping people at bay. a degree she understood but at the same time it hurt..Deeply. What more could she do but put on a smile, fake as it was, and accept his choice? No matter how much it hurt.

The smile crumbled much like the rest of her after she was near the Bon Bon. The door was unlocked, nudged open enough for her to slip in. She thought nothing of it when the door closed and she made her way across the floor. A hand raised, rubbing across her eyes. She grunted at the wet feeling that was smeared. She hadn't even noticed her eyes had watered.

"Really.." she murmured to herself, "What was I expecting..?"

Like she told Mesteno.. The Bon Bon was all she really had. Maybe it was just better that way. People came. People went. It was better to accept that and not dwell on it. Respect their choice. That was what she was suppose to do, right? Or maybe she had just gotten way too soft...

It was easier to be emotionless. To not care. Not get close..

A crash drew her out of her thoughts and she turned her head to stare at the cracked mirror from across the room, shards of glass poking out. Her brows twitched and she looked to the curtained window. Before she could even find it she was bumped against, her body tugging to one side. Small hands grabbed at her own, tugging, imploring. Move. Faster.

Run. The voice was soft, pleading. A child's haunting cry.

She nodded and made her way for the door but before she could reach it she heard the child cry and it was gone.


Her body met the door, flattened against it. Yelping at the force that shoved her flat she tilted her hands, trying to shove her way from the door. Whatever force held her suddenly released and she collapsed, gasping. The door was rattled, tugged on, and yanked. It wouldn't open.

She pushed quickly from the door and scrambled for the kitchen. She could go out the back door. Sliding through the break she barely made it past when something grabbed her feet and yanked them out from under her. Her chin met the counter and then the ground with solid sounds. Both hands clamped over her mouth to stop herself from crying out. She had bit her tongue and she tasted..copper. Blood..

A tug. Her hands tore from her mouth to grasp at the ground. Suddenly she found herself being dragged, fingers clawing at the ground as she was pulled across the floor.


The basement door closed and the Bon Bon was silent.

Katt Batten

Date: 2011-06-29 19:05 EST
.: June 28th - Late Evening :.

Hours rolled by seamlessly with no knowledge of the goings in the outside world.

And the outside world with no knowledge of what had been going on inside the sweet shop known as the Bon Bon Boutique. For the world outside the shop seemed to closed with no indication of when it would be opening again. No notice, signs of the trouble that was within the modest walls. The walls that were suppose to be safe and calm.

Inside those walls it had not been so safe. She knew there had been a reason why she didn't want to go into the basement. From day one the thought of going down there just gave her the heebee jeebees. And now..Now it was her prison..

It had nearly been twenty four hours. Most of those hours were quiet. After being dragged down the stairs in a none friendly fashion she had been tossed across the dank room like she was a sack of tators and nothing more. It had been enough to crumple her unconscious, slumped to the floor in a heap.

Waking..Now that was something interesting. Humming.. It filled her ears in a haunting, sad melody. A mother's caring caress to her hair as if attempting to ease the pain that ringed through her head. She felt something small in against the fingers of her right hand, like little fingers grasping. When she opened her eyes she saw no other person. Even though she heard..and felt..there was nothing but dank walls and a wooden flooring that looked as if it would take a bulldozer to clean up the years of dust it had collected.

She tugged her hand free of the small hand and she heard a soft, child-like whine as she pushed herself up. The wall was used for support. The stairs. She saw them. A little wobbling step but she finally managed to steady herself.


She didn't want to look over her shoulder but she felt a small hand grab her own. A small pair of arms around her waist.

"I..I can't stay here. I'm sorry. I got..I got to get out." She wormed her way free of the grasps and started up the stairs.


"I-AH!" She choked on a cry when something grabbed her ankles from behind the steps and yanked. Pitching back she landed awkwardly on the steps and whatever had her released, leaving her to slid all the way to the ground. She ground, upper body bent on the ground while her lower body was angled up along the steps. It took a few tries just to regain the breath that had been knocked out of her. "Nhh..pff.."

She tried to sit up, correct her position but something stomped down heavily on her chest and forcing her back down. "Gah!" The pressure remained, sliding from her upper chest to her neck. She pawed to grasp what it was but before her hands could reach whatever it was, it was gone. Choking she moved to rub her throat but whatever had been crushing her chest made a quick blow to her side, sending her rolling from the steps.

