Topic: "Thunder Rolls"


Date: 2008-06-05 19:31 EST
~~~~~Boudicca wasn't worried about the weather. Not like she never rode in the rain before. Actually, she enjoyed it immensely when she was younger....riding bareback nude on her old sweet mare. Such were the types of thoughts that crossed her mind, on this beautiful morning, as she first started out to the South of her property. She'd never explored it before, and she figured this was a good a place as any. Over her shoulder, and across her body she carried her satchel. She had put some paper and lead stylists into the bag, should she see something of interest, she could jot it down.

Always keeping her eyes open for any plants with medicinal well as those that looked like they may, but she was not familiar with. She noticed at the Manor that should someone cut a finger, they were calling for a Dr. Boudicca not only wanted to show them how to use nature's healers, but teach them how to make them as well.
Occasionally, she would hop down from her mare...hiking her skirt up just above her thigh, to remove the dirk she had fastened to her leg. Cutting at moss from a tree, different berries from plants, odd looking toad stools, etc. Others that she was familiar with, she merely made note of them in her small book, and as to where she found them.

Around noon, she decided to head back toward the Manor. The sky was now bluish gray, just as it is before a good storm is brewing. She saw that it was yet far off, so she decided to turn back, and take a different route home. Her instincts made her feel as if she were being watched. Without realizing it, she had strayed to the east somewhat. Coming upon a road rarely used, a crude fence of split rails had been erected as far as the eye could see. Turning away...she was heading southwest now.

She was not on any path, road, even an animal trail of any kind. Stopping she hopped down, reaching to the ground, she held her hand there, trying to feel any kind of vibrations mother earth could bestow upon her. Closing her eyes, relaxing her body, she cleared her mind.

"Head on with the wind in your face. Stay the course you are on. DO NOT turn towards the East. Seek refuge from the stranger you encounter."

Boudicca, said a small prayer of gratitude and hopped up on her mare, reassured now that she was not lost, or that she would have to try to seek shelter shortly. Just then the winds began to whip up around her, she pulled her hood up, but it was fruitless. With her cloak flapping behind her, she rode hard, as now came the rain. A cold, biting rain...the kind that stabbed at your flesh. She saw nothing, yet she stayed the course. After 20 min or so...she had slowed the mare, pulled her hood up and her cloak about her. Glancing around...she saw nothing. T'was then she heard an owl calling out. Looking in it's direction, she saw what appeared to be the back of a castle...high upon a hill.

Smiling, she made a cooing sound back to the owl, as she rode towards the huge Castle. Slowly, she rode her mare from around behind the it's front entrance. Slowly she hopped down, letting go of her horses reigns. Just then a loud crack of lightening jetted and splintered nearby. The thunder followed mere seconds behind. As she walked, her mare followed her into a vestibule out of the rain. Standing at the front door. It appeared dark inside. Lifting the heavy old iron ring down upon it's striker, she could hear the echo it made inside the very walls of the castle. Hearing boots upon a floor, she stepped back, as a tall, dark, handsome, gentleman opened the door before her. The look of uncertainly faded away as she stared at him. It took a moment for him to ask, "Hello...may I help you?"

Boudicca smiled, and her throat a bit dry, out came a whispered..."I truly hope you can."~~~~~


Date: 2008-06-09 03:05 EST
~~~~~She turned to look behind her, as while the door was opening...a voice came from behind. "May I help you, M'Lady?" Confused a moment, she stared at him. Explaining he had been on his evening walk, when the weather turned, thus why he greeted her from behind. She wanted to giggle like mad, at how her face must have looked at him.

But his smile was infectious, so smiling she took a step down and nearer to the man. Boudicca then explained how when the weather turned so nasty so quickly, she had to seek shelter. Thus the reason for her visit. And his reason for returning home from his walk, cutting it short and happy he had done so.

Extending his hand, he introduced himself as David Dupres. She in turn spoke her name. Boudicca Gordon. Recognition did not register across his face, so to him, her reputation did not precede her. After cordial introductions, he stepped into the castle, and held the door open to her.
"Enter please." Smiling, she lifted up her skirt, and proceeded up the few stairs, and into his castle.

There was staff standing there ready to speak to him. David spoke kindly to his help which she appreciated. She couldn't stand a cruel Master or Mistress of a manor treating their help like slaves, not as true individuals. David spoke to the stable boy and instructed him to care for Boudicca's mare. Then, there stood two young, beautiful women who appeared to be maids. Instructing them as to what he wished, he then lead Boudicca to a parlor of sorts. Well that was it's function, though one could hold a Ball in it. Yet with candles all about, and the fireplace casting off not merely a look of warmth, but true warmth to her wet body.

Excusing himself for a moment, telling Boudicca to sit wherever she was comfortable, he came back to find her lying on her side before the hearth. He stood there mum for a long moment. Then as he spoke, he startled her, as her mind was elsewhere. Handing her a glass of wine he had just poured for her, she thanked him accepting it. After some small talk...each "feeling" out the other, she came to believe that he had never met anyone quite like her....nor she him. Be it his dark pools that stared into hers of true emeralds, or each of them very much aware of every laugh, every look, every smile....every touch, be it ever so genuine, and not awkward as it could be meeting new people. They both settled back, where David had joined her on the floor. The gesture meant alot to her.

"So tell me My Lady, what brought you out on such a night? Forests are no place for a woman especially after dark." Nodding in agreement, she then thought where was it best to start. And she began telling him bits and pieces of her life.~~~~~