Topic: Special Delivery

Riley ORourke

Date: 2011-06-20 15:19 EST
Saturday morning, right around nine o'clock, Riley arrived at the Bon Bon, just like normal. She ordered a half dozen croissants, a half dozen blueberry scones, and a half dozen lemon cream beignets. But instead of going home immediately, she lingered in the store, chatting with Katt and watching the front door...almost as if she expected someone ? or maybe something ? to come through it at any moment.

Finally, a uniformed man carrying a clipboard came inside and looked around for a moment. Spotting Katt, he went over to the counter and said, ?I gotta delivery for the owner. You her?? Riley watched all of this with a definite twinkle in her warm, caramel-coloured eyes and a little self-satisfied smile playing about the corners of her full lips. The Cat was up to something...and it made her smug.

Katt Batten

Date: 2011-06-21 11:14 EST
At least it wasn't right when it opened. She managed to wake up to some degree and be decent conversation for Riley. She noticed that Riley kept looking to the door and the first thing she figured was David was going to be showing up. Aww! The Lo couple were going to have breakfast at the Bon Bon!

Of course this was what she thought because the Cat looked like she was on pin and needles.

A slow blink was made to the uniformed man and she pushed from the counter to turn attention to him. She glanced at the clipboard then up to the man with a bit of confusion. A small nod dipped her chin. "Uhm..Yes sir. That is me." A delivery..for her? She pointed at the counter for the man to drop off whatever it was, a look of uncertainty on her face.

Riley ORourke

Date: 2011-06-21 20:41 EST
When the delivery guy brought in a huge box on a hand-trolley, Riley bounced up and down, clapping her hands excitedly. "Yay! It's here!" she gushed and immediately went over and began opening the box.

When she'd pulled all the packaging off the object inside, she set it on the counter in front of Katt. "Ta-da!" she said, making Vanna White hand motions. "What do you think? Isn't it gorgeous? And it'll improve your sales and your rate of return! Happy Grand Opening, Katt!"

Inside the box was this:

Katt Batten

Date: 2011-06-22 00:45 EST
She blinked at Riley's excitement. "Wha..wait what? I thought you were on pins and needles because you were waiting for a hot date or something!!"

She watched dumbfound as Riley went to work and even found herself amused with some of the bubble wrapping. *Pop* *Pop* Fun stuff! She watched the item of question come into view and she blinked.

"It's.." *Pop* Nope..she wasn't addicted. "It's shiny." She nodded a few times and grinned sheepishly. Aww it was a present for the Grand Opening. The grin stretched into a big smile. "Thank you, Riley! It's really Shiny!! Nowwwww..."

Wait for it...


"How do you use it?" She blinked a few times. There was so many buttons she'd just end up poking them all!

Riley ORourke

Date: 2011-06-22 01:22 EST
"You know, I haven't the foggiest idea." Riley's face slipped into a frown and she dug through the box, flinging packing peanuts and bubble wrap hither and yon until she surfaced once more, clutching an instruction booklet.

The frown deepened and Riley flicked an embarrassed glance at Katt. " don't happen to speak Chinese, do you?, maybe?" She held out the booklet to Katt, showing her the Chinese ideograms that covered the page, and then flipped through to the section that looked like it was written Italian. It certainly wasn't Spanish or French; Riley could have translated those with no problems.

With a little shrug, Riley set the booklet down and made a thoughtful face. "Oh! I know! I have the perfect plan! You'll absolutely love it, Katt. I promise!" Uh-oh. There was a very dangerous glint in Riley's eyes. Katt had better run away before it was too late!

Katt Batten

Date: 2011-06-22 01:27 EST
The urge to poke at them buttons was becoming irresistible. A good thing it wasn't plugged in yet because she reached out while Riley was busy digging in the box. Poke poke poke! One button after another. In her mind she was, essentially, looking for the ON button.

When Riley popped up? Her hand jerked back and she gave an innocent look. At the frown she furrowed her brows and glanced to the booklet that was held out to her. She didn't take it but stared at the strange markings on the cover page. "Um...Nope..Sorry. Is that some form of ancient writing?" She would have to look them up! With this thought she began to chew on her inner cheek.