Did not say you could leave, girlie.

The steps would become more out of her reach with each passing moment, the entity's relentless kicks sending her rolling further and further away. Or at least she figured them for kicks. A good five feet or so from the stairs, laying on her side with her back to them, she coughed and counted.

It seemed to of stopped so she decided to try to stand. Half way up she felt herself assisted and thrown forward. Her hands went up to cushion the greeting to the wall, face forced to turn to the side or risk being smashed. It was from this angle she saw the scraggly, mostly transparent figure of her attacker.

"Whhhh...L..Let..Let me go.."

Never and to her ear the dirty, bearded face leaned until his lips were close to her ears. Spilling words in whispered tone that would leave her eyes to widen. When he pulled away to see her reaction he laughed.

The sound was nothing like the haunting, dainty sound the children made. It made her shudder right down to her core. Before a single word could be spoken she found herself grasped by the collar and dragged into the darkness of the nearby corner of the wall with such force that it had her off of her feet.

Katt Batten

Date: 2011-07-07 15:03 EST
.: June 30th - Late Evening :.

It didn't take Dean long to gather his gear, since most of it was stored in the trunk of the Mustang. He'd searched all of Katt's known haunts and had come up empty. He'd asked around and no one had seen her. He was starting to get worried, and his gut told him something was wrong. There was only one place left he had to look and that was the BonBon Shop.

He'd warned Katt not to go there at night, and he hoped his gut feeling was wrong, but there was only one way to find out. Katt had said the ghost was mostly active at night. There was still a little daylight left, and he was hoping he could get in and out before darkness fell and the ghost became active.

Trying to find out where the ghost's body had been buried had proved fruitless, but Sam was still working on digging up anything he could on the building and the murders that had happened there. He wasn't crazy about the idea of Dean going alone, but Dean had assured him he'd be fine alone and would call if he needed help.

Arriving, he parked the Mustang out front and shoved everything he thought he might need in a backback which he tossed over a shoulder before making his way toward the building. Funny how haunted places often didn't look that way from the outside.

Upon arriving at the front door, he knocked once, hoping maybe his gut feeling was wrong and Katt would answer. "Katt?" he called, knocking again. "It's me. I know you're mad at me, but we need to talk."

Screaming. It surrounded her in the worse possible way. Stirring she tried to move, cover her ears of the haunting sound.

Moaning. Crying. Louder screams.

She had heard these sounds before. Were they haunts from her past?

Clanking. Rattling. She heard these when she tried to move. Tried but couldn't. Her body ached with unfamiliar pain. Was this how mortals felt physical pain? Forcing a eye open the first thing her blurry vision found was a large hole beneath her.

"Nhh..?" She tried to lift her head but found that the rest of her was suspended, nearly upside down, over the hole. A small hole that looked like it was about ready to swallow her up. She tensed up and attempted to grasp some of the chain. A screech left her lungs empty as her body slipped along the chains, catching at the ends and leaving her body like a marionette on tangled strings.

The knocking on the door was answered by a... was that a scream? Dean had heard muffled screams before. He knew what he heard, or what he thought he heard, and didn't waste any time reacting. He felt adrenaline surge through his veins, his gut clenching with fear that she was in danger. He stepped back a pace, leaned back and kicked the door in.

Any movement. Any movement seemed to send her closer and closer to pummeling down into that dark hole. It wasn't the fall that scared her. It was the size of it. The darkness of it. Caught to where her short hair barely nipped the darkness. It was far too close. Close enough to send her breathing short, wheezing. Panicking she stared. "S-Stop..H-Hhhh..H...."

The door flew open, slamming back on its hinges, and Dean dashed inside, swinging the shotgun over his shoulder forward and pumping it full of salt rounds. "Katt?" he called as he moved into the shop.

He stood stock still a moment, straining his ears to listen. He knew he hadn't imagined it. He'd heard someone scream. He'd know that sound anywhere. He moved further into the shop, noting the broken mirrors, the shards of glass scattered across the floor.

It was soft, subtle the way the door to the basement whined. A breeze carrying a number of voices that were not only of children but of women and men. None understandable but in distress none the less. Whines, cries, and screams mingled into one strangeling sound. The sound orginated from below but came loud and clear from the door to fill the commons.