She grunted, instantly, at a word Riley used. She hated that word. Promise.. She stomped the urge to snort down and slowly tilted her head to the side. "Are you going to tell me or is it a 'surprise'? Because if that look was a surprise... yeah she was worried!

Riley ORourke

Date: 2011-06-22 10:39 EST
Riley frowned softly and then shook her head. "No, it's a good surprise. It's not even really a surprise, though. I mean, it's not like I'm going to make you wait before I... Oh, never mind."

She dug in her bag and pulled out a little calculator, a checkbook, and a pen. "So, here's the deal. You've just opened and probably can't afford to hire someone to run this machine for you and I'm very, very expensive and otherwise engaged, right? I'll pay a year's salary for a barrista to run this and help out in the shop, too. Yay!"

She flashed Katt a big grin and then did some quick calculations and finally came up with an amount, which she scribbled on the check before ripping it out and handing it to the girl.

Katt Batten

Date: 2011-06-22 21:48 EST
"Wha..wha..wait what?" She watched confusedly as Riley wrote something down. A note for this 'surprise'? Her mouth opened a bit at the proposal and she stared at the piece of paper. What would Jon think? Would that make Riley a silent partner too?

"Buhhh.. N-No Mrs. Lo! I can't do that. I uh.." She frowned, feeling bad for declining the help that Riley so much wanted to do. "I can't pay that back. I am already paying back Jon ..err. Mister Granger...back for a loan so I could buy the it..and all the other stuff. It wouldn't be right for me to take this.."

A coloring tainted her cheeks. "B-besides..I don't even know what a barrista is.." She murmured sheepishly.

Riley ORourke

Date: 2011-06-23 13:56 EST
"It's not a loan, so you don't have to worry about repaying me," Riley said, still holding out the check to Katt. "It's salary for the person you hire to run this machine and help out in the shop when you get busy - and I know you're gonna get busy. That's what a barrista is, by the way - someone specially trained to use one of these things."

She waved the check once more. "C'mon. Take it. I want you to do well and I think that offering frou-frou coffee drinks along with your amazing pastries will definitely help with sales. If you still feel like you want to pay me back, you can give your day-old breads and stuff to the Rose House Orphanage or to Second Chances, okay? We'll be even then. But please, let me do this for you." Riley batted her lashes at Katt and put on a sweet smile. "Pretty please?"

Katt Batten

Date: 2011-06-23 22:11 EST
She sighed when Riley smiled. She knew that smile. That was the smile that screamed 'I am going to keep going until you accept'. Reaching up she took the piece of paper carefully. She stared at the check with confusion. How was it suppose to pay someone? "Why..would I bring them old breads. I can bring them fresh ones if they need it."

Quickly shaking her head she realized she was getting off course way too easily. An uneasy smile tugged her lips and she bowed to Riley deep at the waist. "T-Thank you Mrs. Lo! I..It's very kind of you to contribute like this.." Rising up she tilted her head to smile a bit more. "Though it makes me feel bad. Can I at least give you free goods and coffee?" For life! She still felt bad even though she knew why Riley was doing it. She really wanted to help out. Her smile started to lack the more she thought about it.

" ever need the money back please tell me.."

Riley ORourke

Date: 2011-06-24 18:58 EST
Riley shook her head and laid the check down on the counter in front of Katt. "Nope. Nothing free, no need to ever pay me back, either. I want your business to succeed, Katt. I want you to do well." Riley's expression softened for a moment and she said in a gentle voice, "You need it. You deserve it."

Then she picked up her order and headed for the front door of the shop. "I'll see you next week, okay? Same time, same place!" She blew Katt a kiss and slipped out into the warm Saturday morning, a huge grin on her face and a very hopeful feeling in her heart.

Katt Batten

Date: 2011-06-26 18:49 EST
Need it. Riley had no idea how true that was. Deserve it...She wasn't so sure about. The soft expression and kid words were heart felt and she smiled a little. Riley, along with a few others that expressed their want on the Bon Bon to blossom, were really heart warming. It was strange to feel directed at her. Such kindness..

"Thank you again Mrs. Lo! Oh and yes! I look forward to seeing you then!" Raising her hand she waved after the Cat in her retreat. Looking down to the check after the door closed she sighed quietly. find someone who fit Riley's description.