It was drowned compared to what surrounded Katt. She wanted to cover her ears but all she could do was close her eyes, clenching them tight. "S-Stop! STOP! I'm sorry!"

Dean felt a chill up his spine at what he heard, even after countless hunts. The sound seemed to be coming from somewhere below him. The basement? He thought he heard a girl's voice over it all, muffled but distinctly different from the ghostly voices. It had to be Katt. "Katt?" he called again, raising his voice, not wanting to alert the ghost, but wanting her to know he was there. "Where are you?"

Her eyes snapped open. Among the intense wailing she heard..her name..? "Nhh..H-HELP!" She yelped in a breath when her body slid down more along the chains and a flinch caused an eye to close when her arm was caught up at a very uncomfortable angle. It tugged her arm in the wrong direction.

A small touch slithered against Dean's hand. Delicate. Like a small hand attempting to grasp.

Dean clenched his jaw when he heard her scream for help, ready to walk through fire if that's what it took to find her, when he felt what felt like a small hand reach for his. He paused a moment, brows furrowing as he turned toward whoever or whatever was trying to get his attention.

In and out of existence, like a whisper of smoke the vision of a small girl with twin, fluffy pigtails. Her cherub face turned up to Dean as she grasped his hand and pointed the other to the basement door. She released a sorrowful cry.

Dean held the shotgun in one hand and the ghost girl's hand in the other, lifting his head to look where she was pointing. He wasn't quite sure where the door led, but he got the feeling she was trying to lead him to Katt. His lips twitched into a worried frown, and a chill ran his spine at her cry, but he understood what she was trying to tell him. He let go of her hand, balancing the shotgun against one shoulder as he started toward the door.

Dean's hand was released and as if a hard breeze swept through, the little girl was gone but her cry swam by Dean. Leaving a sensation like she had simply ran by him.

Down the stairs was dark and for the most part empty. Impressions on the dusty floor showed a direct path to where she had dropped, tossed, and eventually dragged to her current position. The position in which she still had no idea how she got into but one thing she knew..if she moved any more she was going to fall. Which in truth wasn't all that hard to do considering the panic attack she was in. Tears began to wet her lashes, afraid to move her head to even look. "Phhh..p..."

He pulled open the door and peered down the stairs. "Katt, are you down there?" he called again, wanting to make sure he was headed in the right direction and it wasn't a trap. Regardless, he didn't wait for her to answer, but started down the stairs, taking them carefully, one at a time. Whatever daylight had been left when he got there had quickly faded, moonlight streaming through the basement windows the only light.

Katt blinked slowly when the wailing suddenly ceased, leaving her in a blanket of silence that was far too heavy. Then shattered by a single voice. "D-Dean?" That..surprised her and it cracked her tone. "D-Dean help! I..d..du..don't want to fall.." Her chest felt like something was sitting on it and she tried to breath. She figured it just for panicking.

The sound of her voice stopped his heart for a moment, hearing the fear and panic in her voice, he took the remaining stairs two at a time, quickly bounding down them to come to her rescue. Once he reached the bottom, he paused a moment to let his eyes adjust to the darkness and to look around and survey the scene.

Dean would find himself facing a wall and her voice coming from the wall to his left.

That..was Dean she heard right? Even if he was there to get rid of the ghost he wouldn't just...let her fall. Her eyes clenched tight, a stinging sensation she was trying to get rid of. "G-Go away! Get out of here, Dean!" She choked the words out before she even realized it.

Dean turned, following the sound of her voice, audibly gasping when he saw her dangling there, blood dripping from cuts and scrapes and who knew what other wounds. He didn't waste any time, ignoring her warning, slinging the shotgun back over a shoulder as he rushed to her side. "Jesus Christ, Katt, what the hell happened?"

Her muscles jerked, making her shake to the point that the chains rattled around her. She didn't want to think about falling so just concentrated. He sounded..closer. "Nnh...S..stop.."

Dean skidded to a halt when he noticed the dark hole she was precariously hanging over, muttering several choice words as he quickly assessed the situation, his gaze moving from the hole upwards to try and quickly determine just how she was being suspended there.

His heart sank at seeing her like that, bloodied and terrified, feeling at least partly to blame for it, but there was no time for that now. What was important at the moment was getting her out of that mess. "Katt, just..." He gentled his voice, trying to sound calm and reassuring. "Just hold still, okay? I'm gonna get you outta there."

The chains were latched to the ceiling above by metal loop-ends. Probably used to lower or bring up items from the hole and whatever area was down there. They looped in various patterns and tangled around her, none biting but also none really holding either.

And kill the sonofabitch that did this, he thought to himself, gritting his teeth as he reached to pull her toward him.

Katt could barely make out the dark figure that came barreling in when her eyes opened and she tensed up sharply. "Ghh..G-Get away.."

Dean's arms going around her waist and tugging her close, careful not to get her neck or arms twisted further in the chains.

Katt instantly yelped when grabbed and one hand went to grab whatever part of his shirt she could afford to grab. As if her not falling was exactly what she did not want. Her legs slid free once she was sure she wasn't going to fall and she squirmed in attempt to be free of the twisting chains. Her other arm and neck would take some doing but she was sure trying to be rid of the chains as quickly as possible.

He wrapped an arm around her waist, letting her cling to him and grab onto him as much as she wanted, while he reached to untangle and free her other arm from the chains and very carefully reach down to cradle her head and pull her free from the tangled mess.

Katt turned sharply into him once completely freed and her arms wrapped around his neck. She sobbed, hugging tightly. "Get away from it..Get away!"

Dean lifted her out of the tangle of chains, cradling her against him in his arms like a child. There was no time to ask questions or to comfort and console. He just wanted to get her out of there as quickly as possible, and he stepped away from the black hole and turned on a boot heel to start back toward the stairs, anxious to get her the hell out of there.

A pick up of a howling cries broke the air but one stood out.

A child's whining.

Katt sighed quietly, her body relaxing. Slowly her arms slid down from his shoulders but her hands lowered. Turning her palms it was slow but precise. Slow until the moment her hands were positioned and suddenly attempt to grasp around his throat. Thumbs pressed into the center of his throat she squeezed as if trying to squeeze the life out of him.

Not expecting her to attack him, Dean was taken completely offguard and stumbled to his knees, dropping her to the floor, his hands reaching to try and pry her fingers from around his throat, eyes wide with horror. He tried to call her name, but it only came out a hoarse croak, chest aching as he tried to gasp for breath and found his windpipe cut off.

Katt's legs stretched when he released her, feet hitting the ground to provide her position over him. Nails bit against his flesh as she finally opened her eyes and stared at him hollowly. There was a strange little grin crooking her lips. As if the grin didn't quite belong to her. "I told you to get out. Now you are going to die like the rest of them."

She didn't have the strength she once held so it wouldn't take terribly much for him to pry her hands away but she sure was trying to keep hold.

Dean slowly pried her fingers from his throat, not really wanting to hurt her but having no choice if he wanted to live and get her out of there alive. How the hell did you exorcise a ghost? It wasn't the same thing as a demon. He suddenly wished he'd brought Sam with him.

He couldn't shoot her either. All he could do was try to piss the ghost off enough that it would leave her alone and go after him. Either that or escape but that would mean leaving her behind.

"K-Katt..." He held onto her hands tightly, looking into her eyes, trying to appeal to the woman that was still in there somewhere. "You have to fight it."

Her teeth snapped when he held her hands, keeping them from her target. Her eyes narrowed, glaring up at him. Slowly the expression softened. "D..Dean..s....stop me..Please.." Her face twisted up. "Don't let..Don't let it make me hurt you. Please.."

Katt Batten

Date: 2011-07-07 15:14 EST
Dean looked into Katt's eyes, trying to hold her gaze and keep her with him as long as he could. He clasped her hands tightly, trying to give her the strength and encouragement to force the ghost out. When he spoke, his throat ached, his voice rough from the squeezing of his throat. "Katt, please... you have to try and fight it."

"Dddh...Dean.." Gritting her teeth she tried not to glare at him. She knew he was trying..really she did. "K-Knock me me..I don't freaking't..I don't want to hurt anyone I care about..not again.." Certain memories she'd rather do without tapped her mind and she looked as if she were about to cry. Dipping her chin she shook her head quickly. ""

"I'm not going to hurt you," he insisted, letting go of a hand to lift her chin, searching her eyes and addressing the ghost now. "Let her go, you son of a bitch and fight like a man." His voice came out gravelly and low, the tone changing when he addressed the ghost.

"Dean.." Her teeth clenched harder. "You..will be helping me.. Don't.." Her eyes closed when he lifted her chin. Her brows knitted as she clenched her free hand. "Don't"

Her eyes snapped open and she grinned up at him. Mostly to mock the tone he addressed "Why? This little girl could whoop your ass around the city." The shaking hand reared back, fingers curled tightly into a fist that would be aimed for Dean's cheek.

"You're hiding behind her like a coward." Dean saw the fist cock back and ducked his head out of its aim, letting go of Katt to shove her backwards, only hard enough to give himself a little time to get away from her grasp.

She stumbled back and wheeled her arms when she nearly fell back into the hole. A momentary look of complete panic shot across her face and she stepped away from the hole. The panic swept away into a hard look that was directed at Dean or what little she could see of him in the near darkness. "But look how you run from her. Heheh." Without warning she turned on her heels and scampered for the stairs.

He looked almost panic stricken when she teetered back toward the hole, moving to grab hold of her and pull her safely away, but she was too fast, rushing past him and scampering for the stairs. Somehow he had to get the ghost to leave her alone. He didn't really want to shoot her with salt rounds, but he might have no choice.

He paused a moment to take another look around the basement. There had been another ghost there. He'd been almost sure of it. A little girl, one of his victims maybe. He wondered if there were more. "Is anyone else here?" he called, his voice echoing through the empty space.

Footprints littered the ground at the beckon. Not just the tiny ones of the girl but a number of others. Like before Dean would feel the tiny hand brushing his own but the young girl, nor any of the others, materialized.

He felt the hand brush his own and the hairs on the back of his neck stood straight up. He'd never really been touched by a ghost in that sort of way before. Usually they were trying to kill him. He glanced sideways again, but though he felt a hand there, he saw nothing. "I know you're here," he said to whoever was with him. "I need your help or he's going to hurt her. I need to know where his body is buried."

The small fingers curled, tugged, and eventually released his hand. In the faded light a man's form began to wisp into the eyes view, fading in and out with the grace of the moon. By the clothes he wore he could of been a very old member of the Watch in Rhydin. One side of his face was grotesquely deformed but he looked over wise stern.

At his side the little girl showed up once again, her eyes turning up to the man then to Dean. Both reached out a hand and pointed to the hole they were both standing before.

THUD "Son of a bitch!" Oh hell just froze over double time. Did that really come from Katt? The sound came from the commons room upstairs.

Dean barely flinched when the two ghosts appeared before him. He'd seen far worse than that in his lifetime and very little shocked or frightened him anymore. His gaze darted to the hole in the basement floor, the one Katt had been suspended over. "His body is down there?" he asked, brows furrowing.

He heard the thud then and turned his head toward the stairs, torn between going after Katt and investigating the hole. But if the ghost's body was down there, he was going to need more than salt rounds and a lighter to burn it. Somehow he either had to get to the car or get someone to go for him. He pulled out his phone, edging closer to the hole while keeping an eye on the stairs, and pushed Sam's number.

The guard nodded and glanced to the little girl when she whimpered, her eyes turned up to the ceiling. Both she and the watch guardsman disappeared but their presence lingered, eventually easing away.
Dean waited for Sam to answer as he started slowly up the stairs.

When Dean got up stairs something shiny whizzed by. It clattered down the stairs below. It was followed by a second that was aimed for either the cellphone or his hand. A knife. Kitchen knives. And holding them between her fingers she had at least three more to send his way.

The first took him completely by surprise, whizzing by so close to his face that it grazed his cheek. "Shit!" Dean muttered as the second just barely missed his hand, and he dropped the phone just as Sam was answering to fall down the stairs and shatter on the basement floor.

He jerked his head up to see Katt standing there with three more knives ready to throw his way, but he ducked back down the stairs in time to stay out of her way.

Katt jumped over the counter, sliding her way along until she was on the other end. Oh she was stalking his way like a lioness searching out her prey. One knife was held firm between fingers, ready to throw as she moved through the door. "Do you really think I am going to let you leave? You know too much!"

"Son of a bitch," he muttered, glancing after the phone, which he knew was going to be of no further use to him. He was going to have no choice but to hurt her if in the end, he wanted to help her.

Dean clenched his teeth, getting angrier by the minute. "I know where your bones are, you son of a bitch, and so help me, I'm going to burn them." Dean slowly backed down the stairs, pulling the shotgun from his shoulder as he did so. He didn't want to shoot her, not even with salt rounds, but he didn't have much choice.

She grunted a response. "Not if I kill you first." It came out far too cheerful from her mouth. Like an idle threat. Dipping a shoulder in first she slung the knife in hand down the stairs, just in case he was there. It met wood with a twang and she proceeded to follow, reading the second knife. "She sure is a fighter. Throwing off my aim."

Dean made no reply, moving slowly backwards into the shadows and around the corner to wait, lifting the shotgun to a shoulder, the barrel aimed toward the stairs. He'd probably only get one shot and he had to make it count.

"Oh so a game of hide and seek." The stairs shifted under her steps as she worked her way down them. Since she had been sealed up her eyes were not like they use to so in the moonlight she had to squint. "Come out..come out..where ever you are."

He waited, blood dripping from the cut on his cheek, sweat breaking out in beads on his forehead, his finger twitching against the trigger, shoulders tense with anticipation. A crack shot from the age of six, he only needed one shot - a shot he dreaded taking but felt he had no choice but to take.

Her shoes settled in the dust and her head craned to the side, peering one way then the other along the wall. A moment was taken to draw back her hair from her face, fingers twitching as if considering chopping off the bangs that was getting in the way. Instead they were released and she started forward. Hide and seek it would be. First place it planned on checking was the hole.

He waited patiently until he had a clear shot, eyes narrowing as he took careful aim, finger slowly squeezing the trigger, the shot aimed for her upper chest. He knew from experience it wouldn't kill her, but it would hurt like hell. Hopefully it would be enough to chase the ghost off long enough for him to get her the hell out of there.

A sound like thunder rattled her but before she could react she found herself thrown back. All she could do was howl even as her body bounced to the ground. Firefly like lights flickered around her and faded into the darkness by the time her body settled, knives cluttering to the ground a few feet away.

On the air was a hissing voice Damn you.

Dean didn't waste any time, but re-slung the gun back over his shoulder and rushed to her side, scooping her up in his arms and carrying her back up the stairs and heading for the door as quickly as he could.

Katt flinched when she was picked up and she wheezed in a breath. "O-Ow.." She chuckled a little and raised a hand to her chest. She didn't know what was going on but it felt like she was moving. "Dh...Dean..?"

"It's okay, Katt. You're gonna be okay." He tried to reassure her, but didn't feel or sound very reassuring. He felt sick at heart that he'd had to hurt her, but at least she'd live. He'd make damned sure of that. He carried her easily from the building, cradled gently in his arms, wanting to get her as far away from the place as he could.

She snorted at him. "Just..wanted to make sure it was you. I'll be..fine. I've had worse.." Her fingers settled between the wounds and pressed down. Even though it made her bleed more it helped a little with the pain. A eye crept open and she peered at him. "Sorry..and..Thank you.."

Katt Batten

Date: 2011-07-07 15:36 EST
They argued. He didn't want to allow her back in. He wanted to take her to the hospital where her wounds could be treated. She wasn't really all that bad off. Aside from the few bruised ribs and bruises...and the shots of salt rounds in her chest, she was fine. The one thing she did know was she didn't want him to go back in alone.

It was her building, damn it! Her rules! So why was he fighting her on it? Sure ..he had experiences with ghosts before. Fine and dandy..but that didn't mean she wanted him going in there alone and possibly getting hurt.

And then he kissed her. Probably to shut her up and the act had thrown her off enough that it left her surprised. At the same time it sent her into a massive panic. She cared for Dean a lot but not in the way he might of wanted. Or maybe she had read wrong into the simple action. She didn't know...

And it terrified her...

In the end she had found herself too exhausted to fight him on the ordeal of the Bon Bon. He made her agree to stay away from the Bon Bon until he was done and in return he promised to take Sam with him. That was good enough for her. Even if she hated promises. She hated the word..hated that she was suppose to trust them. Promises were nothing but pretty lies.

Tucked into the car she watched the world as he drove, her forehead planted softly against the glass. It was the only thing really keeping her from panicking inside the closed off interior of the mustang. That and she was probably far too tired. She didn't even flinch when it had been started.

There was a lot on her mind.

Even when they reached the loft that he and Sam were staying at she was terribly quiet.

She needed to set things straight before he thought something he shouldn't. She hated the thought of hurting him..hurting someone else she cared for....
